The New York Clipper (December 1914)

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December 5 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. BURLESQUE NEWS PENS C1RCT1T. Cnlontown. Pa.—Monday. Solsson, Connellsvllle, Pa.—Tuesday, Cambria, Johnstown, 1'a.—Wednesday. Mlshler. Altoona. Pa.— Thursday. MiJ«atlc, Harrlsburg. Pa.'— Friday. Academy, Reading, Pa.— Saturday. Barton Circuit. THE PRIMA DONNAJ)F TO-DAY. PJT Wll. socni. Wbit has become of toe prima donna of jester- day—the prima* donna of the yesterday of bur- lesque—who atood before ua In silken tight, ud Folly Borlcaquera—CWeon, Newark, H. J., JO- spangles, to daaale the eye and make the blood run warm? Dec. G. Uncle Swr'i Belles, Majestic, Indianapolis, 30 Dec. 6. Merry, Prospect, New York, 30-Dec. 5. BURLESQUE ROUTES. - Columbia Wheel. . ■ Al Reeves Show (Irving Bogle, mgr.)—Palace, Baltimore, 20-Dec S, Oayely, Washington, 7-. * 12 -■. -. .. American Bejutles (Loo Epatein, mgr.)—Bronx, N I.. 30-Dec. 5, lay off 7-12. Behman Show (Jack Singer, mgr.)—Hurtlg & Seamen's N. Y., 30-Dec. S, Phila. T-12. Bon Tons (Frank McAleer, mgr.)—Orpheum, Pafr erson. 30-Dec. 5. Casino, Brooklyn. T-12. Tili Ju'jllee (Maurice Jacobs, mgr.)—Gaiety, Min- neapolis. 30-Dec. 5. Star, S. PsaJ, 7-12, Ben Welch's Own Co,(Harry. Shapiro, mgr.)— Gayey" Ml'-wantee,"So-Dee. 5, Chicago 7-12. Beauty Parade (Ed. Sch.efer, mgr.)—Qajety, Pittsburgh, 30-Dec. 5, Star, Cleveland, 7-12. Bower/ Burirsqucrs (Bob eohen, mgr.)—Star, St. Paul, 30-Dec. 5 Oajety, Mllwauke, T-12. Billy Wntton'. Big Show (Billy Wataon, mgr.)— Hartford and Albany, 30-Dec 5, Bronx, N. Y., 7-12. • Carnation Beauties (Sam Robinson, mgr.)—Al- bany and Hartford 30-Dec. S, Gaiety, Boston, 7-12. Minna mm* ".lot" p„tt«i .** !>«<, changed, and so has burlesque and Its prima College Girls (Max Spiegel, mgr.)— Empire, m^SSmtt OKliJSFLES? 3*EF£ donnas. rooklyn. SC-Dec. S, ""ay off 7-12. i%nwS% shew rt.t has rJuSed th i Murray T °''« T we And the soccessful prim, donna of Hill this season, Thanksgiving week. The routine burlesque the possessor of a much more elaborate of tie thow is somewhat choppy, due to the wardrobe than many a star of lee lesltlniatc loslug of the story right after the opening, but st ***- .. E ?" e mu * 1 bave. flow™—new. "tunning CITY BELLES. Book 20 Olio 100 RATING. Somber* Scenery 10O 100 Principals] 100 Chorns 100 She has completely disappeared. She has be- come extinct on the burlesque stage. There was a day when prima donna, of bur- leaqne attractions were Judged ou face and form. They could wear tights. But possessed of the Tolce of a Mary Garden, if the prima donna of yesterday could not wear tights she bad little chance of becoming prima donna of a burlesque, attraction. The burlesque manager, h.d It figured out that their offering, most first please the eye. What the audience could feast their eye. upon meant much of the success of their offering. What Comedy tbey beard from the stage was a secondary con- OS ildetatloo. But times have changed—audience. have Co.tames 100 Brooklyn. 3C-Dec. 5, lay Dreamland Burlesquers (Bob Travers, mgr.) Lay off 30-Dec. 0, Gayety. Minneapolis, 7-12. Date Marlon's Own (lay Grods, mgr.)—West- llton, mgr.)—Gayetr, 'Thus^-Two'Vay's'" la nobody cares. ether knees She has really become" all that W I 'H" , 40-Dec. 5, Gaiety, Pittsburgh, "7. C al bnrlesqSe entertalnmem Is? anTconsideYlng ,ta n f v T. Pr '^S^^ T^wnite^'ihen'^irD.n,* 12. the old line of cooiedv liidnlaril In hi Oreen and * walking model—first In anlte, men pcrnaps. Gaiety Girls (Jacobs & Jermon, mgrs.i-Caslno, Brown? the two^E bC nicety and leare. a «» «"*»• tni *'* ,"", cnT }$ a on ,Uc '" , act Boston, 30-Dec. 5, Columbia, N. V. 7-12. ^ most satlafoctory taste after the rL" number! • ""j*^ tgan ,B ?.""""', ^ „. . „ 1 e„. Ginger Girls (Joe Hurtlg. mgr.)—Columbia. New The action of the "nest day" oasseTwithin A ''" *" n . **>. lt ""! ,U n "', m0 1 ? n . t ru,n ,'°. r York, 30-Dec. 5. Orpheum, Paterson. T-12. Eellly's Music Publishing House and -lie ?i a »• hurlesqu.' prima donna to come forth In n str'k- Girls of the Gay White Way (Dave Gordo... mgr.) etaten is .tarjeu on uriicr cverv m"nute there- H snd Uutlful gown to warble a selection from —Empire. Ptllt., 30-Dec. 5, Empire, Itobuken, after. In tteflrst number "Ob M,• Km ••' Sam ""> Boheme." Tlie of yesterday would 7-«T Green gets extra laughs it['alterniicfv ".iraMlni" n "« left Jh c ,h ™ ,re before " bo h! " , '"\"« l » l «?. Globe Trotter. (Wash Martin, mgr.)-^..lno, ff.%?? K«^f^ to'^lnftne "P» X^&L^J^ZT^Zl make Phlla.. 30-Dec. 5, Palace, Bnltlmore, 7-12. choru. alone, by requests front the audience* a crowded audience In * Colurabli 'Theatre maw Gypsy Maids (Wm. V. Jennings, mgr.)—Empire, Mae Alberta, who makes a most ,iellle "kiddie" » P rm » u0 . ,n *_» ln * » "'"-I" 10 " 11 * na * °<* r » nam ' Toledo, 30-Dec. 5. Chicago 7-12. of a soabrette, lead. "Beautiful Dancing Dolls," ber four tlmes. in.t.nce that GirU of the Moulin Rouge (Hurtlg & Seamon, with the chorus in pink pajamas aud Uer clean _ A * a ,!}} r c JL™{ 1*, . ^L™i™t $'hSEJSii mgrs.)—Eaglewood, Chicago, 30-Dec. 5, Gaiety cut little self attired In a lscey combination suit. """,•■ n t p ™^f,' *1 d ,Vl , "?"„™ f„ nnhnrffSi Detroit, To! It Is a atrong number, and she work. In It pleas- » ' ,r J kl .1 8 'i , ?. p JJ„ 0 M™ «iiJ.r,?iiE met Vnd Gay New Yorkers (Jake Goldenberg. mgr.)—Em- Ingly, out the "kissing of brave ones" from toe 'J <* ho »•"•*« r * ?"° ," h '5^"Z a ,'K KcV th., pire, Newirk, 30-Dec. 5, Phlla. T-12. audience is a bit overdone. The "scrap" bit in fblch Is doubtles. .espora^Ie tm r the fact. thjt Girls from Happyland (Geo. H. Harris, mgr.)— one of the bores, by plant. (Mrs. Wheeler and todaT flnda hundreds of wornen enjoylng burlesque Special Announcement! il mm — .. r •»•• .. Wish to Announce my approximate retirement from my Big Beauty Show. Wilbur Dobba, the well known German Comedian is playing my Part and with all due respect to every one who has ever played the Part Mr. Dobbs is in a class by himself. Credit must also be given to Sammie Wright, Collins and Rice, Austin and Blake, Helen Western and Miller and Smith for playing their respective Parts in great shape, and to twenty-eight of the handsomest Chorus Women on the American Stage, ! f»'» YOUR OLD PAL, AL. REEVES. 7-12. he kissed." gets orer with a crash, with the , To , bo "2 »" y , K*3?J2S? Jm nft„,« Happy Widows (Fennessy & Herk, mgrs.)—Prln. couple's "leaving the theatre." Mis. Alberta shapely women, but fhaiiely women »'" no . ,on «"J ceil St. Louis, 30-Dec? 6, Gaiety, Kansas City, also leads the "At the Ball" number In the flrst S5F E birlesque show to success. And MM 7-12. . part, In a fresh looking blue knee length dreas. ">'» wonderful, change has come about for the Hosermoon Girls—Gaiety, Detroit, 30-Dec, 8, and the chorus showing up well In pink fleshings and light blue satin Jackets and hats. Mae is a cute and corking hard worker, but she would be more enjoyable dropping the childish lingo while singing. May Brown makes a stunning looking, well- dressed prima donna, and leads "Tampa Bay" In One vole?, assisted by the chorus In blue, span- gled, knee-length costume and red flcxhlngs. It Is • Gaiety, Toronto, Can., 7-12, Hastings' Big Show (Harry Hastings, mgr.)— Gaiety, Toronto. 30-Dec. 5, Gaiety, Buffalo, N. Y., 7-12. Liberty Girls (Alex. 'D. Gorman, mgr.)—Colum- bia, Chicago, 30-Dec. 5, Princess, St. Louis, 7-12. Loremakers (Sam Howe, mgr.)—Casino, Brooklyn, 80-Dec. 5. Hurtlg ft Seaman's, New York, T-12. Million Dollar Dolls (Ira Miller, mgr.)—Gaiety, - Montreal, 30-Dec. 5. Albany and Hartford 7-12. Prize Winners (A. Pearson, mgr.)—i.ay off 30- ■ Dec. 5, Westminster, Providence, 7-12. Roseland Olrla (Walter Greaves, mgr.)—Gayety, Omaha, 30-Dec 6, lay off 7-12. Rose Sydell's (Horry Thompson, mjrr.)— Empire, Hoboken, 30-Dec. 5, Empire, Brooklyn, 7-12. Bosey Potey Girl. (P. 8. Clark, mgr.)—Gaiety, Kansas City, SO-Dec. 6, Gaiety, Omaha. 7-12. Social Maids (J. J. Llebermann, mgr.) —Syracuse and Utlca 30-Dec. 6, Gaiety, Montreal, 7-12. Btar and Garter (Frank Welsberg, mgr.)—Lay off 30-Dec 5, Empire, Newark. 7-12. Trocaderos (Prank S Pierce, mgr.)—Gaiety. Bos- ton. 30-Dec.' 5, Hartford and Albany 7-12. Winning Widows (Louis Gilbert, mgr.)—Olympic, Cincinnati, 80-Dec. S. Empire, Toledo. 7-12. Watson Slaters' Co. (Max Spiegel, mgr.)—Star, Cleveland, 80-Dec. 6, Olympic, Cincinnati, T-12. Columbia Wheel—Added. Auto Girls 'Teddy' Slmonds, mgr.)—Nixon's. At- lantic. City, fO-Dec 3, Blnghamton and Sche- nectady 7-12. - • Broadway Girls (Bob Gordon, mgr.) — Savoy, HamlUou. 30-Dec. 3, Cadillac, Detroit, 7-12. Bohemians (Tom Miner, mgr.)—'Empire, Cleve- ■'- lead, 30-Dec. 5, Victoria, Pittsburgh. 7-12. prima donna of burlesque, so is It coming to the burlesque comedian, nnd to-morrow will find tills Individual unable to provoke laughter by other than legitimate means, for the selticr Inttle and the slap-stick will no lunger relgn and the fun- maker must depend upon sheer wit and cleverness fot laughs rather than nl. ability to fall or be knocked down forty limes at evey performance. Burlesque I. becoming more legitimate every DON'T OVERLOOK The fiirt that I am aicnla with THIS ri.HTKH. the real i.ihkt for burleaiiaeri, nnil cntlmi* sent to me will ree«-lTO prompt and proper attention. SAM W. MITNICK ANOTHER WEDDING. Al. Wilier, one i<( the irlnelpnla of ttao Wat- sou Slater. !>>,, and JsssjJ III lie Mowrey, n mem- ber of the clmr.iH wllh the same org.ii.lsnllon, were lunrrkMl Friday night, Nov. 2T, ou (tie stage' of the Gajely, 1'llt.hurg.i, Pa., at the conclusion of the eviulng performance. The Itev. J. Mi'K.v, of that city, performed the ceremony. A s|Mpelnl stnge aettiiig .van mieil. and palms, dowcra, cvergr'ien. end iniiltl-^olurcd lights, with the entire company assenrblcd, umdu . Iw.intlful and liuprrMslve picture. Special mimic had been ■rrniiged l.y Clius. Kuehlir, of the com- pany, Aa the inlntriier pronounced the couple '•nun and wife," n shower of rice, shoes. I'll-., TAKING IT EASY. Lllllo Vedder, who waa wllh the Tiowery Dut- camo from all pari, of "ihi stage, us wiirii. tliu lesQuers tills season, la In Brooklyn, N. Y., taking boxes un I nrcheslm, life' easy. Her Injured knee Is rouuduig to in good shape, 1 s SOME DlHE. At the closo of tbu ceremony, tlm company mem- bers and hulled gue.ts retlnil to the Inseinnit of the ibeatre, where Manager Kiirtsman, of l!i. Oayely, .ml ileo. lielfruge. manger of i!u> Wat- son Slaters' (!n., limt n repast of re- and Clarke put an extra good finish to It by quartetttng two repeats. Juat before the Onal ensemble number, a "Clown Baud" bit', by the male members of the company, made a great big bit, with Charlie Brown as leader and Sam Green working the bass drum. The olio Is a good/one and starts with sons* end dances by Bernle Golden and Edward Clark. The boys are using rather worn numbers, but get them over well. Mile. Masle (who is Naomi Wheeler when she Is from nnder a naxen-bued wig) Is one of the features of the show In her three dances In tbo oik). Her first I. a toe dance, In a pink ballet cos- tume; her second a lively Spanish dance with tambortne. In a pretty effect of white, and as a final, Is cuoBt graceful In a "Dance of Spring," bare of foot ami limb. In a filmy white dress. Mile. Maile Is a "bit of grace," and classes more "by herself" than many other so-called "special danseuses." Between her dances the curtain is raised and groups poses of first nine, then seven, and a final one of fifteen girls in pink Union suits, are shown. A great array of well-formed girls, and nary a move by nny of them was no- ticed during the trio of "living pictures." The Musical Yerdls (Charles, Sam and Ernest) played trios on the xylophone, French boras. Big Review (Harry P. Dixon, mgr.)—Blnghamton cornets and a rack full of bells in harmony. The and Schenectady 30-Dec. 8, Corinthian, Koch- boys are clever musicians, and offer their selec- ester 7-12, tlons with showmanship grace. Beaaty,' Youth and Folly (Louis Stark, mgr.)— David Klndler closed the olio part of the show Lay off SO-Dec. S, Gaiety, Baltimore, T-12. . vrltb bis usual success, billed "The Whistling Big Sensation (Morris Walnstock, mgr.)—Vic- Blot." Klndler Is worth all sorts of credit for torla, Pittsburgh, 30-Dec. S, Penn Circuit T-12. being a whistling entertainer, but besides all that City Belles—Academy, Jersey City, N. J., 80- he has a good personality and works up his nam- Dec. 5 lay off T-12. oers with clever illustrating business of expres- City Sports (R. E. Pat ton, mgr.)—Star, BklO., slon. . N. Y„ 30-Dec S, Phlla. T-12. During the "second dsy," the mobilization oc- Charming Widows—Gayety, Baltimore, 30-Dec. 8, curs on the '-front yard of Music Publisher BIJou, Richmond. 7-12^ Bellly's Home on the Hudson," and besides a bonk aid the manmuvres osy, and'is. rapidly taking the place of the ordln- Oorley McGown, !»■■» » *»* J*** Jg***J*:i rmliinnits* -Here 'ihe. festivities" las'ied till tlw of the girls are flawless. Green, Brown, Golden •" musical comedy, which the pubucjio longer |, ai „,« reputation of belug tho best ureiseo „,.,,, ho| ,_. ( 0 , „ |(1 „„,„,),,„_ MllIl | c w „ f ur „|»|,nl pay two dollar, to see, for the very good re.son mechanic ha burlesque, that they can find more fun, more music, more , s 1 life, beaaty and color In burlesque for Juat one WILL. NUT QUIT. half the price. The present eeaaon Justifies tils by the Usyely Orchestra, anil every uno tangoed to his or tier heart's content. Tun event was voted l.y ev«ry one a I.line success, and cunie to half the price. The present season Justine, tn s K „. nte Vedder clstra. she will not retire next a fitting climax when the bride and gruoiu wen. .taenient. for a g the^results todate ie ,^* No matter rtat "Jim" says. She will placed In a cal to wlil-h had been tied every will show that only the big revues, three or ■"JJJV PJ ■ L , Mli MNII , concelvible nolM-makliig liislriin t. and escorted four in number, and burlesque hsve .arrived. re relay 11 by |Jw taUn aHnmny , 0 „ 1( , |r hutv ^ This makes the seeiuid marriage In tills com- pany Miis season, only a few week, ago Kitty watson nid Jack MoGowan having wed In Newark. I IUCIIY CltAIG ENTEIITAINS OIU'IIANS. nichy Crulg gave the ehll.lnm of the'Itochester (N. Y.) Gri.l'an Asylum a jilcuHanl hour Tlutiiks- Klvlng iiinrnliig. Mr. Crsfg and hi. .iNlitaiila ■uotoreil to the lustlliitloi., and tho ai.plause ac- corded all of Ihe acta fully repaid Hie enlcrtalueri. The program waa arranged l.y Hilly Klein. UNCLE JIM WILL 1 It AVICI,. Manager James II, Curtln, of tho Umpire Thea- tre, Brooklyn, will niiiko a trip by automobile to Iluu.ton, Tex., where lie was a .herlff rears ago. Ho will tiuvel from elly lu clly to call on the mayor of cacti town fur a tetter, and will lie ue- ttnipanlcl by Frank lledereaux. They will leave nil relu~ BURLESQUERS,_ATTENTION! I WHEN ADVERTISING, USE THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. The paper which has ALWAYS RECOGNIZED Burlesque and 'The MPer e which gives EVERY burlesquer a square deal. The paper which does not attack any manager or performer The paper which prints THE BEST BURLESQUE >AGE and the Correct Burlesque Routes. . 1 TheTpapeT which has grown up with the Burlesque busi- ness, and which does NOT recognize the Burlesque business '^Th^CUppe^Chrlstmas Number will shortly go to press. BE REPRESENTED IN IT, June 10 and iurn Aug. II). BASKETS A GREAT SUCCESS. PITTSBURGH \OTP.S. Eddie Collins, tho "Sain Periuird" of liurlesoue. _ . . ,. * _a at.^ Anf.j1n.nae TiiiriTY-Tiiiiicn yuaiis ago. Ram A Hctllmer waa the advance agent of Z<-ra & l.a. Uanlo's Muuater Mastudou Gift Kostl- ml, at 8 salary of live dollars a week and ex- penses. . s ■ NHV1SR LAYS OFF. Don D. Barclay, principal comedian with I'rlsO Cracker Jacks (Charles Falke, mgr.)—Corinthian, ful of comedy derived from the ant Rochester, 30-Dec. S, Garden, Buffalo. T-12. Green, Brown Golden and Olark, L_ Ch * rry „?! 09 !? m3 < Ullutl,; * Jacobs, mgr.)—Mur- You," assisted by the choru. In black and white £„Vi'n^T™t"weo.r* At"T'IO*thc~ureraan slopped cast" Is s"great improvement. ray Hill, H. X., 30-Dec, 6, Star, Brooklyn, 7- Jackets and white fleshings; Bernle Clark leads the sal^a of the tickets The curtain rose up on itay Montgomery und Anna Healy, well-known a I 1 besides a book- M .n^r'« in the Bronr New York, was the scene ryroved equal to the occasion at tho Academy last winners Co., wldlo Inylnic off Mils week, Is noalnir ""."^..J.'"","- or V g^t demonstration during the distribution week, where ho took good care of he comedy tor a , pccl al cs ncly i.lctero wllh th e ''Imp" Co. .lead "ZU for Z. ? be * one Lundred linskets given away Tneadsy with tho rrollcs of 1IUJ. Ills addition to tho . 12. '• "thiT"AIoni Came Rntb.""w'ltiT the assistance of J™ ■"? ^'".^ "ta'kets arrange, In crescent u>^towtYTtiaMllwto<ivmi***ioM »^\!, n .Z\ Eva Moll'i Show (Lew Talbot, mgr.)—Gaiety, eight gins with parasols, and "Babe" Naomi g,UPsBiKsvarrtSfS^ bis- J'ltt.burgl. acquaintances Inst week at tbs Acj.1- J'-f'X,",' ,"'»"' ^Brooklyn, 30-Dec. 5. Park. Bridgeport. 10-12. wWler. In a blue bathing outfit, lead "They ft^Ci Si htndcd out emy where he, had leading parts with the J" »"> »»"• »i Follies of Pleasure—Gaiety, Chicago. 30-Dec. 6. Had to Swim Back to the Shore," wllh the chorus kct ha<1 been hnndcu out. Krollcs. Montgomery's celebr.te.1 dancing took *«"«. _ Columbia, Indianapolis, 7-12. In one piece orange Oestend suits and fleshings. —*«. . — . _.._. _-.. .«. • .mi... numerous c-i.eores, while Ml.a Healey's wluiorae THIS AtiKVT ON JOD. Bd. B. Daley, who Is .head of Hlehy Crslii'a rs, did tome cicellciit billing tho l'riwpi«t, New York this — enii suits an-i uesninirs. „ . -_._ . . . amniis mi isr a ITlTtrT" numerous c-i.cores, 1 Fay Foster Co. (Joe Owenbelmer. mgr.)—Star, it make* a great big number, and worLed under P.ART0N ARANDOflS MILWAUfijlIl. ways were winning. a flickering spot to good effect. Di»lvnJiJMUWV««J»iiA. v.nwuuM > ~— -^ siumto n.» Bervl, III their -"" * *" — *__«_*r. .. ..• • __ . • _., . ■■•. . iaaa ^1 1 _ •fii«»ui>jw> " " sr tsnien bb—j i_i._ , .. 1 I i l«,l •' \t sas A till * * Toronto, 30-Dec. 5, Savoy, Hamilton, 7-12. French Models (Dick Zelaler, mgr.)—Lay off 30 Dec. 5, Gaiety, Chicago, 7-12. 'Mae Alberta, looking worthy and confident, in s The dab Theatre, In Milwaukee, Wis., at which falI ^ u , j, nc |i,j si>eclalty, rnlltled "Won Ami,' white mlhtory uniform and fleshings, and Ihe Ihe new Barton Circuit was to open during jaw .., s|lcc | 0 i stOT , er y and groupings, were well re- -■ - - - ■_ __•. B...A .1... i 1 ■_ __.i 1 ■_ ^M - -«- . „. . t .-. I^nf.. I nliranimiii>.I lLiKl irVHK* . - * . .■ . • W. ■ — -a .-.a_i> II. Ilnnl la Girl, of the Follies (H. M. Slrouse, mgr.)— chorus In same, but the Jackets snd bats of week, seems to have been abandoned. Rod Wag- _ lTCa *5 the Academy last week. Mr. lloryl Is Grand. Boston, 80-Dec. 5, Worcester and Hoi- green, Is the last number. "I Love the Whole oner, monoger, and his staff, Including Be is* | ^ cnarfi e of ihe dill lings of (he largo yoke 7-12. United States." phone, having dlsaiineared. No news If their j^,,,,^ C | l0 rus of tho Kmlle.. Gay Morning GlorieB (Jack Gllnes, mgr.)—Perth There Is much fun In a "dinner" scene, with whereabocts known. Amboy, N. J., and Bridgeport 30-Dec. t " PLAYINO VAUUISVILLO. Cannlo Kreretl, the former prominent Imrloaqua star, la tilsylug vnndevllle lu around New Yotk Clly, wltb KoU-rt II. ll.nlge and company. ■' « Hi: KKKI'M UOINO. Joe nutl.ui, Irish ninu-dliin, I. wllh Tax' Girl. 5, Water- Green as_ waiter; a card game with plates, by while during BARTON IX t PITTSDCRrrII bury and Springfield 7-12. , Bernle Clark and Charlie Brown Gay Widows (Louis J. Oberworth, mgr.)—Acad- it . mere boy (Carl Delstol), male up to cor emy, Norfolk. 30-Dec. 6. Phils. 7-12. respond with Sam Greeu's hideous face decora- Girls from Joylsnd (Sim Williams, mgr.)—Gay- tlons and waiter suit, offered selections on a ety. Phlla., 30-Dec. B. Grand, Trenton. 10-12. violin (played a ta 'cello) and scored a Uno g.7*7d.« l.^'wwk. to Cok over the loesi Garden of Girls (Louis Gerard, mgr.)—Olympic, mom-h hit to brlni him encores. *• »L*» daT » '.?»* w * 0 . k '.™.™. l f.. OT ™-:_:...T:?. 11m WatBOB Water., with their oivn big show. Joe Bttrton, rial, nimeillan, I. wlit lived up to e"i«-ctallon» In |.re«i-ntliig the hl,li"«t Co- replacin g Joe lluekley. who I. 11 1, class entertainment the Guyoty has held this ronkliur busier than a 'woman with five chll- season. These girls lmvo ti«'ii popular for yenrs, Tiis tiny MoriiliiK fHorles are filling In three ,ir»n »ml r.n of con«den-e ns to the aual outcome snd continue to grow more ho each season, and days lit Mil Awlwy, N. .1., Nov. 30-Deo. 2. Tllcy of his circuit J DlPiTton blew into the c»? their many lo;aI friends turned out to welcome will champ. I Ik, title to tho "Uuluret Olrls" after pany. Margaret Rutland la due a few words of com- ment as the "tough gnl" In a comic "telephone" bit during the Bret part. Some healthy tough gal Margie makes. The chorus: Edna noward, Ella Reams. Mar- garet Rutland, Dorothy Rogers, Dorothy Steele, B, Academy, Jersey City, 7-12. a third principal woman, part not programmed. K™V™'rr«rT J Smith of the Aco.lerar. for tho tho Vlctorli last week, nan many local friends, to tho "Oiiiwret Girl." after this week. 1. Roehm, mgr.)—Garden, Buf- and who has little to do but look well, Is that of ?* na8 EL!;l!I Jr iUinl Jion. Mr •Barton's own and wbb onUTlnlnod nightly. The Moose, of which Ana CaiiTSB I. understudy for Clara Gibson, In , Star, Toronto, 7-12. Elsie BuynKnd. a recent addition to the com- JJ™L »- winii™ »■« nicvlne here nnd after order Billy Is a regular im-mher, were on hand to the smrbrcltc i.nrt with the I'rlio Winners Oo. tSSmSJtmSk ™£« to make sever.' see tlmt he ... well taken care of. snd HI; n B ,.w, i|j,«r A «„ U laying off lu New V„rk. So twd ImD^ements. He gave many optimistic needless to «a, that ho regetled leaving (bo "City more work tM. season. K, ,? ,5 .th. buslu»FS asiwct all over the of Smoke." , , ._ , Hi«t. I limn Is In New York looking sftcr hi. cinnirv snd believed the •'almo.t'' buriesnue war Gusslo White, In song, nnd patter, rendere.1 her Imrlesime Interests, lie rotiorts esetdlriit pros- 3d result In the securing of bigger an- belt" neat specUlty with the Frolics. Iler clever Ru.- .«cts for his mining propcrllc. In Oansiln. where ItSw. aa well as"S'class, and tliot slao dancing uro,wht forth imieli well-earned ap- be.!,,, been for some lime past. _ .11 wonfd benefit therefrom The Acidetny, as plause, as this clever IlttU ludy workcl hard at Harriet Johnson, Marie Clark. Myrtle Golden, •»,T 0 !™. .?l!if LnV^mi ih..'T lis nroViorttoaite all tlines. Kmm. Hoy. Daisy Maher, Elsie nyan._Queenle Le-' ™°»i. ^JSJJfiS^SbifMSmSuS BubwTng over wllh gocl nature, snd presenting fhe^aHv ?ncresstnat 0 ' siime ThsnTsglvInT Dar the sunniest of dispositions. Until Si*neer. of he brokfnM records standi^ roomToeing'sold al a t-roltes, renew.-l oVl acnualntance, nmde on li-r fremlurn A. Manage Hmlth sa": "We could last visit to !'"« bur I b i.,!"^.... w .""... n ...!!!!?, L'i ' N. Y., 80-Dec. B, Academy, Jersey City, 7-12, Hello Paris (Wm, " falo, 30-Dec. 5, _ Hlieh Life Girls (Frank Calder, mgr.)—BucklnR ham, Louisville, Ky., 30-Dec. B, Cincinnati 7- 12. High Rollers—Cadillac, Detroit, 30-Dec. B, Chi- cago T-12. Heart Charmers' (Dave Gomlron. mgr.)—Haymar- ket, Chicago, 30-Dec C, Standard, St Louis, 7-12. Mischief Makers (F. W. Gerhardy. mgr.)—How- ard, Boston, 30-Dec. 5, Grand, Boston, T-12. Monte Oarlo Girls (T. Sullivan, mgr.)—Grand, Ticnton, N. J„ Dec. 3-B, Gayety, Bkln., 7-12. Orientals (Billy Watson, mgr.)—I'enn Circuit 30- Dec. 5, New York T-12. Passing Review of 1014 (Joe Levitt, mgr.)— Watcrbary and Springfield 30-Dec. S, Howard. Boston, 7-12. September Morning Glories—Standard. St. Louis, robe mistress. 30-Dec 5. Century. Kansas City, 7-12. Tango Girls, Chas. E. Taylor—Standard. Cincin- nati, 30-Dec. 5, Empire. Cleveland, 7-12. Ter^io QueenB (B. E. Daley, mgr.)—Trocadero, Phlla., 30-Dec. 5, Atlantic Clly 7-0. Tail Girls (Jack Levy, nwr.)—Century, Kansas Olty, 30-Dec, 6, lay off 7-12, Gaiety, Chicago, 14-10. Tempters (Gus Knhn, mgr.)—Worcester and Hoi- _ yoke 30-Dec. li. Murray Hill. New York. 7-12. Zalloh's Own Show (John Eekhardt. mgr.)— BIJoo, rtlchmond, 30-Dec. 5, Academy, Norfolk. 7-12. enough hit to bring him encores. situation, as well as to personally congratulate thorn In royal' fashion. , lids week. Billy Spencer, tho Pittsburgh boy, who was at Ths ttay Morning .Glories will change the till. nore, Helen Wilson. Kitty Le Van, Carol Bums, Helen Kreer, Bobble Robinson, Babe Naomi. The staff: Jas. 0. Fulton and Joe M. Howard, sole owners; Joe M. Hownrd, manager; Jim M. Drlofcn, business mnn.nx.'i; Thos. McLaughlin, musical director; Sam Grceu, ctage manager; Bar- ney Smith, carpenter; Jos. Hannah, propcrtlu*; Jos. M. Hill, electrician; Mrs. Wheeler. ward- Tod. JE.WETTE IS BUSY. Jcanctte Duprce Is organizing her company to open shortly on the Barton circuit, aud will open at the Prwpect, New York, Christmas week. Miss Dupr.<e has also nut out several tabloids. playing United time. She has taken an office ID tho Fltzge.-old Building, New York. W11. H. HoGabst, proprietor of the Ilolel Royal, tltlce, N. Y., Is very popular wltb the bur- lesquers. Itri.B iikunhtkin has .Igneil Clyde J. thites as tirlncliiul cianeiluin, for three years, with his Follies of I'li-nmrv coiuii.ny. l.nt'iH II. Jaiioiis' Tal.lold Musical Comedy Oo. 1-I1M11I a suwi-Msful tl.lriy-tw.i weeks' ei.gsgvtniiit. In Denver, Nov. IR. and weut to tlio Utah Tlieft. have given torn shows on that day, and then lady all week, being prettily dlucl ou -everal occn- ,„., |„ « B )t Lake Oily. TI«; im-mlicrs of tlw cmn- Vurn ihom \vi>7" slons. . , , pany inaile ninny friends while the company ws» iurn taem *" " l} ' Halph Pepprr was a busy person Irst week, and |„ (K-nver. The I'ln.a Theatre, where the com- m..c •.•arniii.v M1KV „« f aPXimPI « '» «« la nearly lost bis heart during the engage- ,„„ y was playing, lu lint city, has again put on THE MISCI«Ef MAKKRS CAITUHH mmt g( (hQ j,- rollcM , moving pictures. si'iuxa 11.1.K. Myth Wirwlck. of tho Frolics, was voted by f A t Oncu,, lending Ingenue of Happy Wldews Jean Bedlnl's Mischief Makers turned them all sa being Hi. classiest of roller akr.tlug girls, c,.., underwent a serious operation at Ht. Vln- awsy at every performinec at the Gllmore, Nor. i n the big finale number, which drew much ap- cent's Ifuspltnl, Toledo, 0„ on Nor. 111. Miss 30-28. The whole show, from principals to plause. Mho wsa very graceful, nnd went through <Mell, In prlvato life, Is Mrs. Harry H. Merer, chorus. Including the costuming of the numbers, the regular figures ss though she derived much alH | alio will l« routined In the hospital for four are of the highest order. Helen De Nourle Is s pleasure out of It, rather than work. She has weeks, and will rejoin Iho company as soon as she most shapely woman, end In warmly received In many good friends In Pittsburgh. regains her health. all her musical niunlwrs'. K.lhel I/oe. an cfl- a fl. II. Duni.Kr was a »|*elul feature with tho dent spirit of fun, fully deserved Ihe applause MAKING GOOD. B'K Review, at the NI1011, Atlantic City, N. J,, showered upon her, and as for Mr. Redlnl, be «_,„ _i,i, «>,„ - ■ /,,.„.„ /v> I. last week. looked well after his part, and saw after Ihe Alice 0 0 > , ;« n ; ll ]J 1 ' , » ™ J'™. Jj n , n ."i „,',',,i I Tils A11I0 Girls aro (111 lug their rtato at the other Interest 10 make It a success. Any aggten- receiving llatlerlig gjtoe '™« I ,r "« " ui „^' »» Niron, All.ntlc Olty. N. J., this week sure of drawing for her dance with Don llnrclay. In the Missis- q„I vhc „ AMri Katiii.sbn Jbhkom < tlon trademarked "Bedlnl" strong In that Massachusetts city. slppl Cabaret" numlirr. Musical Comedy and Burlesque People IN ALL LINES Good Looking. Yonng Chorus Olrls, who can Bins; and Danee. Good Comedienne, that on black up. Apply by letter only to JKArlETTK DUI'KEB. Room 413, State full pnrtlculnre. Fitzgerald BnUdlng, Broadway and 1-orty-Thlrd St., City. THE MERHY IIIItl.ESlH HUS. WUO CAN HEAT THIS? At the Pro»|*ct, New York. thl« week. Rich* II. E. Patton. manager of Oily Sports Co,, Craig and Dorothy Blodgetl head the Merry Bur- claims this Is his twentieth year In burlesque, lesqucrs, who have been playing the Progres.lve anil he says tc la the oldes t manag er of all, ami Bartnu circuits. Hnrry Seynn, Flo Julian, » Artie Lewis and Tony lliwll are In the cast. ManatBsr ItuTi.smi, Mile, Maile (Naomi Wheel- . erl .nd Mrs. KIom Wheeler .re Udng losdwl NOW AHEAD. wl n, un^t i,lg cbmiks of cmllt for their work closed wllh the Hone Hydetl Bhow Nov. 28. They would not accept cut salary. Tim Hon Tons skip the Colnmblrt this week, and ko Is I'nh-rsun Inslenil ll.ey will i.rolmtily piny the Oblunihla, New York, duTlng the »wk f'llliiwlnu lliflr Ilriinx dote. TUB IIIim lllbbun Belles opened at Eviinsvllle, lnd., to lako the place if Ihe Iinffy.lll). AT tho (rrijheum, I'slersun, Duve Marlon and his own show bridio nil reennls week Nov. 33, Sam Howard Oo. The show this week. E. HEMMENDINGEI. 45 JOHN ST., N. Y. (PHONE 971 JOHN) .1.1 •-»!> JEWELER! il 1, now .head of'o.rden of Girt. to^eK" amlar ,S«l-r" Urn headdresses *^« n jS»* Vj.T.1 no Z£&*JftMZ£A la st the Olympic, Now York, worn by FuTton A Howard's crew of hcullca. J cry nlco for Dare at (10 nnd 40, and no rallrojn In the Olty Belles Company, "one of the main 'urea. —. .pokes" in the Columbia Added Wheel. Mother Tiik Beef Trust, Thanksgiving week on the Wheeler Is also the "particular picked upon one" one nights, mnko n nice Utile linnk roll for Hilly In making championship «ray combination suits Wnlsou. K»l Meyer; Is ou th* Job. tor "off staiie" use. Pink, blue, Huale Lavender At Ihe Osslno. Boston. Hilly Watson put In or "Sam Green heliotrope," It make, no difference one of the big weeks Nov. 23, snd It wa» Ills CA8H OR DIAH05D8, JEWELOIY, WATCHEg, BEUOUHVIIIO I CRE D1T or "Sam Green heliotrope,' to Mother Vims. Aniius Lucnino has Joined the Mischief Mak- ers. wend trip In Buslon, and no tircnk In ths weather. Billy la doing some business this sea- sou, and he don't feel the hard times.