The New York Clipper (December 1914)

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10 THENEW YORK CLIPPER. December 5 THE GINGER GIRLS, RATING. Book Chorn* Coilumti Scenery 1 (K» VB 100 100 Principal* Knmlifri Comedy 100 100 100 Chub Cherry aa- Ed. Lee Wrothe his returned to his former •Seringa. "Janitor Hlglua" and. "Htggin* in Alias*." and with the nw books entertained as the Janitor, who represent* the army oOlcor and then iM-apc* to the Klondike with the money. The ate familiar. The novelties In the war of number* hare Jut been added for Ibta engagement, replacing the well-know:) songs tbat were programmed, bat principals and charm were tboioughir op In them and got good result* Mr. Wrotbe waa funny as ever, and loosened up somewhat In his portion of the dialogue. Jane Le Bean, artistic aa erer. looked and acted In her various characters. Including the Indian princess. Augusta Lang, the prima doom, has s pleasing presence, and Oiled all requirements In a vocal way. Leah La Ray la s ginger/ little soubrette, pleasant of features, lithe of form, and equipped with the proper voice for the selections allotted to her. She looked well In tight*. Max Fehnnan did the German butler, and did lattice to the limited opportunities allowed him. Owen H.'.rtln was the straight, also the lawyer Blackitont, and acted properly. Oeo. Boyce, Lee Lc lilauc, listed In the singing. Frank (Bud) Williamson ha* recovered from hla recent Ulneia enough to play the bad man In the Klondike, and roared In bla usual fashion. The numbers Included a livery opening chorus, pitched a trifle too high, by the betightcd ponies and (now girls; a new song, by Miss La Kay; "When You Wore a Tulip, by Hiss Lang; a French long, by Miss Le Bean; a dancing spe- cialty by La Blanc and Mia* Lorraine, Introduc- ing a aoclety dance, the tango and a whirlwind movement, which was warmly applauded; "Mis- sissippi Cabaret," by Miss La Bay; "It's s Long Way to Tipnerary," by Bliss Le Beau and the girls. In pretty Scotch suits; 'Utilltary Band." by Miss Le Beau, st the head of the soldier girls. In "Alaska" the girls had fun on their tights. The fanny scenes la the bsr roam aDd the trial by jury got the usual laughs. The opening "Wm. Tell" chorus waa well sung fey the soloist, but one or two squeaky voices In the chorus ratter spoiled the harmony. A •cog and uance number, by Miss La Bay, Ureoea op things. Miss Lscg ssug "Back to the Caro- lina You Lave." An "Uncle Tbm's Cabin" trav- esty, with Frank Wllllamann aa Legree, Mr. - Wrotbe a* U. T., and Max l-'elirmau aa Eva, went over. Miss Le Beau's Iudlau number scored as Banal, and Mite La Bay, dressed In yellow, got away nicely with "At the Ball," while the glrla had showy clown salts for the occasion. The costumes, Including several handsome spangled tuts, were showy. The chorus, of which Marie Melville was one of the liveliest, also Included: Ponies—Marie Melville, Bee Williams, Mildred Mantell, Hilda Delaine, Margaret Harrington, Edna Terry Josle La Vetle, Helen Patton. Show Girls— Margaret Green, Edith De Ferrax. Etbel Brewiter, Sidle Golvln. May Allen. Sibyl Smith, Mabel Wilson. Florence Bell. May Kelly, Beatrice Williams, Mildred Lockbart, Cora Stevens, Jeannetle Lockwood, Trlxle Ellen. Mildred Hol- land, Era Goodrun. The stalT: E, W. Chlpman, manager; A. J. Phillips, business manager; Owen Msrlln, stage manager; Thomas Downs, musical director; Sam Harvell, carpenter; Ohub Cherry, electrician; George Boyce, properties; Mrs. Alberts, ward- robe mistress. Between the acts, Ed. Morbach played an orig- inal composition, string Imitations of Bert Bsker, Al. Reeves. Babe La Tour, Billy Arlington, Sim Adams, Johnny Weber and Ed. Lee Wrothe. Ed. also plsyed "Pick a Chicken," the instrumental kIL Mitt. BURLESQUE IN CHICAGO. Chicago, Nor. 30, Colombia (Col. Wm. Roche, mgr.)—Good bouse Sunday matinee. Dlnkln's Liberty Girls, with Matt Kennedy, are polished merriment. The characters are displayed well by tbe cast. Doris Claire and Belle Carols bare splendid voices, and fiut over their numbers well. Lillian Smaller, n ber character, helped to entertain. The Flying Sberwoods and Gene Gomes offered good sets In olio. Tbe chorus la clerer. Star and Garter (Paul Roberts, mgr.)— Barney Gerard's Follies of tbe Day, featuring Ssm Bldman and Gertrude Hayes. Same as reviewed at the Columbia several week* ago. The show opened to capacity, Sunday. Haymnrket (lsxy Herk, mgr.)—The Heart Charmers, headed by Charles Howo and Mildred Stoller, opened Sunday, to big bouse. Tbe cant Is capable and work bard. Charles Howe, as Professor Bunk, delivered many laughs. Mil- dred Stoller put over the song bit "At tbo Bail." The show glrla niw hsnl workers. J. D. Barton, jin-sldent nf the Barton Burlesque Circuit, waa a Ourpin caller In Chicago, to-day, ou hi* way to St. l'nnl. ■ s IT IS NOT SO. The rumor regarding Miner's Bowery, New York, going Into burlesque. Is without foundation. 1 s A Trip to Pasis, with Bruce and Cody and Msrjotle Lake, Is the attraction at the Academy. Pittsburgh, this week. Hiuu Sutton and Carmen continue success- fully with the Rosey Posey Girls. Next week, Gus Fay, at the head of the Gay- ety Girls, comes to the Columbia, New York, along with Zclln Russell, Harry K. Morton. Mike Feeley, Ins Hayward, Mae Holden, Arthur Heller, Harry Brans, sod Ms-hle McCloud. Iv* Melrose, one of the "ponies" of tbe Big Jubilee Co.. and William Jones, electrlctsn of the show, were married Nor. 20. Ran Feather, prima donna of (he Big Jubilee Co., was 111 last week, bat la well on tbo way to best health again. Mm Rtans opened with the Aroerlcsn Beau- ties, it tbe Albany Empire last week. In Rot* Snow's psrt, and gare an excellent performance. Mtrtxar Feti.EY, with the Gayety Girls Com- tany, was tendered a theatre party at tbe Al- any Empire Theatre, by some of bis local friends. Loins Rppbtbin and his wife, Maudle Hestb, celebrated the second anniversary of their mar- riage here last Thursday. Mrs. Bptwtein-Heatb received a large bouquet of choice flowers from the chorus glrla em the Empire stage Thursday even lag. Jack Hdbb will close with the Tango Queens, Dec. 6, to be succeeded by Harry Harvey. At the Victoria, Pittsburgh, Dan Guggenheim writes that bla Orient! Is put over a big week Nov. 23, miking another record week. Dan put over a 13,700 week at the Standard, Cincinnati, week before. This Is Billy Watson's sole fran- chise, and Dan Is happy when be sends Philip a check weokly. Ton Nolan Is now playing the Irish part with (he Rose Rydell-Johnnle Weber Sbow. En.ait.N Burnt a Mine I the City Sport* Co., at the Olympic, New York, last week. Kitty Parks Is row playing a small psrt with the I'rlse Winners Co. W«. Klein, manager of Rlchr Craig Merry Bur- lrsqners, wear* a two-karat ring which look* Ilk* a blr flath "Alrln Joslln." Habry comedian, with Olty Sports Co., still wears bis little mustache, and his pictures remind you of John Drew. TuA.srsniviNG greetings from John and Griee Welrr arc acknowledged. Fiank Grace and Hcnnlng* did two thows at the Columbia, Sunday, Nor. 18. The Shuberts were looking them over. HARRY LE CLAIR FEATURED PAY i-'OSTKH SHOW THE CORNELL (1MU W. 47th St., N. T. Housekeeping Suites; slrjfrlo and doulilo rooms, with bath. Special rutcsto tbo profession. Phono 4541 Bryant 12VA TANGUAY SETTLES. Arthur Kletn linn settled Ms »ult against J'vn Tutiguny for hla sharo ot the road tour proflts for (8,000. AFTER JUL IVE DONE for.ll" BY AMERICA'S GREATEST "WALTZ* BALLAD WR ITER- W. R.WILLIAMS Writer ofc.TdLcrve.bllwfo ^^m^i^m^mm^aa^aBiKsmm^BmnmtamammaammBama^K^imKKammKBBBami^^tKtgwfti^tii^^^fi^B^B^B^ B»^^^*^^*^^^***^**^*t*»--———^»BBB3***Bn*a**a^ Sviceeissop to -FLOATING DOWN THE RIVER" If* Anoth er fted-Kob Hit ^^^^^^^^M>?iB*l******H^^^^^^^^HRaaBBna**a**tL^BtBL!i^H " "^^T' . 'TT ' . ■ " ■) " " ' ' ' I T - ' '. ' " * '?* '. ", ' . ' , , ' " ~ " - ' - ? -- ' - - ^ * " *"" The. Preserve "Coaafc- to- Coast ? HLtbv GEO. t.CP.55i JUST FOR TONIGHT The Greatest Turte CEO. L.COBB cverwrote.. AU. SPEED. WITH A'PUNCH' "WE STAND fnr PLft[[ ORCHESTRA MUSIC IS*f Par Cap*- CLUB *I.OD -A. YEAR. •JUST FOR TO-NIGHT (Medley Duct One-top) TME VAMPIRE HESrTATION WALTZ DOWN ATTHE BARBECUE (MedlSYtence) THE IRI^ISTI^E He^to W^t^Mita; THE MIDNIGHT TROT (JustOuCi HEART-TO-HEART Cto^to./t&f730FOJW£SS J\ DOWN HOME RAO (GxntohKmattl YOU WERE ALU I HAD/WW MALPAND HALF < DnutmfRoom echoes 1 THE TOUIRREI. RAO (Crat Fox Tfot t ProF Copies Free- FOR RECENT PROGRAM. W|§ I ROSSITERI ^AM d LEW BERK If ILL tkeoSbo wBiBS 5TRAND BID'G l36W.LAKEST.OilCAG0.lil NEW YORK. N.Y STOCK — ^ if ■ ■ ™ ' THE ACADEMY PLAYERS. Tbe Acjoewy Players, Haverhill, Ma**., vrltb Roy Gordon tbe new 1 calling nan, and Florence Shirley, the leading- lady, bare made good. -Mr. Gordon, who bas taken too place of WUsea Mal- rose, baa won himself nto tbe beart* of Haver- hill playlovcn. Mr. Melrose 1* 01 and will not be able to pity for soirw time. Mr. Gordon waa formerly with Helen Ware, In "The Price;" the Poll Stock Cbrnpany, at tbe Audltomm. Id Balti- more, and tbe Harlem Grind Opera Stock Com- pany. Tbe olber members of tbe company coa- Uiie: Bote liorlson, OilotTt* Fiut. Jam** J. Harden, Obarlea Stevens, Josephine Emery, Hu- bert Pierce, Wllllsm Mssos. Danltl Grant, Helen Agnanr, Dorotby Goodwin. Helen Lawrence. Will- iam Asguatlne and others. Tie director la Bark Borsone. E. C Hsmncn.1 is tbe scenic irtlst. Otwl 8. Webster 1* tbo stage manager. Tbe week et -Mot. 30. tbe Academy Player* offer "Th* ruaUj Oopboard." s FEIUEIl <ft SHEA'S AKBOS CO. The Fclber & 8bea Stock Oo.. under the man- agement of Fred K. I.anlijm. playing at tbe Grand Opera House. Akron, O., scorch In "Mrs. Win* of tbe Cabbage Patch," week of Nov. X*. Much credit la dne the company, a* well a* Sctnlc Artist Goo. itallit. Stage Manager Austin O'Brien, Director Itlchird Co pp. sod Btsge Csr- )>enter Arthur liarbaugb. la putting tbis produc- tion on hi such first clast rhane. Tbe company Includes: Hatelle Morton, also Mclrln, Pearl Ly- tell, Florence Arliua*b>n, Kvelyn Arrber. May Maxwell, Irene Bhv, Lulu McKay, Freda Phelps, Klmer Burfham. Wm. V. Scheller, Herbert Ohartcv, Wm. Oournc-en, Sumner linrd. Bay D. Olltton, Raymond Ospp, Fred A. Hitchcock, Austin V. O'Brien and Ivan Brown. "Tbo Lure" 1* the bill week of 30. EDWAHDS-WILSOX CO. NOTES. Business continues to improve with tbla com- pany, despite toe fact tbat we are In tbe mldat of tbe boot and mouth disease quarantined dis- trict. We are now playing our old territory, and tbe company recelres a hearty welcome In erery town. Last week In Eldorado tbe young folks of tbe little city gave a dance in honor of Lois snd Ross Wilson, anil the good time was shared by all the members of the company. Henrietta Wilson's baby Irish crochet gown la a irreat attraction with toe ladies. Billy Fenntmn spent last Snnday with hi* mother In Cincinnati. Heartiest congratulations, Ira and Mildred, from the whole bunch. a MAtDE LEONE RECOVERS. Monday, Nor. 23, after an Illness of about Are months. Maude Leone returned to the Empress, Vancourer, Can. On tbe opening evening, Misa Leone waa literally smothered In flowers, and on erery evening of tbe week, was called upon to make a speech. Mlsa Leone seemed fully sa pleased to be back a* the EarprcsB patron* were to bare her. a MANAGERS AGAIN PARTNERS. Omatu, Neb.. Nor. 29.—fflpcclar fo Tire Cur- tbb. )—v.'. J. Bnrcess, of this city, and O. J. Wodward. of Kansas Oltr. hare again formed a partnership. They will Install a stock coapany In the lio.vd Theatre, Omaha, on Dee. 6. Fran- ces Mallenry will be the loading woman. Tbe Bra I.sng Company will open a stock bouse in Omaha. LILLY HORRIS IN HAMILTON. Lilly Morris, of Washington, D. 0., bas Joined tbe Pearl Stock Co., now playing the Jefferson Theatre, Hamilton, O., replacing Minnie Denneau, who was compelled to return to ber home Is Cbl- cago, because of Illness. A NEW DROWN. Born. —To Mr. and Mrs.'Ritchie Brown, own- era of the Ritchie Stock Co., a 'laughter, Alice Louise, i.n Nov. 24. at New Castle. Tnd.. at tire a. II. Mother and babe doing doe. Mr. and Mrs. Brown wish to thaak all through Thb Oup- tn, for Ulegnms, cards, etc. ii s Jan. F. Mooib will bare a stock company at tbe Casino, Portland, Me., with Marie Pare? In the trade. Masoderite Tebemj It filling a special engare- ment In "The Time, tbe Place and tbe Otrl," with the Keltk'a Bronx stock company, New York, this week. Jack Amiok, ot Amlck't Pennant Winners, re- ports excellent business tlimuxb Montana. Lxaa Winsuow ba* been reengaged a* leading woman for Keith's Crescent Theatre Stock, Brooklyn. Mlsa Wlnsbw'a popularity In Brooklyn la evidenced by tbe fact that three Brooklyn stock managers were bidding for her services when she signed the Keith contract. She closed her engagement with the Grand Opera Hems* Stock Company, Nov 21, and opened with the Orei.eent 1'iayer* on Nov. SO. FniiBL Gbbt Tbxbt tins Joined the Sbubert, Mlni>capolla. Stock, as lending woman. Cullt Wood bs» Joined the Bijou Stock, At- lanta, Ot. "Ttiieb Wtncs" was the final offering of the Mijettlc Slock Co. at Hockford, III., for Its final week The Majestic Theatre closed 38, snd the company at once went to Froeport, where Mana- ger G K. Brown has secured a lease on the Or- phenm Theatre. The player* received *a royal welcome at their first appearance at Fveeport SO. The closing of the Majestic Is a distinct loss to the lovers of dramatic stoca In Rockfnrd. Tub Ids Weston Roe "Man and nis Mate" Co. Is touring Mlaneaots and South Dskota. and doing a uniformly rood business. The company numbers elx people, and carries special paper. Len Gottaro Joined the Ida Weston Rse "Man and Ills Mste" Co, Nor. 20, as agent, Jumping from Kansas Olty to Marshall, Minn., to catch tbe show. I.mii Winbiow opened with tbe Crescent Stock, Brooklyn. Nor, 30. ■ CT.YDK B. OALIOOTTU ANO WIFR Olargoer- lie Monro), last season members of tbe tvrownell- Stork Stock, Newark, N. J., and Merrimack Rsjuarc Stock, Lowell, Mass., after a Summer sea- son of thltty weeks at Augusta, Me., are at lib- erty. s.\M BROOKS, formerly of Max and Sam Brooks, died Nor. 88, In New York Olty, at a complication of disease*. ...'I c / IT IS REPORTED. Th* talk around Broadway Is that Frank Keener will book through B. 8. Moss circuit, snd bl* new theatre In Brooklyn will open la a few week*. ♦ ■» THE CObVHBIA CONCERT. The bill NOT. 29 was entertaining. Tbe Bil- king* optoe-i with their adiadowgrapba, I ncl u din g gorae nave: txssexaulcal contrlvancas. Jack'e Mark*, a little fellow, (taxied well with "You flan't Go Wrong;," then sang "Royal Ar- tillery.' and finished a* a widow, singing "Ify Old Hin." One* an 1 Hengey pat fa some strenooua min- ute* wlt'i their neat discing, and finished with the tcrobatlc step* that Bade Frank a hit at the same house recently. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Oappelon 'had one of those domestic sketches. Mr. Oappelon pulled same nlftlea In the course of bla conrersatioo. The lady disguised herself enough by simply changing ber dress to allow ber to apply to blm for the Ksltlon of maid. At tbe finish he knew it was r all the time. Well clayed. The Monti Trio or Btng^rs and instrumental- ists did come good singing, one of them chiming in nicely with the falsetto notes, but ho did not ao good singly. "Italian Eyes," "I Can't Belief* It," and other selection* served them nicely. Tbey costumed tbe act <n showy style. F. J. Ardatb, and company entertained again vrlth their farmyard episode, and tbe hired man, the aberlir, tbe show girls and the farmyard menagerie made the usual hit right down to the lively finish. Ethel Mte Barker, In neat white gown, enter- tained with riolln playing, using several stand- ard elastic-* **)d then letting for a few pops, which earned ber several encore*. The Onnlln Steele Trio, In songs and comedy, were anttber hit, and tbe funny little fellow with the red hat, and the other two opening In* riding habit*, went through their various antics to general satisfaction, properly evinced. Anthony and Mack, as the straight and the wop, had some laugbubie conversational quins, and wound up with a wop Jig:. Crosman and Stewart, dancers of grnce and atylc. shewed a new prise wait*, then a pretty gavotte, ana finished with the ''Whirlwind De- mentia, * la a effect flicker, tbat wo* applauded. Tbey are a neat appearing couple. UU. * ■» PITTSBURGH NOTES. Jerry Collins, one of tbe most popular fellow* Is town, will, hereafter, be connected with the Academy staff, under Art Snead. They have been old pals for a number of years, and from now on It I* (ore that the performers will be kept In an uproar, for this pair are erer full of the very old Nick. Joe Flyun, formerly props, at the Academy, will, hereafter, be located at the Miles, where he will prove a valuable addition to the congenial crew under Stage Manager Joe Weihraucb, Greene and Parker, playing at the Miles lsst week, were a riot and made an instantaneous hIL On Thursday afternoon they pulled a real one, Tia.: Miss Parker Jott finished a song, and Greene, who was in the wlugB, ran out calling: "Oh, hero you are; I've teen looking all oxer The Cuppeb for you." Sure, you will always find everything good In Tnx Cuppeb. Much applause. Lotto has been bamboozled and placed on the ahelf, and once again the boys at the Academy are locking for something to Interest them during their spare time. Art Snead bos Issued an urgent appeal locally, taking for suggestions, etc., a* be wants to keep bis pesky crew out of mischief. Thanksglrlng eve proved to be a big nbrht at tbe local T. M. A Club rooms. Lodge No. 37, where tbe fat of the land *was dlsbed out tn members and their many friends. Itonat pig, turkey and dock were on the menu, as well as many otter goodies, too numerous to mention, and tbe boys did their best to get away with It. Good fellow- ship reigned supreme, and ereiybody wss happy. Red Green did not go home till ten o'clock tbe sett morning, and hail to get bis own breakfast. ♦■» TRYING TO KILL JINX. The Farrell Taylor Trio are at Hnmmersteln't Sictoria chi* week. They hare never played a III week out there. The last time tbey played Mr. Taylor .oat bis mother. Here's hoping they finish the week out In good health. « ■ » SOME NEW GOWNS. Brelyn Cunningham Is at the American, New York, the first half. Nor, 30 she wore for tbo first time several new gown creatlonB, and ha* a near routine of songs. *■ » FOX AND DOLLY IN PLAY. This week la the last of Horry Fox and Ysjici Doll; Id vaudeville. They are to b« eo-abus In a musical -.■omedy. ——********** —^M^^^Mgan-^Sjw^i———— DALLAS PAIR STATEMENT. The financial statement of George L. Fearn, of the State Fair, Dallas, Tex., will show totsl re- ceipts from sll sources this year were $204,940.89, with total disbursements of 1202,018.27, tearing net resources ot S2.C22.02. The military exhibitions produced s 'small net revenue, according; to the report. Bxpcnaet in connection with tbe exhibition were flo,0S8.Zl, while It attracted J17.19ft.80 worth of bualB*** to the grandstand, a bslance la It* faror of ■1.111.80. Racing brought tn at the grandstand, but the racing program ton $41,028.37. Admissions brought In $84,774.75, privileges and concessions 023,720, and rentals $14,487. Tbe balance trougnt over from last year's buslneM was $20,468.68. Largs items of expenditure be- sides those for tbe race* and military were $20,034.75 spent for attractions. $12,670 for ad- rertislng. $8,420 for lighting, $8,880.20 for labor, $10,0311,32 for administration expense, $28,838.75 for premlums.and $5,105.08 for permanent Im- provements. The association dlsbuned $16,078.88 oo acoouu: o! last year's business. s MESSRS. PULLKS AND CLEUUNS were forced to cancel tbelr Southern time on account of the "cotton situation.-* and hare been laying oft la Decatur, III., while arranging booking* through Iowa tnd tbe Northwest. The scenic artist! bare been busy day and night painting a new set of scenery tor each act. Tbe show opens Dec. 1. at Kokomli, III., with the production of "Two Ameri- cana Abroad." In addition to the new scenic equipment they carry all new electrical effects, •bowing a sunrise on the tea, alto a reailatlc (form tcene. * large battleship under full besil- way, and aeroplane tcoutt, etc. The cast remains tbe aame. OUT OF TOWN HEWS Hartford, CooaV-^anoB*' (H a Parsons, mgr.) Jobs Drew, is "The Prodigal Husband," Dec. 5. Cast also includes Martha Hedman. Harry Lauder 8. Pull's (W. D. Aaeongb, mgr.)—fill! week of Nor. 30: Lew Dockstader, Van Horen, Emmet Devoy and conwany, Lucy Glllett. Marguerite and Hanley, John E. Heoshaw and company, Morrtiey Bro*„ and "Toe Butterfly and the Boat." palace (Thot. H. Oullen, mgr.)—Bill week of SO: Howard and Fields, Tom DavP» and com- ■pany, Lee and Nobles, Musical Byrons, William ♦ialato and Collins and Fielding. Doris La France and Mr. Benham will be featured the last half of Grind' (Hoe Messing, mgr.)—Billy Watson's Sbow 30-Pec. 2, Charles Robinson's Beauties 3-5. ST* AND, rillMCESH, EMP1XS, EM1EES3 SSd Caown, pk lures only. _ „ _ Dunking, formerly of tbe Poll Play- er*, made a tying trip to this city laat Sunday. Mr. Dnnnlnj 1* again to be found with the Will- iam A. Brady force* this year, being stare man- ager of "Life," at the Manhattan Theatre, New York Wnterbary, Conn Poll's (A VannI, mgr.) bill week of Nor. 30: "The Fashion Shop." Jessie Standlsh, Gordon Eldrld and company, Bvan and Byan, Mlrano Bros., Klre MacClareus, Fields and Lucas. Business 1* good. Jacgi'Es (tt. Sbeeban, mgr.)—Tbe Passing Re- view ot 1914 week of 30. Loew'b (L. Garvey. mgr.)— Vaudeville and mo- tion pictures. Bill 30-Dec. 2: Msrlo and Tre- rctte, "Justice," F«nton's Athletes, three to fill. For 3-5: Pekinese Troupe, four to fill. This the- atre Is enjoying a good patronage. Pbixckss, srau, ai.mumi and Ooloniel, no- tion pictures only. New ilnvrn, Court. — Hyperion <T. ft Poll, mgr.) the stock company presents "When Knighthood Was lr Flower' 1 week of Nov. 80. Poli'b (Oliver <J. Edwards, mgr.)—Bill 30- Dec 2: The <5:eat WlUard, Jack Kennedy md company, Cooper tnd Smith. Hon Vcmnn, Bald- win, Baxter and Carter, and HIU and Sylvlany. For J-6: Morton and Armstrong. Gene Mulle Troupe, De Mlcbeila Bros, Scotch Players, Violet Charleton, and Cooper and Ilk-ardo. Gkind (J. De Waltoff, it-gr.)—Vaudeville and pictures. Bijou (Eugene Wilson, mgr.)—VandevlUe aid pictures. Atlantic City. N. J.—Apollo (Fred Moore. •mgr.) Nov. 21). night only, "The Traffic" was the attraction, with Bess ganky and original cast. For thre* days starting Dec. 3, Selwyn A Co. will present "Rolling Stones," a new play. Janet Dunbar, tor five seasons leading lady far David Warflcld. has the principal feminine role. Other members of the cast include: Harrison Ford, Leonard Tlolllster, Harry 0. Bradley, Beatrice Ingram. Ivan Simpson, Oliirnome Foster, Flor- ence Johns, Frances Brandon, Cbss. Buggies. Curt K.irp, Barry Msxwell. James Kearney and George F. Smltbneld. "The Spotlight" will be the attraction at the Apollo for Nov Year's week, It la a new comedy, by James Forbes. Membe.-s of the cast will include: Holbrook Blynn, Douglas Fairbanks, Zelda Sear* and Patricia Colling?. This Will be Its premiere on any stage. New Nrxox (Harry Brown, mgr.)—Atlantic City la thankful to Manager Brown for the return, commencing Thanksgiving afternoon, of vaudeville. Tbe policy of this playhouse la to offer bur- lesque the first four days of the week and rtude- rllle tbe last three days. For 20-Dec. 2, Auto Girls. Harry Lauder Is •announced to appear here afternoon of Dec. 0. VioBiNU, CarrmioN, Btiou, Ar.r.tniA, Cm Bquibe, CrtoxiAL. Oozy, Pabke, Cenihu. and CuELaui, motion picture* 'Lob Angeles, Cal.—Morosco '(Oliver Mo- naco, mgr.) "Louisiana Lou" Nor. 30 tnd week. Mobosoo's BrjEBiNK (Oliver Morosco, mgr.)— "Charley's Aunt" 30 and week. Ospdeum (Clarence Drown, mgr.)—Bill 30 mi' week: Gertrnde Hoffmann and company, Swor and Mack. Edward Miller and Helene Vincent, Mee- *b*n'( canines, Claude Golden, and Joseph Jeffer- son and Blanche Bonder and company. 1'iNTiOEs' (Carl Walker, 'mgr.)—Bill 30 and week: Clabby, Eleven Minstrel Maids, Leon and Adeline Sisters, Work snd Play, Btwood and Snow, and Hugo Lutgens. - Lobw'b Ektbxss (Fred Follette. mgr.)—Bill 80 and week: Tbo*. J. Rren-Rlcbfleld companv, Harry Thomson, the Oycllng MoNottt. Grace De Win tree, Leigh ton and Robinson, and Lucy and Ethel Baker. Clonb*8 ArrrroEnjH, CurwrB BBoaDwiT, Woodlet, Tilly's Beoidwat. Moeabt, Qcinn'b Surma*, Qtmm's Gassiest, at.wtwiip. and Mil- leu's, moving pictures only. St. Pnnl, MIbb.— Merropolltan (L. N. Scott. trigr.) "The Prince of PUsen," with John W. Itnnsoa*. week of Nor. 20. Lew Fields' all star company. In "Hanky Ptnkr," next week. OnriiBtnc (E. C. Burroughs, mgr.)—Bill week of 29: Ons Edwards' "Matinee Glrla," Elsa Rneggcr, ssslsted by Edmund Llchrensteln; Lola Merrill snd P rack Otto. Eleanor Haber and com- pany, Rita Bolsnd snd Lou Holts, alacRae and Clogs, and Blnnt and Bert. SnnBEBT (Frank 0. Prleat. mgr.)—Wright Huntington Players, In "Tbe Common Law," week ot 20. Furirsi (Gat 8. Greer.lne, mgr.)—.BUI week of 29: Ward Sisters, James Grady and company. Arno and gtlckney. Samiiaon and Dooglaa, and Bussell's Minstrel Comedians. Pbihoesb (Bert Goldman, mgr.)—Bill 29-Dec. 2: SIe Abdallas, Cathryn Cbaloncr and company, Berry and Berry, anil George Lee. Last naif: Rhedi Royal Circus. Three Burns"Slaters, Wilson and Aubrey, snd Ray and Guthrie. •JraB (Jnha P. Kirk, .mgr.) — Bowery Bnr- lescoer* week of Nor. 20. Pat White's Big Ju- bilee next. notes. Ttie Strand, formerly the Grand Optra House, Is one of the most popular motion picture house* In the cltr. The Gaiety, btarland and Majeatte ill had big houses week of 22. There seems to be so end to the motion picture business here, aa new houses keep springing up aM orer tbe dry. Toronto, Con.—Princess (W. Malbollacd, mgr.) "Adele" week of Nov. SO. Moving pictures next week. Albxakoea (L. Solomon, mgr.)—"Tbe Appeal" mtr nf Ifl "triffv ll.r,!,',,'' nnf Mk of 80. "Kitty MicKay' 7 next week. Gband (J. W. Cowan, mgr.)—" 'Way Down E**t" week of 30. "Rebecca *f ainnybrook Farm" next week, 'ttfticgle Pepper" follow*. Rnxa'a (J. Shea. mgr.)—Bill week of 30: Arthur Prince. Ward Baker, Jnfiu and Winnie Hcnnlngs, Treat's seals, Helen Trtz, Amoru Sla- ters, and Charley Case. LOBW's (E. Bernstein, mgr.)—Bill week of 30: Jimmy Brltt, Brlerre and King, Lemalre ind Da*. Ma Oracle Emmett and company, Blanche Sliwne. Three Brownies, Oarr and Dunn, and "Vaaaeral* in Jdonkeyland." UiPi'OUUOMU (E. A MoArdle, mgr.)—Bill week of 30: Stewart and Hall, the HoldsworUis, the Seehaeks, tbe Salambos, Orpheus Comedy Pour, and "Tbe Buyer from Pittsburgh." OtYETY (T. E. Henry, mgr.)—Harry HasUDga' Big Sbow 30 and week. Honeymoon Girls next Stab (F. W. Stair, mgr.)—Fay Foster 30 and week. Hello, Paris next week. Stbamd (Leon Schleslnger, mgr.)—Photoplay* and the Bomanelll Symphony Orchestra. Majbbtio (B. S. Griffin, mgr.)—Moving pic- tures only. Montreal, Can.—His Majesty's (H. P. HIU, mgr.) "Thirty Leagues Under the Sea" (pic- tures) week of Nor. 30. Peihcess (Ahbie Wright, mgr.)—"The Choco- late Soldier" 30 and week. "Tbe Appeal" next week. ORi-HEoif (George Drlseoll, mgr.)—Vaudeville week of 30: Boh Mathews and Al. Shnyne. Stepp. Goodrich and King, Arthur Sullivan and compan;, Flving Martla;, McDtvitt, KcUey andd-ucey, Mau- rice Goldeu, Hopkins Sisters, and Sam Barton. flarirrT (Fred Crow, mgr.) — Million Dollar Dolls 30 and week. Social Maids next week. Sprtnsrflcld, Mats,—Poll's Palace (Gordon Wrlghter, mgr.) bill Nov. 30-Dec. 2: De Michelle Bros., Violet CarletoD, Daweey McHaughlua and company. Cooper and RIcardo, Morton and Austin, Phil Brooks sr.d cou-pany, Gene Muller Trio. an1 Follsope. For 3-6: Baldwin, Braxton ttid Car- ter. Hope Vernon, the Frescotts, Murrey U*Btr*X Jack Kennedy *ud company. Cooper and Smiih, Bill and Sylrlapy, and Pollsoope. GiLafoca (Robt. J. McDonald, mgr.)—'Th! PafslnB Bevies- of 1914" 30 and week. Plaza (J. M. Carney, mgr.)—Vaudeville anj motion pictures. Hudson. Euibonia, Bltod, Bboaoway, Geisha. Fox, Gaiett. Mikeoe, Lybic. Gsanh, Hue* NorvLTl, Bsat, Palacb and Scbway, motion pic- tares. Fall River, Mass.—Academy (L. M. Bo-w. mgr.) bill Nor. 30-Dec. 2: Royal Pekinese Tmupe, Brown. Harrl* md Brown, Mabell Slor .-n and company, Boland and FarreU, Sam Ash, ml P Savoy (0. E. Benson, mgr.)—BUI Nov. 30- Dec. 2: Rlccletto Brother*, Boniger ami Lesier. Graham and' Randall. Thomas H. Dalton. roar Xela Slslers. and photoplays. Bijob (C. E. Cook, mgr.)—For week of M tie BIJou Stock Co. present "The Escape.'; ir-.h Mareell* Hamilton and -Hooper Atchley In ;je leads. Pbbhixr (J. Daley, mgr.)—For week of M. "Cablrli'' picatures ate shown. La-wrencB. Mai*.—Oolonlal (RtlplJ WW nrgr.) MaL'ey A Dennlson Stock Co. present "Hi- rell in Iiove with Hi* Wlfo" Nov. 30 ruid vvl. Vnuuevllle and pictures on Surdaya. Oi-eba House (W. B. Rothera, mgr.>—\»»ie- rllle and pictures. _ „ , Nickhl (John R. Oldfleld, mgr.)—Bill ^-Oli..-. 2 • Foster snd Mike. "Lunch Room Oabarei. UcTold Yates and Mathews Bros. For r.-ri: UW ami Tbompren. Silbrr snd DuraU, BnsoiuU >•••--. Three Voscareys, and pictures. Broadway. VicTimi*. Premibb, Stab and < —• mopoutan, motion pictures only. Meyersdule. Pa. — Donge** (Clay Dosj^. mcr.) played Rex Vaudeville Comedy C". **. 26-28. Company the-best 1 have bad. of >•». «'»•; Clot more money with thbi show than anytbnii: < have had this season. Sue Hlggins Tab. Stor- Co week of 30. Thla town Is, ripe for this saw of attracUon. Billy Watson's Beef Trnat Beautle, Dec 7. Mc A tester, Okla.—Busby (A. Bert Estja. mgr.) "Potaidi & Porlmutter" pleased a c*P»^"> nouse Nov. 21. Anuette Kellermann. In Nei>- tuuc'B Daughter." pictures, followed S7-W. Yale-Majestio, Libesty and Stab, motion pic- tures only. NOTES. L. W. Beopht, fcwner of the Tale chain of moving picture theatres, was here from MusketM-. 23 Thb 101 Ranch Wlld'Weet Shows ptsed thrnngb McAlester Snnday. 22. en route to Bliss, Ok.s.. where the show will Winter. .„ Thb a. P. Whitney Shows, wltb ten cars. «•« piseed through here 22, en route from Wironrton to El Reno, OUa. South Bend, Ind.—Oliver (S. W. PWw- lng. mgr.) "Help Wanted" Nor. 80. ' Setea Keys to Baldpate 1 ' Dec. 5. . . _,„ ,„ -« Obihoom (a J. Allardt, mgr.)—Bill for 30- Dec. 2: Dennis Bros., Ksrl and EUivards, Glo-/ of Ireland," Venita Gould, and Baldwin and ra- erson. Lsst half: H*Tv«y Trie. Olive Vail ftw company, Hnrlnn Knight snd compsny, Hi'""' Wlnchill and Green, Buckley'* animals, and pi^ ^Majestic <p: J. Clifford, mgr.)—For wee* "( 80, "A Model Olrl," by the I-orrslne Musuji Ooiir*?iJ v Oo Colonial »P. J. CHITord. mgr.)—Olsdy" Georee Dramatic Co., in "Tempest and Sunshine. J» and week, . ,,,,.i, AtmrroEitm (S. W. Pickering, mgr.) — »w» cists pbotop]«y», to l*rgo crowds. . LaSalla, StmrEiBE and Dbutb, l>lct»«"i onir. Thb TAvnBViLT.B show giren by the ;•'««. '•'rr>. the dlrectiou of O. J. Allardt. Nov. 23-2u. a.uieu $800 to tbo Christmas Tree Fund. Hot Spring*), Ark^-Andltorlum (Frank Head, mgr.) Al. O. Field's Minstrels. V'J- r|i had a packed house which thoroughly enjoyed » classy program rendered. 'Before tbe lemilim •«• of the show Mr. Head hsd signed contnet rur » return engigeraent of thU show for Mann -■• Boston English Opera On. followed. 28. . rt . PamcEss (Fred Pennell. mgr.)—The aiic" Taylor Stock Co. opened an engagement si iu» bouse, 23, presenting "The Jail Bird/ '" r , i" Orst psrt o? tbe week, and '-rBBB. yWU Jgg MaryV' for tbe last half. Ibarifcs&a/iag matinee had very big business. . _ „,„- _**, Royal, CajrauL, .'.Taio and Stab, moving *■ turea. R1TOH1E BROWN rrrttes us: '*We »|*,, s ^i »t the Grind Theatre, Newcutle, Ind. ( ns;; . bundreil and forty-two answers to our an-.. got Just what I wanted. Can't beat the oiu w" pes. Best >ia.>rT In the bn«lne«!<_ . ga SHERMAN AND DE FORREST W » ™ Fifth Avenue. New York, this week. ,,_-,„, ANNETTE KELLERMANN will be » f'"'" 0 ,,!! tbe New York Palace bill next week. *•»* » then stsr In a new- ptar. . .„„,•! WM. SISTO scored a big bit at tbe Poll bauves iu Waterliuty and Brlugepgrt U»t week.