The New York Clipper (December 1914)

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10 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. December 12 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER OUT OF TOWN HEWS •■•v.- •; Founded In 18D3. THE FRANK QUEEN PUBLISHING CO. (Limited) proprietors. ALBERT J BOIilE Editorial and Business Mamaoer. NEW YORK, DECEMBER 12, 1911 Entered June 24. 1870. al (lie I'oit Office it New York, N. Y.. a* second clam matter, under the act of March 8. 1879. Ailierllaemenla—$2.80 per Inch, slnfie column. Advertisements act with border, 10 per ct. eitra. subscription. One jear. la advance. Mi alimontbt. $2; three urolith*. II. Canada aud foreign poatage eitra. Hingis eoplfi will be aeut, postpaid, on recel|it of lu crcta. „ , Oar Term* are Cauls. TBS GLIPF1EB la leaned every WEDNESDAY. ■ he Formal Cloalnic Promptly OB lundaj. at 10 A. BI. Pleaae remit by express money order, check, l'. O. order or reentered letter. All cub enclosed with letter at risk of sender. AsIllreaB All Communications to THE NEW YORK CLIPPER, 47 West 28lli Street, Sen York. Tel. 2274-Madlaoii. Ittatilertt Cable isMreaa, "Authoriti." THE WEBTEBN BTTRRfVU of Tn> Clipper la located at Itoom 605, Aabland Block, Chicago, Wirrea A. Patrick, manager aod cut-resiMiinleilt. Tits Clipped cah bb obtained wholesale and iK-iAii.. at our agents. Daw's Steamship Agency, IT llreen Street. Charing C.-.aa Road, London. .W. C, England; Breutauo's news depot, 37 Avenue de l'Opera 1'arta, France; Manila Book and Sta- tionery Co., 128 Bacolta. Manila, P. I.; Gordon fc Ooteb, 128 Pitt Street. Sydney, N. 8. W , Australia. ANSWERS T O CORRE SPONDERTS, DRAMATIC. M. B.—Address her In care of Thb Nnw York Cliffeb and we nil! advertise letter In Clipper letter-list. A. J. B., Cleveland.—Address him this week care Club Theatre, Rochester. N. Y. CARDS. A. I,. St Louis.—it la a misdeal and tho deal does not count for either of the playe.-a. ■ "I/VKB."—1. If the dealer gives himself or either of the other players more ox '<■«» than five 'cards, and the player receiving such a number of cards announces the fact before he raises the cards from the table. It Is a misdeal. Or. If the dealer deals with- out having the pack jproperly cut, or If, b> lore the draw a card Is fuced In the pack, It Is a misdeal. 2. The highest possible band in poker, if ttraiyhtH do not count. Is four aces. In the East, however, straights an so generally played that unless tt Is ar- ranged be-fore the commencement of the play 1101 10 count straights, or unless house rules forbid It. n straight flush is conceded to be the highest hand. MISCELLANEOUS. W. L. C, Wellsley.—As neither A nor B named tho result of the game the bet is a draw. The Modern Da noes —more than ever make naceav ■ary the removing; of objection- able hair by women wbo take pride In their appearance, X-BAZIN DEPILATORY POWDER kaa bean aied by ladlei of reSnaaunt tor /Sjtau. Itwillnothirsuteteodereet sad ll positively guaranteed by as. Bold by allDngglata and Depart- ment Storee everywhere tor 50* — or you may obtain generous sim- ple by sending 10c In Hinpi. HAUL at RUCKEL " 213Waaalaiteaai., N.T.Oty I NO ONE WHO HAS \ Onco done with it, ever again wants to do without it. I MADISON'S BUDGET No. 15 Mora Than a Dollar's Worth I Content!! lticlmlo 1: treat monologues, 8 wonderful nets for two males and 7 acts for mule and female, 10 latest parodies, 8 tip-top Minstrel lli'«l-parl.s, 11 side splitting tabloid I farce, besides hundreds of original (rugs, sidewalk bits, etc. The price of MADISON'S BUDGET, No. IS la ONE lmLLAK per copy. I Hack Issues out of print, oxcopt No. 14; I price, $1, or Budgets 14 and 16 together, I (1.60. I ' JAMES MADISON, 10BH THIRD AVENUE. N BW YORK AT LIBERTY Leonard E. Lord Juvonllo Leads and Qcn. Bus. Height, 8 ft. 11 in.; weight 168 lbs.; age 24 yrs. Kxperluuce and abil- ity. Wardrobe on and off. Address Marquette Hotel, Milwaukee, wis. Baairkd Men Warttsd Two to doublo stage; one Character Old Man; one Blackface: others double oretiestrn; Strong Cornet FInTcr, with inualo, to lead eight piece band; Violin player to lead orchestra. Must be neat In appearance, and positively 110 boom. Have men now 'or drums; others write at once. Might use fleneral Business Woman. Do not misrepresent; It means discharge without notice. Show now In tenth week. Salary every Sunday; make it rea- sonable. Address by letter only. R. K. PITMAN, Convict's Daughter (Jo. Perm. Norlhwood, Iowa. WANTED FOR San Antonio Musical Comedy People. Oood Sister Team to work In numbers, « Small Chorus Ulrls, A No. 1 1'lano Flayer. Join ut once. Mako salary low. Fay your own. J. BURT JOHNSON, Gait, Iowa, lice. 11,12. -NeNfanara-tocl A* OfsO«t DWABF Comic preferred. Stato Bly.c. 0. iih.lehdt, zct w. na m st.,_New York._ PUTKR ACTS AND HOilMlllSTO Wit mid Humor. Contains excellent tuaicrlal; neat lumk, i'lc. New shot t-ciiBt plays for release. I'.. J. SIIAIU'STF.F.N.M Kim. Grand Rapids, Mich. In u'lSiccrltnF adt. please mention Cluteii. WASHINGTON. Belahco (L. Stoddard Taylor, mgr.)—Robert B. .Mautrll and a flue company gave Bbake- aiieijrean repertoire week ending Dec. S, to good bubJirf-w. joe Weber'* llrat public preaenUtloa of "The Fallen Idol," by Ony Bolton, staged by I red 0. Latbam, week of 7. Harry Lautitr matinee, Friday. 11. The Universal Motion Pic- ture Oo. presents "Damon and Pythlaa" week of 14, twice dally. Columbia (Fred 0. Berger, nun-.)—Rose Stahl, in "A Perfect Lady," week of 7. David Blsy ham, in song recital. Friday, 11. Bobmartne motion pictures, "Thirty Leagues Under the Sea." week of 14. Burton, Bclnes, la travel talk on "Ireland," was enjoyed by large audiences. National (Win. H. Bapley. mgr.)—"Pinafore," by the New York Hippodrome company, was aeen here week ending 6, was well received, and did good business. T, My Lady's Dress" week of 7. "Ben-llur" next. POLi'a (Louis J. Foaae, mgr.)—"A Woman's Way" waa well done by the Popular Flayers week ending 0. Charles Maekay, Robert Lowe, Corbett ilorrla and Daniel Ilanloo were all good. Lillian Kemble was excellent. Ksrberioe Stanton, Helene Margna, Marie Drotnah and Helen Trarey were all good, and tie rest of the cast gave One support. Oood business ruled. "The Lily" week of 7. "Charley's Aunt" next. Casino (A. Julian Brylawakl, mgr.)—BUI 7-9: "Cheyenne Days" (full week), Eetay and Paul, Bare Snow, the "Pis," Operatic Trie, Hallen ana Bnrt- 8anday concerta do well. Cosmos (A. Julian Brylawski, mar.)—Bill 7- B: "In Old Tyrol" (full week), Geo. Stanley Hall and company, Jerry Ranford, Mr. and Mrs. Itanos, Emma La bow, with new pictures. Sun- day concerts, well featured, and music by "That Orchestra," do capacity. Oatbtt (George Peek, mgr.)—The Golden Crook, with Billy Arlington, gave a ahow, to good business, week ending 6. At Beeves and his Beauty Show week of 7. Globe Trotters next. Country More continues a hit. Sunday concerta do well. B. F. Keith's (Roland S. Bobbins, mgr.)— Kitty Gordon and company. In "Alms's Return;" Harry Fox and Yancal Dolly, Brandon Hurst and company, Mile. Dorla, Burks and Lorraine, Haw- thorne and lulls. MoMabon, Diamond and Chap- low, Marie FUaglbbons, Hearst-Sellg News Pio tcrlnl. Sunday concerts do capacity. Majestic (Thomas Beynolda. mgr.)—This bouse opened up again and changed tta muse from "By-Jo" to one of Its original namee, Majestic, with the Tango Beauties. Corrlne Duforest, Dolly Walker, Madge Kane, George Dupree and Teddy Murphy were the head liners. The performance was well received, and good business waa dose for the opening week, Nov. 80. The Sunshine Girls week of 7. Sunday concerts. Matinee* Toeadaya, Tburedaye and Saturdays, xoraa. In tiii charge that discrimination had been made by the management of B. F. Keith's Thea- tre against a U. 8. Bailor, after the charges bad been thoroughly thrashed eat by the Nary Depart- ment and the district attorney, it waa found there was 00 discrimination at all, and Manager Roland 6. Bobbins was thoroughly vindicated. Tub Columbia being dark, Manager Fred G. Berger, a lover of sports, donated the boose to the boys, do they could enjoy themselves and not be cramped for room, the occasion being the dinner of the Columbia B. B. Team. With the table set on the stage, and full of the best from the market. The boys, headed by Capt. George Adama, were: G. Williams. S. Lenadale, W. Stewart, O. Weyfnrth, H. Bathls. B. Morrison, B. Willis, O. Golden, J. Dean, F. Schmld, L. Wallacb. 0. Fiyun, A. Batto, T. Root, H. Erskln and Eddie Talbert, manager and toaatmaster. After various stunta were flnlabed and meal disappeared, the toaatmaster made his calls, and let me tell you, wltb all bla other titles, Eddie Talbert Is some tosattnaster. After folly enjoying themselves they decided to tender their sincere thanks to Manager Fred G. Berger and Messrs. Frank and Oliver LMeteterott, tor their kindness la donating the house, and to "George" for bla valuahle aerricea and assistance. The popular treasurer of Foil's, Frank B. Behold, and Margaret B. Miller, are to be mar- ried Dec. tV - Manaoes Louis J. Fobhe, of Poll's, wltb the aralstnnce of Mr. Foil, are going to -give the., "youngsters" the time of their lives during Christ- mas week. Waouinston has aud is doing her shire towards the helping of the Belgian sufferers, nr>d to that sld a very delightful concert waa given at Bnuscber'a, under the direction of Mr. and Mrs. Ohaa. Stuart Alden. Everybody gave their services flee, and. the large audience enjoyed etch number nt the program, and each number was excellently well done. Richard Backing, tenor, aung by request "Tlpperary." and every- body stood still and remained until he had fin- ished, and as It waa so delightfully sung. If the audience bad its way, he would I* still sing- ing. The concert wss a success snd the talent should receive the hearty and sincere thanks of everyone for the hearty manner In which they responded to the call for aid to the sufferers. Lowell, Mass 'Keith's (BenJ. Pickett, mgr.) Mil for Dec. 7 and week: Six Musical Ger- mans. James Thompson and company, Ray and Billiard, Dorothy Member, Gordon and Rica, Nor- wood and Hall, and Arco Bros. ■MERE. So. (W. II. McKay, mgr.)—The Merk. Square Flayers present "DaugnWo of Men" 7-12. "Under Two Flaga" next week. OrxnA Hooss (Wm. Hill, met.)—For 7-9, "The Hooslor Schoolmaster." Vaudeville aud pictures 10-12. Acadbut (J. M. Livingston, mgr.)—Dec. 7 and week, Fannie Hatfield and company, and Nat Faruum. In mualcal comedy. 7*12. Colonial (S. Knopf, mgr.)—Feature pictures, and Bob Foamier In songs. Jewel (Ilarpoot & Tordjan, mgrs.)—Universal program, and Nela Daggett In songs. Owl (S. Orbnrch, mgr.)—Mutual and other fea- ture pictures. Premier (Wolf Bros., mgrs.)—This theatre opened 7, with Association pictures. Royal (Gee. Huason, mgr.)—Association and other features. Springfield. Mass.—Court Sqparo (D. 0. Gllinore, n-gr.) ''Seven Keys to Baldoate" Dee. 7, 8: Sam Bernard, in "The Belle of Bond Street," 0. Foli's Falacb (Gordon Wrlghter, mgr.)—Bill 7-0: Crane Wilbur, Gordon, Kldred and company, l'ear Bros, and Burns. Maek and Williams. "Lanky" Bob, Flaher r.nd Edwards, and Poll- scope. Change uf bill 10-12. GiLUOEE (Robt, J. McDonald, mgr.)—Follies of 1920 10-12. Plaea (John M. Carney, mgr.)—Vaudeville and motion pictures. Hudson, Kdisonia, Bijou, Bboadwat. Geisha, Fox, Gaiett, Mirror. Ltbio, Grand, Gums, Novbltt, Rxej., Falacb snd Sudwat, motion pictures. Cabl Bbickert, a former Broadway leading man, Is appearing at that house 7-12. for the first half, in a dramatic adaptation of Selden's "The Getaway," and the last half. "Bargnln Day." Philip Qulnu, arother loeal stock favor- ite, la In the support of Mr. Brlckert. Fall River, Ma«*.—Academy <L. M. Boas, mgr.) bill Doe. 7-9: Whitney's "Operatic Dolls." Mark Llnder cud company. In Roland West's "The Criminal;" Dufly, Oelaler and Lewis, Weston and Young, and Sldonlaa. Savot (O K. Benson, mgr.)—Bill 7-9: "Pot- ash and Peflmuttcr" company, the Filipino Quar- tet, the Cromwella, Teed and Larelle, and photo- play. Bijoii <C. C Cook, mgr.)—For week of 7, the Bijou Mock Co. present "The Fighting Par- son." Peeuier (John Daley, mgr.)—Dill 7-9: Al Bar- low and Bert Morley. snd Tea Melody Boys, Maude Scott aod company, snd feature films. Elgin. III.—Grand (W. B. Newman, mrr.) Adama and Gohl, In "A Night at Maxim's." tab- loid musical comedy. Dec. 0-9; vaudeville 10-12. Tiiiri.r.. Stab and Orpiibum, pictures only. Fackei houses viewed the Belgian war pictures at the Grand. 4 0. Hal Johnson, In "The Little Modiste," drew splendidly at the Grand, Not. 29-Dec. 2. Rcsinbbb at the Coliseum roller ring Is ex- cellent. Jiickson. Mich.—Athenaeum (Porter A How- son, nigra.) "A Fair of Sixes" Dec. 12, "Peg o' My Heart" 18, " 'Way Dcnvu East" BS. Bijou (Frank R. Lampman, mgr.)—dfor 0-t>, "Thla Is the Life." Vnuuoillle' 10-12: Angeli Sisters. Dodson and Gordon, Majestic Musical Four. Lucas and Field, and Mile. Martha and Sisters. PICKED DP AROUND QUARTERS. NEWS AND NOTES CONCERNING , FEOPLE YOU KNOW WITH THE WHITE TOPS. BI FLETCHER 8UITK. 8ALI8BTJBT, N. C I LBUtN, With sincere regret, of the death at Buffalo, N. Y., recently, of "Smithy" Englebart, better known aa "Kid" Smith. Ue was one of the best boss canvaamen In the business, and has been with all of the big ones. He was with the Wallace Show for years, the Oollmar Bros., and for several years waa with Martin Downs, After the death of Downs he located In Erie, Fa., where he married and opened a rooming house and saloon. He was a native of Ber- lin, Can., and leaves a father and mother, • brother, a merchant tailor Id Toledo, O., and another brother wbo Is a Catholic priest in Berlin. "Smithy" was big In body and heart, and leaves a big circle of friends to motirn his demise. Ills place of business In Eric was the home for the profession In general, no matter what their circumstances might be, and there the la ten string was always out, Owino to the Illness of his father W. J. Darplyn. last season advertising solicitor of the Qollmar Bros.' Show, may not return to thla country from England thla Spring. Oa 1 look who's herb I ' Jlmmie Greer, a good old timer, contortionist, musician, clown end rctor. A trouper who has been with every kind of a show from "Uncle Tom" to a three ring circus. He was with the Sells- Ploto a season, and was with the Augustus Jones Shows so long he was nicknamed Jlmmie Jones. Ue has just closed the season with the I X L Ranch Show, and dropped into Salisbury to meet old friends. He is.on Us way to Plttsfleld, Mass., where he will spend the Winter with his old aide partner, "Fop" Daniels, now out of the game. < The Gillespie Bros. Shows are still out, and will remain on the road all Winter. This Mttle wagon show la said to have cleaned up thla Summer, in the South, and is head- ing for Georgia and Florida. Joe McAllister Is still principal down. I AM sorry to learn of the serious illness of Mrs. Al. F. Wheeler, at her home, at Ox- ford. Pa. Ci.iftos Sfarks and wife returned, Dec. 2, from a honeymoon trip to New York, Chicago and East Brady. Pa. Clifton will remain in Salisbury till Spring, looking after the show's business and superintending tho work at Winter quarters. PiCTt'BES have the call here at present, and with four bouses here, a fifth is to he opened at Spencer, Salisbury's suburb, where the Southern Railroad shops arc located. Jetimo Almond, whose show la In Winter quarters at Altremark, N. C will put an opera house show on the road after the holi- days. Kddie Lb Barb, formerly manager of Pres- cott's Great Eastern Shows and Le Barr's MlnatrelB, which toured the New England States for several seasons, bad a wagon show out to Maine last Summer, and is now lo- cated in Alberta, fan. I hear, from good authority, that the Mighty Hang Show has had its last season on the rails, and that, starting this Winter, it will be a wagon show, and make Its old territory in Louisiana aod Texas. Mn. and Mas. Chas. Sparks left Salis- bury last Thursday oa their annual trip to Chicago. On tlielr way back they will atop at West Baden for a snort time. — Gus Berry, wbo used to run the cook house for Al. F. Wheeler, has retired from the circus game, and la living the peaceful life at Winchester. N. H. When he gets lonesome be goes up to Jim Shlpman's hotel and talks over old times with Jim and hla wife. The Ridino Crandalls, "Red" and Sadie, last season with the Gollmar Show, are Wintering in Chicago. They will play vaude- Tllle dnt*3 later on. Jack O'Bbian, he of double B bass voire, and last season Albert Keller's first assistant on his pit show and outside candy stand, Is row a news butcher and peddling hoops on a rattlci out of La Porte, Ind. Word reaches the quarters of a severe loan to Charles Lee, of the commissary depart- ment of the Sparks Show. HU borne at St. Clnirsvllle, O., wrs destroyed by fire a few days ago, together with his barn nnd out- bu'ldlngs. Fortunntely the property was In- sured, but his loss will be quite heavy. BonnY Fountain and Jack Kino, proprie- tors of the I. X. L. Ranch Wild West, are now In Georgia, and will not close until tho first of the year. They hove had a prosper- ous season. The show travels by wagon*, and has fifty bead of stock. Aside from the mannsters. included among the performers are: Princess Mohawk, Jack Rlnehart. roper, rider and announcer; Kid Howard, broncho buster; Leon Le Xlarr. cowboy clown; Carrie Holmes, Violet Raot and Madge Rlnehart, cowgirls, and "Cutle" Caton. band leader. Ed. Brown, who successfully conducted a ■wagon show in Maine for years, has just closed a successful season with the Robinson Famous Shows, and Is spending the Winter at bis home In Bath, Me. There are several old time troupers there to keep htm company, among them Al. Mason, of Mason and Titus, who were the first to introduce ahndow- grnphs over the Keith Circuit, and "Doc" Wagner, who was with the Sparks Show last season. Ibis Winter, at Venice, where the show will Winter. . _ Louia Roth says, "Seven new acts thla win- ter." After one has watched the fourteen black- mailed lions in cne grojp, live lcopari'a In an- other, three tigers In another, wltb three full grown forest bred male Bona riding horse back, at one and the aame time, to aay nothing of the twenty-seven other acts^—the wonder la, what can It be, and where will he put them? Hooh Habbibon closed with the show at Phcenlx, Arts. , Two rings, sted arena and "Jim" Merrow, ail full of entertainment that makes you sit op and take notice. ... __, Dm yon ever have one of those "stlck-yoor-reet- nnder-the-table-iiod-prepare-to-ttiiy-an- boor'; din- ners 00 the Barnes Show? No! Well Jozt ask any one of the following: Herbert C. Snow, manager Eipoaltion Psrk. 8an Diego; H. L. (Bock) Mne- sle, "Skylar" Clark, Hippodrome. Los Angeles; J. K. Post, real estate operator, Pasadena * Carl Walker, manager Pontages', Los Angeles; H. C. Wilbur, general agent Foley A Burk Shows; H. E. Atwater. tralfic department. Pacific Electric Rail- way: Ike Spears, "Spears System," Venice. It was a great surprise—we did not expect It—from soup to nuts. Geo. Davis la a grand caterer, and all together, "Al. is some host," we all aay so. from ra iJub.Q FconoNa NEWS AND NOTES PICKED UP AROUND WINTER QUARTERS. A DAY WITH THE BARNES SHOWS BE II. 0. W1I.SDE. Fbjdat, Nov. 1.1 wss home-cmlng day at Pasa- dena, when (be Al. O. Barnoa Trained WFd Animal Show played that stand. They came from far and near Among "thuoe present" ware: H. L. (Buck) Mamie, Joe Edwards. C. N. Falriey, Sky Olark, Herb. 0. Snow, Harry Moore. Carl Walker. J. K. Post, H. -£. AtwAter, Ike SpeAis, Jerry Barnes, and Harry 0. Wilbur. Chas. YotrNn, wpcrlntendent of canvas, was "going right lo It" the other night, one of the old darkey canvas hoys said: "Locke here, Miatah Charlie. daM Is rare a fust swine on In dls roll nf canvas." Upon. Investigating, they found a goat in the bundle. One or two would not be mlased on the Barnes Show at 'hat. One of the new aensitlons on the At. G. Barnes Show. '.Din, will be an right ostrich team, leading the parvt\ driven by Al. G. (himself) Barnes. Lory Brio ;nakos good as superintendent of con- cessions—baa a real crew of twelve hustlers. Moan.—Bess says she has it on you when It comes to happiness. I like you both very much, and wish each a long, .lapry, useful life. It goes for 100. too, Bob. Mursat Penkock, local contractor, says he had a good season. Glad, I am sure, Murray, you deserve It Cait. Albbrt Stonbiiiiiibe has a wonderful troupe of seals. They seem to enjoy their work and follow htm around the lot like a tronoe of dogs. Oiias. Cook and wirw, "Marthn Flourlne," have been wltb the Al. G. Tternee Show twelve years. "Jim" Morrow and "Fob" Thornton eight years, and a lot of other employees cm count from two to five years ea:h. iconic home. Money every week 11. S. TrLsn and O. N. Fatblrt and wira will Wuil*r In 'Frlaco thla Winter. The Conti- nental, of course. Al. a. uys be will put 120.000 In the show ET rUBTCHXR SMITH. From all appearances It seems that the days of "labs." In the South are about numbered. For several months they, have had a. big run in most of the large cities, but now nearly all of .the houses are returning to vandevllle. The Pied- mont, at Greensboro, tried It for three weeks, snd last week switched and Is sow playing four Keith acts and running three reels of pictures. Aehe- Tllle and Charlotte• are also now playing Keith vaudeville and doing good business.- Salisbury still sticks to the girl shows, and the Colonial la doing a fair business. The Aviation Girls closed Saturday and moved to Winston-Salem. This week the "Go Ahead" Girls are the attrac- tion. In "The Red Widow." They Jumped from. rtieefleld, W. Va. The Aviation Girls play a re- turn engagement next week, except Monday, when I rice £ Eannelll's Greater New York Minstrels appear. This is a new show in the South. They bsve thirty people, and are doing a fair busi- ness. Primrose A Wilson's Minstrels were booked here hut canceled, and play Ashevllle instead. Business in this section. It must be stated, Is not op to the usual standard. People are tired of number three or four companies st 82 prices, and ten cents for pictures Is about the limit. "High Jinks" has done about the best business over the Southern Circuit, of late The "Movie Girl" Co. has been playing Is this vicinity for a week or more, to ratner poor business. 'The Prodigal Judge" Co. has turned back and Is headed North. "The Old Homestead." arrange to say. Is making Its first visit to this section of the Sooth, and It will undoubtedly do a good business. Greensboro Is Its first stop In this vicinity. The Iris, Salisbury's new picture house, opened on Thanksgiving Dsy, and has been doing a big business. Feature films are shown, and the house Is fitted with a mirror screen. The pictures are the best yet shown here. James Bonnelll, part owner of the Price A Bon- rein's Greater New York Minstrels, wss to Salis- bury a couple of days last week. He states that the season with his show boats was a big winner. The firm operate six boats on the Mississippi and its tributaries. Stoddard and Wallace, formerly of the Sparks Shows and last season with the La Tens Wild Animal Circus, are meeting with good mccess in Indiana, vith their comedy company. They have an established, renutatlOD In that State, and play It every Winter, - "Ourley" Bagley, laat season for a thne assist- ant to James Caskey, with the Sparks Show, Is Wintering In Fort Wsyse, Ind. He goes with the Wallace Show next season as first assistant boss canvas man. He writes that for the first time In his circus experience, he saw two big shows to- gether for a day. The Wallace Show waa In Mayfield, Ky., held np by the Big Four Road nntil repairs were made upon four of the cars. The same day the Barnnm A Bailey Snow pulled In, and the two shows had a great visitation. The Sparka Show, next acason, will .10 away with Its ateam calliope, and haa ordered a com- pree-scd-alr one from a New Jersey firm. Frits Brunner made a flying visit to Ashevllle last week, where be Inspected a magnificent spe- cimen of a Bengal tiger, which will be added to the Sparks menagerie. The animal was formerly nsed by a moving picture concern, and Is said to be trained tor a vaudeville turn. Albert E. Green, the bustling advertising so- licitor of the Sparks Show, was among the 71,000 spectators at the Harvard-Yale game. He is spending the Winter at Wlllimantic. Conn. Equestrian Director Bert Mayo and wife, of tho Sparks Show, are spending the holiday season at Aurora, Mo. They will return to Salisbury early In the new year. Taul Jacoby, a fomer elephant trainer with the Sprats Shew, writes of hla experiences in Eng- land since tho opening of the war. He had an elephant net In vaudeville, with dogs and horses. He la a German, and was (bilged to leave England soon after the war broke out H1b elephant and all of his property waa confiscated by the English Government. He Is now In Holland and Intends to return to Amcrca on the first opoortunlty. Walter Gnlce and wife. Flora Bed'eni, riders, last seaaoo with the Sparks Show, are in New Orleans, and sail shortly wltb the Shrpp & Feltus Circus, for a tour of South America. Jim Cnakey, superintendent of canvas with the Sparks Show, Is holding down bis old Winter's Job, as checker up In the American Express office,. at Cincinnati. A new picture house for colored people Is to be opened at Greensboro, by a race horse man named Bush. He had a string of horses on the fair grounds here until recently. Bad weather prevented the first fslr of the Rowan Oounty Agricultural Club from being a success here, but nothing daunted, the associa- tion Is going ahead and planning for a bigger and better fair next season. As far as exhibits were concerned it was a big success, and the associa- tion met every obligation. Mark Sanford. last season In charge of the candy stands with the Sparks Shows. Is Winter- ing at Cleveland, 0. He reports conditions there about the same as in the South. The Southern P.niiroad has taken off several of its through trains, and the big railroad shops at Spencer are running only three days a week. The monthly pay roll usually amounts to about 8170,000. and most of the money was spent or banked In Salisbury. It la stated that the shops will work 00 full time after the first of the year. A. 0. Orcott, formerly steward with the Sparks Shows, and last season manager of the privilege car with th« La Tena Clrcos, Is spend- ing the Winter in and around New York City. He was kept busy last week snowing Clifton Sparks and wife the sights about the big city. •He goes with Downle aa.aln next soasoa. How nlout the G. A R. Club. ALT George Tipton, laat season, steward with tbc Sparks Shows. Is Wintering at Lima. O.. and con- templates putting out another minstrel ahow about the first of the year. "Deacon" Albright, the calliope manipulator, with the La Tena Show for the past two sea- sons, and a prince of good fellows, dropped Into Salisbury laat Tuesday, ahead of the "Greater New York Minstrels." J. P. Coffey and his Colored (Minstrel Show Is playing the small towns in Kentucky. Jim was manager of the side show with the La Tena Show laat Summer. C. B. Frederleka. from his home In Cheney. Kan., writes that he is enjoying life, and resting un for his trip to Chicago. He Is also disposing of his alfalfa and wheat at good pTlcea. lie ex- tiects lo be in Salisbury about the first of Feb- ruary. Walter Young and Ms partner. "Buster" Young, producing clowns with tbc Sparks Shows, are now playing vaudeville, and making good. 1 a Fret,. TUilet HrreoniNsoN was In New York last week, arranging for the next season of tho 6elU-FlotoJJuSalo BUI Shows, JOHN T. DOTTOM IN THE EAST. John T. Bottom, general counsel tor the Sella. Floto Clrcos, and the Buffalo Bill Wild West Show and also Western legal representative of Ma-cui Loew Enterprises, with beadqanrters in r>i.t^r Col., la visiting New York. He has been .c", as chief counsel in the lecent contest over ih> lato Mrs. James. A. BaUey'r will. m a Joe Dei.torrlli has signed for next season With the Ringllng Show, and will Introduce a number of new stunts in his clown en- sembles. J. Henbt Rice writes: "After the Slg. Sat- telle. Show finished the season In October I Joined the Rents Bros.! Circus In the South and Lave done their contracting for last five and a half weeks. * Having finished my datles I am m route to Chicago. 111. The time I "worked for th-.' above company waa very pleasant It had a season of thirty-two weeks." Carnivals, JOfflWYJ. JONES' SHOW NOTES. In an ideii location, Jnst at the end of the Fortune Street bridge, the Johnny J. Jones Eipo- altion Shows ciened a two weeks' engagement at Tumpa, Fla.. on Nov. SO. One of the lareest c|ienlng night crowds of the season vlal'ed the Midway and spread their pecot generously among the ooncessoiis and allows. Weather conditions are Ideal for ca.nlvallng. shirtwaists and shirt sleeves belnj the SBStst In the heat of the semi- tropical sun. while the nights are pleasant. C. B. Tamer honored cs with a visit on the or+rJng day at Tampa, coming over from St. Feteraborg, where he mjntalns a Winter home. C. B. Is quite a fruit-grower In the Vest oaat town, and talks nothing tot oranges and grape fruit. He hasn't been elected mavor yet. Among the recent arrivals Is numbered Sammy Grimes, who has re-ejtablshed himself on the Jones'Midway with a" 'mH'oowh coooesson. - - Mrs. M. M. Cook and Ler daughter, Betty, the .Alligator Glri. are absent from the Show on a short -Halt to IheHr home at Nashville, Ga. Since this'attraction Joined some all weeks ago It bss been s consistent Winner, Whltey Klenslel,'' orir" genial train-master la still on the Job, and not one whit less efficient than ever. - * ■ Or Perkins left last wee* to mate a few cele- bratlons with bis baby dolls During his ab- sence the doll wheel here is being managed by Dick Msnley. Harry A. Moore, sometimes alluded to as the Ferris Wheel King.- Joined the staff of J. M. Klnsel -recently, Harry has been with the Fer- rari Shows'all Summer, and has aU the appear- ences of having put in a successful period among the York Staters and Canucks. Harry C. Altlng, agent, is on a vUit to his New York home. 'Mrs. Curler Wilson left two weeks ago for Nor- folk, Va.. where she Is the guest of trends. Cap- tain Ourley la bearing up pretty well under bis loss, but we would not be surprised to see the Mrs. dropping In sny time In response to s tele- graphic summons from the Cap. - To Terrv Riley much credit Is due n» an elB- dent handler of the Jones Show null. Prcmnt deliveries and courteous tieutment have been the order under his regime. Who can get money with a Trip to Mars? We suggest Arthur Ramsey aa champion In this class. Speaking of champions. Jack Jlo-ro. middle weight wrestler, snd the feature of Bill Rog- ers' Athletic Show, bss proved a strong drawlrg ccrd since his affiliation with Manager Bill. Then* Is some great talent is this attraction, and th" local boys who try to cop the prlxcs offered all comers, have to step seme. We will sH doubtless fed qoite nstlve to Tampt at the end of our lengthy engagement here, it telng. by the way, the first two weeks' stand for 1014. NATIONaU. AlOTSEMENT COMPANY NOTES. BT CHARLES V. MCCTJBBrN. The National Amusement Co., nnder the manage- ment of Charles F. McOarren. furnished all of the shows and concessions at the colored carnival In Waco. Tex., aa well as having their big Ell wheel at the Cotton' Palace. This carnival wss taken over on July IS, Inst, by Charles F. McCurren, and consolidated wtlh ' the rcmilLder of th" GeTmsn Greater Carnival at Peatmly Kan. Our tour aftervirds Included dates In Kansas. Oklahoma, New Mexico nnd Texas, anil closed in Waco. Tex., on -Nov. 16. The season was very good financially, considering business corriitlons In general. When the Cotton Faluee closed the wheel and the concesalxi? and lome other property was shipped to Chicago., at which place or near there the 1915 season's tour will he inaugurated. The carnival people will at that tln.e be given aa op- portunity to see a brand new frame-up under the banner of the National Amusement CO. Mr. Oldham. one of the prourletora, plans to take out s cne night stand hall show lor the Winter, playing Ohio, Michigan and Pennsylvania. A Oftten-plecs baud will be carried. Wm. Jndklns Hewitt visited us st Waco and was given a great welcome by the show people. as Tub New York Clipper Is alwaya welcome oa the National Amusement lot nt all times. Mrs. MoCurren has made herself very popular around among all showmen and concessionaires with whom she has come In contact this season. Mrs. Mc- Curren has been holding down the position of secretary and treasurer since the opening last July. We wish all of you a Merry Christmas. WORTHAM WISTERS IN TEXAS. LITTLE GIANT WILL MAKE READY FOR SEASON 1015 IX SAN ANTONIO. Clarence A. Wortham will Winter hla htg shows In San Antonio. Tex., after closing the present season nt Ouero. In writing to the Westera Bureau of Tub Old Reliable, from Beaumont. Tex., Manager Wortham said that Houston was not what It should have been, but was much better thai: he really tbougtt it would he. eon- aldcrlog conditions prevailing in the South and throughout the country. It is fair to presume that Clarence will open In San Anionio next Spring, end tbJt la the meantime he will be right busy In making ready for the 1910 Itinerary. | The Little Giant bas a faculty of doing things In the way they should be done. His opening at : Danville. 111., laat Spring, was largely attended by brother showmen ami amusement newspaticr men, who were very much Impressed wltb the 1 magnitude and general excellence of the Wortbam 1 aggregation, and It Is a pleasure to be able to i record the fact that the season soon to close, oa the whole, has been a prosperous one for Manager Wortham snd hla sssoclates. It waa a matter of sincere regicf, freely expressed by the carnival fraternity assembled In Chicago to confer with the State Fair Secretaries last week, that Clar- ence Wortbam was among those not present. A carnival-test without the little giant is sot com- plete. KLINE GOLDEN RIBBON SHOWS. Jack Kline, general manager of Kllne'a Golden RlblKin Shows. Is i|ooted aa saying that the re- organization of the Golden Ribbon Shows for tho secron of 1918 will make It one of the best aud cleriicst three-car carnival companies .'1 the East. All the conceslooares arc Wintering In New York City, and are busily engaged painting the fioutB. and getting taelr paraphernalia In dean rnd trim order. Several Influential New York f.nrnclers are taking active Interest in tbc Goldcs Itlhbon Shows, and for a three-car carnival com- pany it bids fair to have a record season. Contracts have been algned with Mil*. De Var- ro'a trained animal show, Dickinson's motor- drome. Captain Goldschmidt'a water motel". Hour* Donneson's tango show. Knockout Smith * athletic show, Allen's Musical Oome-lT Oorapsny, and will carry about thirty concessions. The Kline Golden Ribbon Shown will give tho lubllc something entirely new and scngatlotiai Ir, the line of free attractions. They will Bass criry an eight-piece uniformed band. The Kline Golden Ribbon Shows sre booking to play New York Stale. Connecticut, Phuw.iI- vaiila. and throughout the West. The enilearln: thought connected with the Kline Golden Rihlmn FhowjL.lx thst proper finance Is back.of -Ihe show this .carping season with business men, ot ability to make It a sweeping success.