The New York Clipper (December 1914)

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24 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER, Decembek 12 JEROME H. REMICK, MOSE GUMBLE, F. E. BELCHER, PmMist Mir. Professional Dtp*. Sicratarr JEROME H.REMICK&CO. GREAT NOVELTY SONG ON THE 5.15 99 Ml -TRAIN L-EAVES S/ 4* ANOTHER "CASEY JONES" BY MURPHY and MARSHALL On the 5.15. On the 5.15. On the 5.15. Hear the Whistles Blowing, Your Ingersoll is slow, Down the Track she's going, Bang! goes the Gate on the 5.15. Copyright 1114 by JEROME H. REMICK * CO. PUBLISHED BY JEROME H. REMICK & CO. NEW YORK III W 4ltB St. SAN FRANCISCO IN Marlut St. BOSTON US Trtmont St. DETROIT 1J7 W. Fort St. CHICAGO M.j..tic Th.atra Bldf. A-A A A, A: AM A A A\A A A A B.B.&B.THEATRfGAL WARDROBE TRUNK Hirs It li-Tht B B & B Theatrical WARDROBE Trunk. Poilllvtly thi itrongatt and most con- vanlant Wardrobt Trunk on thi markat. Tin Uit word In trunk Progren. Sond lor General Catalog and List ol Agents. B B » B TRUNK COMPANY, Pittsburgh, Pa. Earn $35 to $500 Weekly. Study CTAfiC DANCINO 01 RUE SINGING Vaudeville Act*. Bketchei. Drama, Musical Comedy and New Nov- cltln to Stage Dance*. Write tor Illustrated booklet tiow 8,000 Un- dents succeeded. Falluro Impos- sible, Alviene Theatre School of Acting D7th St. nt ll'wny. Bntr. 226 W. 57th St., N. 1. O ATA LOO of Professions! and Amntour Plays, Skototies. Mono logB, Minstrel JoVeB, lleclUtIons W w Make-up Goods, Etc., sontFREK. HTZQ EKALI), 20 Ana St., New York. VAN FLEIT RINTE •T WBST SSth ITHEKT, KBW TOIIK. dnJk * Fine PRANK HAYDEN.Ioc. COSTUMES And Millinery 00 VVKST 4Mh STItBKT, NEW YORK 1'llONi:, UHYANT 0276. SEND FOll CATALOGUE IjrAAHiaHaRADE ntOO MAKEUP Uniform in Color and Quality Guaranteed FREE Memorandum Date Book BooktheArtof'HilhifUp" TIIKATHICA li WKsH Toupees, Ladles' Hair Goods. M. Stetn'i Make Up. Send for Price List GEO. 8UINDHBLM, 2112 W. <lat St, New York. Tel. 3726-Bryant CIRCUS <fc JUGGLING Apparatus, Rolling Globes, Clubs, Batons, Guns, Wlro Walkers' Apparatus and Novelties. Stamp tor catalog. KUW. VAN WYCK, Cincinnati, O. WANTED Acts of All Kinds SEND PHOTOS. BOO Lettrrheadi and Pine Cat lor 84. FINN, the Printer, 84 Blast Slat Street, Bet. B'way and Fourth Are., New York City. PLAYS KOK STOCK, Rep, and Amateurs. Tabloids, Mltmtrtsls and Vaudeville Acts. Stamp for Catalogue. N. Y. PLAY BUREAU A AUTHORS EX., Tremont Theatre. N. Y. City. WUSIC IBBANlsKU PIANO. oncUElSTRA. Melodies written to song poems. W. II. NliLSON, Aator Tbeatro Bldg,, 1531 Broadway. N. Y. NEW 212 PABE ILLUST. MAGIC GATAl Containing cute of Leading Conjurors, 60c. New 124 page book Catal., 10c. None free. W. II. LfifllOY, 103 Court St., Boiton, Mais. BIG TIME ACTS Written to order. Guaranteed toldbxe good. Write tor terms. N. J. BUCKWHBBT, Huntington. Mam. "THE.OLD RELIABLE" Planter oH BL ACK ~! c CAPSULES iFoitCATARRH flcDlSCHARGESj TIGHTS Silk Opera Hose ud Stockings ARE OUR SPECIALTY AFIIIW *»• BBST and l|IJAlillI PRICES the LOWEST Gold and Silver Br wades. Silks, Satins Theatrical Jewelry, Spangles, etc. Gold and Silver Trimmings Wigs, Beards and ill Goods Theatrical CiUloguu and Sample* upon nquiit When asking for Catalogue, pleass mention what goods are wanted SIE6MAN & WEIL l«. W. Cor. 27th 81. a Midhon Avt. THK THEATRICAL SUPPLY KHPORTUM I. MIUERJ1554 Broadway, Bet -" th * TeL S506-T Cbelaem 202 W.23!STi H.Y '/it anttoering ods. pleass mention t'urni. 47th St* Manufacturer of Theatrlca Boota and Shoes. Clog, Ballet and Acrobatic Shoes. Kept In stock, all sizes. MUSICAL GLASSES Xylophones, lUitlm.Mi aioal Electrical Bella. Musical Flower Pots, Coins, Funnels, Hat Kaoka. Cow Bells,etc.,otc. Catalogueand full information on receipt of atamps. A. BRAUNEISS, 1012 Grant Ave.,Richmond II111, N. Y. PLAYS tTJ.'o'iiTOisi slonal and Amateui Plays, Vaudevllli 8 k • t c b • a, Btagi Moaolognii.MlBitrelMawrial if.. - l»S„lul olS-DeDtT'i OUT OF TOWN NEWS Old Jack Frost has not been on the Job, and tbc past weak bai been more Ilka Spring than early Winter. 'Theatrical business con- tinues so-so, although there are Indications of a box otUce revival cheerful to managerial liCiirtB. Gka'nd Opeba Housb (John II. Hnvlln, mgr.)— Billle Uurke le coming Dec. 7, In "Jerry." Last week "The Little Cafe." a KJaw & Biianger attraction, enjoyed a fair run of real prosperity. All the critics laid down their hammers and praised tt as the very best mimical offering of tho year. And that helped. C. S. M. MoLellan and Ivan Caryll aro responsible for the English version, and their adaptation Is line. Jobn E. Young had tlio role of tho lucky waiter, and he pluya the part far away from tbe stereotyped. Tom Uraves la a regular Kddy i'oy-llke conspira- tor, and ho has a good companion In Maurice Cubs, the cafe owner. Alma Francis, Mnr- Jorlo Gateson and Edna Munsey are chief umong tho women. The chorus la large, poo- senses some beauties and a large Bhare of vocal quality. "The Passing of Hans Dlppel follows, 18. _ . . ,,__ Lybic (Carl Hubert Heuck, mgr.)—"The Whirl of tho World" conies 7, after a week of Elsa Ryan, the winsome, in "Peg o' My Heart." This was Cinclnnatlans fourth In- troduction to J. Hartley Manners charming Uttlo character. They are quits In love with "Peg." The company was new but capable. Thomas Holding Is breeiy as Jerry, and Akucb Hcrron Miller wins distinction aa Ethel. iFrltsI Schelt comes 13, Walnut 'Stbhbt (George r. Fish, mgr.)—- "The llound-Up" Is coining 0, after a week of Cosmo Hamilton's problem play, "The Blindness of Virtue." Louise Bergecn 1b a charming daughter of tho vicar. Paul Grllnth makes good as Archibald Graham, F. Oatcn- by Bell, Gladys Hopetoun and Arline Wise- man are all acceptable. Tho Ocorge McManua curtoon play, "ibrlnglng Up Father," follows 13 B. F. Kbitu's (John F. Royal, mgr.)— Mr. and Mrs Carter De Haven are the bead- llneri 0, In ''Tho Masher." Others Include: Ldplnskl's dogs. Marshall Montgomery. Eva Taylor In 'Taking a Cbance;" Milton and tho Do Long Sisters, In "At Alfalfa Junc- tion ;" Marga de la Rose, and Edgar Bergcr. Johnston's Journeys, a travelogue, closes the bill. EiiPQisa (George A. Boyver, mgr.)-- Jnraos J, Morton cornea 6, hailed us "The Original Nut." Jerry iMcCauley and com- pany are coming to put on "The Girl from Child's.'' Others: The Musical Trio, Three Kcltons. Qrcen and Baker. Charles Ledcgar, and Cook and Stovcns. The Chinaman and tbe Coon, Motion pictures. Music Hall. —Anna Pavlowa, Divinity of the Dance, Is coming for two matinee per- forms uees S and 0, She will be assisted by her Russian ballot, and a number of solo dunccrs, Including Alexander Vollnlne. Ivan Christine, Stephanie l'laskolewska, Stacte Kulm and Warnlay Woszlnka. Olympic (W. F. Jackson, mgr.) — The Wntson Sisters are "duo" 0, In "Morocco Lnnd." Last week, Daisy Hnrcourt was the hcadllncr of thj Winning Widows, and she was played up like a general tire alarm. This English concert hall singer had not been seen here since 1900, when she was on the opening vnudcvlllc bill at thla house, when John J. Ryan shied his castor Into the the- atrical ring. Ben Holmes and Mark Hart were the comedians, and they set a lively pace In the fun stakes. Emille Benncr, a girl with the voice of a mnn did an unusual singing specialty. Walter Johnson, Al. Mack, Blanche Benton and Leona Fox were bril- liant In tbe constellation of burlesque, 'lho Beauty Parade comes 13. Standard (Cbas. B. Arnold, mgr.)—(Frank Calder's High Life Girls are coming 0. Last week Taylors Tango Girls made things pretty lively at the houso on the banks of the canal Gladys Scars was featured. She was effec- tive as over, and surrounding her were such bright lights as Lucie Arnold, Bertha Rich, George Milton, Sam Hawley, Lee Allen, Cbas. Collins, Sam Bochen aud Jennie Delmar. An excellent chorus was heard. Cabaret Girls aro due 13. Emery Auditobium. —Tho Cincinnati Sym- phony Orchestra, directed by Dr. Ernst Kun- wold, introduced Eleanor Spencer as the soloist, 4, 5. Strand, [[buck's Opera Hoosb and On- 1'iir.uM, motion picture plays. DBCEMDBB DOINGS. Tiielma Sprino, cashier of the Empire, a Vino Street photoplay house, wai one of the victims of the epidemic of robberies now oc- curring In Cincinnati. A thief matrix d Sunday's receipts as she was going home, and the loss was $200. Ebna Evans, one of the dancers In "Tho FOB EVERY POKPOm ESTABLISHED 18«5 WRITB FOR OAT. M*. «l 116-117 Bo. Wabash At*.. CHICAGO. ILL. NEW YORK OFFICE. 1472 Broadway, Lonxacrs Bide., Salt. IFwii ■BATTLE OFFICE. 60MO-12 Flrrt Ave., So. BAN FEAMCIflOO OFFICE. 72S Mlasnon ft! The A* H. Andrews Co. To dellTar th* Beit Theatrleavl Ctoodi, Costumes, Tights, Trlmmlnsri. etc ' Oar latslw reTlied entavlogae sent tree to lay nddreai. RETEKKNCES OTJR CUSTOMEHS FRITZ SCHOULTZ & CO., 19 W. LAKE ST., CHICAGO, ILL. Lnrgait stoek In th* cointry for Amateur and School Plavjrs. Phone Central 6292. DELIVERIES For All Theatrical Merchandise WR DRsMf, OOAOB AID ST ACS ABATBOR BUSTRBLa AMD PEATS PROFESSIONALS, SEND 5c. FOR MAILING CATALOG AND BPBULAL MBUOaUBBTB L> OOSTUME WORKS li8 Ho. Dearborn St., OHJOAOO, u. S. A CENTRAL TRUNKS 261B.. S10; Mm., IllJ 8210.. 112: BOln^ 118; 401b.. |14.60. Clrcns Trunks, 24x18x18. 19.10 " Lltbo. Trunk!. 42^x28^x12. inside, I18.B0. ShlppeS over 800 mils*, than remit whole amount SIMONS • CO., 8. W. cor. 7th It Arch St*., PhUa. LOBBY PHOTOGRAPHS Reprodaeed from Original photogrophi. Irrespective of their size. Onr prices are the lowest possible, considering the quality of our work. Try a* out on 100 PHOTOGRAPH POST OAROB for H.otl. Samples and price list forwarded upon receipt of 10c. COMMERCIAL, PHOTOGRAPHIC CO., Davenport, Iowa. GOWNS s u.2n° ANDREW s II U TO II V HAND 505 S. State St., GHICAEO WIGS For STREET and STAGE WEAR BADB rO ORDBB FBOH S5.O0 TO Slioo.uo. Wo apeelallae In Stoolx lVlsr*. THE WIGGERY MaH'TR CHICAGO UNIFORMS Theatrical and Character Costumes 6,000 Illustrations. .Visit our Salesroom. Any Foreign Nitlon .Military and Naval. No Order too Small or too Ulfflcult' RU88ELL UNIFORM CO.. 1600 B'way, N. Y.,Cor.48th 8t. COSTUMES of Class and Distinction for vaudeville or Produc- tions. BERC-ZAL CO.. IBS W. 44th 8t. ( N. Y. Off Broadway WIGS. TOUPEES, GREASE PAXCTTS, ETC. Aid th* Utitt and Mod Popular Stylii In Udl»' Hair DrsulDf A. M. BUCH & CO. 118 H. Hinth Btroat ..... PhlladelpM. PLAYS For STOCK, REPERTOIRE, AMATEUR COMPANIES LABGBBT A8SORTMKNT IN TBB WOULD. Books for homi amusfmant, Negro I'iaji, Paper, flcenerj, Mrs. Jailer's Wsx Work* Catalogue Free I Fr*el Free! SAVUBL, FnUNOB, 2S Wist SSth St., New York. NEW YORK COSTUME CO. Manufacturers and Renters. 140 N. Dearborn St., CHICAGO CARBONE Telephone Bryant 7033 AM1I.1A THBATIRCAli. AFTBRNOON AND BVBNIHG GOWNS HADE TO ORDBB 1670 BROADWAY, Corner «th St., 3 doors from Palace Theatre, NEW YORK. Little Cafe," stumbled down stairs behind tbe scenes at the Qrand Opera House, and sprained her ankle and arm. She was re- removed to tho Hotel Havlin. William O'Gbadi, -vaudeville actor, from Huntington. W. Vs.. Is in trouble. He wnu lined for using red. peppermint drops as ammunition In bitting pedestrians along Fountain Square. A thousand red fczr.ed Nobles of tbe Mystic Shrine, with Imperial Potentate Fred- erick It. Smith at tbelr bead, marched from the Oasis of Syrian Temple after their last ceremonial, and filled Loew's Empress Thea- tre. The actors were all llberaUy applauded, and Lew Shank, ex-Mayor of Indianapolis, made a regular home run with the base* full. Sylvester ScHApria. the genius of enter- tainment, proved a good card at H. F. Keith's. He came fully up to "the specifications," and held the stage an hour. Habby BnsEN, heralded as tbe real nut, was a regular scream at 8. F. Keith's. Kr.His Oilheet, with bcr Romping Girls and collies, was quite the bit of the Loew's Empress bill. Her aides were Misses Chester, Brunner and Jordan. Jud Brady got a big hand for bis bit as Sergeant Dooley. At the Little Playhouse, on Walnut Hills, "The Bribe " was presented 4, by the Schus- ter .Players, directed by Boyd Agin. Thi Cincinnati School of Expression Is to present "Snow White snd the Seven Dwarfs" at the Grand Opera House, matinees 20 snd 81. Karl L. Diets is directing re- hearsals. It will be a typical holiday affair by and for the children. "Trb LoTTiki Gibl" li to be presented 14, 15, at the Evanston Auditorium by Mr. and Mrs. William Smith Goldcnburg and a east of thirty-live. George Talbott is paint- ing new scenery for tbe musical play. Karl L. Dibti lectured on Tolstoi and his play "The Power of Darknesi," before the Cincinnati School of Expression. Rrr.D Millxb. Erwln Meyer and Edward Weldlnger wire soloists at the first concert of tbe Orpheus Club, at Emery Auditorium, 8. Caf.hbn Blow, a graduate of Cincinnati College of Music, and known aa Marlon's Sweet Singer, became the bride of John D. Sage, of this city, Nor, 28. The wedding occurred at Marlon, O. Pkoplb's Thbatbb, famous old gold mini', where th e foundation of the Heuck fortune was laid. Is now being used for boxing bouti by (h> Harlem Athletic Club. Flo ZisoritD Is coming to see bis wife— Bllllo Burke—during her Cincinnati engage- ment. She will not open Sunday night. Tub Gebuam Thbatbb Co. Introduced Helens Koch. In the German version of "Cousin Kate." . , ,_ Thb Y. W. C. A. Choral Club, directed by Maud A. Sacket, presented Paul Bliss-can- tata. "Mid-Summer Night," and Allco Will- iams Brotherton's poem, "Seven Ages or Woman," 8, at their own auditorium. FLORENCE Habdbman, at her recital in Memorial Hall, 2, played Rudolph Wurlltscrs new acquisition—the Duncan Guanunrlus violin, valued at $6,000. Florence Larrabec. pupil of Carreno, assisted Mlsi Hardeman. Old-time constltutenta of the Chester Opera Co. were glad to see John B. loung In the cost of "The Little Cafe." Tub Strand, Cincinnati's new picture house, has Introduced a free check room—« popular idea, SnuvBNiB bottles of perfume were §W" nt Keith's on Monday evening. , . Elba Ryan reached the five hundred mark In her presentation of the role of "Pee. aj the Lyric, 1. "Peg o' My Heart" staid for nn extra night, 0, because "Whirl of tne World" could not arrive from Baltimore i" time to open. „„ , Lady Gladys HorETOUN, of "Tbe Blind- ness of Virtue," has completed an Amerlom flag, which she has given to the Panain:i- Pnnlflc Exposition. . ., . EnzAnETn 0O0DAI.L, of "Tho Whirl of me World," is a Cincinnati girl. _ , _ Tom Reynolds, of the old Pike Stock t u« will receive a warm welcome when he arri\ i s with "Jerry." _ . At tiih Boclal session of the Cuvler rr»' Club, artists of the Cincinnati Symphoi v Orchestra rcselred an ovation. Others t" 1 : Ing part were: Horace Williamson, poet an i humorist; Harry Breen, John E. Youn^ Fred Weinman and the Police Quartette. Ge.wb Gbiibne, the Emperor of Rag"" 5 '• created a wonderful hit at Locw'b ■WJf*' GBOBOE W. MtLTON AND JBNNIB DBMU". In "Uncle Cy'i Visit," were the lUrs of »•. olio put on by the Tango Girls.