The New York Clipper (December 1914)

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THE N^TW YORK CLIPPER December 12 CONTINUED ATTRACTIONS. THCE* ICE>W YORK! CITY THEATRES "THE DEBUTANTE. tt ASTOR—"The Miracle Man," twelfth, wwt BOOTH—"Experience," seventh week. B1JLASCO—'Leo Ditrlchstcln. in "The Fban- tom Rival," tenth week. CANDLER—"On Trial," seventeenth, week. COilT—"Undsc Cover/' sixteenth week. COMIODY —Marie Tempest, In repertoire, "POLYGAMY/ DALE'S Mth STREET. (JOB 1IAQLI.N, MCE.) There was a strong evidence of gloom Knickerbocker (Harry 0. Sommcrs bus. mgr.)—Haxel Dawn, In The Debutante' an operetta in two acts. Music bv Victor Herbert. Book and lyrics by Harry B. Smith. and Robert B. Smith. Staged by George Marlon. Dances by Allen K. Foster. I'ro- PROCTOR'S TWENH-THIRD SI. PUyboaie (Wm. A. Brady mgr.)— (wiuxtM A. Matthews, mob.) Pelygamv, a play In four acts by Harvey Guard's Water Nymphs, featuring Anna O'Hlgglns and Harriet Ford; produced Tuea- Morcroft, headlined the bill here last half hanging over this bouse and every one of dttce( | by j 0 h n c Fisher on Monday nlclit day evening, Dec. 1, by the Modern Play Co., of last week, and after the Saturday night the BUff last TnurBday nignt. I met Joe r>ec. 7 _ ^t^ ^^ caBt: . with this cast: show (Dec 6). a water contest, for both Maglin Wednesday night and he made me _ Snencor Malnwarine CavendUh Blxth week, Second week In "At the Daniel Whitman Ramsey Wallace seres, was an extra feature, with entries of almost as happy as he was himself by In- *"* " on - opencer .-nainwanng """d'sh. Born." Zmu Chrystal Herno David Bheetoan. Carl Pltcaer, Jimmy Murphy, forming mc that he had been presented with lt , utpn(mt T. rrT shl > r idan DoStr lmC COHAN—"It Pttya to AdvcrUse." fourteenth brigbam Kemblc William 1). Mack Bessie Brown* and Millie Lalman. Miss a nine pound boy by Mrs. ifaglln at their K& l H5 t 7g^f^V/.73SA^^ week. Annls Grey Katherlne Emmet Lalman did the rolling log, the somersault home over In Brooklyn. vVra Bunker Will «S3 EM1PIBE—Wm. Gillette, Blanche Bates and Moroni Tanner (Stephen Wright and one thousand bubbles (under water) The sting of gloom, over the staff the fol- gJJS" Frazer Jwil'riam Iianfnrth Kenrble /Ttioma* Irwin well enough to have flrat prize awarded her. lowing night was due to a'phone message to gS , n r f y rra * er 'Hazel rta«n Mr. Maglin Thursday noon from that little Armand ' Maroiils' "de 'Front'enac DI/TINGB—"Innocence," with Pauline Fred- lihoda Pauline Curley envelope. Bessie Brown put a bunch of fun home in Lrooklyn, carrying the awful new; > * c ""■ -,• crick, fourteenth and last week. Lorenzo Howard M. Btuart In It, wfcen, after splashing about the tank that that which had brought him Increased p^.. m r Wllmuth Merkvi FOBTY-FOUItTH OTIIHOT — Dippcl Opera Batbsbeba Tanner Mary 8haw In her endeavor to accomplish at least one happiness only a day or so before .had been ^y/f,, n Zoe Barurtt Co., in "The Lilac Domino." seventh charlotte Tanner Amy Hodges of the stunts, she did a "can-can" from the "called back across the Great Divide. Noah SSA& .„..?... Theodore llelnToth week. Clara Tanner Marie Plnckard top of the flight of stc^s to the sUge proper, Webster never did think of a word sad M"» l^J'''*'""'"' .r.^Sylvla Jawn POllTY-EIGHTH STItEBT—"The Law of Matilda Tanner .Marie Hudson that was * itot of laughs. And when she enough to fit such a cruel blow, and every p , VAaaon J. Abbott Worthiev the Land," with Julia Dean, eleventh Augusta Strong Mona Ryan made her exit, apparently much bumped, great big heart was bleeding with griei for STmiiiii or »rvw» week. Eofeltne Strong Grace Atwell but unharmed W tfio slide, Bbe won wbaj kr. and Mrs. M.nglU, as the smile was wiped sihopsis or scenes. Helen Kenton Lucy Cotton applause was due for what she accomplished from my face upon bearing It. Act I.—Godfrey Ftazer s Villa, Mt Edrc- outalde the tank. The twenty-thlrders en- Dave Vanficld. assisted a bit by a plump combe, near I'lymoutb, England. joyed the graceful work of Miss Morcroft, young woman In a "The Fencer costume. Act II.—deception Room of Paul Masson's , May Goodwin and Marie JanBen, the three opened tie "first half show to a good Studio, Paris. GAIETY—atuth Cbatterton in "Daddy Long- Tu c Prophet Howard Kyle very shapely girls In Ouard's act. They are start. Juggling hats, balls, plates, with speed , Legs," eleventh week. Ilia Secretary Lee Metford all individual experts In the tank, and are and cleverness, within bis own "gym..' set Hazel Dawn, whose work In GLOBE—-Montgomery and Stone, In "Chin- A Temple Guard FULTON—"Twin Beds," eighteenth week. GRAND OPERA HOUSl-i—^'hnunccy Olcott, Ezra Strong Fran* McBntee outside the tank. The twenty-thlrders en- TfaAA » Whn fib- *' i > »I ■* a. n>_ »•••> invfwl rrio <rM fat n in "The Heart of Paddy Whack, third and last week. Chin,'' eighth week. HIPPODROME — "Wars of the World," fourteenth week. LYCEUM—Elsie Ferguson, In "Outcast," sixth week. LITTLE—"A Pair of Silk Stockings," eighth a ^ruooa LYRIC—"The Only Girl," Blxth week ; fourth at this bouse. LONQACRIE— "So Much for So Much," sec- ond week. ■"•j Hazel uowo, wnose worn in "The Pink .Arthur Barney a divine trk>" In the nbreviated one-piece in two. Vanfleld is clever in his work and Lady- and "The Little Cafe" is still pleas- bvkoprih n» spbweh union suits. rings In enough comedy with "props' to re- antly remembered by thousands of theatro- Tie Wilton Slaters (New Acts), a youth- lieve the manipulating of articles used. The g08n , stepped upon the stage of the Kn'ck- xnornlng. Well constructed and highly Interesting, MAXINE BLTJOTTS—Wm. FavcrBham. to polygamy' possesses the unusual attribute "The Hawk." eleventh week; second additionally ol pre.wntlng a jrtoor of_novelty. ■week at tins bouse. pleating baritone voice. sician, was' No. 2. Al. needs a fresh line of action halted, and of comedy there Is a g> n- Rae Broscbe and company is how Frank talk. He plays well on concertina and saxo* erous supply. The second act put the Bae's act "Bottle 6-40-9, ib being billed on phone, bot Bhines with bis cornet work. ah 0W . "over the footllgb not a ques- this time. It's a farce comedy playlet, feac Texas Tommy Is a dancing horse. A very tton. Tht basic theme of the drama, which kf taring Rae's German cahracterizatlon, as'a pretty animal, whose rider (male), In cow- The hook and lyrics of the omith Brothers Victor Her- the opening . best composi- rullltary horse showing right and left tlons, pflssnge, and a combination of pivot and An Irish song with a captivating swing is camel stretch.: The animal did its work like "Peggy's a Creature of MoojJs," and It Is bain Shirk manages the stage at this house— sure to be on the phonograp ad in the sos- like ~a major. '•• session • of the wnistltog Send by the time ' The Unlvcreal's special feature serial, "The these lines are read. "All For the flake of Master Key," is being shown every Wednes» a- Girl" is another Herbert gem. and "The dnv hero,' and causing much interest. Golden Age" is sure to achieve Chain and Templeton, going smoother than A i MLANHATrPAN" OPERA HOUSE —"Life," seventh wevk. PARK—"The Garden of Paradise," second week. PUNOH AND JUDY-^"The Marriage of Col- umbine," fifth week. PLAYHOUSE—"Polygamy." second week. PRINCESS—One act plays. REPUBLIC — John Barrymore and Jane , Grey. In "Kick In," eighth, week; Whether the note of alarm the play Bounds a\ nMX come, when mother is given a charge fourth at this house! Is based on fact or fancy must be determined 0 f "6-409" and "tells her son3n-1aw bow he BHUBERT—"8uzt." with Jose CoUlan and by penOna familiar with present conditions "truthfully" stands with her. He finally de- Tom McNuughton, sixth week; second in Utah and adjoining Western Statin, where c i aes DO me bas the cards besten a mile, and at this houa*. the Mormon Church is established. If we an all-around understanding straightens out when caught at another Harlem • theatre a wisp." WALLACE'S — Mrs. Patrick Campbell, in are to bellevo the evidence of our eyes and the trouble. It's full of sure-fire patter, and' few weeks before, scored big with their duet been exceedingly successful. "Pygmalion." ninth and last- week; cars, and accept "Polygamy as a truthful though eld in idea the little company get it sings, comedy,'and Templeton's eccentric and "The Debutante" Is really an old fashloued third at this house. representation of facts, then surely there la over to good results. acrobatic dancing specialty. musical piece, nnd presents Miss Dawn as WINTER GARDEN — "Dancing Around," swnetftlng radically wrong with the Govern- All Barrett and Barl need to assure their Gleason and Dunham (New Acts), aw two stnger,_ actress and violinist. This charming, Playwrights, however, eicept for tie pur- ^ tbe contents of Which "will make the poses of comedy, have left the subject of dr i nlM tell the truth." Hubby is admln- J^iS tnarrlago (as it is purported according lB , erod ae Uau | d tca . wnat :J f e ghouldn't, *^ °*£_r3 a ?V l<> be Pj: ac .l° ed even currently by ^en the wife faints. Is given a dose or it, ?."£ %r" "ortuoa brethren) severely alone. 8n a tells some surprising things to him. The olden Age" is sure to achieve popularity. song of exquisite charm is "The will o' the 'Isp, In short, Mr. Herbert's end bas ninth week. "SOBIUCH FOR SO MUCH." louurniTo (H. H. Frazee, mgr.) ~8o Much for tin Much, a p'oy in three nets by Willard Mack, produced by H. II. Frazee, Friday evening, Dec. 4, with this cast: Mrs. Rrcnnon Jnlln Walcot Rttssle Ilrennun.." It'ith Perry Chnrlle Itrcnnan Charles (.'ompton Mary Brenuan Marjnrie Rnmbeaa Tom Hughes Willard Mack Steve Ciissman Jack Jevne William Stondmnn Josopn Kligour Powei! WUIliira Norton Schultzo Edmund Walton STNOFBIfl OP SCENES. Act I.— Hie Rrcnnan Home, New York City. 8 i". m Act II.--The Same. Ten days Inter. Act III.—Stcadman's Apartments. Two weeks later. _ _ynn necu IV assure UJcir \iieaunu duu uuuuaiu i.»cn awo,. »c .nu niugci, bluch auu uvujisu iuiv t-utiiajji^. ment's exccitlon of the laws relating to torn tborongb good going anywhere is some girls who make a good combination in a beautiful and talented young woman scored clural marriage, insofar as the sections of u ve patter for the man while the little lady, piano and song offering. a' great personal success. She appeared as the countiy where Morn.-onlsm is considered aB & "mechanical doll," Is working a la by Caryl and Grlndell, an effeminate—"nut" Elaine, a young opera singer, who, believing the true religion. The ploy will at least wires Tbe man opens the act with 'Sorry —rube comedian and the girl doing manl- herscir neglected by her lover, starts a fllrtd- cansv considerable discussion, and if con- cur trunks did not arrive but I'll try and curlst. need a new act badly. The business tlon with a French nobleman, and eventually ditIons are as bed as it so bitterly and vigor- entertain with a monologue.' He follows of trimming tbe man's nails with screw- wins her lover back She gave charm to her ously asserts they are regarding tbe practice with some good Hebrew dialect and gags, and driver, garden shears and other Instruments acting, and her violin solo was much enjoyed, of multiple marriage, then It would not be then whistles two numbers, with aid of that come not under a manicurist's reper- Her singing, however, was not up to her surprising If its effects were far-reaching and fingers. The "baggage" arrives, and from the tnlre is sure-fire laughs, bnt this couple ap- standard being off the key several times, possibly productive of revolutionary changes big wooden box the "doll" is taken, wound pear worth trying something that requires due, no doubt, to nervousness. In the conduct of those of our citizens pro- up, and tbe performance of the girl equals real talent. Will West is her prln ml cnmcdUn, but feaBlng the Morman faith. siy "doll" bit we've seen in a long time. "Her First Case," Julia Nash's old comedy his opportunity to creat. .aughs came only In the etory of "l'olygamy" Daniel Whit- a song by her, with the man doing '"tricks" vehicle, was well put over by a cast of three in the second act. He created mu'j'i laugh- man 1« happily married to Zlna, tic daughter with cigarette, and a final repeat, with Wm bard workers, who were mighty well reward- ter with "business," especially in a song Kemble and the sister of Brlgbam whistling, with the aid of two of tbe girl's of Ncpbl ed for tneir efforts. called "The Gay Life,'' in a burlusque on kemble. rejtpec'ively an apostle and apostate lingers In his mouth. The man could make Every Thni-sday evening is Country Store grand opera. of the Mormon Church. a neater appearance. night at this bouse, and the audience were Stewart Baird did jiore with his songs Brlgbnm Kemble, ten years before the The Fixer," with Walter D. Nealand in a great mood for enjoying a real good than he did with his acting. He played the play b.'gJus, has loved and been loved by most prominent as an advance man of a show before the calling of the lucky coupon role of a French noblcv ->-« wlo ■'ontluually Amis Tanner, bat Brlgham refuses to ac- circus, did well in No. 5 spot. The action holders. got the proverbs mi when he did not cept the tenets of his parents faith as n-'s takes place within the female editor's office Three double acts on tbe change of Mil forget It (which -was. be spoke with a own belief, end the powers that be In this of The Banner, the main paper of Spring- Thnrbday, Dee. 4, without conflicting. French accent Instance, Moroni Tanner and bis father, re- dale (U, S.). She has "panned" the mayor of Von Dell opened the show for the last half Wllmuth Merkyl assumea the role of fuse to sanction the marriage between Brig- the town in an article in The Banner, and with his change impersonations of famous Philip Frazer, Elaine's lover, on short notice tnm and Annls. .Annls, In order to com- as the mayor holds a three hundred dollar musicians (nltnough but one appeared fa- and managed to give a satisfactory porform- TnktnL' nn nirl iili>n for n nln» nml hnirlin* pletcly thwnrt the proposed alliance, is mir- mortgage on the premises, which cannot be miliar to this audience), and his selections ance. The songs assigned him were well Inters![for two andin half llntanoSo i led off to nn elder of the church, and Brig- paid, he calls to foreclose on the possible on violin, 'cello, saxophone and cornet rendeied. ask bn W Hard Mmk: whoEarlier in the ham leaves Salt Lak.> City and seeks employ- green sheet Ho gives her a paltry hour's stamp him among, the best in his particular Robert G. Pitkin, ns Lieutenant Larry season cave us "Kick: In"accomn lrted tha! nient In New York and other cities ofitbe Time to scrape up the three hundred. In the line. Sheridan, made his role stand out consplcu- trlck Frldnv evenlnir Vv'c 4 when his latest ■*■*• . meantimo an advance circus man drops in Reed and Tuttle, a neat combination, ous'.y. To him fell "Peggy's a Creature of nlnv 'Ro Much for So Mnch " had Its Initial Ten y ea ™ d*? 8 *. and as the sctkm starts to place an "ad," falls in love with "the scored a great big finish with tbe throwing Moods," the song hit oftbe piece, and he nro'durt'on ' we are Informed through the medium of th« boss," and when the mayor returns makes "on" of a dozen shoes, while they doublo sang it capitally in a delicious IrisJi brogue. It is'a reminder of the white slave airita- play'a dialogue that tolgham has returned him forMt the mortgage papers for a bribe "When I Get Married To-day." The girl Sylvia Jason, a mere mite of a girl, is tlnn whl-h hold rriich attention in this cltv to once more renew bis suit for Annls' hand, receipt he holds, and. of course, wins the gal. (blonde) makes good appearance, and has a prominent In the production. She Is a n vmr aio Mi- Mack has linndled the lden ■« husband meanwhile having died. It's a "pop" act, and one amusing enough to pleasing soprano voice. The man's a "nut" "find," foe she sings well and danoes gracc- Komowhnt .llirermitlv and written a clever Rrigham, in ten yeurs, baa far from be- kejp the Interest going strong throughout. sort of worker, end also rings tbe effeminate fully. lav aiatlnctilsliod iirlncliinllv lo.'auBe of coming reconciled to the teachings of Mor- The Versatile Trio, doing the same routine business In on his " 'Btoo High" solo.- He Zoe Barnett appears only In the second monism reached the point where he openly of turn as when flrst seen hereabouts, even. ]6uks well in dark Jacket, flannel trousers act but ns Irma, a Russian dancer (with a pi: iintiirnlncK.-t. The story has to do with Mary Rronnan, denounces tt, and scoffs at what he terms a stenographer In (he employ of William »«, vicious ".yP^f'^les. — . ^ Stendmun, u wealthy broker! She U In love •« "Tiev to punlsn BrlghML »««■» &* with Ton nuK'es. a young newspaper re- nor. cruel aud oraftily vtodlctlve, utilizes porter, who doesn't earn enough to support his influence w»t only to preven*t"«jnar. iier «nd her fumllv. r'agc with Ills daughter. Annls, but goes a She thinks she 1ms learned the ways of step further and forces .through the means in to tbe card game with crackers and dishes, bit solidly. The boys sing and dance well to- gether but should be breaking in a new spe- cial bit. because they are worth two-a-day contracts an far as value goes. Bud Snyder and his comedian, made up a mixture of a Ylddlsh-clown-tramp-soldler, Hud's Jumping up a hnr oninlnvpr whom G he considers iMlferont of his official connections In Inner circles of Were next to closing. Bud'i . "mm i!t "era because he has shown 'her the churah, Daniel Whitman to take an ad- flight of stairs and playing a specially de- don or he's "damy mistaken." ^The tenseness A word of praise is due Theodore Hen (a bit too snugly cut). Spanish make-up) scored heavily despite the "The Man and the Law," a heavy dramatic fact that the role gives her few opportunities playlet, with five people, deals with a "fugi- to show how clever she really is. live from Justice, who proves he committed The clever Maude Odell managed to make murder to protect a woman, and when a rather small par. jtand out She was very tracked to a friend's house by a plain clothes amusing when she danced, man, falls far enough in love with a girl William Danforth also helped greatly whose dad dually decides he'll get him a par- In the comedy end of the entertainment' fmrn otrers because he has shown her «■« «..«».—, ~~--v. ■■-•--—-. - -—- -r-.- favors, even to loaning her money to pay dltionad wife, and none other but Annls. doctor's him contracted by her youngest Here Is a complex situation, indeed. sister. H>'0 learns her mistake, however, If these people, all born In the Mormon when, lured to Stinduinu's apartments, ho faith are to obey it* teachings, they must seizes and klssis her. subtmk to the rule of the QQH. whose iShe ilemmnoes Wm In no mild tone, and orders are given Id ft ralm. Judicial manner In the midst of her recriminations the youig that brooks up disobedience. E!t her ""' reporter ■pnean nnd tells what he knows must obey or take the it-nsequences. These of Sti'Hdmiiu's pant. He turns down a bribe, consofiucnses, according to the vised "chimes" appnrntus while Jumping on the bicycle, and n flnil hop to a spring b*d and stage finishes th: turn strong. •Guard s Nymphs and the contest closed the bill. Toi. * nnd leaves with the girl. proml»lng to print the whole story in the newspapers. Mr. Mack himself played the part of the reporter, and plnyed it well. Mnrjorie Itnmbenu, ns the young etenog- Inference drawn" from'the stoJ'y.'Vlli be Inexpressibly dire. BROADWAY. (.TITLES AABONSON, HOB.) Good business prevails here, and on Mon- day, Dec. 7, an excellent program of motion Deilel, Zlna nnd Annas, strong In their pictures and vaudeville was presented. belief nnd loath to leave the path trodden The Musical Cottas opened, and presented by their ancestors ore torn by the conflicting 0 musical novelty that brought them plenty raplirr. should be given much credit for her emotions of love, duty aud filial respect, of applause. Both are line musicians, piano excellent portrayal of her role. She acted Betbshebn, Annls* mother, and apparently the playing and comedy featuring a large Instru- part of HUo comes in Is a mystery A flight piomacy" closes next Saturday night, with earnestness, nnd In several strong attua- oldest and best regarded of Moroni Tanner's jnent of electric wheels, in different colors of collapsible stairs helps the laughs along. Monday, Dec. 14, "Driven," by E. Temple tlons proviil most capable. live wives, selves the problem with the aid 0 f bells, made a good climax. Stewart and K.eeley (her Acts) nave a Thurston, will be presented here by Charles Joseph Kllcour, as Stondman, gnve his 0 f a sum of money which she generously Zena Keefe, a dainty comedienne, offered amooth, re-arranged song and dance offering pronma.,,, W | t h a cast Including: Alexandra usual convincing performance and scored elves to HrJgbam and Annls. who make their fonr songs and proved very entertaining. She that, ant ovor big here. Carlisle. Charles Bryant, Leslie Faber, lunvlly. cscai>e and start for the East ostensibly co opens singing a song Impersonating a boy, Bigelow, Campbell and Ra.vdn (three men) Hatdeo Wright, Lumsden Hare, T. W. Fercy- Eilmund Walton, as Schultzo, who only coiunimmatc their long deferred nuptials and that went over big. Her second number, an presented a speedy, good piano and song va , Arthur Groenway, Rita Otway and appeared lu the Inst net. had little to do, live their life In their own vray. Italian number, was equally well rendered, tnrn.' and repeated as big going as any F ^ Goodwin but did rnpltal work. The situation In the second act, where the "Tip Top Tipperary Mary" and "Rag Picker"' ahead ef them on the bill. _A live wire trio m» to be an followed. Tie young lady showed off a fairly of melody ente of it got so strong a hold on the crowd that roth for his 'cello olo. It was splendidly one "fair one" let loose a screech that near done. capsized the act Got righted again and a There Is much to admire in "The Debu- fine ovetlon at finish. tante." The chorus is large and works well. Dawson and Gillette (New Acts) cleaned Ihe settings are beautiful, and the modem up a nice hit with their songs and comic gowns and costumes are gorgeous. Job patter. 'The Noisy Students," a rather crude "tab- loid show" bit, lu a set showing four rooms and n like number of characters of old maid, a German, a tragedian and a musically in- . dined female. The latter causes all the manager; Jack Hall, assistant stage man- trouble with her rehearsals on cornet, piano, ager. tambourine'and singing (?). One's Just as ' ■ noisy as the other, but where the "dludents" Empire (Charles Frohman, mar.)—"M- On Fisher, the producer, has spent money with a lavish hand. The executive staff is as follows: John P. Daly business manager: Randolph Hartley, press' representative; William Carlton, stage Corcedv lilts were recorded by Julln WaJ- l'rupbet. sitting In what seems entertainers are B., C. and It. cot. ns Mrs Brennnn, and Charles Compton, Pinc t duplicate of tbe council room In tbe good singing voice. nubbins' elephants closed the Bhow_ with as Charlie Brcnnan. Morman Temple. In Salt Lake, decrees that Fred Ballnn and Molly Fuller rave their a fine routi ne of stunts. The rest of the cast were also seen In u a nli>l Whitman must marry an additional amusing skit, entitled "On the Way to Tod. eatable roles. Jack. wife or lose his political prospects, position, Joncsvllle," in which mistaken idautltv plays money, etc., and thu climax of tbe third act, an important part, and scored one of the which finds Zlra prostrate outside the dopr laughing hits. of the room In ber own home. In whehjmo George Richards and company followed, believes her husband to be with his new *rifr\ also presented « sketch, called McKINLEY SQUARE. i a h miMiMONn Monl believes her .husband to be witn ins new miy, also presented « snetci, eaiieu "jimsy Allen Dlnehart and company, Raymon . - .?' V 11 -"* 10 ""' ,"'* . . . arc both startling In their sincerity and vivid Money," in wMeh the father assists a younr BalD Bo^iu, ad Lane and O'Donnell In spite of tho bnd weather Monday nlgnt, intensity There. Is plenty of laughs through- man in marrying his daughter much against . Metropolitan Opera House.—Bills for week ending Dec. 5 were: itadama ■ Butter- flu Monday, Nov. 30;D«r Roten-Kamlier, Dec. 2: Prtetan and J«oWe. 3r Tote*. 4; Caraierio Rtuttioana and / PapHaccf, 5 (matl- rroctor's Fifth Avenne.—The bill In- cludes: Honita and George P.. Murphy, Keith's Royal (Bronx) (C. C. Egan, mgr.)—Bill for' this week: Evelyn Nesblt and Jacl: Clifford, Courtney Sisters. Bull and * West Genaro and Bailey, Horllck Family. Charles and Ada Latham, the Five i.ell Bing- "Easy Allen Dlnehart and company, Ravmond and ere. Gortelle Pros., Taneen, Hope and nice, younr Bain Robins, and Lane and O'Donnell. and Splssell Brothers and Mack. Intensity. There. Is plenty or laugns mrougin- man In marrying nis Oaugnter mucn against Dec. 7, this house was packed. The novelty * t th » p]|1 - vvulc h are not derived from his wishes. It was well plnyed, and the f tat lire was n baby show, and nianv mothers . incidents but rather from the subtle audience showed their approval by frequent braved the Rtorm with their vomigsters to | nfpronre , of the, at times, sardonic humor outbursts of applause, compete for the prizes given by the manage- of t , lp nln | 0|:llo . .• Beevc8 aBd Werner , In a singing specialty, n ""it. "Polygamy" has been adequately produced w de Bl , cn B hlt that lhc au diencc hid them KaUer'a lings, n drttCB elp\r.r aud enter- ftT1<1 llll0 - y cast , Kamtty Wallsce. as the B|ng nhnQt tt iotea „ ODg8 , "Harmony Bay" tolnlng runliH's, opened the lilll. perplexed husband, and Chrystal Ilcruc, as and "Tulip and Rore" fentuxed, the last tak- FWtC, «M. .Kaltf. ■lea a td wit! tnctrjlxg- hp J 90ri ., v tripd W | te . both natural roonoga- , ng ^veral encores Roth men are capable ing nnd tnlklng act. 1 ho woman docs the ta , u y t „ tl |, inclined to belief ' (GXAB. POTBPAX, MOB.) Monday night, Dec. 7, a good houso on the piece between teeth singing "What I'd Do for roof and n goud bill. a Girl Like You," and t':e same song svneo- I.onzr, Cox opened tho show In a silhouette paled. He imitates voice througj pnon.. act. He woits with a stereoptlcon lamp singing "It's a Long Way to Xlppcrnrj, those through citing p..- lio.repliy a detective"—r.lp goes tho film I It wns only n moving picture. Rtirt Ml limine went over big nml was encored, In block focc net the young .. ard Kyle made a diplomatic and Impressive talking business. Prophet His. welVmoduinted^and^musical A condensed . muslcal_ comedy, feararbng Ms In the_ CradIo_ of .Love,; sood^iarmouy. Their opening number. "Rock rtl . 0 r f„ (ue °° e ™.° D >rora th West and' u* in tii» frnrtin of .T^>ve." fniiftn7«i with dlcnne, came in from tne wesi »«; " voice proved a good nspct in the Interprela- Blanche l*»r<niette; as Ben Loring, with a "Back to the Caro: Hon oftho part Llixlo Hudson Collier, Koth- chorus of six, had little to recommend It out- a medley of Irish Me in the t-'rnoio or .bove," ronowea witn _;„ y fc . "™r«J _iVh . n7^t mntine of son:.-*. '•Back to the Carolina Yon Love," and then M? "^TrVS 'eriL^pfn^TchanH't.-r Mb. «ros. tramp acrobats, closed the ^^SStS* 'SSf 8ha w, ^tribnledtt.rea ^Z of theTlngtag. which' w U ent over I™* *l»*»£ff &2&i " show. The pictures luclndod "White BflfW (Ilnl- vcniiI) and "Atlantis," a (cuturc by th» Great Northern Films. A'hiK. i > IIinlKon (Ileni'v ». Ilnrrls' HRtate. mgrs.) —Hlchnrd Bennett began n four weeks' cn- giigcmcnt here Monday, Dec. 7, in "Dam- iirciI Goods." Mr. Rcnuett has most of tho oriirliiiil cast of this piny supporting htm. Grnmi oiu-rn House (Illchnrd Doruey, mgr.)—Cliaiiurey Olcott began. Doc. 7, his third nnd last week. Mbvlcs" fjllows H. a medley of Irish songs, wnicn went over ij, rf 6 j,!,„ "r^mff in Safe w.i>; iiniu> big. "rie'B a Rag Picker'' got a jropd band. ™«£ a JS?l3r& a cood hand. Iter criue I'Jmiuet and Mary ShowcpntrlDnieatnrcs gide of the singing. bis. "He's a mg richer-got a goo.1 nana. „rv Vcverlv and got a good hand. H'-r distinctively notable pot traynls of repressive Whltefleld and Ireland, that clever pair. They dosed with "Krin." At finish took it a 7 )B n number'wasi cood A cometlv num- studies in emotional character acting, and WBB se eD In their successful offering, r "The Wm. R. Mack was virile nnd intensely human Bdic- of BdngvHle," and simply cleaned up. ns the heretical Apostate Brlglmci Kemble. The Mirano Bros., nerlallsts, who perform Mr Mack's conception of the headstrong and their fe&tB while swinging around the stage, iii'iei'uilned riemy. of tbe exponents, of were a feature. Jack. 'Tho Queen of tlio uiriygmii" was artlBtlc to a degree and a characterisation that added materially to the strong Import of sincerity that runs throughout the piny. «<*• i ■ Murray Hi" (Fred Waldmnnn, mgr.)— W'it<>m's Orientals this week. -..-v.— Italian number was good. . - 55 ^ r, i , , a v <>«. " w e « lrl « Can't Be Too Corcfi I.' nt Schrcck and Perelval (man and woman) finish took three bows. She wore a teuiu- comedy acrobatic and dancing act Schreck f u ) ^ 0 ld color gown. Isa jatural comedian and a clever acrobat. Franklyn - Anlell, assisted by Anna war- Mlss 1'erdvnl Is a good foil ar.d full of per- ^y m -rhr. Suffragette," was the lnn^bin^ ecnnlity. Tlie tables, four high. Is an old n jt of the night. They Just yelled anil him laughed nt them, and Ardell Is always avia- ARTHUR H. MILLER, 333 W. 44th St.. N. Y. Bet itt*Mki«. Manufacturer of CHIMES, SELLS, MUSICAL NOVELTIES, XYiOPHONE. DRUMS, TRAPS, Etc. ELECTRICAL CHIMES and BELLS. Wcw Amsterdam (Klaw • Erlanger. trick of S-^rccks whlr-h always gets n inaghed ., ni j.ra.)_"Wntcb Your Stop" Is the title of a good hand. Their finish In one Is a good iDg nf . w comw jv Mts nt all times. Charles DilUnglmm's latest musical comedy. Idea. They took three bows. RM nnd S^nrp (two men). Pi""','"'" which opened at tills thontro Tuesday night. W1I1I «™ 3 - Kel] ^\ fonm " draniatlc stock B |„ cmff H ct (In one). In dress stilts. «"«» I>cc. 8. with Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Castle actor, did p. monologne In one. He told a , pi .. no „ nd Recne singing. peir—iM«»•- starred in it. Others in the cast are: Frank several Irish and negro stories which got w , 3 m( ,stly comedy songs, nnd Keen?- i>»'-» Tluncv. Kllmbcth Murrav. BUrabrth Ilrlce him laughs, then recited, and at finish took song or old soldier was cleverly rendei;'! .'« nnd (Onirics King, Sallle PlBhcr. narry Kelly, three hewn. «.-„.. h„»-= Th» encore s: Harrv Kills. Billy Halllgau and Dnma Sykes, Al. Hnlbrook, Johnstone. ColnrnVIn (J. Herbert suck, mgr.)— QosKty Girls this week. throe bows. toof three bows. Hugli J. Eramett, the California vcntrllo- funny. The encore speei 1 Sam "Burbank and. Ju'stlnc auist.°"iis!dstcd bV"lHidrcil_ Kmmett at the The Four Victorsi _ (four nijenl^ han'l l^'j plnno. has a clnssy net. fonmett Is n good nnclng nnd acrobatic act, snowed so ^'' r 'J. violinist also. His work as a ventriloquist rove! and new tricks and closed the • ••«• stands out, especially his bit with half dollar They held them in, l. : U !• ■r i j) .Sow.