The New York Clipper (January 1915)

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8 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER Januaby 2 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER CONGRATULATIONS GALORE. ' Fob n'dcd In 18S3. THE FRANK QU6W PUBLISHING CO. (llmltsd) ,", iLBfiftr.J BOBIE ■ EDITOBIiL 190 BEStKBSS UiWAaiB. NEW YORK, JANUARY 2, 1915. Entered Jaw 24. 1878. It Uie Put Offlw at Ntn York, N. I., as second class natter. mod" Um act of March 8. 1878. Advertisements—12.80 per locb, single colnma. Adver tlsemeata set with border. 10 per ct. extra. SUBSCRIPTION. Om year, la adfance, $4; six months. 12 ; three BOBthi, 91. Canada and forcifn postage extra. Bintle eoplct will be aeot, postpaid, on receipt «f to cents. Oar Terms are Cash. TUB CLIPPER Is Issued every WEDNBSDlTi. The Forma Closing Promptly on Tuesday, at 10 A. M. Pleate remit by expreaa money order, check. P. 0. order or rtziatereil letter. All caab eoeloaed with letter at riik ot sender. Address All Communications to THE NEW YORK CLIPPER, 47 Weit 28th Street, Heir York. Tel. 2274-lfadlaon. Rtgitlerti Cable Addren. "AOTUOaiTI." THE WESTERN BUREAU et Tea Cuppas la located at Boom BOS. Aahland Block, Chicago, Warren A. Patrick, manager end corrra|iouileiit. Th« Cure** run as oBT.tiMiD waoLaaaui add aniiL. at oar •gents, Daw'e 8teaot«blp Ageucj. IT Green Street, Charing C.-oa« Boad, 7-ooiloa. W. 0.. EnglanJ; Brentano'a news depot, 37 Arenas da rOpera Parli, France; Manila Book snf! Sta- tionery Co., 128 Bacolta, Manila, P. I.; Gordon ft Ootch, 128 Pitt Street, Bydutj, N. 8. W. Ana trails. ANSWERS T O CORRE SPONDENTS. DRAMATIC. B. H. C. Greensboro.—We do not know of any quartette at the present time work- ing under tin title. The fact, however, that there wag one as recently as the time you. atate (two years ago) makes It possible for one to be In existence. Miss L. L. S.—1. Personal application to Bhuberta, Klsw « Erlangcr. Henry W. Savage or any of the managers producing musical comedies. 2. We refer you to the betels and boarding houses In our advertising columns which cater to professional patronage. C. A. B., Portland.—Our flies do not show 1hat they were ever together In the play you. mention. CARDS. X U. C. Tellurite.—In all casep where there Js a tie for gume, the eldest nana counts the point OUR NEXT SPECIA L NUMBER. In this lssua we nnnounco that we will Issue a "Special .Outdoor Amusement Num- ber" of Tbi CLtPPin on March 27, 1015. This number will cover, in a comprehensive measure, every branch of open-air amuse- ments, end representative men will furnish valuable and Interesting articles on the vari- ous subjects. The same care and attention to the details will be given to the production ot this number that has been given to our previous Special Numbers, and we hope to make it equally successful. We have been requested by a large number of prominent showmen to Issue this number end are assured of their active and earnest support, It will be oar aim to demonstrate to Ho outdoor showmen that we are sincere In our efforts to assist, as far as the Influence of The CLirpnn goes, In fostering and de- veloping 'the business In which they an deeply Interested, and thereby cement the friendship which has existed between them and Tub Clipfeq for many vcars. s i » AFFILIATED HOOKING COMPANY BEGUILES HIPPODROME, KANSAS CITY. Chicago, III.. Dec. 28 (Special to The New York Clipfeb). —It Is reported that 'Fred M. Lincoln bead of the A. B. C. Company, litis succeeded In organizing a new corpora- tion and taking full control of the Kansas City Hippodrome. The first part of last week the house was dark, but opened again on Thursday last with nets supplied ly tlio above agency. The house is now operated by creditors, nnd It is also stated Mint Frank Talbot Is entirely out and no longer man- ager, but still retains hU stock In too enter- prise. The Hippodrome bus been In finan- cial dlfflenltdes for some time. i BROOKS' NEW ACT. WnIHe Brooks, with bis Mirth Makers act all rehashed, opened for the United with, his new company, this week, in Philadelphia, The only ones included In the present corn- any from the former act are Johnny lughes, Gertrude Eeeshan and Gladys Davis, prima donna. The new members are Ben Hu- bert, straight; lithel Irving, a real blonde, who was formerly with acts of Qua Edwards; Charlotte Bolfonte. Helen Forbes and Hilda Meter. The act worked a return at the Murray JIlll last Sunday, Pcibor 4 Shea requesting; it from Harry luipf. because Of It's "going only a few Sundays before. ■S ■ » ACTOR'S SAD GIFT. Michael Emmet, a member ot the vaude- ville company presenting the art entitled "The Lakes of Klllamey." at the Garrlck Theatre, Wilmington, Del., received a sad Christmas gift from his sister In Brooklyn, N. V., lust before going on ChrlstmnB night, with the word that his brother had met death as n soldier with the British army. Mr Emmet's brother met death while his regiment was fighting In the Northern part of France. The mnssnge first came from his aged mother In Ireland, to a' brother In Australia and then to the sister In Brooklyn. «»» EMPLOYEES GET BACK AT MANAGER. As has been Ills annual custom. Manager Dockatader. of the Garrlck, Wilmington. Del., end Mrs. Dockatader presented various gifts to all the house employees. The theatre attaches la turn presented Mr. Dockstader with a handsome and com- plete fishing outfit. 4»» STOCK STAR BIO HIT. Priscllla Knowloi, the stock star, 1ms broken all house records at the Fourteenth Street Theatre, New York. She Is now In her eccoimI week, putting on one net sketches. Tlio crowds wait at tho stago door for her. THE CLIPPER begs to acknowl- edge the reeeipt of numerous con- gratulatory and complimentary letters on the issue of Its Christ- mas Number. It would be a great task to reply to each one Individually, so we take this method of thanking them all for their kind words, as well as their evident appreciation of our ef- forts to give them a praiseworthy special number. The following is a partial list of those who have congratulated us. IBANK QUEEN BOB GABNEJLLA DOYLE) NICK NORTON LAWRENCE JAS. E. COOPER PBOSSBB ANDREW DOW ME D. J. FOX JOHN P. MARTIN EMMA QUEEN ESTEULA WILLS GEO. M, DE VEBE JIMMY COLE FRED C. HAND THE OPELS AL. C. and MAY HARVEY HALE WILSON W. McGOWN CIIAS. HOOPER WM. NOBLE HAMMOND A. W. DAVIS EDWARD MOKELKBLEW BRIGGS FRANK GOLDEN EARL D. STROUT FRANK DUMONT W. M. WILLIAMS AL. F08TELL B. N. CRAIL H. S. RONTON XATtREISS MOREY STERN HERBERT A. KLINE GLENN C. BURT LOUIS 3. HEATH A. F. MAYOR N. MILLER T.DWIGHTPEBPLB W. G. WILLIAMS C WARDE BROWN W. C. HUGGINS EDWARD MARSH BUDD V. MENZEL C. S. HUMPHREYS W. L. WYATT ABE OLMAN HARRY W. WRIGHT SCHALLMANN BROS.A. A. POWERS LOU L. 9HEAN JOHN P. MARTIN MILTON WEIL J. FRANK ROCCO VOCCO LONGBOTTOM EDWARD LE BOY IRV. J. POLLACK RIOE L. C. TBABAND WILL S. BEECHES LOUIS J. BERGBB THOS. H. RIDGATE AL. F. GORMAN G. P. SLIGHTER JACK O'BRINE ROY DEE HARNEY PRATT FLETCHER SMITH J C. McCAFFERY MUSICAL WM. X. MacCOLLIN •HOLBROOKS WALTER BAXTER RICHARD PITROT H. KRE8SMAN NOPE, IT CAN'T BE DONE. Men can't learn to be good actors Thru the words contained In books. There must be some other factors— The/ moat have 'be knack and "looks." Neither can they write a sons, air. If they're born without the art. They rill find there's something wrong, air— Lack the most Important part. Men can't learn to run a paper. Like the one I have In mind. They mast know the proper caper— (Mnit have "gift" of certain kind. Just for Instance—Christmas Number, N»« Yobk Curoa—staid and true, Beached tie xenltb— yt», by thunder, I will leave It up to you. —Ou miles Caiusu Sutrsosr. WelUbmg, W. Vo. a i > T. M. A. CELEBRATION. H, W. Burton, president of the T. M. A. Local No. 05. Wilmington, Del., Is planning a .mammoth celebration In connection with the annual election of organization, to be hold Sunday, Jan. 17. Mr. Burton la treasurer of the Playhouse, In that city, and was formerly connected In the same capacity with the Avenue Theatre and Grand Opera Houbc there. He carries the distinction of being one of the most popular and courteous men In any Wilming- ton box otilce. •*> > "OCRS" CHOSEN FOR NEW YEAR'S. St Johns, Can., amateurs, under the di- rection of Milss Blossom Baerd, of that city, will present "Ours" on New Year's Eve, and through the kindness of Keith's and Manager Goldlng, the Imperial Theatre has been placed at the disposal of Miss Balrd. Only one show will be given by the Imperial Theatre that night, and the performance of "Ours" will start at 9 p. m., and Is expected to usher in the New year. Miss Balrd received a letter from Sir Johnston Forbes-Robertson, giving her per- mission to use any play that he controlled, so she chose "Ours." A number of tie officers and men of the New Brunswick Battalion, which Is going to the front, will take part. The proceeds are for the Soldiers' Patriotic Fund. 4»» HER FIRST TREE. Jane Fcornley, playing the leading femi- nine role in "Potash & Perlmutter, ,r which was the Christmas Day attraction at Wm. A. Brady's Playhouse. Wilmington, Del., en- Joyed her first Christmas tree In the dress- log room of that theatre, Sunday. while Miss Fearnley was "on during the matinee performance, after having made the remark that she bad never had a Christmas tree of her own. Stage Manager Edward J. Henry, of the Playhouse, and Manager Ed- ward N. McDowell, of the company, hastily procurod a tree and, after trimming it In record time, placed It in Miss Fcarnlcy's drwslug room. The company held a Christmas party upon the stage following the matinee, and there was a general exchange of gifts. a«» F. W. WHITE) IN NEW YORK. F. W. White, whose brilliant dramatic criticism in The Denver Po»t are signed "F. W. W.." Is In New ork for a few days prior to sailing for Havana snd Panama, where he will spend a few weeks enjoying himself. ■Mr. White is the father of Frank B. White, of tho New York office of the Orphcum Cir- cuit and also the father-ln-raw of George Soulc Spencer, the nctor. a a e BROOKS AND DAVIS PART. Harry Davis, business manager for Joseph Brooks' production of "My Lady's Dress," has resigned. Wallace Tom, formerly dra- matic editor of The New York Bun, has entered upon the duties as general press rep rescntatlve of Mr. Brooks' attractions, a»e TUB MARIE CAHILL COMPANY. The company enraged to support Marie Calilll In "Ninety in the Shade'' Includes: Richer! Carle, Otis Hurlan, Victor Morlcy, Violet Dale. Dorothy Arthur, Eleanor Henry, Edward Martludale, Ralph Nairn, Philip Sheffield and Pedro tie Cordova. Robert Mil- ton will bo stage director. ♦ « » THEATRE BURNS. (Special to TrtK Clifpib.) - Central Cut, Nen, Dec. 28.—The Opera House here was destroyed by tire. Also tho scenery and properties of the Lelght Em- mersly Company, which was to have opened here yesterday. * i » 1TIK New York Theatre. New York, his irone back to the vnuleilUe and picture policy, com- mencing this week. On Saturday, Harch 27,1915 THE NEW TORE CLIPPER WILL ISSUE A SPECIAL Outdoor Amuseihent Number WHICH WILL COVER IN A COMPREHENSIVE AND ILLUMINATIVE MANNER EXPOSITIONS— 1 ^ 1011111 and international. State, Interstate, County, Live Stock Shows. T?yTT|PTr|iT^t\Te national, Provincial and County BuAnisDali 1J. V/l/M 0""in the Dominion of Canada. p A DBF ags Motordromes. Dancing Pavilions, Riding Do. * sB»al%aflkO""viceB, Shows, Roox Gardens, Summer and Win- ter Gardens, Amusement Piers, Concessions and Cabarets. CIRCUSES-CARNIVALS A TWTiaf^TV/f PTCaL Permanent and Traveling, Canvas nj.IV J-S V/lVlEja^" Tne atres, Moving Pictures, Dramatic Vaudeville, Stock, Minstrel, Medicine and Burlesque. MUSIC CELEBRATIONS-ird^temT 0 ^' ** HOME COMINGS EXCURSION RESORTS STREET RAILWAY PARKS FLOATING THEATRES SHOW BOATS ROOF GARDENS CONCERT BANDS CONCESSIONS BOOKING EXCHANGES Aviation. Aeronautics, Water Carnivals EVERY BRANCH OF THE OUTDOOR AMUSEMENT BUSINESS Complete Lists and Special Articles by Notable Contributors. Routes, and General Amusement News Right np to the Minute will Make this Special Number invaluable NO ADVANCE IN ADVERTISING RATES NO INCREASE IN THE PRICE PER COPY THIS WILL BE THE BIG NUMBER OF THE YEAR Early Reservations Will Guarantee Preferred Positions THE NEW YORK CLIPPER has served the Outdoor Amusement Profession long and faithfully, and will extend its utmost efforts in making memorable this SPECIAL OUTDOOR AMUSEMENT NUMBER Remember the Date, Saturdays March 27,1915 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER 47 W. 28th St, New York The Frank Queen Pub. Co., Limited, Publishers ALBE RT J. borie, Manager WESTERN BUREAU 505 Ashland Block, Chicago, Hi. CLIPPER BUSINESS INDEX AdnrtlseiDenta not exotedlu as. Una la Isut* •MM pabltsheU, oroparly elasaloeU to tala ufi »t **."«*_<>£ »«£tot one Tear (Si las»ea)7A eonr ot Tta Naw Xoak dmas will ba seat tkS •ent fras cop; at TBI Maw Xobk Gums will ba a to each adTertise? walls the td fartUeneat la ASBESTOS CCRTAINa aJID PlOICaa _ , BOOTHS. -, """"^ O..W. Trainer laXg. Oo,, 7» Peail It, CABJirVAL FRONTS AJID SHOW BANNERS. ■««"» D. C. StmpBrji Co.. BIS Area St., Pallajle'.psia, COJIFECTIOHB. laeekbclm Bros, a Sekstala, US So. Peoria at_ Ohleaao. "" MCSIOaX BBLLS AND NOVELTIES. Edwin B. Street, 28 Brook 8L. Hartford. Conn. B. H. Majland A Son, M WlUooatibj gt_ BrooUrs, N. T. """ MUSICAL SPECIALTIES. 2. a rjesfoa, S800 N OUrk 8L, Oaleaco, ra. MUSICAL GLASSES. A. BrsBasiBS, 1011 liaise ire., BMamosI Bffl, POPCORN MAHUFACTrRERI. Boeeahelm Bros, k Bckiteta, 14S Bo. Pecrli lt_ (ttlcafo- PR 1 NT IN O OF ALL RINDS. "Planet" Bnow Print A Eoc Boose, Obatoim, Oat, SCENERY AND SOBNIC PAINTERS. O. L. Story Bosnia Co.. Botaenlll* SUUoa, Bos- ton, Hass. Howard Tattls. ISO! Center St. MllwaUee. Wis. SCENERV FOR HIRE AND SALE. Amelia Grain. 819 Spring Garden St., Phlla., Pa. THE SINGING AND SPEARING VOICE. Tbeo. Van Ton, 21 W. SStb Bt, New tort Tel., Greeley 8701. THEATRICAL GOODS. Boston Beialta Oo., S87 Waan. St.. Boston. Haas, THEATRICAL PROPERTIES. ~ a Walker. 800 W. SStb St.. New lork. VENTRILOQUIST FIGORES. Ben Hotwin. lnso Amsterdam Ate.. N. T. Olty. WIGS, BEARDS AND MUSTACHES. Percy Ewlng Supply Houne. Decotnr, Ul. THEATRES and OPERA HOU8E8 rWe.iasett aarertlsiimBta la tals eolama at a al rate of |1.7I per atate Una for S aontaa IS tUnea). Tale will aaable local rsasaceti to keep tatlr keases prominently and eosdatnUy baton tke BBsaiers of corapanles. Derbu tks Uaaa the ad. !■ ranalai we will asaa aaek eirae. tlaer a eopy of Tsa Hurra fras. AUDITORI OIL Fremont, Mich. Pop. 220r> Brick bide., 50H00. Electric llgnt, piano, new man. agement; beat sttractJops wanted. E. EVAXS, Mgr, KITTMAN Opera House, Blttman, 0. Latest appliances; Electricity, piano, 17XH2 opening, a ft. to gridiron, 30 ft. loft. Good boose for Good Shows. Open time, A. J. 00FF1NET, Mgr. BERLIN, PA., OPERA HOUSE. Scats 800. Large stage. New mansgement by an old trooper. Good, clean shows wanted. Am affiliated with nearby good Bhow towns. Address BOX a. STONEBORO. PA. WANTED GOOD STOCK 00. FOR WEEK OP DEO. a. HIVES OPERA HOUSE, Bex 14. MUSIC COMPOSED AND ARRANGED for any Instrument or. nnmber of Instruments. Songs, Words and Music, Sketches, etc. Send stamp. CHA8. L. LEWIS. 429 Richmond St. Cincinnati. 6. TRICKS, Pozzies. Jokes, Msglc Goods, Sensa- tional Escapes and Illusions. Big cstalogne FREE. OAKS MAGIC CO., Dept. 134, Oshk03h, Wis. LEST COD FORGET WE SAT 1-4' TUT GROSS LETER HEADS Contracts, Tickets, Envelopes, Free Samples, etc STAGE MONET, 16c. Book of Herald Cuts, 26c CROSS ooi^^rio^-st CHICAGO NEW 1916 CATALOGUE BELLS, XYLOPHONES, TRAPS, Etc. HIGH GRADE GOODS--LOW GRADE PRICES 3c stamp will bring it to yon. E. Tt. SXREET, 28 Brook St. Hartford, Conn. A.T LIBEHTY MISS MITTIE MAE MAXAM GEN. BUS. Experienced and reliable. Good wardrobe. Address 138 DlrlMon Ave. S., Care Mary Pumfrey, Bolto a. Grand Rapids, Mich. GEO. H TAPPAN CHARACTERS Gen Bus. or Heavies. Wt, 160; Age 86;Ht, 6 ft, 10*. Wardrobe and abil- ity. AT LIBERTY FLORENCE FREY LEADS Second Bus. or Heavies. A No. 1 Wardrobe, Looks and Ability. Ht 6 ft. 6, Wt, 130; Age 26. Prefer Rep. or One a Week Stock. Can loin on wire. Single <r Joint. Reliable Mgrs. ONLY. Address 63 E. 4th St, Covington, Ky. W.R.MANSBARGER AT LIBERT V After Jan. 1 JCVE.V1LE8 and GEN. BUS. Height, 6 ft,Sin. Weight, 158 lbs. Age, 28- Good study. Strictly sober and reliable. Wardrobe and ability. Join on wire. Ticket, yes. Address W. R. MANSBAROER, 1820 Paseo St., Kansas City, Mo. AT LIBERTY MONSTKR B. TUBA Double Stage, Require Ticket __ _ AL DHWO. Bad Axe. Mich. RICTON says: two commonwealth Shows stranded near me last wk. I gave a sketch team work. THIS WK. Me and my show. Bidgeway, 0. Last Med, man, McDonald. AT LIBERTY EXPERIENCED CORNETIST Doubling Violin. J. XV. DONOGUUB, National Hotel. Chicago. IU- . COBCUS & JTUGGXING Apparatus, Rolling Globes, Clubs, Batons, ouna, Wire Walkers' Appatatus nnd Novelties. Stamp for catalog. EDW. VAN WYCK, Cincinnati, O. PLAYS FOR STOCK, Rep. and Amateurs. Tabloids, Minstrels and Vaudeville Acta. Stamp for Cstalogne. N. T. PLAT BUREAU A AUTHORS EX., Tremont Theatre. N. T. City. PVAN FLEET mg^ rinteH 4T WEST 18th ITBGST, NBW YORK*