The New York Clipper (December 1914)

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8 THE N-JETW YOKK GLIPPEK. Decembek 26 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER Founded in 1853. THE FRANK QUEEN PUBLISHING CO. (Limited ranrauRona. ALBERT J, BOliJE . ■ntomuL ihd Biukiii Vliiiign, ■ NE\? YORK, DECEMBEB 26, 1914, it Holered Jane 34. 18T9. it Uw Pott OOet at Haw York, N. X., as second eliM mitur. inter Ui« act *t March 8. 1878. "PROFESSIONAL TRY-OUTS/ ROTES FROM THE SOUTH. "DY FLITCH H SMITH. .' Dale*. 116th Street. "Professional Try^oute Day" was Inaugu- rated with much suoitess at Dale's One Hun- dred and Sixteenth Street Theatre Tuesday afternoon and evening, Dec. 15. Showing after the night show that late were seven acta. Twelve appeared after the second matinee show, tut five of them were not repeated In the evening. . DROWN AND THOMAS -(colored), two men, were Ufst "on." "They scored well enough with their single and double songs Advertisement*—12.80 per lncb, single column. Advactlatiouts Mt with border, 10 p«et, extra. nuicnii' TION. - One year, U advance. 14; alt months, f 3; thrw ■oaths, 91. Canada aud foreign pottift eitra. auiglf copies will be teut, postpaid, on receipt of 10 •rati. Oar Terms are Caah. - THB OL1PPBB U Issued er«y WKDNESDAT. I'll* Forma Closing Promptly on . Tue.duy, at 10 A, M. I'Iii'h remit by express money order, cbeek, .1*. o. aider or recisUred letter. All cash enclosed with letter at risk of sender. ■ , ■ Aetlcni .All Communications to .TUBS NEW YORK CLIPFBR, 47 Weal 28th Street,' Now York. - -Tel. 2274-11 adlaon. ' Brolslrred VsbU AshfrtM, ' V A0T80»1TT." THE "WESTERN BUREATJ ef Ths Ouppsb la located at Boom 809, Aahlaad Block. Cbicato,' Warfes A. Patrick, messier sad rorrrHpomleiit. Ths Curra cm aa oimiiuo wholxsiu am kiriiL. at our agents. Daw's Steamship Aiency. 17 Ureen Street, Charing C.msi Road, Londou. W. 0., England; Brentano's news depot, 37 Aveuoa de l'Opera Paris; France; Manila Book and Bta- Uoserjr Co.. 128' Escoita, Manila, P. I.; Cordon a Ootcb. 128 Pitt Street. Sydney, N. a. w. A antral! a. ———— m~t— ————aaaa— ANSWERS T O CORRE SPONDENTS. DRAMATIC. M. W. D„ Nantucket Island.—We do not know where you could cot any papers such an you mention. E. L.—We believe he followed Robinson end opened Robinson Hall as the Bllou, Feb. 2(i, 1872, with "Lo Men trier do Theodore," and with Mile. Marls de Le Courat, a feature dancer. 1'. and B.—We never undertake to answer legal questions. Consult a lawyer. ■ V. C, Hudson Fulls.—lie Is playing In Vaudeville. II. 19. R., Rochester.—The only place In which It appeared was in the columns of Tub CLirpun, W. J. M„ New Orleans—If the dealer gives himself or cither of the other players more or less than five cards, and the player receiving such a number of card* announces the fact before he raises the cards from the table, It Is a misdeal. Or, if the dealer deals without having the pack properly cut, or If, before the dtaio a card is faced In the pack, It Is a misdeal. end. the dancing of the smaller, the come- dian. 'With the "straight" dressed up with new wardrobe the turn will do nicely for THE EARLY BIRDS. A large sign in the Loew booking offices 1b New York states the following: BBHBAB84XB. Orpbeum, Eighty-sixth Street and , Third Avenue, New York 10 A. M. Greeley Square, Thirtieth Street and . :-'Sftth-Avcjiue. Now Yorlt.;..: .9.80a. m. Delanecy Street, New York....... ,0.30 a. m. Orpheoni, Boston..:.. ;•."...".".....'.. .8 a. m. . Globe, lleston. ......', - '...8A. K. m • »|, »... , . ' . . . . STAGE KIDDIES' CHRISTMAS FESTIVAL. On Sunday,' Dec. 27. at 8 o'clock, the Stage Children's Fund will give their Annual Cbrlnmas Tree Festival. Lee Shu-bert, bon- orury. president of th,e Fund, will donate the Maxlne Elliott Theatre, as is his usual gen- erous custom. The program, will consist of a vaudeville entertainment and several sketches given by the children of the Fund, after w.lileu a huge Chrlslmas tree, beautifully decorated, will be displayed on IhO'Magc, bearing gifts for each child and Including a box of candy. This organization has a membership of over three hundred, many of whom arc man- agers, producers, plnywrlglttB, leading men and women, and others interested hi the stage. Thp Fund was inaugurated Jan. 11, 1811, its object being to help the little onei of the stage to procure engagements without charging them commlssiouB as agents. The. children are sent to the country tor a vacation In the -Summer, and in the month cf June a large garden party is held for them in Central Park, where refreshments of all kinds are served. The children arc Also well looked after in case of Illness or distress. Admission to the Christmas entertainment Is only tor members and their guests, and no contributions are solicited, as (til expenses are taken from the treasury. 4 a » P. W. la, NOTES. The Professional Woman's League, of which Mulda Crnlgen Is president, will hold Its regular monthly social oti Monday, Dec. 28, at 8 p. M„ In tho clubroouis. 1000 Broad- way, The guest of honor will be the well known translator, Grace Isabel Column, who will spook on "Tho Now Morality." The pro- grntu, under the direction of the chairman of music. Mroe. JOlsa Gregorl, wlil be most ■ in- teresting,.'Prominent'on tho list is -Miss Fowler, the celebrated phrenologist. • A targe card party wits held in tho League rootr tin Monday, Dec, 21, at 2 p. u. The League lias begun an innovation by opening their club-rooms on Sundays from 3 to 0 o'clock for members and their friends, with tea and refreshments served. The open- ing date was Dec. 20, and Mrs. Frank Coobs was the hostess. ■.. ■ ; ' ■> ' > DIGGERS' PLAY TO DE STAGED. A new comedy drama, as yet nn-tMuned, by Karl Derr Diggers, will soon bo produced by J. 1 red Zimmerman Jr., Gilbert Miller, Felix IsmoE and others. Mr. niggers Is a well known novelist and the author of tho novel, "Seven Keys to Hnldpnte," which George M. Cohan dramatised. The playors already en- Sngod arc: Louise Randolph, (Miss) Carroll IcComas, Norman Trevor, Divld Olssiford and J. H, Bradley. <■ » IHLDRETII OPERA HOUSE CHANOES HANDS. The Hildroth Opera House has passed Into now hands and becomes a motion picture house playing road attractions to the extent of two or three a month. This theatre is being entirely remodelled and re-decorated, and fitted with a S10.000 Choralcolo Instru- i"enl. These features will mnke the new Hildroth by far the most attractive theatre In Xcrllieastern Iowa. <♦« » LEW HAWKINS VERY ILL. Lew Hawkins, the well known Mack faced comculati, lulled to plnv the Orphonm, Peorln, III., lost week, was taken sick Dec. 11 with ii severe atlnck of bronehuis and pneiimonlu. He was taken lo the Proctor lli.spltal In that city, ntid the doctors had given up all hope lor his recovery at last report. the small time. HASTINGS AND COMPANY was how a man and woman were announced. Man has a rich tenor voice and some personality, and plays piano well. The woman Is good, look- lag, and'she sang with him and alone in a pleasant soprano voice, but appeared scarce ' on personality. The "talk," written around a "quarreling. two-years-marri'sd couple," - got ■wearisome because of its musbineas; and the audience were inclined towards coughing •when they Conversed botween numbers. -Their songs will not do. BABY ANN, a plump little singing come- dienne, about eight years of age, was an bonest-to-goodness knockout hit' The kiddle aang "When Grown-Up Ladles Act Like Babies" and "Zis for You," with good Frencby business; "Dear Little Old Fasn- loned Girl," in Colonial dress, and a medley of "pop" songs woven Into "I Love Him, Oh, Oh, Oil." She is fit for immediate booking, but bcr third song would get better results fey the cutting of much mugging and "Illus- trating" business, as it draws away from the •character. ■ ■ POKER AND COMPANY, two young men, Sad a "kind applause" sketch, with the action passing within an office set. An office boy broke a leg and that necessitated the hiring of another boy by the employer. The latter gives the "poslsb" to a "real" Irish bootblack "from the Bowery," then leaves the lad in charge of the cash box and office while he goes for eats. To test the honesty of the boy the boss makes two return trips, first as Hebrew "cash-clothes" man, then as a roughneck racetrack tout. But the boot- black swore "by tbe 'Gungedin' Gods that xende him" that "honesty was tbe best policy." and sandbagged the Idea of digging out and away with some four dollars and a half that was in a desk. He also sang "My Gal Sal" in a sharp, draggy way, but "Mis- sissippi Cabaret" a bit better. CASTLE, a colored. ventriloquist, had a poor routine of work along to display what ability there 1b in him -to "chuck bis voice." With a blackface dummy, a telephone and a cornet,'' he amused In song, music and talk enough to give evidence he Is worth getting proper material to show again later. WILLIAMS AND WELCH, two young chaps, one as Hebrew comedian, In dress suits, silk hats and with canes, looked well coming "on." The boys' ehout-slnglng of "Follow the Crowd" to begin started them ■wrong. The comedian warbled a parody on "River Shannon," and after the "straight" finished "Slay Down Below," he "threw up his timids" nnd they mine again—not. THE GINGER KIDS, a school act that started a bit different and progressed along the same lines as others of Us style, inas- much as having three girls and three boys (straight, "•wop" and Hebrew comedian) pupils, didn't last long, for when the come- dian started a eong Stage Manager Sam Shirk and Charlie Jarboe. Frank Peters, George Reno and Frank O Mallen got busy with "slow descending curtain" and T 'douslng of lights," not that Manager Joe Maglin desired an "amateur night effect to the occasion, but the 'teacher probably would have kept the Ginger Kids working "after school," and as it was after eleven whistles, Jack Horn, Blanche Colvln and Georgle El- liott, who had "cleaned up" on the regular bill with his partner, Charlie Weber, sanc- tioned the move. "PROFESSIONAL TRY-OUTS" will con- tinue at every Tuesday matinee and evening performance here in future. The Initial ono was most successful, and the new scheme should continue to be a regular Tuesday drawing card. Tod. a>«» PITTSBURGH NEWS. "Handsome" Sam Dasii, of the Miles The- atre, rated as one of tbe best amateur dan- cers In this section. Is now being managed by Mark Lewis, who predicts a great future for his protege. He is perfecting a live dan- cing act, ana shortly after the Qrsl of the ear is expected to take to thi road, having een assured of considerable booking by a number of locai agents. Joe WEinAuni, of ibe Miles, now has a regular olilce, where he can receive friends in a businesslike manner. Jotj is ever congenial, and Tun Cmppek's Pittsburgh correspondent acknowledges with thanks bis offer to tender tho use of said olllco for any business de- sired. TUB boys of T. M. A. Local No. 37 tiro doing some heavy advertising in an effort to create interest and make a grand success of their coming benefit performance, which will be held New Year's Eve, at midnight, in the Miles Theatre. A number of classy Acts luive volunteered their services, among them 'being Eddie Foy and the Soven Little Foys, ■who are to play at the Grand. A bill of features is expected. lunula Donovan, of the Academy, was ye, be slightly Indisposed last week, but Is back. Joe Flynn 1b now at tho Miles, where things go swimming along as merrily as ever, under the direction of popular iMannger Harry Woods, Frank Poulson, one of the biggest boost- ers In the T. M. A. of this city, Is hot after nets to assist In the big benefit. A large sum Is expected, as scats are selling fast, end sb In the past, It Is expected that stand- ing room will he at a premium. The boys are e dandy lot) and are deserving of unlimited success. , "Doc" Snyiier, Jim Hooper, Adam Ktl- mcyer and Stnge Manager Charles <Moutther ■ire loud in their praise of the merits due their new manager, J, P. Dempsey, who Is i.ow at the Sheridan Square. The usual capacity crowds continue at the Harris. Manager Bucheit is now arranging a bill of high class International act? to cele- brate the fourth anniversary of this theatre, which opened Christmas Day. 1010. <ta» MANAGER THOMS ON THE JOB. Manager Harry Thorns, of the Audubon, One Hundred and Sixty-fifth Street and Broadway, New York, has a prominent Btar of feature pictures Appear each Saturday. I>ast Stturday, Dec. 19, Dorothy Donnelly, lending woman with Box Office Attractions, the featur» of "The Thief," appeared and made a few remarks. ««» NIX ON WAR STUFF. Owing to a recent animated discussion, In which tlic act call was not heard, a notice, tacked to the call board of tho Little Thea- tre, forbidding war talk In the green-room, has been signed by every member of the "Pair of Silk Stockings" company. ♦ a» FATHER CREIOHTON DEAD. Members of the Three Crelghton Sisters, and Or eight on Brothers and Billy Reed, mourn the loss of their father, James It. Crelghton, a former minstrel, who died at the home of his children, in New Brunswick, IS. J., Dec. 11, ' ' SalJSBUBT, Dec. 14. It bas been juat two weeks and two oars since we have seen Old Sol, and if we were living In tbe days of Noah we would begin to get worried. nowever, we are optlmlatlc—you are expected to be optimistic down ben!—and we hope for two things, a market -for our cotton and ■ Bpejt. of decent weather. ;"<TOe Prodigal Jange" .company met with a' cold reception on its Boatbern tour, and finally, at''Greensboro, decided to quit this •«tlon. The'company want to New YOrk and'<»Hl.; play over tbe Northern circuits. Tbe Greater New York Mlnitreis played toVT'mtle over 8200 In Salisbury.. bnt fared poorly In .Greensboro, showing tsVhjnaful of people. They followed two weeks "behind primrose A Wilson.- The sbovr la working North, and will play the Middle .Wert. The abow Is well equipped, gives a pleasing and •bbwy street parade with a good band, and a baaa drummer that was the talk of the city. It Ii s strong singing abow, and presents a good olio. The elm of tbe program were Bo»e and Hallj, dancing wonders, and tbe mate quartette, Meaars. Perry, Wlllfelt, Davla and Bex. JAs. Bonelli and Joo Bennett were tbe principal comedians. The Avia- tion Girl Co. occupied A box as tbe grata of tbe management. ■ ' ' A Wg theatrical d«l Is being conaumrosted throughout the Booth that' wlU embrace all of the principal theatres In Georgia, Alabama. North and South Carolina and West Virginia.. Chaa. A. Koeble, manager of tbe Qremrood Theatrical Agency, of Atlanta, Gs., la tbe promoter, and he wa» In this city for aeveral days in the In- terests of the Southern Production Co.. It Is hJa Intention to organlae a doten or more tatiioia shows and play tbeai over his new circuit, mak- ing week stands. Barney Taraell is to be tbo producer, with . headquarters la Philadelphia, where tbe ahows will bo rehearsed under Bis direction. One of their shows, the Southern 'Beauties, Is already on the road, and he has in rehearsal the Southern Daisies, the Peerless Mu- sical Girls, the Show Dream Olrla and the South- ern Girls. Manager Welsh, of the Colonial The- atre, has joined the circuit, snd will nlay all g'.rl shows for the remainder of the aeaaon. Each company will carry twelve peoiile, including a pluno player, and play at popular prices, ten, twent and thlrt." This -week Harry Parker'! Cabaret Girls are holding fo»tb. Last week the Ailatlon Girls, with Oonaul the educated monkey, was the attraction, and did rood business In th. Frits Brunner, lion tamer with the Hpnrks Show, is broken-hearted. Lsst Friday ofternoon, when be went to feed his peta, bo found Texas, his special pet, dead in his cage. Texas was about fifteen years old, and Frits hsd bandied him for the past seven years. Blood-pclaonlng was the probable cause of death. Frlti will start st once breaking In a new animal act for a concert ft-alm-e. That bill poster that csa put up a 24-«heet la a cyclone. If necessary, Charlie Morgan, late of tbe SellvFloto and Sparks' Shows, Is Wintering In Salisbury, and In order to make living expense*. has opened a flab, market. He Is doing > good buMiiess. He can tell the weight of a fish by I fa ar fllttA Mose Trendle, late of the Spsrks Shows, Is plsylng In the orchestra at tho new Colonial The- atre, at Lacunla, N. H. nnd will troupe no more. De Funlac, comedy juggler of the Sparks' sldu show, with bis dog, Friend, is sending the Winter with an uncle 'way up in tbe North woods of Nova Scotia, where he is shooting big game and talking French with the natives. Pete Ulmann, who had tbe prlvllegea with the Bantelle Show, Is again located for tbe Winter At Bymcuse, N. Y. Be -worts the "market" on Fridays, tbe big .lay there for the farmers. The Blmpcena, who were also with the show, closed the tenting aeaaon with tbe Bents Bros.' Show, Nov. 28 and are at borne at Fulton. N. Y. F. Alex Robertwn, comet player wltb Park Prentiea with bis band at Venice last Winter, and Tibo has been with the Selle-Floto arid Sparks Show, is now playing B. and O. with De Rue Bros.' Minstrels. The chow Is now In Its twenty-alrst week, and will come aa far Sooth as Cape Charles, Vs. It Is at present In Pennayl- vacla snd Southern New York. . Lewis Reed, superintendent of the elephant', found a new use for his pachyderms last week. James Jacobs dumped ubout twenty loads of cin- ders from tbe entrance to the fair grounds to tbe animal building. As no steam or band-roller waa avullable, Reed lined up his avo bulls, walked them up and down tbe cinder pile for an hour, and the result was a walk as solid as concrete. Levi A. Dwyer, e»tf, for two seasons with the -Sparks Showa, nnd for a time last season with the La Tens Show, li putting In the Winter at Hot Springs, Ark. J, O. Tracey, the hualllog contracting agent of the Sparks Show, will be on tbe job again In the Spring; In fact, the entire executive force has been retained. Guy Oohii, trap drummer, with Jack Phillips' band, Is playing In a picture theatre at Birming- ham, Ala. Tbe La Ton Sisters, wltb tbe Sparks' Show last season, are playing vaudeville In and around New- York. ' Dick Williams, who waa with the Cole Bros.' Show, and later the Rents Bios, and tbe Robin- son Show, la preparing a big live people set for next season, lie la at present lo Chicago. He will use three men nnd two wemen. putting cu two big numbers, wire walking and an acrobatic Stunt. Tbe William Todd Vaudeville Show, under can- vas, la one of the few shows that are still out and doing business. He Intends to make the entire Winter la the South. He Is carrying twenty people, a flnc band and orchestra, and Uvea In bis private car, said to lie one of tbe most luxuriously Utted up ones ou tbe road. Him- self an all 'round performer, he knows tbe busi- ness from A to Z, nnd glveB the people what they wsnt. "Jess" Bullock, calliope player and auditor of the Wheeler Bros. Show Inst Beason, Is Winter- ing at his home at Canton, Pa, "Jess" Is some calliope player, aud Is there handling tbe big show breads as well. Tbe Sun Bros. Shows are In qutrlers at Macon, Ga., and were the last of the shows Wintering In the South to pall oil the road. Their season was a profitable one, but was shortened consider- ably. Lnule La Clede, producing clown with the Jones A WiiBon Show last nen»on, Is playing tbe block face comedy role with Claude Becds' "Texna Cattle King" Co., and making good. Louie writes tbat Claude bas a real show, a real hand, real ehnpa, and Is getting real money up In Michigan. He Is done, he avers, with tho white topa, a "legit." from now on, N, 0. Roberts, a trouper from np around Bos- ton way, blew into Salisbury last week, and after hustling around for a while, landed the posi- tion of reporter and advertising manager of-the Spencer Crescent, That bis heart Is In tbe rlgbt place Is evident from the fact that he gave the four theatres here a page write-up In the last Imuo of bis paper. Roberts says his home la Id Sslcm, Moss. J. K. Mulford and J. Dan Johnson, who bad the picture privilege with tbe Sparks Show, Dow- tile A Wheeler, and others, are now out of the gome and located at Ited SpringB, S. C Mil- ford has a general store and Is doing well. Dan is his partner In the poultry business, nnd tbey are conducting a big clilcken-farm. with a doten Incubators working for them. They expect to supply tbe Atlanta hotels with broilers and eggs from now on. Dan writes that be don't even dare to read Tut Gui-rat any more. I love my hens and chickens, but oh you Sparks Show. Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Sparks hare returned from their honeymoon trip to Now York and Chi- cago, and are located until the season opens at the Yadkin - Hotel here. Ollfton is looklni after the quarters and the show during the absence of his uncle, Charles. John H. Snarks Jr and I/estcr Wall, auditor of the show, are expected back from East Brady, Pa, early In the new year. A percou who knows writes me tbat of all the shows tbat played the New England States last season, the La Teaa Show did the biggest busi- ness and. gave the best satisfaction. "Andy" Downle never did know when to stop when it came to throwing paper, and he was always strong for a good rtiow even lo his repertoire and 'Ur.cle Tom" .layn. He baa a capable aaslat- snt In Bert Rutherford. I met. Lottie Dwyer here a few days ago, look- ing as young as ever, and just as full of ginger as in days of yore, when she and Eddie danced their way to the top, over tbe New England vaudeville circuit, she is In vandevllle now, over the South- ern circuit, and. of course, cleaning up. Sneaking of old tlmera, Jim Jacobs used to bo boss hostler with the Sells Bras. Show. The feature of the concert was the team of Mclntrre aud Heath. Jim used to drive them over tbe road every morolng In an old stage M' 1 *- »S*J"Jffi the Spsrka Show waa on long Island Jim Tiid a great reunion with the tesxa" Melntyre««■ nlred him on sight, and they had a great, lime're- counting old times-. T< ., , Everybody 'rouu-I the Qowrters is digging up a boiled shirt and getting fhalr pressed to take In 'Tolly of u>e Otrcus" .when It plays here at the Colonial. v - • ,-- , , . h hear that elongated Tom Alton, last season contracting agent with the. Jones A Wilson Show, has gone and done It again, tbls time wedding the leading lady of'one of.hla many Wioter attrae. Well, here's to your good health, old Top. lions ■■♦a» THE EJIPIRB, SAN ANTONIO.. .• The i opening, 'of UieEmplce Theatre, In San Antonio, Tex-i Monday evening. Dec. 1*V with Wm, J. Lytleas manager.tmarkod e-flew epoch in the IheatTeiand especially moving picture life In San Antonio. Tbe'doors ■ were ■thrt-wn open promptly at 7 o'clock, and dedi- cation speeches were made by Mayor Brown, Judge 3.- Br. Davis, J. H. liirkpatriek and Rabbi 8. Marks,: The county and city, officials and sevcrsl prominent people Were.guests of honor for the evening. The entire theatre was sold out, and the' splendid pictures of Annette Kcllermann, in ."Neptune s Daugh- ter," were presented to one, oftftc largest audiences assembled in a theatrj, In that .city this Beason. .j • - • ',, ■ • . The theatre, besides belug beautifully equipped. Is installed with one of the Hoper Jones Unit- Orchestras,- Rudolph Wurlitzer Company. The orchestra Is presided over by J. Arthur Geio. Mr,.Lyt!e and Ms associates deserve much credit for the successful open^ Ing of what should become one: of the most popular pleasure resorts of Sin Antonio. o i » CHANGE OF MANAGEMENT. (Special to The Clipper.) Cobby, Pa., Dec 16.—The management of the Library Theatre, here, changed, yester- day. Harry Sallan retired and Harry Yard, of Erie, took possession. Mr. Sallan s other laterests compelled him to relieve himself of this house. Ills policy of nothing but the best one-night shows will be continued by the new manger, and doubtless will be ap- preciated by theatregoers, < a » FIREMEN'S PENSION FUND. The first annual benefit of tbe Firemen's Pension Fund took place at the Evanston Theatre, Evanston. 111., Dec. 17-19, when a program was offered, including: Breakaway Barlows, Three Graham Boys, west and Van Slclen, Chas. W. Bowser and company, Jor- dan and Doherty, Chlng Yuen Lee and com- pany, Bowman Brothers, Uarmando'9 Circus. Tbe oerfoTmancc was furnished by and given under the direction of the Robinson Amusement Corporation. <s » SHEA BOOKING ORPHEUM, JERSEY CITY. Tho Orphcnm Theatre, in Jersey City, N. J., will re-open Thursday, Dec. 24, and continue for the rest of tbe season under the direction of Harry Shea, of New York City. CLIPPER BUSINESS INDEX A-BESTOI C^T^^AJTOanOTirWl »' Trsitsw Mfg. Co..,T»'a?as*l It, lostao. 0. W THEATRES and OPERA HOUSES wa t as s t t aCvsrtlssmeats la this eolttoa at • special rata of 11.75 per agste Una for t moataa (or 18 times). This will anable local managers to heap tialr bosses prominently and eoatlaaally before the managers of companies. Dorlag tta Java ths ad. Is raanlng ws wUl ssaal eaea adver- tiser a copy of TBI Olotu free. auditorium, Fremont, Mich. Pop. 2200- Brlck bldg., 60X100. Electric light, piano, new man. agement; beat attractions wanted. E. EVANS, Mgr. RITTB1AN Opera Bouse, Rittman, .0. Latest appliances; Electricity, piano, -17XX12 opening, a ft. to gridiron, 80 ft. loft. Good house tor Good Shows. Open time. A. J. GOFFINET, Mgr. BBRXIH, PA., OPERA HOUSE. Seats 600. Large Stage. New management by an old trooper. Good, clean shows wanted. Am affiliated with learby good ahow towns. Address BOX 4. STONEBORO, PA. WANTED GOOD STOCK 00. FOR WEEK OF DEC. 21. HINES'OPERA HOUSE, Box 14. MUSIC COMPOSED AND AKRArTORD for any Instrument or number of instruments. Songs, words and Music, Sketches, etc. Send stamp. CHAS. L. LEWIS. 42) Richmond St. Cincinnati. 0. TRICKS, Puzzles, Jokes, Magic Goods, Seos,.- tlonal Escapes and Illusions. Big catalogue FREE, OAKS MAGIO CO., Dept. 1S4, Oshkoah, Wis. FOR SALE — SOMERSAULT HIGH Diving, Boxing, All klada of Trick Dogs and Doves, 60 Reels of Good Films, $00. Working World, two Merry-Go-Rounds for rent, Johnstown Flood Electrical Show. PROR UAHRY SMITLI, Grata, Pa. PARTNER WANTED For a successful "Theatrical Company" booked: ■mall cast; special scenery; check show; line line of printing; demand and play good time. Prefer an active partner, such as Agent or Actor or Manager. Must have small amount of capital to buy halt Interest. Investigate—$300 Cash. This is a Gold Mine. George Costan write. Theatrical Manager, 634 East Division, Syracuse, N. Y. ONE YEAR'S HARD LABOR required to write that famous encyclopedia of comedy material and professional stage wit— MADISON'S BUDGET No. 15 but all It costs you Is one dollar. Contents Include 12 great monologues, 8 wonder- ful acts for two males and 7 acts for male and female, 10 latest parodies, 8 tip-top minstrel llrst-purts, a side-splitting tabloid farce, besides hundreds of original gugs, sidewalk bits, etc. Thoprlco of MADISON'S BUDGET, No. 16 Is ONK DOLLAR per copy. Back Issues out of print, except No. 14; Jrlco, $l, or Budgets 14 and 16 together, 1.50. ' JAMES MADISON, 10»a THIRD A VENUE, NEW YORK AT LIBERTY E. O. OR08JEAN. Orchestra Loader. (Violin). Flute nnd Ptcolo Band and Orchestra Experienced, oil Lines. Capable. A. F. of M. (local) or traveling Co. ELLA GROSJEAN. char- acter*. Heavies. Join atoned. Joint or single AddreBH 315 W. Crawford, Denlson. Texas. AT LIBERTY—THE LESTERS H. ADDISON -and- ANN General Business, Single I Leads. Ingenues; wt. 123 Specialties; age 21; wt. pounds; tit. 6 ft,. 6 in.- 130; ht. 6 ft.. 8la. Iag0 23. ' ' Stock or Repertoire. Con join on wire. Address GEN. DEL., UUi'KALO, N. Y. JACK MURRAY ffiffiMBg: All Lines for Rep. Open abont Jan. 7. Must dress and play your Parts. Don't misrepresent or booze oryou close quick. Salary must below. 1 lardy s' write. Address Jack Murray, Forcstvlllo, N. Y. CARNIVAL FRONTS AlTD SHOW B Axi If H EU» D. 0. Humphry! Co.. BIS Arab SL, PaJladtlpaif, CONFECTION!. ." Boeckhelm Broa. A Ec.atela, US Bo. P40rU ^ MUSICAL BELLS AND NOVELTIES. Sdwrn B. Street, 38 Brook Bt, Hartford. Oona S. H.' Mayland A Boa, M Wuloughhy gt WUlooghhy It, Bdwh B. I_ Brooklyn,-N. 1. . MUSICAL SPECIALTIES. J. 0. Desgon. 8800 N. Clark Bt, Chicago, IU. ii ' MUSICAL GLASSES. A. Bnoatbai, 1011 Sapter A*«W BteluBOBl no. • > POPCORN MANDFACTTJBEni, Eoeckheiro Bros. A Eckstein, I4B So. Peon a it, Chicago. .. :';.'.. PRINTING OF ALL KINDS. "Planet" Show Prtat A Bag. Boose, Chi tiara. Oat, SCBNDRY AN D SCENIC PAINTERS. 0. L. Story Bessie Co., lomervlll. Station, la*. ton. Mass. ' Howard Tittle. IMS Center St. Milwaukee, Wis, SCENERY FOR HIRB AND SALE. Amelia Grain, 619 Spring Garden St., Phils., Pa. THB SINGING AND SPEAKING VOICE. Tbeo. Van Yon. 21 W. 88th St., New York. Tel., Greeley 8701. - THEATRICAL GOODS. Boston Regalia Co.. 887 Wain St.. Boston. Haas. THEATRICAL PROPERTIES. 1. Walker. 80S W. SStb St.. New York VENTRILOQUIST FIGURES. Ben HobsoD. 1600 Amsterdam Ave.. N. Y. City. WIGS, BEARDS AND MUSTACHES. Percy F.wlog Supply House, Decatur, 111. made from jonr own copy, one color of ink, for ilOO for 8t»; 300 for S30; 500 for $30; 1U0 In two colors for S14.UU. Union label printinsr. Send for price list of other printing at proportionate prices. Route nook, 10c. Satisfaction guar- anteed. THE 6HZETTE SHOW PRINTING COMFY MATTOOK, ILIJNOIB LEST VOU FORGET #•■« AsSCC WE SAY ll YET *Lr A«U2>Z> LETER HEADS Contracts, Tickets, Envelopes, Free Samples, etc. STAGE MONEY, 16o. Book of Herald Outs, 260. CROSS. JEW&* CHICAGO LEARN TO ACT Stage Dancing, Etc. •vUp to Date In every detail" Buck, Jig, Skirt, Chorus Work. Optra, Elocution, Si nging. Vaudeville Acta, Sketches, Acting Dramatic Art, En> ENGAGEMENTS SECUxED School Always Open. (P. J, RI DOE, and TEN OVrHBIlS. aiNo.La SalleStCHICAGOJLU DRAMATTO PEOPLE WITH SPECIALTIES, nil Hues; Char., Ileuvlcs. Juv.,Man Pliino Pluvcr, douhlo stage. Tell all: height, etc. Mako salary low; also Stage Mgr. MGR. DRAMATIC 00., Aurella, Iowa. WANTED, TO HEAR From People at Once Mr, rosib ROSE WALL, last seen on Da- binskv Bro's, Mil. BRUCE ABBIE and WIFE. MR. BONNIE STRICKEK and wife, Write at once. \#V A n* T A Good Young Loading loan and all other who double stage and band; good wardrobe on and on*: dynamiters save stamps. Merry Xmos and a Happy New Year to all friends. Address FRANK J. YOUNG. Sapulpa, Oklahoma. WANTED QUICK People in ill Lines for Rep. Ingenne, Leading Woman', Character and Second Woman, Heavy Man, Character Man, Comedian and Gen. Bus. Man to Manage Stage; Agent and Piano Player. Tickets If we know you. Join on wire. OOAN A BQHR, 703 Myitis St., Scranton, 1'a, LMHDSICUNSWiNTBDfortbo Sells-FIoto-Bnffalo Bill Circus A few more capable musicians to complete Cow- girl Band. A long season, beginning March, 1816, at Denver. Address FRANK T. GRIFFITH, Band- master, Box 628, Longvlew. Tex. : ■ . RIOTOIV As well known as Rant* Glaus or Harry Smith, of Grntz, Pa. THB KIrVtJ, Waldo, Ohio. Business la good. ■ • IIC-IILlll I Iltll Formerly of Ann Arbor, Mich. Address CH ARLES L. MILLER, City Hall, Ann Arbor, Mich . Vernon E. Bestor COMPOSER and ARRANGER. Special Songs and Music. 827 SCHILLER HLDG. CHICAGO. IT LIBERTY, Advance Agent Experienced, reliable. EDDIE BITERS, 8 Houcliln Avenue, Worceste r, Mass^ IRISH SONGS FOR VAUDEVILLE , Easy melody, splendid arrangement. TermBcasn. Prices Reasonable. PAUL ALLYN, SOS Tremont A^e., New York. MONT WAKELEE Versatile Comedian, Artistic Dancer. Change for a week, den. Del., Pittsburgh. Pa. SHOWMEN ATTENTION Vandeville and Mnall Comedies Wanted To play our New Hall. Good vicinity to draw from, i If you havo the goods, wrlto __ ' MAKELY'B HALL. JUTrtnorhlll, N. Y. PVAN FLEET -try rinteK AT WEST math aVTBEMT, NEW YORK.