The New York Clipper (December 1914)

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VI THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. December 12 IF You Were in the Variety Business in the Days of Tony Pastor, Don't Miss The CHRIS' CLIPPER! Out Next Week! You will surely be Mentioned! Al. Fostell has got YOU! Don't Miss it anyhow! OUT OF TOWH HEWS BOSTON. nit a\t Part Theatre, Moved br Bostoolacs far 1U stage history aod traditions, becomes, this week, the New Park Theatre, devoted to photo- plays, muilc *nd song. Colonial (Charles Frobman k Win. Harris, mgrs.)—-Commencing Dec. 7, end for msny week! to come, the attraction will be "The Girl from Utah." Three stars. Julia Sanderson. Donald Brian and Joseph Oawtborn, anpported by a com- pany of one hundred tnemberi, appear In the mu- •Ical comedy. Holus (Charles J. Rich, msr.) —John Drew la here for bla annual engagement of two weeks. Hl« ottering, "The Prodigal Husband," la new to Bolton plsygoers, and the aame mar be aald of Martha Hedman. Mr. Drew'a leading woman. "The Beautiful Adventare" cornea 21. Mijmtir (Wllbor-8hubert Oo., mgra.)—Second week of Our Bate* Pott In "Omar, the Tent- maker." The plar baa made a decided hit with lovers of that trpe of drama. The acting of Mr. Poet and members of the compaor la excellent, and tbe atage aettlnga are gorgeona. TacHOHT (Jno. B. Schoelfel. ngr.)—Tbe third week of "The Yellow Ticket" begfna 7. Thla plar of Russian life haa caught on, and the won- derfallr faithful portraral of the Jewish girl br Florence Reed Is being dlscnaaed wherever theatre enthualaata are to be found. the Pi-thou-th (Fred B. Wright, ngr.)-JThls la e fifth week of Cyril Maude In "Grumpy." Tbe nuillences continue to be large. Cost (John E. Cort, mgr.)—"Pego' Mr Heart," now In Ita fourteenth week, remains a lodestar at this bouse. Y» Wilbuk (Wilbur Theatre Oo.. mgra.)—Will- iam Hodge esters, 7, upon tbe fourteenth week of his record breaking run at this house, In the comedy of cheerfulness and humor, "Ihe Road to Happiness." Shubist (WHburSliuhert Co.. uigrs.)—Ma- dame retrora, the Anglo-Polish actresa. In "Pan- tbea," la the attraction week of 7. Harry Lamler and hU company of vr.odovllllana gave twelve perfonnancea, to excellent Dnsnclal returns. Dur- ing his star the Scotch comedian was entertained br several organisations. OisTi.a Squabc (John Craig, mgr-)—"In the Bishop's Carriage" la belog done br tbe Orals; Players this week. A most welcome revival was that of "A Midnight Pell." Wildbon'8 Casino 'diaries H. Waldron. mgr.) —On his farewell tour of the burlesque stage Amis Dave Marlon here current week. Early tn the season played che Gaiety to big business. The Million Dollar Dolls are to follow. Gairrr (George R. Batcbeiler, mgr.)—Charlie Robinson's Carnation Beauties are entertaining for tbe week, and the Prise Winners follow. Waidron'e Trocaderos had a good week. Howabd (George E. l/ithrop Jr., mgr.)—The burlesque Is the Passing Review of 1014. Cora Livingston, champion fevnalo wrestler. Is here for her annual engagement, which genersllr last* about a fortnight. Other olio acta are: The BlDck Brothers, Oarrl and Grlndel, the Dohcrtvs. Billy Quirk, Gordon's Boxing Dogs. Rose RcailltiK. and Don Ramsay's Harmonists. Eva Mulle and Follies of 1020 follow. Grand Opira Ilouua (Oeoge E. Lothrop, mgr.) —Mischief Maker* and usual special nltiita cur- rent week. Passing Review of 101* Oo. comes next week. Kir.ii'a (Robert O. Larsen, mgr.)—Among the acts are: B. A. Rolfe's "Colonial Days," Chick Sale, Roeder'a Invention, Van Hoven, Three Lyres. Havland'a animals, Hotel Kirk Trio, am! Irene Franklin, assisted br Burt Green. The feature next week Is Ethel Barrymore. Loiw's Globs (Frank Meagher, mgr.)—Rill 7- 0: Gardner, Vincent and company, Klnkaid Kil- ties, Dave Ferguson, Simpson and Dean, and others. BUI 10-12: Mae West, "Between Trains," Duffy. Gelsler and Lewis, and others. Loiw's St. Jambs (Marcus Loew, mgr.)—Bill 7-D: Howard's bears. "Between Trains," Force and Williams, and others. 10-12: Gardner, Vin- cent and company. Oarl Kmmy'a Pets, Mario and Trevcite. and others. I.osw's Obphstdu (Victor J. Morris, mgr.)— Bill 7-0: Oarl Emmy's Pets, Manhattan Trio, Pop Ward. Roland West Players, Ben and Htxel Mann, and others. BUI 10-12: Roland West Players, Force and Williams, Sherwood Trio, and others, Bowdoin Sqdasi (ueorne tt. Loilirop. mgr.)— The vaudeville Is supplied by Jack Spollnl, tbe Xyloe, Rolland Brothers, Jack Blrchland, Strand Trio, Jordan and Francis, and Don Ramsay's Harmonists. The feature picture reels arc "The Drug Terror" and "The Master Key." Hi job (Harry Gus'ln, mgr.)—Week of 7: Ramanr Girls, Margaret Milieu Henry. Allen Ray- mond, Jos. J. Ecker, Harry Thriller, Mrs. Dcren- Siier and others. Hats off ngain to Manager tustln for the way be la packing this cosy house. The "Investigate" ads. used In local papers hsvo more than made good. Goedon's Oltmtia (John E. Oomerford, rarr.) —Avert of 7: Five Romeros, Root and White. Whlttler, Inch and company, Nichols and Croix Sisters, Bud Snyder and companr, Griffiths, and "The Mountain Maids." HOTBS. Vaitibvillb and pictures are shown at: Scollay Square. Modern, National, Gliawtuut. Old South, Washington. Scenic Temple, Cambridge. Somer- vllle, Star, Unique, Oomlque, Winthrop Hall, Har- vard. Hamilton, Gem, Day Square, Congress Hall, Niagara. New Palace, Apollo. Puritan, Eagle, Rox- mry, WllUama' Ideal, South End. Back Bay, f 1 Fivi thousand people tried to stand beside Mary rickford at tbe asms time, when sbs entered her box st the Boston Arena, to attend tbe annual ball of tbe Motion Picture Exhibitors' League, on Dec. t. Tbe crowd was all for Mary. They climbed on chairs and over each other for a glimpse of the brilliant little star of tbe "roovirs," who, clad la white and gold, and with pale blue ribbons woven Id her golden hair, stood on a teat and waved kisses at bar admirers. Even wben Governor Walsh end his staff entered the Jammed hall, ■ quarter of an hour after ber, the crowd stayed with Mary. Ir moving pictures needed any demonstration of their popolsrlty here In Boston, they bad It at the "Movie Ball," or waa It tbe men and tronven wbo plar In tbe pictures? There were 8.000 to 10,000 people Inside the arena, and the sale of tlcketa waa stopped br 8 o'clock, long be- fore the gueets began to arrive. Ix addition to Miss rickford tbe following stars were present: Pearl White. Francis X. Bunbtnan, Clara Kimball Young. Flo La Badle, Hnglile Mack, Edith Storey, Marguerite Snow, Vi- vien Martin, King Baggot, Ethel Grandln, Val- entine Grant and Gladys Hulette. At the Boston week of 7 tbe Popular Motion Plclure Oo. offers Belgium Bsttlefield motion pic- tures, said to have been taken br permission of tbe Belgium Government. "The Spoilers" at- tracted great crowds for two weeks, and this ueek Onds tbe pictures at the National, Minaoib Frank MiAoaxa. of Loew's Globe, is to be hsnded a big bunch of credit for the way he haa got tbe public going to that house. He* certslnlr hsd a tough proposition on bis bands when the house opened this Fall. It had been . ROSTER of "The Girl tod the Tramp" com- Ipany, presented by Beck and Robinson. Includes: ■Alice Gordon, Georgia Bardell. Albert West. Bsrt ■Roberts. W. W. Wilson, Jske Friedman, Nell O'Oonnor, Wsllsce WUson, manager; Harry Gor- don, agent; Albert West, atage msnsger; Jfmmr Bwlft, properties; May Wlrtb, musics! director. XEAJtETTE DDPRE'S set, with ten people called "The Yachting Party." opened at the Olympic, Brooklyn, Thanksgiving Day, and Is to play twenty weeks on the U. B. 0. time. CALVIN N. ZIMMERMAN, of Rorerirford. Ps has seen initiated In the Pottatown Lodge, No' 814, B. P. O. Elks, "Take a chair and. sit down, and let us spill ■ was' the beginning of a line of talk we. had-tp'' h; tell him "HOW WE MADE HITS." We gave hin- the singers-want, and we have them because^/ Ulcy WallvCU o» wiv,r.w"iv.. »"yy ""■*?* "v?^- m\ to force, any junk on performers—we ask For evidence we invited him to read., pur adve ' 3Der. These are them! THE REASON PERFORMERS GRABBED THtS ONE WAS BECAUSE THEY KNEW THAT PERCYr'W iaiiii.ii closed for several months owing to the extensive alterations being made by Mr. Loew, snd long before Mr. Loew leased the theatre it bad many seasons of changing policies. In fact, so many, that from week to week patrons hardly knew whether they were going to witness s picture, vaudeville or dramatic entertainment. Notwith- Handing this and other obstacles Manager Meairher, br original methods, has "recaptured" the old patrons and added so many new ones that the house Is now doing s business of the capacity slse dally. Mr. Loew was tn town for s few days last week, looking over his vsrlous houses, snd expressed himself as more than pleased with the way he found things, and espe- clslly congratulated Mr. Meagher for his success- ful work. Whilsj acting "Lsdy Windermere's Fsn" In this citr. Margaret Anglln was rehearsing, for early production, the Charles Phillips plsr, called "The Divine Friend." , Northampton, Haiti. — Aeademr. "Stop Thief" Dec. 7-12, except speclnl matinee 8 of Hatrr Lander. Plaza (James Ooddy. mgr.)—Feature pictures. r.THtc (Jas. B. O'Nell, mgr.)—Keystone come- dels festnred. Palacs. —Feature pictures. Lynn. Mans.—Auditorium (J. P. Ph»lan. msr.) tester Lonergan Players. In "Where the Troll Dlrtdee." week,of Dec. B. Central Sqoabi (Col. Wlllard G. Stanton, mgr.)—-Vnndevllle and moving pictures. Oltmtia (V. J. Cohee, mgr.)—Motion pictures and Illustrated songs. Dbiamland snd OojrtQUB, morion pictures only. "Terre Haute, Isirl.—Grand (ChasT Smith! mgr.) "Mutt and leff," ronllnee and nlaht. Dec. 0. Maud-! Adams S, Otis Skinner 12. Varieties (Otto Meyer, n-gr.)—'Bill T-8: "En. chanted Forest." Weber. Dolan and Prascr. Har- vey Trio. Bottomler Troupe, end Ziska anfl com- piny. Bill 10-13: Olias. Wavne and company, TTopklne snd Axtell, Dennis Bros.. Geater Cltr Four, and Ben Jerome's Musical Review. Niw Colonial (M. Less, mgr.)—Yandevl'b) and pictures. Iota (K. B. Sheets, mgr.)—Stock and plclnres Avibioax, Colonial, Criscbnt. Fountain Gamibn. Imp. I.TCSDM, OnMiwtm. Oust, PbiN- cias. Palacs, Popular, Paik, Rotal, Savot. snd Tbiatpbicu, pictures only. Den Molnea. la.—Princess (Elbert 4 fielch- ell. mgrs) tbe Princess Stock Co.. p'aylna to Mg bnslners. "The Olrl In the Taxi" week of Dec. 0. "The Fight" 1310, "Mam'Klle" to fol- low. BnoitPLT. (Elbert A Retchcll. msr*.)—"Tb> Yellow Ticket" plared to big houses here Nov. 20. 80. Obphetjm (BT. B. Burton, mar.)—Bill week cl Dec. 0: Edw. Stevens snd Tina Marvhall com- penr. "Tlte Broken Mirror," Alexander and Scott. Newhouse. Snydor snd eompsny. Ohas. Weber, Knthryn Durkln. Lea Salvaccls. and pictures. Humus (Elbert * fletcbell. mgrs)—Vaude- ville nnd rlctnres. to bis business. nxiors. Majestic, Cibivo, Stad, Colonial, OAtiniN, Familt snd Palace, pictures only. Cedar Ratilda, In. — Majestic (Vie Hugo, ngr.) bill Dec. 0-0: Plttorla and Ocorgetta. Lar- xary snd Snee. Qulnlan «ud Richards. Ray Conlln. I.asky's "California," Tealson and GoMle. and Three Flying Kays. For 10-12: Billy Klnkaid. Itomey and Bowman. Hennlngs, Lewis and com- pany. Van Bros., ITerliert Lloyd and compnnv Hemes end Ben, and Herbert's seals. Ghxinb'r (W. S. Collier, twrr.)—"When Dreams Come Tito" 12. "Wss Sh» To Blame " 13, "September Morn" 20. Krnknk, la.—flrand (Chas. 17. Dodge, mcr.) "One Olrl In a Million" Dee 7. "When Dreams Come True" 1(1, "The Blue Bird" 18, "The Red Widow" 2(1. ITiPPODinui (Mark Angell, mgr.)—YanuevlUe and pictures. Colonial snd Obphbt/u, pictures only. WITH BUT ONE IDEA IN MIND, AND THAT IS THE PERFORMERS (MALE AND FEMALE) WE PUBLISH; II GIRLS iBOYSi AND THAT'S TO LOVE THEM BY. CARROLL; MCCARTHY AND PIANTADOSI THE SECOND IDEA WAS -TO MAKE IT A HIT. WE WON OUT WITH BOTH IDEAS BECAUSE IT NOT ONLY MADE A HIT WITH THE PERFORMER, BUT WITH THE PUBLIC AS WELL. TO SHOW THAT WE PICK THEM RIGHT, PERFORMERS NEVER GET TIRED SINGING THAT COAST TO COAST SENSATION I w 'I BY THE WRITERS OF "THAT'S HOW I NEED YOU" ONE OF THE MOST SUNG AND BEST SELLING SONGS EVER PUBLISHED , _____ BY- ROGER LEWIS AND ERNIE ERDMAN ?DMAN;>, A POSITIVE SENSATi° N ALL OUR HITS ARE ALSO__P__?ii^ Huntington Avenue. Dreamland. Premier, and slurlluKtoii, la. — Grand (R.^F. Holmes, others. Ohi of the biggest favorites, if not the bbtgeot, amour the local song boys Is Billy Day, of the Leo Feist offlce. and that Is saying "much," with tbe bisneh of boys we have In town just now. Billy's lateat bit Is "On* Idea About tbe Ladles." BOSTON-CHsCAG mgr.) Enrojiesn pictures Dec. 10. "Don't Lie to Tour Witt" 13, "When Dreams Come True" 14. GanaioK (R. McOrullls, mgr.)—Vsudevllle sud pictures. I'alacs). Jewel, ElitB, 0»M, N««o and Ocais, raovlng pictures. Eastctn Office :.";.:Western Office: ne .TRtMONT- ST T4.s:N. CLARK ST' LEO. ■WEST "MPiS-