The New York Clipper (December 1914)

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DEOEMpEB 12 THE NEW YORK GLIPPEE. 15 CLIPPER BUSINESS INDEX advtwtlsrmenta not exceeding one Una la length. 17 i£nt*rt9ioto* one »«»<?» MSFH t,„v of Tint Naw York Currn win to MM free .Teach advertiser white B advs rtlaeineat to m- "aSBBSTOS OTOTAIWI AMD PICTURE u OO 1 IIS. 0 w. Trainer Utt. Co.. IB Ptafl St., 'MSSS. carhival f^onts^and mow D. o. Hamphrye Oh. SIS Aid! It, nttodtbjkkt, **" ' CONFECTIONS. fcoeckhelaj Bros. * Bckataln, MS do. Peoria St. Chicago. " '• •■* • MUSICAL BELLS AW© NOVELTIES. EJwln B. ffiwrt. SS Brook St... Hartfort^Omn. B. H. Ma; ■ Brooklyn, OUT OF TOWN NEWS #«. A Son, 64 WlUoughby 8t, in. MUSICAL SPECIALTIES, j 0 Desgoo, SBO° "• 0Urk 8t " Chicago MUSICAL GLASSES. A Brarmeias, 101S Napier In., fttckcoon* Bin, N I. POPCORN HANVFACnniBBS. Baeckbelm Bra. * Bckiteln, MS 8«. Peoria St.. Chicago. . ..---- . pftnrrnra of am, kinds. 'Timet" Show Print * Bng. Honse. Chatham, Ont. RCBIfBBT AND SCENIC PAINTERS. 0 L. BMI7 Beanie Co.. SonarrUla Sutton, Bos- Hgwird M TJttle. •»» Oeatar 8t. MTiwaoke*. Wla, 8CBNBBY FOR HIRE AND SALE. Amelia Grain. 619 Spring Guden St, Phlla., Pa. THE SINGING AND SPEAKING VOICE. ram Van Yon, 21 W. 18th St., Now York, Tel.. Grseky 8701. THEATRICAL, GOODS. Boitoo Begalls Oo., 8ST Warn. St., BoatoB, Mass. THEATRICAL, PROPERTIES. ■ Walker. SOS V. SSth Bt, New York. VENTRILOQUIST FIGURES. Ben Hobaon; 1800 Amsterdam Ave.. H. I. City. WIGS, BEARDS AND MUSTACHES. Percy F.wlng Supply House. Decatur, 111. THEATRES and OPERA HOU8E8 We Insert aCrarttacineata ta (bit SBtSBB at a special rata of S1.7S per i|iuib» for S BMataa (wit tlnaas). Tale) will enable local duo agers to keep their hoaaea prominently as4 eostiaaaUy betoto tie managers of companies. Darirf •»• Ucas the ad. is raasiag we wUl eeas each aatiar- Umt a eapy ot In Curto free. AUDITORIUM, Fremont, Mich. Pop. 2200 Brick Mag., 60x100, Electric light, piano, new man. ageiucnt; beet attractlona wanted. E. EVANS, Mgr. KITTMAN Opera House, Rlttman, O. Latest appliances; Electricity, piano, 17**12 opening, 21 ft. to gridiron. 80 ft. lofti Good bouse for Good Shows. Open time.' A. J. GOPFINET, Mgr.' "~ STONEBORO, PA. THE TOWN ON THE MAP. BOOK NOW. HIKES OPERA HOUSE. Hoi 14. WANTED AT ONCE ATTRACTIONS For the Carthage Opera Houee Formerly Use Temple Theatre Opened nnder Now Management. One night and 8 Buys or Week Stands. lor terms, etc., address JOHN B. THORPE, Carthage, N Y. Population, 7,000. Capacity, 800. Ample Stage Room, Etc. ^^ WANTED AT ONCE Small Leading Woman, Comedian or General Business Man Who has Script* and can direct. One bill a week. Both must have plenty of wardrobe. Other Useful People write. Sheldon, Iowa, Dec. 12. Cedar Rap- ids, Iowa, Dec. 16, care Grand Hotel. BOYD B. TROUSDALE. WANTBI FOR HUNT STOCK CO. Young Woman for Heavies and General Business; must iid specialties. Young Man for Juvenile Leads and General Business; must do specialties. Han for General business to double piano. All must ha-o appearance, wardrotio and ability. Do nut misrepresent. Send photos and full particulars. M. A. HBNT, Hermitage Hotel, Grand Rapids, Mich. WANTED IMMEDIATELY WOMAN FOB, SECOSD BUSINESS AND CHARACTERS Mint be able to handle strong line of parte. State juur lowest salary and full particulars. Send photographs. Address LAWRENCE R. TRUMBULL Mgr, Trombtall Players, BATH, N. Y. LEARN TO ACT 8t«g« Dancing, Etc* - r'\)f to D«t« in c vcry dttall/* Buck, fig, Skirt, Chorus Work, Optra, Elocution, Singing, Vaudeville Acta, Skttchcs, Act Ins "Dramatic Art, Etc ENGAGEMENTS SECURED School Always Open. (P.J.RID&E.nndTRN OTHURS. llNo.LnSallo6tCUICAGO,ILXi. Hsvs Xmat and New Year's Week Opsn L-a Roy Stock Co. uarrylng Bond and Orchestra, featuring Dog and lonlea vaudeville. Carry own scenery. Lots of "» i'ig matter, etc. Mgrs. in and around Ohio. «..,, m . e ' Oompsny up In fourteen bills. Can use Good Band Actors. MGR, LA ROY S TOC K CO., Republic, O. . AT LIBERTY AGENT, account closing of tho Christy Hippo- aram Shows for the Winter. Can Book, Route on wire 1U8, ■sJsljrjOtn'IIIBtt Sober. Join »«,?lb AREN CE AUSKINGS . imtel Clarendon. 036 K. Clark Bt., Chicago. 111. AGENT AT LIBERTY Always sober and reliable Know Sonth and "OBt. Can leave on wire. H.H.FRANKLIN, Commercial Hotel, Na shville, Tenn. "D Z Mi -—. —. A Man of Sterllnglnteg- XvIGLOTI rlty and Marvelous Ex- w,,i, „, Z — ""~ ^^ ccuuvo AbUlty. '»"owl 0 „Uuca."o h : H ° ant ° llead> di °'' week WANTRTI von BUBAE. COMRDY In n™ w DRAMA, Actors Who Double BrnkS* 1 Ml,n ' or 81, R«bo Kid, Tramp. Ilenvy- E2;2S£ anu 0ld MalO. Those doing speclal- "cj_p retcrred. n. C. care of CLIPPER. , ; " "'Mcrlnoi ads. please mcnlton Clt^peu. Minneapolis, Minn—Metropolitan (h, "• Scott, mgr.) pictures, "Manon-Lcscaut," week of Dec. 0. Siit'BEBT (Charloj Stlcbter, mgr.)—Wright Huntington Players, In "Little Miss brown," week or 0. B.usisEinoE Playhouse (A. G. Balnbrldec Jr., mgr.) — Balnbrldge Players, In "Tho Woman In the Case," week of 0. 0-121 Mile. Maryon Vadlc and company, Francis McGinn and company, Merrill and Otto, Zertho's dogs, O'Brien, Havel and com- pany, Grant and Hoag, Miller and Lylea, and Orpheum Travel Weekly. Gmbti (William Koenig, mgr.)—Dave Marlon s Dreamland Burlesquers week ot 0. Miles' Hippodbohb (W. V. Gallagher, mgr)—BUI b-12: Lorralna Buchanan and Edwnrd Racey. lour other acts and ali fea- ture pictures. New Grand (William B. Koch, mgr.)— Bill ft-12: The Ucuman Trio, George A, Beane and company, Anita Primrose, Three Emersons, and the feature picture, "Zu- flora. ££?* „ Palacb (R«*en A Flnkelateln, mgrs.) —Bill 6-12: Paul, Levane and Dobbs, Bea- trlfe Morrell, Baron Llchter, Four lh'gals, Russell and Church, and motion pictures. ■ XTNiQiir (Jack Elliott, mgrj—Bill 6-12: Gasch Sisters Bell Boy Trio, Richmond and Mann, Trovollo. and motion pictures Lyric, Strand, Crystal, Ibis, New Lake, American and Pbikcesb, pictures, St. Paul, Mlnn_Metropo!!tan (L. N. Scott, mgr.) for week of iDec. 6 "Hanky I'anky" had a large advance sale. Nat C. Goodwin, In "Never Say Die," next week. Shdbbrt (Frank C. Priest, mgr.)—"The Chorus Lady" 5s the offering week of 6. Orphrum (E. C. Burroughs, mgr.)— Vaudeville week of 6: 'Mercedes, assisted by Mile. Stantone; Hermlne Shone and" com- pany, Anna.Chandler, Kramer.and Patterson,. Cole and Denaby, Finn and Finn, and Ernie Totts and company. Eupress (Gus S. Greening, mgrO-r-SIll week of 6: Purcclla Bros., Joe Kelsey, John La Vler, Brown and Jackson, and "Lore in a Sanitarium." 8tab (John P. Kirk, mgr.)-HPat White's Big .luhllee show week of 6. Andy Lewis and the Dreamland Burlesquers week of 13. Princess (Bert Goldman, mgr.)—Vaude- ville 6-0: Princess. Ka, the Four Slickers, Millard Bros., Howe and Howe, and "Bunny's. Mtie Brother." Last half: Martini and Maii- mllllan. O'Connor. Willing, Bentley and Will- ing, Lou Chlha, and Murray Love Trio. Strano. Starland, Gaiety and Majestic, moving pictures. Peoria, 111.—Majestic (Orpheum Com- pany, mgrs.) Billy Gross, in "The Masquer- aders," Dec. 8-6, Bad large attendance, threa shows a day. ''One Girl In a Million" 10, "Bringing Up Father" 20-23. Orpheum (Nathan A Grecnberg, mgrs.)— Bill for 6-0: Nina Morris, Techow's calx, and Barber and Jackson. For 1012: Low Hawkins, Seven Colonial Belles, and Thruo La Delia COmlqOes. Hippodrome (E. P. Churchill, mgr.)— "Damaged Goods" 6-12. House will be dark 13-19. Livingston Stock Co. opens an In- definite engagement 20. Princess (Seavcr Amuse. Co., mgrs.)— Vaudeville and pictures. iFolly (Harry Turbcrvllle Jr., mgr.)— Musical Stock Company was seen In the burlesque, "Sailing under False Colors," 80- Dec. 6. Colisedm. —John McCormack and concert company 8, Aroii,o, Columbia, Cort, Da Lt;x», Duchess, Elysiom, Empress, Garoen, Illi- nois, Imperial. Liberty, Lyceum, Palace, 8anoa.ho and Star, motion pictures only. Waterbnry, Conn—Jacques (R. Shee- han, mgr.) "The TcmptcrB" week of Dec. T. •PoLrs (A. Tannl, mgr.)—Vaudeville and motion pictures. This theatre is enjoying good patronage. Loew'b (1. Garvey, mgr.)—Vaudeville and motion pictures. Bill 7-0: Mario and Tre- vctte, Archer and Belford, Phillips and White. Btn Beyer and Brother, two to All. I''or 10-12: Simpson and Dean, "Pop" Ward, I.e Roy and Harvey, Manhattan Trio, the Slddons, one to fill. Princess, Star, Adiambra, Scenic and Oarden. motion pictures only. Seranion. Pa.—Lyceum (B. H. Kobn- Btamm, mgr.) "The Yellow Ticket" Dec. 8, 0, matinee 0; Harry Lauder 10, matinee only; "The Pursuit of the Phantom" (photoplay) 10, 11; "A Pair of Sixes" 12, matinee aad night. Poli's (John H. Docking, mgr.)—8111 week of 7: "Tho Lonesome Lassies," Gould and ABhlyn, Sylvia I/oyal and her IMcrrot. Louise May, Do MU-hele Bros., the Azard Trio, and uruuelle Sisters und Stephens. Academy (William Dahlmun, mgr.)—For week of 7, tho Poll 'Stock company, support- ing Mae Desmond and Walter Richardson, in "Alias Jimmy Valentine." Star (Hurry W. Storms, mgr.)—iFor wccl£ of 7, the Frolics of 1014. as opening attrac- tion of burlesque season here. Buou Drkams, Wonders, Manhattan, Palace, Wonderland Hiitodromb. Vic- toria, Dreamland, OnpiiBUM and Court Square, pictures only. Aitoonn. Pa Mlshler (I. C. Mlshler, mgr.) the Big Sensation Burlesquers Dec. 10, "Oscar and Adolph" 14. Obphbum (Arthur 13. Dcnman, mgr.)— Bill 7-0: "The Dream of the Orient," Bow- man Bros., Three Boy Scouts, and tho Clever Trio. For 10-12: Moneta Five, Tom Wlll- lrms and company, Connelly and Naulty, and Mullen and Herbert. Johnstown, Pn. —Cambria (Bcherer A Kelly, mgr.) the Big Sensation Co. Dec, 0, "Oscar and Adolph" 12. Majestic (M. J. Boyle, mgr.)—High class vaudeville and pictures. • _ , Globe (J. G. Foley, mgr.)—Vaudolilo and Pl Pabk," Nemo. Palace, Grann and Buoo Dhbaji. pictures only. , ___ The New Garden Theatre Is nearly com- pleted. A *5,000 Mullen organ Is being In- stalled. Montreal, Can—His Majesty's <H. P. Hill, mgr.) "After the Ball" Dec. 7-12. ritiNCBSS (Abble Wright mgr.)—"The Ap- Dcal" 7-12 Marie Dressier 14-10. V O a rhi.v* (Geo. Drlscoll, mgrO-BI 1; week of 7: Belle Baker, Mooro and Yntes Laskya "Eloping." Kcno and Mayne, Mcl.ellan, and Carson, Maurice Golden, and Krcmka Bros. Gaiety (iFred Crow, mgr.)—The Social Maids wack of 7. Girls from Uappyland 14- 10. St. Cntharlnea, Can—Grand (G. B Od- ium mrr) "The Newly-weds" Dec. IB. B. WitiS*? Stock 6 Co. week of 14 excepting rilgbt of ID. when "Sunnybrook Farm'' ap- PC GRippiN.—'Moving pictures and vaudeville. Hippodbomb.— Moving pictures and vaude- ville. Hamilton, Can—Orand (A. R. tOLdon, mgr. i May Bell Marks Co. Dec. T-12, 'Ro- DHtt of Sunnybrook Farm" 14, "England's Menace" (pictures) 15-10. Savoy (Ceorge Stroud, mgr.)—Fay Foster Show 7-IZ. ncllo, Paris! next. Lyric (n. Morgan, mgr.)-The manage- ment ha" added the Strand wnr series to its ■Irons list, which include* FamouB Players nnd Mary I'lckford fllrns.^ BURLESQUE ROUTES. CHERRY BLOSSOMS. Colombia Wheel. Al. Reeve* Show (Irvine En«l», mgr.)—Oaytty, Washington, 7-12. Gayety, I'lttabu-gh. 14-19. American Beauties (Lou Ktwteln, mjr.)—Lar off 7-12, Empire, Newark, 14-10. Heboan Show (Jack SlDger, mar.)—Casino, Phlla.. T-12, Empire, Hoboken, 14-19. Bon Tons (Frank McAletr. aitr.)—Caalno. Bkln., 7-13, Hurtle A Seauwn's, N. Y., 14-10. Big Jobliee (Maurice Jacobs, mrr)—Star, St. raul, 7-12. Gaiety, Milwaukee, 14-19. Ben Welch's Own Co. (Harry Shapiro, mrr.)— Columbia, Chicago, 7-12, Knztewood, Chicago, 14-19. Beauty Tnrade (Ed. Scbaefer, mgr.)—Star. Cleve- land, 7-12, Olympic, Cincinnati, 14-10. Bowrry Burlesquers (Boh Cohen, mgr.)—Gayety, Milwaukee. 7-12, Ohlcieo 14-10. Billy Watron's Big Show iHlllj Watwn. mgr.)— Biont. N. Y., 7-12, lay off 14-19, Empire, New- ark. ■21-2(1. - Carnation Beauties (Sam Robinson, mrr.)—Gaie- ty, Boatcn, 7-12. Columbia. New York, 14-10. Oolbge Girls (Max Spiegel, nigr.)—Lay off 7-12. Wesrmlnater, Provldcnc*. 14-19. Dreamland Burleaquera (Bob Travers, mrr.)— Gayety, Minneapolis, 7-12, Star, St. Paul, 14- 19. Dave Marion's Own (Ixiy Grods, mgr.)—Casino, Boston, 7-12, Hartford and Albany 14-10. Follies of the Day (Jock McNamara, mgr.)—En- xlewood. Chicago, 7-12, Gaiety, Detroit,' 14-19. Golden Oroolw (James C. Fulton, mgr.)—Gaiety, Plttsbnrsh, 7-12, Star, Cleveland. 1410. Gaiety GItIs (Jacobs A Jcrmon, mgrs.)—Colum- bia, N. Y., 7-12, Orpheum, I'ateraen, 14-19. Ginger Oltla (Jo* Hurtlg, mgr.)—Orpheum, Pat- ertoo. 7-12, Oaalno, BUn.. 14-19. Girls ot the Gay White Way- (Dave Gordon, mgr.) —Ezpclrt, Hoboken, 7-12, Empire, Bkln.. 14-10. Globe Trotters (Wash Mortlu. mgr.)—Palace, Bal- timore, 7-12. Gaiety, Wnahlngton, 14-19. Gypiy Maids'(Wm. V. Jennings, mgr.)—Star and Garter, Chicago, 7-12, Princess, St. Loula, 14- 19. Girls of. the Moulin Rouge (Hurtlg a Seamon, mm.)—Gaiety, Detroit, 7-12, Gaiety. Toronto, 14-19. Gay New Yorkers (Joke Goldenberg, mrr.)— Empire.-Phlla.. 7-12, Palace. Baltimore. 14-19. Girls from Happviand (Geo. II. Harris, mrr.)— Syracuse and Utlca 7-12, Gaiety, Montreal, 14- 19. . nappy Wlrtowi (Penesiv A nerk, mgn.)—Gaiety, Kansas City. 7-12, Gaiety. Omaba, 14-19. Honeymoon Girls—'Gaiety, Toronto, Can., 7-12, Gaiety, Buffalo. 14-10. Hastings' Big Show (Hairy Hastings, mgr.)— Gaiety. Buffalo, N. Y., 7-12, Syracuse and Utica 14-19. Liberty Girls (Alex D. Gorman, mgr.)—Prlnaeas. Bt. Loula, 7-12, Gaiety. Kansas City. 14-19. I.ovemnkcru (Sam Howe, mrr.)—Hurtlg A Sea- mnn's, New York, T-12. Philadelphia 14-10. Million Dollar Dolls (Its Miller, mrr.)—Albany nnd Hartford 7-12. Casino, Boston, 14-19. rrlse Winners (A. Pearson, ragr.)—Wwtmlnator, Providence, 7-12. Gaiety, Boston, 14-19. Rowland Girls (Walter Greaves, mgr.)—Lay off 7-12 Gaiety, Minneapolis, 14-19. Bos* Sydeil's (Harry Thompson, mgr.)—Empire, Bkln.. 7-12, lay off 14-10, Providence 21-20. Ro»ey Fow-y Girls (P. S. Clark, mrr.)—Gaiety, Omaha, 7-12, lsy off 14-19, Gaiety, Mlnneapo- 11s, 21-20. Social Melds (J. J. Llebermann, mgr.)—Gaiety, .Montreal, 7-12, Allium- nuil Hartford 14-10. Star and Garter (Franx Welsberg, mxr.)—Empire, Newark, 7-12, Phlla., 14-10. Trocaderoa (Frank 8. Pierce, ragr.)—Hartford and Albany 7-12, Bronx, New York, 14-19. Winning Widows (Lonls Gilbert, mgr.)—Empire, Toledo. 7-12, Ohlcaeo 14-10. Walton Hitters' Oo. (Mux Pplegel. mgr.)—Olym- pic, Cincinnati, 7-12, Umpire, Toledo, 14-19. Columbia Wheel—Added. Auto Glrle (Teddy RImonds, mgr.)—Blngharaton cad Scbtoectady 7-12, Corinthian, Bochealer, 14-19. Broadway Girls (Bob Gordon, mgr,)—Cadillac, Detroit, 7-12. Chicago 14-19. Bohemians (Tom Miner, upr.)—Vktorla, Pltta- lurgh, 7-12, Penn Circuit 14-19. Big Review (Harry P. Dixon, mgr.)—Corinthian, Rochester, 7-12, Oarden, Buffalo, 14*10. Beauty, Youth and Folly (Louis Stark, mgr.— Gaiety, Ilalllmore, 7-12, Bijou, Richmond, 14- •*• Big Sensation (Morris Walnatock, mgr.) — Penn Circuit 7-12. New York 14-19. City Ilellftv— Lay off 7-12, Gaiety, Baltimore, 14-10. City Sports (It. II Patton, mrr.)—Phlla, 7-12, Atlantic City 14-10. Charming widows—HI km, Richmond, 7-12, Acad. emy, Norfolk, 14-19. Cracker Jacks (Charles False, mrr.)—Garden, Buffalo. 7-12, Star, Toronto, 14-10. Cherry Blossoms (Maurice Jacobs, mgr.)—Star, Bkln., 7-12, Phlla. 14-19. Eva Moll's Show (Lew Talbot, mgr.)—Park, Bridgeport, 10-12, Waterbnry nnd Eprlngfcld 14-10. Follies of Pleasure—Columbia, Indianapolis, 7-12, Buckingham, Louisville, 14-19. Fay Foster Oo. (Joe Omicnholmer. mgr.)—Savoy, Hamilton. 7-12. Cadillac, Detroit, 14-10. French Models (Dick Zclslor, mgr.)—Oalcty, Ohl- cngo, 7-12, Ooluiiibli, liiiilsnniHilln, 14-iu. Girls of the Follies (II. M. Btrouse. mgr.)—Wor- cester and Holyuke T-1J, New York 14-10. Gay Morning Glories fJncx Gllnes, mgr.)—Water- bury and Bprlngflcld 7-12 Howard, Boston, 14- 10. Gay Widowa (Louis J. Oberwortb, mgr,)—Gayety, Phlla., 7-12, Grand, Trenton, 17-10. Girls from Joyland (Sim Williams, mgr.)—Grand, Trenton, 10-12, Gayety P.klii., 14-19. Garden of Girls (Louis Gerard, mgr.)—Academy, Jersey City, 7-12, lay off 14-10, Baltimore 21- 26. Hello Paris (Win. Roebm, mgr.)—Star, Toronto, T-12, Savoy, Hamilton, 14-10. High Llfo Girls (Frank Oalder, mgr.)—Cincin- nati 7-12. Cleveland 14-10. , High Rollers—Haymarket, Chicago, 7-12, Stan- dard. St. Loula, 14-19. Heart Charmers (Davo Ooudron, mgr.)—Standard 8t, Loula, 7-12, Century, Kansas City, 14-10. MlKhlef Makers (F. W. Gfrhardv, mgr.)—Grand, Boston, 7-12, Worcester snd Hoiyoko 14-19. Monte Carlo Girls (T. Kulllvnn, mgr.)— Gayety, Bkln., 7-12, Park. Bridgeport, 17-19. Orientals (Billy Watson, mgr.)— Mirrrsy Hill, New York, 7-12, Academy, Jersey City, 14-19. Pasting Review of 1914 (Joe Levitt, mgr.)— Howard. Boston, 7-12, Grand, Boston. 14-10. September Morning Glories—Century, Kansas City, 7-12, lay off 14-10, Gaiety, Chicago, 21-26. Tango OlrlB, Cbas. K. Taylor—Empire, Cleveland, 7-9, Binghamton and bchtcectady 14-19. Tango (Jnwjns (E. E, Daley, mgr.)—Atlantic City 7-12. Victoria, Pittsburgh, 14-10. Tsxl Girl* (Jock Levy, mgr.)— Lay off 7-12, Gaiety, Chicago, 14-10. Tempters Gua Kahn, mgr.)—Olympic, New York, 7-12, Star, Bkln., 14-13. Zallab's Own Show (John Eckhardt, mgr.)— Academy, Norfolk. 7-12, Phils. 14-10. PENN CIRCUIT. Beaver Falls, Pa.—Monday. Oeeiioburi, Ps.—Tuesday. Cambria, Johnstown, I'a.—Wednesday. Mtabler, Altoona, Pa—Thursday. Majestic, York, Ps.—Friday. Academy, Reading, Pa.—-Saturday. Barton Cirenlt. Folly Borlfsqacrs—Arch St., Phils., 7-12. Meiry—Odeon, Newark, N. J., 7-12. Trip to Parts—Clob, Rochester, N. Y., 7-12. Frollca of 1914—Star, Seranion, Ps., 7-12. a Jiuu!» Frank Is still la advance of Al. Beeves' Beauty Show, putting over several new advertising etonta. HATING. Book Chorus Coatnmel Scenery IMi KB 1O0 100 Numbers Principals Comedy 100 PO OB "The Other Fellow" is the title of the drat part, with a mix up between two Albert Mellont, who look anil dress alike, with good comedy re- sults. Harry Sbeppell was one of them and Mar- tin J. Guild Is the other, and they kept thing- a- humming when In action. Artie Malloy had a small part as the hotel proprietor. A Francis Pnlmnn loomed up as s factor In the straight part ot tbe hotel clerk, and contributed good work. Al Turple, as a red beaded, red faced almp, used a good make-up, and also changed to an effeminate young chap for a trio specialty. Vera Rose did an Irish housekeeper with a Hibernian face and brogue. Kids Reynolds played tbe aoubrette role, lead- ing several numbers. Nell Gould, Ihe nrlma donna, was on the spot with an Imposing (una and a good robust voice, upcclully suited for her style of nunbers. Sho also did a souse hit, tinging "My Last Night With tbe Boys" la a comedy scene with the Mellon-. She acquired the Jag very rapidly. Ida Lavender Is I clever slip of s girl, aad In a natty page suit of red she put over "When I Come Rack" for several encores. She also Im- personated a mechanical doll with good automatic movement James Haseltoa contributed a good character at the Rube Sheriff, and by his work proved hlmeclf as a strictly ''legitimate" character actor, correct as to sll details. 'Ponies: Lena Boyee, Stella Reynolds, Martha V'hlie, Ethel Heed, Margaret VerTto.v, May Wag- ner, - Gene Bayer, Adel Wagner. Dorothy Doyle. Show Girls: May Tnrple.■ Llllle Waters, Essie West, Jsc. Grey. Frleds Thome, May Walters, Lena Frecde, Tlune De Ken. The numbers Included: "Aba Daba Honeymoon," by Jllis Reynolds: "Whit Did Borneo Sa; to Ju- liet)" by Mr, Sheppeli; "Tlpperary," by Mlis Gould, to a number of encores, with tbe girls car- rying flags and marching In lively fashion; "He Shad Die." by Mr. Guild, with Individual work by Ihe girls; "By tbe Beautiful Sea," by Miss Rote, leading the bathing girls; "When I Come Pact," by Miss Lavender: "You're Here and I'm Here," by iMlta Gould: a specialty by the Rey- nolds Sisters and Malloy, with Stella at tbe piano, playing Id expert style, and Rlda doing s character sons;, entitled "If tbe Wind Had Only Iilcnvn the Other Way." With Mr. iMalloy she sang "Follow the Crowd" and "Mississippi Bar- liecue," and Mr. Malloy sang alone "Up Above." Severs! living pictures, by six models, were well rosed, and "Celebration liny In Tennessee" served as Ibo finals of tbe Orst act. For "Olrlle Girlie," Harry Sheppeli played an irishman, Jim Haielton a German Brewer, and Martin Guild another German. A pinochle game furnished srimo fun, olso tho mock marJraro of Ihe two rubea. Mr. Putnam sang "Tampa Bay," Miss Reynolds "Do It With Me,' T Rh*m>ell, Turple and Putnam, as a trio, sang ''Fill tbe Old Oaken Bucket with Love" and "Game of Love" to good applause. If III. THE MERRY BURLESQUERS. Itlchy Oralgs' attraction, after making a num- ber of "terrific" Jumps Incidental to the elisnics on the Progressive and the Barton circuits reached the Prospect, New York, last week, and loomed up weal with a good chorua of attractive (iri». a fairly interesting performance/ la the urlesque and olio division, with good numbers, costumes aad scenery. In the German psrt Mr. Grain delivered his guttural toned funny aaylugs in bis usual man- ner. "I Got Another Job Now" answers for aoaie loiub material. Harry Seyoa did well in Irish as the wealthy uncle. Id action, brogue and make-up. Artie Lewis, as a tough showman, did not overdo the character, and was well backed by his pal, Ulllle Leonard, who was tbero wltb the slang and ulflo looked good In lights. Dorothy Blodgelt Is an attractive performer of merit in the sirlma donna role, and acted It well. Flo Juleiie had some Important part In the pro- ceeillnga. anil acquitted herself eredllalily. Tiny Rusiell snd Ethel Weston completed tho cast. The chorus: Dorothy English, Jennie Clayton, Trlx Goulet, dieatrlce Diebl, Dot Armstrong, Grace Edwards. Helen Darling, Ethel Weston, Viola Russell, vera Cody, Beau la h Young, Anna Nnrrli, bin l'rentlce, Ruth Russell, Etta Good- ridge, Anna Mason, Ulllle Whitney. Edna Whit- ney, Marlon Leonard, Grace Harnett, Chris Wal- ton. La Nleta, a French Oriental dancer, was an exlra feature, but did not causo much excitement. Tito numbers Included: "Oh, My Love," by Mr. Craig; "At the Ball," by Flo Juleiie: "Aba Daba." by Hilly J«onard; "When I Come Back," by Miss lllodgett, and a patriotic ensemble for "1 Love Ihe Whole V. B.." with a striking tableau finish: "Do You Love II," "By the Sea," "(Ireut Big Dancing Doll," by Misses lllodgett ond Uonnrd; "Do It wltb Me," by Miss Juleiie; "If I Hod Someone Like You At Home," by Miss Ulodgett. In Ihe olio Rlcby Craig gave hi* monologue, with the suxopbone solo, nufl then the, conver- sation with tho phonograph doing the straight, with his usual success. Artie I.eivls and Belle Leonard hod an enter- taining sketch, with songs and talk. "If I Wasn't For You," "California" and "Wonderful Lore" served them nicely In their vocalising, and both made a big hit. Harry Seyou and Flo Julene ipeclsllted with long and talk. Mr. Seyon did ''Poor Pauline" with good effect. They bad a wedding cerinony by telephone, and then rang "I Don't Want to Oo Home To-night," with Mr. Heyoo Unletting in tbe audience. LADIES LIKE ORPHRUM, The average weekly lady attendance at tbe Ortmeum, Paterson, N. J., for tbe fourteen weeks of the season has been 2,230, but it remained for Dave Marlon not only to smash sll records for receipts since the theatre was built, hot he holds the record for lady attendance, Ladlen pay fuli price on Saturday nights and holidays, therrtVre, omitting Saturday and Thanksgiving, day and night, the Dave Marlon Show played to a lailv attendance on Monday, Tuesday. Wednes- day, Friday and Saturday matinee of 1,877, at ten cents, and R02 at twenly-flvc cents. Louie Ruble haa Just cause to rejoice over btl clncntcMo, Hiiich proves that tbe clean burlesque show gets the money. HARRY LE CLAIR FasATDRKD PAV FOSTBR SHOW BURLESQUE IN SCRANTON. Tbe Star, Seranion, Pa., which has been dark for several years, and which was formerly de- voted to burlesque, ha. been leased by Thomas Wlrth, of Seranion, ami rc-opened Dec. 7, with the Frolics of the Day, a burlesque of tbe llanos Circuit, whoso at tractions will be presented ex- clusively at this theatre. Tbe announcement that Harry Storma haa been secured by Mr. Wlrth to manage his house war- rants the success ot the same from the starL Mr. Storms, who waa on the stare himself, and for many years representative of Creston Clark. the distinguished aclor, will, with hla experience In the theatrical bnalriess and bla popularity lo- cally. Insure the eftlcleucy and patronage of the house. a ' SAVOY, HAMILTON. OPEN. A report having circulated that the 8sroy The- atre. lumlltoB, Osd., wrn to close, is strongly denied by George Stroud, manager of that house. Mr. Stroud reports that business has been as good that an Increase In seating eapacltv Is iitcesaary at the close of tbe present season. The Fay Foster Show la there this week, s WHO CAN MB AT THISr Here ere three men at Miner's Bronx. New York, who claim to tie tbe heaviest crew on any burlesque stage. Fraus Hewn (stage manager). 218 pounds; Dill Murphy (grip), 230 pounds: Jack llapln (tlyman), 220 pounds. Id all O'li pounds, borne pony ballet! s BACK IN VAUDEVILLE. Weston and Keith closed wltb Eva Mull's Follies rat 1020 Co., at the Gaiety, Brooklyn, N. Y., Dec. B, and opened Monday, 7, at Loews Delsncey Street Theatre, on a tour of the Loew time. THE CORNELL 114 110 W. 4V7th St.. If. V. Housekeeping Suites; single ana doublo rooms, with bath. Special ratcsto tho profession. Phone 4641 Bryant Musical Comedy and Burlesque People IN ALL LINKS Good Lonklna. Young Chorus Girls, who can King and Danes. Good Comedienne that can black up. Apply by letter only to JKANBTTK DITRKK, Room 418, Shale full particulars. Fitzgerald building, Broadway and Forty-Third St., City. TWO BOYS DIB. Two well-known burlesquers have Joined that throng above, Carl Henry, of Henry and Francis. and Max Hitter, ot Hitler and Foster. Both diet list week, and both were tho same age, tblrty-Hra years, ■ i s ON ROAD NEXT SEASON. Souiy Rotachlld, the young man In Hurtlg h tieamon's offlees, will go or. the road next season, ahead of u show. HOW ABOUT TUISf Jack Faust, "the Silver King," ahead of Gay Widows Co.. Is Ihe oldest youngeat manager Is burlesque, What about this, Richard Pattont ■ a YOU CAN HELP HIM. Jake Lleberman injauj-r of Social Maids Co, Is shortly doe In New York City. He baa offers! a reward for a hair restorer. i a HB MEANT IT, TOO. The Beauty Parade nblle playing In Pittsburgh, was referrtd to by a New York poper's enrrcapos- dent as a "iiioKi comical burlesque mitflt." s Edna and Bii.i.v WniTNgr, of the Merry Hur- leeuuers mourn the loss of their mother, whs) died suddenly Nov. 20, at her borne In New York. IlAlinr MiiNTAont Is putting on stork bur- leeuuo at tbe Prospect, New York. llAZKi.i.a Mack and IIlauys Obesnino are the Inseparable room -mates of Pat While's Big Jubi- lee Co., and as "the blonde and hriitinctto duo" are having great big comments swapped about their peppery work at every show. Handle waa ■nwell enough to have the "doc." forbid her working In Mlunrnpulls last week, but she refused to leave Pat abort a girl, and Pat never forgets such sweet loyalties. John Fat writes us: "The Tango Girls simply Is a show that pleases them all, old and young. Our bnalueas has been very good." Blanoiib r.i.i.ior thla season la with Honey- moon Glrla. For tho past seven years she was with t trouse A Franklin's Girls of Ihe Follies. Iii.wiion Bsnton and Mas Cuiiks, who have been playing Ihe Wostern Vaudeville Assncla'los lime since tbe closing of Jack Hlngcr'a Blue Kllihoa Belles Co., bore signed with llalton Powell's "l.inpiekeil Henry" Co fair the balance of IDs season, to ploy tho juvenile lend and Ingenue parts and present their act. The show opens Christ- mas Day, Annib Hast will close with the flay Morning (Jltirles, Pec. 12, and will las at Iter home la Falrhaven, N. J., "until something else hsppent along," Mat Saoona, for the psat three years wilt Ham Hone's Love LMakera Co,, Informs us that she has obtained a divorce from T. V. Magna. She eiprcte to aall for Havana, Cuba, Jan. 1, VinniNiA Bwd la with American Beauties Ga> tills' season. Sam Ross, who has Isvm managing Ihe Odeoa Thcnlre, Newark, N. 1„ Ims severed bla eoiinee- tlon with that bouse. Mr. Okln. owner of lbs prujerly, has taken over tbe management, FltKK-RIX MONTIIH-INVKHTING FOR PROFIT. A Monthly Guide to Money.Making. Tolls how $100 grows to txooo-how to «ct rich quickly ant honestly. II. I,, iiaiuikh. Pub.. 420-.12 W. Jackson Blvd.. Chicago. •.AND TOlFORMH, ARMY or NAVY BUI..,, TENTS, OUN8 and KQ.UIPMKNT OF KVKHY DESCRIPTION. From Gcvommont Auction. No matter what you want In that lino, I can aupply it. Now or sneond hand. Hond for Catauogno. B. B. A HRAIIAMS A COMPANY, 222 South 8L, Philadelphia, Pa. LEST VOU PORGET WE SAY I'A' YET GROSS LETER HEADS Contracts, Tickets, Envelopes, Free Samples, eta, STAGS MONEY, Ho. Book of Herald data, a*c CROSS ^ K s ,N D T r h o^8t CHICAGO LOCATION FOR PERMANENT STOCK AlsoUepertoIro People In all Lines, for No. a Company. Specialty Pcoplu preferred. Must havo youth, appearance, experience, ability and wardrobe Make your xalary low, as It is Hiire. Send photos, programs and full particulars. John Patrick, lleronico Lennox. Harry T. Donnelly write. WM, E. HAYLON, Mgr., Haylon Stock Company. This weok, Phelps, N. Y. Week Deo. 24, I^Roy, N. Y. THE HUGO PLAYERS WANTS Juvenile Leading Man ■with Rcrlpt preferred, Must make announcements. Bute all Aral letter. HARRY HUGO, Tyler, Minn, Dec. 10,11,12; Lake, Benton, 14,16,10. WANTED Rfl IWIE.I1 IB State ago, height, weight and lowest first lettoc Musi do spoclaltljs. Musicians to doublo stage. Tickets If known. ROSS UARTKK Mgr. NATIONAL 8T O0 K CO., M. Joseph, Mo, AT IIBBKTT WALLY GRAYSON Jnvonllcs, Light Comedy, Con. Hits. Height, r, R. 9 In.; weight, I4'i lbs.; age, St, Pliolna on request. AddrcBS Ml INDIANA AVK., TOLKDO, OHIO