The New York Clipper (December 1914)

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December 5. THE NEW YOEK CLIPPER. £> ..Tfc.A-'.hi ' "lis*' aRNIVAL CONVERSATION By WXLX1AM JUDKLNB MJuWlT T 1 , - ("Eed Onion.-) TriXKSOiTiNO Day •was a groat day among.tile carnival 'folks all'over tile coun- try. Feasting • was ■ the order of the day with every- one of them.- • So much, for liviny jn the land of plenty Among-good ■ fellows. Where will you tie in' 191M The.Christ- ■ arias Nuntber of Thb .Nrw York Clipper will tell you -where a lot of them will be. Do not miss getting In tbat nvimtfer—it will .. be thn t*!*; «X f> *° "fir 1 ' 1 fnrjjjjiiy moons to) come Tail Old Reliable is it. .*fiTiy stir- ?rises in -tliat issue. ' All' In the carnival usiness are. for it._ They have responded manfully. Send' In your route, Winter quar- ters, newsT notes and all advertising direct either to Warren A. Patrick. Western mana- ger, 505 Ashland Block, Chicago, 111., or to the home office. New York Clipper, 47 West Twenty-eighth Street, New Jfork. Get till matter In as early as possible. Don't be left out . We want all of-you in. Sit right down now, if you have not done so already, and send In the copy or write-ups. Get busy. Time is dfawlnc near for the wonder of all wonders in amusement journalism. Your friends will' be. You get in. What will be the name of your carnival In 1015. Give it a good name. Make the name goad. Amobita (Mrs. Baba Delgarlan), the won- derful dancer, was the feature card with the burlesque show that played the Century Theatre, in Kansas City, Mo., last week. Amorlta is never idle. She was some hit, and then more. All the carnival folks went to tte theatre to see her. Mas. Chbis. M. Smith. —Qello, back. If some one - would - put on a show and call It a "Fake Show" it would he a big suc- cess. Try It on the sceptical public and see. Give you the idea if you want it. Qeobob Harmon. —The folks in Kansas City, Mo, want to know where you are, George, you tell them. Soke of them seen in Kansas City, Mo., last week: B, C. Elgin, T. M. Warren, W. M. Moselcy, Mrs. W. <SL Moseley, Al. G. Camp- bell, L. Claude Myers, A. U. Esllck, Mrs. A. TJ. Esltck. Morris Jtossman, Mrs. Morris Roasman, Walter F. Stanley, Mrs. Walter P. Stanley. Adolph Seeman, George Howk, Hat- tie Williams, A. H. Barfcley, John P. Martin, Madam Reno, Moile Uanley, H. H. (Fat) Duncan, Fclece Bernard!, Mrs. Felece Ber- nnrtll. Alice Melville, J. H. Johnson, Mrs. J. U. Johnson, Mrs. Baba Delgarlan, Karl D. Strout, Frank Mack, Harry B. Sutton, Marty Williams, Percy Court, Mrs. Percy Court. J. M. Sullivan, Mr& J. M. Sullivan, Herbert A. Kline, Harry Howard, Curtis Velare, Mr<. Curtis Velare. ltcrnlce Barnett. W. J. (Doc) Allmann, Barney R. Parker, Walter L. Wil- lon, George Elscr, I. S. Home, T. 1. (Tommy) Cannon, Wni. B. Jarvis, Mrs. W. B. Jarvis, Cbas. H. Johnson, Izzie Osier, Bertha Montgomery, L. J. Llndell, F. A. Oilman, Mrs. F. A. Oilman, Mrs. Fred S. Kempf. TitRBB are many capable but careless people In the carnival business. We are lorry to say it. ■ ■ _ • _ Frank Taliier Is still In Parsons, Kan. Felei b Bernard! Is very busy In Kansas ■ City. Mo. He is a merchant now, doing some holiday tcsirress with bears and dolls. T. J. (Tommy) Cannon and some others ■•»-. had wheels on at. the firemen's ball held at Convention Hall, Kansas City, Mo., Thanks- giving Day. They did sorne business, too. Many, many of them are due In Chicago this week. Some big things will come off hi the Windy City tnls Winter. It Is some great amusement centre In all lines of the profession % of entertainment all right. Walt. Watch xhe columns of Thb New York Clip- per for the correct dope. Get mu? The 'Smith Greater Is a model carnival after which many could emulate and profit thereby. - . . Johnny J. Jones. —What about the circus? Don't do it; we don't want to lose you. J. Frank Hatch. —Welcome back in 1915. Solomon & Dobman. —(Where Is your press 'agent? ,' MIant of them are now whooping them up In other lines of the amusement business this Winter. . W e are glad to know you can and do make Jgood at any and' all tasks. Keep up.the efficiency thing. Why be idle? Work, that's the boys. " \ J. H. Johnson will most likely have a me- chanical phorw next season, called the "War of the World.'' Pick us out a model carnival organiza- tion. What Is your choice of the people and attractions to make up a model carnival? Send It in. Walter F; Stanley Is very opular in Houston and other cities. Watch the Allmann Bros.' Carnival in 1015. It will be It. Look where they are Wintering. What's the answer? Kd. E?ans. —What's doing. Send your oopy In early as you can for the Christmas Number of The New York Clipper. Grand rush now. Help out all you can. Thanks. - - Leavenworth, Kan., Is a very active place just now. Wntcfci C W. Parker and his cnmlvals In 1915. W. J. (Billy) Richards. —You haven't told us yet how the rice and sugar country Is. Beaumont, Tcx„ was good for C A. Wortham and his sterling carnival attrac- tions. J. C. McCaffert Is expected In Chicago soon. Watch his speed next season. Some lire man. Herbert A. Kline passed through Kansas City, Mo., Tuesday, Nov. 24. en route from points m Texas and Kansas to St. Louis, Mo. and cities in the Bast. Herbert A. tald he would arrive In Chicago the same week the Christmas Number of Thb New York Clipper comes cut. ne lias plans, but refuses to divulge them. It may be a sur- prise. We think he still has that circus and Wild West Idea. John t. Packman. —Where docs the big wild animal circus go in 1915? John T., say It. Warren A. Patrick says the whole carni- val map may bo chanced over night. He Is right. It may. Surely something doing, in that huslness right now. Look for It In The I<ew York Clipper at the proper time. When you have photographs made get food ones. Why don't you put on the qual- ity flash. Do It. Get a regular profes- sional photographer to do It A. B. Miller. —What will be the 1015 line up. Are you going out West? Send It in. Wat. A. Miller. —How is St. Louis as a "inter town? Let's have some news from you. Tcbby Sntder.— (Welcome In 1915 with t Jonr own carnival. -*« . Tne conditions of the country are getting better every minute. Arc you keeping up with what is going on 7 Don't be late. H. T. Freed. —What will it be in 11)15? »ay it in tho columns of The Now York Clipper. This man Freed is some success- ful riding device operator. Karl D. Strout says he cannot tell Just yet where he will be In 1015. He is mating the Western Bureau of Tub New York Clip- per. 505 Ashland Block, Chicago, his per- manent Winter address. Vic Bslick Is at Ills home In Elkpolnt, 8. Dak. When you hove things to think about give them a think. Don't overlook an opportunity. The Christmas Number of Tub New York . Clippbr Is an opportunity. Sufficient for the j wise ones. . , . What novelty, ore you going to give the carnival world In 1015.. -We hope so. • H. C. Wilbur was in Los Angeles. Cal., last week. That boy Is some Coast defender. All O. K. Watch Mm. . The death of Francis Ferarl cast a gloom over the entire carnival "world. Along with the thousands in the amusement world, tho tho uj the merits and goodfellowshlp of Francis I'erari, and they nave not spoken one word too much. He was a showman. We miss him. May he rest In peace. Mrs. Francis Ferarl, we grieve with you In the loss. Have heart. We must all eventually answer the call of the master of all things. The grim reaper has demanded a heavy toll In our ranks. Francis Ferarl will not be forgotten. Victor D. Levett and Louib Berni In 1915 would not be a bad combination. What savcth thee? All of you. Thh New York Clipper circulates. Get that firmly In your mind. Who Is the coming carnival king? Make your pick. W. O. Taylor. —How are you? Going to be In San Francisco next year. When in cither New York or Chicago make The New York Clipper offices your headquarters. Now do that. Drop in any time and see what's going on. Welcome in large letters all the time. Ger, but that Christmas Number Is going to be the dandiest of all dandles. Get In early. Do not put It off. ' WnAT has become of that fellow who was always writing In his best style 7 George F. Dorman, tell us. Well, George F., how are you' Wonder If Essie Fay and Etta Louise Blake are going to have shows at the Panama-Pacific Exposition at San Diego, Cal., next season. It looked as If they wera some time ago. Some shows they have. C. Smttt has proved that he knows some- thing about the carnival business. Wiiat good is an idea If you don't de- velop it? Many of you have good ideas'. Get busy with them. Show us something new. Wilbur S. Citerby. —Are you In Baltf- mort for the Winter? Let us have some news from the Monumental City. Do it, Wilbur S. Thanks. Managers. —Do not give any employment to the tourist clement that Infests our midst. Get them out of the business. Get capable stickers and pay them a good salary. They will be worth something to you. You do not need nor waut those work one day men." For the good of yourself and the business, pay some attention to this paragraph. Con T. Kennedy Is a wonderful Judge of human nature. He knows talent and ability when he sees It. When he wants it he is willing to pay for it Let some more mana- gers do the same. Welcome to all the "come backs" in 1915. It's a great game. Play it fair. M. B. Wescott. —You have been picked for one of the big winners in 1015. M. B., I you can win. Alice Melville's show, "Fantana," the past season with Tom W. Allen, was fre- quently referred to as the beauty shop. The roster being as follows: Alice Melville, man- ager ; C S. Oakes, talker; E. F. Brown, lecturer: Fred Brown, electrical. The rest being Miss Warner, (Miss Burnett, Babe Koh- ler. Al. Brown, Karl Nevltt and Joe Morgan. Joe J. Conley is In Leavenworth, Kan. Joe J. what Is the name of the new device, and who docs it go with? "Shooting the Chutes." ■Mr. and Mrs. Walter F. Stanley gave a Thanksgiving dinner to a party of friends, at the La Grand iHotel, Kansas City, Mo., on that day, at 3.30 p. m. They proved to be adepts In the art of entertaining and feed- ing the inner man. The table groaned under tho weight of choice viands. Wine flowed like the perennial brook, and no one missed a bubble. Covers were laid for twelve. Those present in addition to the host aod hostess were: M. B. Colligan, Mrs. M. E. Colllgan, Al. G. Campbell, L. Claude Myers, John P. Martin, W. J. (Doc.) Allmann, B. C. Elgin, George Elser and William Judkins'Hewitt. ' Get the advertising habit. Don't stand in line with anyone. Take the initiative. Be a leader. Lew Hose.—How is burlesque 7 Is it better than car-nlv-allng? Best regards to H. B. (Punch) Wheeler. • J C. Wodetsky. —Why the so abrupt clos- ing of the one you were with? J. C, are you slaying out all Winter? A line, please. Divid Lachmann says L«ehmnnn-lewls may stay out all Winter. Well, David, we will say cne thing for you fellows, you do know Texas. Mrs. Davipi Lachmann and her horse, Teddy, the wonder, are soon to open for a tour ovt one of the big vaudeville circuits. Let's have some news from the Sound Amusement Co. and the Pacific Coast fellows. Thanks. H. C. Wilbur, for your support. Come again. __. It looks like the Dam Celebration, long contemplated at Austin. Tex., will, in 1015, become a reality. Watch the "Little Giant.; L. J. Lindell, the concessionaire, passed through Kansas City lost week en route from Ilenumont, Tex., to Chicago, where he will Winter. Carl La Dare reports the best season so far for bis Panama-Canal Kxpositlon, which toured with Rice & Dorc up to the time of their closing at Montgomery. Ala. The tent Is seventy feet long. The canal model Is sixty-five feet. Six miniature bntt'c ships of tho U s - Navy type are used In front as a bally-bo. It Is a show for a fact. The rosier as follcws: Car: La Dare, owner and manage.-: B, E. England, tnlkcr; George Parson lecturer: N. G. Daniels and Mrs. Carl La Dare, ticket sellers; J. O. Casldy, electrician, prd F. Nichols, canvasmnn. When space permits the top Is enlarged by the addition of a centre piece. There will be an Increase In the number of Moose celebrations In 1015. Those Moose fellows are waking up to one of tbc good things In amusements. W. C. HDMSNM In now In Dnvenport, la., in charge of the World at Home Winter quarters. W. C. makes his headquarters at the Columbia Hotel, Dan MrGugln's place, which !s the real carnival stopping placo when In thnt city. Rick A Dorb'b Pit Show, which is under the direction of B. II. Mclntyre, is top, 120 feet front, 137 feet: ten pits. The troupe Is composed of the following: B. II. (lied) Mclntyre, manager and talker: John Dobltt, lecturer; J. B. Murphy and Carl Wagner, ticket sellers: J. C. Buchanan, human fish; Nellie Buchanan, snake chnrmnr: Henry Smith, electrician, and John Greece, canvas- man. I'lez Mclntyre, Ibe bright young son of B. II., Is with ft also. He Is his father's boss, so his mother says. II. II. (Fat) Duncan lays no claim to being a snake king. It. C. Elgin says strong stud poker gomes have changed many a man's route. He was going to California, his home. It. C. Is now 1(1 Knnsas City for the Winter, holding down A city position,, "Be Js trying, to teach the boys how to put sugar on raw oysters as well ss olives. Tom M. Warren, treasurer of the Con T. Kennedy Carnival, Is making his principal Winter home In Topeka, Kan. He was with the boys In Kansas City last week. Tom M. Is one of .(he real fellows. ' L. 0. -Hamilton. —Do not miss the Christ- mas Number of The New York Clipper. C. W. Parker writes: "Great things are transpiring. Busiest bunch you ever saw." Oct It. Wstch C. W. • * • Smith Greater Carnival will Winter In Augusta, Ga., as usual. They generally close the season Christmas week, which is proper, strictly proper. ' J. II. Johnson Is Wintering In Paolo, Kan. He quite frequently motors to Kansas City. J. II. Is to be among those present In . Chicago this week. - ~ - -. Habby B, Sutton, formerly with Jobn T. nackman,~an exposition talker of note, and known to many at Coney Island. N. Y., is now a burlesque actor of much promise. Harry B. Is known to burlesque as "Brad" ' Sutton, and with his talented wife, are among "ft? principals with Bluet Cooper's Itoscland Girls, and more than delivering. Caprice Is 'Mrs. 'Brad. They were In Kansas City last week, and met many of their friends in other lines of the profession of entertain- ment. T. J. (Tommy) Cannon left Kansas City, Friday, Nov. 27, for his ranch, near Okla- homa, City. He will move to Kansas City, where he will make his home In the future, and engage In a general amusement business. Upon his return to Kansas City ho will open offices. We wish T. J. success In his new venture. He says, watch for his announce- ment in the columns of Thb New York Clip- per. Special Notice.—iA11 mall or telegrams for William Judklns Hewitt (Bed Onion), nddress, until -further notice, earn Western Bureau New York Cupper, care Warren A. Patrick. 505 Ashland Block, Chlcngo. 111. "Bunch, send In your matter for tho Christ- mas Number as soon as possible. Let v* take care of you right." HOUSTON DEEP WATER JUBILEE, AN UNUSUAL CIVIC CELEBRA- TI0N-C A. WORTHAM PRO- VIDED EXCELLENT AND VA- RIED PROGRAM OF CARNIVAL AMUSEMENTS - "SLIPPERY GULCH" A BIG HIT . The Nb-tBU-oh deep water Jubilee, held In Hous- ton, Tex., from Saturday, Not. 7, to Monday, Nov. 16, inclusive, will go down in history as one of the most novel, diversified, omplete and merited- oui civic celebrations ever held In this country. Tira Houston spirit, bucked by some of the world's greatest entertainment, creative and artl*- tlc talent, coupled with civic pride and ample finance*, pat to a successful culmlnaton an event that will return to tba people of tbat community benefits that cannot lie reckoned by mere dollars and cents. , , Thb event was In honor of the completion of Houston's ahlp channel, which, after forty years' untiring effort on the part of Its public-nplrtted cltUeni, permitted tbat city to.nuke Us debut Into the maritime cltr cla»s. Thb celebration was natlon-wlde lu Its scope, of vital local Importance, and comtleta to the minutest detail. Othbb cities have poislldy had one feature or parade tt.n'. was an exceptional concentration and artistic achievement, In which the progenitor* exhausted every available recourse—but not ao with Houston. There seemed lo be no end to their Ineenulty and powera to properly carry out their every wish relative to there features. A PABisc was given each dar. The night was crowded and Oiled to overflowing with social happenings and popular entertainment. Thb press of the country has dealt at length upon the acopo and importance of the deep water jubilee, ao we will go Into the details that Interest and pertain to the profetslon of entertainment and to the carnival In particular. Rioht here it win not bo amlas to credit III jot Campbell, Tliomua Flagman, the managing director, and Mlltou L. Morris for the part they plaved In the aiiteers of the celebration. To Milton L. Morris, tbe secretary of the No-tau-oh. a word of r.Ta!*e muit be given for the untiring effort nut forth by htm in perfecting the detalla of this gigantic acbleveiuont. Kuom Mayor Campbell's mesaage to the cltlsens of Houston down to the final turning oil of lbs light* on tbe Jubilee grounds nothing was over- looked. 0. A. Wortham, known to the carnival world as the "Little Oiant," kept the contract made with the association for tbe carnival shows and concessions to the very letter, and more than delivered. List of which follows—they speak for themselves: ''he lUuelon Auditorium Is bounded by Milan f-tr<-et. and Texas nnd Capitol Avenues, on each side of which was an entrance to where the carni- val shows nnd conceasons were located, extending bick four city blocks to City Park Avenue. Tbe Capitol Avenue entrance was called "Tlckletown." the name of the Midway used last yenr. The en- trance on the Teias Avenue aide waa called "Jubi- lee Orour.da." The arches or entrance* were architecturally nothing to brag about. The light- ing of tho grounds was however fairly good. In addition to the shows loomed within the enclosure there wss a very handaomc, permanent exposition building tbat was used to display the "Made In Houston" and other nrodueta which were very complete In every particular. Besides there wa* the dog, eat and poultry show*, located In another part of the grounds In tents. Ktaiix hack of tbo Auditorium, running from Texas to Capitol Avenue, was the now famous "Slippery Gulch; or, the Days of "49" carnival aeniation. Over each entrance were tbe follow- ing signs: "Paas the Buck," "Sllpnery Gulch: or. the Days of '49;" "Bed Rooster's Big fun Show." The scene within was intended to por- tray a far Western settlement In tbe day* of '4u, In holiday attire, or a day after a big "Strike." The shows and riding; devices were: Wortham'* Hippodrome—H. B. Watbbum, man- ager. I.nca*' Katienjammcr Kastlo—George J. Lucaa, manager. Coghland'i Auto Motor Drome—Wm. Jay Cogh- lan, manager. Barnes' Parker Carry-Ua-All—J J. Barnes, manager. Wortham'a Big Ell Wheel—J. J. Barnes, man- ager. I.a Dare'a Panama Canal—Carl La Dare, man- ager. Kntchf* Tango Whirl (ocean Wave)—Jam** M, Knight, manager. Wortham'a Sinking of the "Titanic"—W. J. Warren and W. II. Hector, managers. I.jndTi Human Heart—Humphrey Lynch, man- ager. Maonev'N Electrical Tandem—JIHt 8. Mooney, manager. nice & Bore's Water Circus—Dick Davenport, ■at linger. Itlce k Dora's Pit Show—B. n. (Bed) Mclntyre, manager- Snake ott—O. n. Jones, manager. Rodger*' Trip to Mars—W. F. Rodger*, man- ager. The conccMtona and their owners or manager*: Turkey Wheel—I). M. Atwood. Country store Wheel—J. R. Iloimor. HnnvlHicen.—wan. Howlta. Novelties—Mrs, Oh*«. Fclnbeg. l'lllow Top* and Doll Wheel—(Fair Amusement Company) Chai. Lawrence. Japanese Rolling Ball— K. Kloka, Indian Swinging Italia—Steve Milorsno and Wm. Byrne. Indian Hulling Ball—Minnie Wnnlell. Rolling Ball—Paul Hunter. Percolator Wheel—W. K\ navls. Klcctrle Irons Hoop-I.n—Harry Lease. Caudy Fiona—Tony Spring and B. Moad. Spot thj Spot (Fair AniUJeiqcnt Company)— Joe Weinberg. Cider Mill—W. R. Fisher. Japanese Rolling Ball—tlrarge Shlnomyla. Photo PoatCarda—Jacn Hrevnlnljli. Dart Suootlng Ualler.r—Paul llunler. Flower Ball Oarac—Mrs. Arthur I<octuick, " miniature Race Track Candy Wheel—O. L. Branuan O. L CUoper^nd F. 11. Scott. Duck H.wpLa—JameS V-kJllKhi.. Cat Rack—"Roving Art" Tenut>>. *-" Jewelry Hoop-La—Muude Jameson. Ten Pin Ball Oarac—Mrs. Antra Water*. Cork Shoollng Gallery—Al. ltlnmeithai. Spot the Spot—air Amusement Company, Pop-Corn Wagon—S. C. Boner. Clothe* Pin Country Store—1>. Crosby. Roily Poly Huwliiu--J. K Hosmer. Spot the spot—Fair Amusement Oomnaaf, Knife Rnck—J. il. KtScT. Ccok House—J. C. McCnffery, Knife Kock—J. B. Miller. Photo i*o*t C*rdt—David AnMlbeTf. Palmistry—flrace Mclntyre. Country Store Wheel—Kd. Hoamer. Jnpuueae Vase Wheel—If. Kloka. Hat Hocp-L*—Frank Chevalier. Photo Post Cards— W. J. Banner, Hurkle Park Pillow Tops- --MorrU Rosttoana. Turkey Wheel—D. M. Atwnul. Soft Drinks and Lunches—W. David Conn. Kleetrlc Irons Hoop-La—Harry I.en»e. Rolling Ball—Paul Hunter. Duck Hoop-La—James M. Knight and Ira Spy- ker. Rnby (llasi Wheel—W. R. Koch. Doll Wheel (Fair Amustuik-nt Outniiany)—Sam- uel (lluskln. Candy Ilton-La—Curtis Inland. Feather Fktwura>—-Mrs. Curtis Ireland. Race Horse C.iti'lr Wheel—Curtis Ireland. Salt Holer TunTy—Ibuii J. Nnrralle. Pillow Top Wheel—I'"alr Amusement Company. Japanese China Wheel—K. Kloka, Mill Itaco Fishing Fond—J. K. Honner. Japanese Clgnrette Shooting Gallery—K.Kloka. Gypsy Palmistry—iMIunlo Stanley. Cat Rack—C. A. Gabon. Helmet Hoop-La—Fair Amusement Company. Ruby (Haas Wheel—W. R. Koch. Knife Ruck—Mra. Win. Jay Coghlan. Japanese Ten IMns—I, Klr-hlno. Doll Wheel—Fair Amusement Company. Dirt nailery—L. Llndell. Novelty Ebnotlng Oallery—L. Llndell, Pop Corn Wagon—H. (I. Dufns. JapaneiK Vasn Wheel—George If. Honda and George Shlnomyla. Cues* Weight Scales—Hen Morrison. Fishing Amusement Devlora (two) — Prevjey Brothers. Gipsy Palmistry—Math Stanley. Him and Bacon, Wheel—D. M. Atwood. Lunch Counter—J. S. Keller. Canity Wheel—Arthur 1 o.Oi-ack. Spot the Spot—Mlko Zelgler anl Mr*. 8. B. K4HB, Koll Down—Johnny Ksnwnil. Palmistry—R. O. (Doc De Shields. '^Slippery Gulch j or, tbe Days of '40" lad lev- eral concosrlons within Its village limits, such aa: Candy Whtel—J. D. McDcnnott and (Ins Wondall; Doll Wheel (Fair Amusement Company), Harry Dere; flypsy Palmistry, Viola Wagner; Turkey Wheel, D. M, Atwood; Jingle Jingle, Mr*. D. M. Atwood. Hari'BNiNOs before, during and after the No- tsu-oh Deep Waler Jubilee with obeervatlona and criticism* auliod. F.d. Cooi'E* closed with tbe Gentry Bros.' Bbows during their Houston engagement, and remained for Ibe big doings. He was seen showing anyone who cared to know "flow to apot the spot." C. A. Wostium lias a wonderful jiersonal fol- lowing, aa atteated by tbe foregoing line-up of ■bows and concession*. Ho never say* no when anyone needs help of sny kind. Ahono those present In Houston during the Deep Water Jubilee: George Anagoitlros, Harold Bucker. M. B. Presiey. Ned Stougbton, John Al* inlander Pedltt, Manning B. Plets. D'ck Weaton, W. K. Havla, Harold Buaheo. Cbas. O. Kllpat- rick, W, J. Rogera, W. M. Williams. Wm. Jay Coghlan, t (eve- A. Wood*, Ned Stougbton, Mrs. Steve A. Wooda, Tom W. Allen. Ml*. Tom W. Allen, George Penilarvls, Guy H. Cookaey, Klmer Collins. David Lachmann, Chne. M. Nlgro, H. H. Danville, Boble Gold, C. Daacom Faulkner. Will T. Parker, Dan J. Lunl, Mtrle rot-,. George F. McCarthy. Lloyd Nevada, (Thai. Felnberg, Frank Ceplon, T. II. Galther, V. 8. I.egett, I. L. Peyser, ■Irs. I. L. Peyser, Mr*. Harry J. f-ewla. Mr*. David Lachmann, Maude Jamcron, Mr*. Wm. J. Cogulan, Barney Pratt, A. A. Powers, Frank J. Noelhen, Curley King, B, II. (Red) Mclntyre, Dick Davoniwrt, Frank L. Cort*y, Mr*. Prink L. Corbey, Dot Oorbey, W. David Cobn, W. A. (Snake) King, D. M. Atwood, II. It. Jeraey, Sam S. Sollnakey, Sims Knllnskey, A. II. Drown, Mrs. A. H. Brown, John Wortham. II. B, Wash- turn, Carl La Dare, J. J. Hamcs. John Rbule, Pan! Hunter, Bain Gluakln. Charles Lawrene*, D. 0, McDanlel. James M. Knight, Cu-tla Ireland, Mr*. Curtla Ireland, Wm. Snyder, Al. O. IMelda, 1. 8. Snapp, Barney S. Gerety, GeoTge Oalahui, BaroeyPratt, Harry Wllker, W. J. Kchoe, Z. A. Auger, Thos. J. Foley, II. H. slyers. Harry no*- fer, A. A. Hatcher, Harry Russell, Arthur Hsr- nett, "Rovng Art" Tenney. W. J. (Doc) All- mann, Al. G. Campbell, Will G, Jones. Mrs. Will O. Jones. Plain Dave Morrla, Whale Oil Gus. Little Muudy, Harry Dote, It. L. Pbenla, George W. Falrley, J. II. Harney, Dtta I^ulaa Blake, 1'resi g. Kempf, Irving A. Kempf, Wil- liam Warren, A. H. Iliuktey, M. 8. Bod- kin, Jake Davla, Milt 8. Mooney, 0. Baaoom Faulkner. Don O. Stovenaon, II. II. Panvl-lc, Al. Tlnrh. Olioa. Finch. Chaa. M. Nlgro, Del da'diier, J. Ge-orito !-oo». O. M. Padgett, George Lucaa, Barry Hoefer, M. W. Savage, Fred Reed, Thos. Kunta, J. J, Mealey, (Irnrge Rebuilt, I/ml* Ilerach, Cha*. nickel!, Cy Oranford, Jaks Stm-k- raan, R. F. Halke, Doc II. P. Blcate. Turn Smith, Jiiry C.irdona. Mrs. Terry Cnrdona, Tex Shea, Mahle Shea, Loyd Nevadn, I'eno White (Hsllo Nats) 8ke*t Jarard, W. J. Rogera. Cleorgc F. Mc- Carthy, Doc Ilesser, K. 11, Horemui, B. 0. Mont, Ambrose Kennedy, Bam Flenlierj. Manning II. Plets, W, K. Ilavls. George Stuene, W. t> Mc- Clunaban, W. F. Rogers. De I>od Thompson, Win. Dyer, Barnestlne La Rose. Forrest Fay, Alvln Fay. Basle Fay, J. B. Miller, and several hun- dred more, was there ever audi a large and representative gathering <f carnival folks? Not that wo know of. It waa a immt harmonious gathering Much to the credit of them each, everyone! and all. Tnsi nnreka Laundry, of nouston. was enter- pr.i-ng enough, we are pleased to so*/, to take tho exclusive advertising prlvllego on tbe bark of the "Bu^ks" — tho specie In trail"? use-el by tho "Bank of Slippery Gulch.'' Many hundreds of thousand* of "Bucks" were used. We think A. A. Powers made the laundry se-< It hi* way. If to, he 1* entitled. Wat»h 'em copy. Lucas ranged in valuo from one hundred to one thousond. The press of Houston accepted Ibe "Hllppe-ry Ou.rh; or. Days of '40" ns the one carnival nov- el ty of the year and gavo It untold nublle-lty. In fact, 77.o i'oal and Chronicle proved flint they were for and with the Deep Water Julilles- from start to finish In everything they did. That Is the way for the public press lo handle all civic celebrations. Why con not tho rtess of some other cities do likewise for events that are In- tended for tbo good of "he eltiea In which they an making their profits? Get alac, newapaper men, Williams' Mamle<—Wm. M. Williams, manager. W. Fafrley, rcrneger Falrley's Fllllplno Midget*—George Kempf* Model City—Fred 8. Kempf, manager. Point's Pit Show—John Alexander Polltt. man- ager. Blake's Miracle Show—J. H. Harvey, manager. Snyder'* Tiger lull's Wild West—M. 8. Bodkin, manager. Rbule'* Flea Clrcna—John Rhnle, manager. Klass' Tit Show—Max Klaas, manager. Wortham'* Crystal Tango Mate—Ohas. G. Kit- Patrick, manager. Wartuatu's Pit Show—John Wortham. manager. Fay'* Arabia Horse Show—W. K. Ilavls, man- ager. Slippery Gulch; or. Ibe Day* «* ' «*> a t Power*, manager, J. J. BaaNIs wilt Winter In Ssn Antonio. Tex. Tub O. A. Wortham Carnival left Houston for Beaumont. Tex.. Tuesday. Nov. 17. Sonw train. Fsso B. (IfAffi) Howls*, as Soft Water Pete, acnjnltteel himself admirably as the manager of Calamity Jane'a dance! hnll In Sllpiiery Gulch. He did bole I In- part Ciias. Lawukni'K, Ham Heleh nnd several other* of the f'ulr Aiiiuwement Company, snlle-d from Calvestem to NVw York, Sstunlay. Nov. 21. Hoimifc llof.ii passed through Houston in routs from HhrMveporl to Navaaots. Tex,, to Join Mas**, Wlckwlre's -Motordrome, with Laeltmame & Lewis, for the Winter scastMi. Weiao rrat-heel Houston that R, L. (Bob) Oar- roll wa* tn Hhrevejiort, and declined to have any carnival wished on him this Winter. UBaom A, Sum dfcpflbt |how up it Houston as waa expected. Ilia duties In connection with the Texas Cotton Palare detained him In Waco. HonasT C. Lb tltiBMo did not frame up hi* earnlval In Shrevcport aa he planned to do. 'II. B. Danville reeclved a letter from him, *aylng he waa In lleauuwnl, Tex., up a tree, Now tbat la an unusual place for a carnival agent to be, you must admit. Gaeiaaa W. ano W. J. (DUTBT) Roraaas decided that they wanteel sotno place to hunt and fish after the aesann close 1 *. So, on Tuesday, Nor. 10, they planted themselves In the middle of a high' powered louring car and start*.I nat to look for said place. When between L.i Porte and Seabronk, elghty-flvc miles from Hous- ton, the car ilrchleM to act bad, and at once left the road and turned over with them. George W. waa badly shaken up, and W. J. had bla ar :i very Kilty fractured, which will keep b'm fm.i iv.rimnl lalor for some time. It came very near being a fatal mlslmp. The Onion Is sorry, very aorry for Denfy. a* uo (0,110* fro'ii his hum timii In Virginia, auU he don't not like to have litui detained from work. No. sail. A'ln Ktocohton receives! wont from his home town. Falls City, Ne-ti.. that It was high and dry now. Cheer up, Nerd, many a fellow's home town la tbat way now. John Gasvit la atlll with the Southern Amuse- ment Company. - m. ... UarbT TMMBW. of* the nice A Dure Water Carnival, JunipeV! ft°m Montgomery, Ala., til Houston, to be with 'enL Harry promise* to give the readers of Thb Saw VoflK CmTtx* some real choice acandal. That boy Trimble has went me during bla star In the carnival game. Shitii TvBNaa.—lie was mighty busy at atl times. He did nit knoctti where he would Winter •—but we made a gura*, "Chicago," aa usual. Whalb int. Gus aho I.iTTi.s MuNiiv, "f John A. Point's pit show were there In all their glory. They claim eighty-one columns In tbe newspa|>e<rs, this season, as their portion of the publicity given to the various people* with the C. A. wortham Carnival. Got to admit, right off the bat, tbat that Is anm. publicity for a single act. Job WBi.MiKart claims that Houston waa tbe biggest "spot," this season, for bis S|iot the Spot. Joe claims some exclusive*. "Babnbt Puatt." —Permanent visitor. Is some- thing to clslm. J. O. McCsffrey says, "that's right." Tttsr bad everything on In Houston hut Jim McFadden. Get It. you fellows of the early daya. B. M. I Dick I Oner, of Denlson. Tex., did not stay long In Houston. He was busy. Guar. Hasi-ox Kaut.knbh sends his regards from the Southern Amusement (Vuiininy to all his friends over the world through the columns of Thb di.ii Hxi.iaiii.k, Milt. S. Moiinkt relumed to his home In San Antonto for the Winter, on Wednesday. Nov. Hi. Milt 8. will make many .'Iterations and Improve- ment* In hla electrical tandem team this Winter. It Is a imst extraordinary street display. Thos. Fni.Br. tho past season apeclal agent for Lawrence Oliftem Kclley. •ntne down to Hous- ton from Fort Worth, lo be with the l»y« at Houston during the doing*. Thos. live* In lloits- tcn, and he said "Hero I shall remain for the Winter." Make a bet h? la out on Ihei road ts'fort» New Year'a Day. Such restlen* people. They must be active. Wm. Jat Conui.AN made more than good with bis Auto Motor Drome all seuwoi. Jiiin Albxaniikb I'oi.itt ha* regained hla health fully. John Alexander isys: "Me for the Pacific Coast expositions u:ul *hat very aooii." Ob, tbose I'xjxialliunie. Sum magnet. Tub Christmas NtimlK-r of Tits New Tons: CLitTBa was the subject of much talk. All of them declared themselves for Tier 0i,» For this we thank thorn. Without tho support of tlirai sll nothing could lie aecniiplblioel for their gocd, "Buneh, kis'i> up the good work you are eleilng. Do not tie misled. Choovo right, act with the winner. Thb "Bucks" were niaile out of very heavy llren paper. Write A, A. Powers ; he will most likely send you some hundred thousand or so. IlAaar Huatraa, special SBent for 0. A. Worth- am, wa* very busy for hi* boss. He weet lo Cuero. Hi rrv say* home In Qulncy, 111,, after It Is all over this aeason. A. 7, Avon wa* there but could not bo located after the Drat ftw days. That boy li one of tbe agent*. GBOBilB C. Johnson left Houston for Hot Spring*, Ark., to remain, he aaya, for a few weeks. Front, there he plana lo go to .Han F'an- cl*co for the Winter and next season. It Is most likely he will have an attraction at tho ranama-Paelflc Reposition. Ills friend, J, N. Wlaner, I* already there, (leorgo O. left his home In Kaiisa* City about nine week* ago to make the fieuihern tour. W. K. -Havis savs hack to tho Pacific Coast when the veoson closes In Cuero, Tex, C A Wcutham Carnival close* the season at Cuero, Tex, on Saturday, Dec, B, and ships at onre to Winter iiuarler* In Ssn Antonio. Taut Skua. Mabel Shea, Msrle Cola and Dan J. Lund were among the ex-carnlval folks playing at local theatres In Houston during the celebra- tion. IIabbt B. Button once lived In Houston. He Is noma property owner thore now. Win, T. Pabkbb, brother of O. W„ now an ex-sliowman and big real csiatu owner ami otierator of Houston, visited all the boys ami wished them well, GBuaoa STxnus, of the C. A. Wortham Carni- val, will Winter In Ssn Antonio. Plain Davb Mousih called lilmse-lf a merchant during tho wee'k. Plain Dave Bald he exis'cteel to have a good season In luin, at which time he would make some money. Wo are for him. Always for tho real fellow* W. F. (Dxarr) ReienssH anii Miih, lloorns were there. They expected to Winter lu sotno Ha stern city. Probably New York. Da Loin Thompson, the Intrepid aviator, waa billed to give exhibition flight* at tho baseball park, but for some reason no night* were given, Tbe rain and extremely small field li given aa two of tbe reasons for no nights. De Loyd Thompson la one of the very brett exhibition flyer* in all tho world, and hi* failure, tn fly was eiiilte a disappointment to aviation eiilliiiHliists In Hous- ton, Tiiosa of you who promised sdvertlslng for the Obrlitmaa Number uf Tub Nxw Yoiik Cut- ■■as, please send In the copy feir It at once, and help to avoid the rush at tbe lust minute before, going to picas. Thoxika, fellows, for yonr atten- tion. Send It In direct to the publication oltlcp, at tho last moment, it you can not And time to get Hie cony ready today. Do tho best you can. We wit] do the same fur yon. Howe nuuilx-r, innret than waa promised. Do not Is- left out. Wiiana arc you now? You were In Houston? No matter where, wo trust you are doing line, and making lots of money, llAiiur IHiiik, malinger of the Rice A Dure, aald the Water Circus nnd Pit Show would re- turn to Winter (luarlers, In MeHitgoniery, Ala. at tbe close of Iho Soutlieast Tenia Fnlr. nt Beaumont. We guess It Is now In the Alab.-iuic city, nicely atored away until next season. Hell ., Pete Cell a. RiflB & Dona and C. A. Worfhain have nrrnc of the best cue] classiest taper that any cnrnlvi-l ever had. Many walls nnd tsiiireliv in Illusion worn rovere-d with It. "Circus ejneons of the Deep Blue Hen. America'* premier nmiiseiiii-nt orunnlzn- thai." Sounds good. Was good. I'Aitt. HitNTKB went with Doll O. Htevensnti tt Klngsvllle. 'IVx., with some nf his eone'i'sHlons. Where did Minnie Wiirdell nnd Johnny Ksuiitod go? Mrs. Johnny 1* at her borne In Detroit for Hi! Winter. J. J. Babnbs pulled nrr a nlc- stunt nt the close nf the Houston eiignjj'-neiit. Hi! made nil of his cirrv-ua-all help a presenl of a suit of rlothe**, lint and shoes, In e-omiiie.iisirtitlori of their fulthru' service* nil season. Nothing like showing what you think of your help. J. JT, you did sisnethlng somo other* might we-ll do. will liet J. J. Barnes will not want for efficient help at r.ny time, He knows bow tn treat Ills men. I.e. to NkTAiiA lias somo i'oiie"sslon wllb Don C. Stevensem. tMyti was one of Die- Mnln Strce't mcrchanti* during the l>ee>w Water Jubilee. Cha*. and Ham FiKNiiihiu, who bud sotno con- cessions v/th Con T. Iveiiiu-dy, had somo at the cell diratlim, located on Hie principal streets—flvo tliere were. dins, ami Ids n*s*tui!ts went to New Orleans, where- Ibey will Winter ns usual. Ham left for Fes It li>. Wash. Al.. G. C'xiffiRi.i, left I lorn ton fur Knnsa* Oltv, Lsnrssli-f, Mo.. I'nlrliury. Neb., ntcl Chicago, Al. G. I* In Chlengu this week, attending tbe fair managers' meeting. W. J. (Dim:. I Am.mann left Houston for Kan- sas (Illy, Lancaster. Mo., and Clili-ngo. He Is among those- present there this wee'k. A, II. Hahki.kv returned to his liwiie In Kansas City. flmhHK F. .MiWabtiiv le-ft for Knstern Cities, He Is Hie mnungrr of Ikille-ttn, the midget lady. Home altractloii, some frame-up. Ilolletn did not Jilay Houston. George F. where are you now? j£JE*1 ?*" * 0II « CUff»B heir fwoji yoa. CbrirtmBi li emiat,