The New York Clipper (December 1914)

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r #j,»..j:j:>i: 10 TFTir, NEW YORK CLIPPER. 29 T -EB RAIMB MISS MAURI 12 CHANGES IN 12 MINUTES • • » "QUICKEST WORKER IM VAUDEVILLE."-" N. Y. CLIPPER." Direction PAUL DURAND * SHARPS AND FLATS * (EditOS'9 Not«.--TW» ooI««m» ti /or Mastoid"*, Bingeri, Musical Artist*, BattyJtoo Mutieiant, Calliope Players, Piano Player*. Band Matter; Organ Molten, and all who Ore in amy way performing or furnishing muWAan* or musical tmttrumenU lot the profession of entertainment. Bend in your new* notes for publication to Biitor of "Bharpi and Flate," rtaw Xout Cuitib, ,7 W. Twenty-eighth Street, Mh o York.) Merry Christmas to »11 ernslclan* throughout the •mid. Be thankful 70a are In on mow of the joys of life Too will be In the "Pit" on the Jure, platform, dance hall, or cabaret during tho YoJetlde fesUvltle*, no doubt, but do cot consider toot lot a bard one. Be thankful tbat you are permitted to tend forth from jour tnstnmenr* the tweet strain* tbat tend to lighten tbc bur- oeme of life and make glad tbe hearta of tbs lonely and depressed. Your vocation la an art. Ton aerrlcta indeapenilble, joor mltalon a noble one, toot presence a Joy. Therefore, be glad yoa an a musician. Merry Obrlstmaa, musicians, throogtont the srorld. Be thankful. Do yon remember when yon player'In las vil- lage band! Hare yon still got tbat old horn or drum. Take It ont and look at li. Many pleasant memories, no doubt, aurround tbe association. W. M. Ewisu's Zodavb Bsno Is one of the leading concert bands of tbe conotry. Chautauqua*, fain, parka, celebrations and vaudeville keep tbla sterling orgaataatlan eonstantlT before tbe pohlic Raphael, Eouok. brother of Vic Bsllck, band- master of the World at Borne Carnival Band, la nuking a Winter of It In his home turn, Blkpolnt, B. D. Tic la also there. J. H. Hshlbt Is director of tbe orchestra with the I. F. Fletcher Theatre Company, under can- vaa, now touring tbe Southwest, Francis Henley la with the same orginlsatlai. What Is tbe matter with the village band? Nothing. Read what Tho Omaha (Neb.) Bee. of recent date save "Not tbc least of tbe enjoyable features of our annual Ak-Ber-Bca celebration la tbs) pretence and music of the small-town band, which holds It* place a* an lnatltatlno In oar national life. Long live tbe baud." Be not ashamed of the village band. Give them support. We moat have music. Ik Olacdb Hbtebs Is given credit for having last season, with tbe Allrasnn Bros. Shows, one of the best bands In carnlvaldora. L. Claude Is now solo clarinettist with the Harrison Theatre Company, tonrlng Texas. Bo 1* a clarinettlat of much renown. Fbamkjb Habsis, tbe "boy wonder," with tbe Moredock ft Watson .Minstrels, Is a tango drummer hard to beat. His statue being below normal makes him very noticeable among tbe big fellows. Wichita. Kan., has a girl's band of twenty pieces. Tbey make many fair and celebration date* In season through that section of the coun- try. Thb Now York Clippcs Is the musicians paper. Ita advertising columns bring quick results. Look over the advertising columns for muslclsns. Men- tion Thb New York Ohjtbb when writing tbe advertisers or to fellow musicians and otters. W. J. Huuus Is playing cornet in tbe orchestra at tbe Alamo Theatre, In Waco, Tex. L. Cordla Bell la violinist In the orchestra of the Majestic Theatre, same city. J. H. Johnson's Nomla Musical Comedy car- ries a ten piece orchestra. In season. BimuiSTmB and music publishers' days will. In IMS, be very po-ulor at fairs, parka and celebrations, aa they have been In tbe past. Tbe scheme b) to plsy selections from tbe program* of the leading bands, and devote one day strictly to tbe blta of the leading music publishers. This scheme Is generally given much publicly In the local press, and always prove* a good drawing card to tie event. June PCTUirs will again direct the band with the John A. Sparks Ctrcua, in 110. Okas. E. Jamison wants musicians for hi* carnival band for next season. His advertlse- cuent appears In this Issue of Tut Ci.tfpd. H* I* one of tbe most Uked men In his line. Victor Esuok has the faculty of keeping Ma band Intact throughout a season. That rarely •peaks for his selection and treatment of the men under him. Many hands are now making tool* over the leading vaudeville circuits, Elizabeth Latin la one of tbe soloists with bands tbat la rising rapidly In her chosen pro- fession. John Phillip Sotnu has parsed the three •core mark and still active, soosa'e band and marches will live loo*;. The hand has toured the world several -times, and Is now on a tour of America. Tb* Minneapolis, Minn., Symphony Orchestra ha* eighty musicians 00 Its roster. E. 0. Jonas looks after tbe band matters for I Terry's "Uncle Tom's Cabin" Company Tan European conflict has Interfered seriously with the bands snd orchestras In this country that depend upon foreign talent. Those that mate concert tour* suffer tbe most, Many have gone to the front for their various countries. OoiaiHB Wilson, tbc band singer, Is considering offer* to uillst her services with one of the lead- ing camlvsl bands for tbe coming Summer season. Oh, listen to tbe band. Isn't the music grand, W. B. Wedob, tbe calliope manipulator, is Wintering In Denver, Ool. In tbe Winter be either acta on the stage or works In a newspsper office. In Denver he Is doing tbe latter. A. D. Ksuck has been the bandmaster for a number of year* with Ibe Con T. Kennedy Osr- nsvel Band. He will no doubt be with the same outfit In 1815. Re Is now restlnj at his home to Kansas City, Mo. Do too want work? If so, ctrefnlly Kan the advertising columns of Tub rlanr Yobx Curra each week. Cms. Finch was with the Singling Bros.' Cir- cus In 188S when Touy Costeilo bad tbe band. During his career a* a professional musician he has been with the Barnnm ft Bailey Circus, Al. «. Field'* Minstrels, Bmch A Bowers' Min- strels and many other organisations or vartona kinds. For the psst three years be baa been re- tlied and living at bla home In Houston. He want* to bear from some of bla former professional friends through the columns of Thb Old Rblia- aus. Mawt Mexican orchestras and email bands bav* come Into tbe Dnted States since the unpleas- antness baa been in vogue in tbat country. Ohas. E. Jaubson, bandmaster of the O. A. Wortbam carnival, gives tbe following roster of his organist!Ino at tbe close of the season: John Ewell and Lawence Selva, bass; Frank Stephen* snd Robert Parrilt, 'baritone: Walter Thompson and Ohas. P. Vreelsnd, sites: Jack Lee, Bert Davis Wm. McKee and Orval Eckhart, trombones; Boy White and Wm. Bice, drums; Arden Waters Banks Bradley, J. A. Oobblson. Oaman Ingerham and Alex McRse, cornets; B. W. Phillips, B. F. Kom, John Oranoell and George Elder, clarinets. All representative carnivals have a car sepa- rately and entirely for ibe band. That makes it nice when It Is a nice car. Tbey generally are. Tont Oobtsllo once directed tbe band with the Rlngllng Bros. Circus. Who Is your favorite bandmaster among the big ones? Abthub Pbtob 1* still the supreme master of the trombone. 1. Abthvjb Qbis, the tallest piano player In the world, recently closed bis very lengthy engagement art the Crystal Theatre, Dallas, Tex. Thbbb Is considerable work now for tbe B. and O boys. It might be well for some more to learn the art of doubling. Did yon ever give It a thought? Thb WeLIlngton, Kan,, Ladles Band consist* of thirty-five suffragette soloists under the direc- tion of "81" Price. So you see it takes a man to lead them. They play auny local and profea- atonal engagements. They hope to become nation- ally prominent. Tbey may do this some day at tbe bead of some big suffragette gathering In this country. Advbbtisb In Thb Clottr when yon wsnt mu- sicians or bands. It Is the only amusement Journal tbat devotes any apace to tbe professional musician. Write for rate sheets to-day. Send in news about your movements. Thbbb are more Boyal Italian Band* with cir- cuses snd carnivals than there ever was or will be In Italy. Strange, la It not? Eabx. D. Stboot, bandmaster of the Tom W. Allen Carnival Band, known aa Strout's Military Band, claims that bis band remained Intact with- out a change of any kind during season 1914. Re calls them tbe best bunch of real fellows ever together. The rooter as follows: Earl D. Strout, bandmaster and cornettlst; E. 0. Wbannond, 0. E. Warner and Oecll Southwell, cornets; F. Hen- crlx, Pbll Robins and Mllfonl Craves, clarinets; Wm. Yonkers, Don McDsnlels and Joe Headier, trombones; Gilbert Greaves and Fred Colberg, French horns; Garland Yarbougb, Chaa. French and O. S. Oikcs, drums; Jerry Anderson, bass; Cbss. Burnett, baritone. PortnuB programa are popular with the masse* who visit parks, fairs, expositions and celebra- tions. L. Clause Mbtxxs recommends that carnival musicians should curb their thirst. Frank O. Wallioe, for several season* band- master of tbe Herbert A. Kline Carnival hand, 1* very III, in Ohrlitlanahorg, Vs. Be want* to hear from his fellow musicians. Address him, ears general delivery, that place. Ewiho's ZouaYb Band Is as follows: W. M. Ewlng, director; H. White, piccolo; O. Morgan, J. W. B. Brown, W. Ewlng, Ohas. Lane, D. Seal and L. Kendall, clarinets; J. Lovelass and K. Staeey,, T. Nearlng, L. Lounsavelle, E. Wharmond and A. Pendell, cornets; A. Brining and J. Bennefleld, horns; V. Jarman, J. Oarr and E. O. Boatwlck, trombones; J. Jannen end O. Ewlng, baritones; R. Leo and R. Smith, Baaa; Don Beal and F. Thomas, drum*. It's all In the arrangement Some aay. What do you say? Victor Esucx's Band, with the World at Home Carnival, was as follows at the close of the 1014 season: Victor Esllck. director; H. Bpeimaon and W. A. Garfield, comets; Homer Clark, Fred iBalah and Joe Llncol, clarinets; A. King and Tbeo. Tborsoo, borna; Oy Cranford. H. Burwell and C. E. Heam, trombones; Fred Read and Tom Koonts, baas; Tony Orlola, bass drum; Ben Craig and Chester Colter, snare drums. Don't miss next week's Nsrw York Cum, Read it every week. Get Thb Currm habit. It la the musicians paper. J. A. Norman, tbe band leader, makes hi* home in Bt. Louis. Tub Ara Calliopx Co., of Bloomheld, N. J„ are furnishing their aogmentors to most of tbe big circus band* for the coming season. Look at their ad. In tbla Issue. Jack Tebhbb and Via Hbubrt Jr., the emi- nent cornet and trombone soloist, bsve stored their tabloid properties, owing to conditions In show business, and are now seen In New York City with tbe Geo. Hickman and company, playlna; vaude- ville. WbrtjaLZ, Hsohton, manager of the Minne- apolis Symphony Orchestra, spent a couple of days In Enid, Okla., recently, endeavoring to Interest business men In a concert by bla orchestra next Spring. Fbanc Palxa haa been engaged to direct the band concerts at Osronado. Oal., during the season of 1916. Whbn in either New York or Chicago make Tub Nirw York Clipteb office your headquarters. Wei. come-* Gbiib Is one of tbe popular orchestra leader* of Ft. Worth, Tex. Reliable and sober has much to do with the success of * clrcn* or carnival mnslclsn. VAtTDmnmr theatres and nunsger* might add) aomethlnff to the box office receipts by popular- ising their orchestras by riving them a little publicity. Whenever a local celebrity shows op request him to lead the orchestra at a certain nine overture or to to in the pit with the boys. This is to be entirely s^verned by local ontjdt* tioas, of course. Give the orchestra some pub- licity, any way. Bare a mask week. "TnE HIGH COST OF LOVING" will be played bf the German Stock Coropwry Dec 16, under its original mute, "Die Spanlsche Fllrsre.'' H. GRANVILLE UAloXBJi, the London manager, arrived Dee. 12 on the Bed Star liner Lapland. m "THK BOOK OF NATURE," ttoving plctunw of anltMJ life, win open at "^lUc***, New York, Dec 8t. • " A No. 2 "Twin Beds" Co. will open Christmas week at AUairtic City, N. 1. IUCHARD CAKFIELD died Dee. 11. from Injuries snstalned by a fall. MRS. MART LUBSCHRR, mother of Mar* Lueaefaer, died at Bnffalo, N. 7., Dee. 10. HAROLD TOoIlimOH will support Marion Marray In her vaudeville aketcn, "The Modern Prima Donna." THE Garrick, New York, lease, held by Cnarle* Frobmaui, expiree Hay 1, 1915, and tb* boom will revert to Mrs. Edwtud Harrigan. _,"ACROSS THK BORDER," tb.* one act play which haa made auch a aaeeeM at tna? Princess. Theatre, New York, will be used to open tbe Toy Theatre, Boston, Mas*., the first Week In January. ZBU.B MINOR, of Richmond, Vsu, comparatively unknown to the world of xansTle, al Jhe composer o! tbe tblrd set of pieces selected from the aaaay eataltted to Wlnthrop Ames, to response to hi* recent offer to play new. unpublished American music during; the Inter- missions at his LHtle Theatre. Her work ahow* serious attempt at writing- polypbcmle •Mate on c!*ssl" model*. INEZ M1LHOXLAND will again be seen in vaudeville at the Palace, New York, for • lew weeks' enouement. "WAR8 OF THE WORLD," at tie BJppodroTiie, will be presented twice daily throughout u " JK** of Dee. 14. for the benefit of the Chrirtma* Fnnd. "THK BELLS" will be riven a performance Dee. 16, in tbe Plata Hotel, under the auspices of tho Castle Bchool of Tarry town, for tbe benefit of tbe Belgian Belief and Home Charily Furds. BKFIE GRAHAM was seriously lnjnred Dec. 18 in an automobile accident. r ONE OF THE GREATEST TALKING SONGS IN YEARS. OH! YOU SPOTLIGHT SINGER "THE BAREFOOT BOY" By JOHN S. BUCr (THAT DRIVEN THB CATTLE HOME) SOME NOVELTY SONO JUST LIKE A ROSE By America'. Sraatatt 8onrj Writer, C. F. 0LC0TT WHERE THE IVY TWINES AROUND THE COTTAGE DOOR Another Morning Glory 8ong by BARTBURQER & OLCOTT fi E. LETS BE SWEETHEARTS Mil" PROF. COPIES FREE FOB RECENT PROGRftM E. J. MURRAY MUSIC CO, 324 DIAMOND ST., PITTSBURG ORCHESTRA MUSIC 100 A COPY CLUB, $1.00 A YEAR "Barefoot Boy" . Schottlache "Just Like aKo3o" • One-Step "Sweethearts" . Waltz Sone "Where the, Ivy" - Hesitation "Chinese Honeymoon" Fox Trot (Everybody Knows It) WHITE RAT HTBBLES. With a long-, green llorrt tucked snoKlr awaj la bla Inside pocket, Dare Hos* and wife vlll •hortly *w»r on the Pantsgrs' Urn*. Eon Tojst* and DKCta nealib, David. Don't ferret oar telephon* number 1* 8780- Bryant. •Tie yonr doty, actor*, to become a member of onr organisation. vome around snd get acquainted. . _ , Otto Bbos. are onne again re-nnltcd. Posi- tively I lo<7 do a Herman act Someone sc- ensed Ernie of being a ilnaer. I think It wis Jolinr Bell. Tan bar is open from 10 A, u. entll R a. at. next morning. Teat goes for pool and Millard room also. Oct our hanoannc Fred Jeffreys. Obb ot onr stsnebest members Is Bobt. Henry Hodge. Be spends mocb of bis spare time at club wten not working, bat still retains his Fair- harm home. Job P. Mac*:, again himself, will take cbsrae of oar Thnrsday Dl£ht sesmper*. That oar busi- ness will Increase is a surely. Lima Ci«R has tbe war question down to s science. He lectures each evening in tbe reading room. What make* hi* war spell worthy of at- tention Is the quietness in which he puts It over; without gresse, music 0 set rock, which makes It easier. Kxrait Uaxwell Beyaolos, late co-star with Hose Stahl, is coming East. Saw Be.-t Levy yesterday with same beard and •ame smile; both are becoming. Wic, Fox, of Box Office Attraction Co., has one a+'Ie and most capable man In all departments of theatricals. Hla name Is Billy Bach, not fer- 8riling Mr. Oarltoo, Mr. Clifton and Mr. Da arlton. ■Will member* with bnilesqne, musicals, snd in til branches, talk Ratdom, and try secure on* or more lew members—please 1 Eat a yon paid your ducat Bslow la a L'at of cur life member*. Mo doubt yon know many by reputation or personally. Some names, are they not? Besides we have thousand* of more good bard worxlng "Rats" nod with Big Chief Fogsrty's guidance a few more- thousands •sill be captured. Kindly note thr> life members. Henry Bergman, Bdward Oaatane, Edward Clark. Will H., Harry Ooletnsn Jack Conway, Will J. Cooke, Samuel J. Curtis, Robert L. Dalley, Oen. Delmore, Barlaod Dixon, James F. Solan, Patsy Doyle, Gordon H. Eldrld, Oecll Emmett, Leon Emmett, Frank Brans, Chas. H. l'arrell. Frank Fay, Frank Fcgarty, A. A. FVrd, "Priure." Edward Garvle, "Happy" Jack flarilner, Itnhhy Oaylor, Alf. Grant, Sort Green, Gerald Grifflo. Hal D. Orovea, ton Haskell, Cbauncer D. Her- bert, Dr. Carl Herman, Robert Hlggins. Dick Hume, Roheiela Ian*. Jno. W. Jess, Al. Jolson. Harry Keller, Edwin Keoogb, Charlie King, Ernest Klatlnt Bert La Went, 7o1e* V. Lee, Geo, Le Ualre, Bert Levy, Tom Lewis, Rtlnli Lohae, Colle I.a- rella. Dick Lynch, Junle aieOree, Tom MaNaogV ton. Charles HcPhee, Joseph P. Mack, Dave Mont- gomery, Geo. W. Honroe, Bam Morton, Tom J. Sawn. Fred Nablo, Jack Nolan, Frank North, Greg. PatU, Oorae Payton, Pat Rooney, Eddie Boss, Tnomt* Bosseli, The*. J. Byan, Walter San- ford, Tom Smith, Fred Stone, W, W. Waters, Tbososs Welch, O. K. Willard. Ladles: Gladya Arnold, Cora. Tonngblood Cor- son, Grace La Roe, Alice Lloyd, Lillian McNeill, Itarie A. Rossell, Dorothy Vangban. Those of yon who are doing naught on this cotolac Bmday, and woo know our chairman of noose committee, Joseph P. Hack, take Bronx subwsy ear. get off at One Hundred and Seventy- fourth Street, walk North to Elsmere Theatre, "tb* Palace of the Bronx." where, at 8.1S p. X., Joseph set* tb* ball rolling under bla manage- ment, with high class vaudeville and photoplays. This moeh. brothers, 700 can do for one, who, for two year*, without compensation whatsoever, has done naeb to help nuke our grand order a •ocoess. Dr. Ofcarles A. Hanson. I know, will surely be there, also Ootmeelor James Ttmony, of BrooklyB. Thank*, Joe, for your kind offer. Much success to you. Eixsuous Txusatbb, Southern Boolevard and Faismere Place, Bronx car to One Hundred and Seventy-fourth Street. DRIVEN," tho sew Charles Ktohtaan production, opened Dec. 11 at the Apollo, Atlantis' "Tha THE entertainment given Dec. 8 at the 8trund Thnatrc, for the benefit of tbe Iiclglnn Relief K»inil and the Special Aclora' Fund, netted »ir.,iynii, BTHBI, IlUOlKiHAM {Urn. Martha Munn) Is Id receipt of a testimonial from the local O A. K. Tost, in reference tn her rendering of "Tlio Star Spangled Banner Jubilee" at the New Armory In November. She has arranged te fill a prcfcsslonal engnaTemont at Oxford, N. V., during Christmas week, on which occualnn she will be the guest of Colonel Graham and -vlfe, ann delight tho Inmates of tbc Home for Vctoran Soldiers and their wives la that towir Citv TIIIC Bronx Opera Jlouse remains closed Chrietmae week until Friday aftornoon. Miracle Man" will play for the rest of the week. CilAltUCS KKOHmAN intends lo produce a eerie* of comedy aklta set to music soma time during May. He will import several well known I'ngllsli players to enact the principal roles. The skits will also have tho services of a well tntlneil chimin. "THK SECOND MBH, TANQUtKAY," given Dec. 11 at Wnllnck's Thentro for the benefit of tho Duche-M' War Hospital, rea'lted »'J,r,(io, TUB Charleston, III., tiranil Opera House, owned by J. K. Osborne, of Dci-ntur, III., was completely desii-oyea by fire, St'nday night, Dec. 1:1. THE Children'! I'vatlva), InnAigiirated In 1HT7 by Aunt I,<mlw» Kldrldge, Tony I'aetor and Mrs. E. L. Fernandez, and continued under tho gulihiiico of William llnrrls. Illjoit Fcrnandei and Mrs. Anna V. Morrison, will be held this year on Dec. 21 at tho Hudson Theatre. OWING to the great snccesi of "Watch Your Stop," Chnrlca Dillingham has commissioned Irving Ik-rlln, the composer, to write another musical play, which Mr. Dillingham will produce next season. (.MISS) ri'UtCY HAS WELL will lenvc New York this week to begin a stock season nl the Crcicent, New Orleans, La. L»;o Qrovo will again manage Miss Hawaii'* company. "TWIN HKD8,' havlug proved -such a aucceia at tho Ifulton Theatre, New York, a rnad) company will be organized, opening In Atlantic City, N. J., about Christinas. UKORGE M. COHAN, who Is pictured In this Issue as he appeared whon a mere child, rushed in to substitute for George Nash for three performance* In "The Mlraclo Man" lust week, THE Modern Tlay Co. has leased the I'ark, New York, to open Doc. 21 with "Polygamy.'' The corporation includes Lawrence Anbalt, Clinton Moffot and Helen Tyler. LEW FIKLDH upenn 2S at tbc De Kalb, Brooklyn, for eight days. WM. I'ITT R1VEKS opened his new dance hall In Brooklyn Dec. 11. •THK HEAP HUNTEltH" pictures are nt the Moniit.ik. Brooklyn, this week. BENJAMIN NAMM will take charge of his Grand Opera House, Brooklyn, Doe. 2% and will Install a stock company. BERT LEVY goes with the World Film Corporation. HARRY LAUDER sailed 12, taking with htm contracts with William Morris to teturaj to America in tho Spring for a twenty weeks' tour. THE Hammerstcln re-modellng plane, filed with the Building Department, would require the acquisition of a ten foot strip, tor an alley, North of tbe theatre, Al THK New York Stock Exchange rc-oponcd Dec. 11! for the IIrat time slneo July 80, decidedly strong market showed complete absence of selling prcsHuc. THE Chicago Association of Commerce has voted unanimously In favor of moving the hand* of tbe clock forward ono hmlr for tho purpose of gaining an hour more Of daylight at the end of the day. MRS. KELMENSON, of New York, received a verdict of 1400 against tbe Metropolian Opera Co. for beta GEORGE Or "To-Nlght's the including: James lilnkeley, ...,», ,-u. ■,-,», ..... Kurton, David Burnaby, iris llooy, I.atiry 1)0 Erccco and Fay Campion, Frank Tours, a musical conductor, and forty chorus member* had previously arrived. This Is "Tho l'lnlc Domlnoee" skit, as announced llrst In Tim Cmmth, "NINETY IN THE SHADE" is rchenrKlng with Otis Harlan. Victor Morloy, Ed, Martin- dale, Philip Sheffield, Geoffrey Stein, Ralph Nairn, Floronco Dillon, Vlda Whltmors, Eleanor Henry and Dorothy Arthur. THE CASTLES will dance on tho Forty-fourth Street Roof, called "Castles In tbo Air." SULLY'S "Ihvrbor Hliop" will be ro-produced next week, with Harry Fox, Conroy and Lomalre, nod Loney Haskell In the cost. LOUTH MANN will do tho Qlmn In "Elevating a Husband," for the hanky Feature Piny Co. MAY IRWIN will siiortly ahow a new play by Leroy Scott. MRS. GEORGE HROADiHJHHT has asked for an Increase of alimony from »0,00O to $.10,000 a year. SAM D. IIYAMB producer and manager, with offices In tits Columbia Theatre Building. New York, ha* bought the ezcluslvo rights to tbe live-reel picture of "Oliver Twbtt,'' featuring Nat C. Goodwin. THE lease of Loew's Theatre, Watcrbury, Conn., expiree Dee. IS, and after tbat dato It Will again be a Fox house. Iiuainewt has only been fair for tho past mouth. THE Alice Gilbert Musical Comedy Co. will open at the Music Hall, Newport, Kv. ( week of Dec. 20, for a regular road tour, booked solid through to the Purine Coast. Hhi Gilbert receiitly closed a most unsuccessful season with a musical comedy. The Alice Gilbert Musical Comedv Co. will have Alice Gilbert, W. T. Hawley, Harold Ollles and Ralph Smith as comedians, and a big chorus. THE Green Room Club had a "beefsteak" dinner Dec, 18, at Hs clubhouse, in honor of Irvln Cobb. Obis. Masrnr asd Harold G. O'Hrro are a Ms attraction for Tell Taylor, Won't so, I'll "tell you." What a lose, and many will sorely miss bin. Brother Bob Beott, late of Howe ant reott, then Howell and Scott. All tbroogh bis life naught could be said agalast him. I feel for yon, Charlie. and extend say feeing* to yott and yours. "May at* aoal rest is peace." Bxbibbs being a regular athlete, with a Utile bit wee Bsore practice, John W. afanrela may make a genuine waller, watch bin around ear LajorrBjOf Clayton and Lennle, does Ave shows ■ day. Where* I'll tell thee. Three for Loew send hm it dab hos**. Don't weaken, Lennle, the 'panic" la one. Do hot know if onr 'Tntey*' Oanea Is to- taunted with Boston or set, hat anew be is still ByfojWwa »•«. *■*** "A Marry, PMKS WD FAIRS W. He STRATT0U fflTER VIE WED, OF- THB TBIA« BTATB aVAin LOOKS FOR BIO TIllrlGS HBXT YE All. OmoAce, Dee. 12. W. H. •rratton is s tar aasB la mas, end Is mattnrr W ox of the"Flgasit Mat* fairs and s nr poal Tlrs s* on ttw Worth Aastitean eoatment. He attended tb* twewtr-foartb asnaal convention of the tsaa rlc a a Assodatkm ef Sslrn asal anrpoaltlen* rereaUy keU la Cfjlctro, aad daTiag bla sojourn la the Wnsdy at* heaortd the Western bnrea* of Tn * IvanrXoaai OLtrvaB, as Is Us osail want, with a call, Be u e taif fltrattoa le a great aaerstlve ability; hi ■as of ideaa and of 1* tbe personiacatloB of genda! conrlesy and a true type of Southern ebivarry. Moreover, be Is a student of amuse. meat conditions, as well al a keen observer of com- mercial activities. In making a forecast of tbe prospect* held forth for the Texas Htate Fair, in Dallas, next year, Mr. Stratum raade it plain that be and tbe di- rectors of ibis great Institution were not at all depressed by the slump this Fall which bad ma- terially affe:te.l the Kotrihern fairs. And In evi- dence of their eonfldenee In the future be cited U..- fact tbat tbe Dallas ftato r«lr Association bsd taken over tie Dallas Cycle Park, covering an area of nun/ acres, as an addition to Ibe fair grounds, and that la doing so it was necessary to move back four blocks of bouses. Tbe Dallas State fair. In point of magnitude and general excellenee of architectural and other equipment, ranks with The Canadian Nations! exposition, at Toronto; the Minnesota State Pair, at Hamlin*, and tbe Virginia State Pair, at Richmond. It la a matter of opinion, by Ibme who are familiar with these uutltutloa*, wblcb I* tha greater. SITUATION IN SOUTH CLEABINO. Tbe Dallai Fair buildings are eonatrecled of eencrete and steel, and lwtw<cn seven and eigbt hundred thousand people pass tbioogb Its mag- nlflrent entrance every fall, daring \uc allien daje in which the fair Is held. There aic several permanent atnvrement device* which are operated uroughont 'be Summer season, among them balagt Ye Old Mill. Ecrate Railway, roller roaster and earenasel. Tbe excursion business to Ibe Dallas Fair I* something ennranoas, ss patrons are drawn from all of Texas, from Oklahoma, New Mexico. Colorado, Kaoaas, and. la fact, from points in all l-arts of the United Stale*. During III* attendance upon the Fair and Expo- sition Convention, In Chicago, Mr. Htratton sur- veyed tbe amuaenietit offering* which will be available for Ibe Dallas Fair next year, and In. tiauited that more monoy will to spent In this de- partment than ever before, and tbat It waa the Intention to secure ibe very test hi the way of outdoor amusement*. The sltuilljii In tb* Booth, according to Mr. Plrattos, I* groduallr clearing, and s steady Im- provement is nolleeaMe. Texas Is an empire within herself covering a area four lime* the •lie of France, and greater than New York and New England Slate* combined Iter resource* ar* tremendous, and ever growing tn volume. Mr. Btralton predicted a rosy future Cor Slate fairs, and bo complimented Tub Nsw Yobk Ourraa noon the Intelligent and aggressive manner this publication cavers the field, IOWA PAIR HAWAOnng OOPTVBHTIOir HICLD III DBS MOINES. Tho Iowa Association ef County and District Fair Manager* and tbe Slate Agricultural Asso- ciation met In convention la the Havery Hotel, at De* Moines, la., Dee. 8, 0. The sesalon* were largely attended and tbe following offlcer* for l&lo were elected: Joe Morton, of Hloux City, la., Sresident; 3. O. Ilackner, Clarion's, vice pre*idmt: . 0. Laoer, Waverly, secretary and treasurer, ar tbe seventh annual meeting of the County ami District Fair Manager*, and the following paper* were read: Making the Fair I'ay, I,. 11. i'lckard; Tbe Automobile and tho County Fair, J, I". Mul- len ; State Aid for Oounty and District Fairs, W. M. Clark: Uniformity in Premium Mat Classifies- . tlon, Hot V. O'Donnell; Tie Cedar Valley, A New N comer. If. 8. Rtanberyl Tl:c Speed Prorram, a p Free for All, by horsemen and secretaries, Bsn- ?l»et was held Tuesday evening. Dec 8. H. O. f .each was tosstmastrr, and addresses were mails I by Hon. Jame* II. Uarma, Oovernor Oeorge W. Clarke, and Hon. T, K. Tnylor. Among those preaent from Chicago were: Fred M, BaraM, Bea Rosenthal and Bud afensel. of the F. u. Bane*, Inc., and Felix Reich, of tbe Robinson Amuse- ment Corporation. At the State Agricultural Ornventlon, Dec. 0, ■ddresse* were delivered by Hon. T. B. Cameron, n. K. Bliss, A. A, Burger, W. W. Marsh, Howard Kvana and Oeorge M. Ohappel. Tbe Iowa fair managers ar* progressir* mea, much good waa acrosnpllabed at the De* Molae* meeting, and broad line* were laid for the eaav duet of next year's fairs. lillll. Ss iZ I . eat* • IsHi"! .1 .insic