The New York Clipper (December 1914)

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THE NEW- YORK CLIPPER. December 19 • : : .'•■ I: >'. •>r..--\ ■ >■» ,- --. \ «.•,},,,.«--/ ..; We Extend Hearty Greetings To Our Professional Friends for the Coining Tear WATERSON, BERLIN and SNYDER MUSIC CO. Strand Theatre Bldg., B'way and 47th St., New York PUBLISHERS OF HITS WX TAKE THIS MEANS OF THANKING THE PROFESSION IN GENERAL FOR THEIR RIND SUPPORT THE PAST YEAR, AND REQUEST THAT THEY KEEP IN TOUCH WITH US FOR SEVERAL SENSATIONAL NOVELTY SONGS, FOR THE NEW YEAR - '-V. Sf«a«K>, OUT OF TOWN HEWS Although Yuletlde mil the Christmas feetlvltiea •re leso than s fortnight away it seems hardly credible, lor old King VMM hasn't been "on the job" doing hla tegular biisitiesr. In snow. Ir« and frost. There waa an upward trend to bii-ilnese, which mo Jo alt the theatrical directors aa cheerful aa owner. of dividend-earning Blocks. (Irani) Opera House Uobu H. linvllii, msr.)— Joliu Salii|K>lls henits the company which will pre- sent "The Passing- of Hnns Dipnoi," 13. Last week. Gillie Durke Introduced "Jerry," and splen- did cited audiences took the pretty little minx to their flgnrutlTC hearts, and when the week ended, "Dlllle" l.ud muiiy more dramatic conquests to her credit. Cutherlnc Chlsholm Cashing turned out an impossible little darling In "Jerry," but she was Irresistible. The play pleased. The company waa great. Olive Oliver, as Joan, the bachelor- roalil, who bad annually celebrated her betrothal (or no less than twenty years, was simply perfec- tion, and the "hangar" fiance, Montague Wade, waa In the splendidly capable hands of SUclley Hull, who naturally fell In love with the dupli- cate of the girl lo whom he bad given his heart la bis youth. Dorothy Dorr, H. Lawrence Leyton (Immense as 1'eter Flags), and Thomas Reynolds, the butler, were all titling parts of an artistic whole. In which the Doctor—\V. H. Sams—and the chauffeur, Edwin Burch, were nlso rated Bupcrnne, Reno Stalil. In "A Perfect Lady," comes 20. Lthic (Carl Herbert Hcuck, mgr.)—Frltil Scheff came 13, in "Pretty Mrs. Smith," following the big Winter Garden abow, "The Whirl of the World." The houses looked like the return of Prosperity with o capital "P." The spectacle de- serves the rating it gets as a big show. Luclle Civauaugh won first Terpslchorcan honors with hor dancing partner, Wycllf Parker. The Howards- Willie ami Eugene—added to their former triumphs, Elliabeth Goodall, John T. Murray. Juliette Mppe and Trlxle Raymond were among others la too glare of favor. "The A|i|>eal" follows 20. B. I-', Kiitii's (John F. Royal, mgr.)—The Foot Man Brothers and their company will stage "Home /gain" 13. Other features include: Doze- man Bulger's comedietta, "Sergeant Hnghy ;" Ed- die Letuard, with Mabel Kussell, Stuart Barnes Shannon and Annies, Vandlaotr and Loutse,- -ainl Trevltt's military dogs. The Jaunts and Journeys, travel pictures, have made a bit Walnut Street (George F. Flch, mgr.)— "Bringing Up Father," n McManus cartoon Liny, offered by Qns Hill, Is coming 13. Last week,' 1 The Round-Up" held the stage, aud drew cheerfully bin, old-time crowds. Gertrude Perry, as Echo, Lillian Lee Anderson as Polly, and Shop Camp as "Slim" Hoover, the sheriff, are newcomers who were One. Edwin Verncy, 1. Lawrence Clay and Harold Christie were among others who put dash In the Western story. Thurston comes 20. Loaw's F.mvrebs (George A, Boyvor, mgr.)— Cesar Rlvoll will be the headliner 13, In bla pro- tean playlet, "Fuu In a Restaurant." Others: Oscar Lorraine. Roland West's rural comedy "When We Grow Up." Ed. Barnes and Mabel Robinson, Schroder and Chappie, and the Kd. Zoel- Icr Trio, motion pictures. Olympic (W, F. Jackson, mgr.)—The Beauty Parade arrives 13. Last week the Watson Sisters —Fanny ond Kitty—were seen to splendid adrao- tage In Ibe two act burletta, "Morrwco Bound." It waa a gliurery offering. Lew Williams, Ben rk-rce. Jack McOoffan. Charley Fllnton, Pay Bnrl- Jiik and Mabel Mahlum were effective alda to Gen. Success. Toots I'aka, In a boula bonla dnnce, to music provided by Hawaiian musicians, was on added attraction that made an emphatic hit. The Golden Ctook 20. Standard (Charles 11. Arnold, mgr,)—The Oa- taret Glrlc are due 13. They come after a week of Frank Collier's High Life Girls, who were seta to bllarlcus advantage In "Jeremiah Clancy's Sanatorium" and "In Gay Paree." Mlclicllul I'enncttl. May Agues Fleming, Frank Gibbons, Gladys rox, lllll Kelly, Lew Reynolds, Dan Mini. nine. Sjre All nnd Jack Blue were among the distinguished entetalners. Follies of Pleasure 20. Musio Hill. —The second Symphony Orchestra Pop will take place 13. Cnlcooo Tribune pictures of the war 12. 13. 14. (Ixiim/k Tlio German Stock On. will present NcKtroy's comedy, "Lumpacl VagatHinilus," 13. liEL'i.-it'B nrmiA iliioin, Oni'usuu, Family and Strand, motion pictures, WUtriB W1NN0WIN08. Fannt Watson was a very vigorous advocate of "tightless burlesque" during her Olympic stay. The Walton Sisters have proved that as far at tbeir relation to successful burlesque is concerned tbiir "legs are not their fortune." Julia Gulf will be the soloist st the first con- cert of the Matinee Musical Club at the Slnton, 16. Fifty of the city'-, unemployed recruited by J. O. White, of the Department of Charities, were given a chance to earn a little in "The Round- up," by Managers George F. Fish and Joseph KcUey. Bijou Heron (Mrs. Henry Miller) was hero with her daughter. Agues Heron Miller, in "Peg o' My Heart." GtOBon Rotvlind, comedian, In "Fixing the Furnace." was taken ill during the latter part of hla Keith engagement. Tub Yale Gleo Club la to come during the boll- days acd a lot of festivities arc to be crowded into 28, tbe night they warble at Emery Audi- torium, Tna Strand ban secured tho Paramount picture service, commencing 24. Tub PI Tan Pi fraternity ban already secured one bundled seats for the performance of "A Pair of Sixes," at the Lyric, 28. Charles Mubosoft has gone to Louisville to take charge of tbe cabaret at the Gait House. Clyde Fitch's society drama, "The Climbers," waa presented by Byde Park amateurs, with Edith Drake, Gcorgle Stvopc, Helen Schmidt aud Edna Schmidt In the cast, Marie Louibe FicrcEn-WAQNEB gave a concert at tbe Slnton, 11, and then goes East to be Even a bearing by Olulio Gatll-Oasaua, of the etropolltau Opera Co. Her Olnclnnatl frlenda bopo that tbe door of opportunity will open wide fox her. Man. E. M. Coblies Adams, who was Louise Kerper Harrison, has . retired from stage, and, opened a studio In her old borne town. Tub Woman's Club performances of "The House of RImmon," are an event of the coming Febru- ary. Tbe Red Cross will be the beneficiary. Many theatre parties are already planned for the Yuletlde motlnesa at the Children's Theatre, when "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" Is to be presented 29 and 31. Iiabbt Yost Is bcre In advance of "Bringing Up Father.' 1 ■ Mum Pavlowa and ber Russian ballet drew two fair slscd audiences to Music Hall 5, 6. Emehbon Cooks came in advance of "The Passing of Hana Dlnpcl." Jambs J. Morton was the big magnet of the Loew Empress bill, Frank Milton and the De Long Sisters put on their "nutty" sketch. "At Alfalfa Junction," and it went well with tbe Keith crowds. Tub Three Ktltons, In musical set, were one of best of season's cards at Loew's Empress. Eva Taylor, an old time local Block favorite, was the star of a playlet at B. F. Keith's— "Taking a Obance." She waa warmly greeted for "Auld. Lang Syne." . nauDLiNsms come and go, hot Mr. anil Mra. Carter De Haven continued their delightful reign as top Hoteliers at B. F. Keith's. Tub Century Opera Co. will undoubtedly come for a week of English opera, Feb. 1. Mauy Gbetohen Morris Is filling out of town concert engagements. Tns Dramatic Art Society Is rehearsing Ibsen's '■Pillars of Society," At tub Little I'lathoubb, on Walnut llllla, - II, three one act playlets were given—"The Years on tbe Kerk." "One Hundred Years Hence" and "The Dark Lady of the Sonnetts." tier* trade Brloe plajed the leads. Tab Princeton University Tbianolb OlyJb will produce Its annual musical comedy, "Fie! Fie! FI-FII" at Emery Auditorium 25. Mabcus Loew, through George A. Bovyer, bss Invited four hundred of the Big and Little Broth- ers to be tils guests at Loew'a Empress 15. At tub last Slnton dinner of the Rotary Club, Theodora Sturkow-Ryder, of Chicago; Walley Hey. mar and Lee 8. Roberta were beard In a musical program. Cleveland, O.—Opera 'House (A. 7. Harts, mgr.) Henry W. Savage's production of "Every- woman" Dec. 14-it). Colonial i f. Ray Conutock, mgr.) — Nell O'Brien's Minstrels 14-10. Keith's Hii'MPBomb (if. A. Daniels, mgr.)— Bill week of 14: Sylvester Schaficr. nnrry and Eva Puck, Froher and Green, llanlon Bros., Frank Markley, Trevltt's Military Dogs, and Smith, Cook and Brandon. Metropolitan (Fred E. Johnson, mgr.)—For w«ek of 14, the Metropolitan Players present "Tho Fox," for the first time in stock In ttils city. During Christmas week a fine production of "The Heir to the Hoorsb." will be given. Pbosfect (J. W. Lyons, mgr.)—"Fine Feath- ers" 14-19. Cleveland («. D. Zlrker, mgr.)—The Holden Players, in "A Girl of the Streets." 14-19. Grand (Drew & Campbell, mgrs.)—Permanent Stock Co., In "Lena Rivers," 14-19. Mods (Ohsa. Garner, mgr.)—BUI week of 14: Owen McGlveney is the headliner. Peibcilla (P. E. SeaB, mgr.)—Bill week of 14: Wlllard Jarvis, Abe Marks and company, the Harvey Trio, Agnes Burr and May Rose. Gordon Square; (Harry Durocber.smgr.)—Split week vaudeville and pictures. Stab (Drew A Campbell, mgrs.)—Tbe Golden Crook 14-19. Empire (Geo. Chenet, mgr.)—The High Life Girls 14-19. Knickerbocker (E, K. Downs, mgr.)—Mar- guerite Clark, In ''The Crucible," with other Paramount feature films, and orchestra, 14-19. Duchess (A. A. Comey, mgr.)—fMrst run fea- ture pictures, including Dorothy Donnelly, la "The Thief," and orchestra program, 14-19. Standard (Jos. Grossman, mgr.) — First run films. "The Dancer and tbe King" Is shown 1419, Alhammia (Fred H. Brandt, mgr.) — Feature films and orchestra. notes. The Fourth Symphony Concert, held at Gray's Armory, 16. The Chicago Orchestra, under stock, will give one of Mahler's symphonies for the first time here, with Sophie Braslau as soloist. Tub attendance at the Municipal Symphony Orchestra Sunday concerts is increasing rapidly. The work of the orchestra is becoming excellent, and attracting the attention of tbe musical critics. Hamilton, O.-^JeSerson (Alme Todd Jr., mgr.) Pearl Stock Co., In "Thelma," Dec. 13-10- "A Navajo's Love" 17-19. Oeand (John H. McCarthy, mgr.)—Vaudeville and motion pictures. Jewel, Ltbio, Stab, Pbihobss, Royal and Eagle, motion pictures only. Cabi, Mason's "Play Without a Name," re- cently given Its premiere at tbe Jefferson Thea- tre, by the Pearl Stock, has ben named "Thir- teen." Loudonvllle, 0.—City O. H. (H. J. Gel set- man, mgr.) Lyman H. Howe's pictures were the attraction Dec. 10. "Peg o' My Heart" is due IS, "The Countess Coquette" 23. . Carl Fbanqkiseb baa arrived in this city, after closing with the J. J. Evans Indoor Circus. Decntar, III.—Empress (Bollo V. Mollary, mgr.) vaudeville and pictures. , NOTES. Frank Owbns, formerly tressuuer of Powers' Theatre, before tbe fire, and recently manager of the Grand, has given np that position and is,' for tbe present, running a billiard hall here. Tub Knights Templar of this city gave an elaborate banquet last week. Among some of the special features after the banquet was dialect stories by Geo. D. Steele (tbe veteran circus man). Travelogue moving picture film of Journey to Europe last Sommet, and character sketches, with- out make-up. by A. Slglfrled, the veteran carni- val, vaudeville and motion picture man. By courtesy of the management of the Empress Thea- tre Ben M. Jerome gave a medley of his compo- sitions, assisted by Michelangelo Fennooe. Mas. Lisn Ward was sail to be the prettiest young woman aa the bill at the Empress last week. She la a Decatur girl. A. SiQLVBiED won out last week In the anlt brought for damages against htm by a colored woman who claimed she bad been refused admis- sion nt tbe Empress during the time Mr. Slglfrled was manager of that theatre. Orro Weaver returned home Monday, T. after a season with the Son Circus, which closed In Georgia. Tbe show will Winter at Macon, Ga., as usual. Mr. Weaver has signed to go out with the Sun Show again next season. Tub Mlukin Auditorium wss well filled to hea.- the Swartbouts, Tbe remarkable violinist and pianist scored a great hrt by their perform- ances. There will be seventy cspa offered aa prises at the Annual Poultry and Pet Stock Show, to be held here early in January. O. H. Mv ebb, Decatur's successful race driver, li borne after a successful season. Myers drove two st.'pvers to first and second place In eight races, and was rarely out of the money. Peoria,, 111.—-Majestic (Orpbeum Co;, mgrs.) "Bringing Up Father" Dec. 20-23, Henry Kolker 26. Pavlowa 29. Obphetjm (Nathan A Greenberg, mgrs.)—Bill for 18-10: Karlton and Klifford. Billy Arnold, "Dance of the Cities," Sen. Francis Murphy, Florenz Family, and Revolving Collins. For 17- 19: . Dotson and Gordon. Fields, Wlncblll and Green, "Detective Keene, ' Wood and Wyde, and Emerson and Baldwin. Hippodrome (E. P. Churchill, mgr.)—Living- ston Stock Company will open here 20. Foixr (Harry Turbervllle Jr., mgr.)—Musical 6tock Company. Apollo, Colombia, Cort, Db Luxe, Duchess, Elysium, Empress, Garden, Illinois, Imperial, Liberty, Lyceum, Palace, Princess, Bancamo and Stab, motion pictures only. Memphis, Term.—Lyceum (Frank Gray, mgr.) "High Jinks" Dec. 15-10, Maude Adams 21, 22; '.'Little Boy Blue" 25, 26. Obfhbtcm (Arthur Lane, mgr.)—Bill 14-20: Valeska Suratt and company, Harry and Emma Sharrocks, Alleen Stanley, Cantor and Lee. Chaa. McGoods company, Marda De La Rose, Baptlste and Franconi, and Orpbeum Travel Weekly. Majebticb (2), Empires (2), Princess, Alamo, Colonial, Queen, Plaza, Palaoe. Oab- kaltln. American, Echo, Suburban, Lamar, Eden, Rex, Crystal, Lasca, Oxford. Welling- ton. Imperial De Luxb, Liberty. Mbtbopolitan, Imperial (2), Daisys (2), Pastimes (2), Royal, Savoy, Pekin, Famous and Columbia, motion pic- tures. Nashville, Tenn—Vcndomo (W. A. Sheets, mgr.) "Seven Keys to Baldpate" Dec. 18. Obphbom (Geo. H. Hickman, mgr.)—The stock company Is playing to good business. "Alias Jimmy Valentine'" 14-19. Pbinoess (Harry Sudekum, out.) —Vaudeville 14-U9. Hippodsomb (W. H. Bordleser, mgr.)—Skating and dancing are proving very popular here. La Marie and Bradley proved to be two excellent Bkatorlal crtlats as added attraction, 7-12. victobia, Elite, Crystal; Fifth Avenue. Ai> hambra, Rkx and Cbbsclxt, moving pictures only. Knoxvllle, Tenn. — Btaub's (FrllB Stash, mgr.) "Seven Keys to Baldpate" Dec. 14. "Freckles" 25, Al. H Wilson 20. Grand tH. H. Johnson, mgr.)—The Franklin Stock Co. opened the secoDd and last week of Its. engagement 14. to good business. . r* Gat, Rp, Queen. Ciiybtal, Majebtio, Gxv, Duluj and Lino, motion pictures. ~^ a^OsTaenBport, Ind—Nelson (Edw. F. Galll- gap, mgr.) "One Girl In a Million," with Felix Adler, Dec. IB; "Don't Lie to Your Wife" 23 Btetaoa'a "Uncle Tom's Cabin" 29, "He Fell in Xove with His Wife" 81, "Peg o' My Heart" Jan. 1. i Colonial (Harlow .Byerly, mgr.)—Bill for 14- 16: Musical Fredericks. Davltt and Duvall, and Dotson and Gordan. For 17-19: Zlska and com- pany. Brown and Simmons, snd Mint and Wertx, Broadway (Mangus a Jeffries, mgrs.)—Vaude- ville and photoplays. ^^ Abk and Grand, photoplays only. NOTES. raiKi. Romb and Francis, harmony singers. were a hit on, the Colonial bill 10-12. getting troni four to eight encores every performance/ Hobby Hill, manager of the Gus Hill "Mntt snd Jeff' company which appeared at the Nelson recently, reports that his show has been breaking records wherever they have appeared. The com- S snjr S!" * 'o'ty-four-week season booked, closing une 20, at Halifax. N. 8. ««»"« hr T ML^f A n D 'i plot ir e J he 7. tT *' h " b *™ 1 Purchased Y&iwE? - .?"'!%.,* B * r,h "' <* L « P«jette. Ind. Following the holidays tbe bouse will be closed tLFTSP v ?* kn ' wm *■ redecorated, a new front anil extra seats Installed and two new cperating machines put In. Earl Rife former E5 M ..".,w£ l ii. , r 1,t ,b ' ,be * ,r * ou'Imm "d will port" ,dTorllila 8 msnager for The Pktrot ««. Enid. Okla.—American (W. S. Billion Dan tiX&V** ^ The 0, " lD « * Majestic ami Royal, pictures only. mTTSS**"*' Bw, • , "'m')-**"*'"* Wonderland (L. J. Hackworth, mgr.)—Pic- tures and vaudeville. Wienb (Herman Wlens, mgr.)—Pictures and vaudeville. ... • ' W. F-. Crouches was here G, ahead of "Bought and Paid For," which was due 13. ■ • Geo. Evans "Honey Boy" Minstrels, billed for 13, at the American Theatre, canceled, owing to a change In route. Lincoln. Neb. — Oliver (F. C. Zehnmr. mgr.) San Carlo Grand Opera Co. Dec. 14-10, r. M. C. A. Kntertalnmeut Course 17. "Fine Feath- ers" IK. 11). "Mu'.t and JcfT" 25. 20, "The Ulue Bird" Jan. 1. Obfiieuu (L. M. Carman, mgr.)—Bill week of 14: Gertrude Coghlan and company. Frank North and company, George White. Three Beautiful Types, Walter "Robs" Dickinson, Llbby ann Bar- ton, and Martin Van Bergen. Lyric (L. M. Garman. mgr.)—Bill week of 11: Slegel and Slathews. the Mcrrlott Troupe. letter ana Rogers, and Four Kouerz Brothers. Waco, Tex.—Auditorium (Peyton S. Ingra- ham, mgr.)—"Sins of the Father" Dec. 15. 'The Winning of Barbara Worth" 10. "Damon anil Pythias" (pictures) 25, 20: "Peg o' My Heart 28, Raymond Hitchcock, In "The Beauty shop, 29; "The Trail of the Lonesome Pine" 30, "Fins Feathers" Jan. 1. _ . — Majestic (Mr. Withers, mgr.)—Bessie Dainty snd- Players, In Block, enjoying excellent bepbbbbbj Crystal and Alamo, moving pictures bb« vaudeville. , , . ... HiproDROAiB, Queen and Rex, moving pictures only. Temple, Tex Temple (Geo. H. Walker, mgr.) "Peg o' My Heart'' Dec. 20. Qbji (Engelbiecht & Korkames, mgrs.)—Motion pictures and orchestra. . Crescent (J. J. Uegmnn, mgr.)—Motion pie- turea and vaudeville. ,_. • J. 1. Hbqman, manager of tbe Crescent The- atre, has Just closed a deal for tbe erection or a $15,000 Inilldlng, which will be occupied Df hla, and will be one of the most modem ir.jt.on picture playhouses ha this State. He expects ts occup/ this building by Feb. 1. IH* MEMOHIAM. "He Brer Lives In Memory.*' CARRIE LESLIE