The New York Clipper (October 1914)

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•- it r"-' fS NEW TOBE OLmPER. OOTOBBE 11 PHOTOGRAPH BEPRODUCTIOHS ttttftAaJS" VAUDEVILLE ROUTE LIST XVVlll/n" B | Tell the week of Oct. 26-R1 la repreaented. Aboa Hsmsd Troupe, Maryland, Baltimore. Ahsrbancll, l.lna Majestic. Milwaukee. I "Act Beautiful. Orpheain. fu Diego. Cal. ' Acme Four, Pantages', Han Fran., Oal. Adler ft orline, Prospect, Bkln. Adelaide * Hughe*. Keith's. Washington. Adair A Adilr. Orpbeum. Oakland, Oal. Aerial Bddi, Keith'a, I'hlla. Aeroplane. Girls, Proctor's 23d St., N. X. O.. 29- 31. Agnust Family, 1>alace. K. T. 0. Ahenro, Qui., ft Co., Orpheum, I»i Angelei, Oal. Alpine Troupe, Grand, Pttaburgh, Pa.; Royal, N. Y. 0., Not. 2-7. AlTln, Yarkee Rube. Oltr Point, Mail., Indefinite. Alexander Bros. Orpheum, Des Moines, la. Alexander A Scott, Orpheum, Los Angeles, Oal, AltbotT SIMers, Columbia. St. Louts. Alpha Trcnpe, Orj>b*um. Detroit. Allskj's Hawallans, Pantages', Portland, Ore. Allison. Mr. ft Mra. John, Proctor's 23d St., N. Y. 0., 20-28; Lyric, Newark, N. J., 29-31. Alexander Kids, Orpheum, Altoons, Pi., 20-31. ALOHA TWINS nSSS^Sn Keaturinn their Wotiilcrtul Barefoot Hula-Hula Dances With Jean Bedlnl's '•Mischief Makers" This Benson Aldrldgc's Ponies, Orpheum, Peoria, 111., 29-31. American Dancers (fl), Orphoutn. Los Anwlev Oal. Ambler B:o>., Wilson Atc, Clileogo, 20-31, American Oomedy Four, Phubcrt. Bkln., 29-31. Anllicny A Arldler, Boulevard, N. Y. 0„ 20 28; Orrl<um. W. Y. 0„ 20-31, Andrews. L'ndlnc, Proctor's BBtb St.. N. Y. C, 2V-S1. Arriinolls Boys <S), Keith's, Lowell Mais. Arcl-er. Adele. Hipp., N. Y, U, Indelnlte GRACE: ARMOND - MAKING >B 1H LAUGH Anlell. Frrnklyn, ft Oo., Colonial, N. Y. C. Ardath, Fred J., ft Co., Orpheum, Birmingham, Arnaut Bros.. Grand, Syracuse, N, Y. Armstrong, Geo., American, N. Y. fj„ 29-81. Armaln>n{, Wm., ft O)., Varieties. Terre Haute, lud.. 2081. HIKAM Fred J. Ardath & Co. Ronked Solid U. 11. O. Time. THQ8. FITZl'ATKIOK, Pala ce Theatre Bldg., N.Y.O Asorla, Mile ft Co., Orpheisro, Dea Molnea, la Australian woodchoppers. Orpheum, Birmingham, AIji . Auremla, rliumneratcln'i. V. Y. C. "Aurora of Light," Poll'a, Springfield, Mass., KVHlt Austin. Dare. A Co.. Prnctor's. Troy, N. Y„ 20-81, Aubrey ft Rlche. Proctor's, Portcboater, N. Y., 2*M1. Avon Comedy Four, Palace, Chicago. Aanrd Bros., Poll'a, Hartford, Oonn. linker. Belle, Busbwlck. Ukln. Domes, Stuart. Maryland, Baltimore. Barton, Sam, Keith's, Cincinnati. CLARA IALLERINI THH I DON'T CARE) OF TBB AIR UNlTIUD TIM-ifl Barton A Lovers, Colonial, Krle, Pa. Barnard ft Anger, Orpheum, Harrlaburg;, Pa. Hnrrymore, Bthel, ft Co., Msjestlc, Chicago. Berth, Lee, Orpheum. Memphis. Berry, Mr. A Mra. Jimmy, Majestic, Milwaukee. Ball, Ran Rleanor, Columbia, St. Louie. Barry A Wolford, Orpheum, Winnipeg, Can. Bnmold'a Dogs, Oreeley Sq„ N. Y. C„ 20-28; Ttlv Aye., N. Y. 0.. 29-81. Barnes ft Robinson, Columbia, Bkln., 20-31. Barry ft King, Nickel, L awrence, Mast., 29-31. LEE BARTH ORPHB TT M TOTJB Ssrtlott Oary, Trio, Qrand, Pblla. arry, Lydla, Columbia, Grand Rapids, Mich. Barheau Family, Vaud. Co., Auditorium, Salem, W. Vs.. 29-81. Hvnway, Happy, Ouy Bros.' Minstrels. Indefinite. Beverly ft Mackey. OrltUn Circuit. Indefinite. Iieresfonl, Harry, ft Oo„ Orpheum, Bkln. "ileum Arts," Keith's. Louisville, Ky. Kellrlalre llroa., Temple, Rochester. Hcrra, Maliel, Palace, Chicago. I'.inton. Fremont. A Oo., Ori.henm. Duluth. Hell Family, Oriihcum, New Orleans, La. Ilendlx. Then.. Players, Orpheum, San Fran., Oal. "Realities, The," Oriihcum, San Diego, Cal. Bergen, Alfred, Orpheum, Winnipeg, Can. Deltrah A Reltrah, Pantagea' Winnipeg, Oan. EDGAR 11ERGKR V. B. O. TIMD BOOKED UV HARRY J. FITZGERALD llenn A llaiulltou, Orpheum, N. Y, C, 20-28; HUou, Ukln,, 29-3.1. Bennett Sisters (3), Delaiiwy St., N. Y. 0., 20- 28; National, N. Y. C, 20-31. Bell Boy Trio, Empress, Cincinnati. Ilerko, ftteffy, Temple, Hamilton, Onn. Big City Four, Majestic, Dallas, Tea., Majestic, Houston, No?., 2-7, Bingham. Amelia, A Co., Prospect, Bkln. Bison City Four, Colonial, Itrle. Pa. Btckel A Watson, Keith's. Providence, R. I. Hums A Rert, Orpheum, Denver. "Black Sheep, The," Prector'a 2M St., N. Y. O., 2(1-38; Proctor's 88th St., N. Y. C, 20-31. Black Bros., Proctor's, Plalnleld, N. J., 20-31. Blank Ulsters, Nickel, Lawrence, Mass.. 20-31. Iiolses (41, Tivoll, Sydney, Australia, indefinite, Bowers, Walters ft Orooker, Her Mateaty's, 8yd. ney, Australia, Indefinite. Bond ft Caason, Keith's, Beaton. Boganny Trout*-. Orpheum. Montreal, Oan. Ikiothhy A rverdeen, Keith's, Providence, R. I. Iloland A Holta, Orpheum, .Salt Lake City, U. Ilohenilim Quintette, Pantagea', Salt Lake City, U. "lloar.11114 School Olrls," Nixon, Phlla. l'mok» A Dowen, Orpheum, Bkln, Brown Bros (O), Morylsul, Baltimore. Louise and Grot* Brunollo and Harry Stephens In "FROM. YESTHRBAY TO TO-DAY" UNITED TIMD Drowning A Dean, Rouletard, N. Y. 0.. 28 28; Olobo. Boston, 29-31. Brandywlne Trio, New Portland, Portland, Me., 29-31. Brown A Walter, Ehnpreas. Grand Rapids, Mien. nrown A Jackron, Rmpresa, Orand Rapids, Mich. Brady & Mabony, Bopress. St. Pan], Minn. Bunkerr, Great, World at Home Co., Indefinite, Burks A Lorrrlne. Prospect, Bkln. Burns A Fu'lon, Orpheum, Minneapolis. Burnhiun ft Erwln, Orpheum, Sin Fran., Oal. Burkhardt ft White, Orpheum, Salt Lake dry, TJ. Burke, Tcbn ft Mae. OolnmMa, St. Louis. Rums A Kltaea, Wllasa Ave,, Ohlesgo, 29-31. Burkes. The, Varieties, Terx Haute, Ind, 19-31. Bush, Frjna, ColoaJal. Phlla,, glL JOHNNY RETA CANTWELL and WALKER In Under the Gar White Lights) Direction HABBT WBBBB Casper, Billy, »lj»u. Waahlngtoa, Indefinite. Camp, Grnc-?. Hipp., N, Y. 0., Indefinite. Correra, Llane, ft Co., Orpheum, Duluth, Minn.; Majestic, Milwaukee, Nov. 2-7. Cardo A Nell, Keith's. Olnclnnntl. Campbell, Misses, Victoria, Charleston, 8. O, 26-31 Carhrey Bras., Albamhra, N. Y. C. Cnrlllo. Lee, Grand. Syracuse, N. Y. Cameron Sisters, Orpheum, New Orleans. Cnu|»llean, Chief, Orpheum, Oakland, Oal. Carlos Bros., Orpheum, Salt Lake Olty, U. Oatitwell ft Walker. Orpheum, Sioux Olty, ta. Carun A Randall, Palace, N. Y. 0. Cnlson A Cnlson, Proctor's, Schenectady, N. X., 20-31. Cnrr, Bridle, A Co., Grand, Phils.. Cnmcnn, Grace Bijou, Jackson, Mich., 29-31. Cunieron A Gaylonl, Columbia, Grand Kapldi, Mich Chimns (4), Touring Europe. Chtebert's Maucburhins, Keith's, Cincinnati, Ciiretlenne A Loulsette, Temple, Detroit. Chandler, Anna, Orpheum, new Orleana. Chlnko, Orpheum, Omaha, Neb. Chase A La Tour, Pantagea', Salt Lake Olty. D. Choo Choo Girls, Proctor's 123th St., N. Y. 0., 20-31. Chapman, Ohas. Ssndy, Greely's, Portland, M«., 29-31. THE GIRLS BEHIND THE GtTHB CLINTON and BEATRICE BTTBNNAN ft FDUiBR. Australia, lnatflnlto Clark A Turner, Rose Sydell'a Oo. Clinton A Beatrice. Brennan ft Fulton, Auitralla. Indefinite. Clark A Verdi, Orpheum. St. Paul. Claire, Dawson A Co., Pantages', Spokane, Wash. Clayton ft Lennle. Delnncey St., N. Y. a, 20-28; National. N. V. 0.. 29-31, CHITord. Fdlth, nalbush. Bkln., 29-31. Clarice Hru-monlats, Olympic, Buffalo. Clarettc ft Lewis, Olympic. Buffalo. Colburn, Jennie, Billy T Swede" Hall A Co., In- definite. Oorelll, Jack, ft Oo^ Hagenheck-Wallace Cl-coi. Ootlcn Lelo, San Diego. Cal. Oornelll. Beglaa. ft Oo., Prospect, Bkln. EBBIE FRANK CONRAD and MARINO "THE ITALIAN PIANO MOVERS" Dlreotletn Anron Keaaler Collins ft Bart, Orpheum, Bkln. "Oulonlal Days," Keith's, Cincinnati. Corradlnl'a Animals, Keith's, Cleveland. Courtney Sisters. Alkainbra, N. Y. O. Connolly, Jane, ft Co., Temple, Rochester. Comfort A King;, Temple, Rochester, Oonltn ft .Steele, Trio, Ona-I. Si recuse. Cowboy Minstrels, Shea's, Toronto, Oan. WILL CONLBY The BUIr Saastar *f VaMaeteTllle United Time Direction JOB HARRIS "Count end the Maid." Qarrlek. Wilmington. DeL Cole ft Denahy, Orpheum, Salt Lake Olty, U. Cbogan ft Ooi, rantnges', loa Angeles, Oal. Cornsll, Cnrley Oo,, Pentagon'. Man Fran., OaL Oirner, Larry, Pantagea', Winnipeg, Oaa, "College Life," Greeley So.. N. Y. 0.. 20-28; Knickerbocker, Phlla., 29-31, Omnolly Sisters, National. N. Y. C, 20-28; aree- ley So.. N. Y. O, 29-31. Onurad & Miireena, Oolum'ula, Bkln., 29-31. Oogert, Gertrude, Skubert, Bkln., 29-31. (iMly, Arthur A Dtauu, Orpheum, Boston, 20-31. Ooale-Keene ft Johnson, Proctor's. Ttoy, N. Y., 29-31 ■ -- ■ Cooper, Fitch B., Proctor's. Albany. N. Y., 20-31. Oosiirr A lilcardo, Broadway, Phlla. Oonley A \Tebh. Wm. Penn, Phlla. Courtney ft Irvla. Qlo be, Phlla, JITI.. 4k MltS. DOUGLAS CIlANE TUB PABAMA-PA0IK1C KXPOSITION DANOBRS OCT.28, MAJESTIC. OHIOAOO. Onnroy ft'Muratln, Academy, Buffalo. Cotter A BouKk'r. Keith's, Lowell, Mass. Crevsy ft Duyne, Keith's, Phlla, Cielghton. Bertha, ft Co., Shea's Buffalo. Cross ft Josephine, Alhambra, N. Y. 0. Crowell Byrd Frost, Orpheum, Lincoln, Neb. Crime, Mr A Mrs, Douglas, Majestic, Milwaukee. Cronln, Morris, ft Oo„ Orphenin, Oakland, OaL Oreolo Ctt'hestra. Pantages'. Spokane, Wash. Craig ft William*, Greeley Sq., N. Y, O, 20-28; Shubert. Bkln.. 29-31, Oree, llllle, Palace, Hartford. Oonn., 29-31. Crouch A Richards. Keith's, Lowell, Mass. Curson Slaters, Korsytke, Atlanta, Ga. Curtis, Julia, Teople, Dettelt Cullcn, James II., Keith's, Phlla. EVELYN CmiMAN IN VACPEVTIJ,sS Cutler, Harry, National, N. Y. 0., 20-28; Oreeley Sq., N. V. a, 29-31, Cushmnn ft Sanderland, Praetor's 2.U St., N. Y. 0„ 20-28; Prector's 123th St., N. Y. C, 29- 31. D'Arvllle, Jeannette, Montreal, Oan., Indefinite, Dawson, Daniel. His*., N. Y. 0., Indefinite. Davis, James. Hipp., N. Y. C, indefinite. Darnell A Conway. Alhambri, N. Y. 0. Danubes, Marvelous, Majestic, Ohlesgo. Dsly, Arnold, A On., Orpheum. Salt Lake Olty, 0. Dancing Derclde. Pantages', Edmonton, Can. Davis A Walker. Pantages', Edmonton, Oan. Dark Knight* (It), Tth Ave., N. Y. O,, 20-28; Fulton, lkln., 29-01. Daniaun, Carl, Trsupe, Orpheum, N. Y. 0„ 20-31. Dtfry Maids, Orpheum, Boston, 29-81. Darts. Dec Will. Orpheum, Boston, 29-31. 3«-28; Proctor's 23d St.. N. Y. 0„ 29-31. De Renao ft La Doe, Colonial, Haverhill, Mao*., 29-31. De Long, Malda, Niion. Pblla. De Witt ft Stewart. Academy. Buffalo. Dickens A Floyd, Hipp., St. Louis. Dlrehart, Allan, ft Co., Temple, Detroit Dickinson. But*, Orpheum, Oskland, Oal. DlTlnoff, Ida, Orpheum, Ban Fran., 0*1. Dleka. Juliet, Proctor's 23d St., N. Y. a, »M8; Proctor's, Plalnfield. N. J, 29-34. Dlion Girls (3), Orpheum, Peoria, III., 29-31. Darner, Nellie, Hipp.. N. Y. C, Indefinite. Dooley ft Rugel. Shubert, Utlco, N. t.; Keith'*. Boston. Nor. 2-7. Dorr, Marie. Poll'*, Scrantoa, Pa. Docluteder. l-ew, Shubert, Utlca, N. Y. Donamor Arabs (10), Pantoge*'. Wlnnlpef, Oan, Dooley ft Sales, Palace, N. I. O. Dolly ft Brown, Palace, N. Y. a Dotovan ft Lee. Poll'*. Springfield, Mas-. 2941. Dolly A Mack. Grand, PhlU. "Dormitory Girls," Broadway. Phlla. Don Carlos Co., Broadway, Phlla. Dorian's Dog*, Wm. Penn, Phlla. , ._. Donalds <8), Bmpreae, Grand Rapids, Mien. Dreiser. Louise. Pslace, N. Y. 0. Diinedln Troope, Shea's. Toronto, Osn. Dunfce, Jotepblne, Orpheum, Kansas City, Mo. Duffy A Lortuse, Orpheum, MlnneapeUs. Durkln, Kathryn, Orpheum, Ssn Diego, OaL Dualay ft Merlll, Pantoge**, Calgary. Oaa. Dunlap A Virdln, Orpheum, Detroit. Duval, v:ols. Bijou, Bkln., fr9-31. Duffy, Gelsle; ft Lewis, St. James. Boston, 28-31. Dugan A Raymond, Proctor's 23d St., NY. 0., 28-23; Piector's 68th St., K. Y. O, 29-31. Durand Mitalcai Five, Plasa, Worcester, Mas*. ' Dulfin, Redes v Troope, Globe, Phlla. Early A T.alrlit, Pantages*, Ban Fran,, Oal. Eckert ft Berg. Proctor's 126th St., N. Y. C, 28-23. Edwards, Tom, London, Eng., Indefinite Edna, Rutne, Olean, N. Y. "Edge of the World," Royal, N. Y. 0. Edward, Ons. ft Co. Orpheum, Lincoln, Neb. Edeaoo, Robert, ft Co.. Columbia, St. Louis. Edmonds ft Basil, Loow's, Newburgh, N. Y.. 29- 31. Edney Bros. Olympic, Buffalo. Egin, Tie M.. ft Dogs, Imperial, Boston. 2S-S0; Bijou, Boston, Nov. 2-7. "Kloplng," Keith's, Colrznbus, O. Ellnore ft Williams, Orpheim, Omsk*. Net). El Bey Enters, Orpheum. Winnipeg, Can. Elwood ft Snow, Pantages', Victoria, Wash. "Elopeinin:. The." Delancer St., N, Y. O, 20- 28; Shubert, Bkln., 29-31. Ellis, Rose A Buddy, Lyric, Hoboken, N. J, 29- 31. Ellnore ft Franklin, Proctor's, Troy, N Y.. 29- 31. Eloon A Clifton, Proctor's, Albany, N. Y„ 29-31. Klverettos '?>. Poll's, Bprlngfleld, Mass., 29-31 Eldrld, Cordon A Co.. Orand. Phlla. Empln Com. Co., Grand O. II., Pittsburgh, Pa. Emmett, Grade, A Co., Lincoln So., N. Y. 0., 28-28; Fulton. Bkln., 29-31. Emmett A Emmett, New Portland, Portland, Me.. 29-31. Ent»l, Ort, Gey Widows Co., Indefinite. Knells!,, Harry, ft Co., Proctor's 125th St., N. Y. 0„ 29-81. Equestrian Lien, The, Proctor'*, Troy, N. Y., 24-31. Ernie ft F.rnle, Majestic. Chicago. t ESPE * PAUL JUOQLBR OF ARTILLERY and COMEDIAN LOBW'B WESTERN CIRCUIT Eschell. Louise, ft Co., Proctor's 68th St., N. Y. O. 28-28; Proctor's 2Sd St., N. Y. 0.. 29-31. Eugene Carl, Troupe, Hipp., N. Y. 0., Indefinite. Evans, Billy ft Clara. Gaiety, Chicago. Indefinite. Eierest's Monkeys, Orpheum, Minneapolis. McDEVIUKELLEY^LUCY PIANO MOVERS and THE ACTRESS KEITH TIME Direction or THOMAS FITZPATHICK JAN* 10, 188 1 "BACK TO WHERE THEY STABTED" SAM and KITTY MORTON Direction TOM FITZPATRICK AMERICAN COMEDY 4 MIRTH AND MELODY Book Solid on MAR0C8 LOBW TIME. JOB DABCBY, Mgr- Direction IRYIMO 00OPEB. PRISCILLA KNOWLES WILL SHORTLY APP EAR IN A NEW ACT IN VAUDEVILLE CHARLES GILLEN With GtRACB LA HUE UNITED TIME Cordon. Wm. C, Hipp., N. Y. 0.. Indefinite. Gould A Ashlyn, Forsythe, Atlanta, Ga. Goniales, J ulls, Shea's, Buffalo. GORDON and MURPHY WITH BON TONS THIS SEASON American. N. Y. 0., 29-31. Howard A Held Minstrels. Greeley Sij., N. Y. 0-, 29-31 Holmes A ITfrlloton, Warwick. Bkln, 20-31. Honey filrls, Loew's, So. Norwalk, CVinn.. 29-31. Hoboes (6), Orpheum, Altoi), Pa., 29-31. Howard's I'onles, Shea's, Buffalo. Hughes, Florence, Savoy, Hamilton. Can. Hunting ft Frances, Orpheum, Seattle, Wash. Boseey A Boyle, American, N. Y. 0., 20-28 i 7th Ave., ». Y. a. 29-31. Hnbbard ft Lucille. Majestic. Milwaukee. HARRY- EVENS & SMITH -DAYS Presenting •■BETWBKN BATTLES'* Special ScencrjA EtTect*. Plajlna; P. B. O.'TI me. Exposition Four, Varieties, Terre Haute, Ind., 29-31. Fsrbrr Qlrls, Bnstawlck, Bkln. "Fair Oo-Eds." Pantagea'. Salt Lake Oltr. 0. Fiye A Minn. Oreeley Sq., N. Y. 0.. 20-28. Finton's Athlete*. Delancey St;, N. Y. O., 29-81. Ftye A Cox, Poll's, Hartford, Oonn. Felix A Barry Girls, Shea's. Buffalo. Fern, Blgelow ft Meehan, Orpheum, JacksoirrUle, FIs. Fltagfbnon. Bert, Temple. Detroit. "Fixing the Furnace,*' Keith's, Loolsrtlle, Ky. Fields ft Lewis, Orpheum. Montreal. Oaa, FltxglbboDS. Marie, Keith's, Providence, B. L Finn ft Finn, Orpheum, Denver. Flitter A Kreen, Orpheum, Memphis. Fisher, Eleanore, Greeley Sq., N. Y. C, 28-28; Fulton. Bkln., 29-31. Fltsglhbon, Ned, Keystone, Phlla. Flanagan ft Edwards, Oolumhla, Orand Baplde, Mich. Fletcner. Isabel, ft Oo., Pantages', Victoria, Waafa, B. KELLY FORREST PHBSIOBNT OP THE HOBO'S UNIONS DIRECTION • BILLY ATWBLL Flotenil, Loew's, Waterhury, Conn., 29-81. Flynn, Kittle, Btnpreas, Grand Rapids, Mich. Fletcher, Ohas. Leonard. Empress. St. Paul. Ford A Truly, Keith's, Providence, B- I. Ford, M ax A Mabel, Shea's. Toronto. Can, EDDIE FOY AND SBVBN LITTLE FOYS Direction HARRY FITZGERALD ' Fogarty, Frank, Shea's, Toronto, Oan. Ford, Berlle, Orpheum, Duluth. Foyer, Eddie, American, N. Y. 0., 29-31. Foatell A Bmoiett, Detroit. Ford, Edwin, A Co., Crystal, Milwaukee. For ft Dolly. Bonunerateln's, N. Y. a HARRY FOX and YANCSI DOLLY IN VAUDEVILLE Fraucls A Rose, Keith's. Providence, R. I. Frsnklyn ft Green, Temple. Rochester. FTlgbnaa. Trlile, Palace, Chicago. Frevoll, Loew's, Newburgh, N. V., 29-31. Frey Twins A Frey, Loew't, Fall Ulvor, Mass., 29-31. MAE FRANCIS THE PASHION PLATE GIRL IN VAUDEVILLE Frledlander A Clark, Greely's, Portland, lie,, 29- 31- France Troupe, Poll's, Hartford. Conn. Fred ft Albert, Academy, Buffalo. Garclnettl Bros. Orpbeum: Milwaukee; Star, Chi- cago, Nov. 2-1; Colonial. Chicago, 8-7. Oandsmldls, T*no, Shea's, Buffalo. Oerdner, Jack, Alhambra, N. V. 0. Gardiner Trio, Orpheum, Memphis. Gardner A Revere, Pantagea', Seattle, Wash. Osach Sisters, Empress, Cincinnati. George, Kdwln, Ooloulnl, Norfolk. Vs.. 29-31. Gere A Deluney, Dominion. Ottawa, Can. Genee, Adeline, ft Oo.. Oulonlal, N. Y. 0. Gelger, John, Orpheum, Des Moines, la. Genoos (7), Proctor's, Albany, N, Y., 29-31. '■■ ■ Oeorge, Musical, Academy, Buffalo. XHJ). VAN TOU A1X KNOW .wall BBsmPkreW—A— a.... g. JAMES B. DONOVAN G1LM0RE & CASTLE KING OP IRELAND, .™MISS MARIE LEE THE LITTLE BEAUTY. DOIM• WELL, THANK YOU. V. B. 0. Big Time, ROOKED SOLID ON UNITHD TIMIO, "Bride Fhop The," Marrliiul, Baltimore. Breen. Harry. Kcltk'a, Cleveland. Branson ft Baldwin, Om'je-.iM. Montreal, Oan. Brunelle Sisters ft Oo., Colonial, Norfolk, Vs., 20- 81, Bruch, Frlti ft Lucy, Royal, N. Y. a Itrown, Geo., ft Co.. Keith's, Toledo. O. Brooks, Allan, ft Co.,. Keith's Washington. Brown A Rcchelle, Orpheum, Duluth. llrown. Harris ft Brown, 7th Ave.. N Y, O, 2(1. 28; Knlcrerbocker. Phlla., 29-31. Brooks A Harris, Orpheum, N. Y. 0., 20-28; Nstlouil. N. V. a, 39-31. Brooks, Clinton, ft Co., Keystone, Phlla. Dawson A Gllette, Prector's 128th St., N. Y. 0., D'Arvllle, Irene, ft Oo., Procter's 125th St., N. Y. C. 29-31. De Serrls, Henrietta, ft Oo, Keith's, Boston. De Haven ft Nice, Otskemn, 'imaka, Neb. De Witt Young ft Sister, Psntages*. Kduonton, Can. Deland, Ohas., A Co., BIJou. lkln.. 29-31. IV IVIckey, Coy, Lincoln So., N. Y. 0., 89-31, Derkln's Dogsi, Palace. N. Y. C. De Haven, Mr. A Mrs. Carter. Palace. N. Y. O. Deniima, Mine.. Proclor'a, Schenectady, N, Y., 20-31. Devlne ft Williams, Utoadwty, Phlla. Glrard, Gilbert. Pantagea', Los Angeles, Cal.; Pantages', Salt Lake City, U., Nor. 2-7, "Girl from Mllivaukee, The. 1 ' Keith's. Boston. Gillette. Lucy, Alhambra, N. Y. 0. "Girl In the Moon," Shubert, Utlca. N. Y. Gilbert. Blale. ft Co., Orpheum, N. Y. 0.. 20-28; Loew's, Newburgh, 29-31. SAM GILDER The Orlgclniil Lose Star Minstrel 0, n. O. TIMB Direction HARRY RAPF Gilbert, Veata. Boston. Glrard ft Gardner, Prector'a, Fortcbester, N. Y., 2931. Gleaaon ft Houlihan, Boahwlck, Dkln. "Girl and the Bandit," Keystone. Phlla. Golden, Claude, Otpheum, San Fran., Oal., 20- Nov. T. Gordone, Bobble, Keith's, Pblla. . Oouldlngs, The, Orpheum, St. Paul. (kk : en, Clande, Orpheum, Han Fran., Oal. Gonn'ey ft Oaffery, Orpheum, Sioux Olty, la. Oolden, Morris, Orpheum, N. Y. O, 28-28; Lin- coln So.., N. Y O., 29-31. Ooclette. Storke ft Lafayette, Lincoln Sq., N. Y. C, 20-28; Knickerbocker, Phlla., 29-31. Godfrey-Henderson ft Co., Loow's, Waterbury, Conn., 29-81. GORDON and GORDON NOVELTY, ACROBATIC, CONTORTIONISTS Permanent Adalress, N. Y. CUPPER Gocsrns, Bobby, Bljon, Elkport, la. Godfrey ft Washburn, Orpbeum, Milwaukee. Oornette Bros., Orpbeum, Mllvrnukee. Grant, Lawrence, Hipp.. N. Y. 0., Indefinite. Groom. Albert, Hipp., N. Y. 0., Indefinite. Gruber A Kew, Murray, Richmond, Ind., 29-81. GrcKory, Frank, Troupe, Hipp., N, Y. 0., lB> definite. Oiepewln, Ohas., ft Co., Keith's, Indianapolis. Griff ft Dietrich, Lyric, Richmond. Va., 29-31. Orover A Richard*, Orpheum, Duluth. Grant A Hoag. Orpheum, Lincoln, Neb. Grsrera, The,.Orpheum, Salt Lake Olty, u. Or»y ft Peter*, Pantages'. Baa Fran., Cal, Greenley A Dravton, Orpheum, N. Y. C. 29-31. "Gray of the Dawn," Loew's, Toronto, Can. Graham A Bindall, Proctor's. Troy. N. Y.. 29-81. Greene, Oene, Ktnpress, Grsnl Rapids, Mich. Cypsy Oountess, Westminster, Providence. B. I., Hart, Mart* ft BlHy. Orptwum, 61tmx Olty. I*. mHALLEN*ndBURTv> Dlreotlen JOSEPH R. SMITH Ilayward-Stafford Co., Orpheum. Sioux Olty, Its.; Orpheum. Des Moines, Nov. 2-7. Bsrrls A Randall, Spring Lake. Mich., Inueflnl*. llsl|»erln, Nan, Prospect, Bkln. Hawthurne. Hilda, Dominion. Ottawa, Ou. Hawthorne A luglls. Alhambra, N. Y. 0. Haher, Klenor, ft Co., Orpheum, Omaha, Neb. Hall. Hilly "Swede,*' ft Co.. Orpheum, Seattle, Wash. MARIE AND BILLY HART In ••TBI] C1RC08 GIRL." Direction JAMBS B. PLPNKBTT. Hayes, Ed., ft Co., Orpheum St. PeuL Harrahs. Great, Pantages', Spokane, Wash. Ilanitltons (2), National. N. Y. C, 20-28. Ilager A Goodwin. Orpheum, N. Y, 0., 29-81. Hassmans, The, St. James, Boston, 29-31. Hartle y ft Pecan, Loew's, Toronto, Can. The Haywards A NOVELTTT1N MUSIC Perm, add., WHITE RATS. Booked solid 40 weotca Hall, Bob, Varieties, Terre Haute, Ind., 29-31. Hale, Willie, Wm. Penn, Phils. Hamilton A Barnes, Nixon, I'hlla. Harvey Trio, Bllcm, Jackson, Mich., 20-31. Bayea. Jean Willy, New Portland, Portland, Me., 29-31. Haiiett, Wm. 11., New Portland, Portland, Mc., 2941. HARVEY TRIO GOOK, HOLT AND GAU.O Originators) of Baaketbnll on Bicycle*) Hershey, Sells-FIoto Shows, Indefinite. Beverly, Orest, ft Co., Ben Toy Mus. Com. Co., Indefinite. Hedge, John, National, Sydney, Australia, Indefi- nite. Hennlngs, John ft Winnie, Keith's, Columbus, O. Henrys, Flying, Temple, Ilumlltoo, Oan. Herbert. Hugh, ft Oo., Keith's. Providence, B. L Heath A Mlllershlp, Keith's, Toledo, 0. Hess Slaters, Majestic, Chicago. Henry ft Harrison, Pantages', Portland, Ore. Heraa ft Preston, Pantages'. Salt Lake Olty, V. Hermann, Dr., Proctor's, Schenectady, H. X., 29- 31. Helma, narry. Tama, la. Hill A Acketman, Moss Tour, Bng. lllgglns. Jchn. Orpheum, Des Moines, la. Hlnes A Fox, Oniheum, Lincoln, Neb. Hlckey Bros. (3), Orpheum, Lincoln. Neb. Hogsn, (,ls. Frnle Marks Co., Indefinite. Holmsn, Harry, ft Oo., Orpheum, Ohampalgn. Ill,, 29-31; Teicple. Ft. Wayne, Ind.. Not. 2-T. Howard, Great, Forsythe. Atlanta. Ga. Howard ft Symana, Shea's, Buffalo. Iloey ft lee, Keith's, Cincinnati. Mae Holdeii THE ELECTBIC SPARK GAIETY GIRLS CO. Hopklns-Aitell Trio, Keith'*, Indianapolis. Horllck Family, Keith's, Indianapolis. Hopkins Siaters. Keith's, Louisville, Ky. Howard ft McCane, Colonial, N. Y. 0. Hoffmann, Gertrude, ft Oo., Orpheum, Seattle, Wash. Howe, Walter 8., Pantagea', Winnipeg, Oan. Howard's Beirs. Delancey St.. N. T. 0„ 28-28; HDD ITS MINSTRELS PlejUm Marcua Loew Hulllvan-Oonsldlne Clrcuj, 1 AND UNITED TIME Direction - - - - PAT CASEY Hudson, Pert B„ O. H„ Aldena. Wis.; O. U., Cameron Nor. 2-7. Hughes, rlorence, A Hughes, Greely's, Portland, Me., 29-31. Hyatt ft Le Nore, Olarkshnrr, W. Vs., Indefinite. Hrtnack, Pushwlck, Bkln. Imhof, Conn ft Ooreene, Orpheum, Winnipeg, Oan. "In Old New York," Proctor's 58th St.. N. Y. C, 20-28; Proctor'* S3d St.. N. Y. 0., 29-81. International Sextette, Proctor's, Elizabeth, N. J., 29-31. Irwin, Flo. ft Oo., Proctor's, Schenectady, N. Y., 29-31. lamed, Orpheum, Ssn Diego. Cal. James, Deegou, De Verc Stock Co., Indefi- nite. Jackson, Harry, Hipp., N. Y. C, Indefinite. Jarrls ft Berrlson, Colonial, Krle. Pa. Jackson, .'oe, Alhambra, N. Y. C. Jarrow, Keith'a, Toledo, 0. Japanese prince, Boulevard, N Y. C. 20-28; Liu- coin Sq., N. Y. C. 29-31. James ft Rose, Westminster, Providence, R. I., 29-31. Jefferson, Jo*., Orpheum, 9an Fran,. Cal. Jordan ft Coberty. Majestic. Hot Springs. Ark. Johastoa, Mtslcal, Stratford Bnaplre, Londjo, Bng.; I', Cardiff, Wales, Not. 3-7: F.ra- 5Ire, Newport, Eng., 0-14; Hipp, Bristol, 10- 1; Eoaplre. Swansea, 23-28. Johnson ft rein, Poll's, Scrtnton, Pa. Jonea ft Silvester, Orpbeuoi, Omaha, Neb, Johnston. Johnny,- ft Co., Orpbeum, Winnipeg. Oan. John Troupe. America*), N. Y. 0.. 28-28; Lincoln So,. N. Y. 0„ 29-31. Jones, BUIv. Proctor's, Schenectady, N Y., 29-31. Johnson, Grand, Phlla. Juliet, Keltla'o. Oalunbua, 0. Julletlenno; Dogs Orpheum, Jscksonvllle. Fla. Kaufmann. Beba 4 Inea, Touring So. America, la- definite, ."Calico, Bertha, ft Co.. Orpkeom, Minneapolis. Koimrr A Brown, Orpheum, Oakland, Cal. Kaufman, Mirnle, Orpheum, Omaha, Neb, Kallkoe, Dai Id, Loew's, Toronto, Oan. Knrrell. Great, Proctor's, Portrheater, N. Y., 29- 81. Kay. Marion. Lyric, Newark, N. J., 29-81 Kaufman A Lillian. Orpkeum, Milwaukee. Kaiser's Oors, Keith's, Washlnctoa. Kelaey. Karl p., Ornheom. Sharon. Pa. Kelly ft Mack. VlrginU, Chicago, Indefinite. Kerns (21, Pantages', Vancouver, Can.; Pan- tagea', Victoria, Not. 2-7. Keno ft Mayne, Keith's. Louisville. Ky. Kelly, Walter 0., Keith's. Louisville, Ky. Kent, 8, Miller, ft Co.. Hammersteln's, N. Y. 0. KELLY#GALVIN Direction HARRY SPINGOLP Kelly ft Catlln, Pantagea', San Fran., Oal. Kerns (2), Paotages'. Seattle, Wash. Kenny, Nobody A Piatt. Wilson Are., Chicago, 29-31 Kenna. 'Ohns.. American, N. Y. 0., 28-28; Ot- pheum, N. Y. C, 2981. . Keltona (3), 7th Ave., N. Y. 0., 29-31. Keloiv (.1), Ornhcum, Boston, 29-31. Kelso A Leighton, Globe, Boston. 29-81. Kennedys, Dancing, Globe. Boston. 29-31. Kennedy A Kramer, Garden, Dallas, Tex.; Ma- jestic. Shreveport, La., Not. l-*j- „ , Kennedy. Harold, Proctor's, Plalnflelo, ». J-. 2n -31 » ,«.. Kellogg. Edn», Colonial, Dayton, 0.. 2M1. Kerslnle Pigs, Empreaa. Grand Rapids, Mich. Kingston, Cheater. Pantagea', Oakland, Oal. "Kingdom of Dreoms," PanUge*', Ban Frsn., Oal. Kltner. Hayne* ft Montgomery. Pantages', Salt Lake Olty. II. . „ „, King Qnarfctte, Colonial. PhlU., 29-31. "Kid Kabaret" (Qua Kdwsrd*'), Bljon. Bay Olty, Kins') ft' Bcrnle, National, N. Y. 0.. 28-28; Wa^ wick. Bkln.,29-31. - " ,„ „ ... Knapp ft Oornalla. Hipp.. Alton, 1U„ 2»-81. Bmprets. St Louis, Mo.. Nor. 2-4. Kornau, Fred. Orpbeum, Sloni Olty, is. Kramer A Morton, Majestic. Chicago. Kramer A Pattlaon, Orpbeum, penver. Kronold, Bans, Orpheum, I^s Angeles, Oal. Kumerfeld, Dora, Hipp., N. V. O. Indellnlte. Kukl Japanese Dolla, Proctor's 2M St., N. T. «•• 28-28; Proctor's, Elisabeth. N.J.. » 9 2i"»it» Ij Raub A Scottle, Ooiiurn's Minstrels, [ndeanlte. La Flenr, Jee, Blogllng Bros.* Shows, lndenniw. THE LANCDONS A NIGHT ON THE BOULEVARD DIRECTION HARRY WBBBB La Ford. Ohas., Atlsnta, Ga.. Indefinite. Langdons, The, Keith's, Boston. _ _ Lawrence ft Edwards. Victoria, Charleston, 8. o.. 20-31. La Toy Bros., Keith's. Indianapolis, l.ambcrtl, Dominion, Oltawa, Oan. Lambert ft Ball, Hammersteln'*. N. Y. O. La Rocca, Roxy. Keith'a. ProTlueoce, B- L Lai Mon Kim, Orpheum, Mlnneapolla. Iji France ft Bruce, Orpheum, New Orleans, La. La Tourralnc Four, Pantages'. Seattle, "«"■ La Vails, Aerial, Boulevard. N. Y. 0.. 29-31. Lawton, Liberty, Bkln.. 20-31. „ _ 0m Langslow ft 06., Proctor's 125th 8t, N. Y. 0-. M " 28 ' . — La Vogels. Ssm Messel Time. Lambertl, Lyric, Newark. N. J.. »-31. La Tosca, Phil, Orpheum, Milwaukee. La France Trio, Olympic, Buffalo. ■..,,■,.., I*wla A nsrr Co., San Fran.. Oal., lndoflnlte- I^onard A Ruoaell. Prospect. Bkln. Leianda. The, Prospect. Bkln. Leon ft Co., Colonial. Brie. Pa. Lee ft Cranston, Temple. Rochester.