The New York Clipper (January 1915)

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JANUABY 2 THE ItfEW YORK OLIPPEH, AimimnVI Oomot (Wat, Fox. ragr,.—pictates m vsads- Ooiowut <•. Knopf, ingr.)—Jt s tars piotorss AUVvBVn* yljfir sad Bob Foamier In song*, (suil tuomb MOB.) FOU.T (Wm Fox. oigr.l—"•tttsswa and vaade- J»w»t. (Ilarooot A TopUan. mars.)—Universal (AUD ». iooDa. mob., *&■& nlfnt - "^ **• * tUr hoa " "* *R^'u- (Marc- Knt. «**■> -rtoteplays u<l K Q wT<T<> »»SbV ^3£JtJ£3~* other t» Harry Carroll, tbe composer of a down or only a little OTer three feet, this, miniature 'T* r„»„„m. bU „,i,rt„.i .k»,i„. ,n.l uod VkSSi irrf alitor! oTfcilTnrt onuaaaJr aT*ll «« v « p > Mass—Academy (I,. VI. Boat. „llto, featuring many of his retffli comedian ha« a full all feet of talent. *.il m ™*'*7„ D °L d ' I^h JJ.W«„. ?ii!Vh oEaoa aid GlKstS and" Cotoitoaiiu an" {£"& avr> bill Itee. 28-.10: Boblnwn'. •laohaata. Lew ^tfwtttW-Sa ^3^#s&ffl?«*Art 3sSw#S»™&jfe ^s*tfrig^PBftra 3^«*rfsM.tapa.r. Thc'.r original songa anj dances, with npedal ' ,]^,V? <j 0 b" \ Zero cyrr 1—Ttw. latev' and "">•• f>| 8» I'etrova. In lti« nhotophy, "T»« scenery, got them three bows at flnlah. nhoMnlav* and vaudeville. Bill 2»-S0: Llaatotng Tiijbsb." ,____. , __ . , „. Perry Wnrrt-n and company (two men and K\ 2iEL"oJ. d» T?itk»T Nino Kraiv KMi ml HU'* (0. B. Cook, rogr.l—For week of 2*. SSS Tn^ed^herco^T'Ve"w?a IS "HS TUB" ^^LTMISV^. S?S iS, 0^MS tbeV 3 S» " M " "^^ ^ °" - "^ ^ ' Kthe«da^ye^rt1^ 9 . mlkhl, * g^Fls? SB« SWtS S^ffttK'&'lOfi^ffi * ^(W ^. ^feftS? »-» «OT.f B ■» K J1J "- S " Eli Tanguay. fflaMng her_ firstIIMMM to ™<* *»,*««• JU tbTS«VAim9mfSa1 The? opened KjJ*?<S£2L S%SLSSLSS I S«' «SS» '»'■»" »•••*«. «.)-i>oll Player, here had a hard time of It with her new Tjicy OlHott, In the opening position, In a ^th "Tip Top Tlppcrary Mary," followed ^""^J"^ B ,m D ?TiTS.' ,l i'.rTSSJI' *w "pew' "> "> ^* «*<• »■ ,n "»"T> T » lrf ' <kn " material. The audience couldn't seem to juggling act par excellence* £*o showing ^th 4Sto and ftSie?' "Long Way from hattin Trio. /fraaWjaajMia, wt.aftga._tj? .KSS M oiu».-«i and llany lloilli.K.w«wtti arc In warm up to her until she gaye them "I feRts of strength, assisted by a man who Home," "iW to Linger," "I Didn't Italso Jif'iJj B i^uiiKiWH^nW. akripBulmS "*, ,M ""-... . , .• .. *»... Don't Cire." Her beat numEers Included: does nothing bat hand her objects, received My Boy to Ite a Soldlfr,' 1 and closed with' ffi^7 r ^ne^ u ^T .YmT ' B,< *' w •• Ca*"" (Mjj | ; '«jIn., mer - ^"."-a? 0 ."" ■•Welcome.'' "I Went to Pance/' 'En. Yorfre plenty of applause for her endeavors. -/t th? Ball." Tbe took four bowa. M HiS»f^S.™VilJ ,n5 the Wteat paotorlart. ^,,^,^T,. M, i' h *' * i -jm, 2 ™ ' All Bight." A recltatloa about ber return Up>>>aU and hU wonderful .log comedians Fu0r Reading* (four men) do a tlaaliy aero- Dm 28^ 0 : BUnehe Obirln. <-.l»«ret te luilWr "KjH, 9 Hi iffTVr )—nil M-ao In- and wishing the auddence A Happy New Year the succeas attained recenUy at hade hand batandog act, which would stand , a a Carmen. Joe Hollin.1, Johnny Stanley and .>"* l " ' ";..';•. A , .^ ualiirtn vSir. Mc- wa= a big encore getter. A half dozen large, an uptown bouse. out on any bill. They closed the show, and cmnanj. Panl Ollmoor and company. Three Mu«- f£tth ■ , nJ * Qu „„ Ilo)ll i iAM , K \^„, Ansa and floral pieces were passed over Hhe footlllbtt. U Corla and Mai Dlnus, In their own (acid tSern In. kateera and llardeen. For '31 -Jan. 8: TwU and «„„,.„„,, , lltl ii r ,„ k , Bl „| [(.,„,.„. t.- at tout hilf: Homer ». Mason and Marguerite Keeler creation of modern dancing, closed and held Theodore Roberts in Jesse Lasky feature Jale. Ohan. Bennington «a«h«. ,f 1 °';', l f» •"' , Hli Wait l.lllle*. Vrihur Ward. Bill sad Maod i.resented their sketch, -Married." which them seated until 4he conclusion of their film. "The Circus Mao." was an Interesting Hiwtiea. Wtarried and Martin, the I »ppe|". «'"i Relief. Ijmliy'a "Mlopin»," Cnri IK-miirett, and oroved to be one of the best play'ets seen capable performance .foxy .™i Mod photography. Sam. Ijroscba and company. Murphy and Lieaman. ano tbf Van l>n Kam% ou the Palace atage. WWle It Is away from The llearad SeUg- Weekly, thtamtog many ' tf . *""",*'"* "^i^'.n #ww, nw m» i—Vairieriita and ?*""' ,w v A ' Ttua ;, >""•)—Keature Binw. the conventional style. It has a atory that Interestin g views. jleaiedT' ^oc*. . _ T _ ,. nTBBk JBS^JS\Sf^mmK%JA «nJ; i Tclu.l™^Jr , ""■ Cm '*" *"* HHtUM> ' ** " A flllA'Ur. twice weekly. . _. . . . . . . „ , ., Thir.y-.lnlh St^et (The Megr. «u, "g—— <*»*««». «M-w*n» J~ feg**^^^?,*^ ^bli^riJi^ SLURurS P VSLToHtI. Knhn. m«.I_Tandevni» Is eaMW* bream. Om Trw," Doe.'iri and week, (WH. WOOD. K0«) ft t l l , ^lce^ o^ i&J. d V»,LV^?^ Monday «ven> , ^ u drwrlng car>.clty hooaes. Tffl IMoaoaoo (OtHe* alorowo. nwr.l-iKolli and '„ ww ^* . . ' . „ in(f. Dee. 28. With this cast: !*-sa; Deem Deane'a Faolnma Walaon and Can. Dill, In "The Unlllekliig (Hrl." 23 «n.l vnvTt. Found AL Darling in full command here and Mack, and the Colonial andlence thought Gladys Lorraine Mario Dressier ninvham, "The Orlmlnil." Slgaihre'a «r«t. and Osruauu (Clarancs Brwn, nutr.l—llltl 2H and Monday rucbt, "Billy" Wood*avlng gone to so, too. Tlllie Scbwarts NelMe Do Qrasse ethers. Tor Si-Jan. 2: Keba and Inea Kaufman, w«k; Uxrurliy Toje, OarUiiell and llarrla, Aaabl. Boston on business, Sunday evening, where Alan Brooks, supported by*Geo. C. Staley, Robert B-lckman... Bert Lytell I/>weU and Rather Drew, Kll««beth Putty. "Ba- Pmaibau Warner ami Karla, Zuo aiul hJalre Rl C wit devour many beans durme the six Ardelle Cleaves, Gerald Bowan and Ed M. .AageJIca Hickman Evelyn Vaughan tween Traina," American Comedy Four, Delleelilro llej. tTiarlle; Uoward and company, Trovato. and welts' period he will be absent from New oSlltch. scored his usual laughs with the^Mrs. Hamilton Ormaby Helen Beaumont Btoa. ^.Jifl 1 L'^;.. w AVi*'T!iii l '.« n ?ir\_nill York? Al had a jammed matinee house to work on the spiral staircase, In "Straightened Norn Magulw. .......... ..s. . ..JuHa Blnne Snnaawf tWm. Kieehy. J^-'-^^r^!^ „J "* w »„,ii"• "i&V «m j^ wifiw CaWr^. start the last daysi of 1914 with, and .there Out." Hlrim HteknTan Al ^ rt Rerf ^^"'^ U»?i*r ^ S^'M^ I A^ and ^ were few vacant spots at Monday night's naMll'Cox, assisted by Joseph Woodward Mrs. Hiram Hickman Sarah Mocker $5** %£, o^m 7 Arent" Jof w.leh* J*n"2 mt&^SSfflkSSBrSJtSMStSX^ shenv when the clever Canslnos opened after a t the piano, looked protty In three different Eugene Ramsay •^™ rt _». tl *?? and Dean<>, Ixmlae and Mitchell, and others. Fbr Meat, and Keyatono comedr photoplays. the Hearet-Sellg pictures. gowns, and sang "Mothers Old Gown," "The Sam Landman John P. Dougherty 8 |.j,„ a Mawtnloif We*on. Hlmpann and Dean, Cluns's AuinToarnir. (Jn'N»'« Hiioauway. Al- Minnie Dupree headlines the bill and In the Tugboat and the Yacht," "Day Dreams of a synopsis of scenes. Hebreek and PerdvaL Joa Welch, Sharwood Trio, rauniu, Qoinn'b aurasna, QtiiNM's Oamick. lights out front with Ideal, Ryan and Lee, Schoolgirl," and showed she possessed a good Th» snUrs aetUn takes olace in Robert Hick- two to mi. Tau.t'a T;»oiowat, Miuju'o, and Wooblet, snd Bnrr and Hope. Miss Dupreo has another ^^b^, i olcc , beat i n her final vocal bit. Tb * m D n .? Anirtmfnt^nT\ew York City. Oltumo '«. A. Ttanb. mgr.)~OroUncoM mu.l.uj plrturoa only. new dramatic playlet. In "Bread Upon the The program did not miss saying that HazcU's ,S r!_B^rerrinl ""^SfiiT ?5? p S tu SV. — «. »_n*. >..«< neadlnir. Pa^-^Aeadcmy (Phil Levy, mix) Waters" (New Act), that succeeds her '\Man lister. Ray. wrote the songs, but Hwell's a3 li—ThVNlit Morning. »v^i^ i& 5*i2rtiS 1 ^ ^ T-) '^'« ""*• >■ In Krnnt" very capably ,.„„„... delivery of them won a great big lengthy ap- A S 111—TmM"utcs Later. pt.tooUya and vaodenile. inmmaoM. (0. O. Keeney, mgr.)-Vaud«»llla Ben "Natty** Byan and Harrlette "Notty pianse at the flnlah, while a hugeTrouquet «•**"• «a««awi«w ^—^-^^ and pioinras. •Lee were next bo cloalng. sandwiched In be- Rinded across the footlights to her spelled , » -___. __ mA ,._, —-.... oniMioa (Neat Harper. maxWTho JZ$*>*"*, tT(cn Mljs Dupree's sketch and Ideal's dlv- that so-ne admirers were present ,r - *■ .. vi -„ n-^.io. f\lTV AC TA\»n\J M LUiV Players, In ''Tbo Man Who t>wua IlrMdway, Ids ^ and swimming exhibition. Ryan and ?,& jf Ardath and his company of six K € ??J"*w? hube n t «. a , nn .°J ,,lc ^,f ! S arle r D 22; »' UU 1 XIT lUWlirlllWaJ Kew Year'a WBek. uaklng their llrat aMearanas L£ nave been Elegantly spoken about in ^^ ta, D ta a doe a crowing bantam ! ° > Mlx-np." wfllch the author, Parker A. VW» *» tVT,t1 "*"'" to a musical comedy Ui I* aoaaon. BlllyTtait anj {uVcolumno on their pfevlons engagement. f^SnV^SeSna V%SaSrtuffwSi ^AtSSS^i? " conl * nlcted for Albany. W. T—Hamanai »****& rS'tala^tSuSn *&?& iSUVS ^r^%Tth?^1nln^er at anln U t0 ^IraW On'the Farm." within a Realistic ^£* s >l'£*Z£ nl l' Ie ebl. attempt b,^, IKSM^wJJR? , ? a X<?Z£%JS*k l^aVr^^l^-ffp.^ M « all the good things over again. rural farmynrd stage setting made by an author in Irving to creatu "oraH ftJ TSJt Makif" J' 5 exhlbitfon danclug achool. Mr. Kent has pra- Ideal. Wiled as "Nature's Masterpiece," Burr and Hope were enjoywl opening ^SSg. Mr. Hord's^^memory haJT served hlu """cm*- Bum (j«i ' P (byne, wgT.I- pawd a gilaiy of nnr dascat, tota stown fartta tlosed tip the, show. It's needless to say any after lnteamisslon. with their artistic singing *X»g the audience wai brought back to fUwdedhouaei for <£ T holidays, lllli for Dec. «m »"« «" any atage during tills engagement. SS-30. Edward Farrell and coropiny, Joo Ken- ' Tbe Oonaplracy next. neJy. Lewis' dogs and mookeja, Billy Wild, Kouc Grand Itaplda, Mlch.-tfowera' (narry 0. rcrnadoei. Brownie Carroll. Hertnour awl Wl 1- gommora * Co.. m«ra ) "l>e« o' My Ilonrt" weeX \ar\ harifi^ an phffA.ement with her friend, lams, and brink Wnltman. For 31-Jan. 2: Joan H. r.^. 07 pivlowa Jan. d "Ralomv Jare" 7-0. hoarV Witt e part of a"pnotoplay that fea- yllle Cocktail." as the billing reads. His & fc*',£&" ?Neli!rfl)e Grain). ■»«• Into I'-™-',' "B*l Croa. Mary," Peacl and Tfrmlal. D Wihtw jOrln, Sialr", m^F-"Balieeea of tores her swimming In the rapids at Niagara entertainment, properly spoken of, is more a ^''.i-^ents of a nearly marrledeoiinle. »»* KlD «. , M " 1 *! > ,. ,J,|S eo 7 f, ^l- ° ,r " r and W,tw »"ayi»«k Farm" week nf aT. "Bxchm Jig Falls, adds so much more Interest to her of- "vaudeville chop suey, without the evidence Sba^clJi that the wife lias been caled "WJSL: % w i"ftl u !5 d ^J 1 ! «.™ n.-. n «. Jaa.3-0. "Alma, Where l)o Yoa UfV !•», "«• era. Bcored a decided hit with their dances, liked singles. ; ow- The husband's aunt and uncle decide ^ Paocroa's Lhjnd (tiny ararea/gei. ogr.)— ff u , „ ny , T na k 0 i» iE SdWcat «ud eo^ Malaguena and Ballero, El Garotln. danced Jnllus Lenaoerg, the Colonial's orchestra ,, 0 p ay um a visit and break in on tbe hub- continuous vaudeville and moving ptoturea. r7anr "Vaudev lie la Motikey Land," and llaby alone by Miss Canslno; La Cuchtpanda, and leader, is again well represented thin w«-k. band who, to save himself, introduces Iho colonial (B. B. Moss, mgr.)— Feature photo- EJi »«..*. finished with an American whirlwind trot. The "Happy New Year" overture Is a Lena- actress as his wife. Running in and out of plays. . _ . _ oipntou —mil weak of an: OaMH Blalerf, A duo of the best In their line, each having berger, while Joseph .Woodward la playing d oor8 with plenty of horseplay ends with Majbhtio (Bmll Delcbea, mgr.)—.Vaudavme j^wn cola, Harry Bllaworih and company, Ovo. a strong personality about them to equal his "Colonial Rag" as a specialty during onu C v Cr ,thJng batof righted. and moving pteturvB. d^.— 1- 1. Harada, ana Morton, Wclla and Norworui. their graceful foot work to the snap of tbo of Hazel! Cox's changes. Were It not for the personal success of Clinton. iBaoanwAv. HnoBoM, "OOToa ■ *»• v- _-___«_ n-n _w m „ M , «1 W Boat, castan^: *««•«» v ^ ^^ ^ Vmia:f ^^ » DTesslwTlo whom ill the credit of tho ■"■ •L^«*J£ 1 . ,, TS, W ^L' iTf' F "" Il * W0 *° d «a ?«? Dd B Lawr7n<» s£* Co. , Miller and Mack, on No. 2. brought more it being 11.35 when the exit march was fyeninr belonga, It ta hard to imagine what 0l ^ T ™"' ro T s "hV^^.nc fl T, wUl b. given at "\2Sft (^ PlBlw" w)-mi. De*. 28 and dancing, bnt of the soft shoe style, and did struck on. wouldTiave happened tna Emiilre 31. week: Joyce and Weal. Valentino Vox, Burti and not conflict, nor did the success of the Can- A double show will be given New Years hot allies, as she called her supporters, *™ •""• " Shapiro. ''When It Strikes Homo," Rorhlo Tucker slnoa mar their going. There are only a few Eve, the first starting at 7.30 P. m„ and were hardly up to the standard, being mis- Troy, W. Y. —■ Proctor's New (P. J. Shea, and Six Olivers. such classy fioft shoe stepping duos as Miller the second at half after nine. Ton. cast axrefltly. myr.) bill Dae. 28-30: ' Tha Bhoptlftar," Carta* I'AMTaoaV (B. Oraham. mgr.)—Dill 28 and " a 1 In a little speech after the second act, and Waters company. Knox Wllaoo and company, week: Jlu Jltau Troupe, Wright ami I.nne. nanny - ._ , . . _ « ^— .^._ « ^-^» win DrtMsler said that she had much time Walton and Vivian, Toll. Lotoy and Lane. Marco's Blmmona, Tail and Uno Bradley, and Jules Mar- TT J^ "m,/*"!%./BTX^l.i> «aaS -T* TZ^ X^iaaT^ JB& toThink durtn^thop£st Sumjner but if she Msulklns and Mario Kin* Scott. Kor 31-/an. eo , u and company. MM /%.iVE J&K Wis MX. V^^ JL tVAAI%- i^^« >,«,? m r*oW«_t allX tto mieotion1 of DOT «' Kddte Carr and Csrroll oomnanv. La Viva, Avsniis.— "H<i.loml«T Mora" Jan. 0. "High •*-•*■ "C^-*?* *"**A -bsl-^ ^.-^ »V^F -aav. «-V*«>^ w^rw tadatry choice ,at .all In^the WeoTJM or Bef „„ Tn , ni , Rut ter. Unrry and Will. lielml. SulU- Jtok." 8-10. "TO-day" IT. 18. (A1THUB HAKHM8TM*. inn.) '^ ^rTeV omy XseTve» P n^tton, Albert aSl^MlS'oSrD^n^d^^^^ London. Cn.-Orand (lehn R. MtaMnnlek. Monday afternoon, Dec. 28, a packed bowa ^ j w . . . _ Reed, who gave a fine <maraoterl«a«on of m SSS^nSSSm <§? It S ifcl- »ir.) M W A. Bell kUik. Block Oa. »*,. 28 and Lonae, a sltteen act show, and no Intermls- Charles and Fannie Van started the laughs Uncle Hlxam tr«e». paramount feature photoplays. **f.S;»„«. iw r "»t>-.rt ™«. »_Tii« >tnrk •ton Plenty of oomecfy was sprinkled again. Van Is a genuine comedian and works ■ Bakd'b (V. ft. Uppwi, mgr.) —Tha Mortoa „ggP»"_ V "LJi. **!X*< g Br V I __i n 5 "1| throughout. Ae show ran until 6J5 p. m hard at all times. At finish ttey took tbreo a Bpomdw « y ( j ul9 , Aaronaon. niT.)-Tbt "f^ 5Bl^ w 2t X?* 2 r ll " TB » " nw ' ,to P,Mt S 0 ^ ,, MII^g1!l^rea^re\^^dd^TVtir.c^ Keystone comedy pictures opened the show. bows. _. l _ (l „ ..„ tynld'a datia-htpr> *>H1 this week announces the Broadway The- * n f,yji 1 "" rrTimM NfTvavyrv Tao»aw Kbth's MajasTiii, UNiaus, Buma and 8ta», moving Bob Russak's Harmonists (four men) sang Liana Parrera JAnna HeWa dangwer). Picture Review. Braggar Broi., comely Pl i!? OT A B , " IH V *5«aSno^d aiara. ^Kt* plclurw oaly. "Little Hou-io Upon the Hill." with slides, assisted by^Tyler Brooks and six ladles sang acpobltg . Helen Dickinson and the Rambler Eftafcauv lp ""' M "™ TI ° « a ***«*• »•»»• '„.„..„'' r __ _-__- fA „ ,„*,,„ ^«-£lS«ww*-a ICIiH^LSl essaSfas ^«£»««s ^^^s-- ;sss ;t;;r,^; fe!|t«^'l ^?S5fiSH7d gp^^As SrVSwTiS (man and two women). Diamond Is an ex- nt.n*er they^ sang IMOOtcaing Along, ro »- Tuesday evening; Dec. on U» »ci«n will nenreaanted In well-known auo- SarUra Wwr b" T ma winning « Wl^*&tf&£jr%£%E& tt S&iT-!»nk* (re-unlted) made their ST? -iff US Voice." 'Bev.cwA net g-ja^ The^M. |J B^W.rnjr.ln^xn. Oh.; ^^JIV^a. ^ L,,»,,. molloa pl. plnys a large harp They took three bows. Trnneo Kajlyama. the Japanese hand writ- PrUe Wlanrra this week. _ Evosma Baiaox, ike author, was a recant vis- P. Levy, osgr.)—"Potaah and I'arhnultet" Deo. Clark and Verdi (two mm)', In one. lng marvel, demonstrated on blackboard*. Brooklyn, N. Y.—Academy (V. 0. Kdeall, itor in Troy. M ' 1 *?• •*•«»«- - COmed ' tU^2ows :i a?5 ,a p n, M" D,,,lM,Ce4llISWa ^ at0 ■^^^fiSS mgrO-John Draw. M.'g*»M«hfigt TEXAS TAIX SfrlTa and Pulton on full staire sane and MaudeT Lambert and Ernest Baa well In 'The I'rodlgal Husband. 1 ' tfiia weak. "MMty la «• Btaoa." Jan. 4-fll "Tta Uttti T BmfMim „„„„. q,,, clMea , ^^ ^ danced 8 Mr*. B U urns^°erta^i/kn ? oWs 8a nfw an to k^wnjonx composer, on next to cUlng, h J^« ©^■'WmSib?'^ C ^^l«* Sbubert. mgn.)-"Tb. Story of ."T^J" J«« ^r^lIy^hl'S-.Sl, to put a dance over, end Mfes Pulton wore held thomTn with "They Called It Ireland" SJt w«k «h* Rea«ry" New Year'a week. "The Tnlrd J!" 1 ^' "B_, T n ^JUainT?aia son. tS theh? rS «<«ne beautiful costumes. Tbclr flashing 'There'll Come a Time.'' sang .byMla.1 Law- "m^bSc (J. B. Pierce. nwr.)-Sam Bernard. Party ntxt wyek. .,«_,_*„ iSlol"?. h%asi^(sr^i^^a.^toftawSrMt dance got them five hows. |ert. was put over nicely. 'Stroll to the „, ..^ „,„; ^ a,^ a^rP tbls we^k. Paul: iMaimtb; (J. Lana*lla, ,"#».}-- "*P«"*K 15n? im. OhJsUM^Kaw, Newton ". kTj. nod- Charlie Case, with a piece of string In hl« Strains of a Wedding March/' "Mtoiaslppl ^ Kronen ta "incoeent.' 1 next week. Morn'- week of Dec. 28. 'uattia Lost Blataw" BTtfinT, iSl SJdKJgar A.bMs Alton- hand, sang a mock ballad and spoke o( Barbecue was their closing number, ana Ds Kalb (LPIwsarimon, mgr.)—I>w Flaldi, nexi weak „ 01 ,„ . y, M( J t^,, MoDonald, llouaton. "father." He got laughs a-plenty With a Ibey took three bowa. In "Tha High Ooat ofLovlng," tils week. Sunday OA»srt (J. "^ w a™-. W; "-J 0 ".?; « r "J Tei. • J. P. Ourran. I^mpasas, Tea. 1 Mr, and b Xler T rS U V| e on°e^rand played plnnn ,Jfig^&& W®&?3i <"££* TwIntVTerm.n 1 . Ifc.^SWi ^.^ ^ ^-^f^^^wyjWiS •• ^S? thl f.. w *^ »arnung Wldjwa ntxt w«k. O^f?; »Jf»' Kl Tt iL , ?ir« ^?«S S^Mt C Uowoian are In Illllaboro for an Imteflnlto STaa (M. J. Joyce. nigr.)-ill»chlef Makera _.*?*»»* .fgr. .?»*&■ ■**J , r*» r "*! » •». -^ perkxl. having oontrsctod to put <u awmo dances In (CBAS.P0T8DAlI.Mam,> this week, Fisher and Cttj« Jrlxlt IVlgansa and avrnpaay. JJ^ Tlc|ntt .» Mr , „, d Mrs. (Bias. Harrison wlH Monday ntabl Dee 28 had a falrlv eoo.l round of'applause. The Vady Is a good foil, . BMrraii (J. H. Ourttn. mgr.)—Sam Howw/b °*J*°?L™?- ffi*Xsis7% saafla^Ossa' »' uut ln their vacation Ix-lwivu several T«aa towns. *^V^!faTJ3?Ji!$RE2} «i*t«#,^ n ^ f S5»^lTtl»*I ^^^(^.'SSWl.^n^i^^ 1 ^: B , row n T W•R 0 ^i^Kcea'. ,,4 "* *^ *' „ t W r ' fV,^. 0 ,^ 1 8t0,:k *• taw Cl0,al , » ,tt with plenty of comedy. IM!| "S3i ilh g-I»y > - l ? ICB -* nd ""^ Mtta^auST'tu.^«k.^llUoTrwUr'lfflui . Oi-vupic .(Qhas, fiVajaayc, Bjg.l-W^k yf Mi ''^^"wSyV „,«„, y „„ wltll «,, n .- Harry Bishop sang with Illustrated slides, ****> 'Jg2B* 2**2fL3£J£'B9. BS "ext. ^^ ISS*^n.5S5 sbTcBsSs** 1 " ■■*»••-»»»«•«»• gmbeckWallace Olrcna, Is at hla tome In Ool- "Sweetheart of Mine," and at finish took I P hoa ^( ^i? P ^^* B < S^^^ - M VrSflS 1 * Osphsobi (Ttnt A. Olrard, mgr.)—Bill week ■■# *MMs» ^»sa) sasfxty . - . . crsdo Springs, ftol., In a critical condition, afler " De ' an« ai uu j^ f ™/™5 < ^ s C ^? r * ,1 , 1 ?.„i 0 1J^L* of 28: Annette Kellennann, Braivlon Hurat and „, L J",°- — 2**SXJ£!SfTL *>??•?£?T^?n undavgofng a aerloiil «|wrall«B In a noaptlal »N>re. mbb n ., .^ o _. ^ , »ia ♦.,». isood hand, for finish they played brass oor- company. Bert Fltaglbbon. Ooold and Aati yn, 2* and week, tbt mrtnnent^aioek, la The Two f " )w , „, ^^^ ot frtgnd, bora mr an CM Bailey, the Scotch Clown, did funny %£ aDd tromhonos, and they certainly can Cheerbert'a MawhnrJans. Clark and Vordl, Di«: Orphans." "Tbe Lure" aaxt week. early and wmp"" 7Jv°" ry. ^^ rails ove.- harrela, and did Bomo aenaatlonsi p i ay gyncopated mualc. They took thioo cur- kla'a dags, Linton and Uwrenea, and MoClallaa Glen* Falls, N. V. —Bmplra (Joe Miller, Tn» I'teabyterlan Mliilalera' Aaaoolatlon of Ft. tn p ? J," *?" ^ t .*^_.% ^1 !? 1, . Un ™i?. . tains. Closing the first half. and Oarsoa. „,,,., r,, r Dec. jg, », "Tbo Bpoltors" (photo- Worth, adopted reaolutlous. Dec. 31, agalnat the Ilie tallies four high, with barrel tumbling Intermission. The Keystone comedy p'.C- Bnsuwioa: (Benedict Blatt, mgr.)—©Ill wswk b|».), Uuwe'a pictures 30, vaudevllto 81-Jaa. 2. opanlng ot a local vaudeville theatre, exhibiting "ver, got bim a good hand at finish, although lure "Hognn's Annual Spree," a comedy /eoi of 28: Frank Keeuan and company, Emma Oaroa ' Woaui in Moxios, photoplsya only. Iree moving ntciurps on Hiandays. Tli» County At- hc was on too early. full" of laughs. and Osrl Randall, Jack Wilson ajd FranUyn - . „_. _ fh ^ «—... ,r> n *™*T ataled the Sunremo Osirt had uphel'l nlc- Abbott and Brooks (two men) have J gj ST*** !»■ ■■ Hl l l lJ Hgflrt SfST ?tS%T BSBSFS ofiZSflS?. "'"Z"1^'&X i? &. TJ^VlEsjT"""' wU SS actl la 2°* Tnev knowhow to put a haIf . H e In full dress, sang "My Dream LoulsetTe7and Rose^vilerlo tetette".!^ Anola fcwell 31. Jan. 1. "CJoeen of tha MovIbb*' %',™K^stlc TnTfir. iWure liouso In Hllii- riimber over. OpenlDg with "Winter Nlghls," G | rI> " wh n e Miss Moore entered on oach pISsmoi (Wn^Massand.^^gr.)--*>lll week of 4.8. t«» Te, has S^l lit to™ nnd then '*Stay Down Below," got them a cno nis, and sang an old fashioned song. J8: Howard and aioCane. Mme. Adelaide Her- Poli'b PAVjjca ("ordon Wrlghter, mr)—B1U N aw '^ n ery, from the KaoaasCllr Heenle Co., ."■P"' . Tnelr effeminate number, n qb, tor the uresa cd m old fashioned clothes. "When You nano and company, "A Telephone Tangle," Alice B«. 28-30: Th<- Nohiy Studenis. Kd. Iloaranl and „ Mag 10,14!^ m tho City Hsll Au>lltorlum at Life of a Fireman," was "sure laughs." They ,y C re My Bride" was a corking good num- Teddy. Oeo. Felix and Barry Olrla. Colin, Steele company, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur CjpiHwllo, Joajo Dallaa.Ttx. closed with "Perils of Pauline" and took two fc e r. Mlsa Moore dressed as the hrlde looke 1 Trio. Harris and Manloo, Harry B. Lester, and H"i<her »nd ooimwny, niackfacj Jddlc rUias. De . bows. vho nart "P»t McOnrk Yon Turk " wa> tho Sprague and UoNeece. Uellowa Trio, ArtboT Ward, and I'vllgraph. For - - - "Stage Struck Kids" (four boys and five pJ& 1 $^ffi?&3S'»5ft$i jBFSSZ? W ' ** ^^^'' ^£^£^^0^ U. B. 0. BOOKS HFTH AVENUE. ffie^ppu^^^d^bufne^ b °^The Man In the Dark," .ketch <tbra. ^g^k' ^^p^eat ^SgafT &£&<& SSA* 0 * """■ ) -° 1 ' 1 ' A^C^^ iW'ri ,!« n few «w done by Tlnncy and Fitxpltlbons. men and woman) Is an Jnterostlng stonr. ^^'.^^fj^nert^i. ^^ nSrY (Mkl M. oiraey. mgr,) - V.udovlll. ^\ l Ji? fr ^ ''tS^Xlnl'J oo vi,. W 0« c Ja Tho numbers ■were as follows: "Follow the and had tho audience sitting up at nrihtu. ootiuk (Paultae■ Boyle/nwTt^-The Ootham and plclurea. jU"i«- .^Ii n .^2 iJir.t, i,« , "' Crowd," -You're More Than the World to It took four curtains. piayVrrT present? "Read,^ Money" tola woea. Hunsou, Rmbokh, Misb-.ii, (litsrr, Kbbl, are now boo king the Fifth Av?nu e. Mc," "I'H Do It All Over Again." "I Want Chris BIcliarda Just cleaned up as tbe "Maggie Pepper" oeit week. Bsoaowav, (latstu, Bijou, l.vnin, Oi^ina. Hob- • • • to Ltnger." "Sufus Johnson's Harmony silt of the night. He burlesqued the sketch Futbubh (Geo. MeOrrmlt. mTj.)—Vsudevllle vrar, Movaurr, Fox, Oaarui and 1'iuca, motloa I.OBW BOOKS NlilW villi it. Band" was the cloalng number, with basoo before him and got plenty of laughs. Ills and photoplays. Bill 28-30: Reha and Inet Kauf- picLurea only. n) rxj( . w oircult Is booking tbe New York Instruments, and the number took an encore, work with tbe hats is an act alone, and aa man. Pbllips and White. FranWyn Ardell and i"?" 8, . . rommenclng Dee. 28. The oponlng bill innlndva: A corking good act, without stalling. The an eccentric dancer he stands out lis took ormpsny, J*nrte and Ateen, Wm. Weston and p. A. Basnuo A Oo.'a new reaUorant. eoeaef t,,, M>r |* tiresaler. picture: Barnuld lv« nnd boys and girls work at al) times, and took five bows. oaopany. Jeanyette Adair. Ben Bever and nro- «r rhrigM and Wortblngton Hlreeta. wa« formally m„, iIlv circus. Harr.r Lander, piciiima; Polly three curtains. Oppintor Trio (two men and woman). In x Ji fT \^ ne «?. ".']• .^ 31 - J,n - ?'J M J 10 ? 1 ^' yP™edTXs:. 32, with a Huroptuous biiiquot, given i- P |,„ Haiayb J. Plmmett, Hchrcck and Perelvaf, WMn^V^i^^pm.^ T^S^:$^\& } n$i 1^ M 1^^^^^«^ ™^" u\V£ed W mrymA^^^^^ g&.'S&WW WB^^m^^SSR one, do cross fire talk. Man did eccentric closed the show and hew them by the way B f n g-oater. Four Mllanos. cities. Wlilto they will uiako a s*Bvktla« erf ■" w dance In hard shoes Which got hhn a good th ey did s everal sensational tricks. Ham- Mapisom (Lew Parker, mgr.)—Tbe new B. F. Italian dlan<s, good American cooking will also NBW BRIGHTON MAYAUKIl, a _ .. Kellh'a Theatre la itrtaentlng tho lateat motion be pot oat. It la reported on good authority that (Jwitge Alliambra (Bert Tonne, mgr.)—Bill thU Grand Opera House (Diehard Dorney. plctirres. to goml boatness. » J ,«, »■■■ K>lih'» Mtenl Pickett Bohlnson, a brother of the late Dnvc IloMnson. •week: Clark and Hamilton r^nnleBricc, mgr.)—"Papa's Darling" is at this theatre ^, W " W . IC, 5 J^l na i,,k 0 ^-. n a *L ) r , ^Z "V*? sJs^hfll baa^^lsSBBl sBskTfctorT Fribi * 111 "x^*'' flam ""*«> » mnn»<ter ot the SSm Mo* br andIcom^Sy. "s"^ from th% week. ^The Mondaynlght audience gave ** J^ t^^T^'f^T^X^ 5?"Vaisy BScb"^ ™m%Z StiZ&r. w '« Moa The atre. Brlgljto,. ikaca, n ext Hummer. 'Jrand Opera.'* Havcman's animals, Moore trjdjcalloasof a good week's patronage. Next JJ 0 - " l.? ,IM *"- Forsusn.a. mo way out, Kwta g ji„rth*ra, Laaalle and Raymond, and •*♦ nnd Yates, Walter Van Brunt, Those French week. Kitty MacKay. Oowrsnru (A. BlcneJ. mar.) — Vannevllle and Beymour'a Happy Family. (;nF.RI.V'« NBW TIIEATHH;. Girls, and Frank Gregory Troupe. MalTOsyaMtan Opera Hoase^BillB for .oo'vinT^tnes; Bill 28-3ffT ifsrlell'. Manikins. Mbbk. «0. (W. II. McKay, mgr)-The Merk. , „ _ . f Q ttt ,,,. j^g.. Colambla (J. Herbert Mack. Bgr. — *«*■ « na| n r J U ^, 20 S"" 1: L Sj?&"*!±? leill Z SJai aSI OulleB. Pop Ward, Wm. al' and *H«re 1'lsyer.jrewnt "C^fncy Adams Hawyet" ' AL 1' «r/a«^»«wijt Soctol M aid, Wis week. day. 21; Mia, 23 ;_ Ifonon, 24: /faevwel und olrls, Johi.son snd Buckley, and Tal.n Bros. For *«ek of rt. "Freckles" »«xL ».__.. Vatu/ , fmiisn In Rsrlta li* J Dm 21 n Su Olympic (Dave Kraus, mgr.)-r-JtovOo Orefel. 26 (matinee) : TtmnhMUter, Zo at Jan. 2: Billy quirk. Arno and Btlckney. Lady _ Ac*nanr (Wm. White, mgr.)—Warners United ho lap. In| «er»n^ -V ,11., Ucc. ^B, nr wmm Olrls this week. •—.-•# —» (a ^ n „ . C «nrm, 26 matinas . lot, Hallea and Six*. Aerial Buds, oao to 611. Features. Iaul Smith, Of Iortland, b manager.