The New York Clipper (December 1914)

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16 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. December 19 CURRENT FILM EVENTS. BZ HEX. EDISON'S ORANGE, N. J., PLANT FIRE LOSS APPROXIMATES •3,000,000 — WM. H. TROEBER. I.OSEH LIFE IN FIRE THAT CLEANS OUT WIZARD'S KBW JERSEY WORKS, SCREEN CLUB GIVES A BEEFSTEAK DINNER. ' The Screen CInb gave- a beefsteak dinner Saturday evening, at the Longaore Hotel. The losses resultant from the effects of acnuTtted'hlmeelf wHh honor« M PaSl t fitoar3m R5l£ a °,.P' a ?t WIK&Jd&'&J&'ifcSP Olrard Avenue Theatre, In Philadelphia. No sooner had he walked upon the stage than various of IiIb boyhood play-fellows In the andleiice shouted "milk" at him, and the rest of the crowd took It up. Uproarious npplaun; freetnd every Une that he spoke and, to use beatrieal parlance, be "took the show away from the star." Better and better egagementa followed, among them leading roles with each stars as Dorothy Donnelly, Frances Starr and Blanche Walsh, an well as with Ada Rehan, In Sbakoa- the disastrous conflagration that camo near recited, King Baggott told a grandmother fe'2 l,c *15 **S ? rBt , ln America, was started, to wining out the entire Bdlson workshops story, 'Ben Wilson gave a stuttering l£m- EjMJE&j£g%JL*!Eft&%!£2£ and laboralorlca at Orange, N. J., Wednesday, tion, Bant £ AdamTtold atole aW an. %£*•■ "SSJfflft? J ffi e ^? d .£?S. r .»£ , !K? Dec. 0, have been variously given out im-iLiiiuiuuir, uiacumcry ana j places the figure at §8,000,000. The major part of the (Ire damage was visited on those chops and bulldlugs contain- ing material other than motion picture films, the phonograph record storehouses seaming to have been the hardest hit of all. *lven out as Irish cook lady, and iHnrry Itelcheobach re- Bg— J"Sgf<gft-% g.3ft T^ U™* approximating two, three and Ave millions lated the experiences Of "The Man With the SM?',, 1 " S»3ffl tRg-J gWuJ? SFgl of dollars. A conservaUve estimate of the Whistle." ?",*£!! a , 8 , ,f cky SBar Pe and Tess of the merchandise, machine^ and. property lo,. ™™£*™£fa ^%afr^» ™"|u.tln Daly died Mr. Lewi, wa. Bewral^ other? SSSlKtiSrii i2LS2T L£~ 0Da « r • nw-yetr contract with him. Mr. and Tories «""» oot « d . •Pecchee, songs „,,, ,,„„ M i Mm when the contract was Amniwthn.» n ««™t«-.,«. m-i....^ drawn op that he would make of him the ArtouTVhlel S2*Su££2» rSStJ^VS gwatest character actor In America. Such a ulltm M ™JggJg fwy' *^* r -S*"' statement from such an authority as Mr. Most of the-negatlTe .nVfi5 n Tlct7re-nlmi; BennlS PSaffiZaSSFtt Rob^ »«ly Is high praise indeed * and all of the more Important originals were R. H. Bothwell. Wen MllHgon, Billy Quirk An Interesting sory Is told of Mr. Lewis saTed Intact. The negative of Hanlon'a Sam Sheldon. Harry Morey and a hundred ,n connection with his marriage to the "Fantasma," which the Kdison concern had others, who enjoyed themselves hugely nntli beautiful and talented actress. Virginia Pear. ill hours of the following morning. Bfc 80nle ' our years ago. A law anlt In MERRY XMAS AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR MADE AND GUARANTEED BY 317 East 34th: St-NewYoriT ALWAYS TO USERS OF SIMPLEX PROJECTORS FILM FANCIES. Just completed In Ave reels, was pulled out the sma._ ...... of the burning, as it were. In the nick of Another affair will he .given shortly, time by Fred Duryen, an Edison employee, nrvdnp nmuirn „,,™ who risked his ;ife In performing the task. m,\oiti PIBimi mm The fire, which started Wednesday after- noon shortly .after 6.30. gained rapid bead- way, and owing to the highly Inflammable nature of the contents or the numerous buildings of the plant, was soon beyond con. v 0 en°Thofuy? 0mlB ** WfoTE Eg*'* DBVORB PARMER WITH on th e morning of hla wedding day. Mr. KINBTOPHOTB. Lewis was called upon for testimony, and three be 8 t, camera men In the country to-day being put under oath, testified that be was are B11) , Bltzer, Walter Prltchard and Bill unmarried. Recess was announced by the pm z BILL PIMM'S FIRST TRIP TO THE and photographed nearly every part of th« COAST. world, and not one—not even David Horalev In speaking of cameramen recently, David —toughs-more heartily over that first trhj HorBley declared it as bis belief that the to the Coast than Oame Bill piitz. HENRI BERNSTEIN'S "THIEF" A WILLIAM POX TRIUMPH. Judge, and Miss Pearson and Mr. Lewisi took ""g£ Horsley is the oldest Independent pro- n .,15!J? 1< 5!L aa .h <:M f fuI flIm cv . e . r shown *t the advantage of It to go to the "Little Church aueef of m otlon pictures in America, find J""** 1 ™, J 01 theatres, according to the dlf. Arniind fhp Pnmn 1 ' nnd irer mnrrlpd. Tho >;„„ j i ., .„„.i „«^.~rf»^. >'..>.» n.n" ferent house managers. Is "The Thlof " h» 1 based 1». toi play the lead, has made a special study Around the Corner' r and get married. The has developed more competent "camera men" fwent house managers, is "The Thief, . trol of the Are fighting force of the Orange ot a * gangster type of villain he is to por- happy bridegroom then went back to the than any ot her man In the Industry. He on ''J?*™ *' 0 ™ n * , i B pig success, and writ- Fire Department. Help was secured from , r aT > * l * De which is only too prominent In court room to finish his testimony. In therefore knows whereof he speaks. Walter fen °r uenrl Bernstein, one of the num neighboring towns, but too late to do any 'be police annals of the day connection with this the fact was divulged prltchard, who Is an alumnus of the How Ul ^!' n \! a L? r modern dramatists, material good. _ Mr. Parmer began picture work with the that he was a married man. At once the ] e » school, la now engaged with the veteran -^? e Wdniain Fox production extraordinary At one time during the fire it seemed as Edison Co. aome six years ago, playing in attorney for the other side sprang to bis feet director. Milton Kahrnsy. In making MIna ©T the play, released through the Box Offlca If a goodly part of Orange was doomed, but tno,e Wr* everything from a pickaninny to ■»<! called the Judge's attention to the fact Know a new brand of comedy, which Is Juat Attraction Company, attracted an Immense lortnnalcly the wind changed and the calam- » heroic lead. that In the morning the witness had test!- making Its debut on the General Film Pro- amount of interest, even before Its release lly was averted. Recently .Mr. farmer has been starring In ned under oath to being a single man. and gta m. Billy Bltzer, the dean of bis cult, on account of the unusual prominence of the Insurnncp covers $2,000,000 of Edison's aa Middle We*t in such classic roles as Pfw, less than two hours later, had perjured vaB ono or the original wlrarda of the Bio- K5!a.* B B«fiS d «? li * production. Dorothv lossea. The remainder la said to bave been '"Hirnard III." "The Taming of the Shrew," ntawelf by stating the opposite. Mr. Lewla graph tompony, where he contributed to Donnelly, without question America's great- covered by a sinking fund established some D*!" Gsrrlck" and "Romeo and JnlleL" Jbcn said: "Your honor, I was correct In gomg 0 f the monumental maiterplocs of eat interpreter of emotional roles, and Rich- time ego. He has been connected with various picture both Instances. I was married on'y a half American cinematography. "Judith of Be- »™ Buhler, an actor of unusual distinction William H, Troeber, foreman of the Edison companies, and Is-a well known member of «n hour ago!" It took aome time for the thulla," considered as the highest type of *nd force, portray the leading parts, and fllm-lcatlng plant, was the only person on- the Btrten Club. court to restore order. feature pictures ever made In this country, «*• supported by a eaBt including bucIi well fortunate enough to lose his life as a direct PHILADELPHIA EXHIBITOR ihiy* nt ,. M^ • /*w!s always insisted upon playing a and comparable only to "Cahlrla," In Euro- knowo players as Harry Splnglcr, Edgar result of the lire. two hoiihkJ character according to his own Interprcta- pclin aim cruft, was an example of Plily Bit- Davenport and GeorRe De Carlton. Mr. Troeber, In a vain attempt to rescue u«rH« s„i„. n „^™V«f ii.. MII|IM H* Of stuUous fcmperament. he analyzes aer-g art . Bllzcr recently left the Blosraph ^The memory of the play's phenomenal run a young girl, who was thought to be In the *J l i^# B K^ , .3^?. en f JjL?^.?™^? 1 ^ 5» oh nl0 " ,e aDd W °* ^S W**l ? nd ett ; Ctropany, ann Jumped, with David Orimfii, ft Chiriea Frohman's Lyceum Theatre, where film-testing building, onteredTbe dangerously ^ffl-l^ii^^. m» ^^iSSL^w ««vora by every Inflection of the voice and to the Mutual. it broke »1 records, with Kyrle Bollew and blading structure and, though desperate rf- 5 > "i??!Pr*fLi° VJSJ 1 ,!*/ M w i2?5j ^ttJS «rery action to disclose the mlad and char- .. B |ii piitr, whose reputation In California, Margaret IlUnrton as its atara. bad a great forta were made to reach him, was Vurned to kEiL*9&?££J F^2 IK??,,? 0 * lon „ P n^J 5 ct 5E beneath. That he adds unusual talent now the greatest producing centre of the deal to do with tbe public enrioalty aroaied death. StSSJ?"««5*P«?S^ rt .25i «?-piSr,J? , ?. r % <1 to the toe cast of "The Exploits of Blaine" country. Is uneicelled. la also a Horoley br the announcement that It has been pic- Afterword tho girl whom Troeber sought Sffi.^J^wS2„ V*» mHS,Si SSU' ^S goes without saying. graduate, and stIU on the mastero' payroll, turiaed as a production extraordinary. to rescue was reported safe ami sound. Bag Awin, awranau orreee ana BDWA ji D ABLBS, IN HENRY W. Camera men, through the nature of their LIBERTY M. P. CO. IN TROUULB- ii n inp« u.viF «« iihiiii tt«. mnd<i.«H n n _•• „» m in»i m*A~* *~ RAVAOB'S "THE MILLION." FAMOUS occupation, meet with varied and highly In- PUILADBLPHIA CONCERN CALLS i..SS!f ™ »h- -? i« i m!, ..' «... «Ori!»«e? unrrem^TuM^BOO^-nS 3 pf.S PLAYERS RELEASE FOli DE™ 81. teref.lng experiences, often exposing iem- CREDITORS' HBBTING. werc B ™v"rt and the wort'o? makTog^fiItiv. uS^dBSSFWurSm •wSSm The Famous Players will end the old year «Ives to great danger and endurtn* unusual -, uber,, «. P. Co.. of Philadelphia, conies will be? ruahedT wUI be ntlSa or capacity of one thousand six hradred l> whlS auspiciously by releasing Edward Abies ti a JS'HH' h.,St %2J!L"'^? t b lZ r ^r JuS ** m •***♦?? a few lnonth » a 8° to tutld 2%J«tojPr^T3tW ttTCen'tury 1. on a lot 7aS« feet, and la. fllm^verslou' 3 Henry ^Savage's successful ESTtlSaSSaLl! iJSSJS'JS •.•*««? ^ Oermantown, Pa., I. In financial Thos. A. Edison's countless plans, bine- * on « J5 on * , P <1 •»»«»>« capacity. farce production, "The MIlHon,* on the very H?LL , ffiSKJSSff^?H12?%L2^S P"««L ^. meeting 'of tie creditors of i.rlnt odels wemaii remnvM'to'a i Another *lg motion' piclure"house, to coat last day of 1014. This famous melodramatic BRLfiS? 1 P n«».8!2 nn iL H, fn tn 55Ls iSffJ? the concern was called last week. f^&4ffittVS&WZ m^S^j£SwBS^S^m\ &K»«!fA^2!wfi! BS:^Sss3Lff£S^St po .? H \' 0 B i ws PI oVT 9 GR E AT ?,vizi FAMOUS MELODRAMA TO FOLLOW PRODUCTION OF "TUB TIGRESS," The production of Popular Plays and Pliy- th7°stase*or U sc?een" 'l7^he'old H nhHosSnheM proprlate right now. because he'Is at this g£ Inc.. to folow MadUe Olga Petrova. fn the nart r ■ iot'lmA'iim'yaif^uaA ■■" fWlBlt MimL ftiTlTiil ffjHinjliiiHl more laughter and wholoBome fun than any i he , Be „"""e caltchers arvd no neofth. em car*. lclnioiSclm^otlhS%^a^ntm Brndlcate. It will bo7on"story brick and comedy of recent years. The continuous * gL»JlW*gJLqFm.gS Th" cn*i?o plant, accord??? to a statement *ro(>™t structure, to neaenre IfiOxToS feet, mirth proceeds equally from the action, carle g. ^gLfiB/ gLP* of tt « mosI °« Uclou » ot j^^^wSHlSA*? 8 ^ caPaCtV" 1 * th0U " nd flV * *"**"* "*• Sov r efand d in?e t nTorplots «°» f^- f* %^. W .'Ku\ C S!5 Flits, and especial.y an- aW^JSa"?.. W°!i Xdy 3E2»m FARNOM SMASHES ADOOR Xtt*=™?3»mS£&Z proprlate .right, now.because S 5 .t this alarmingly large list of film manufacturing coneerna that nave been visited by the fire —AND HIS KNUCKLBS. •The 'Qi. on" la well named. Jersey shores Blnce he left It way back In Adelaide Thurston, In the famous melodratns, i, when the original Centaur "Shadows of a Great City." In photoplay -i % ""V," 0 . Verily Is the life of a motion picture actor The sublect also presents one of the most tne tBt, J da,g ' when the original Centaur "Shadows of a Great City." In ™° n < L u . rln P ih n ? PI^J^'t Tb lJ'. p . w ?? r . k 'n" of perlto and iiUscbances, as Wllllaui wwirwS H^^S3LJ gSSl^.. ^& Tgg Company first went to California, end David *«««>• It wlllfce an Alco rei«a»e. Edison Btudlo, Eclair Fort I^ee Studio, lint- ir„.„„„. v ,h. ^„k ,..irr„... r„. It" ,,_.: ,",?~ ■: ">'. iinr.i« ^» aim mnirint. hi. uinin. niH, «™ «.. ». __ .._..—_ versal, Ramo and Commercial Studios, In West One Hundred nnd Second 8troct. New York ; -LuMn's. In Philadelphia, and the Euro peon Film MXg. Co., In the Exchange Build- ing, at 145 West Forty-fifth Street, New TanV^S" &&&!£ '}r,s , r^v 0 B . , , D e C d e & W.etto «d ConstalSc U o l,, Co , | I ile W r SSred' ?' n :i.i' „21i..? h0 IPCSBI 'SSSJSErVl "..nnatloual succoas at the Crltorion Theat In the portal with his bare fists. Mr. Far- things; ss a . num. who Is an atbleto and a skilled boxer, bearded Damnskuskt with mm •w.n always In tho pink of coudltlon, nan; as a waiter the lending role. _ aB KISETOPIIOTE OFFICIALS ATTEND tlllM BOSTON BXHIBITOHS' BALL. but Tlie following list Includes tlie people assc- . and elated with the Klnetopbote and tbe K. C. hard for Booking Co., Incorporated, who were to be with a found In tbe box No. 106 at at the New York ma- Exhibitors' ball, Monday evening, Dec. T, reporter changlne from the ,,,rlul - The same thing happened here, and which was held at the Grand Central Palace: ikuskt to' a dapper new aw per lB111 vnu "u» against It" worse than ever. Rup«ell K. Dougherty, Edwin AogUBt, Tom er at the roadhouae. and ^nai- J? na lly his sympathetic landlady appealed to Tcrrlss, Anna Luther, Bliss Mllford, Ira H. .__ .» a illnuln Hft-fllav tulutM Ilnunnnit not. ,.t I tih mull fr Dfrnm... Hm. %CnH,t» I..1... wJ ^ I. The only conreaslon ne made to hla cuticle David Horslev, whose Rayonne esbabllahment Simmons. Alma Martin, John Spooucr, Je- •bout rips to rprtng it PHOTOPLAY PRODUCTIONS CO. FACTIONS IN LITIGATION. Frank A. Ttchenor and Arthur 0. Hamilton Cat iff^n^SKm^uVmS& * a ". to navebis knucYles~"topcd"-JubrM i , BC , TttTdBSSS an r d"e«c'tlns U a Wr"S tteJIHn world. Cunaingham:' P^^S^^JS^t^xA 1 ^., P'&T'iT 1 b »™\»y Mm ? nrc -^* rf _» m^J&HFn\£ nSTllter'M actor i B ™dZfa*3J ) iL&J&&&&£ CRANE WILBUR STABS. Inc. Tho order was dWted at Ed. Lincoln ^S^™ 8 ," "!$* » »«<>>%-?»J *tf an opportunity to exercise every phase of ^nn^^amJ stood'himin mat stoaJ 2nd Crane Wilbur, tbe hero of -The Terlls of and Mrs. A. O. Van Heuaen, who seem to be SKPiJV^i.J Fl.I^m &£3fjBi dramatic art. The absorbing swiftness of the f*P!L P l 5£JE& &&Jt'& P™l J& Panune," to go on a starring toiir, nan de- al oddo.wlth Tlchenor and Uamllton over ."J a "<!,"™' »» «S«S3 ySSJa I 0 /. ou » ff~» 1 P™ character to character Snthffi.%7&n/tte'hLS 1ud'.?e of'nldnt* «ertecl the ran\s of the picture actor for & Insisted upon playing this scene literally.' ly as a blonde cabaret dancer. It can be.readily seen that the perform- S?e"film w^rid g ™ f?,nnl„^!L'■S n, Arlbur fal * sood and " jack " the conduct of tho affairs of the film pro- ? ne »J 1 »Sr >l, ",, w , , l llop \-' lne . <:r J 0 , w<1 ofemployees makes the role charmingly unique. Of Ed- ducing. concern .that recently, released "The SjSPL^M Bf S%A?19 fSKJBV? need, bo^ald only that he SMTSt ^^Tw^mTlSaLSrJ^ W&™*$'&~*tt~K*&*i~&.fr reputation for being the best Judgo of print- f J* .f, a ln f ran8B of the picture log light In has line. After about eight thrllla of the spoken word, the sound of H , _A .» * ■ .• . » .s T. Ann nllnn A ■.•» ekn knn>l-i kanilaklibn nw tttn PATBNTS CO. AND GENERAL FILM ON Uimments tadlv BMalnldI A doctor wtts TRIAL FIGHT FOR CORPORATE BX- Hfflt"*2U?fflLJlS , Mr.^-WH55 ??! HTBNCB amll °JU , 0 , GB R dTck ID In" f? llel! wbo patched up the actors hand, and 1 ! ' ' in- Mr. Farrum went on with his work. He said he was used to being banged about anyhow, for several years he stsrrcdln "Ben- Ilur," and drove the chariot In one of tho la Donna " dra- b 00 * f or the eld lens maker, and "Mr. Plltx" enormous nusineas everywhere, ana return >crt Hlcheu by was soon iftjr recognized aa one of the tin- dates oreaklog all records of 'he houses Frederick will est motion picture photographers In the land. Plnyed. The public loves a hero 1 And (.rune e. Miss Fred- H « bad clso entirely regained his health. Wilbur is It! parvy Is under tho exclusive management oi FAMOUS PLAYERS CO. SECURES self" * " Charles F. Atkinson 211 Tremont Street, RIGHTS TO "BELLA DONNA"—WILL Bill was thoroughly grounded in the varl- Boston, Mass., who will present blm and his PRESENT PAULINE FREDERICK IN ous technical branches of tbe film game and company In all the cities throughout tlila FILM VERSION OF FAMOUS DRAMA his knowledge of lenses made It easy for him couutry. All theatre managers know that TO DE PRODUCED IN FLORIDA. to learn the camera. "Microxcoplc sharp- the announcement of Crane Wilbur (himself) The Famous Players Film Co. will ehortlv nesa" Is lomethlng which every producer Is enough to assure capacity business, yeara' legal bnttlo of tho U. S. Government most thrilling races ever ataged. Then In begin an elaborate film production of the strives for but few achieve. It was an open New England is now being to.ired to an and the so-called movie truat was started In "The Spoilcra" he put up a bloody battle world-famed masterpiece, "Bella Donna," dra- book for the eld lens maker, and "Mr. Plltx" enormous business everywhere, and return Philadelphia last week, when Edwin Gros- that was so realistic that part of It had to matlzed from, the novel of Robert " venor, special assistant to Attorney General be cut out of the fllm. In this fight Mr. Par- J. B. Fagan, In which Pauline Gregory, began an argument Dec. 10. before num broke hie left hand, and was bruised be presented In the title role. Judge Dickinson, In the U. S. District Court, and blackened all over his face and the upper erlck and an exceptionally chosen supporting That is the time that David Horsley signed part ot his body. company will bo sent to Florida for The ex- Jtl11 up, nnd sent blm to California to make MAX fig man, IN "THE TRUTH terlora of this noted sublcct, ( tho atmospheric J- e 2 taur Pictures, which, in the meantime, WAGON," NEXT RBLBASB ON THB • na geographical conditions of tlie Southern 1,a ° ° e(,ome , tne foremost Independent brand. ALLIANCE PROGRAM. Atlantic Coast bolng ldcoUy suited for the ta And thls '• ylhen tte J<* e oa Bl " «"meJ AlMr n a e r o W Ki>m.% n *2Sk2££&. ^.»SS Mproduced under toe MmSiJM tf%£S BUI never had. In all hla life, been farther itowitt popuiaFpriccs ?»e- offered to local £££&& \£SL ♦ 0 , rp,, . wa ? vel 2^i uc .^ W? 1 B. Porter and Hugh Ford. away from Bayonne than Statcn Island or managers. An nn-named organiser of the Patents Co. w *'," M *",5!f* t £S. ""^""SSITiS. 1 ^."hM^ "Bella Donno" brought stellar dleUncUon Weehawken. For years he had been told of is aald to have realized 1,000 per cent "*" fffiPral'ft&iSflC'WlSSMS to Mrs. Pat Campbell In England, and it wa" the bold doings of bad men who infested during the flrat year of the holding concern's ^fil™ and , i^M^i to .fe c n r 1 t ," fc on a , , „ n tb ?, leadi,, « also In thla play that Mm?. Alia Nazimova the tmln routes of the West. Men who worked existence, on a capital investment of $10,000. »">*> WS» ^.^ X£*J?f*2 a " ,v. won one of her earliest American trlubpbs. with him. knowing his weakness, had pur Grosvenor offered further testimony alleg- „,j*f- ?°Sf flald v, ,n v, comm ! n - t l Dg up ? n the With tho thrilling story ItTclf, the exotic P 0 **^ fl,led uls bead with stories of deeper ing that the (lenersl Film had forced all but W '«•: M am highly gratified at the re- JS-filw of Egypt and the desert, the *% hold-ups an wild adventures. When Bill one of one hundred and aaventeen competing HHL'LSS ■]?? a 5?..*' Iorls ^K Pf 0 ? 1166 » magic of tlie mysterious and elnuous Nile so Anally got on the train he was equipped for Still bis fellow workers took "i all earnestness, lmagln- dolngs of tbe desperados SON, IN U. 8. DISTRICT COURT, IN PHILA. The final round In tbe two and a half JlcMnson, In the U. 8. District Court, looking to tbo dissolution of the Motion Picture Patents Co. and lta distributing ally, the General Film Co.. According to the testi- mony offered In the court proceedings last week, the General Film Co. was ablo to spend in one year ('2,000,000 of profits, In addition to paying large stoek dividends. Public receptions qre demanded by the patroM of the various theatres, that they may personally shake tbe hand of this world- famed Idol of a thousand photoplays. ■Mr. Wilbur has snrrounded'hlmself with a company of artiste that give one of the beat The International Film Service of New York has filed articles of incorporation at Albany, N. Y. Joseph P. Shea. Edward A. McManus and C. J. Helsel are the directors. Hrnby Orro, the "Ame'Ican" director, has Just completed a capital story. "The Alnrtu of Angelon-}," and Is starting on a two-reclcr, Ttu" committed Infractions In the contract What Mr. Grosvenor termed was "an arhl trnry interference with the rights ot an American Citizen" occurred, " PITROT HAS AUTHENTIC WAR PICTURES, EgypUan"prfncoT ~How the'huaband lslfaved J": fil wo,a was quickly^passed that"the and descrvea''irhe good thing^sald of E" b"{_ friend who visits Egypt and unravels %*}? ™, bei n » f^^^^^S three bad *"f rights of an Richard Pitrot hna mado arrangements the deudly plot- and how a poetic Justice Is g. e . n , were J1 «f? ta * JffBft* t t° toa«M(re car. BnNA maison has been selected to ploy it la alleged,, with the European Wor Mlm Co. to show meted out Fo the beautiful siren who is at Bill Immediately hid hla valuables behind a 8 „22ute Murdock MacOuarrki to a ^series of > a »>»»*« t0 their films all over tho country. The War last enmeshed in tho tolls she herself had 5 a,11atnrr ta «% 9HWI compartment, and f^" P h ot oDlav^ nut ' * "—" *" ■when Swnab was charged $10 i ^auic 10 their films all over tho country. The War last enmeshed in tho tolls she herself had 5?"!? lnrr m ■* Q5FS compartment, ana iU£ m 2B*ESE S- JJ 'A TSJto "form by release n film ton mlnutca before the Umo n\m Co. has special permission from the wovon. la picturesquely and gripplngly de- J'g, 1 "*, B ?. ? 4 tolt . '.l oln n '? ""*• « ta rted g^ P M„X?f^f r P om tS stories by Bruno i a.«,. n /i n ». nn T«n» tir^XZ ».«._ — 8 ' _.i.«Ji ,Vi. ..... .i j..». forward to he'p repel . e3 - ' When he reached success, ? a ? r £ ao > to start. iwue. neng una vitagrapn concerns, tne me arrangements are so mado that every mous Players following individual* are also named as de- two weeks a complete new set of war pictures motion picture fendanla: H. A. Marvin, J. J. Kennedy, will be brought over from Europe, direct kkf i v hninucl Long, J. A. Bcrsr, Albert Smith and from tbe bottleflcld. They will be routed In llBU '" , shot at the bandits. In the meantime, AI. flx S. d K f0 o lt8 "^e 0 " 10 ' „. .- ... ..-- . German Government to make scenes on tho veloped in tM* unusual drama. ,or w a rd ^° le 'R.ipR? 1 l ^ e traln > - obbera. Lessln"a T ~'"cf;a'r'le*"Grblvn V Brtir"Droduce them. The Government's autt Ib directed agnlnBt firing line. The Initial showing of the war Pauline Frederick, who has won a great When he reached tte baggage car toe train Foiio^ne VhS ISries l^Sa Malson will again the M. P. Intents Co., the General Film Co., pictures will be given ITiuraday, Dec. 17, at personal triumph In the current success, was ready to Btart again, an3 the "robhera" SW»m ™ A Bu* W Blograph, Bdlaon Essanav. Kalom, Lubln. FhoPark Theatre, N. Y. C. 'Mnnocent," Is under contract with the Fa- bad di mb ed off and were sitting on a fence- Meirerto?^ndRa^^aSSe?M lending fiSkJKnffiB»L«522a , '„^2 _»LS!4S«L«lJL|ii^l*J»r ?>o;.. Players FHrn^o. for her exclusive gyg^.ff JSX&JL "fflffi &±XSJT ! gdS8*» ^"lli be written for . IS WORKING FOR » *#* the^ag.gge.door. to. Uke.a ner - WmiamPeizer. ^ „ , , ?Stt^jKmM^t&Z.ISM k ^ - ^ W " M *^ . ■ ■ Judge Dickinson reserved decision. bo shown in theatres only Anthony Kelly has been appointed scenario FAMOUS PLAYHRS CO. PRODUOBS Roy Chandler la handling the battle nrme. editor of tho Universal Film Co. He will "THE CONSPIRACY" IN FOUR RBBLS SHELDON LEWIS 8IGNB WITH! PATHfl' mako "■ beadquartera at 1600 Broadway. OF WBLI. SUSTAINED ACTION. „„ j^U^UB^^SS NICHOLAS POWER CO HA^BOOTH AT SftS^SSBft pSttjfift ^SS^W^TSS SJ** p „ , cd^e Conspiracy;'a four-reelacfeen SonTw^ whose Interpretation of '^"^HxB^lV.^"" 5*WJPfi-P-r*-SlSSS L^LS^T^SSf ^-^" Wt f& J T^" W.« tt« PffO "Dutcl. Joe" in \V. A. Hrady's bTgTrodnctlon The Nicholas Power Company, manufkc- it's i chance w e a?l had to take Thev got Spnnf?h name." lrme ^ na - Ihnt bad B uch a Buccessful run at the of "Life," at tho Manhattan Opera House, Is turero of Power's Camersgraph projection me, and that's"allthere l«i to .It " 7 ■ "MnnkS?' said Pa, "I might a-hnowed It a .*£ a ' tJo *-5 u .? h favorable notice, has been machines, wiU_have..a booth _at the Second it was not until the company'had reached was a dago langwidge." ™»' ■«■ '"p iMuiuiiB. iu iue meantime, ai. .j.. . , ,,■ ,'n. Christie, who was the inatlgator of the Joke,. An o tD couple were watching a picture w took the Pllts valnablcs from their hldbie other night, and when the name of ite n» place and sunk them deep In his suitcase. Vildes appeared on the screen the following when Bill returned to the sleeping car and ""onversatlon was overheard ■ n Tho Famous Players Fllm Co. has Just released "' veralo nnme Garrlek I'b.eatre last season. Saffliasa^p'5 ^^S-^S SS&^ m»e New ¥wk ^ tr ™ K » to * :.S#SBfiS*«**s-.-^ •^*j&&3i»sg&~ The soMlnnB arc artistic and convincing, K ot beyond tho nuralng bottle stage before He The I"ower Company will and too photography of the standard sort announced to his parents hla intention of safety appliances of their machines L&JsLZnK" * SfSLixJa? , b ?°2, m , 0 E<! ln « unou 'be stage. Ills father was In tho clally constructed theatre on £58?&5 1 f0 ^.i A *i? m Srl? I, r»i?." t «S r Wm ; wholeanlc milk hueincss In Philadelphia, nnd where the current releases rnnle iilnyorii. Including Hal Clarendon and t hl* fact was remembered bv Mr. »«»"■•• a-«t film companies will bo showt k™"i.. vS 0 r i?.'.r Utorest to a finely audknee In an amusing way. He bad ae- until 10.80 p. m. each day. n from 2 r. 11. produced, feature. cured an engagement In a small role at the liave booth 36. corporate*!, lending woman awaiting -. T&g2^«l£&J5LZ»**j£5* preparation for «5 =3 nhotonlay. which Power-, will ^ tend-eSooTe,.^ KgSwS"«pS3 on wir P ™DaSly IO be "Captafn 0 * »* Wcrtcrn photography, and has since visited MM C^d» Carpenter H 1 > n r . ii-