The New York Clipper (December 1914)

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34 TH3B NHW YOEK CliiPPEil. MAX OBERNDORF Announces the Removal of His Offices to PUTNAM BUILDING, 1493 BROADWAY, NEW YORK CITY (Suite 402) Bryant 44ft —^- -*— THE BROOK^ STOCK CO. STOCK SINGLE WOMAN WITH STRONG SPECIALTY Must play a responsible Una of pans, dreta well on and off. Don't BUnrepreaeiit. Tell all first letter. JACK BROOKS, Mason City, Iorra, umlt Deo. S3. WANTED QUICK IBADMQ HAS IP W6MAJI. ALSO GftffifilL BU8MESS HAS All moat do Specialties. Three day and wee* Maud*. Tickets If I know yon. Address ^ Manager atvaUXV STOCK COMPAiy, Malests, V. T. Clipper Post Office. In order lo avoid mistakes and 10 Insure tin* urotuvt delivery of the letters ndvertlsed In Ihla Hat, na < uveloite plainly addressed mint he »int for rncli letter, and n written order (or the letter, signed wiiii tbe (n.l name and addresa and the line nt business tollfiwed by tbe aender, moat alio lie enclosed. Flense mention the date (or nnm- ber) of tbe Cl.ll'I'KU In which the lettera sent for were advertised. I.ADICS' LIST. Alman, Mrs.Dan Gordon. Nettle Alltberpc, Lily I Hickman. Angle, Mlsa Mrs. Oco. Burr, Dorothy Holllngsworth. Haulm MlssJtck Martha Bennett Mrstian llayues Beatrice Brooks Mn Jack llngties. Madge Barrlngton. I Hart, Lillian Marguerite Ileaton. Marie Brandon, Mae lllelneck. Anita Cadwell, MaJge lloair, i;v»lj:i Courtney Panlint Henry, Carol Cooper, Bene Cody, Vera Courtney Pauline ColyoT, Mrs K, OhaM, I.aura Clark, Laura nark, Benita DeMello, Ernestine Pupont, Teddy DaTla, Tiny Ho Verc, drace DcPollart. Evelyn De Vara, Mile. iMeera, Marie IVForrett Sadie Mullnlly, Dot Davenport Maale Martin, Blanche Jerome Mian To Jameson, Katberlne Kelly, Dorothy Kennedy, Mrv Jobs Krcll, Flo Mnk, Evelyn A Lang, Beth Lean, France* Lorctte. Alteon f.yttleton Evelyn r.nCount. Bcstl Miller, Mary Day. Minnie Knrle, Julia Fstes, Ethel Ifrlckton, Mn. Knati: Fauat. Mn. L. Forest. Miss D. Ford, Rita Pear Oaroclln, Kale Olanton, Melba Nicholson, Evelyn O'.Veil I, Sadie Plagetnsn, . Miss M. Rotoll Fruncesa Rsnudell, 11. Marie Richardson, Anna Sykes, Carrie CtaBbnl, Mrs. Jack Stanley Mae Sabel. Josephine Siirague. Norah Snlpmtn. Helen Byses, Carrie Sherwood, Blanche Schonaer, Adelaide Sull fun, Ada Shaw, Amy nmtcber, Mrs. Geo. Tucker, Margueritte Tusard, Carmen Tubb*. Mrs. Emma v"angbn Dorothy VnnDrden. Kthel Webb. Mn hie Wlljnu, Miss M, Winston, Bess WUllard, Marguerite Wilson. Marie Wright. Oeraldlne Weutwotth. Maymo u, ainjmci UertrudeiWoods, Jessie B Rich. Aubrey Wood. Etta H. Russell, Marie Voting, Pearl Rowley NlntQs, I GEVM.CMEV3 LIST. McOowan, J. B, KcShaue. Jiefe Alman. Daniel iGrlsmun, Mr. Aldridge, Cha». I'Jriliam, Herbt Adama, Frank 0,Hooker, Chns. Allen. Jack R. Hank, Arthur Allmnn, Grant |IIarrloen, Chat. Bennett. Johnny Hickman, Boot. Bcrtrsnd. Frank Hamilton, J as. Burt. Wm P Bayea Banbaw, Walt. Backmann, Ed. Bent. F D. I'rehany. Jack lirnds, The Bishop, F, A Co Burba, Joo 0. Renter, Nell Hilling, H. Ft. Barrett. Clyde Bellgardt. H, K Ilrown, W. 8. I'.anrard, Flying Barnea, G, E. Otirren, Bdw. Comstock- Terry CO. Covert Ksrncst Carroll. T. J. Oariwnter, W. Carroll. O. F. Campbell. B. Dudley. Edgar Damnter, Fred DePew. Thos. DePree, Many Dashing too, Al. De Vere, H. H. De roe, O. A. Doney, Oeo. L Davis. Jack De Sllvs, J. 8. Doxrlty, Harry Dtirang. Bodle Dell, Bart Kmsoml, W. R. Rdwardl SToan Colored) SI Cota Pay, Hugh Kcndell, Dan Qrshsm, Frank Crimes, LorenVT Goodwin, Ben Ocorgeaon, H. Griffith. John flwynn flreenberg, W A Kaacrbff. L, MaeBeynolds U Mcssrr, Henry Mel row, E. Mtiller, Gene Mnrtlu. Boliert ritawllllama, P Merriraif^ B. J. Moore, Oeo Ma-ilmo* SIC. Myvrav John K Marta. AI. Macnamara, W. Mouahan, Will Morgan, Alt. McKesD, Frank Maddoi. Beh 0 Macklenv a E. Matrii. P. S. McCarthy, J. it Nowtaakl. S. H. N. Y. Prod. Oo. Kuan. V. P. Noxon, B. D. Patrick, John Patch, Oeo. L. Pntle, Wav Power, E. F. Renorls, H. Rmeell. Daa Rich, Oeo. Rollins, Jack Scheirer, Frank Hllcbter, O. P." Slmnaou, F. VT. Stoltanan, W. 0. Shr>rrard. Del. Srmoods, J. V7. Shlppc. Edw. Smith. F. 0. Scaminon, A.Q, Sterena, H. A. Searcy A Breett Sylvester Scliullk. F. J. Sehrlraiit, E. B. Sotman. O. T, Seyraoar, Alth. Stairri. Btnle Psrtt ,, Sherwood, Harry Slmona, J.W.Jr. Slutosoaa The Torrlll, Ony Taylor, John Trumbull, L. B. Hutcblna, A. F. Hyde, Jack Howson, Frank miner. D. O. Henrv Col. H P. Hamilton, Jaa. Hutcblna. H. 7. Holt, Alt. Harisoo, J. L. Harkim. W. S. Iloiler. Howard Haven, Walt A. Keane iwimlow Kent, Will H. Jesaon, Clinun.-.v Johnstone, E. 11 Jarrell. II. C. Kosalnger, L. Kona, O. M. Kerannds, Billy Lawrence, L. A. Leonard, J, B. I/com, Aerial Lowande, Oscar Lee, Lee H. Lewis. Artto Link, H, F. ly.'grvula, ObSK, Lane. Earl Loresa, Jack La Rne, Frank Mi'kclke ridward Mock, Harry MeLacklan, WB Mack, J. O. McrrlretT. Chaa Ttompleton, Roy Supplemental List—Received Too Late for ClaaalUcatlou. Anglln, Manraret—Cchanhla, Wash., 21-28. Augell Stock ( Joe Augell, mgr.)—tjaeeola Mills, Pa., H-l t, Hontadale 17-11). Bellefoote 21-20. "Adele"—Fold's, Baltimore, 21-SU. Baker Stock—diaker, Portland, Ore. Bloom, Max .'lab.)—Jackson, Mich., 17-10. "Bine Bird"—Davenport, la.. Id. 'lelglan Bait.efleld 1 ' (Picture)—Michigan City, Intl., 20. Carroll Com. Co. (Correction)—Shenberdatown, W. Va.. !7-l». Daluty, BCMile, Players—Wsco. Tex., 11-10. "Don't Lie to Tour Wife"—Logan sport, Ind., 25. "Damon * Pythias" (Pictnre)—Waco, Tel., 28, 26. Franklin Stock—Koorvllle. Tenn., 14-10. "Frecklea"—Kr.oxTllle, Tenn.. 25. Oardner-Lawron Com. Co. (Tab.)—Anderson, S. C. 14-10, Greenville 21-26. "Girl and the Tramp"—tit Joseph. Mo.. IB, 10. Hale. tHarvey—Concordia, Kan., H-10i Fairtury. Nob, 21-^6, "Klgti Jinks" — Memphis, Tern., 10, Hot iriirlnga, Ark., ID. "High Cost of Loving" (Law Fields)—De Kalb, Vkln., 23-Jim. 2. Irwin, May- -standard. New Tork, 21-20. Jbies, Johnny J., Show—Tampa, Flau, 14-10. IOwr & Sylwarer &t<x<i (Oeo. «. Grennell. mgr.)— Deposit. X. V.. 14-10. Kolker, lli-niT— l'tvrlii. Hi., 26. Folb A Dill— (Oorwctlon)—Los Angeles, fal.. mdef. "Kitty MaclCty" (Wm. Klllott, mgr.) — Toronlo, Can., 14-10. Montreal 21-28. Fanokova, Lttlia— Plarlnuae, N. Y., 23, indef. Luwreiice. Del S., Sto.;»—Montreal, Can., 14-10. U-Bg. Frank I'., Stock—vVaiikcsba. Wis., 14-24. "Little Boy l-:ue"—Memvhls. Tenn.. 24, 2(1. "Little Lost Sister"—<3:-inti Rapltis, Mich., 17-10. "Little ModUte, Tbe" (Holton Powell, mgr.)— Clinton, la., 21-23, Boone 24-20. "Little Women"—iHnrrlsburg, Pa„ 28. "Maggie Penrtr"—Toronto, Can., 14-10. "illdalgbt Girl, The"—Mujeottc, Jersey City, 21- 26. "My Lady's Dresa"—tToronto, Can., 14-10. "One Girl la a Million"—6o. Benti. Ind., 10. "On Trial," No. 2 On. (Cohan A Harris, ragn) — Detroit 21-20. "Potash A Ptilmntter" (A. H. Woods, mgr.)— New Haven, Conn., 14-10. "Potash * Perlmutter" (A. H. Woods, mgr.)— Greenville, Mlsa,, 17. "Poor Uttle Thing"—Bandbox, Now York, 22, indef. Roberta Shows—Augnata, Oa„ 11-10. Kilcble Stock—Union Oltr, Ind., 10-21. "Beliecca >A' Sunnybrook Farm"—Kalamaoo. Mich., 18, 10. flair Carlos (;r»nd Open Co—Lincoln, Neb., 17. "Song of Songa" (A. H. Woods, mgr.)—Eltlnge, New York, 23 mdef 'Sanasrmsn, The" (Tab.)—Elgin, 111., 14-18, Ba- cine, Wis., 17-10. "Story of tbo Rosary"—Toronto, Can., 21-26. •'Milp Ab->r Girls" (Cbss. J. Krajw, mgr.) (Tab.)—Wheeling. W. Va., 21-26. "Eeven Kci'B to BnMpute" (Cohsn ft Hsrrls, nurra.)—Atlanta, ti.t . 17-10. "Eusl" (Lew Fields, mgt.)—Adelphl, Pbila.. 21, imlcf. „ Trousdale Eros.' Co.—Sac City. la., 16, Lake City 17, JefTeiaon IS, Fonda 10, Monson 21, Rockwell City 22. Thompson. Frank H., Pictures—Argyle, 111., 21- 24. •■Tabarln Gtrls"—Dave Newman's-^AnguBta, Oa., 14-10. "Thirty Leagues Under the Sea" (Picture)—'Ma- jestic, Jersey Olty. 14-19. "Uncle Tom's Cabin" (C. B. Harmount, moT.)— Sharon, Pa., 10, Oonaeaut, O., 17, No. Eaat IB, Syracuse. N. Y., 26, 36. "Under Cover - "—Grand Rapids, Mich., 25. 28. Wilson Al. H.—Knoxvllle. Tenn., 20. " 'Way Dotvn Boat"—Jarkton, Mich., 29, Kala- mssno 28. "Winning of Earben W«wth"—Waco. Tex., IS. "Within the law"—Colonial. Baltimore. 21-28. "Your Olrl and Mine" (Picture) (Correction)— - ». y. r„ it-is, ■AJRGVERaTB FIELDS' SUCCESS. The Marguerite Fields Stack Company dosed a very snccesa.'nt week st tin Empire, Glees Falls, N. V., Deo. IX This, wss Kiss Fields' first visit is Glens Falls, snd she bad fall houses tvery night. Hes acting, espscislry Is 'Tke* Awahexdng ox Helena Bltehto" sad "8u iqaaal Sea," wss of high callb.-e, and her sniiportlng company was capable. s Nora noK rns Aohsb Orrm Stoox Co., now In its fortieth week.—The company is now la the State of Kansas, headel Sooth, where they wll spend the Winter We nsre added s'x newmen to our cast S. M. Curtis left last week Jock Poore ciso left, oo sccoant of his very had health. At Hutchison, Kan., Great Bend and Eldorado we <fh! oar banner business. Ohas, An- dreas called en us st Great Bend. Pawnee Bill and wife entertained tbe Geyer Family at Pawnee, Okla. Agnes Geyer Is etill slaying the leading roles. Ralph Nichols and Jessie Troy again Joined the show st Arkanass City. Kan. They have closed their company, "Yankee Doodle Boy." We now have tbe best tookin rep. show on the road, composed of real talented people We have added a male quartette and a ladle* sextette, making It a musical stock company. There are none of the oil lnembers nlth tbe »r.civ. Any mail for this company will always be received If Bent In care of Till CLnvxB. Cbss. Geyer paid the show a visit several vteeks sgo. He Is handling a mn- ma! comedy. All la lovely with the Geyer Snow. Marine Wenrworth left eight weeks sgo, snd we would he <lal to welcome her return. Robxbt GaantN, of the Terry Musical Comedy Co., writes from Waco, Tex., as follows: "We are still doing a nice business here In spite at unfavorable business conditions. Al. G. Field's Minstrels tamed them swsy here last week. This Is one solid year I have been here in stock mu- sical comedy, and we are still doing a fine cosi- ness. Tbe company is ss follows: J. W. Terry, owner and manager; Robert Green, producing comedian; Otto Oretto, comedian; George Clark, character man; Arthur Jackson, straights; Hasei Green, leading lady; Violet Allen, soobrette; Nors Brnmett, character woman. Chorus: Msrtln Sisters (Laura and Lltba), Agnes Hendon, Cecil O'Dowd, Stable Broaderlck. Lillian Hurry, Bessie Harris, Cbrn Terry, wardrobe Distress." Lionrl H. Kbsne, of Baltimore, Sid., who was connected with the advance stslf of the 8othern snd Msrlowe combination up to the time of their retirement from public lite last season, now holds forth ss treasurer of Poll's Auditorium Theatre, Baltimore, succeeding Amos Barrymnn, who is well remembered In theatrical circles. nswar MoKTivsa, formerly of the Henry Morti- mer Plsyers. which recently finished a very suc- cessful season at tbe Park Theatre, has left Man- chester, N. H., and the successive company, styled the Park Tbeatre stock, Is under the efficient direction of Frederick Burton, who wss formerly associated with Mr Mortimer. The company opened Dec. 14. Nora from the Ethel Msy Bhorey Co.—This company, since last August has teen through the •States of Mslne snd New Hampshire and the Maritime Provinces. At Cariboo. Fort Fairfield, HouHon and Presqoe Isle In Aroostook County, Me., the business wss capacity st all perform- nnres, ami the company has been booked back for return dales over the entire route. Tbo comrany made » Jninp from Franklin N. H., to Rockland. Mats., aol after the tint performance were booked by Manager Bowler for return date—Jan. 25-27. Notvrttkstandioff opposition wa sre playing every- where to good business. Week of Dee. 14 we are at Westers, B. L Ws las off Christmas week, snd then ptsy our route through Usssachusetta, Rhode Island asd Connecticut. There has been but two changes la the roster of (he company in three years. Msnsger F. S. Campbell predicts a banner season, for this company. Mibsllb Estiu.% who has been playing 'n Players, st «f Voelckel Rudotp Vurplllst. Wm. Vergs, tieholss Wilson oAubrsy Waiters. Lew Wslte, Kenneth Wiilt, BOly m Walek. Ksnt C Wolf. Henry Williams* !». a Walker. Fred O. Witte. WB. Waltrra, Taylor Wilson. S. Hep Wtegel. Fred Wilson, Wm. OLD FRIENDS" HOLD BANQUET. jnrw Homufioir rotuv opens in BLAZE OF srtKXDOR. Wll^lll^ll) l» am .Mt.jirwui • m.i- (lessen, a. F. I Murphy, Sag. 1- SEE NOTICE AT HE II* OP LIST. Deaths. IN MBHORIArX—In Loving Memory of My Dear Husband, W. t, SCLLT, who passed away Deo. 9Sth, IMA Day by day I sadly ma* him, Friends may think the wound has pealed; But tiioy little know the sorrow, That within my heart's concealed. JANET N1LLKU SULLY. Eva Vinobnt. Dec, 10. Jaiibs FAiaiiANKS, Dec 4. Mils. O. Q. 'VBSNST, —. Tikis. A. IIii.i., Dsc. 2. Prank Oollinb, Dec. 10. llLihlS Al-KESKiN, NOV. 21. LEOPARDS AT TIIE FALACE. Arthur L. Iiill, manasvr of Valleclfa's leonsrds, la in New tork srauging for a route on the U. P. O. next eeasoti. He Infurnis Tns CurrKB that his set has been booked by Alfred Butts at the Palace, loniloti, next February, and will be the flrat wild animal set that haa ever been liookod at that Theatre. 0» » Tnis Is Mae llolden'a big week nt the Casino. Brooklyn. The Rleetrlc Spars will have a big theatre party sutl ilInner In her honor, given by her Brooklyn admirers. fSptrtoJ to Thb New Yobk Curpra). Chicago, Dee. 11, The first banquet held In the new Morrison Hotel took place Thursday night. 10, Snd wss s gathering of "The Old Friends Club of America." a social organisation composed of theatrical peo- ple. The recent socials of tbe club hsd been such big successes, nod tbe exceptional pleasure of the events had been attributed to the pres- ence of tbo ladles, so this Morrison event was arranged by Robert dherntan. Jame* Wingnetd and Fred Hicks (the committee) with the Idea of having tbe gentler sex represented. d as) MILES SELLS HIPPODROME. Charles Miles, the theatrical promoter, hss closed the sale of his iVlnneapolis house, the Miles Hippodrome, to Ruben A Flnkelateln, who already own the New Palace and New Grand Theatres, of Minneapolis, and the Princess snd other theatres In St. Psul. II Is reported thst the purchase price was 1350,000. Tbe Miles Hlp- IKxrrome Is located at 42 Seventh Street South, and wss operated as a popular priced fonraday vaudeville house. (Manager W, F. Gallagher. popularly known as "Bill" Gallagher, who has continuously managed the Miles Hippodrome, from s short time after the theatre wss Orst opened, slthough naked to remain by the present ownen, ( will atsy with the Miles Interests, and has gone to Cleveland, O., to manage a Miles house there. * ■ I BIGGEST BlDtiLT YEAR. Among 'lie few Institution?! Ibat the wnr depres- sion does not seem to hsvp hit Is Jfadl'nn's llud- tet. The current Issue, Uaillcm't Budget, No. ift, s reported to have xmmticd oil previous sales teeorns during 1014, and in the lantmajie of "Johnny Walker," Is going stronger than ever. Ha editor and publisher. Jaws Msdtson, writes for many as (lie biggest nets in vnuderllle, which is in Itself n gustsntee that only the best and fun- niest comedy material will ever find Its way into the Jtodsrl columns. lfn.f(-on'.« fludcr't la In its sixteenth yesr, and the f tet that each issue has sold better than the previous one Is proof par excellence of tbe esteem It Is held Id hy the pro- fttslon. s X » BD. TOOT,, the "lanky comedian," for the past three seaaooa principal comedian with Ben Toy's Musical Ooisedj Co,, left the company Dec. 1. Noras rsov Fausx aV Lessts Co.—Vhe Frank E. liong Oo. will close for their usual Christmas rayon* at Waukesha, Wis. Msnsger Long will spend his time ie-oTgaalstag and o-rernasitng things m geseral. There will be s great msny changes a* to plays, people, etc., bosk hi tbe dramatic and vaudeville lines. Joseph Bemlng- ton has signed for leads, Walter Fane for char- ge ten and heavies. Ed. Mills, comedv; also Sam Cottrell, the Bergen, roaedy scxoostle rsd sip- to-date dsneess; John SsJIrvaa, is is u t Vs ; Vtr- ginls Sterroo. iagenoe lends; Margie Garrett, juveniles; Jsnet Csrew. eftsrstrsam aad hsstitn Mr. Long cIsItis he will have the best acting esss-pany in the West Nothing- hoc royalty prays will be presented, snd np-to-the-ralnufe specialties. Tbe Long Stock Company opens CMsfmss Day, with a matinee, st Oahkosb, Wat. Mas. Mat O. Stbn Is requested to communi- cate with her daughter. Mn. H. F. Vlckery, 133 Massachusetts Ave.. North Aadorer, Msss. Mn. Vlckery will open with the Monte Thompson Stock, st Walthaui, Mass., after Onrlstmas. Al. r-LiniH.v has resigned tbe mansgement of Keith's Bronx stock bouse. vaudeville, will Join the Forsberg the Orphean. Newark. N. J., Dec 23, and appear In "Tbe Little MVUlonslre." PUBULONES SfiOW. This show orened Its season at Havana, Cuba, Nov. 10. The opening performaiee was Btteaded by tbe Pre,I lent De Andn.le and his fsml'y. and all the notables In the Govemraent The program Included: 'Xho Jardys, acrobats: Byxys, perch set; Miss Magy. trsi-exe; Miss Anetta. the MeArthars, cyclists: Mist Lottie, Hi Trooae. Oltfsn Trio, Diss Bro... Miss P. Iluwsrd snd CsrT Bent- sen, Golden. Mile. Lulsa, Hencacoa Powells, horse set; Miss Dsrling and dogs. Mils M m ta ll La snd lions, Capt. Weber, horses; Fred Dtrlleg. mules and ponies; Mlsa Psallns. Richard Plrrot, New York represontsnUve, booked the acts. s LADDIE CLIFF IN DEMAND, Laddie CHuT Is certainly In demand tils season. The Gaiety Theatre, London. Bag., offered Mm a role In the comlny productior,, and he Is nlso wanted for the fiuaw A Er- langer review In January, and In addition to this he Is considering time ottered him by the vaudeville magnate?. ■»«♦» TINT REVIEW FOR ZIEGFELD. Beginning Monday, Dec 88, V. Zlegfetd will present at the Danse tie route*, atop the New Amsterdam Theatre, a forty totnate ma. steal sketch, with many pretty girls and a dozen well known performers In the com- pany. The object Is to make this dance palace different from any other in New York. + »s> SIGNS LONG CONTRACT, Prlscilla Encwles, the famous stock star, Itsts signed a contract with J, Wesley Rosen- quest, manager of the Fourteenth Street The- atre, New York, to present one act plays, a new one every week. She will be supported by a first class cajt ♦ »» «THE MERRY WAG" BACK. "Doc" O'Heil, the plump "Merry Wag," "not" comedian, returned to New York this week, and la prescribing bis langh powden to the patrons of Keith's Colonial Tbeatre a ■> FRANK J. STRATTON'S mother died of pneu- monia on Dec. 8, after four dsys' illness, H. D. COLLINS, who has many season* been connected with' vsrloos colored easerpriBas, and who was. this season, ahead of the Black Pattl Musical Comedy Co, under the tasnsgssnuit of B. Voelckell, dosed with that attraction ax Mem- phis, Tenn., Is considering sa oSer ts orgaxthas a minstrel show for s prominent theatrical osouv sger making beedquarten In St Loots, when, the show will rehesrse. BILLIE AND AGNES MiiRTHA closed with the High Rollers Co., Dee. If, red are staying st their home, 1055 Teller Avenne, Bronx, N. Y., until they join another show. VAUDEVILLE m CBIQGO. Fmlaee (Harry Slager, mgr.) —Near am weather prevailing, toll boas* Monday matirC/ BlB: Johnny Hyams and CUrs Mclstyre itnT. DovjO» and Marty MeHale, MRure* sad Cannon Clsane snd Fonnls Usaet, Jack Ryan snd Ham TJemey. Llplnsttfs dogs, Lea Silvsgrls; R,h CnstcH, James Diamond and Sybil Brennan MnleaUe Lyman B. Gfloru. mar.)—Bns'- ness rLae despite cold weather. frUkT Frlnni faradllnaxf In new act. Css Edwards' "SSSSL mmr W&Jmmm. Eva TSjlor and oom'anr Nellie laehwis, Msek and Orth, Loral', 53 Totist s«d Komian. Oormley sad Caffr«y Colonial t Norman Field, mgr.» — Morn In. shift displsyed nsl talent la ewry act Jack Stroase is bit of the bin. Ton Come, Roach an.1 Crawford. CeTene Troupe, Hortley and Prean Andsew Mack, Three Von Stasia, Taylor and Brown. Hseeroff Troupe, Blcknell and Glbuey's (J. O. Barcb. mgr.)—Bushiest held up as usual. Acts cpiiearlng mornln" shift spprecls'^d. Anderson and Bart, Gollet. St. rkes snd Lafayette, Elsie Gilbert and comiisuy H«. sle Ltoouut, Frevoll. Beidlngton snd Grant' Car- men and Whites Victoria Four, Mailer Bros Orphea. KOTKS Johnny Biker arrived from Omaha this mornlna —John 3. Murdock wsa in Chicago Saturday — Jack Curtis. New York vaudeville ageut is' In Chicago—MartU Beck Is expected here «oon— Andrew Downle, [romlnent Eastern circus man la la Chicago—L. C Trabaod. of Ben Krauze Shows. Is here, ;nd win go with Tom Allen Sbowi next season. WiBsair A. Patbick. »»> MBS. EEWNEDY. ronntvly of Mrs. Keonedy't Iioanllng House, on Wort Thirty-eight!) Street. New- York, us living in rwhtced clrciunianres a* £50 Mett Avenne, Bronx, New York, and would appreciate srry saslstauor f'om her frMtv'j. THE VER.V0N SISTT-RS are a W5 feature tt the Atvood Cabaret Troy, N. Z., doing their elDirlng and d.-mctng act. E2JR8 AND WEBB are appearing this season la a sew comsdj set by Juuie McCree, entitled. "Tbe Ckaoerjn and the Heiress." They were a big scream at Proctor's Tro} boxum CHAS. LA FoaJ>, "the boy with the voice," Is now playing an engugraeat at the Aloha The- atre. Aftsatn, 0a. DAVE A. HOFFMAN, the Hebrew comedian, in burlesque tbe past few Cessnas, Is now back In vaudeville with the Five Novelty Minstrels, and reports success In the Middle West At present tl-ey in os their sixth week of the Affiliated Cir- cuit, and open on tbe Pant-jgva Circuit Jan I. The «th« metnbera of the act ore: Harry A. Meyers, Benny Burke, Billy Scheulcr and Dave Brewster. The shove act I* s ilecrvw minstrel, carrying Sfeelal scenery. THE MUSICAL BRRNNAN9 write: "We are Mill playing arrougbMit the Southwest for the vteenth' time, meeting- many old friends, as well ss mshing many new ones, we hope. Business la very good in the wheat sections, hnt In tta cotton districts things theatrical are rather dole- ful, with everyone hoping ntd praying for the en- Largo on the Sooth's principal muinstav—cotton— to soon be lifted. One of our main causes of wor- riment In this section is to connect with our old mainstay—TUB Ou> Rujaslb— as we bsve been associated so many years together in good and bad weather. Its appearance to as Is like a letter from hom e" FB1TKI SOTTKFF, English pit build,*, owned by W. P. ate-fDsoQ. won test prise at the bench show held in PtHenbt Arts., Nov. 0-14. This n<tc la well-known in theatrical circles, and has taken part in several plays While Mr. snd Mn. Stevci- son wero st tbe theatre snd Frltxl Scbcff st the heneb show, someone lobbed their room, gettlag arty dollars In cash and all of their Jewelry, ex- esptiar wkst they were west lag. Mr. snd Mrs. Stevenson were for venis connected with the North Bros.' Mock Oh. IN our mtford, Mas*, letter of some weeks ago. we ssaavertsntly stated that Billy Hall was wnrk- lng with Eva fccott. m specialties between acts of the plays. Mr. Hsll x* wotklnc with hit wife. KrBe Hifl, m spedaltln, tnd alto playmg prin- cipal rules in rhe dramas. BBSS AND WESTON open 00 the Bert Levey Otroott, Dec 28, st Prescott, Aria. American Play Company, inc. JOHN W. RUMSEY, President 33 West 42d Street. New York Representing American and Foreign Authors Dramatists, Composers, Publishers and Managers Plays Read. Sold and Leased FOR ORIGINAL PRODUCTION, STOCK PERFORMANCES, AMATEUR USE ART) MOTUW PICTURE REPRODUCTION WE REPRESENT ALL THE INTERESTS FORMERLY MANACBD BY SELVVYN A COMPANY, THE JOHN W. RUMSEY PLAY CO., ELISABETH MARBURY, THE AMERICAN PLAY COMPANY, THE DE MILLE COMPANY EXTENSIVE FACILITIES AND PERFECTED ORGANIZATION FOR HANDLING THEATRICAL BUSINESS IN A STRICTLY BUSINESS-LIKE MANNER WE DO NOT ENGAGE IN THE PRODUCTION OF ; PLAYS OR IN THEIR PURCHASE