The New York Clipper (January 1915)

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January 2 THE NE¥ YORK CLIPPER. . Greatest Comedy Song in Years THE LITTLE FORD RAMBLED RIGHT ALONG _;*• »r 0. H. POSTER Mj BYRON CAT A Scream in Every Line. A Coast to Coast Hit A DowR-to-the-Minnte Song That is Brimful of Punoh C. R. FOSTER CO., Publishers, 845 So. B'way, Los Angeles, Cal. Haatera Selling Agent* '■: •• - PLAZA MUSIC CO., New York City SINGERS, DANCERS and MUSICIANS BURLESQUE ROUTES. MISCHIEF MAKERS. Book 78 RATING. Chorus Scenery 100 100 Prlnolpale 00 Sinlwn 100 Olln 100 10O Comedy HO Culambln Whrrl. AJsBasnj Show (Irving Bogle, mgr.)—Olympic. CluclnnaU. 2S-J*n. 2, TOWo, O.. 4-». Amtricio beautle* (L»u Epstein, mr.l-Ptlsoe, Baltimore, 28-Jsn. 2, Gaiety. Washington. 4-R. Behman Rbow (Jack Singer, mgr.)—Lay on 28- Jtn. 2. Provldeuce 4-9. Bop Toot (Frank McA'ee.-, mgr.)—Empire. Ho- boken. 28-Jan. 2. Umpire llrwitlyn. 4-0. Big Jubilee (Maurice Ia3oh*, mar.)—RBglewood, Chicago. M Jan. 1 0«kty. Detroit. 4-1). Ben Welch's Own Co.—Ikrry Shapiro, mar.)— «*• ,bo T OT *. r \ Toe comedy Gaiety. Toronto, 28-Jan. 2. Gaiety; Buffalo 1-0 J*" ww,k ." d Ineffective, although Rich McAllla Beruty 1'irido (FA. Schatfcr. mgr.)—Chicago J* 5. bus ladlvMual work succeeded In gelling our cod ponies, Maria Nugent and Jerry rinuliig, trial. St. Loul*. 4-». • nninojr of laugh* for hit funny make-up and are twin aUtera. No, but they an "" "P. W. Gsrbtrdy presented Jeaa Dedlnl'a latest offering" at the Murray Hill liat week, an i th» excellent chorua work.btliied greatly In letting To a Urge extent CARNATION BEAUTIES NOTES. Tbe Xnaa Ninubor of Tit* Old Rbuasl* waa wall read by all, and pronounced tbe beat ever. A bea?y trunk fell on Fred La Varaa while loading a car recently, and. badly bruited and acraped both left, lie Is now able to hobble about without the alii of a cauo. Man Russell received ho many Xmaa gift* that two messenger* were requlre<l to aaeltt her la carrying theni to her hotel; Jewelry predominate!. when It comet to aoclely dance* there la no team In burlesque who bate anything on Jerry Hewing and Joe Feenoy. Their dance, "I.a IMs- sloeette," la a decided novelty, and one of the lilta of the abivw. The Inquiry freiiuenlly cornea forth at to whether 28-Jan. 2. Imperial Bowery lliirlesquers '.lob Cohen, mgr.)—Gaiety, Detroit. 28-Jm. 2. Caletv Toronto, 4-». Billy Watson's Big Show (Eilly Watson, mgr.)— Phlla.. :8 Jan. 2. Palace, Baltimore. 4-0. Carnation L'eautles ( ltoMnmn. mgr.)—Casino, Brooklyn, 28-Jan. 2, llartlg A Seamoua, N. Y., 4-9. College Girls (Max Spiegel, mgr.)—CaMaM and Albany 28-Jtn. 2, Bronx. N. Y., 4-9, action. Joe Freed, at an unlikely "Dutchman, with a "Kaffir eye" make-up and an Impossible "noee," did not .to to well In hit struggle with the lines of the book. Dolly Webb appeared well at time. Melha, and placed sertrsl or the numbers to ber credit; Dora Williamson had tome iffeellve work, ttid Ethel Lee. I* Sallle Stall, who waa a tough nut for an opening dialogue, bat toned down to a regular ? AN OPENJYMPGSIUM. WHO ARE THE THREE GREATEST SHOWMEN IN THE TENT SHOW BUSINESS AND WHY? Dreamland Burlesqu^ra (Bob Trovers at- I—Chi- * lrl »'<erwsrds. de*erv->* credit for her work, cago 28 Jan. 2 ttngle.vcort, Chicago 4-9 *" n " * h * tTlc " ,0 '■" t wl, h a French accent. Dave .Marion's Own tlrty Oroda. mar.) Lav off 8no J" 1 •""»' effective blta on tbe ttage. «l»o 28-Jon. 2. Empire, Newark. 4-9 OB the iUwll around the orchestra, which wss Collies at the Day (Jack McNs'msra mrr 1 uwd to Bet " ,B " lr '* clow *° " ) * amllence, for Oalety, Buffalo, 28-Jan. 3. Syracuse 'andVtlea •5 V «"« occttlons. Onrlnne Bennett and Bertha 4-9. " JC * Fox completed the ladles' side of tlio east. Goklen Crooks (James C. Fulton, mgr.)—Toledo. . t Ar, i lur banning was a vleorous straight, al- ii.. 2S-Jan. 2, Star ft Garter. Chicago 4-11 though somewhat hoarse. n» also doubled the ■•-'- ■" - ■ -- - • u '-! u -. - n«rt or Fberlock Roluiea, orlglnnlly sstlgoed to can Bedinl, who was programmed. _.pnian. mgr.)—4»hllt 28- _' , ??. 0 nt ,>ln S.^ c *" e !' a * P":" T - » nd ""o chorne Jan. 2. Empire. Hoboken. 4-9. gilj s l saa¥ |fcgs». smajoes. "On An III and With [Eorioi'i Now.— ThU column U mm to readtn of Tb» Old Bhiablb. It via be amdactti Gtol * Trotters (Wsah Mtrtln, tngr.)—Cleveltnd 1 * ^gVgLjyg JSW 'eJg *r°," d q g " * ' ** «» «Prc7.lon; WtWmSSSSm „™*">- *■ Olympic. ClnclnrStl.Ti. Hoicbct jrtfh ovf^ni- It will bo • ujefclu future, and v,e $olMt contribution, xohich tsSS •» «•'«'• (Wm. V. Jennlag. mgr.)—Oalety. Oslety Girls (Jacobs .% Je.mon, mgr»,)—Hurtlg A ?* rl Seamon't. New Yor*. 28Jon. 2, Phl'n. 4-0. „' Ginger Girls (B. W. Chlpman. mgr.)—I'hlla. 28- _I Jan. 2. Empire. Hoboken, 4-9. Z .. Girls of toe Gay White Way (Dave Gordon, mgr.) you , Wf ? , . n . n ,'' Mbjr Mlts Williamson j "Tip. —Weatminater, I'rovidcnce, 28>lan. 2. Boston L fr , Br t h », ll ,*[ l "» w «?'> '■ "'>''•* "Khts, and to* •"> flrls In re<l Johnny suits for a number of encores. "The Ragpicker" song was well done by Mlts Lea; "When I Am Win. the Boys," by Miss . are the tame tlie, look alike and work alike. Joe Mullen la *con»lilrrlng tbe purchase of * Mgii lower cycle car. In which to tour the Back- eye State during the Summer month*. Vlvlenne Madore, now In bar second Reason wllh this troupe, waa formerly In the ballet nf the Itnrmi'n A Uslley Glrcus, snil thla ac-'nuiiis for her agility. For the pant two Summer* Hhc has done cabaret work at Atlantic City, but ka- lends entering vaodcvtllo na a tingle at the end of the prcwiit seaaon. • Several theatre parties are arranged for this Week at the Casino. Brooklyn, the largest of ■■let will coma from Rockaivay Beach, beaded liy Joe Wnnl. BualiuHs during tbe holidays hat held up lietter thim was exiHvtnl.' sml ilia show Is running ■moothly, with no change* In the enst or chorus. r* i y I immmkitticii. Goal Clrcaa Han Knorrs Jlncl-Moat Master 'World of Detail*. Some years ago the writer atked Alfred T. IlngUae;, "What la a Proficient Clrcut Mao?" Whertajna Mr. Blcgllng expressed himself a* fellows: "Wist Is a proficient circus man* What does ht wed to know7 With how many trades and It It only one Item among the multiplicity of thiuga that conititata a circus. General Orajanlier Needed. "But what of tho general? Ah, yes, I almost forgot the general. Yet Ue Is needed to organise the army and order It to march. We must take ...... . . j*" artist-mechanic, put epauleta oo him. a cocked rfctalona bust' he familiarize himself In order " , . t on i 11 * °etd snd a *word In his hand to both conduct his business Intelligently, economl- l)"" 11 <he way and to flsht, for he must be • tally sad successfully? The answer 't a thoutand "Phtlng man. He la on'v one and be may be times longer than the question, and many times "tacked from a hundred different quarters. He sjore difficult. **" ">• wn »l« **ld !o light sgalntt. and there la mars.)—Syracuse and Utloa 28-Jan. 2, Gaiety, Montreal. 4-9. Gay New Yorkers (Jake QoMenberg, mgr.)— Gaiety. Pittsburgh. 28-Ian. 2, Cleveland 4-9. Olrla from Happyland (Geo. H. Harris, mgr.)— Oaalno. Boston. 28-Jan. 2, Columbia. N. Y., 4-9. Happy Wldowa (Fenneasy A Herk, mgrs.) Mia. nespollt 28-Jsn. 2, Star, St. Paul, 4-9. Honeymoon Olrla—Oayety. Montreal, 28J«a. 1. Albany and Hartford 4-9, Hastings" Big Show (Harry Hastings, mgr.)— Albsny and Hartford 28-Jan. 2, Boston 4-8, L!l*rty Olrla (Alex. D. Gorman, mgr.)—Lay oil SS-Jan. 3, Minneapolis 4-9. ' Love Maker* (Sam Howe, mgr.)—.Empire. Brook- BK >MiB. J, lay off 4-9. Providence 1116. DON'T OVERLOOK The fnrt Hint I am nsnlu with nil: ( lll'l'iou, the rent ptlper for burlraqnera, anil eommunl- cnllona sent to me will reeelvo proinpt and proper attention, SAM W. MITNICK 8AM ■ Lee, wta a winner, also "It I Had Someone Llio You at Hume," by Mlas Lee. lha second scene was laid In the exposition grounds. "From Osy Parte" waa Mist Lee'a offering, also "Mabelle. • "You For Me" was ?£■* & M1 ™ Williamson and Mr. Ltnnlng, and Mlaa Webb obliged with "Garden of My Heart," "Just for To-Nlght" waa a runwny number for several encores, "The Girl In the Muff" (Gertrude Dc* Rochet) Opened In her French long In evening dreei; a * trtntpsreocT showed ber In the dressing room, and very populsr one was shown 22, when sue wat then aba displayed her shoulder* above s black tendered one of the largest theatre parties ever curtain. The muff costume wst tbe finishing btf, given at the Casino. The party numbered over *°JL |,,ll, . n .* e . - , Ihre* hundred, and each one, aa well a* the nwm- ^Tbe Aloha Twin* opened In their sung with tiers of the Osyely Olrls Company, wore a pin ■Mr acrompsnlment. with line barmonv. They with Miss Holden r s iJioto on It, anil a rllilmtt wen did a tango, and for a finish, their artlstte. bearing the words: "Wetoome, Mae Hnlden. Oas- Hawillin dance without scy rrsco of suggestive- Jno Theatre, Brooklyn, N. Y„ Dec. 29, 1914." ' or a move that could be objected to. They Mist llolilen received many beautiful flower*, HAS IIOLDBN FRIED. Mae Holden, known is the "Klectrle Spark," on the Columbia Circuit thla season with to* Gayety Olrla, Is a Brooklyn girl,' That *he It a "Thera ti no ether kind of bnslneia f quarter to the vanquished. So he goes Into the Million Dollar Dolls (Ira Miller, tngr.)—Omheoai h,d f nr '-«n>her of recalls, snd finished with the wlilch more than filled t large touring car! ,T .T ^ f?.^*:. ' . . vlu " *'**« mm. frar when nwvinr, e.r *rn**li Jm t m-A i„.^„. . PtiMM, QB.i.. o r, ■. 4. r^.l^T^-e—^»»^ narade around thft rnn»iv frt» (k. « n .l a# *i.. . K„« »!.. -K.,-, . i UUH .t «... .1... .» u m all tha world that de;aanda. from those who ecLdact It the same Knowledge and familiarity of aetalls aa the clrcaa Imslpeas. It detail Milt In the proportion that medical men claim, the aver- age life of a clrcut nun would be something less than a year, and yet there are several hundred tpidment of health and vigor, who have teen ssison sfter season of these trduous tasks and thow no lessening rf ttilr power* or virility. Tr.ej die, ss a rule—In time—but not like the Perhaps thla lack good—young. Perhapa this lack of goodness i'j ,'!f. ot {i*|i 1 'A*/ 6 , ""L^ 1 " */ mT , "", """ll* taves them from tne death-dealing detail. At ™?„i ll *e hor '* <1 -SL' 01 * 1 !* 8 !' ", n - d wta ^T_!ote. hi. say rate, far snd Summer, fray when necessary or expedient, and lesvet a Paterson. 28-Jan. 2, Casino, Brooklyn. 4»T^ parade around the runway tor the float of the eteod-rcd trail of dates and lithographs that P'l** Winner* (A. Pearson, mgr.)—Bronx, New " 10w '. would make the Battle of Wsterloo look like a Vork, 28-Jan. 2. lay off 4-9, Newark 11-10. » A battleship number, with the girls wearing a mothert conference la comparison. To him war Boseland Olrls (Walter Greaves, mgr.)—Qsletr. "*«" l '«*« "ke a ship, went over nicely, with Is not what Sherman called It—It la just a part Milwaukee. 28-Jtn. 2. Chicago 4-9* expropriate rhyming. or the business—his Winters plsnnlng snd Sum- "<>*• Sydell'a (Hsrry Thompson, mgr,) Gaiety „ T ° s chorus Includes: Oorrlns Bennett. Buster ntt'a campaign. He I* alwuyt looking for van- Bolton, 28-Jtn. 3. Hartford and Albany 4-9. * , ? bT i Ellnore La Mont, Lotlle Lee, Jewell Una, lage point*, ever on the alert for surprise at- Bosey Posey Girls (P. a. Clark, mgr.)—-St. Paul !?"•. ***'}* Williams, Hattle Bell, Clara Sbuman, 28-Jan. 2, Oslety. Milwaukee, 4-9. Social Maid* (J. J. Llehcrmann. mgr.)—Colum- bia, New York, 28-Jan. 2, Orpbeum, Paterson, tacks, and he routes and counsels, measure* •trength and adrautage, sends bis Moot* here, ., they live on and on and .trlve Wlnler ^'P* <*"'« corre*i»>nd-jriti (press sgenU) make Stsr and Qarter (Frank Welsberg. mgr.)—Gaiety, unet the^Winter"for creative work the l uu "J U>e'r reporls. "Ah. bow we slaughtered „ Waaliington. 28-Jsn. 2, Gaiety, Plttabnrgh, 4-9. ■r^s **.!"*** f? creature .work, tae bem « t plM , „ luff: It wa , D ltiful about Trocjderos (Frank S. Pierce, mgr.)—Empire. New- Cummer for exploltslioo, snd season after season sees their smiling, ro»y countenances undlmmed ly time, cbangeleisly, tnlauutedly looking from tit bill l«ird* a* sprucely cs the lithographer's art, spread over florae twenty sheets, csn make them. Neither "Cncle Sam" nor "Columbia" tau beat them at staying young—on the litho- graph*, *nd when recn on the lot. In Winter _ pitiful about the opposition. All paper, regular anov heap* "*• 28-Jsn. 2, Phlln. 4-9. •r It: Such dreadful rrrnage! But how Winning Widow* (Louis Gilbert, mgr.)—Gaiety, we packed 'em to the rlngbank, turned 'em Kansas City, 28-Jan. 2. Gaiety, Omaha, 4-9. away In droves, had to hook rope the ticket Watson Sisters' Co. (Mix Spiegel, mgr.)—Prln- wagon off the lot I So loaded with money I And «**, St. Louis, 28-Jan. 3, Gaiety, Kama* City, / among them iM none Is ever defeated until the **'• dl */ n ! 1 d,y the^kberlir* sale; but once out, be BJ Colombia Wheel—Added. )—atar, To. mgr.)—Oenturr, Quale 8obt-l*on, I^nitse Burhy, Bsbe Fuller, Ber- tha Fox. Gertie Knight, Viol* Htockover, Irene Devor, Ads Swart*, Uoldl* Lyons. A part of the comedy In tbe burlesque wst BUTnlahed by McAllister end Freed, aa the '-Weber-Fields' Glsdlstor Bttlue," In many ridiculous lose*. Sttff: Mnnager. F. W. Gerhardj; business Teenager, Walt. 8. Klnbsck; master carpenter, Tom Ounlngbam; properties, Ralph McNally; electrician, Rddle De Von; wardrobe mist rest, Olara Shuman. Jflll. t i Circus Van I* Verentlie. "The clrcas man ha* at all times the brightness that belongs to wear. And why not? Is be not artist and baalnes* man at once, mechanic and eneral promoter and conservative Investor, fear- it exoender of fortunes and cautloaa feeler of the public pulse, to determine how far Iris en thualsjtta shall c plan,, and talent wonder among all ness men, mechanic, general, promoter, conserva- tive investor, genius to command and talent b» execute, all la. one, for the man who can be all of these—and then some—why, he'* the man." WHO'S WHO AND WHT, Last week In this department of Taa Naw Bohemian* (Tom Miner, mgr.)—Academy, Jersey City, 28-Jan. 2. Big Review (Henry P, Dlion, mgr.)—Sar.ry, Himllton; 58-Jatl. 2. Beanty, Yonth and Folly (Lonl* Stark, mgt.i— Qayety, Philadelphia. is-Jon. 2. Big Sensation (Morris Wslnstock, mgr.)—Perth Ambny, N. J., and Chester, Pa., 28-Jsn. 2. carS htm • geJlntto desC and * oaK Cu*vv>. Hsrold Bishei cast hie vote for Cabaret Olrla (Jsck Gllnes, mgr.)-Worcester and carry nim, genius :o aeeip ana ^ McCrtcken. Jerry Mugavln tad Con T Ken- Holyoke 28-Jsn. 3. JllVn'o "'."ff/lrt? 1 " M ' "" "* "^ " '»*»Vw? o\?u^. tfi thre. JreateSt City Sport* (R R P.tton, mgr.)-Corinthian, en men or anairar a kmr,n in eh„ i.nt ^k^« h,»iu>. .tTh ».. Rochester. 28-Jan. 2. •bowmen Ju tbe tent enow bvmlness, and fare _J l0 5 llM L er ' "*Sft ?• Take him. first as the arMjt, because as trttet hi* ressone why. This week, a showman wrftin* Cracker Jack* (Oharlee Falke, mgr.)—Cadillac, ke makes hla first appeal to tbe public, tbe Ideal- S uder the rume it plume of "A Coast DeJender/* Detroit. Mich., 28-Jan, 2, Fort Woyne S-n. laer of the fierce and foolish, the grand ond sto- declare* that he believe* that AI. Q. Barnes Fred Coerry Blossoms (Manrlce Jacobs, mgr.)—Blng- tssque, the thrilling and soothing, the big, the b. Hutchinson and Ed. Burke are entitled to the hamton snd Scbenectnity 28-Jan. 2. little and the common things of the earth Into a highest honors In the Held of tent showmanship. *va Mull's Show (lew Talbot, mgr.)—Grand, falrlyland of surprising beauty and.splendor. He Here's what be says: "Nay, nay, I revels In paint. In color, In gold, and from the** r can . t iet you get away with your favorite* iftr J!""* e i h l I, f^ to 5* n * tbem t0 ' be «'o' T «5 ": without a remonstrance. I agree with you, K2ti B * h0 !4 ", b 2"*' f m,n ' ?. fcw J ?, nls of the three you name are real, big- showmen, hot ■tightly colored cloth and some tinsel, all com- j. have my own Ideas, and ss Tna Cuprra ha* Bjonplsce. everyday affairs, transformed by the inylted comparison, here goes. In the - first circus man Into a Knight of Old, resplendent place. I am lurprtaed that Mr. Bushes over- 2.°!?, ch .*?fu r ' *» a 8 1 " l! 5 r ^reflecting back Jo 'he Jolted one whom 1 regard as tbe foremost show «uu hla brilliant rays and make the multitude „,,,„ | n America, Tla., Al. O. Bibxbs ; Mr. Hf. . .i we . * Dd . won,1 er. See the poor confined Barnes own*, operates, and I understand, trains , besit of the Jungle, the carved and ornate cag* mott of the acts with hla show; he ho* a »how °lrl» from Joyland (Sim Williams, mgr.)—Water. ml* f a P"V^ ">»*« l»*o a golden throne, from tn , t be carrlee oo twenty or more cars, present* b nry and Springfield 28-Jan. 3. wuicrj the clrco* man makes him appear to be , fine parade, gives a performance lasting nearly °»J"'« n o* G' Pl " (Loul* Gerard, mgr.)—Itlantlc *** regal Lord of Brute Creation. two hours, and nothing b'lt animals giving the „ c,tT 28-30, Graud, Trenton, 31-Jan. 2. »7.««. /.» - ' - - ^_.a «. __■» Bhow. It la only t few year* tlnce Barnes waa Hello Pari* (Wm. Boebm, mgr.)—Haymarket, ssSS"! 0 * v Ao ™ b »« •»* Gymnoait. , , la> inow ^ a carmre i, ,„d to-dny many „CHcago, 28-Jan. 2. 'j. ^V 1 ?' !™ the feats of acrobat sod gymmtt, ahowmen regard blm ts the coming man. a "u n . Life Olrls (Frank Oalder, mgr.)—Peon Clr- aiMsted of the accompanying music ond manner "Here. In my opinion, 1* a man that, If any mas .„ coIt „. 28 .-'' an - 2 - 'l presentation? Wondjeful tricks, perhapa, to in the thow business Is to be selectel for versa- Hlob Roller*—Ley off 28-Jan. 2, Oalety, Chlesgo, Boston, 28-Jan. 2. Follies of Pleasure—Cleveland 28-Jan. 2. Fay Foster Co. (Joe Oppenhelmer. mgr.)—stand- ard. St. Louis, 28-Jan. 2. French Models (Dick Zelsler, mgr.)—Standard, Cincinnati. 28-Jsn. 2. Girls of the Follies (H, M. Strouse. mgr.)— ltitls. 28-Jan. 2. Gay Widows (louls J. Oberwortb, mgr.)—Orand. Now Haven, 28-30. Park, Bridgeport. 31-Jan. 2. auTve! at and analyze, but scarcely sufficient to tllltu, should be the one. I understand Mr. givs u* tho thrill and feeling that these ire a Borues rebuild* his thow every Winter la Htple of another world, imrh as the art of the quarters equipped with workshops ond training ST,?* m *° m,k es Ihem ai.ncar. The circus man burns where he can see every stick of lumber, •sices his audience with a race between two every piece of iron, rnd esery brushful of paint »tera» of four horses each. He touches them up that Is used: whore he csn watch tbe work of ola with the ornament* of the old Roman quadriga and animal trainers, snd woe to the trainer that usea trrnalormj us twentieth century mortals into the wrong method* and practices any cruelty, for PJ P'« , * o ee of Nero, making us fee! that we are Barnes can enter the arena, break any animal to ■mthlua; air redolent with the odor of blood do *ny act, and. if necessary, cin give the eu- •I slaughtered Christian martyr*. tire program of bts show unaided. The sbipes. the designs, the ornamentations, "It waa my happy lot to visit tbe Barnes Show the picture* from the advertisements that herald one day thla past season, and while I doubt If GARDEN, BUFFALO. OUT. The Garden, Buffalo, N. Y., I* out of the Oo* &iS* tt\^»mtUeXk\7m \SmTjmSk\T=m5&9 *~EVtST * *&*,*. fift.1 T.ylor. mgr.)_01ymplc. \^t£Pgjgj The ehow. will «o to To, t 4-9. Heart Charmer* (Dave Ooudron, mgr.)—Oayety, Chicago, 28-Jan. 2. ■» - - - — Mischief Maker* (F. W. Gerbtrdy, mgr.)—Stsr, r.kln., 28-Jan. 2. Monte Carlo Olrls (T. Sullivan, mgr.)—Howard, Boston. 28-Jan. 2. Oriental* (Billy Watoon, mgr.)—Oalety, Balti- more, 28-Jan. 2. Passing Review of 1914 (Joo Levitt, mgr.)—Mur- ray BUI, New York. 28-Jan. 2. September Morning Glories—Columbia, Indianapo- lis. 28-Jaa. 2. COL. WILLIAM ROCHE PRAISES CLIPPER SERVICE* COLUMBIA THEATRE, DMHCTION OF Cot.UJIUIA Ami.hkuent Co. WILLIAM BOC1IK, MOB. Chicago, Wednesday, Dec. 23,1014. Ma. Aldebt 3. BomB, Kpitob Tub New Yoke Clippeji, New York City. Mr Dear Mb, DoniR: Allow me to take this opportunity to compliment you on tho splendid Chrustrnafi Issue of Tub New Yoiik Clhtcr, and to further congratulato you upon tho tremendous tidvanco am! growth of your publication during the last year, -all so well reflected In tho apeclul holiday Issue. I elso want to thank you sincerely fnr tho Interest Tiro Clii'i-kii has taken In tho events of tho burlesque world. It covkiis the i-iki.h tiiuii- oiioiii.r ami iMi'AiiTiAu.v, as It does every other line of thentrlcal enilcavor, anl I dare say It Is becauso of ilio wonderfully wide scope of tho paper that It has proved Invaluable to those seeking all tho news of the atago •world. Wishing yon even greater gains dur- ing the new year, bellovo mo to lie. Yours very truly, Wm. Kucue. After the show a banquet was given at Haenger- I mid Hall, at which the entire flayely Olrla Gin- piuy and members of the theatre party attended. Trr. Stafford Smith proved himself a very capslilo toastmaater. Tlie s|ieakers rolled ii|wn resrsirfletl r.oPly. Miss llolilen. who bad been studying a dar.ipr apecch for some lime, neemed to lose It st the last moment, but put one over. The Hon. Joe llaggerty, one of the fvst after-dinner speakers In iIrs i.tex New York, insilc a few touching m- rnsrks. fther well-known speaker* were: linn ttlmnns, llddlo Minley, (lus Fsv. diss. Feldlielin. Iisiry K. Morton, Mickey IiVieley, Larry Boric. Hilly Ilanfonl, Arthur Heller, 811 Rankin, ami several nlliera. Dancing followwl the dinner. When the party broke up in the early hours of the following morn, everyone wat happy, and voted Mae Iloldvn tlie best ever, ' t STOCK IN TWO CITIES. The nersten Burlesque Stock Co., now playing at the Prospect, Bronx, New York, will tltemale at the Odeon, Newark, N. J., a week In each place Tblt week Company No. 1: Meyer Harris anil Dewey Campbell, cornelians: Jsck Martin, straight; Billy Newton, eccentric; Hank Hlmona Juvoil'i' ; Mabel Baker, prima donns ; Helen McArdle. wi- Irette; May Rnrlglit, lugetine. and sixteen chnrns girls play at the i>dcon, Newark. Company No. 2. under the title nf "Blonde Beauties," plsy at tha Prospect, New York, with: Nat Jerome and Lurry Williams, comedian*; Wm. n'lleri. straight j Hsrry Bulger Jr., characters; Hoy Heirs, eccen- tric; .Margaret Shannon, prima donns; Lillian Jcanerte, Nrubrettt.; Kdilli Montrose, Ingenue, nnd sixteen girls. Tim show* are stages! and pro- duced by Max Armstrong and Hal Lane. a BOTH DOYS ON TUB JOB. Frank Oersten has engaged Max Armstrong sml Hal Lsue for bis stock company, Arinalrotig to produce and I^ino In charge of numbers. Ho far tbe bora hsre delivered Ihe goods. Arm. strong anil Lane produced Rube Bernstein'* "Follies of Pleasure," which Is conceded to he among the host shows. In putting on the slock shows they are looking for novelties all the lime. s ■ A LAMP FOR FRED. Fred Wsldmann, manager of Hie Murray Hill, New York, was presented Willi a lieaullful cut- fit** parlor lamp, weighing fifty pounds, by the uuso staff. FOIIT WAYNE AND GRAND RAPIDS. Fort Wayne, Ind.. will be a weak *t*nd on the Columbia Added Wheel, commencing Jan. 3, be- tween Detroit and Chicago Grand Rapid* will probably be Included later. glittering parade aud eye-pleasing spectacles, are name. I wa* treated like an honored guest and _."*"■ J ork - *?: , " D ,; 2 - . «U to a gieater or lets extent the work of the made to feel that the alrnpJe fact of my belong- Tsygo Queen? (E. K. Dtley, mgr.)—Lay off 28- Jlrtut man himself. It Is his guiding hsnd that log to the fraternity was my voucher. AI. O. _. J " n - *• Columbut, O., 4-9. kai directed and dlettted to the end achieved, Barnes n a big man, big in stature, big In brain* "V , a \'} t JJ* C * Levy, mgr.)—Buckingham. »na be baa been matter of nil the details of tbe and big in heart. It is my prediction thst within _ Louisville, 28-Jan. 3. SWITCHES TO ANOTHER. Mabel Leslie left Hastings' Tango Queens and Joined Huijii Benrhard'a French Models, it Cin- •hew, providing there 1* unity and aymmetry la the next very few years be will be the biggest Transatlantic* (Ohas. Donogbue, mgr.)—Victoria, clnnatl. O., this week. thts* as a whole. * ' Individual show owner In America. Watch Urn „ Pittsburgh, 28-Jsn. 2. ■ grow. Zallah's Own Show (John Kckhardt, mgr.)—day- How About the Mechanicr s-it seems to me Oat a man of the calibre of * tT ' BUn " ^-J*"- * "8o nrneh for tbe artist, but how abort the Fain B. Hutchinson ihould not be overlooked. PENN CIRCUIT. axchanlc? Here I* where he knows It all. He If experience and long-continued service count* Beaver Falls Pa MV™,1.. ■ow steps oat of his dreamland Into the bard for anything. Fred B. surely bat been througu MoKeesnort Pa —JToeadsiv ' A nt ,—..-,,„.. ,v,i„_ .o. w.~— .>,.. . .!,.„, fh» mill h^.lh In Ihe Ilntte,! <)>ale> mnA .»»«.,,• """"apori, r*. 1VHSJ. ATLANTIC CITY AND TRENTON. One week win be given over to three day* esch at tbe Nixon, Atlantic City, and the Orand, Trenton, N. J. world of practical things, fie knows that a sheet the mill both In the Hntted States and abroad; oreenabanr P.—Wednead'sv •*paper h ta« lache*. that printed on wllh four U_tbat I* a P™5^«i_"H ground working^ man- Ml*hler, Aitoona, P«T--^hurtd«y, Majeitlc. York. Pa.—Frld*y. Academy, Reading, Pa.—Saturday. Barton circuit. Folic* Bergerea—star, Scranton. 38-Jia. S. colors, black, red. blue and yellow, all tbe color* ager he It It. Fred HutchInton I* the lest msn of the rainbow, and the glories of the greatest on the lot you would pick out as tbe head of tbe of all Greatest Show* on Berth can be pictured; Sells-Floto-Duffalo Bill Shows; quiet, unassuming, the different kinds of paper, prices and qualltie*, level-headed and cool under oil conditions, always how many sheeet* In each one of the many bills, with an rye to every retail, Mr. Hutchinson la how many In the total, tbe design and get-up of the man that Mr. Tammen turns over hla »how the descriptive books that herald hu coming, and rroperty to In the Spring, satisfied that at all every detail of coat and distribution. The brake tln^t It will be guarded and protected, kept In «JOHNNY" HANSON DEAD. that goes on a cage, * wtgon. tbe kind and qusl- the best cf repair, hi* horses and ttock well-fed The members of the firmr m.m> ™„.n, _»». Ity of tarows, cXra for horses, weight of heavy snd never .abused, and that when it comes bock thSvnTntoapanic^ of grief'last weelTwhe? r^w. It**.?!!.' 0 Jfi 1 J^ •'£ 6nSh . "—IP J" PM " *** F,U ** b °° U "" ■*■ * "* Pro0t - ""SS the"tfiSty TnVitre! K.ntsl CUy? ^ sow tbeV JwhTS' ^?i£s De lh.? r i,i™J \?,..^!=h "I can Unite agree with Mr. Bashe* In sev- at matinee time, Tuesday, Dec. 22. that John irlrl m. SSS loS 'Si? &. ?S1 ^L~TK? If ♦f* 1 °* n, « eomments en his last selection (Con Htnson. the popular German comedian bad been BBBtB 2Jt» JS. BJnJP SiS ™rti T - Kennedy), still 1 think when all thing] are found dead la hi* room a few moment* before. to? horle. *\m&,J U &L "^"i '^f-ir 0 ^ considered. I csn name a man who Is Just aiweU, "Jokrmy," aa he was known to hi* many b. k„? e lii.r T !fi? a ..E£2' 5?5 JLjS™.7i. *?, If "t poa«lbly better entitled to be listed .mongst friends, wa* beloved a* a "pal" by every member COLUMBUS IN. Tho Bmpres*. Columbus, 0., opens a* a Oolom- M* Added Wheel stand ou Jan. 4, with the Taosn Queen*. s A NEW ROUTE. Tbe roBte of the Columbia Added wheel wfl be entirely revised cotrsmcnclag Jan. 4. NEW HOUSE IN NORFOLK. The Columbia Amusement Co. hsvo secured • house In Norfolk, Vs., to replace the Academy, which openert with dramatic ttock, Dec. 28. The house will bo reaily In about two weeks. » WILKES-BARRE AND SCRANTON. Thesn two town* will *pllt t Oolumlilt Added week on the route Is'tn-tvn the l'hllsdelplila week snd that vf Iiliigliiiiiifin nud Srhenecttuy. t Johnstown, Pa., 1* out Of the Pens Circuit. McKeesport I* In. Tub Folle* Bergeres are billed at tbe Hlar, Scranton. Pa., this week. Lui.0 IIbbson. Ham Illce and Harry Lyons aiened In a vauiievllle not at the Lincoln Hquare, ew York, on Dec. 34. Maa IIvssbu. Is with tbe Bohemian* this ***son. N«i.l Lanotkt Is wardrolio and costumo lady for the Oeraten Burtesquo Stock. Mona Dashonii Is doing an act wllh Larry Ca- ballos, snd ss Oniwllos ami Desmond are playing Keith'*, Jersey City, first lit If of thla week. iNcmsNrAi, to his publicity campaign for Ihe Orplieum, paterson, N. J,, Ixiult llobls 1* boosting I'alerson homo Itidustrfe*. AT Uie Columbia, Now York, the Social Melds will give a special New Yean' *f* (midnight) prrformsnee, starting at H.SO. HARRY LE GLAIR FEATURED FAY FOgTKR SHOW _ jnsBtBsT* "■ hid s^<njt|j**u/, nuu mr; ariisnnirsi uic mass u*griU agent, railroad contractor, general agent, boa* Thursday morning. 24, In the Catholic Cathedra], billposter, builder and manager of a half doaeu <» thtt city, la a body. show*, know* Mexico. Alaska, Canada and Straw- s c*ge.%r* U dtfferi a] t^r!bi.l.^and™so TC o^^^ I t'flnttum, details to tbe isst little item need- ed to run a traveling eircui, each and Se^lnt* 3 li1re n 1 U »^TwTi!i2» rf W th? n e.eISie.i n ^n , d h "r/'HIH Inst a. he knows hit wty"from"lhe Meeessfil !h?L m ^?^ aJS SL1 -. P J! rt ii*l.»™ troM <" "» tack of hi* beautiful borne In Oak- lcdlSri« of .hi .oi^ , S!En" r k^i°3.?'iK 1,nd ' c «'- Bork * '«• »" h01 « * >ol ' t - one of the ikn^SI ™L ,n * u,,na,e ., t*" 11 knowledire the „,„,, ,„„!!«, men i n (B , hnalness snd the ™,l» orowman must posse**. Take, a» an example, a ".«*.; we wlR begin at the bottom, the wheels. most versatile men in the business, snd the only reason you don't see snd beer of his connection PRIZE WINNING FISHERS. Among the prise winner* recorded In Newark. N. J., last week, for the lsrgest Hah caught during the season of 1914, sppeara tbe name of Tom Which are S best n U* ,nd of .h,t htirt? .nd w "" Hf # I"^? thing on esrth Is that he is too Miner, who landed a ivpeckled trout weighing over S hoV to*W?™in. SL^ t,?t±5 Vhf JKLsSk. h »W , »' Jn »'■ beloved Oallforoia to ever leave, ani six pound*, at Upper Dam, last Hummer. wUl' no7,'r.,T n ^Th* nt ,r th t m J?.t n M! 1 ^r ?" Jfu u «-"<«>ted to conduct the earnlvsl snow (Foley "^ ^^ ?o m put°,hem*on n th? s^ m » Wa ,he ^V^ti" tari* •««&.*!»!•*-"« *J&- • 3 " HARRY K. MORTON OO-STAR Of On* Fa,j'« O ay ety Olr 1* BUBLKS4AUE, STOCK. MUSICAL COMEDY AT LIBERTY FOR GEORGE DUPREE GERTRUDE EGAR PRODirCINO COMKDIAN | 828 West 43d Slreet, New York | 80DBKKTTB the drlvePi At .». P Si, .nTta»«i, .S ,,r *» • "» train aggregation, showing a terrf. ■*■ |g sB an BB BB HI ■«> B II A ga n BI rcer^ ^por^ns, 'life we^t ."nl sSbJ.! the look f'LViSSS £Vg Z,?'^ BuXJTf P HEMMFEHnBlUfiFR "" :wi Shly ^^J^noi&X? iSna f oo, , -!! n "" *"» '^•bT--.lo.--,*.Twlil-do JS. trews a* we coupler it* various parts, and yet I (Ugoed) "A O0A8T DBTWtB." 45 JOHN 8T-, N. Ye (PH0HE971 JOHN) DIAMONDS, jewelry, WATCHES, REMOUNTING CASH OR CREDIT it i . t • , i