The New York Clipper (October 1914)

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OOTOBEB 24 THE iraw YOEK OlilPPER. 21 UdeVTT.REUEraim PIANO MOVERS and THE ACTRESS KEITH TIME Direction of THOMAS FIT 2PATR1CH, JAM. 10, 1881 = "BACK TO WHEEE THEX STAETED" SAM and KITTY MORTON Direction TOM FITZPAT RICK AMERICAN COMEDY 4 MIRTH AND MELODY Book Solid on HABCTJB LOKW TIME. JOE DAROBY, Up. Direction IRYINO CttOFKB. PRISCILLA KNOWLES WIL L SHORTLY APPEAR ZR A NEW ACT Df VAUDEVILLE PHILADELPHIA !!»New Jersey Central EVERY HOUR OH THE HOUR Prom Liberty St., 7 A. 51. to 10 P. M. and at Midnight with Sleeper* 10 MINITES OF THUS HODB From W. »3d Si. your watch ia roia time taulk Consult P. W. HEROY: E. P. Aft. 1440 BROADWAY. IIW VORK. PHOTOGRAPH REPRODUCTIONS «i«ttS"S" "Sergt. Bsghy." Keith's. Toledo, 0. "Seashore Frolics,' 1 Orphean. Doiton, 21-24. Seymour's Dos*, Grand. Phils. Seymour A llnbluton. Print***, St. Paul. Seymour A Dupree. AmpblotL Bkln.. 39-34. Stcpherd, Bart, Hipp,. B. I. C. tradeflirilc. IHABELL SI Perry. Albert. A Co.. Orpbeum. Kansas City, Ms. Peters, Cycling, Pantlges', Sin Fran.. Oil. FMlltnl iW/Loew's. Waterbary. Ooaa.. 23-34. Plnsnl, Al.. Vsrietjes, Terre llaute. Ind. PUntadssl A Field*. Garrick. Wllrnlngrorj. Del. Plater A Glaser, Orpbeum, Winnipeg. Dan. Plaarao, Oct.. Star. Oslumbl*. Mo.. «*•«*. Pott. Jack, Orpheum. Jacksonville. JTA PowderandCapmann Still Bn(«rtalala| Them 1b VstSSSM . HONEYMOON GIRLS, letion 1014 Sherman A Ds Forest. Poll's. Wa tertiary, Conn, j Himmcratein's, K. T. 0.. 3(1-31. Shsnnon ft Anola Keith's, Beaton. Sberp A Torek, (HammersteJn'i, N. T. O. Sbttnrr A Richards, Empress Ban Urea., OH. Sbtae, Heralne, A Co., Orpheum, Los Angeles, Oal. Sherman, Dorothy, A Co., Otpbenm, Sett take City. V. Mir km m to ta UNITED TIME ' Star Beady. 552! E X. O.. 5H| S beri. Bam.. 32-24. Shank, Kx-Mayor Lav. Ealckeolioektr, Phili. 34. ■ken? A Bamsdea, Liberty, BkJn.. SS4M. ___^ "Should s Womu Tell)" Poll's, apttnffltle\ Mis*.. 22-31. Walton, Bert A Lottie. Orpbeuia. Jacksonville. Fls. Wsltensteln ft Freehy, Kelth'i. Louisville. Ky. Ward Stetere, Empress, Grand Rapids, Mich., 22- SPENCER WARREN TUMBLING WITH LEO ZAIIRELL TRIO. TOURING OIU'IIRUM CIRCUIT. Wanda, Empress, Bt. Puil. Warner A Corbctt, Empress, St. Paul. Wanser A Palmer, Empress, Halt I.ake Oily, U. Ward-Bell-Ward, Orubruin, Sioux Clly, In. Wakefield. Will* D»h, Palace. N. Y. O. Ward A Qtiy, Loew's, Watcrbuty. Oonn.. 22-24. WARKLL and HOYT LAVQn CREATORS Watoh tfcam Ther io It TTorreo A Prtatta. nid*. Ptille. . _ IValaoa, LlllUo. Majettl;. Oder Bepldi. U.. M- **• Wetwr A Slllott, Wo, Peon, l'blla.; Broso>*r> Pblle., 20-31. Wcrner-Amorai TVoune, Tmiple, Detroit Weetoa, Willie. A Co., Keith'*. I'hll*. Weeton A l«oa. ltoytl. N. Y. 0. Weber a 0»pltoU, Oulmlal. W. Y. a Fortle. Slslen, Wlllud. OUciso, 22-24, PalSB Br*e„ ISSJSSSS, 8MtUe, Wua._ Potts. Jxabr, A Co., Orpaeara, Seattle. Wa*b. Pollock. Mlltoo. A 0».. BaSBVlek. Bkto. tvm Bros. A Co.. Amertctt. M. T. A, 18-111 Tta Are., n. Y. C, 3344. Potter, HirlweH A Co., Globe, Polls. HAVE YOU 8EIN Shrode and Chappslle WEBER & ELLIOTT? Leslie, Blinehe. Empree*. Seattle, Wuh. Lelsatos k Boblssoa, Orpteom, VsocoaTcr, Can. Lnrhi QotMetto, Ottibeaai, Dee Moines, Is. Lewi! S Bassetl, Orphenm, 8t Psni. Lewie. Tom, A Co., Ptlkce, N. T. O, Lelindf, The, Baeawlc*, BkOn. Leoostd A BmseU. ColonUl. M. T. C Leocser, Obss., American, N. T. C. 19-51; Wtr- wlcS, Bkla., 23-34. BESSIE Lj CHIT Le Coast, Beetle, Oroberau, N. T. C, 33-34. Lester Trio. Fulton, Bkln., 22-24. Utoensky's Don, Keith's, Boston. Llbonttl, Family, Lafayette, lad., 22-24. LlTlnsston. Murry, A Co., Euiprrsi, Dearer. Llnd, Homer, A Co., Majestic, Milwaukee. Lin ton, Tom, A Co., St. James, Boston, 22-24. Lloyd, Ulce, Orplwum, Montreal, Can. Lloyd, Hugh, A Co., Globe, Phlla. "Lore In a Sanitarium,'' Kmpress, Cincinnati. Lorettu (3), Crystal, Milwaukee. Lorraloe, Oscar, St. James, Boston. 22-24. Lakes'* Animals. Delancey St, N. £. 0., 19-21; Lincoln Sq.. N. Y. 0.. 22-24. Lseler's (4), Olympic, Buffalo. Lyres (3). Kelth'e, Cincinnati. Lydell, Bogers A Lydell, Orpbeom, San Fre., Lyons A Yosco, Albamhrs, N. Y. 0. Lynch A Zella. Howard, Boaton. Mswellne, Hipp., N. Y. P., lnd eflalte. FRANK MAGKEY DOIKO "DDTCH" WITH CHA 3. ROBINSON'S CARNATION BEAPTIES Ma Belle A Ballet. Keith's, Boston. Marshall A Comby, Temple, Ft- Wayne, lad., 22- Murtinl A Msjnallllon, Lyric, Indianapolis, 22-24. Madison A James, Orpheum, Jacksonville, Fla. Mack A Ortb, Orpbetun, Montreal, Can, THE MAGLEYS SPECIALTY DANCERS. DIRECTION OF M. 8. BBNTTHAM. j sfiyo A Tally. Uammertteta, N. Y. 0. ' Kens A Snyder, Keith's, Providence. Harcanton Trio, Temple, Bochcster. Hack A Sangater, BUoo, Sarannab. da., 23-24. "Mallnee Girls" (Edward's), Orplwum, Desvex. Maxlne Bros. A Bobby, Bnahwlck. Bkln. MARCELLE SOTJBRETTE, f 1,000,000 DOLLS , Address NEW YOEK OtaWPER or En Routs Marcos. American. N. Y. C, 22 24. : Manhattan Trio, Orpbeum, N. Y. O., 22-24. Manu, 8am, Playen, Oreeley So., N. Y. C. 22-24. Mario A Trerette, Orpbeum, Boaton, 22-24. Msrcne Bros.. Kelth'a, Boston. Maslln, F-Cdle A Boy, Niton. Phils. Marano Bros.. Nlion, Phils. Lottie Mayer AND HER GRACEFUL PlYIHG XYMPUS i Marlon k CranbeTlaad, OslonbU, Harerhlll, Mass., 22-24. ^^ , Msrros-Helns-La Marr, Colonial, Haterhlll, Mass., 32-24. | Maiden A Fltspatrlck, Keith's, LoweU, Mass. ELISABETH HUE Marshall, Vivian, A Co.. Pnt*|e*'. Oakland. Cat, Majestic* (8). Bljoa, Bay City, Vkh.. 23-34. McD*nao>tt. Billy, Ketth'a, CMaavba*. 0. McOormlck k Wallace, Tempi:, Ft. Wayne. Ind., 32-34. " • Meataboa. DUnond A Oemeoee, Domlnloa, Ot- tawa. Can. SfcLeilas A Carson, 0. O. H., Plttobarfb, McOormlck k Irrlnf. Grand, Syracase. N. Y. McDocougu. Ethel, Hudson, Union Rill, N. I. Mcintosh A Maids, Esapren. Butte, Mont MeDermott A Wallace, McVictor**. C» lento. McMillan, Uda, A Co., Crystal, Milwaukee, WEBER AMD aSTAMO PtUBBEHT ■1LT0H POLLOCK AMD CO. In "Speaking of Father," by B*PO. APB PlSJBtt. Fill, Orpbeors, Montreal, Cam. Prmcsson A Yale. American. Oblca(0, 31-14. Front, JBea, Brasires*, Los Aasetes, 0*1. Prince, Arthur, Orpbeum, Bkln. Pitnee, Maurice, Howard. Beatoa. Pock. Harry a Era. Poll's, Harbford, Oosn. Purcetla Bros., Enpre**, CsaclaaatL QoJataa A Richards. Pantaros', Baa D eceo, Oil. "DURITfO Off at'S LIFE" lokw ciaociT aoup Soeiby Boys (S), Colombia. Grand Rapids, Midi. ■slatraott. Danny. Lyric, lodUnaoolls, H-34. aim*. Rouble, Colonial, Chlouro, 33-34. aitruss, Wlilaud. A Co.. Proapact, Bkln. Bkaten* Bltosra. Orptmsm, Bkm. Ilirun All's Arabs, Babcock. BUltan, Mont •teoMSa*. Ftsdetlka, A Oft,, Cnptiean, Ban Ftss, < Oal. , Blaacbe, Oolumbla. Bkln., K-84, Boaae, •ml tas. lltlas. Aerial, Tonrkii En row. Shartne. D«lsy, Hlpp.7N. Y. iS.. Inoattnlte The McNutts MS ■ miL IB ALWAYS A LITTLE AHEAD OF THE! RUSCH BAX STEEL CLAD WARDROBE TRUNK . „_ $45.00 T Dcwble Troney. 8tcel Bound. Fibre Covered, and U U BUILT BY SAL, —K 9 * 1 ^. ot °" r Ont^f-Tewa Asjeatae s>*A4&2B9*si * «0 Bnewn. ■«»». gg*R»»TBB TRUNK CO HsrUord, Conn. £5.T5E SK8HOP New Haven, Conn. FSASSP™™ 1 co Srracage, N. Y. a'rSCiSI?^:^.- Bridgeport, Conn. eiCWnPS TRUNK SHOP Bln«oainton, N. Y. THBEMPORJUM _ Bnflalo; N. Y, stA HDELL B ROS. CnloafO, DL WILLIAM BAL, Inc. 14S West 45th B«., . ^T* New York A .1 X ti:*> .('• irF ssf* ♦•HOTTT McNCTTS" Comedy AerobstloCyclist*. Direction Frank Bonm McKlnley, Nell. Empress, Ban Fran., Oal. McClu/e A Dolly, Eatpress, San Fraa., Cal. McNntt*, Cycling, Orpbeum, Vancoover, Can. McConnell It Simpson, Majeatlc. Cfalcan. McKay a Ardine, Orpbeom, Ksniaa City, Mo. McRae A OleiTaT, Orpbeum, Omaba, Neb. McGinn, Francis, 4 Co., OrpberBn. Salt Lake City, U. MoOauley, Inez. A Co., St. James, Bostoo. 22-24. McLeans, Australian, Majestic. Milwaukee. Merle's Cockatoos, Orpbeum, Memphis; Orpbeum, New Orleans, La., 26-31. Melnotte, Claode. Lyric, El Paso, Tex., Indefinite. Melcdlous Chaps (4), Maryland, Baltimore. Ueyako* Trio, Keith's, Cleveland. Melnotte Twins, McVlcker's, Chicago. Mercedes, Orpbeum. New Orleans. IMetsettl* (6). Orpbeum, Oakland, Oal. Merrill A Otto, Orpbeum, Salt Lake 01 ty, C Medlin, Olark A Townes, American, N. Y. 0., If* 21. TWO BOYS AND SIX TABLES MENNETTI S SIDELLI Those I.ndicrons Acrobat* Booked sonfl Melrose, Bert. Orpberun, N. Y. C. 19-21; Fulton, Bkln.. 22-24. Me A Dave, Greeley Sq., N. Y. C, 10-21; Stan* bert. Bkln., 22-24. Merlin, Boulevard. N. Y. C, 19-21; Knicker- bocker, Phil*., 22-24. Meryl k Beta, Pontages'. San Diego. CaL Miller A Vincent, Orpbeum, Seattle, Wash. Hilton k De Long Sisters, Keith's. Phils. Hiller, Moore k Gardner, Orpbeum, Ognen, 0°., 23-24. Miller. Allen, A Co., Bmpresi, Sacramento, CaL (Miller Lyiee, Orpbeum, Lincoln, Neb. Minstrel Four, Orpbeum, Altoona, Pa., 22-24. Miller A Shelby. Princess. St. Paul. Hiller. Packer A Selx, Pantage*', Oakland. Oal. Mosarts, Fred A Eva, Orpbeum, Sioux City, Is. Morton, Ed.. Keith's, Cleveland. M0RI1RTT SISTERS IN VAUDEVILLE Monty A Dot, Temple, Hamilton, Can. Morton, Sam A Kitty, Hammersteln's, N. Y. C. Morln Slater*. Colonial, Norfolk. Vs.. 22-24. Moran A Wiser, Keith's. Providence. Morris ft Olark, American, Chicago. 22-24. Mori Bros. (3), Empress, Sacramento. Oal. Sloeher. Hsyes A Mosbcr. Majestic, Chicago. Moore A Llttlefleld, Orpbeum, San Fran., Oal. Montgomery, Marshall, Baabvlck, Bkla. Morris ft Allen. Orpbeum, N. Y. 0., 19-21; Ful- ton, Bkln., 22-24. Moore ft Elliott. National, N. Y. 0.. 19-21. Montgomery. Harry, Gordon's Oiympla, Boston. Moeeonra, The, Broadway, Phils. Monroe, Chauncey, A Co., Keith's, Lowell, Hat*. Murphy, On. Francis. Emprtsa, Los Angeles, Cat Murphy ft Foley, Empress. Han Fran., Cal, Mullen ft Ooogau, Prospect, Bkln. Mailer ft Stanley. Keith's. Lowell, Haas. Mystic Bird, Poll's, Scr-mton, Ps. Nash, JoUa. ft Co., Keith's. Louisville. Ky. Natalie A Ferrari, Orphesm. Lincoln, Neb. Navigator* <«), Prospect, Bkln. Nsynon's Elrds, Bowdoln 8g., Boston. Nawn, Tom. ft Oo. Hipp.. Ptoria, IB. Neter A Kanpel, Orpheuin. Blrmlnshani, Ala. Nelussa ft Hurley, Keith's, Coirflrrbus, O. "Ni-"i,no'a Garden," Colombia, Grand Baplds, «Vnek> ' r \ l m Newell ft Host. OrrAeom. Jacksonville, Fla, "Neptane'a Nymphs," Orpbeum. Ofdan, U„ 23-24. Nelson, Kmpress, Portland, Ore. Neat ft Fjrl. Empress, Halt Lake 01 ty. V. Newbouse, Snyder, A Co.. Prospect. Bkln. Ncslor ft Delberg. Kalckerbocker, Phils. Nkbols-NeJson Trcape. Empms. Butte, Hoot; Oriilieuin. Spokane, Wssh.. 23-31. Nile, Qarce Baabsr, A Co., Keith's. InSlnsnoll*. Nichols. Nellie, Dominion. Ottawa, Can. Nick's Skjitlng Glrla, Shea's. Toronto. Can. Nip A Trick, American. Chicago. 3244. Nichols Sisters, Rnrpret*. St. Faal. "Night In the Park." Boakmru, N. T. C 1»- 21; Fulton, Skin.. 32-34. N'iblo A Riley. Oreeley Sq.. 5. Y. 0., 33-04. "Nlgbt Hawks," PantageV. San Diego, Oal. Nosses, Uoslcal <5). Oniherm, Madison, Wis., 22- 34 ; Hipp- Chicago. 26-81. Norcroas A Holdsworth. Foraytbe Atlants. fls. North, Frank. A Co.. Orpbeum. Sin Fran.. Cal. Norwood ft Hall. Majeatlc F.tmlra. N. Y. Oakland, Will, A Co., Orpbeum, Seattle, Wash. O-Briea, Bsvel A O,, Okpbemn, Salt Lake City. O, O'Rrlen, Jinx* J.._ Oekuusl. rtnls., 23 24. Odlva. assra'a. Bataks. O'Donnell, Geo., Hipp., N. Y. C. Ir*a«flattt. O'Farrelb, The. aUrtgUs* Bras.' Ottess. Ogdeo Qnartetre. Jaala?, Detrott. Olympic Champion Trio, Hipp., N. Y. C, tads*. alts. Olympic Trio. Orpbeum, Ucabreal, Cos. Olivers »6». McVlcker's. CklcajO. O'Mearas. Gliding. Royal. N. yTo. O'Netl. One. tknaSs, Detrott. O'Ncll A DtxoB. AaiarlsSB, <Mtago. 3344, Osborne. Lawrence, Altmeyer, McKeepott, x7S> Parlllo A Frardto. Ketrb's. Toledo. O. P*ul A Aiella, Empress. Chicago, 33-34. Farlsr, Hlkra. Oeveland. Patrloola A Myers, Bkantewi. Seattle, Wash. Palfrey, Barton A Brown, Pantage*', San Dlewa, Perklnoff A Rote. Kelth'a Cincinnati. "FefcUt Mysteries." Temple. Oocfaester. - Pelletler. Pterre. ft Co., Orphaom, Dalstn. FetAlng, Fsw, A Co., OtpbetSB, Altoona, Ps., xtZt - ,»lr It' i 4-t.i .' Direction MAY 8TCLY _ Cmtn A Klckerson, New Portland, Portland, Ms,, 22-24. Quirk. Keith's, Lowell. Mass. Randall, Reo. A CO.. Colonial. Chicago. Bay Monde, Orpbeum, Birmingham, Ala. REO. RANDALL S GO. In the Scraamlngly Fanny Farce, "ALL ON ACCOUNT OF A TITLE" Bay, Jobs A Emma, Keith's. Columbus, O. Raymond A Bain. Bijou, Savannah. Ga., 22-34. Bawls A Von Kaufman. Kelth'i, Washington. Rsymond ft Cavorly, Columbia, St. Louis. Raymond, Edith, A Co.. Boulevard, N. X. C, 19- 21; Btjoo, Bkln., 3g-24. BOB RAYMOND OELT JJ-TLAT YODLKR With Chss. Ro-blnBon's Carnation Besntles Beflly, Johnnie. Btowe's R. B. Shovra. Bedford A Winchester, Temjile, Uracil ton, Can. Beoo. Geo. B.. A Co.. BIJnn. Bklu., 22-24. Beddluarton A Grant. Oreeley So.., N. Y. 0., 22-24. Bevell A Deery. Olobe. Boston, 22-24. CARRIE REYNOLDS UNITED TIME Bex's Cirrus. Broadway. Phils. Bellow, Musical, Poll's, New Haven. Conn., 23-34, Blblerre, Jeanne, Hipp. N. Y. C, Indefinite. Richards. Cbrls, Keith's. Providence. Rice. Sally A Scott, Temple. Rochester. Richmond A Maun, Miles, Cleveland. Ritchie, Adele, Orpbeum, Bkln. THE SWEETHEART GIRL United Tuns Ring, ""Blanche, ColonUl. N. Y. 0. Blvoll, Caesar, Globe, Boston. 22-24. Blgn A Witchle, Keith's, Syracuse, N. Y. Roeders (4), Keith's, Cincinnati. Bosch A McOurdy, Dominion. Ottawa, Can. Rochester, Claire, Keith's, Providence. Botes, The, Lyric. Richmond. Vs., 22-24. Roye, Bulk, Kelth'a, Washington. THE TWO ROEDERS— The 'GYMNAST" and 'THE NUT" PIB. TIP BLACVELT FRANK ETAN8. loo Hose Troupe. Empress, Cincinnati. Roy A Arthur, Miles, Detroit. Rose, EtteJle, Empras*, Kansas City, Mo. Robinson, Bill, Orpheom, Spokane, Wask. Booala ft Orr, Empress, 8sa Fran., Cal. Row ft Moon, Empress, Sacramento, Cal. Berne* the Great Orpheom. Lincoln, Nob. Rogers, W01, Orpbeum. Omaha. Met. ROQUES and FINAU Musical and Singing Novelty AllrocUoH. CHAB. aaCLSOlt Rockwell ft Wood, Warwick, Bkln.. 22-24. Boaelli ft Roiella, Pantage*', Son Diego, Oal. Bowaae. Academy, Buffalo. BusseU'e Minstrels, Emnrefs, Grand Baplds, Mich., 22-24. Baoseu, Mysierioos Mr., 1th Are., N. Y. a, 19- 31: American. N. Y. C. 23-34. Bussell. Marie, Loew's, NerthnTgri, N. T., 22-24. Byou A Tlcrney, Keith's, L«slon. Smith, Ireos A Bobby, Ortsssum, Blrmloatiisv, Ala. •taaltb. Sue, rtaspect. Bkln Snowdee, Xlpbye, Orpbeum, Seattle, Wash. Snyder. Bod, A Co., Lyric. Newark. N. 1.. 32-24. "Society Bads, The- 1 ' (laaky's). Orpbeum. Bkln. Solemlncs (2), Colonial. Haverhill, Mass., 22-34. Spluctte Qnlntetre. Palace, Chicago. "Spider A the Fly," Loew's, Newburgh, N. Y., 33-24. Spencer ft William*. Broadway. Pblla. "Basartng AecooaU." Orpheum, N. Y. 0., 19-211 American. N. Y. C, 22-24. Stsrrett, Howard S. 3t.. Elegfeld Follies of 1914. Stewart A Duoohse, Victoria, Oxtarleatoo, 8. C 33-34. ftfnpp, Goodrich ft King. Haiuruertteln's, N. Y. 0. Stevens, Rdward, ft Co., Keith's, l'blla. Btembler, Sallle, A Rro., Bstieock. Illlluigs, Moot Stephens, Paul, Star, Ohlcairo. 22-24. Stevens, Kittle, Star. Chicsso, 22-24. Stewart A Hall, Empress, Denver. Stewart Sisters ft Co., Empress, Portland, Ore, St. James, Wm. 11 , Empress, Portland, Ore. Ktantoni, The, Empress, Tacoms, Wssh, Sttnley, Alleen, Orphemn, Klmx 01 ty, Ia. Sieger, Julius. A Co.. Renal, N. Y. 0. Stafford, Frank, A Co., National, N. Y. C, 23- 24. Stewart A Dskln, Flatlrash, Bkln., 32-24. "Stick-Up Man," Flstbnsh. Bkla., 32-34. Stewart 8laters, Olympic, Buffalo, Stevens A Falk, Orpbeum, Jacksonville, Fla., 26- 81. Sutt on, Larry, Lyndon's Big Show, Indefinite. Sutton, Mntyre and Suiion THE PUHPKlIf GIRL DIRECTION IIARRT J. FITZGERALD Pally Family, Orpheum, Montreal, Can. Sutton, Mclntyre A Button, Orpheum, Bkln. Snlllvan. Arthur. A Co., Bowdoln Sq., Boaton. Sully ft Phelps. 0. II., Lykens, Pi.; 0. H., Lock Haven, 20-31. Svengsll, Orphemn, Bpokane, Wast. 'WILBUR C. SWEATNAN RAGTIME OIVARIOBBTIST Direction MAX UAYE8 Walcb. Jos, Tta Ave., H. Y. 0. . WelUmrn, Btrrt, Lyric. Newark, N. J., 32-24. Weatharfocd, Tea., Aoalemy, Buffalo, Welsaer A Blesser. Bdjtra, Bay City. 23-24. Wblteatde, Fib, Hipp.. N. Y. 0., IndeOnlte, "When It Strikes Hosae," McVlckn't. Chicago. White Hussars (9). Palaoe, Chicago. While A Jason. Orphean. Oakland, Cal. W. E. WHITTLE IN HIS NEW ACT SCSIMBR M0BU1 Da CENTRAL PARK Whitman. Fraak. Buttwlek. Bkln. "When Women llule." Delancev St.. N. Y. 0., 1S-31; Ltaenra Ea., N. Y. 0., 33-34. White. EUle, Greeley fa., N. Y, 0.. 19-31 ; BoulSa vara, N. Y. C. 3244. "Wben We Grow Up," Loaw'i, New Rochslle, N f Y., 33-24. WhltaeM A Ireland. Wm. I'rnn. Phlla. Wheelers. The, Oolondsl, Phils.. 23-34. Wilson, Hipp., N. Y. P., lndeflnlto. ESTEUE X. WILLS A*l*lva*scs»re»fCHPPaIIR. ' Wilson A Aubrey, Family. Lafayette, Ind., 22-21, Willie Bros.. Orpheum, Hlrmlnwliatn. Ala. Wllliur, .luggllng. Lyric, Indianapolis, 22-24. Wlllanl, Iluinueritela's. N. Y. (). Wills ft Hassan. Keith's, Toledo. O. Williams. Thomtiwm ft Co., Keith's, Toledo, O. Wilson Oioa., lUlicoek, Rill lists, Mont. "Wise," Empress, St Paul. JA8. WILSON S AUBREY AL. JOE- Swan, Orpheum, Ogden, D.. 2344. Tsmbo A Tambo, Touring England. Taborr A Green, Delancey St., N. Y, a, 13-311 Warwick, Bkln., 22-24, Tateot, Howard. Boston. Taylor A Arnold, rentage*', Oakland, 0*L TAYLOR & HOWARD THOSE KIDS FROM BRAZIL PLAYING UNITED TIME 1 "Telephone Tangle, A," Orphean, Birmingham, Ala Torrls, Chu., A Co., Empress, Chicago, 21-24, Temple, Harry, Delancey Ht., N. Y. 0., 33-24. Terry, Arthur A Grace, Ht. James. Boston, 22-24. Thomson, Harry, Empress, Vancouver, Can. i Em- press, Toroma, Wash., 2R-31. Thompson. Oaaa., Kelth'a Louisville, Ky. They-Y*n-Da. Empress, Kansas City, Mo. 'Thro' tb« Skylight," Kiniirvss, Han Fran., CaL Thomas A Hall, Orpheum, Mlnneainlls. Tbornlon, Jsim>s A Tkisinle. Prospect, Bkm. Tbortton ft Corlew, Delancey St, N. Y. O., 10-31, American, N. Y. a, 2234. MOST UP-TO-DATE COMEDY ACT South American T«»*n* Tbeo ft Boys. PrlsclUa. Cleveland, 36-3L Tierceys 14), Grand Phlla. Tlghe A Babette, Globe, l'blla. Todd-Nsxds, The, HieVlcker's. Oblrage. Trasher, Ann, & Co., Orpheuw, WlunTnesr, I Truehenrt A Burke, Folly, Detroit, Mich. BEN HAR11IETTE RYAN and LEE "If yon sas us do It, It's oars" Bran A Lee, Keith's, Cincinnati. Ryan. Blrhneld. A Co., Orphemn, Ysnooover« Can. Saxeoelt, Bay, Keith's, Cincinnati. Bsmjison A Dwfbu, Eorpresa, Grand BasMs, klTch., 32-34. *_2 MAURICE SAMUELS —IN— A DAY AT ELLIS ISLAJTD DlrecUon HARRY PLNCPB Ssstly A Norton. Majestic. Milwaukee. Sal ratals. Lea, Orsbeura, Cskland, CaL ■asm. Bens. American, N. Y. a. 22-24. Saona, Loewa. Fall Blver, M«ss., 33-34. SAHTLY & NOBTON ORPHEUM CIRCUIT Oct 19, Bt Louis, Mo. Plr. OEMt ECOBM. Schooler A Dickinson, Lyric, lUchmond, Ys,, 22- 8a. Scott. Mario Kmg. Bijou, Savanash, fla., 23-14. aVSiaffeT, hylvester. Keith's Washington. "School Daya." Empress, Seattle, Wash. Msoder A Ohsppelle. Olssw. Bos4on, 22-34. Srtreck A Perdval, Rnuness, St. PauL SekuDsdn Quartette. Poll's, Scranton, Pa. Seebaeks, The, Dominion, OttoWS, Can. Tracer, Stone A Spink, Shea's, Buffalo, Trovollo. Miles, Clevelaod. Trani-Atlsntlc Trio, Orjtbeum, Omaha, Neb, Travllla Bros. A Seals. Orpheum, Seattle, Wssn, Tsoila, Orpheum, Loa Angeles, CaL Turners, The, Grand, Syracuse, Tucker, Hophle, Empress. Cblcsgo. Tracy, Gaels A Tracy, Lyric, Indianapolis, 33-34. Tyrolean Troubadours, Academy, Buffalo. Tyron'a Dogs, Poll's, llsrtford, Conn. Usher, Olsude A Finale, Hbea'*, Buffalo. Usher Trio. Delancey St.. N. Y. C 92-34. Yardaman, National, Sydney, Australia, Indefi- nite. Vsrdelle*, The. Moulin Bouge Olris, IndefiaUe, Vallardl, Majestic, Nsahvllle, Tenn. Van Uoven, Graod, Syracuse. N. Y. Valdos, The, Empress, Denver. Vsdle, Msrle. A Co., HajMtlc, MHwaike*. Vandiitoff A Louie. Albatsbra, N. Y. O. "Vaudeville Ira Monkryland," Greeley 8g„ H. Y. O.. 19-21: Orpbeum, N. Y. 0.. 22-34V Vance, Gladys, Loaw'e. Watethury, Conn,, 33-34. Vslreno ft Le More, Wm. Peng, Pblla. Van Dyke. Gertrude. A Co Skapress, Bt, Paul. Van, Billy B„ A Co.. OoUtmula, Qnad Baplds, Mich. ' Tea Hoven, Keith'*, Syracuse, M. Y. Vernon, Hope, Orphesm. Hsnrtstiujg, Pi, Vivian A Alton, Blckard't Circuit, Auatralla, la- ded nlte. Vlollnsky, Orplwum, Dtdntfa. Vinton, Kd ft Busier, CaSoalal, R. Y. a Volunteers, The, Keith's. I^atsvlUs, Ky. Vox, VsleoOoe. Miles, Detroit ox. Valentine, Miles, Detroit. Vogt. Bd., Altmeyer, UeKeaiaoft, Pa. Vss Cello, 7th Ave., N. YVC., IB-sij Loew's, Newhurgh, N. Y., 22-4M. Von Rampton A 7ossiyn, Boslevsrd. N. Y. 0., 19-21. FlaUiuab, RMn„ 3344. Ward, Ireas. Hhsp., M. Y. <j., InssSslt*. Walte, Keaneth B., Frank A. Bobbins Soew, Is- aeftalte. * WIBO. BELL AND Will UNDER THB WHITE TOP . FEATURING ADELAIDE M. DELL "World's Almost Oreitest Wrostlers." I'lny. lng I'nltad lime. Direction QBNH HUOlllfrl "Winning Wlflona," Bmprea*. Sslt Lnke City, II, Wilson, Frank, Orphean, Denver. Wilson, Jack A Batte. Oolumlila. St. I/)Uls. Williams ft Wolftis. Orpbeum, St. Paul. wills. Nat M.. Albambra, N. Y, O. Wilder, Marshall P.. American. N. Y. O. Wilbur. Clarence, Orpheum. N. Y. C, 23-24. Wilson. Henrk'lta, A Co., Keystone, Phils. Wllllnnus, Ssatt, Colonial, Haverhill, Mass., 1I< NAT. M. WILLS THE HAPPY TRAMP KEITH A ORl'IIEUM TIME , Winifred ft Harttn. Academy, Buffalo. Woodward, Romalne S.. Cook Comedy Co. Wood, ilaua-lce, (larrlck, Wlliulitgtnn, Del. ' Wormwood's Aslmsli, Ruprtwa, I'ncoin*, vYssah I "Women Proposes," Palace, Chlracn. Woodmnn ft (.Ivirvslusi, Orpheum, Duluth. I Wolgat A Girlie, Knlckerlocker. l'blla., 22-24. Woods. Dive, A Co., Paatages', Ban Prlego, 0*L WOODEOED'S AMHALS IN VAUDEVILLE WM, B. IIENWHHBY—Tlie DoOatnankSkl Woodward, II. Guy, ft Co., Panisse*', Oaklaid, Cal. Wright Ocelli!. K"lth'», Culnmlin*. 0. "Ye Old Time Hallimn'efi."'s, Toronto, Can. Yoscary* (0), Ilni.rcsH, Chicago, 22-24. Yerke's Csalues, Orpbeuui, New Orleans. Yule. Chns., ft Co,, Orpheum, Memphis. Yrette, Shubert. Dllc*. N. Y. Yvonne, Empress, Denver. gsmUj Us, Trio, OrBbenin. Kansas OltT, ItSj Belaya, 7th Ave.. N. Y. 0., 22-24. zano, Jordon A Zsno, Bljro, Bay City, Mich., 18>4M, POT OF TOW HEWS Toronlo. Cu m . .Ffuicsss (W. sillhollanrt, nsrr.) Maude Adams, In "The Legend of I.s. Bora," Oct IS sad week. Nothing la nnderllni.l, and bouse will Uioly be dark for next thr.a weeks. Axbambsa (L. skUanos, tnnr.l —New York mppodresa* Co.. In II. M, S. Pinafore," 10 and week. Sam Bbmird, la "The Bello of noud Street," matt week. Gaasii (J. w. Oowsn, rogr.)—"Matt and Jeff 1n Mexico," 10 and week. Thnratou, the mi- slelsn, nest week. Murlou Opera Co., In "Tbs Tenderrbot," to follow. flnsu's (J, Hlicm, mgr.) — Bill 10-241 Ib» gsntiy's r^instlc Bakers, Fox snd Dolly, Oreat floden Troope, Havllsnd snd Tbornton, Nick's Roller Bkatlas Glrla Grace De Mar. Joe book, La OrsnsaU, tod De li Ichsle Brotben. gSSTY (W. Swenk, ragr. I—B»J1 10-34: Ijclck «nd Keith, Dolce sisters, tevrltt and Stewart. Crawford and llroiierlck, Stuart Black snd ccin. Kny, De Lisle, Mason oik I Sweet and "The ■* of Birkenhead" (photoplay). HirrooaoMa (B. A. McAnlle, mgr.)—Bill. 10- 34: "Ths Qtfl on too Horse," King and King, Boss and Amern, the Frescotts, Dingle and On- coxan, Uay and Fever, and Plerc* and lloslrn. Oavsrr (T. R. Henry, iust.)— Ginger fill!* 10 snd week, flsyety Olrls next week. «tau (F. W. f/lalr, mgr.)—French Models IS and weak. Taxi Glrla next week. Anuses (Hark A Brock, mgrs.)—.Photoplays and Illustrated soars, MAiaano (J, Bahrr Orofton, mgr,)—Moving plcturea. Akrast, Oe—flraod (Feed K. Latbsm. mgr.) Orsnd Players, la "A Woman's Way," week of Ootowui (John Wise, mgr.)—Vaudeville and picture*. Mrtixj Hair, (O. L. Elaler, mgr.) I* dsrk. Lvtsi-M IW. «. Nerris, istgr.)—Cwsld Play- en, Is •TstseU.'' week of 10. m siOTaa. Wat J. Wshttok, oar manager past season with the Wrooilnr BUI flkowt, has retnrned to Akros for the Winter, sod Is now advertising snjrnt ot the Grand. DSS, Kmrc la now press ageat of the Colonlsl. Malar Osbv is back In town after a leaf and BUI Sbos ■s with the Wyoming BUI Shows. Xawes^ralte, O,— H (Arthur Horely, ingr,) 'Trir of Blxes" Oct. 20. "The Spend, thrift" SI. OarBstnc (Hans* Bros., mgrs.)—The Barrett Players, In lepecMrs, are still Owing a nice buab nee*. ixrauiL, OjtriSBT's, HirroDsoMS, AMnicAH snd aaustp, sJi report fpol isturas with pictures, ' '5 / " -i »W-