The New York Clipper (December 1914)

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Decembeb 26 THE 2STE^T YORK CLIPPER. 5 later*—axe i1" IA of It. Oacar built en inci heroic Ho** tt "' "" w °tklng expense* sre en- ormous, and nothing; leak than a booming snece** •II the time will enable It to pay the necesiary working ataS. One scheme, seriously discus***), bat abandoned, would hate broken Uacat'a heart. It wia.lo effect, lo.cut the place In two, to 0*8 half of It (or office* or residence*, and to re- construct a amaller theatre aa the other half. Bat thle wia not found feasible, and the meat beautlfal theatre In the world la a-be*sihf ittll. JOHN KLRK.VMP DEAD. I recret to record that, - after, a sadden, abort . uinea* John Kurkimp died- In a ourslaf home In BoeffleM. He was Bftytwo.jeara of ige. Be Is Interred at Boncburcb, Iale of Wight, where the Marlla Harreya. bars, a home. Jobs . Kurkamp came to this country some ten years ago with hla irlfe Alice Raymond, who does an Instrumental avct Kurkamp was known aa "the singing-con- i ductor ■ Be- oaed to rlae from hla desk In tba orchestra and anddenly burst Into song. Then, for some time, be was associated with the late Thomas Batrasford, in Ilia spectacular productions and other rentures. He Joined Martin Hartey some three or tour years ago, aa stage director, and In that capacity took bold of such important nrodTjcilona.. at the Lyceum and elsewhere, as '•peileas Meleaande," ..".'Richard III," '"Hamlet," "Aedepua Eel." "The Faun," r"The Taming of the Shrew" and "The Lowland Wolf." He suc- ceeded Irving'* old stage manager, H. J. Lore- day, with Hsrrey. Amelia Stone waa tbe Drat, I should say, of the Ate line of principal boya Introduced by Arthur Collins to Drury Lane stage. She opened at the Oifo-I Music Hall on Monday night, in a musical sketch, called "Mon Amour," written A Wolf, and composed by Ami.ind appears In It with Miss Stone. It Is a plessint effective piece, but it will bear a good deal of compression. A "prologue" mlRht rery well go by the board*. The Idea Is that's musical com- poser, who has had an opera produced. Is, at the same time, discussing bis breakfast and the news- gaper notices, which get him pretty croon. Then Is prima donna give* him a look In. They begin an Impromptu rehearsal, singing and dancing, an) gelling on better and better terms, till the curtain falls on a very good understanding. It is. In fact, an Ingenious setting for a bright music and dancing act, In which Miss Stone aod Mr. Kalis* distinguish themselves. M.VXCUESTKH BOOHING. When Christmas comes, Manchester will ba rather busier than Loudon, where, lit fact, man- agers light shy of expensive production*, and fall back all tbe time on revival*. George Ed- warces baa decided to Jo "Betty" there. Thla la the comic opera, words by Gladys Unger and Frederick Lonsdale, music by Paul Rubens, which he thought of doing nt Daly's ere the war inter- vined, and suggested a revival of "A- Country Girl." Stoll will iimduc! * tremendous water camval at one Manchester bouse, and a panto- mime, with George rurnby (Idolised In the sorts. Country), at another. Walter Do Frece will put up Wilkle Bard anl Daley Wood, in a costly ei- trivagonxa, "Tbe Whirl of tbe Town," at tbe l'sluce. An expensive pantomime, run by John Hart, tbe big road manager, and a dramatic sea- ton, headed by Lewi* Wallet, makes up the grand total. Waller, by ihe way, got thrown out of his automobile once more oa Sunday- Thla time, be dislocated hla shoulder. J. M. Barrle baa Just published a volume called "Half Hours." It Includes bis short plays: "The Twelve Pound Look," "Rosalind." "Pantaloon,'.' and "The Will." At the Criterion Theatre, the Belgian Player* have replaced "Ce Bon Monsieur Zoutebeek" by "Le Marlage do Mile. Beuletnana," the most ' characteristic work of the poorly supplied Bel- gian stage, from which we got "Little Ml** Llewellyn.'' For the part of Mile. Beulemone. Mile. Dleuionae. who baa played the part eight hundred tune* on the Continent, haa been en- gaged. Alfred Butt has at last listened to the advlo* given to him by almost every critic from the out- set, and cut all tbe horrors out of "By Jingo If We- Do," it the Empire. First, tbe coffee atall aeene, and the tramp murder went.' - avoir, hs has disposed of the brutal Uhlan episode. He has considerably shortened the revue, and added a pretty Tricolor aet. Early In the new year he will get to work on * new revue for tbe Palace, where "The Pa*«- tng Show" Is atlll doing pretty well. It hat lost Arthur PUyfalr. who had words with Butt, and promptly placed himself at the disposal of Charle* Cochran for tbe Ambassadors. - An article In The Dally Mall, on songs, con- tained, among other Inaccuracies, the statement that Joe Tabrar was dead. This brought the com- poser out very angry. He claims to. have written 17,000 conic songs. Of these, including many for George Ley bourne, at least a tenth were world famous. But Joe haa not had a great hit alnce "Daddy Wouldn't Buy Me a Bow Wow.' H. B. Irving who ha* been playing "Waterloo" In the provincial vaudeville houses, brings It to the London Coliseum on Monday. Thla will h* the first rime In which he has played Oonaa Doyle's little masterpiece In town. "A Country Girl" recorded fifty performances, nnpot lta revived run, at Daly'i Theatre, on Thursday. A season at a West End Theatre la bravely contemplated by" the Follies. Sir George Alexander haa now made up hi* mind In do i play by Rudolph Besler, early in the new jear, reserving Mr. Hartley Manners' piece. James Welch will do a series of afternoon per- formances of 'The New Clown" during tho Cnriaimns season—not to interfere with those of When Knights Were Bold." at the Sew Tbaetre. Ja the evening. "King Henry IV" disappeared from His Malesty's Theatre to-night ,r rv..i,i Copperaeln" la due on Christmas Eve. Robert Lorralue, .vho has performed tome pro- digious Bights during the war. has been shot turoii-,i the lungs, but will recover. •,l, ot Oscar Asche and Lily Brayton, In hismet," have just hcen rut on the market Iouia Meyer has withdrawn "The Glad Fye" troui the Strand Thoatie, and will tnke a long real. Early in the new year Fred Terry anil Julia ..Lieon Bauurae the mnnapenient of this theatre. Laurette Taylor lias referred, till after Christ- mas, the little serlei of one act plays In which she designs, at niatlncM, to show that abe can play parts other tlimi Peg. Jotephiae Baron, a music ball artist. 20. the wife Zi£ ™ lila fighting for France, died after an or.eratlon. ,_ y f«™,and years ago, Evelyn Millard had a inaaie with Henry Arthur Jones a* to the propriety of an Incident in a play—I forget lis name—pro- duced at tbe Duke of York's. Jones let off a lot of scorn, and Miss Millard did not appear. But SB !r*J pretty daring part to handle In "My •friend, Tommy Atkins," at the London Oolesium, next Monday. She la an English Bed Cross Nurse, involved In a horrible encounter with a Gorman officer. She cover* htm .with a revolver, but lowers the point, on hi* promise not to hack a oaby He breaka tbe bargain, gets hold of the L" 01 i"- »nd haa her at hla mercy, naming a jreadfnl price for the bahy's life. With clever tepee, the girl puts off submission from minute to minute till a face appear* at the window. "Let me Introduce "My Friend, Tommy Atkins." says I i *OL ftlnmpbant girl. Ton will notice a cer-' Vallor K*"*** to U * JC Pemberton's "Be"» of St. ».5m.**,. Brother* and Jacobson have split. rreddle Hedge* Is probably In the Statea ere this. J«» Jeeobson opened at the Queen's, PopUr, on sis own on Monday. „» ""?V Mines* has caused Irene Dillon to lay off a while. « At 4 1 ? Koyaltr Theatre, on Thurtday. "The wan w ho Stayed at Home" was produced. In MperseMlon of "Milestones." The authors of thla Piay, Laehmere Worrell, whose most siiccesafal MB k, f,, r ls -Anne,." and J. E. Harold Terry, v>7?i used to be an rctor. and la now a dramatic critic. Bent In Into Dennla Eadle. who scanned It #fl'"if n ,he acta <* "Mlleatonea." and within a si?,. . lr " ha * signed a contract to produce It Although It Is written In a vein of pure comedy, it is n^ant to enforce tbe danger of the German !C *T ,len }' The authors claim that the apya In ^"i* 7 i 11 ? , notn, ng but what spies have lately wen convicted of doing In real lift. ■ * * > » «,«. ,, - M » . ^yf n \jr i _ * r » i Vj , Li*krtjr*i>r~ i nu\j ai v* * _ » ~» ii jxr»xf>. ii ~ CARNIVAL CONVERSATION By WILLIAM JUDUJLNB HEWITT, («<B»d Onion.") a***********^^*** 1 ***! Th« Naw Yok Cuppga statds steadily Prore your TorsatlUty bj wvjrtlns; at •ome- fnpreme. -*» » £olng to be a Merrj Cnrlstma* and H»1>pv/ New Year and a prosperous 1915 aea- »on. Cheer up, good time* are comIn«. Be an optimist. K. Nhimt ig m Chicago, his home, for the Winter. Hla plans for next season are not toown. He will very likely be with one of the big ones, we guess. He was recently seea ,. t » ,kl S? ll over rtth Baba Delgarlan and Mike Zlnriey. P*acx Tibhelu— We thank you for the kind words and loyal support. Wjf. x. McColmn, the lecturer for the Wonderland Mmeum, on 8tate Street, Chi- cago, 1b stck with n very annoying thro*t affection at this writing. He Is under tho care of a specialist, and a speedy recovery la looked for. * without for a while. cbnrluble. It Is no disgrace to be broke but very annoying, old top. ,. g et ready now for next season. Now Is the time to prepare. The big fellows are workln-j hard. Why not you? W. J. (Doc) Allsiann is due to spring a efficient? None, may we nnswer. imrl:a onnn r ° .a. 1,'... .. ■ *. — thing else while the snow covore the earth. (She this a long think. Make a resolution not to open th« se&ion of 1915 owing every one. It takes all season to get even. You know. You are wise. Get to work. IIbn Ficsr, the well known and hustling concessionaire, arrived In Chicago five weeks ago to spend the Winter: Ben wwa with on* of the very carnivals ever organised. Ha tells many Interesting experiences about bow It was started. Listen to lilra sometime. Kkkp your optics on A, A. rowers. H* does, L. C. Tbaband stepped around very lively during bis recent visit in Chicago. He ls at hJs home in the Mound City for the Winter, or. in fact, some part of It. He will know soon where for 1915. 8fikk Waonbh anu Mas. WAGNgR. left Chl- caga^for their home in Butler, Ind., to spend Ctuil, of tbe Fred Klass pit show ls Wintering in Chicago. He called at tbe Western Bureau of Tin New Yoiik Cl,ir- I'Eii, Thursday, Dec. IT. Rodney N. ls one of the most proficient men In his line. Will Harold Busbeu return to the carni- val Held In 1915? WDio ls more liked and II When in Pittsburg Visit Our Winter Quarters Can place a few mora high-claso shows, with or without outfit, with the most successful organization In the country. Everything now thla season, including an eighteen-car train, thirty wagons and our own stock. 81k weeks already booked. Opening In Pittsburgh, April 22, for ten days. RUTHERFORD RREATER SHOWS, he. 516-516 Lyceum Building, H. R. POUCK, Contracting Riprmntitlvi PITT8BURC. PA. IRV. J. POUCK, G*n*ril Minigar surprise soon. J. H. HasvEY, John D. Wright and A. D. Murray.—Howdv do you do? f '? bi> .. Weodl " on t 100 *: Zeno.— Where are you? What pit show n»xt season. Thi Nbw Yoiik Clipper deals fair, and you know K. It Is as It has always been, with and for you. It prints the news and gets tho advertiser tbe results. ., wht not a pure white frout trimmed In Mack, with the cubist style of decorations predominating? What dust thou think, Mr. Show Kroct liuilder? Are It not a good sug- gestion? Answer! Doc Fostbb arrived in Chicago two weekB ago, from New Orleans, to settle up his mother's estate. Doc's mother died at her home. In CMcago, some time ago, and owing to misplaced mall be was not aware of the fact until many weeks after her demise. Why not do something about this mail matter thing; Stop having your mall gent In care of any carnival. Get it at a hotel, general delivery or street address in whatever town you are going to. IlEXBT MHYEBHOFr AND VlCTOB D. LeTBTT. —Here's wishing you fellows a great opening and a long and prosperous season in 1915. Habby Bentum. —.Where nest season? What are you doing thla Winter? A line will let them know. Pittsbuboh ls some carnival centre. If one happens to inquire. John P. Maktin spent last Sunday In Buf- falo, N. Y., looking things over. Who are the crowned kings of carnival- dom? Lot's have your idea. You will be given credit for It Send it in. B. N. Aniata Is -Wintering la Chicago. Joe Harris same place. W. J. (Doc) Alljiann says why stay out all Winter? Doc thinks it ls some accomplish- in ent worthy of notii—to stay out all of a regular season. How many agree? Don't make so much noise answering. W. T. and Mas. Harrington are now In New Orleans, where they are spending the Winter. The property of Harrington's Great Southern Carnival Is now stored for the Win- ter in Natchez, Miss., where they closed re- cently. By the way. there are s-o-m-e carni- val folks in New Orleans. Gi'.fat surprises arc in store for tbe read- ers of TrjK New York Clippeh this Winter. Get it regularly. The newsdealer will get it for you, or order by subscription direct to the publication office. 47 West Twcnty-elglith Street, New York. Three months, one dollar. Send it In to-day. Wf expect a large party in Chicago soon. Col. I. N. F'lsk, the weighty one from Cin- cinnati, ls due In the Windy City shortly, if teports are true. Let's welcome the Colonel. Hrspebt A. Kline says two and three day stands with his carnival in 1015, positively. He la getting things framed up that way row. IP we had all the money that waa loaned in front of bars, ltmt never materializes, wq could put out a thousand car carnival with- out tbe least bit of trouble. Just aa simple as buying a postage stamp. Harry W. Wriort says be bas always heanl "the esrly bird catches the worm." Harry W. went up Michigan Avenue one day last week and found the poor little bird uat a word now and they all making it in Marty Williams.- so often. How are K C C. M. Casey. —Mow are you ? C. M., where next season? As soon as. You know. C. B. (Buck) Turner.— It Is talked around Chicago that you will be the main man in front of the Johnny J. Jones Carnival next season. What ls the reply? ('. U. can bo found at the Elks Club, in St. Petersburg, 'Fia., now. JoiiN W. Moore. —-Would you he so kind as to send In a news letter nt your curliest convenience? John W., contest "king?" Yes, and more. Frank G. Scott Is arriving on every train, when you speak of carnival press agents. Manaoers. —Who ls your press agent? Yes you do need one, too. Get him boou. 'MAnaoebs. —Make your general agent a Christmas present by notifying him Tie can start work Jan. 1, 1015. Put him to work on that date and keep him on the Job until the close of the 1015 season. Start your publicity at tbe same time. J. GaoROB Loosa still runs tbe carnival without a headache. J. George seems to be gutting an exclusive on Texaa for the Win- ter time. Here's luck to all members of your carnival, J. George. Nothing like being organ- ized. Will tbey ever stop talking about the wonders of tbe Christmas Number of The New York Clipper? Answer, no, never. It ia the hit of the world in show paper Jour- nalism. You admit It. You gave It your support. Paul Johannino la one of tbe busiest men In the animal training business, at the Pat- terson-Dackraan quarters In Paola, Kau. Ho is breaking In a twenty lion act. I'aul sends his Christmas and New Year's greetings to all through the columns of Taa New York Clipper. Billy Bozell will again do tbe talking thing, season 1015, with the Patterson- Backman Animal CIicub. Tub New York Clipper has the circula- tion without going into convulsions over it. It ia Making new friends every day. Not losing any. Get with the paper that can and will help you. All the real ones are for it. You know it Say, have those wagons and cars painted this Winter. Do not wait until tbe day be- fore you open the season. Habiiy P. IIoFF.rt, epeclal agent for the C A. Worthnm Carnival, sends bis best wIhIics to all from San Antonio, Tex, Many thanks, Harry F. See you soon Oh you Cucro, Tex. I Brink back tbe turkey trot. Why docs It always rain on that date? En. M. Folfy. —When 1b tho one liundreJ years peace Jubilee going to be held, and where ? Red Onion wishes to acknowledge the re- ceipt of the Invitation to attend the second annuul showmen's Christmas tree and dinner, to be given at the Gunter Hotel, San An- tonio. Tex., Friday, Dec. 25, at C r. h. It ls a very nifty nif snd contains many bright lines and a good list of eats. The "Onion" is much pleased that the event of 1013 Is to be duplicated on a much larger scale. I<ook for a complete write-up of tbe event In an David frozen. He does not believe the early bird •early issue of Tub New York Clipper bv thing any more C. V. Blum and Wiiitie Tatb are going to spring a new one in Chicago soon. A big one for sure. May be in the Coliseum. Georob W. westebman. — How is the Quaker City this Winter? When are you going to be in New York? Stbvd A. Woods will be one of tbe very busy ones in and out of Chicago all this Winter. He knows his business well and attends to It. . • Tom W. Atr.EN left Chicago last week on a mysterious mission. We will know very soon now. New Orleans does not seem to be the beat town In the world for organized carnivals of the kind that tour the country. K. G. Barkoot. —Who Is going to be your general agent In 1915?. Ia Al. iF. Gorman coming back home? Regards, K. G., to all in dear old New AwlenB. J. Allen Darnart. —How are you and this mins'rela and musical comedies doing this Winter? Kindly drop a Una that we may know. John P. Martin will be for the nert soma weeks among these present and prominent alcng Broadway. New York. He la there now at the New Victoria Hotel. As presi- dent of the "Sewer Club." Chicago, he will be u.Ueed. Some nights they were, John P. Tom W, Allen Is one of our best little Snnta Clauses we have. He knows haw to, and docs act the part properly when It comes to making gifts to the bunch, Havb you made your New Year's resolu- tion vet? Got It right and stick to It Just because you are In the carnival business is no reason why you should be Idle all Winter. one of Its talented and brilliant correspond- ents, who will be there. Hed Onion regrets be cannot be with them when the roll Is called by the "Little Giant." Don't forget the foghorn and the rest of the dope. Merry Christmas, 'lunch," all of you. H. C. Wilbur.— -Your Christmas and New Year's greetings received. It ls very WII- buresrjne. Many thanks for the kind re- membrance. Why all this bubble about The Showmen's League of America turning over Its funds to a hospital? It will not be did. The Show- men's League of America has a mission tu perform, and It ls going to fulfill lta mission- regardless. For one time In your life uso your noodle and not your selfish ends. Wbnt'a wrong with you? Can't you share in a cause for tho good of all? What ore wo coming to? 1KB Lewis arrived in Chicago last week, from New Awlins, La. Let's settle the argument. Now who did orlginato the "Slippery Gulch or Days of '40*' thing? Who do you snv? Dome. In with It, right away,- and let's stop all of thla wrangling. Col. W. D. Westlake, you say- something. Horbcrt A. Kline says four years ago you wrote him and wanted to put one on with his carnival. Is that right? Yes. Col. W. D„ a word from you please. Lot everyone in the TiuBlncKs get in. Many rumors are on tbe wing In Lan- caster. Mo. What will the answer be? Tom W. Allen and W. J. Alhnann, answer. Jambs E. Simpson, assistant manager of the Rutherford Greater Carnival, will begin to start his duties about Jan. 1. Say, bunch, that Rutherford Greater la goiDg to do some. big things this next season. Look at (ho staff. amAjfTJTAOTTJRl OOimtACTT >HU< FOLDING OPERA CIRCUS CHAIRS BRAND STAND PARK HAU 30.000 Chairs—60,000 Onnd SUnos—60,000 Clrcua Stats •■ Hind far Ruling Pari**** LAROBST BKATTHO OOirTRACTORS CLKVKLAIO, OHIO, FACTORYl CHICAGO. ILL.I 1BVU W. 2d 8t. Tel., Wain 861. GoaaeaatvIIla, Fa, »oe H. Hockw.ll It. Tel,, We*t»M CARMVAL, FAIR, PARK, EXPOSITION, CELEBRA- TION SHOWS, RIDING DEVICES AND SPECTACLES. ft'onlinitva from last wrtk.) RED ONION'S NOTB.—TUB FULLOWINQ list or .vrrnAOTioNS. as notbd abqvk, IS POS9IHl,Y TUH -MOST OUOU'LKTK LIST OF ITS KIND KVHR GUMl'ILIiD. IT IS NOT QUESTIONED THAT TUB NBW YORK OI.Il'- 1'BR IS THtt riRST AND ONLY AMURBMENT PUBLICATION TO PUBLISH SUOU A RUSTKIt. AN E.NDEAVOK 'HAS J1EBN MADE TO MAKN IT OOMI'LHTK AND AUTHENTIC, AND ONH THAT WILL UE OP VALUE TO THOSE IN- TERESTED I.N THIS GLASS OF AMUSEMENTS. THE ONES THAT ARE PAST AND PRWSENT MAY PROVE 1NTRURST1NU. THE FUTURE ONES MAY 'HEI.P AND I1B AOOEITED UY THE ONKS WIH>3R NAMES AUK AFFIXED AS A SUUDP.STION FOR A NEW SHOW. IT IS HOPED THAT IT WILL PROVE OF SERVICE TO READERS OK TUB OLD RELIABLE. WILL YOU K1NDY ASSIST IN AUDINO TO THIS LIST BY V0RWARD1NO THE NAS1K OF A 8HOW. RID1NO DEVIOfi IXR SI'BOTAOLK, WITH PROPRIETOR OR MANa.QKH'8 NAME? IF YOU ARE NOT IN, KINDLY B81ND IT IN AT OMUE. Zlecler'* Float and Furle*—M. M. Zelaler. Hal«'a Fire Fighters—Chief Hale. Faloe'e Pompeii Fireworks—Cha*. DufBeld. I'alne'a Panama Fireworks—Ouie. DuITWM. Newton's Fireworks—Qaajo* o. Newlon. Gregory'* Meilco Fireworks—Jlert Oregory. Irwin's Frontier Day*—Cliaa. II. Irwin. Aiken'* Pit Show—Will P.. Aiken. Martin'* Fireworks—(M. Martin. Boaiock's Animal Circus—Frank O. Uostock. Boatock'* Animal Circus—Alart Wellcr. Boatock'a Animal Olrcus—Oecrgv W. Rollins, ltollin'* Animal Oircua—George W. Rollins. Fenn'* Lunelle Show—J. O. Fenn. Moble'a Molonlrome—Osear O. Noble. Kenneth's Moselle Show—Foe I', Kennetb. Fllllon'a Burmese Midget Show—Achilla I'hlllloo. Bllta'a Ruaalan 1'rlnco Midget Show—Jfrank S. BUU. Smith'* Millie Christine Show—Frank R. BUti. Ferarl's London Ohoat Show—J0H7I1 0. FerarL Anient'* London Ohoat Show—Win. A. Ameat. Anient'* Dixie- Mlnatrela—Wm. A. Anient. Gorcho'* Deep Ses Diver*—L011I* Sorcao. Boatock'a Animal Clrcua—B. II. Patrick. Tate'* Dixieland Mlnatrela—Wtiltle Tate, Whitney'* Lotta Show—A. P. Whitney. Talbott'a Qlaa* Show—E. C. Talbott. De Kreko's Street* of Cairn—Ohss. Ds Krek*. Mlller'a Ferris Wheel—N. Miller. Shannon'* Stadium—Walter A. Shannon. Foley'a Baby Incubators—Ed. M. Foley. Jones' Side Show—J. Aitauatua Jones. Wllson'a Animal Show—Harry Wilson. Parker Oarrjiis-all—Will K. Aiken, Sturaia' Mt. Pelee Show—Jim Htiirgl*. Patterson-Backtnan Animal Show—James Paltsr- •on and John T. Backman, Allmann's Skating and Dancing Palace—W. J. Allmann. Oonler'a Shoot tbe Shoot*—Joe J. Oonley. Allen • Water Carnival—Joe J. Conler. Aiken'* Pyrotechnic Dlaplay—Will B. Aiken. Cross' I.unelte Show—Joe Orris. Ijichmann's Oarry-ua-all—David Lacamann. Lewis' Plantation Minstrels—Harry J. Lewi*. Dyer*' Animal Show—James Dyer, Dyers' Animal Show—Win. M. Dyer, Dyers' Pit Show—Wm. M. Dyer. Wllen's 8»ake Show—II. Wllni. Williams' Sako Show—O. B. William*. William*' Jesse James Show—O. I'.. William*, Knock'* Under Water SIkiw —i'rofeanor Buock Hewitt's Snake Show—Lenn M. Hewitt. Smith'* Plantation Minstrels—.Mm II. Smith. Hatch'* Girl Stow—J. Frank Hatch. Floss' Olrl Show—Bert Hos*. - Johnson's Olrl Show—Oeorne C. Johnson, l'let*' "Why Is a Cow!" Show—Manning B. Plot*. Munily's Stadium—I'. J. Mundy. Gniklll'a Streets of India—Fnnk W. Gaaklll, Parker's Crystal Palace—O. W. Parker. Holmes' Olrl from Up There Show—Frail I. Illaiiny) Holme*. Holmoj' Superba Show—Fred It. (Happy) Holme*. Washburn's Animal Circus—Leon W. Wasbuura. Warren'* Sea Cow—J. B. Warren. Warren'* Little "Bull"—J. II. Warren. I'llbeam*' Plantation Minstrels—Frank I'libeam. Allniann'a Carry in all—>W. J. Alliiianii. Lyons' Musical Comedy—G. A. (IMIIv) Lyons. McCirrdy'a Pauline Show—M. J. McUurdv. Faulkner's World'* Won0>ri'-—O. Ilnscinn Faulkner. Littleton's Fanclion Horse Show—<i»rof. Littleton, DsMilna-ton's Dog Show—Profc-asor Daslilnitoa. Lukcu's Animal Oircua—Harry J. Luken. Smith's Crusy House—Ralph W. Kuiltli. Smith'* ICatu-nJiunnier Kastle— Ralph W. Smith, Stock's Kalienjanimer Oastle—John J. Stock, steams' Snake Show—Doc Steams. Mrerett'a Faatana Show—Win. Oeorre Everett. Dunbar'* Ituby Horn Show—'Harry Dunbar. Wllard'* Temple of Music—Chaa. D. Wlllard. Wlllard'a Wonders of Melodla—Cbas. D. Wlllard. Silby Horse Show—Robert M. UharauerB. eckler's Flea Olrcus—Wm. F. Heckler. Allmann's "Day* of '40"—W. J. Allmann. Powers' Slippery Gulch—A. A. Powers, Rlcv k llels*' "Day* of '48"—W. II. Rice anl Nat Rela*. Kverett'* Indian Show—Wm. George Bverett. La Rose Electric Fountain—Oeorge La Bote. Mclfarland'a Pit Show—W. H. MoFarland, Swarti'a Auto Motordrome—1. B. Swart*. Curran's Auto Motordrome—Craay Curran, Richard's Miracle Show—W. J. Illcharda. Hamilton's Pit Show—Claude L. Hamilton, llejano'a Wonderland—Johnny J, Brjano. Bejano'a Pit Show—Johnny J. Ilejatw. Patterson's Frog Pond—James Patterson. Alken'a Carrvus-ail—Llllle hell Aiken. Alhriann'a Ills Kll Wheel—W. J. Allmann. McFarlane'a Wireless Bihiblt—George L. MoPat- lane, Kenneth'* Moselle Snow—Fee P. Kenneth. Vorla' One Girl Show—Oeorge M. Voris. Benjamin's Big City Show—B. R. Hen)*m!o. Karr'* Pit Show—lien Karr. Johns' Glsii Show—O. II. John*. McConnell's Creation Show—Sam 0. Haller. McOcnneH'a Monitor and Merrlmac Show—Baa O. Haller. Moore'* Fllllplno Village—Pony Moore. McConnell's Hawaiian Village—W. Manrlce Tobln. Austin's Johnstown Flood—I, C. Austin. Austin's New York to tho North Pule—J. O. Ana- tin. Bradwell'a Johnatown Flood— J. II, llradweli. Har n's Fir* Show—Claude L Hagen, Wiseman's Sinking of the Titanic—J. Clint Wise- man I,eror'» One In-One Show—Olias. l^-rny. Hajden'* Daule's Inferno—K, J. Hoyden. Seenmn'a Uryalnl Mate—<Ailoluh Seeman, Oorbelle's Crystal Mate—Louis Cnrlsllc, Mllllcan'B l'lanlation Mluslreln—.Fred S. Mllllcsn. Ounimliigs' I ii.llnn Congress—.Fred Oiiuiralug*. Ti||Hf» Paloee Dc ivstunie —John D. Tlpultt. Akmni's Strivis of Cairo—Htnaton Akuun. Melville's Fjntnna Show—Alice Melville. Johnson'a War of Worlds—J. H. Johnson. Lnrnes' Animal Olrcus—Al. O, UiirncK. Marsli'* Circus Royal—Cha* M. Mnrsli, Iliuiii'a Dug, Pony snd Monkey Circus—Vic Hiuro. Wliitiaker'* Water Slvow—D. a Whlttaker. Hyait anil Lenors's Musical Comedy—Hyatt and Lciior.v Baker ami Julias'* Illusion Show—Walter Baker nnd Steve Julias. Lint's Seals ami Sea Linns—At Kent. Maisb'* Diving tllrls—(Ilias, II, .Marsh. Marsh'* Ti.»g» Olrl*—Ohai. M. Marsh. Jarretl'a Oklahoma Indian Village—OeorfS B. Jarrelt. Hchrellierel's Pit Show—Joe Sehleberel. IK-niatest'* Wild West—Harney H. Deniireat. Kllpslrlck'* Cupid's ilanlen — Charles U, Kll- liatrlek, Zaytoon'a Ileautlful Orient—M, Zaytoon, Ilarkoot's Circus Royal—Thus. J, llurd. Ilarkool's Horse Sliow—Thi»B. J. 'Hurd. Raskin's Russian .Vlllsge —Sam Itaikln. Wells' Snake Show—I'ercy Wells. AMeliior'* Beautiful Orient—AMo Abdelnor. Barkoit's Japanese Theatre—K. O. ltsrkoot. Warren'* Iliniwdrirme—J. II Warren. Wodelsky'a I'anama Canal Show—J. D. Wodetskr. Baekeiisloo'* Ma*e|>|>a Uor»e Bliow—L. B, Baca enstoe. Owen'a Plantatlm Mlnatrel*—D. A. Owen*. Delgarlan A SSInney'a Garden of Allah— Italia Delgarlan and Mike Zlnuey. Mlchaelaletler'a .Motordronwv^JIra Mleha*lat*tter. Sanil'a Illusion Pit Show—Omar Saml. Sairil'a liuinan llulterlly— Ouiur Saml. Ualley'* California Frauk Wild West—Frank C. llafley, Annsiroiig's Fat and Uan People's Convention— C. 11. Armstrong, Davldsoii'a lllg Kll Wieel—W. K. Davidson. Berkell's Oarry-iuiall—Cliarlea Rerkell. Nye's Panama Canal—SI Nye. Miin.hy'* Little City—Jaa. F. Murphy. I'aiilsen'a LitUe Oily—Henry Pmilsen. Smith's Wild Animal K1I1IM1011—Chrl* M. Bmllh. Hurphy'a Ferrla Wlieel—Ja>, F. Murphy. Cullen'a Colored Arlsloeraey Minstrels— J. II. 0*1- len. Jones' Trained Wild Animal Circus—Johnny J. Jones. Coglilsn'a Auto Motordrome—Wm. Jay Ooughlan. Kempf's Model City—Freil M. Keinpf. Kemiif's Pansiua Canal—Fred M. Kempf. Fslrley's Fllllplno Midgets—floors* W. Falrley. MpDsnlel'* Craay limine—D. 0. McDanlel. Olll'a Carrousel—0. O. mil, Beckwltli'* Swimming Hxhlhltlon—Jars RoHn- thsl. Adniiu' Wild West—Grant Adams. Walllck'a .Cabaret Olrla—Frank 0. Walllck. Fisher's Infant Inculiators—Doctor Fisher. Pnrker's Kntaenjiimnier Krslle—O. W. Parker, Smllli's Ksriiilmo Village—W. Si. Smith. Dunbar's (lost Olrcus—Barn Ihuilmr. Cunningham's World'* Oddities—Tlioina* F. Cun- ningham. Freed's Carry-ns-alt—n. T. Freed. Parker'* Plre and Water Spectacle—Barney B. Parker. Lyon'* Musical Comedy—0. A. Lvon*. Lihmar's Illusion Pit Show—It. L. MLnur. Kane's Illusion Pit Show—Bobliy Kane. Bruuilag.''* HIpiHidrimio—S. W. Ilruiidige. Swnnsou'* Rest Domo—W, II, Swstiton, Parker's Oarry-usall—O. B*rl Parker. Park»r's Ferris Wheel—0. Karl Parker, Parker's Whirling Wave—a Earl Parker. Teter's Pauline Show—Toll Triers, Collins' Cnrry-iis-iill—Elinor Collins. Leas' IIU Kll Ferris Wheel—J. George I^os. Hoes'* SUilluin—Bert Hos*. notion's I'luntatliHi Mlnslrols—P. M, Sutton. Sutton's Mt Show—F. M. Sutton. Parker's War of Nation*— Harney n. Parker Patterson's Plantation Minstrels —Jauie* Patter- son. Patterson'* Ice Skating Rink—James Patterson. Kennedy's Midget Land—47on T. Kennedy, Sibley's Athletic Show—Walter K. Sibley, I.ayton'a Mount I'elee Fireworks—W H. L»ytoa. SlgrrM'a Luna—A. Slgfrluil, I.aylon's Stadium—W. S. I ayton. Button's Plantation Mlnatrel*—J. II. Button. Baclmian's Glass Palace—John T. naehman. Johnson'* .Monitor and Merrimack—J. II, Johnaon. Kemp's Panama-Paclflc RJiposltlon — Fred B, Kempf. Tompkins' wild West—<aiarlea n. Tompkln*. Iievett's Crystal Mate—Victor D. Leti»ti. Koester'* Hall of Fame—Wm. (Ike) Koester. Cunnlnkiiatu'* Hall of Fame— -Thm. V. Cunning- ham. nail'* Hall of Fame—Lorln D. Hall. Patterson'* Frog Pond—Jam** Patterson. Thompson'* Turkey Trot—Floyd 0. Inomnaon. Pleti's Hall <sf Fame—Manning B. Plel*. PollUt's Pbsrnah'a Daaghler—Jolin A. I'oilitt. Koester'* Snake Farm—Wm. (Ike) Koester. I lor no's Zoological Arena—I. H. Homo. Home's Animal Pit—I. B. Iloroe. Allen'* Kleelrle Olrl—O, W. Allen. Calll*' Cabaret Girls— Joe N. Oalll*. Wilson's Day In the Alp*—K. Z, Wilson. Jesaops' Ferris Wlieel—Bd. Jessops. Onsklll'* Animal Oircua—Frank O. Qaaklll. Mundy's Animal Oln-us—P. ,1, Mundy, Robinson's Animal Olrcus—Dan It, Boblnaon. BnelP, Tela* llud Wild West—P. J. Bnell Hewitt'* Fake Show—William Jndklnr Hewitt. L'ldiler'* Keokuk Dam—0. B. Kidder. OamitlieT*' Flro and Flames— K. V. Carrulhers. Howk'a Olrl In Ihe Moon—Oevrje Howk. hMasnfi Dr»goo's Oorgp—Wm. A, Spencer. oilman's Leola— K. A, Oilman. Murray A Mack's Tango Girls—Olllo Mack. Ituekman's Animal Circus—John T. Backman. PivniiB' Pit—Bd. A. Wvans. Harris' Athletic Girls—..May Harris. Walker'* Diving Olrl*—I,. B. Walker. Kennedy's Garden of the Gods—Own T. Ilarrlngton'a Musical Ooinedy—W. T, narrlngton. Bugger Red's Wild West—llmiger Red, ItruudBge'* Carry-us , ill— S. W. Bniiidage. Parker'a Pig Kll Ferris Wheel—llerl Warren. Hill's Atilinnl Show—A. L. Hill. Ihinlavey's Samar Twins— Jainm Dunlarey. Do Kreko's Beautiful Orient—Joan De Kreko, (To be continued.) I ZfO FTTH- IN A BHAVK THAT 8KIN8 YOU ALIVE SOSKTHIrlQ WBOIO WITH TIIK LATHKll THAT NKEDt ••BUBaslalO IB" WITH THE ElrlOKHB. 1VC 13IV IV E 1XT 'S SH I1VCS CREAM win give you a cool, annoota, comforting shave without "rubbing In," aavlng half tho usual time and all the dlBcomforta. Actors prefer It before the "make-up." •> » gives a smooth shave without soreness. Full size tube for sale everywhere—25c. Send ten eents for a demonstrator tube, containing enough for 60 shaves. GERHARD MENNEN CO., Newark, N. J. Ukm if tti eilUnM KEMIEI'S MUTED TALCUM TOILET POWDERS 6 T«a» Mavrlt