The New York Clipper (December 1914)

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24 THE NJSTW YORK OLIPPEE. December 5 B.B.&B.THEATRIGAL WARDROBE TRUNK OUT OF TOWN NEWS Here It l»—Th* B B i. B Theatrical WARDROBE Trunk. Positively th« strongeet and most cort- venlent Wardrobe Trunk on th* mirktt. Tht lut word In trunk Progreit. Sind (or Generil Catalog and List ol Agents. B B * B TRUNK COMPANY, Pittsburgh, Pa. This Style 15.00 STAGE SHOES WOOD SOLE CLOGS Plain Kid, • • $3.50 Patent Leather, $4.50 All Colon, - $5.00 Ditra neat, will not rip. STAGE LAST In Oxfords. Slippers and Shoes. Send for Catalog; Sent C. 0. D. If $1.00 per pair Is advanced. FINE MAPLES DANCING MATS, made to order al SOcta. per square foot. NEELY BROS. 720 W. Madison Street Opp. Ha/market Theatre CHICAGO TIGHTS Cotton Tights, very good quality, a pr., 76c; worsted Tlglita, medium weight, a pr., $£; Worsted Tights, heavy weight, a pr., $2.76; Silk Plaited Tights, (Im- ported), a pr., $2.60; Heavy 76 percent. sIlkTIglitalnWrilte, Flesh, rink and Red only, reduced from $6 pr. to $4; Pure Silk Tights In cream white only, reduced from $8.60 a pair to ft. Shirts to match, same price as tights Order* Filled Promptly Clipper Catalog Free on Application BERNARD MA.VDL 110-212 W. Madison Street The Ballots. cmcAOO, IU.. Earn $35 to $500 Weekly. Study <vT«ftF DANCING OlAU- SINGING Vaudeville Acta, Sketches. Drama, Musical Comedy and New Nov- elties In Stage Dance*. Write for Illustrated booklet bow 8,000 etu- de tit a succeeded. Failure Impos- sible. Alvieoe Theatre School of Acting r,7ti. St. at 11 lTBj-. Entr, 226 W. B7th St., N. Y. TIGHTS AND SHIRTS of every description. Padding, Frog, Snake and Monkey Snlta, Ellastlc nml Cloth Supporters, Gymnastic Pomps and Gaiters, Spans-lea and Dnlllon Fringe. Send for catalogue and sample of tlghta-^lfttHB. JOHN- 8PICER Successor to Spicer Bros. Sfl WOODBINE ST., BKLYN. N. Y. [rQQHIdHQRADE nCOO MAKEUP Uniform in Color and Quality Guaranteed rnrrj Memorandum Date Book N"t (Bookthe Art of "MakmgUp" Joseph Nolan MANUFACTURER of Leotards. Tights, Shirts, Pic- tiiro Sulla, Contortion, Uearaud Monkey Bulls, 1'addlnga, Klas- tic Supporters, Pumps. Send for price list. 09 and OT Bllery St. Brooklyn, Hewlork LEARN TO EARN i-ctuii iiuhiV, clillilrt'ii'i* hialrtiiH'MiliiB unci, ninivcl vwivlu^v, complexion Improvement, mniilrurlng, eia, 1')' hctiio comepoud&noc tHilin,t',vru.iry. Many women, All njirn, nro euro- Inn *IH« *.M> wcoklr. lhxik. 100|w|t«(, FRKE. M.IZAIIKTIIKISU, 11 8, gUlloir.KM>T«rkUtT. i Human Hair, Irish Comedian, Jew, llulch- tuaii, no,; Dress Wig, 11.00 and $1.60; .Soubrelte, $1.00, |; Negro, sue, soc; [carnival msHtapa dak,Sac: a yds. Crcpo . • • J llalr, MR'.; A1 Cotton Tlgllls. 70c.; Sllkollnc, $1.86. Aak catalog. Kllppcrt, Ufg, 40CooperSq.,N.Y. GJJVOJJVJiVATI. Thanksgiving brought tta full ibare of Joys to the theatrical folk who have already experienced many fluciuatlocs of fortune since the season be- gan. The harvest has not been large, and only B P. Keith's can use pleasing superlatives In de- scribing business. The Gayety, which was built on the site of the American, his in turn given way to the Strand as a ten cent photoplay home, which was dedicated on this holiday. There has been a cUrnge of managers at the Walnut Street, and George F. Fish, who has been the director 1 ore of the Forepaogh Slock Company, at Kbtln- eon's and the Olympic, and then of Die Empress, under Su'.llvan i Oonsldlne regime—comes back as the sdcccisor of Beu Probst. There wss a story out that the new German Stock Company, at llio finery Auditorium, was panting for flnin- clal broth, but an B. O. B. call for help brought Quick ren-onse. and the company will continue. l'eople'e, which was a picture house hut seaaou. and folls'l as a combination stock snd Sim bouse, Is "till dark. Urand Oruu Hodkb (John H. ITavlln, mgr.) —"The Little Cafe" 1> Ibe Klsw A Brlauger offer- ing Nov. iO. following the most successful vfk of the season. George M. Cohan's IsuKh-produeer, "Seven Keys to Maiditatc." opened the door 01 real prosperity, Cyril hcott wss the big nolee of the scream, and be wss sided by a cast that was capable oil tho way through. Frank Mon- roe, Lee Steiret, Btlu-I Intropldl, Jean Shelby, Iilta Harlan sod Spencer Charters all shared In the big crop of laurel*. The farce received un- measured pralte from all critics, and one said: "Even If you haven't the money, iMrrow the price and go." BUlle Burke follows Dec. 0, in "Jerry." Ltbio (Carl Hubert Ltenck, mgr.)—'Teg o' My Heart," one of the greatest successes, and a "re- peater" last season, comes Nov, 29, with Elsa Kyan In the title role. Grace George, always wel- come, wss seen last week under W. A. Brady'a direction. In "The Truth." Years ago this Clyde Fitch comedy was seen here, with Clara Blood- good In the role Khlch waa so magnificently In- terpreted by Miss George. She proved a delight aa Becky Warder. Norman Trevor, Frank Gold- smith, Albert Brown snd Belen Rebrer, are all members of an able cast, "The Whirl of the World" follows, Dec. 6. Walnut STiarrr (George F. Fish, mgr.)—"The Blindness of Virtue" wss the offering Nov. 29. Last week George H. Broadborst's stirring play, "Bought and Paid For," did fairly well, with Eugene Weber la the leading role of Robert Staf- ford, while Beatrice Worth was a strikingly clever Virginia. Orrln Shear proved an able actor In bli part of Jimmy Ollley. Margaret Williams' Fanny, Adrian Boaley's Oku, and Ida Yclwr'a small part of Josephine, were all splendidly cared for. "The Bound-Up" Dee. 0. B F. Hutu's (John F. Royal, mgr.)—Syl- vester Scl-affer, billed as the world's most com- pleas genius, comes Nov, -9. Belle Baker, Barry Creon, Moscher, Bays snd Moscher, Richards and Kyle, hi "Fifty-fifty;" Gere and Delauey and the comedy sketch, "Fixing the Furnace," are also 0:1 the bill. Motion pictures. Loxw'■ euilesb (George A. Boyvcr, mgr.)— Geue Green, the character singer, and Cbsrley Stro.'clit, pianist, are headline™ Nov. 29. Others Include: Elsie Gilbert and her Girls nnd Collies. Auotnon and Burt, In "Home, Sweet Home;" Bessie Lc Count, and Bedllngton and Grant. Mo- tion pictures. ULvatPio (W. F. Jackson, mgr.)—Tho Winning Widows uro coming Nov. 29. Last week, Mutch Cooper's Gypsy Maids, featuring Tom Mcllac, did well with "Smoke Among the Gypsies." one of the big hits of tho show was the Gypsy chicken chorus, which wis glvcu a rating as a very tender, spry and girlie lot of fortune tellers. PI Jenks, In tto rubo character. Ezra Withenpoon waa hue, and Jim O. Dixon made an effective Ro- many Rye. l'ello Wallette, Fanny St. Clair. Jen- nie Rosa, Lottie Blackford, Murray Harris and Morris Moscow were onmncndable aids on tbe stall of old Gen. Satisfaction. Watson Sisters Dec. 0. STiNDAUD (Charles IS. Arnold, mgr.)—The Tango Girl* dance along Nov. 29. Last week, Tom Miner's Bohemian Burlcsquers proved their strong- hold on old time popularity. They put on a coup'.* of broad-guaged creations—"The Belle of the Boarding School' 1 and "Golden I'ulace Hotel." Billy Mclnlyre and Felix Rush were the pace- makers In the fun atakes, and Marcelllne Montrxoe. Jorcpblne Knoll, Tillle Berlin and May Russell were liberal contributors themselves. Ayeslia Hrra. In wiilrlwlnd gyrations, made the old timers gasp. The High Life Girls come Dec. 0. Eaikbt AUDiTonioic.—The Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra will present Arlgo Serato, Italian violinist, as the soloist st the series of concerts 27, 28. 0 an man Tiieatib. —The German Stock Co. has accepted the resignation of Amandus Horn and put willy Dledrlch in charge as director. L. Kop- pel Is business manager, and Willy Bauer In charge of tbe oQce. Efforts to continue the com- pany with diminished expenses are to be made. Oat'itauu, IlsnoK'B Opbjla Houbx, Kaiiilt, photoplays, and Lyceum, vaudeville and pictures. Maxes, William A. Baanr, who has been at French Lick Springs, Joined his wife (Grace George) here and then moved on to New York. o. Franklin White came la advance of Elsa Ryan, In "Peg o' My Heart." D. Bauton, of tbe Columbia Circuit, spent a day of conference here with Rudolph K. Ilynlcke uml other Columbia officials. MiNAomt Gkorqb h\ Kirn thinks there Is no nlnce on tho map like Cincinnati. He got back in time to don a fes with his brothers of Syrian Temple, ut the big November ceremonial of the Nobles of the Mystic Mirlne. ■Mini- Antix, who wrote "The Promised Land,'* was hero on a lecturo tour. Tbe Dramatic Art Society put on Allan DutIs' play version of this book at Emery Auditorium, for the benefit of the l'etnlol Institute of Arts and Crafts. "Till Tanulb" was ihe Brst picture phy offered at the Strand by Manager I. Llhson. A J20.000 organ Is featured as a star attraction at tho new huu^e. SiouuND Cii.p will Le the soloist of the first ncliul of the Oulp String Quartette, at the Woman's Club. 'Pjis Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra and Dr. Ernst Kunvvald was given a great oration at Dayton O. Henry Scott, hasso. was the soloist. Iticiiain BnANiOAN, formerly In advance of the picture play, "Traffic In Souls," was brought back from St. louia. The government got blm on a charge of uslnt the malls to defraud. TiiANKS-itviNO uiatluees were given nt all the tliealres. Fiiank Mabtinbad came to herald "The Little Cafe." A ittilk attempt was mfnlc to enjoin th; rnrl: Th.Mtre Co., of North Side, and Arcadd Tlic.itrc Co, of Avondale, from exhibiting the picture fllitia. "Llfe'a Shop Window," "St. Elmo," '•Will o' Ihe Wisp" and "The Thief." The com- plainants who asked Judge Gormnn for the lr.- Jnncllo.i, were MoMahon and Jackson, Levy and Melna, nnd .'. St. Clnlr Glassmcyer, who claimed an exclusive contract to exhibit Uie Dims for the first run In Cincinnati. Kx-Mavor Law Shank, of Indianapolis, put on on unusual vaudeville wrinkle at Lonw's Empress. Manaukh Willis F. Jackson belloves that Oln- clni::iil will not stand for burlesque downtown. Once. In tho old days, before the famous National closed Us doors on Sycamore Street, early bur- Irsque nourished below Fourtb Street. Ninon Duclos' Blondes Is one combination that did well there. lluoit HminEiiT. with the co-operation of Tom r.virvtl anil Arthur Thalasso, made a distinct hit Hi It. F. Keith's, In "The £ons of Abraham." MacI'hail. tbe Detroit bnggilper, Is coming to piny at the eighty-seventh annual dluner of the Cnlnlonlnn Society, at the Gibson. Fran,; Stafford, in his sketch, "A Hunter's Gnine," irored refreshing to the Empress con- stllucncy. Mns. Scni'STtn-MAhTiN gave a special matinee of "Peter I-nu," at ihe 1 lttlo Playhouse, Nov. 28. Irene (irlilln was the pianist. Julia Cpktis Is a girl with many voices, and her Imitations of Anna Held. Vesta Victoria, Kva Tanguny anil others was one of the dclhrhts of the List )!. ft Keith bill. Maris Louisa Waonkii la to give a recital at Ihe Slnton, Dee. IP. Two Japanese girls, the Meyako Sisters, gave an oriental tint to the Keltb offerings. Tbey sang sweetly. NEWTON WARDROBE TRUNKS Al WARDROBE TRUNKS 3 Grades. 3 Sixes. Hen's or Women's Cretonne and plain linings. 6 year guarantee. SPECIAL DISCOUNT TO THE PROFESSION HKWTOfJ A BOW, - Cortland, It. Y. THEATRICAL GOODS WIGS TIGHTS HOSIERY SPANGLES GOLD & SILVER TWMHINGS CaUtofoe N*. Cttatogn N*. No. 5 STAGE 1 JEWELRTJ • • Citologo* GO LD and S1XVZR B ROC AD ES SATINS and BEADS Oatalognea and Samples upon request When asking for Catalogue, please mention what goods are wanted. SIEGMAN ft WEIL S. W. Oor. 2Tti 8t and Madison Ave. tds Tneatncal Supply Emponum rOK aTVEttT PTRPOSB ajoeaariXEa ESTABLISHED 18S5 WHITE FOE OAT. No, 41 118-117 to. Wabash Ave., CHICAGO. l£l>. NBW YOttK OFFICE, 1472 Broadway, Lo nr a cT S) Bid*., *iaBt. A B'way 8aU.TTLB OFFICE, IOS-I632 Flnrt Ava, ata. BAN FEANCIBCO OFFICE. 720 mSm 8t! The A. H. Andrews Co WBITst Ml CsvrAtsOan jUTABUSftED TAVLOR TRUNKS JP'OB THE PBOFESiSION C.A..TV»sVL,OI3 TRUNK •VVOEKS. NEW YORK. 131 W.38TSST. CHICAGO. 28 V.. RANDOLPH ST. BOSTON. BUFFALO. CLEVELAND. AtJFNTS UODDAHMftMHCO. 5TEWABTA BENJOS. IIIOBKCt CO. TOLEDO, INDIANAPOLIS. ST. LOUIS. WILMINOTCH SCO MOAKISOM * CO. FAMOVd-BARa CO. To deliver the Best Theatrical Goods, Costaxnss, Tights, Trlannalnsrs, etc. Our lately revised catalogue seat free to any address, BXFtXBMJXS-OVR CUSTO MERS FRITZ SCHOULTZ & CO., • 19 W. LAKE ST., CHICAGO, ILL. Largest stock la the country far Amateur and School Plays. QUICK Phone Central 6291. DELIVERIES For All Theatrical Merchandise WB DBKIf, COACH AMD ITA** AJLATKUtt aTiaaTHKLa AMD PLAYS PROFESSIONALS, SEND 5c. FOR MAILING GATAL06 AHD aWBOlai, IBDUOKsiKNTa B-TIJIVIK WORKS 14* So. Dearborn BL, CHICAGO, U. S. A nf CENTRAL TRUNKS 261o., $10; 2Jin., Ill; 821a, $12; 861n., $18 ! 401a., $14.50. drcne Tncks, 24x18x18, 19.10 Bill Traska, SOxiSrlS. Inalde, $18.60. Litbo. Tmnke, 42Vax28V4xl2. Inside, $16.60. Snipped Flan UltrlMi Rltalnoil* I •" receipt of $8. balance C. 0. D„ except over 800 miles, then remit whole amount rillB MaglGdl UniaiUgUD cbntbIl TBITNK FACTOBY, Bet ISM. BIHONB as CO., 8. W. cor. 7tb A Arch Bts.. Phila. ILLUSIONS, TRICKS, Etc. Grand End of Century, fully illustrated. BOOK CATA- LOGUE, asc, free by mall. Catalogue of Parlor Tricks free. HARTINKA A CO., Hfrs., 498 Sixth Ave., N. T. PLAYS FOR STOCK, Rep. and Amateurs. Tabloids, MlnBtrels and Vaudeville Acts. Stamp for Catalogue. N. Y. PLAY BUREAU A AUTHORS EX., Tremost Theatre. N. Y. City. MUSIC ARRANGED PIANO. ORCHESTRA. Melodies written to song poems. W. H. NELSON, Astor Theatre BIdg.. 1581 Broadway, K. Y. LOBBY PHOTOGRAPHS Reproduced from Original Fhotogrophs, Irrespective of their size. Our prices are the lowest possible, considering the quality or oor work. Try us oat on 100 PHOTO GRAPH POST CARDS for $1.50. Samples and price IIst forwarded upon receipt of 10c. COMMERCIAL PHOTOGRAPHIC CO., Davenport, Iowa. GOWNS S H SS! D ANDREWS U U if all W HAND 506 S. State SI, CHICAGO lliimllton, O.—Jefferson fAlme Todd Jr., mgr.) Pearl Slock Oo, week of Nov. SO, present- ing "The Play Without a Name" snd "Ishmscl." Gcand (John B. McCarthy, mgr.)—Vaudeville and motion pictures. Jewel, Licto, Stab, Eaolx, Eotal and Psi.v- cgss, motion pictures only. "Tin: I'i.a\ Wituout A Name," by Carl Mason, manager the Royal motion picture theatre, this city, bad its initial performance by tbe Pearl Stock Co. 29. A bandBotne money prize will he offered by the Jefferson Theatre management tor best title suggcated by a patron. Mr. Mason secured the promise of a number of producing representatives of New York City to have the production looked over. Oaklnnil, Cnl.—Macdonough (F. A. Golss, mgr.) for Nor. 29 and week, Salisbury's "Fbh and Gnine" pictures. Ya LiBsam (B. W. Bishop, mgr.)—Florence Malone, the new leading lady. Is msklng ber ur*t appearances with the Bishop's company of players, la "Little Mies Brown," 30 and week. oni-tiEL'ai (George Ebcy, mgr.)—BUI 29 and week: Klphye ttaowden and company, Asshl sud company, Corbett, Sbepard and Donovan, Hubert Dyer and company, Jack snd Forls, Bert Merkctt, D'AvIgreau'a Lady Quartette, Big Jim Mciiulre and "Wee" Freddie Lynch, and Orphcuni notion nlclures. 1'ANTAfiBs* (Win. H. Wright, mgr.)—Bill 29 ond week: Landers Stevens and company, the Great Allind, Bruce Rlclmrdson and company, T«<an and Qeucva, York Trio, Prince and Deerle. Hughes nod Lydell, and Keystone comedy pic- ture*. Columbia (Geo. W. Fitch, mgr.)—Dillon and King, with their Ginger Girls, present "Land of Ulnv.-r" 29 .Tiid week. UiMUDWAr (Uu) O. Smith, mgr.)—Feature ric- tlftCB. Oakland, Fhanklin, Camoba. Reoent, Gaur, Gaiivy, .Maiiljwe, Hkquoaa and Uilluan's, motion pictures. Denver, Colo.—Tabor Graad (Peter Mc- Court, mgr.) Raymond Hitchcock Nov. 29 and week. Empress (Lawrence Bealus, mgr.)—BUI 28 and week: Loew's Road Shaw No. 1, Murphy and Foley, Shrlner mid Richards, Remain and Orr, ••i'lirougli Hit Skylight," Nell McKlnley, McClurc and Dolly, and moving pictures. UnoAiiWAY (I'eter McOoirt. mgr.)—This house oreued as a stock bouse til), with Eva Land and Charles Miller In the leada. "Tbe Freedom of Susauue" Is the Initial bill. Dl.niiaii (Woodward & Utmian, mgrs.)— "Fine P'onthors" 2'J snd week. oni'itxuu (Max Fa blah, mgr.)—BUI 80 and week: Claude Gllllngwater and company, Kalmar and Brown, Billy "Swede" Ball and company, tlie Fire dlelsettls, Lockett and Waldron, Joe anil [.ow Ooopri', Asklcy and Oantlchl, and Orpheutn Weekly. Mitsvnakec, Wis. — Davidson (Sherman r.rown, msr.l "Tbe Dark Secret" will hold the board* until Dec. 0, when De Wolf Hopper, with the Gilbert & Sullivan Opera Co., will begin a week's riigarcment. Majfistiu (J. A. HIgler, mgr.)—Bill week of Nov. Ill): a us Edwards' Song Revue, Ray Samuels, Wahlemer, Young and Jacobs, Will Ho;eia, Caulor and Lee, Weston and Leon, and live nt Hayes. SmmnnT (0. A. Newton, mgr.)—The Shu- bert Stock Co. present "Disraeli" week of SO. "Tongues of Men' 1 next. CIavrtt <J. W. Whitehead, mgr.)—Ben Welch Shmv wi of 21). Boncry Burlcsnuers next. OrsbI (Wm. Gray, mgr.)—Bill week of 00: Trtivola, Klehinoud and Mann, Moore and Elliott, Hell Boy Trio, and Gasch Sisters. Oni'iicuu (George Ormsby, mgr.)—Bill week of 20: Three Ameres, the Orertons, Coin's dogs, CHIT Dean Players, and Farlae. Ruelnc, Wis.—Orplieum (Maurice Hankln- son, mgr.) hill Nov. 2'i.Doc. 2: Klrksmlth Sisters, Itnvon Llchlcr, Three Mnjratlcs. Howard snd Wlille. and Manola. For :i-B: Mary Gray. Klpp nnd Klppy. the Klrsclioms. Two Onrlelons, one to Oil, and moving jilctures. Four shows given Ttinnkagivlng Day, two hold out In advance. Whits House. — Vaudeville and moving pij- tUKS. Majestic. Gband, Ricira, Buon, AiiratCAN, Aail'SE. Casino and Ilex, moving pictures only. Woonsoekel, R. I.—Bijou (W. rarmenter, mgr.) vaudeville and pictures. .smith's snd Nickel, moving pictures only. It is reported that the Park will open soon ss ■ Urst class motion picture bouse, and under local management. WIGS For STREET and STAGE WEAR MADE rO ORDER FROM B6.00 TO flOO.tW. ffe specialise la Stock Wigs. THE WIGGERY .tat^S! CHICA60 Theatrical and Character Costumes 6,000 niuatratlonH. Visit onr Salesroom- Any Foreign Nation Military and If aval. No Order too Small or too Dlfflcnlf RUSSELL UNIFORM CO., I60O B'way, H. Y., Cor. 48th St. UNIFORMS COSTUMES of Class and Distinction for Vaudeville or Produc- tions, BERC-ZAL CO., 153 W. 44th St., N. Y. Off Broadway WIGS. TOUPEES, GREASE PAINTS, ETC. A*d th* LatMt and Moat Popular Styln I* Ladles' Hair Drutlif A. M. 9UCH & CO. 119 N, Hinti Btreot ..... Phllavnalphla PLAYS For STOCK, REPERTOIRE, AHATEUR COHPANHS LARGEST ASSORTMENT IN THE WORLD. Books for bona amusement, Negro Plays, Paper, Scenery, Mrs. Jarley'a Wax Works. Catalogue Free I Preel Freel SAMUEL, FRENCH, 28 West 38th 8t n New York. NEW YORK COSTUME CO. Manufacturers and Renters. 140 N. Dearborn St., CHICAGO CARBONS Telephone Bryant 7033 AMTT.IA THBATIHCA1.. AFTERNOON AHD EVENING GOWNS HADE TO ORDER 1670 BROADWAY, Corner <7Ui 8L, 2 doors from Palace Theatre, NEW YORK. WANTED Acts of All Kinds SEND PHOTOS. BOO Letterheads and Fine Cat for S4. FINN, the Printer, 34 Bast 21at Street, Bet B'way and Fourth Ave., New York City. CONTRACTS LETTER HEADS, ENVELOPES, TICKETS, BASSES, CARDS, ETC. Write for Samples. Webb Ptg. Co.. 642 So. Dearborn St., Chicago, Ills. PLAYS Large List of New Proles- slonsl sud Amateur Flays, Vaudevlils Sketches, Stags Monologues, Minstrel Material _____— lekm, alulttl rtmc Baelts. tUat. W. I .AT.M, M s k . «n 7 h..*s,«_ Oatal »r». IV».. T. i. 0I»il«ON*0O..Cept, 17. Ohloajgo. CIRCUS & JUGGLING Apparatus, Rolling Globes, Clubs, Batons, Guns, wire Walkers' Apparatus nnd Novelties. Stamp for catalog. EDW. VAN WYCK, Cincinnati, O. CATALOG of Professional and Amateur Plays, Sketches, Mono- logs, Minstrel Jokes, Recitations Make-Up Goods, Elc.sent FREE. GERALD, 20 Ann St., New York. BIG TIME_ACTS Written to order. Guaranteed tjfttJte good. Write for terms. N. J. BVCKWBBET, Huntington, Mass. UQ VAN FLEET RINTE 4T WEST SSth ITBXBT, MEW YORK. FRANK HAYDEN, lie. COSTUMES And OO WEST 4»th STREET, NEW YORK PHONE, BRYANT 6275. SEND FOR OATALOGlh NEW 212 PA6E ILLUST. MAGIC GATAL Containing cut* of Leading Conjurors, 50c. New 124 page book Cntal., 10c. None free. W. D. L EHUY, 103 Court St., Doaton .^jasa. THEATBICAsL WIGS Toupees, Ladles'Hair Goods. M. Btela'avluake- Up. Send for Price IJaL GEO. SHINDHBL1I. 232 W. 41at St,. New York. jJiTHB.-Ti l\7. OH*..*'". Tel. 3720-Bryant. ___*■ "THEOLD RELIABL-'* iPuANTEf^s BLACK j • CAPSULES' IFobCATARRH &JISCHARGE