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OCTOBER 17 THE NEW YOEK CLIPPER. 21 ATTRACTIONS AT TBB HEW YORK THEATRES. i)HAN * HARRIS B'way and Uth St. A SXfJXC Mats. Wed. »na Bat 111. ■** ** njOHAjnTHARRIS Present GEO. M. CORAH'S NEWEST PLAY 'THE MIRACLE MAN" From the Frank L. Packard Story 45th St., nr. Broadway Eves., 8.10. Mats. Tlmrs. and Sat, 3.10. LYCEUM THE BEAUTIFUL ADVENTURE i iIEIlkY,ASH MWRDOCK. ERNEST LAWFORD, MRS. WHIFPEN. Others. ,, •inTIIV B'way A 40th St. EveB. 8.80. K «UrM.MMSt Mats., Wed. and Sat . 2.30. JOHN DREW «in a Comedy that will make you forget the war." m-rald-THB PRODIGAL. HUSBAND. "Trass Oct. 20, William Gillette, Blanche Bates, M arie Dow. In "DIPLOMACY." B'WAY A 43d ST. EVK8. 8.16. MAT. WED. A SAT., 2.15. Popular Wed. Mat 60c. to $1.60. COHAN A HARRIS THINK HIPPODROME JJ* eth Are., 48-44 8ts. Bally Matinees at 2. OF THE Evenings, at 8. Best Seats $1.00, WARS t°h f e WORLD B'way A soth st Phono 8200 Col. urn. and Sat, 100. DANCING ABOUND With AL. JOLSON WnclSdlnV' BBHIIARU GHANVILLK 89th STREET Ta %£ti%£r' Evenings 8.16. Matinees Wed. A Sat 2.15 FUNNIEST PLAY EVER KNOWN COHAN'S COHAN _ "IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE" a farcical Fact by R01 COOPER MEGRUE and * WALTER HAOKETT. n a 11111 nn theatre, West42d St near llllllihK, Broadway. Tel. Bryant6344. ViililFailJIai Bvea- 8 ,20. Mats. Wed. A Sat 2.20. New Yodt's Newest Playhouse. Cohan A Harris nresent (by arrangement with Arthur Hopkins) a new play by a new young American author "ON TRIAL" B j b. L. Reliensteln. Beats 8 weeks In advance. fB. P. KEITH'S THIRD PARTY With TAYLOR HOLMES At WALTER JONES O UIIDCOT THEATRE, 44th St.westof B'way. dllUDCn I Phone, 843S Bryant Evgs., 8.16. Matinees Wed. and Sat, 2.11. FAVERSBAM. THEHAWK HEW YORK OTY. (Continued from another pagej "THE PHAHTOM RIVAL/' Belaseo (David Bclasco. mgr.) (two men and woman), good Idea, but lb* cast waa weak. The act needs a little more action. The Itanoa (man and woman) showed Spanish and modern dances, and were wel' rewarded wlt-i applause. Hustey and Boyle (two men), just re- Tht turned from Europe, made them just laugh Phantom Rival, a tbree act play by Perenc and applaud till they stopped the show. Molnar, American version by Leo Dltrlch- Nanon'a Birds (trained cockatoos), bcan- steln, produced Tuesday nlgnt, Oct. 6, by tlful birds, colored and white, with colored David Belaaco, with this caot: plumsgo un head, did several novel tricks. Sascha Tatlchcfr Loo Dltrlchateln There were at least sixty on stago at one Prank Marshall Malcolm Williams time, and th?v work very good, never missing Dover Frank Westerton a trick. Darle .Lee Millar Jack London's "Odyssey of the North." In six parti, was the feature firm, and kept them In their seat*. Sam. » Fnrnnid John Bedouin Oscar J. M. McNamee ...„,,._ f Louis Ploselll Walter " I Frank E. Morris Louise Marshall Laura Hope Crews Ji"™ 9 *""* 8SB"i22 —Wednesday evening. Oct. 7. Messrs. fib* ^llj , .W„V;V\oii"pi:^v.-virtri!t <"** presented for the first tlmo Evtdenoe, Time—January, 1014. Place—New York City. , * ln prologue and four brief acts, by "EVIDEHCE." Lyric (Sam 8. a) LeeJShubort^Inc, mgrs.) SYNOPSIS or" ICCNEB. Act I.—The Cafe In an Uptown Hotel at 5 p. H. Act II.—Scene 1—A Living Boom ln Mrs. Marshall's Home, 6 o'clock of the same J. and L. Du Rocher Macpherson. It was partly written by Jean Macpherson, and after her death was Qnlahed by her slater nnd brother. The play as presented here was delightful, and had the additional merit Mr. Wm. With the Celebrated French Actress Mile.CABRIELLE PORZIAT B'way A 89th St Phone 8846 . Greeley. Mats., Wed. A Sat, 2.16 IVER MOROSCO presents PALACE Broadway A 47th St. Eva. 26-50-76-SM1.60 Dally Mats. 25-60-76. Sun.Conc'ts 2.16* 8.16 KITTY MORTON Belle Baker: Blckel A Wat- son;Welllnglon,Cross A Lois Josephine; The Sbarrocks. JOAN SAWYER Clark A Bergman; Others. 0* #"A^M1 THE A., 48th St., E. of Bway. fZfl |<T Direction of JOHN CORT. \j\0ml**\ Eves., 8.15. Mats. Wed. A Sat, 2.16. Wed. Mat. 50c. to $1.50. SELWYN A CO. present A melodrama of love, mystery and thrills. By ROI COOPER MKORUE. pitiuhp 42d St., W. of B'way. Eves. 8.20. CLTINUC Matinees, Wed. mid Sat., 2.20 A H. WOODS presents INNOCENT with PAULINE FREDERICK By OEOROE BROADHDRBT p •sj imiinrnv W.42dSt. Eves. 8.18. Jul JD Jcilt -I X Mats., Wed. & Sat., 2.16, A. H. WOODS presents DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS In a Motor Comedy In 4 Cylinders, entitled HE COMES UP SMILING By BYRO N ONGLEY A EMIL NY1TREY REPUBLIC 42nd St. W. of B'way Tel. 4281 Bryant. Eves. 8.80. Mats. Wed. A Sat 2.80. i r y22 M LEW FIELDS In a Table d'Hote Comedy ln 8 Courses Entitled The High Cost of Loving Adapted from the German by Frank Mandeh FRITZI SCHEFF in PRETTY MRS. SMITH With Charlotte Greenwood and Sydney Orant. nAIIFnU *'•' St., Bast of B'way. I '1 i! Jel Ell 1 Phone 6184 Bryant. Evgs. 8:16. lfwnssmsWl Mats. Toes, and Sat, 2:18, The Btesars. SHTJBERT Announce! CONSEQUENCES A Comedy In 3 Acts by H. F. RUBINSTEIN I VBIfa 42d, W. of B'way. Phone 6518 Bryant. L iH III Evgs, 8.30. Mats. Wed. A Sat, 2.80. A DRAMA IN PR0L06UE and 3 ACTS EVIDENCE eveulng. Scene 2—The Hall of the Van 0 f adhering closely to the plot from begin Ness Mansion. Scene 3—The Street ln front, by the lamp-post Scene 4—Mrs. Marshall's Home again. Act III.—The same room again three hours later. (K. B, — The audience is not iuppo«ed to tee Banes t and S except a* they appear to Mrs. Marsnall't mini.) nlng to end. The cast follows IN Till PROLOGUE. Major Pollock Eric Ma turln Lady Una Wimborne Vlvn ltlrkett Innkeeper Allen Thomnk A Chambermaid Cecilia Radclyffo IN TUB PLAT. Cyril Wimborne, K.C., M. P., C. Aubrey Smith In presenting this new Molnar play on our stage Mr. Be.'ssco has given us a distinct Abingdon ("Blng") Wimborne, novelty and a play which not only possesses Master Reggie Sheffield n strong human appeal, but also expounds Curly Lunhlngton Fnnk Olllmoro •he theory that no woman ever forgets her E, r Harold Courtenny.. ..Stanley. Wjndhnm first love. That If she does not marry blm she compares every other man (Including her husband) with blm, and always to the other man's disadvantage, until her ideal assumes the proportions or a superman. Frank Marshall la inordinately jealous Colonel Lennox K W. Permala Herbert Stnvcley Cyril Dlddulph Lord L'bbrlngton Lionel Pane Sir Andrew MacDonell Fred Welsh John Frascr....' Stapleton Kent Doyle Leonard Gray VVIPtfCDDnPVEO B'way A Bath St. Even. KNIUKCHDUbfttll »■ Mat. Wed. A Sat. 2. CHARLES FROHMAN Presents JULIA SANDERSON _ .HUtjl , DONALD BRIAN l?n.Piai n JOSEPH CAWTHORN Comedy THE GIRL FROM UTAH *% ja a ■■ ■*■%# Bway. A 46th St. Eves, at tJAlb I T 8.15, Mats. Wed. £ Sat. 2.16 KLAW A ERLANGER, Managers RUTH CHATTERTON i» DADDY LONC-LEC8 ANEW COMEDY BY JEAN WEBSTER of his wife, Louise. Years before abe met T> uc h e s's of Gilllngham Haldeo Wright ber husband ahe bad been ln love with - Sascha Tatlcheff, a Husslan, who, when ho was obliged to leave America, wrote her that he loved her and asked her to wait for him till he returned, either as a general, a diplo- mat, a great singer or, perhaps, a human derelict. Tatlrhefl returns in tbo humble capacity of secretary to an envoy of the Russian Gov- ernment sent to America to close, with Frank Marshall, a contract Involving mil- lions. The Marshalls are dining ln an uptown New York restaurant and are Indulging in a quarrtl, the result of Mr. Marshall's Jealousy. Tntlcheff enters and Is seated at a nearby table. Marshall notices bis wlfe'a conftmluu and notes the cause. This only adds fuel Frederics Hennlker Phyllis Burrington Lady Una Stanhope Viva Blrkett Ducno's of Loth Alice Sheffield Mrs. Hancock Lillian Rrennard Lady Ebbrlngton Cocllla Radclyffc Mrs. Debenhsm Vlvlenno Whltnkcr SYNorsm or scenes. I'ttoLoaiiE.—An Old Fashioned Inn on the nngllsh Coast. A Winter Night. Act I.—The Library at Wimhorno's Houao In London. Seven years later. Act II.—At Qllllngbam House, London. The same afternoon. Act III.—Scene 1—flame aa Act I. Tho samp evening. Scene 2—The same. This play holds the heart Interest through- out and, although its theme Is not new, It West 44th St. Eves. 8.10. 46th St. nr. B'way Evenings at 8.20. Matinees Wednesday and Saturday 2.20. FULTON TWIN BEDS By MARGARET .MAYO and SALISBURY FIELD BEL/YSCO Mstfl.,Tlmrs.4Sat.,2.10. DAVID BELA8CO Presents LEO DITBICHSTEIN In a New Play ln 3 Acts, by Ferenc Molnar The Phantom Rival COLUMBIA THEATRE BUOADWAY, 4Ttb. STRKKT, N. Y. This Week, DAVE BIAB ION'S OWN. MURRAY HILL THEATRE Lexington Av«. and 49d St.. II. Y. This Week, FAY FOSTER CO. to the lira and the quarrel continues et the .mmjj. ta T t he feelings and takes a'grip upon fi^VJiu'hiS .h^, U t lS §.. t |?h?,t le L? C «n„ U n "; tfio heart and hold, ft to the end. The story re a member S hls m name Ut ESSS'lR ufBtl » of » "?P"»".^o ■ placed In p comprpmls, llevo her till shi shows blm a letter, from the Russian, which she has preserved. The love passages ln tho letter are thu souice of much mirth to the matter-of-fact Marshall, and, strange though it Is, com- ing situation by an enemy of her husband, and, although she Is Innocent, Is divorced by him. The husband becomes convinced of his wife's Innocence after a lapse of seven years when the deathbed confession of the man who had wronged her la produced. In the &&fTJFLS> & KSaJX Sa P™<°«"c (.shown the duK.ng of the wlfn. tin «m •"ifL^t.l 6 ^ fhi°f «?J', SSI?™ "d the four acts which follow. Oiled with &" W v h iL h * l Z*i « 1 ri n .i b » t 0 Siffl by „ A 1 ™' Intense emotion, are the incident, leading to the rcconcllltatlon of husband and wife. It Is not so much what la done as the way In which it Is done that makes this play re- markably Interesting and deserving of suc- cess. The cast was faultless, even down to the smallest parts, but the greatest hit with Van Ness ln honor of tbo Russian envoy, and Louise falls asleep. The two scenes following, which depict her dream, ahow the ball ln the home of Mrs. Van Mess and a street scene in front of tbo house. In tbs former Tatlcheff returns to Louise first as .1 ESSL istl!2= JnLf'^&w ?.!"«.£? *"• audience' was the artistic acting of B»gP ¥*g» «*?«**?■ * Bd ft.'*.*** gqj Master Reggie Sheffield, as "Ding" Wim- w*« . hi^t *ffLEZL£J£?£?*J& borne. Thli lad. though very young In nor S! Slfe'.^SffflfSJ&inSS "'"?' h » »-'«»'*»«• -tage.presence, and by Mr. Marshall, who resorts to no vio- lence until, ln the street scene, be grabs the Lr acted in a finished manner that would do credit to one of mature age. ills success , was shared by Haldee Wright, In the clinr- EFSL %LiS SnH^ Jf'fhf LSS??L£S"t,.i? «c«er °' ">e Duchess of Gllflngnam—"tho old cry for help nnd, at the same moment, Juit W0Dlan wlth a man's, spirit"—whose sharp OUT OF TOWN NEWS St. Louis, Mo.—Stmbert (Melville Stolz, ogr.) "The Bello of Bond Street'' week of Oct. 11, with Sam Bernard la the leading Nle. Owupic (Walter Sanford, mgr.)—Geo. Evans "Honej Boy" Minstrels week of 11. Auibican (H. B. Wallace, mgr.)—"September Jlora" 11-17. Prnnk Minor Is the principal of the caBt. Padk.— "The Spendthrift" 12-1T. GnANO.—BUI 11-17: Minstrel Kiddles, Harrr Holman and company, ln "The Merchant Prhice, Three Marconi Brothers, Mile. Martha and Sis ters, ln "While the Boya Are Away;" Armstrong HirroDnons (Lester Fonntalu, mgr.)—Bill B and woe* Included: Le Brons, Morales Bros., Estrupe ahd Dah. Randall, Maley and Mack, and Abrntn and Johns. ,„ Bbpubuo. —Bill 0 and week Included: "Nep- tune's DaugiitiT" (pictures) and high class vaude- ville. TaiNrrr Auditorium, Cli-'KK's Acditouidm, Olunb'8 BnomwAY, MiLi.m'a Moiabt. Qoi.nn'b Houses, Tally's Bboaowai, Alhahbba, Wood- let, and Stmphont, moving pictures only. Mllwankec, Wta. —Davidson _(Sbermnn as the stage has become dark, a knock Is heard nnd tho voice of the maid of Louise Is heard saying "It's 7 o'clock." The sceno changes back to tbe room In Marshall's home and Louise is seen rising from her easy chair rubbing her eyes. In the next act Tatlcheff calls on Mr. MarsbaU to get bis signature to the con- tracts. Louise end Tatlcheff are left alono and she sees him aa his true self. In place of being the man abe has so long pictured him he is Just an ordinary individual who Is anxious to make a marriage with an heiress. After he goes Louise takes his letter, laughs over it and then consigns it to the tire, and when her husband returns nestles ln bis arms. In choosing this play as a starring vehicle for Mr. Dltrlcbsteln. Mr, Belosco has made a most happy selection, for this clever player has, in Tatlcheff, a role wbicb permits him to show his versatility to its fullest. He makes each of tbe five characters (Tatlcheff, tbe Rucslnn general, tbe diplomat, the singer and the derelict) as different and distinct from each other as though they were played Altuoff, Baymond and Oiverley. tho Le Grohs. wit and satire won the prolonged applnusc of the audience. C. Aubrey Smith as Cyril Wimborne wit excellent In the part of tho husband, and Viva Blrkett In the role of the wife, was all that could be desired. The audience crowded the theatre to its capacity, and Judging from its enthusiasm and Intense interest ln every scene, It Is safe to say that "none wont away dissatisfied." Elrob. t JEFFERSON. (B. S. MOSS, MOB.) The bill for Oct. 8-10 offered plenty of variety, The Monarch Quintette, ln Colon In l cos- tumes. two ladles and two men, offer Instru- mental and vocal music. A violin duct was greatly appreciated. Joe Wilton had songs and stories nnd a talking song, for several recalls. Eddie Smith and a lady played "The Cull of the Kreshl.V' 1" which tho college boy got Into tho den of a girl who was right there with the repartee. Both were well liked. Lasky's Six Hoboes ssng and comedled with good effect, even the Impossible effem- inate person. Hammerer and nowland. a deep voiced male character singer and a dainty ladv and Clark, MaBon, Wilbur and Jordan, Barber and John an ,i Moe L , urkei M „ rB(1 r* La Rosa, and In each case—a man who had been affected vocalist and pianist, filled ln nicely. "A Jackson, "A Man, a Maid and a Piano." Paul Browll ma KcneUe. . _ _ . . not alono bv tbe different phases of life with q M ft Dr i n k and a Song" Is a good verse. Stevens, and Lewis Plottl, and the Universal Ani- aHUBsar (a A. Newton, mgr.)—The Sbahcrt which he iiud come in contact, but whose anf i an Italian ond a eowbov song went over —.~, „.„,.,., _..i. n «i»i.,™ » W k Co. will present "Ready Money" week of character had been changed by the degrees a ] gn l. "Madame Shtrry" next. of adulation bestowed upon him and by the Tim Sullivan's Daughter or "A Dav In Olub (Rod. Wagoner, mgr. I — Dainty Maids different motives which prompted that aduln- Cnrnn'• with Miss »8ulilvan" two soldiers eek of 11. Moulin Rot,™ Girls next tlon , 1!ie ttctor ,«,med to give to Tatlcheff ^^ .J^ ™tf* |, ."Sfti- Mtof every" .««!?». J :- W 'J5 e 5f u . rt ,'."Ev>- anul0 " M " a temperament which was retained through ? n , ,'l" "■ICladT.'n,™ th» .oni. °LTZ Miss Russell Says: Sear Friends: My Creams and Powders are made of tbe finest materials and In my own laboratory. I owe my good oomplexlon to tbeir use.; Tou will be grateful to me if you use them. fiUian.'Rzissells Own. toilet 'Preparations Mr Own Skin Nutrient S1.00 Larger SUo |JJ» My Own Smooth Oat fl.00 Larger Sise f 1, 5° Mr Own Skin Rejmrenntor. .gi.rto My Own Cleansing Cream.. .BO Larger Alio &S2 My Own Parity Face Powder *1.<W> Vnnltr llox, with mirror .so American Dcaatr Taloum Powder KB Exquisitely refreshing. Mr Own l.ln Ilium.- BO Lillian Itnasell'a llenuiy llox Coiitnlning six toilet preparations. BB.0O For Sale at leading Dopartmont and Drug Stores. Ask your Denier for My litxiklel. which de- HirllicH My )iri'|iiii-i»tlniis fully. II will Inler- cst you. FREE mated Weekly motion pictures. HrppoDBom.—Bill 11-17: Harry Robinson, comedian; Raymond Paine, late star of the Candy Kid," and Inez Nesblt; Isobello Patricola, Kala- luhl's Ha will! una, Benny Mid Hutel Mann, \V. J- Coleman, and Joe Denuff. „_„ CoLUMBti.—Bill 11-17: Princess Undjah. me Green Beetle," Anna Chandler, ond others. Shenandoah.— "Mile. ModiBlo" 12-17. lar Dolls 11-17. Social Maids next. Pabst (Litdwls Krelss, mgr.) — Motion pic- tures. Obxbtal (Win. Gray, mgr.)—Bill week of 12; Pcinobss (Jos. Walsh, mgr.)—Follies of the wanda, Bra.ly aud Mnhoney, Ohaa Leonard mgr.)—Bohemian "The Troubles of Day 11-17. Standabd (L. Beichenbach, l.urlesqucrs wee.t of 11. OATBrr.—For week of 11, Able Moxle." New Gdand Cbntual. — Andrew Mack, in "movlCB," weeit of 11. of "The Bagged Earl." • VicrontA (Win Oave, rogr.) — Feature photo- plays. , Oasbiok.— The Yiddish All-Star Co. continues week of 11, Los Angeles, Cnl Morosco (OUver Mo- roBco, mgr.) "Let's Get Married" began fourth week Oct. 12. Fletcher, Nichols Sisters, and Delton, Mareena nnd Delton. , _,„ OnrHBUtc (T. K. Baland, mgr.)—BUI week of 11: Jceslc.i Tromw, Loftus ami Loftns, Nannie Fclnberg and ctunpany, ami Lee FUag Foo. Angcnsta, Gn.—Grand (Blcbard B. Tant, mgr.) feature pictures. Bijou (E. J. Sparks, mgr.)—Bill for the open- ing week, Oct. B-10. included: Lady Sen Mel. Lowell and Esther Drew, Wallace Galvln, Orlff and Deltrich. Mabel Johnston, Ballo Bros., and Kama Japs. , Dbiahland and Modjisxa. pictures only. of this Tub Bonlta Theatre. City, has been Monosco'B Bumiank (Oliver Morosco, mgr.)— ,, n rchased by Manager E. J. Sparks, of tbe BIJou 'lie Fell In Love With His Wife" was here B-10. Theatre, and Jack Sehramcck, formerly engaged OnriiF.uM (Clnrence Drown, mgr.)—'BUI 5 and |„ i^ e motion picture business In Savannah. The nnd week included: Arnold Daly and company, "Chuck" Itelsner and Henrietta Gore, Blta Boland and Lon Hold, Joteph Cole and Gertrude Dcnuliv, the Carina. Merrill and Otto, Waldemere Young. Wm. Jacobs and company, and Francis McGinn nnd company. , „,„ Loeiv'b Eurnsss (Geo. F. Fish, mgr.)—Bill 12 and week: Swan, Laurie and Oleen. Miller, Moore and Gardner, Arthur Do Voy and company, Avellng and Lloyd, and "Neptune's Nymphs. Pantaoek' (Carl Walker, mgr.)—Bill 12 nnd week: "Night nuwks," Wood's animals. BOMBS nnd Roxella, Quinlun and Richards, ond Palfrey, Barton and Brown. 66e, POWDER-- ROUGEandCREAal Have been used by the profes- sion for 50 yenrs. Best then—they are the best now. Send for Free lamplet. CHAS.MEYER,107 W.I3th 81., N.Y. I III 11 III— I I.I llll Hill MEYERS MAKE-UP house was closed for renovation and re-opened under a new name, 18. Macon, On.—Grand (D. 0. Phillips, mgr.) Dnviil Warteld, lr. "The Auctioneer," Oct. 18, 1o be followed by "The Blue Bird" and At. O. Field's Minstrels. , _, . Matxstio U. B. Melton, mgr.)—This bouse has opened with stock productions, In "tab." form. The opening conrpanr was Florence Pey- ton and a*iociatc players 5-7. Rinounq Bbob.' Oiaous 13. Battle Creek, Mich.—Post (E. B. Smith, mgr.) "Tbe Dummy" Oct. 12, Nancy Borer Stock Co. 1S-2B. Bijou (Harry Lorch. mgr.)—BUI 11-14: Kaher and Waters, f 'I Died," Karlton and Kllfford, Zenn. Jordan and Zeno, snd Majeatlc Trio. For IB-IT: Wentworth, Vests and Teddy, Kammerer and nowland. Leila Davis snd company. Lew Wells, and Burton Holmes' Travelettes. Jackson. Mich.—ArbenTum, "Bringing Up Father" Oct. 12. San Carlos Onera Co. 19. Buou (Frank It. Lamprnan, mgr.)—BUI 11-14: .Tock Tralnjr. For 1B17: Geo. Dlson, Quinn Bros, and Drjk>. Martini nnd Maximilian, Unrt Hnnlon. and "All For a Kiss." I.nrnnile, 'Wyo.— Opera House (n. K. Boot, mgr.) combination house. EurnesR.—Motion pictures and vaudeville. Mora Tub Great Patterson Shows week of Oct. 12. under the direction of Larsmle Esglet. temperament which was retained through all tbe other cbaracters. In two of which (Mir general and the diplomat) It was partly hidden by different degrees of austerity, with a touch of delightful humor. In the singer It waa tempered somewhat by self-esteem, while in the derelict It was softened by humility. Mr. Dltrlcbsteln has played many roles before the New York public, and we have yet to record one in which he did not shine, but never bss he ahown us so full an extent of bis ability as be does in this kaleidoscopic character. Malcolm Williams, as Frank Marshall, gave a most excellent portrayal of an un- reasonably Jealous husband, never once over- acting but always keeping within the bounds of naturalness. Laura Hope Crews, as the wife, once again proved herself to be one of our ablest as well as mo« charming of actresses. From the 'line when Louise sees Tatlcheff In tbe restaurant up to tbe final curtain, where she finds rest and comfort In tbe arms of her husband. Miss Crews was equal to every occasion, and she made Louise a most nat- ural and delightful personage. The others In tbe cast an did good work. Tbe play was well staged, ana there Is credit enough la the production to give all connected with It a goodly portion. It Is a triple triumph, with an equal share for David Belasco, Leo Dltrlchateln and the play. Whit, thing. Tbe lady sings the songs and the colored party does tho comedy. Tho Klein Brothers did their two admirals skit, with some Jokes and a song and dnnce The Three Tumbling Toms, two straight and one comedian, hnd a nlco string of acro- batic feats, to general approval. "When a Woman Loves" was the feature reel In three parts. Milt. CHRISTMAS DINNERS Will you Help THE SALVATION ARMY LASSIES Throughout. II in Uiiltuil states to supply 300,000 Poor People with Ohriatmas Dinners Send DonalliiiiH to Ciiiiiniiitiiier MI88 BOOTH 118 W. 14th Street, New York City WKH'I'KKN IlKI'l'., OoimnlHSlolier Kstlll, IWN. Ihuii Imni HI., Chicago C o BOWN' Bronchial TROCHE Make a cough eaBy by preventing the irrita- tion that induces coughing. Freo from opiates, 25c, 60c and $1,00. Sample Free. John I. Brown * Sen. Boaton, Mass. COL. BUTTBRFtBLD MOVBS. Col. W. 3. Butter-field, who has been a resi- dent of Dattle Creek. Mich., for tho last eight years, tss decided to move his family to Chirugn, where be can bo in closer personal touch with his large theatrical Interests. Mr. Butterfleld now owns or controls about twenty theatres In Michigan. Indiana, Illinois Wisconsin and Iowa, and finds it caster to Mipervlsc them from a more central point than Battle Creek. Ho will continue to occupy his beautiful Summer hojie at Quit Lake, near here, for a portion of each year. Tbe Colonel regrets that necessity compels the change, as the family has many friends here In this, tho town of his first vaudeville venture. ++-* SOMiS BILLPOSTINQ. Harry Thorns, manager of the Audubon Theatre, One Hundred and Slity-flfth Btreet nnd Broadway, New York, got busy last week, and sccii.'od the fence of the old Amer- ican League (Yankees). He put up twenty- one twenty-four theet stands of llttios. AUDUBON. (ItABKX TU0M8, MOB.) Usual verdict, crowded housea Thursday, Oct 8. Bill Becker's orchestra knows bow to MRS. PATRICK CAMPBELL ARRIVES. **HLSL£ JSflfSSS.IS'immm ..a .™,i Mrs. Patri-.tc Campbell arrived here Oct. 0 S2F££ tfm J^^S»i5^»V. nTSSSSi* on th o /**«««*>. and will make her third tour 3B*^g^ W tfi l ^r S *Tma > Sla l Safffgii °' this country commencing Oct. 12, at the received a good hand at the unlsb. !" a ' r - ■ ?«" »'">" Coombs snd Aldwcll (two men), In one, „„. .„„ - —~ - - — „.,,-...-. „.„ sang four songs. A classy singing act. Frank! ."** &•. —My»". * gg. ViS'lhSfirt X. Coombs put over "When YcSi and I Were SJSJ* U I TO,,U,!,!,, mttt ™* Hbu,,c^, m, °- Young, Maggie." to a good round of applause %,,?;,- nooioiiUBST, son of tbe playwright, has This act wlfi do for an early spot on any bill. ^ m , d<1 compsny manager of "The 1st of Bryan, Bummers and company, sketch {hf i,, nn ," ENLARGED AND 6EAUIIFIED MOUQIN'S 6th Ave,, bet. 271h and 28ih St^., Haw York MOST 1'OPULAK IHKIKII HK8TAVRANT PAIUSIAN OAFK :: MUSIC 0.30 P.M. TO I A.M. 511 6th Ave., near 31st St. 225 West 42d St., near Times Sq. 58 3d Ave., near 10th St. Bend for illustrated Catalogue C. Mall Orders Carefully Filled. Ofitoiieoroiirliiilii'hi'HiirilKAI.HTAOK (HtK.KNilACKS ami Hush tlieitl liefnre I your friends. UK) BUNCH. Ilk:.; 4J' Imni licH,'iV:.;orliiforMi(:. ItIO STACK,! 11.00. Kxtrn Hpecliil, louO'BIM.H, $3. '■ ANKRICAN AOBNCV, -* S3N Dearborn Ml., Chicago, III.