The New York Clipper (January 1915)

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(18 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. Jajtuaby 2 VAUDEVILLE ROUTE LIST VATtrii 1 .. When no date U iX |fllVlP"ghm, the week of Dec. 28-Jnn. 2 is> reprenented. Abbott, Annie. Orpkeutii. Jackaonrllle, Fla. Ainu Hinild Arabs, UIJou. Savannah, Qa„ 81- Jiin. 2. "Act Beautiful," Orpbeum. St. Paul. Adelaide A Hu?bea, Shea's Toronto. Can, Adair & Adair, Orpbenoi, Omaba, Neb. AlUer & Arllne, Palace. N. ¥. 0. Abcarn, Chas., A Co., Orpheum, Dulutb, Minn. Alllcen, Jnck. Academy, Buffalo. Alpine Troupe, Shea' s, Buffalo. ALOHA TWINS „ a - W aTiXn8 Featuring their Wonderful Barefoot Uulu-llula Dances With Jean Bedlnl'a "Mischief Makera" Tula Benson Alrln, Yankee Rube, City Point, Mast., lndet. Alexander & Scott, Majestic. Chicago. Aho Trio, Urpbeum, Hum-as City, Mo. Alvln & Kenny, Empress, Sacramento, Cnl. Alexander Kids, Grand. Phlla. Alvln, Peter H., Orpheum, Salt Lake City. Alrarndo'a Goata, Prlscllla, Cleveland. American Dan«era (6), Orpheum, Minneapolis. Ainoraa ft Mulvcy, Empress, Sacramento, Gil. American Conedy Four, National, N. X. O., 28- .10; Fulton, Bkln., 3t Jan. 2. A medio, Grand, St. Louis. Annapolis Boys (5). Kelth'a, Providence. Anltu & Wllllscb. Keystone. Pblla. Anderson Twins, Gordon's Olympla, Boston, Ar.ilcreon A Golne*. Hipp., St. Louis. Arnaut Bros.. Temple, Rochester, N. Y. Argo. Pantages', Calgary. Can. Archer A Belford, Orpbeum, N. Y. 0., 28-39. Cantvrell A Walker, Orpheum. Oakland, Cal. CamTon, De Witt A Co.. Empress, Los Angeles. Casa'los Lea, Km press, Seattle. Walk. Cabaret Trio, Empress, Sacramento, Cal. Candy Shop Olrla. Olympic. Buffalo. Can.irla A Clro, Rmpreaa, Salt Lake City. Carlos. Helen. Trio, Delancey Street. N. I. C, 28-30; American, N, Y. C, 31-Jau, 2. JOHNNY P.ETA CANTWELL and WALKER In Under the Coy White Llighta Direction HAItUY WEBBR Csrhrey Bros., Globe, Boston, 31-Jan. 2. Casinos, The. Colonial. N. Y. O. Cirus A Randall. Buahwlck, Bkln. Carroll, Harry. Palace, N. Y. O. Oar-on A Wlllard, Keystone. Phlla. Cahlll ft Terrlll, Academy, Buffalo. Cameron, Grace, New Palace. Minneapolis, Carbvoy Bros., Cllobe, Boston. Cabaret Does, 110th St., N. Y. C, 31-Jan. 2. Cablll Slaters. Orpbeum, Grand Rapids, Mich. Carters. Dane. Victoria, N. Y. O. tevu. Orpbeum, Dea Molnca, la. Cbarlea. Prince. Colonial. Norfolk, Vs., 81-Jan. 2. Chain A Tcmpleton, Bijou, Sarannab, Do., 31- Jan. .?. Chondler, Anna. Orpbeum. Seattle. Wash. Cheyenne Minstrels. Pantafres'. Winnipeg, Can. Chip A Marble, Royal, N. Y. C. Chretlenone A Loulsette, Bu.ihwlck. Bkln. Cbeebert's Maucliurlans, Orpbeum, Bkln. "Cheyenne Days," Nixon, Phila. Clinton A Beatrice, Brci.Lan A fuller, Australia. lndet THE GIRLS BEHIND THE GUNS Eadle * Rarosden, Orpbeum, Dei Moloes, I*. Fdna. Rutbe. Olsan, N. Y., laoef. _ lldviarda' "Bong Berne," Temyle, Detroit ndnoals A Bull, Liberty. BHn., 31-Jan. S. Bis A French, Orpbeum, Seet'le. Walk. El Rey Bisters, Orpbeum, Loa Angeles. Ely, Edgar, Atchison. Pantagea', Los Angeles. El Ckrve, Rmprees. Seattle, Wish. Eldred, Gordon, A Co., Globe. Pblla. 'Eloping," Palace. Hartford. Conn.. 31-Jan. t. El.lon A Ollftoo. 5th Are., Bkln.. 31-Jan. 2. F.lllott A Weat, Victoria, N. Y. C. Ellsworth, Harry, A Co., Orpheum, Grand Rsplds, Mich. Emtnctt, J. K., A Co., Babcock. Billings, *>nt. Fmmett, Eugene, A Co., Empreas, Kansas City, Mo. Emmy's. Karl, Pets, Flatbosb. Bkln., Sl-Jan. 1. Emmett, Mr. A Mrs. Hugh, Loow's, New Rochelle, N. Y„ 81-Jsn. 2. Entertainers (4), Keith's, Boston. . English. Dainty, Trio. Orpheurjo, Oakland, Oil. Ental. Ora, Olympic, N. X. C. Ergnttl's Lilliputians. Empreas, St. Pan!. brrol, Bert, Buahwlc k, Bklu ^^ t ESPE * PAUL JUGGLER OF ARTILLERY and COMEDIAN LOEW'S WESTERN CIRCUIT Begone, Csrl, Troupe. Hipp.. N. Y. 0., indef. Eugene Trio, Orpneum, Lincoln. Neb. Brans. Billy ft Clara, Gaiety, Chicago, Indef. "Everybody.'' American, N. Y. C, 31-Jan. 2. Evelle, Nixon, Phlla. Brans, Mr. A Mrs., Gordon's Olympla, Bolton. KAUFMAN 'TUNEFUL NONSENSE" Open for Heme or Mnslcal Show. Direction ED. H. KELLEH. Hart. Marie & Billy, Colombia, St. Louis! Or- nheura, Memphis. Jan. 4-9. HJnlen Bros., Lyric. Richmond. Va., 81-Jan. 2. H»rtraan A Varady. Keith's, Pnlla. Hiwley, E. F.. Hudson, Union HUI, N. J. Hall. Billy "Swede," 4 Co., Orpbeum, Memrhla, Tear-. Effie and Billy Hall YALE STOCK CO. Hiviland ft Thornton. Orpbeum, 81. Paul. Hinklns, Lew, Orpbeum, Seattle, Wash. Haher, EI»anor, * Co., Orpbeum. Feattle, Wash. Halev k Haley, Pantages', Portland, Ore. Hamilton A Barnes, Pantages', Spokane. Wash Harrahs, Great, PaiitageV, San L>lego, Cal. Hartl?y A Pecan, Unique, Minneapolis. Hsvdn. Burton A Haydn, Empress. Salt Lake CUT. Hsrvey-Pe Vore Trio, 7th ATe., N. Y. C, 28-30; Boulevard, N. Y. 0., 31-Jan. 2. EVENS & SMITH— MARIE AND BILLY HART GRACE ARMOND Clinton and Beatrice ^■■■a™wsa» ■"■■■■IB w ■■■» BRENNAN & PDLDER. Australia, Indefinite MA KIN G 'EM LAUGH Atilo A Stlckney, -Columbia. Bkln., 31-Jan. 2. Armstrong A Ford, Orpheuni, Boston, 31-Jan. 2. Ardatb, Fred J., A Co., Colonial, N. Y. O. Aalalre, Fred A Adele, Keith's, Washington, Afcjihl Quintette. Orpbeum, Los Angeles. ley A Cnntleld, Orpbeum. Stnnx Oily, la. Australian Wooilcuopners, Shea's, Toronto, Can. "Auto Pandit," Boulevard, N. Y. O., 28-80; Bou'cvarfl, N. Y. 0.. 31-Jan. 2. Avelliig A Lloyd, Orpheom, N. Y. C, 28-30; American, N. Y. C, lil-Jan. 2. Baker. Ward, Orpbeum. Birmingham. Ala. Boralmn A Grohs. Poll's, Hartford, Conn. Uayea, Norn, Kelth'a, Louisville. Barnes, Stuart, Kelth'a, Lnularllle. Bnironglil Riding Act, Temple, Rochester, N, Y. Ball k Weat, Poll's, Scranton, Pa. CLARA BALLERINI THE I DON'T CARE OP THE AIE UNITED TIMiB Baxter, Sid, Shea's. Toronto, Can. Barry A Woltord. Orpheutn, Oakland, Cal. Barry, Mr, A Mrs. Jimmy, Orpbeum, Portland, Ore. Ball, Rae Eleanor, Orpbeu.n, Winnipeg, Con. linker Tioupe,'. Vlctorlu. Coo. linker, Ethel A Lucy. Empress. Deurer. Bailor, CHIT, American. N. Y. C. 28-30; Knlckei'- lioekcr, Pblla.. 31-Jan. 2. Bnrker, Rebel Mae, Greeley Si]., N. Y. 0., 81- Jan. 2. Bnrnold's Dogs, Locw'a, Now Rochelle, N. Y., 31-Jtui. 2. Barton, Sam, Kelth'a, Lowell, Mass. BRENNAN & FDLUmR. Australia, Indefinite dark k Turner, Rose F-ydell's Co., Indef. Clemenio Bros.. Acailcmy. Buffalo. Cliff. Laddie, Victoria, N. Y. C. Claude, Toby, A Oo.. Keith's, I»rori(lence. Clayton, ileisH, A Co. Temple, Rochester, N. T. dliilons, Norclty, Poll's, Scranton, Pa. Clare, liawaon, A Co., Pi.ntages', !<an Diego, Cat. Clark A Hose. Pabcoc'i, Ullllngs, Moat. Ollrford, HditU Hipp., Baltimore. "Claim Agent." Albuiulira, Phlla., 31-Jan. 2. Clark A Hamilton-. Allunibra. N. Y. 0. Clad I us A Scarlet. Baahnick, Bkln. Clark A \erdl, Victoria. N. Y. C. Clifford k Dnurilaa, Now, Baltimore. Colburu, Jennie. Billy "Swede" Hall A Co.. Indef. EDDIE FRANK. CONRAD and MARINO "TUB ITALIAN PIANO MOVERS" Dlrcctluu Anrou Keaaler Cotton, Lolo, San Diego. Cal. Comfort A Klug, Marylena, Baltimore. Cooper k Smltu, Colonial. Erie, Pa.. Connelly, Jane, A Co., Keith's, Indtanapolli. Connelly k Wenrlch, Orpbeum, Montreal, Can. Conroy A Lc Malrc, Keith's, Providence, Cook. Joe, Kelth'c, Providence. Conroy. John, A Models, Uraud, Syracuse, N. Y. Ooslu Troipc. Orpheuni, Portland, Ore. Coulter. Joe k U-w, Orpheum, Sioux City, la. Collins. Milt, Orpbeum. Winnipeg. Can. Corbett, Jn-nes J., P.uuuges', '1'aconia, Wash. Oori-Tbomas J'rio, Pmiluges'. Wlunlpeg, Oan. Coal Mlncra (Juartetle, Academy, Buffalo. Oogan A Cox, 7tb Are., N. X. 0., 2S-30; Flst- Imsb, Bkln.. 31-Jau. 2, Connors k Wl:t, Orpbeum, N. Y. a, 2S-30; Na- tional. N. Y. a. Jl-Jui. 2. LEE BARTH ^villconley OHPHETJM TOUR r.everly A Mackoy, Orlffln Olrcnit, Indef. Bcrrena, Tiie, Victoria, Charleston, 8. O., 31- .Tun. 2. Beresford, Hurry, A Co.. Colonial. Erie, Pa. Berlin MnJcu-ps (U), Columbia, Grauil Rapids, Mlcb, EDOIB IIEBGEB V. B. O. TIME BOOKED UY HARRY J. FITZGERALD Petgcro, Valeric, A Co., Keith's, Washington. ''Lvautlci. The,'' Orpbeum, Diw Moines, la, Bertiah, Orpbeum, Des Molnea, la. Bergen, Alfred, Orpbeum, Oakland, Oal. lull Boy Trio, Kmprcaa, uulte, Mont, liernard A HarrliiKton, Orpbeum, Ogden, TJ. "Between Trains,' 7 Delancey St., N. Y. O,, 28- Ml 1'iilton llkln.. 31-Jan. 2. PelkclBlre Bros., 7th Ave., N. Y. 0„ 28-30; li'iillvii, Bkln., Sl-Jan. 2. lu-i.iett A Miettl, Greeley Sq„ N. Y. O.. 28-30; American, N. Y. €., 31-Jan. 2. Beyer, Ben, A Co., Loew'a, Poughkoepsle, N. Y., 31-Jau. 2. r-nnett Slaters (3), Bmpross, Cincinnati. lUMiilrici Bros., Gordon's Olympla, Boston. "Keforo the Round-Up," Oruhevm, Milwaukee. Ilell Boys & Delicti. New, Baltimore. HeiiiiliiBioii, Clms., Ualsey St., Bkln., 31-Jan. 2. Bg Olty Vu»-, Omilieum, Raclue, Wis., 31-Jan. 2; Orpheim, So. Bend, lud., 3-0. Illxley k Fluk, Victoria, N. Y. 0. PicM & Wot*m, Prospect. Bkln. J'.llly. Llctle. Palace, N. Y. 0. Jiliiiis & Bert, Mujesllc, Milwaukee, J'IkiJow, Campbell A Itayuu, Garrlck, Wilmington, Uel. Hlack, Stuirt, A Co., Kinprcss St. Paul. A White, Kmiiress, Salt Lake City. Bowers, Walter* A Orooker. Palace, Ohlcn^o. 1 lowers, Fred. V., orpbeum. Portland. Ore. dldgart k .Nelson, Kniprcss. Kanaas City, Mo. "Ilower of Melody," Hiupress, Portland, Ore. liobue A Dale. Empress, Salt Lake Olty. Ilo.rco A Oaator. Boulevard, N. Y. C, ai-Jon. 2. liuginny's Bakers, Win. Peun, Phlla. Burdon A Shannon, Grand, Erausrllle, Ind., 8J- Jan. 2. Pinion ctpera Ballet. Bijou. Boston. Brown Bros., Montgomery A Stone, indef. FRED & HINITA BRAD First Vataut Week, M»y 3rd, 1915 nlgr. ChKS. A, l'ouoliot, Pal. Theatre Bldg., K. Y. 0. Brlore k Ring. Miles, Olereland. Brown, Geo. Bk, Slioa'a, Buffalo. Bninelle lllrls A Steplicns. Alarylund, Baltimore. Jti<iK>ka k Bo wen. Poll's, nart/ord, Conn, Brails, The, Keith's, Louisville. "llrkle Shop, The," Orphemu, Kansas City, Mo. 1'itiiuer A Wlieeler, Oni>hruui, Winnipeg. Oan. Jlrmlley, Ted k lino, Pantagea', Vaiicwiver, Onn. llrown k Jackson, Onphetuu, .Situkaiie. Wash. Bryants (2), Delancey St., N. Y. a, 2S-30; -llouleraril, N. Y. 0.. .'Il-Jan. 2. Brooks, Allan, Colonial. N. Y. O. Srice, Fannie, Alhambra, N. Y. 0. lllnicli, l-'rlti k Lucy, Kelth'a, Lowell, Mast. Louise and Crete Bruneile and Harry Stephens In "FHOM YF.STIOHDAY TO TO-DAY" UNITED TIME Bristol's Ponies, Victoria. Baltimore. Hurt, Harriet, Temple. Detroit. Burns A Fulloti, Victoria, N. Y. O. Iinrnham & Irwin, Orphcuiu, Salt Lake Olty. Ibirkhart k White, Columbia. St. Lotili. Lush A Shapiro, i.ocw's, Vanconrcr, Oan. llinla, Aerial, Greeley So.. N. Y'. C, 28-30; Co- lumbia. Bkln., ,11-Jan. 2. Ilurlon, Uahn A O'Donnell. Orpbeum, N. Y. 0,, 31-Jan. 2. llueli Bros., Bt. James. Button, 31-Jan. 2. lluree k Hope. Colonial, N. Y. 0. "Buyer from PlUslmrKli." PoU'b. Scranton, Pa, tJn-nii. Grace. Hipp., N. Y. O., Imlef. Cnwii' * Do Verne, Diiylon, O., Initef, Onrnillul's Auloials, Forsyth, Atlanta, (la. Case, diaries. Victoria, N. Y. C. Couieron Olrla. Grand. Syracuse, N. Y. Campbell, Mlasea, Shea's. Torouto, Oan. Carlllo, l«o. Palace, Chicago, tVirlelnns (2), Majestic. Chicago. CauiKdlcan, Chief, Orpbeum, Dea Molnea, la. Tiau Billy Sunday of Vaudeville Unit ed Time Direction JOE HAURI3 Cox. Haiel. Colonial. N. Y. O. Conllu k Steele Trio, Prospect. Bkln. Courtney Sisters. Wm. Penn, Pblla, Cole, Russell A Davis, Sib. Ave., Bkln., 31-Jan. 2. Cole, Judsou, Orpbeum. Grand Rapids, Mlcb. Cresay A Dayne, Orpheuni, Sioux City, la, Crossman A Stewart, Alhambra, N. K. 0. Crouin, Morris, A Co Orpbeum, Lincoln, Neb. CroBman, Henrietta, A Co., Orpbeum, New Or- leans. Ctom A Josephine. Orpbeum, Omaha, Neb. Crane, Mr. A Mrs. Douglas, Orpbeum, Winnipeg, Can. decile Orchestra. Pantages', San Diego, Cal. Crawford A Uroderlck, Pancreas, St. Paul. "Criminal, The," Llneoln Si]., N, Y. 0., 31- Jan. 2. Cunningham A Marlon, Majestic, Ft. Worth, Tex.; Majestic. Dallas, Jan. 4-». EVELYN CUMMIN IN VAUDEVILLE Cummin & Scshnm, Pantagea', Calgary, Can.; Pantages', Spokane, Wash., Jan. 10. Ourtli, Julia, Shea'a, Toronto, Can. Cully, Elliabeth, 7th Are., N. Y. C, 28-30; Fill- tou, Bkln., 31-Jan. 2. Cuiumlnga A dadyingi, Orpheam, Altooni, Pa., Jl-Jau. 2. Danube! («), Orpbeum, Seattle, Wash. Davis A Walker. Pantagea', San Francisco. Davis A Matthews, Orpbeum, ogden, U. Davioa, Tom, A Co., Delancey St., N. Y. 0„ Sl- Jan, 2. "Danoo of the Oitlci," Varieties, Terre Haute, lud., 31-Jan. 2. Dawson 4 Gillette. Shit Are., Bkln., 31-Jan. 3. Dawson, Daniel, Hipp.. N. Y. 0., Indef. Darla, James, Hipp., N. Y. 0., Imlef. Do Mar, Grace. Victoria, N. Y. O. Ue Haven. Mr. A Mrs. Carter, Kelth'a, Washing- ton. De Cue, Harry, Orpbeum, Minneapolis. Deeley, Ben, A Oo., Orpbeum, Salt Lake City. Do Kocka (4), Pautnges'. Portland, Ore. De Luxe Qlrls (5), Pantages', Tacoma, Wash. De Winters, Grace, Empress, Denver. De Lisle. Juggling. Empress, St. Paul, Dean's, Dora, Fantonis, Lincoln Sq.. N. Y. 0., 01* Jan. 2. De Vere A Lowla, Academy, Fall Hirer, nlass., 31-Jan. 2. De Trlckey. Coy, Flahbuah. Bkln.. 31-Jan. 2. l.rrkln'a Animals, Orpbeum, Bkln, De Marcla'a Animals, Grand, St. Louis. ltewey A Rogers, Grand, St. Louis, lH'luud, Carr A Co., Academy, Unffalo. ivmarest, Carl, Palace, Hartford, Conn., 31- Jan. 2. IViuaresf A Colette. 5th Are.. Bkln., 31-Jan. 3. Dlxey, Henry, Ueith's, Eostnn. lilckliison, Rutw, Orpbeum, Kansas City, Mo. L'lnntond A Brennan, Orpbeum, Memphis, Tenn. IilrlnolT, Ida, Orpbeum, St. Paul. Dlinn A Dixon, Empress, San Francisco. Dlnchart, Allan, A Co., Majeatlc, Milwaukee. Dlsinond. Chas. A lteatrlee, Co., Victoria. N. Y. 0. Horner, Nellie. Hipp.. N. Y. C. Indef. Dooley A- Hugel. Keith's, Oolumbaa, 0.; Keith's, Indianapolis. Jan. 4-0. Duckslsder, Lew. Keith's. Boston. lK.i-r, Marie, Columbia, Grand Rapids. Mich. Dooley, Rar. Trio. Kelth'a, ton lav I lie. Doolev A Sales. Shea's, Tot on to, Can. Doric' A Klxon, Keith's. Washington. Donalds (3). Babcock. Billings, Mont. Dooley k Joyce, Delancey St., N. Y. 0., 28-80; Greeley Sq., N. Y. 0., Sl-Jan. 2. Dorve. Mine., Alhambra, N Y, C. Doris's Dogs, Poll's, Scranton, Pa. Dolly & Mack, Keystone. Pblla. Dorrn, Dc Leon A Lockhart, UIJou, Boston. Doulln A McHale, Majestic, Milwaukee. Dow A Dow, Grand, St. Louis. romli.o A Reno, Academy, Buffalo. Drew, Lowell A Bather, Greeley Sri., N. Y, 0., 2S-30, Fulton, Bkln.. 31-Jan 2. Duprea, Fred. Pnotages\ Seattle. Warn. DuhVett, Bruce, A Co., Keith's, Toledo, 0. I'-unlap k VlruMn, Pontages', Kdmonton. Oan. Lunlay A Merrill, Pantagra'. Oakland. Oal. Diiiii-esiic Oneiedy Fvjnr, Lincoln So., N. Y. 0., 2^■30: Kiilckerlwcker Phlla., 31-.tan 2. r.Ltin. Jimmy, k Co.. Alhambra, Ph'ls.. SlJan. 2. Dmihars, The, Kmery, Prorlikmce. 31-Jan. 2. Dnpree, Minnie, Oikmlal. N. Y. C. Dyer, flaltert, A Co., Orphetim, Salt Lake Olty. Dyer A Leonard, Grand, St. Louis. HARRT- Preientlng "BKTWfcFS BATTLES" Special Scenery* Effects. Plajlng V. B. 0. Tl me Farrell-Taylor Trio, Shea's, Toronto, Can. Favor A Waters, Varieties, Terre Haute, Ind., 31-Jan. 2. Fantosche'a Manikins, New, Baltimore. Fen ton, Marie, Palace, Chicago. Fern, Harry, A Co.. Royal, N. Y. O. Ielli A Barry .'■liters, Prospect, Bkln. Fisher A Green. Shea's. Buffalo. Fields. W. 0.. Temple, Detroit. Finn A Finn, Msjestic. Chicago, Fiisgllibon. Lew, Orpbeum, Boston, 81-Jan, 2. Fltcglbhou, Bert, Orpbenm, Bkln, Fleming, Miss, A Sister, Palace. Chicago. Fletcher, Chaa. Leonard. Empress, San Francisco. Kiorens Troupe, New Palace, Minneapolis. Flying Valentines, Prlscllla, Cleveland. B. KELLY FORREST PRESIDENT OF THE HOBO'S TJlTIOlfB DIRECTION - BILLY ATWEUL. Ford k Hewitt, Keith's, Cincinnati. Foy. Eddie, & Co.. G. 0. H.. Pittsburgh. Ford A Truly, Keith's, Phlla. Fogarty. Frank. Kelth'a. Toledo, 0. Ford, Max A Mabel, Kelth'a, Toledo, 0. EDDIE FOY AND SBVHrT LITTLE FOY8 Direction HARRY FITZGERALD Foster, Ed. A Minnie, Keith's, Tamps. Fla. Fowler, Bertie, Pantages'. Edmonton, Can, Fosters, Bill, Flatbuah. Bkln.. 31-Jan. 2. Foyer, Eddie, Hipp., Baltimore. Foy A Page, Gordon's Olympla, Boston, HAKBT FOX and TANCSI DOLLY IN VAUDEVILLE Fuganta, Trlxie, Shea's, Buffalo. FrunUln. Irene, k Co.. Royal. N. Y. C. Frani, Slg., Trospe. Nixon, Pblla, Tiiend A Lesser, Globe, Phlla, MAE FRANCIS THE FASHION PLATE GIRL IN VAUDEVILLE Gardiner Trio, Shea's, Buffalo. Gaudsmldts, The. Keith's, Prorldenee. Gnscolgne, Cleo, Orpbeum. Des Moines, la. Ciusch Sisters, Empress. Butte, Mont. Gnnien, Geo. A Lilly, Empress. Kansas City, Mo. Gaby. Prank, Boulevard. N. Y. 0., 28-30; Lin- coln Sq.. N. Y. C, 31-Jan. 2. O.tJdoer, Frank, k Co., Loew'a, Toronto, Oan. Grban, Oamplell A Fowler, Majestic, Dallas, 1«.; Majestic, Texarkana, 4-9. George, Edwin, Palace, Chicago. Ce ger. John, Orpbeum, Salt Lake Olty. Gee Jays, Mew Palace, Minneapolis. SAM GILDER Tli*.' OriglunI Lone Star MluMtrel P. B. O. TIME Direction HARRY RAPF "Girt from Milwaukee, The," G. 0, H., Pitts- burgh. Gilciore A Castle, Kelth'a, Tampa, Fla. Gllllngwater, Claude, A Co., Orpbeum, Omaha. GILMORE & CASTLE UNITED TIMH. Direction. PETE MACK Glrard, Harry, A Co., Pantages', Spokane, Wash. Gllmore A Ramlnoff, Pantagea', Winnipeg, Oan. Gillette, Lacy. Palace. N. Y. 0. Gilbert, Katblyn, Victoria, Baltimore. CHARLES GiLLEN With GRACE LA HUE DNITED T1MK Gloosons A Houlihan, Colonial, Norfolk, Va., 81- Jan. 2. Gloom Killers, The. Casino, Washington. Gordon, Wm., 0., Hipp., N. Y. a. Indef. Gordon A Rica, Orpbeum, Birmingham, Ala. Golden, Claude, Orpbeum, Lincoln, Neb. GORDON ahb MURPHY WITH DON TONS THIS SEASON Gormley A Csffery, Orpheum, Memphis, Tenn. Golden Russian Troupe, Pantagea', Edmonton, Can. Gordon Bros., Pantages', Edanuton, Oan. Golden A West, Empress, Los Angeles. Ooett, Ooleman, Academy, Fall Rlror, Mass., 81- Jan. 2. Gould A Ashlyn, Orpbeum, Bkln. Gossans, Bobby, Majestic, Washington, la.: 0. H-, Liberty, Jan. 4-9. GORDON and GORDON N0VF.LTY, ACROBATIC, CONTORTIONISTS Permanent Address, N. V. CLIPPER . Cordon, John R., Keith's, Lowell, Mass. Grant, Lawrence, Hipp., N. Y, C, indef. Groom, Albert, Hipp.. N. Y. C, Indof. Gnibcr A Kew, Orpheum, Aberdeen, S. Dak.; Virginian, Kenosha, Wis., Jau. 4-0; Wilson, , Beloit, 7-0. "Green Beetle, The." Kelth'a, Cleveland, flrnuto A Mauile, Keith's, Tarupa, Fla. Green, Ethel, Majestic, Chicago. Grascrs, The, Orpneum, Minneapolis. Granewln, Chas., A Co., Orpbeum. Winnipeg, Oan. "Gray of the Dawn," Unique, Minneapolis. Grady, James. A Co., Empress, Seattle, Wash. Gregory Trou|ie, Alhambra, N. Y. 0. Grand Opera Trio, Bijou, Boston. Oranto A Maude, Tampa, Flu. Gnadjloape, Pantages', Seattle, Wash. Guerney, I.conn. Pantagea', Winnipeg. Can. Hall, Geo. 9., Proctor's 3Bth St., N. Y. C. ^HALLENanoBURT Direction JOSEPH R. SMITH Haney A Long. Grand. Pblla.: Orpbeum, Allen- town, 4, 3; Abel, Raston, C-s. Havtborue k IngUt, Shea's, Puffalo. In "THB CIBCDS GIRL. Directltn JAME S E. PLUNKETT. Hslklugs, The. National, N. Y. C, 28-30; Greeley Sq.. N. Y. C, 31-Jan. 2. Hallen A Hayes, Columbia, Bkln., 31-Jan. 2. Hayes, Edmund, A Co., St. James, Boston, 31- Jan. 2. Jlassmans, The, Loew's, Toronto, Can. Hallen A Burt, Alhambra, N. Y. C. 31-Jan. 2. Hsreman'a Animals. Alhambra, N. Y. C. Harris A Man I on, Prospect, Bkln. Hall, Artie, Victoria, Baltimore. The Haywards A BTOVELTYIN MUSIC Pm. addres, WU1TB BATS.BookedBoUdsOweeks. Hanson, Alice, & Co., MUcs, Detroit. Uardeen, Ualsey St.. Bkln. Hirada, George, Orpbeum. Grand Bapldj, Mich. Henrys, Flying, Keith's, Indianapolis. Hslen. Babr, Orpheom, Montreal, Can. . Henclngs. John ft Winnie, Keith's, Washington. Hess Slsten, National, N. Y. 0., 28-30. Hendler, Herschel. Lincoln Sq.. N. Y. C, 28-30; Knickerbocker. Pblla., 31-Jan. 2. Hermann, Adelaide, Prospect, Bkln. Hercolano Sisters (4). Miles, Cleveland. HUIIar, W. J.. Pantages'. Spokane, Wain.; Pan- tages', Seattle, Jan. 4-9. H:tes ft Fox. Orpheum, St. Paul. IlH'Podrome Four, Empress, Kansas Olty, Mo. Hillebrand, Tred. Orpheum, Ogden, U. Houston BTcnny. Touring Australia, Indef. Hngsn, "Gns, Ernie Marks Co., Indef. (Howard, Great, Keith's, Boston. Mae Holden THE ELECTRIC SPARK GAIETY GIRLS CO. Hopkins Sisters, Keith's, Boston. Hi wsrd, Eddie, Orpbeum, Birmingham, Ala. L'olt Alt., Keith's, Cincinnati. Howard A Syman. Orpbeum, Jacksonville, Fla. Howard A Syman, Keith's, Providence. Iioudlnl, Palace, Chicago. Hoffmann, Gertrude. A Co.. Orpheum, Denver. Hinvard, Chas., A Co., Orpheom, Los Angeles. Horellck Troupe, Onpheum, St. Paul. d'dimes A Riley, Empress, Los Angeles. Foyt k Wtn'ell, Orpheum, Ogden, U. Holmes A HoUlston, Orpheum, Spokane. Wash. IIotTman. Lou Greeley Sq., N. Y. C, 23-30; Fialbush. Bkln., 31-Jan. 2. I'Mvard ft McOane, Prospect, Bkln. Howell Sisters, SaJem, Salem, Mass., 31Jan. 2. Holmen Bros., Oriibeum, Detroit, Jan. 4-9. Hi+y A Lee. Globe, Pblla. Holland, Joe, 5th Are., Bkln., 31-Jan. 2. HURST, WATTS & HURST PLAYING WESTERN VAUDEVILLE TIME. Direction HARRY W. SP1XU0LP. Hudson, Bert E,, O. H., Spring Valley, Wis., 28- Jau. 0. Hunting ft Francis, Orpbeum, Sslt Lake City. Hurst, Brandon. A Co.. OTpheum, Bkln. Hughes, Florence ft Hngbes, Halsey St., Bkln., 31-Jan. 2. Kolb A Harland, Orpheum, San Francisco Jsa. 4-9. ' Kooeri Bros. (4), Norelry. Topeka, Kan 28 Jan. 2; Princess, Wichita, 4-0; EmnrM Tulaa. Okla.. 7-9. ' caaf " m - Kramer ft Morton, Orpheum. Birmingham, Ala Kramers, The, Keith's, Cincinnati. Kramer ft Paulson. Palace, Chicago. Kremolina ft Darras Bros.. Orpheum. Kew Orleam Kratons (3), Pantagea', Loa Angeles. Kraxy Kids (91, Liberty. Bkln., 31-Jan. 2 Kuroerfeld, Dora. Hipp.. N. Y. 0.. mdef. La Vine A Ionian, Proctor's 23d St., N. Y. C 31- Jan. 2. THE LANGDONS A NIGHT ON THE BOULEVARD DIRECTION HARRY WEBBS La Bocea. Boxy. Shea's. Buffalo. "Lawn Party, The," Kelth'a, Boston. La Hoen ft Dnpree. Orpheam, Montreal. Lambert A Ball. Victoria. N. Y. C. Langdoos. The, G. 0. H.. Pittsburgh. La Toy Bros., Grand, Syracuse, N, Y, La Crandall, BIJoa, Sirannab. Ga.. 31-Jan. 2. La Graclosa, Hudson, Union Hill, N. J. La France A Brace, Orpheum, San Francisco. La Rue, Grace, Columbia, St. Louis. Lantgan, Joe, Pantages', Los Angeles. La Vails, Aerial, Empress, Portland, Ore, La Vler, Orpheam. Spokane. Wash. Lanrle ft Aleen, Tth Are., N. Y. C, 31-Jan. 2 Iamb's Manikins. Tth Are., N. Y. C-. 31-Jan. 2. La Marro. Alhambra. Pblla., 31-Jan. 2. La Corla A Mai Dlnus, Palace, N, Y. O. Lane, Plant A TImmons, Orpheum, Boston, 31- Jan. 2. Lang, BUtle A Hse. 81st St., N. Y. C, 31-Jan. 2; Proctor's 125th St., N. Y. C, 4-0; Proc- tor's 58th St. N. Y. 0.. 7-0. Laselle A Raymond, Keith's. Lowell. Mass. Ls Tosks. Garrlck, Wilmington. Del. Lathsm. Cbss. A Ada, 118th St., N. Y. C. 31- Jan. 2. Leonard A Russell, Orpbenm, Birmingham, Ala. LEWIS and ANNATTE The Somewhat Different Pair Add. 742 Oceanrlew Are.. Woodharep, N. Y. Lee ft Crtnston, Keith's, Clercland. l.eightons (3), Orphetim. Montreal, Can. Lewis, Tom, .4 Co., Shea's. Toronto. Can. Ieslle, Bert, A Co. Palace, Chicago. I^wls, Wharry Quintette, Orpheum, St. PanL Le^hton A Bol-lcson, Empress, Denver. MARK LEA FEATURED WITH PASSING REVIEW OP 1914 Lewis. Henry, Colonial. N. Y. O. Usher. Harry B.. Prospect, Bkln. Leonsrd A Denipsey, Nixon, Pblla. Lery. Bert, Globe, Phlla. Leonard, Una, New, Baltimore. BESSIE IE C0U.T Llbby A Barton, Onpbenm, Des Moines, la. L'nton ft Lawrence, Orpheam, Bkln. Liplnski's Dogs. Palace. K. Y. a L'chtner, Baron. Lyric, Indianapolis, 31-Jan. 2. Llr-d, Homer, A Co.. Poll's, Springfield, Mass., 31-Jan. 2. L'cyd, Rosle, Poll's, Scranton, Pa. Lloyd, Alice, Orpheum, San Francisco. Lobse ft Sterling, Maryland. Baltimore. Loretta Twins, Dominion, Ottawa. Can. "Lonesome Lassies," Kelth'a, Phlla. Lockett A Waldron, Orpheum, Sioux City, la. Loncblln's Dcgs, Orpbeum, Sioux City, la. "Lore In a Sanitarium," Orpheum, Spokane, Wash. Lou, Lady, Colimbla, Bkln., 31-Jan. 2. Louise ft Mitchell, Lyric, Hobokcn, N. J., 31- Jan. 2. Lucille ft Cockle, Grand, Syracuse, N. Y. Lutz Bros., Loew's, Newbnreh, N. Y., 81-Jan. 2. Luce & Luce. New, Baltimore. Lyres (3). Dominion. Ottawa, Can. Lytton, Lc Roy, ft Co., Temple, Rochester, N. Y. Lyons ft Yosco, Royal, X. Y. 0. Msson, Wilbur ft Jordan, Family, La Fay°tte. Ind.. 31-Jsn. 2; Eaiorets, Decatur, 111., 3-0; Orpheum, Peoria, 7-9. HK HUFFOHD m MM « FRANK JACJEY Direction L.MTED TIME - - _ _ PAT CASEY Hymock, Kelth'a, Washington. Hymans A Mclntyre. Orpheum, Memphis, Tenn. Ideal. Colonial. N. Y. C. ImbolT, Conn A Oorecne, Orpheum, San Francisco. Imperial Opora Co., Pantagea', Portland, Ore. Innes A Ryan. Victoria. Charleston, 8. C, 31- Jsn. 2. ' ^ Indiana Troupe, Victoria. N. Y. a Inge, Clara, Urpbeum, Memphis, Tenn, Ioleen Sisters, Temple, Detroit. Irwin, Flo,, A Oo., Orpheum, Montreal Can. Ismed, Orpbeum, Dulutb. Minn. Isamn Trouiie, American, N. Y. 0., 31-Jaa, 2. Jackson, Harry. Hipp., N. Y. O., lndet. Jackxon. Jue, Keith's, Indianapolis. "Japanese Prince, The," Miles, Cleveland. Jacob's Dogs, Orpheum, Jacksonville, Fla. Jack ft Ports, Oriibeum, Denrer. James. Freddy, Orpbeum, Boston, 31-Jan. 2. Jarrow, Royal, N. Y. O. Jefferson, Jos., A Co., Orpheum, Lincoln, Neb. Jlu Jltsu Troupe, Pcntages'. Vancouver. Can. Johnstons, Musical, Empire, So, Shields, Erg.; Empire, Sunderland, Jan. 4-9; Empire. New. ensile, 11-10; Empire. Nottingham, 18-23; Em- pire, Hartlepool, 25-30; Hipp., Dublin, Ire., Feb. 1-0. Johns (3), Columbia, Grand Rapids, Mich. Joyce A Weat, Loew's, Vancouver, Can. Jores ft Johnson, Globe, Boston, 31-Jaa. 3. John Troepe, Glolie, Boston, 31-Jan. 2, Jonathan, Howard. Bojioii. Jones, Billy. 116th St, N. Y. a, 31-Jin. 2. Juliet. Keith's. Boston. "Justice of the Peace," Pantages', Calgary, Can. "Jnst Half Way," Bijou. Bklu., 31-Jan. 2. Knjlyaina, Vlotorla, N. Y. C. ft Brown. Orpheuni, Sioux Olty, la. Knlikna. David, Unique, JllnneinolU. Kanayawa Trio, Greeley Sq., N. Y. a, 81-Jan. 2. Knufuisu Sisters. Fulton, Bkln.. 31-Jan. 1. Kays. Flying (3), Varieties, Texre Haute, It.d., 31-Jan. 2. Kaufman Bros., Keith's, Lowell, Mass. Kelly A Mack Basslny, St. Johns, Newfound- land, Indef. Kfiinedy, Jack, A Oo., Temple, Detroit. F.olso Boys, Lyric, Richmond, Va., 31-Jan. 2. KELLY ^GALVIN Direction HARRY SPINGOLD Kelly, Walter 0., Keith's, Washington. Kellogg, Chas., Orpheum, Minneapolis. Kelsey, Joe, Orpheum, Spokane, Wash. Kent, Annie, Delancey St., N. Y. 0.. ?830. Kennedys, Dancing, Boulevard. N. Y. 0.. 28-30. lielos (3i. Kmery. ProrWence. 31-Jan. 2. Keinan, Frank, Bushwdck, Bkln. Kellermann. Annette, Orpbeum, Brln. Kemps, The, Kelth'a. Milwaukee. Keno A Mayne, Majeatlc. Milwaukee. React A Francis, Prlscllla, Cleveland. K<l'er, BUI A Maud, Palace, Hartford, Conn., 31> Jan. 2. Kinihcriy ft Mohr, Poll's. Scranton, Pa. Kingston A Ebner. Orpheum, Kanaas City Mo. Klnkald Kilties. Flat-bush, Bkln., 31-Jan.' 2. Ktnkald, Blllr. Loew's. Toronto, Oan. Kmi Qnnrteite, Keystone, llilla. Klntin?'s Kntertalnera, Grand. Eranarllle Ind.. 31-Jan. 2. Ktapp A OornaUa, Pantages', Wlnnipes. Can. DOING "DUTCH" WITH CHAS. ROBINSON'S CARNATION BEAUTIES Mantell's Marionettes, Majestic, Chicago, Tan. 3-3. M'irlo ft Duffy, Keith's, lit ston. Mack A Ottb, CoiumbU, Grand Rapids, Mich. Marx Eros., Keith's. Indianopolls. Marshall. Edward, Temple, Rochester, N. Y. Maxlne Bros, ft Bobby, Keith's, Toledo, 0. Martins. Flying, Keith's, Toledo, O. Mallla ft Bart. Keith's. Tampa, Fla. MacFarland. Marie, Hudson, Union HUI, N. J. Mar^lls (S), Hndeon, Union Hill, N. J. Marcelle ft Bell. Majestic, Chicago. "Matinee Glrla" (Edwards'), Orpbeum, Memphis, Tenn. THE MACLEYS SPECIALTY DANCERS. DIRECTION OF M. B. BEXTHAM. Mack A Walker, Orpbenm, Omaba, Neb. Macltee A 01e«g, Orpheum, Seattle. Wash. Marshall. Vivian. 4 Co., Pantages', Spokane, Wasj. Mayer. Lottie, A Nymphs, Pantages'. San Fran- elseo. _ _„ Marcean. Jules, ft Co., Pantages', Vancouver, Caa. Mack, Andrew, Empress, Butte, Mont. Mahooe7, Tom, Empress, SL Paul. "Man In the Dark, The," American, N. Y. I-. 28-?0: Tth Are., N. Y. C„ 31-Jan. 2. Madden A Clogg. Greeley SQ., N. Y. O., 28-30, Elyju, Bkln.. 31-Jan. 2. „ -. . Macart * Bradford. Groelcy Sq., N. Y. O, 28-31, Greeley So., N. Y. 0., Sl-Jan. 2. , Q ., n . Malllnnd, Madge, Lincoln Sa., N. Y. O., 23--J". National, N. Y. O., 31-Jan. 2. „ Manhattan Trio. 7th Are.. N. Y. 0., 31-Jan. -. Mnrtell's Manmklns, Natlossl. N. Y. p., 31-Jan. *■ ManlUh ft Lloyd. Flatbuah, Bkln., 31-Jan. 2. Mann, Ben ft Uaiel, Loow's, Pougbkecpsle. N. \., 31-Jan. 2. _ Mason A Moray, Loew's. Toronto, Oan. Mack ft Plngr-c. Hip?., Baltimore. Matthews, AL, Shayno A Co., Palace. N. y. i- PKODTJOBlT" VIOLET MASCOTTE Perm, add.. The Bungalow, Randolph. Mass, Phone. Mason A Keoler. Palace, N. Y. O. Majeatlc Musical Foir, Grand, Eransrllle, Wd., MsrsbsU*ACumby, New Grand, Minneapolis. Marr A Erans. Howard. Boston. Wnscot, dowdoln So... BV.ston. Mcdden ft FlUpatrick. Poll's, Springfield, Ma« .. Kl-Jan. 2. Mars ft Ellen, Crystal. Milwaukee, alalvern Troops. Gordon So... Cleveland 31 Jan. <• MrMillin A Chester, Theatorlum, Lewlston, loa. 31-Jan. 2. _ , ... n alcDerltt, Kelly A Lucey. Keith's. .Oolunibus. Oj McGreerey. Mr. A Mrs. Jack, Keith's, Cincinnati. MeCloud A Catp, Te-nplc, Detroit. AIcDermott, Billy, Orpbeum, New Orleans. (McLeans. Australian, Orpheom, Portland, ore. McConnell A Momeyer, Pantages, San Diego, «»• McNutt s. OycUng. Empress, Denrer. _ The McNutts "UDTTY MclHJTTS" _„,.,,„. Comedy Acrobatio Cyclists. Direction Fraai Bonm