The New York Clipper (January 1915)

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THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. Januaky(9 START THE NEW YEAR SINGING •>•!>« HY B\M h i,i:wm WHEN YOU'RE h LONG, BVHIC-Bt UF.O. \K. XKVnit mil THE BICCEST SONG HIT IN THE LAND W ORDS BY CIUI. MrCARROV SLOWEST GIRL ANOTHER BIO COMEDY HIT BY THE WRITERS OP "POOR pXt'LIflE" MUSIC *BY KATBOSD WALKER TOWN TYPICAL LEWIS ami MEYER NEI.OflV MO.VO a IF YOl! UKBD "MELLOW MELODY" ABU "COTTON .MOON" 1 OU'RV. GOING TO i.OVJC THIH O.TE WOBD3 BY a AM M. LEWI 8 MUSIC BY GEO. XV. METER A WOSDERPBL 80NG WITB A WOH0SRFUE PUNCH. IF YOB HEAR IT, YOU'RE BOTJRB TO 8IR6 IT FRANCISCO (AT THAT SAN-FRAN-PAN2AMERICAN FAIR) BROADWAY MUSIC CORP., WILL VON TILZER, Pres,; 145 c w- C 45th sl, n y c^ OUT OF TOWN HEWS SaprliiniT, Midi. — Auditorium. Third Begl- ment Band nod picture! were attractions week oC Dee. 28. Mile. Anna Pavlowa and her ItusBlan danotts Jan. T. Mecca.— Feature ldetures. Aainutr. —feature pictures. Bijou, Hixax's, Duuauund and WoLvrawa, plcturea. JOTsna (W. A. Iloseoe, mgr.)—Vaulevllle. An all girl hill was feature Dee. 28-30. Including: The Threo Jordaus, Mary Gray McNeil Trio, ths Four Seaatns, Doyle otiil Elaine, anil pictures. For ai-Jon. 2 waa: Winona Winters, JorJtn and Doherty, the Piirsuloys, Geo. W. Day and company, Freor, Dag?ett and Freur, and plcturea. MiNiOin J. D. 1'hii.iuobi advises that the New Franklin Theatre will be ready fcr opening Jan. IB. Jnckaon, M Icli.—At'iiennmm (Porter & How- ■on, nigra.) "lliielo Toa's Cabin" Jnn. 7. Harry Shannon Stock On. week 11. Euou (Frank B. Lamyiuan.—For S-0: "Bought and 1'nlil Fur' and Margaret B'tuu and Sister. For T-J: iHIW Wnyde and Minstrel Maids Mtusoy ond UolUn. Wra. Piemen nnJ com- pany, Madison and Laid, and Itboda ttoyal's elephants. Knlnniinii, Mich—Fuller (Cedrlc F. Lav- Tcncc, mgr.) Aimotto Kellcrmnnn, In "Nepruto's Daughter," Jan. 3, 4; "Alma, Whore Do Yea Live J" 8.- Majestic: (Will Marshall, mgr.)—Vaudeville sod motion ilciurcs. Comjxht,, Elitb, Ltmc, Nbw and OapiiErx. notion pletores only. Battle Creek, Mich.— Post (B. B. Smith, mgr.) Kibble A Martin's "Uncle Tom's Cabin" and motion plcturea Jan. 7, 8, "Alma, Where Do You LlTe?" 10. Bijou (Harry 8. Lorch, mgr.)—Bill 3-0: Owcr and Ower, Froalnl, Kennedy and Booney, Nevlna and Gordon, and Eanmeraon and Baldwin. For 7-0: Manola, lloae Garden. Tools Paka and com- pany, Gaines and Brown, and Herbert Lloyd and company. Enid, Oklu. — American (W. S. Billing), icgr.) "The Winning of llarbara Worth" Jan. 4. "Sins of the Father" 7, "Seven Keys to Bald- pate" 21. Wondhsmkd (L. J. Hjoliivorth, mgr.) —Ysude- Tllle and pit .urea. Wibns' (.11. Wlens. jarr.)—Vaudeville and pictures. Okpiibuu, Mijbbtio nn.l Rorit, plcturea only. Enid's opj.-atlng rooms and stares are in better condition ilmn they have been for a long time, being handleil by Employees' Union, No. 312, which embrace! every Btaw hand and moving pic- ture operator employed In this ctly. The local is but ouo rear old, and works In harmony with the manasuiient of the various theatres. At a recent meeting the following officers were re- MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE ALL FURNISHINGS IN THE EMPIRE THEATRE PROVIDENCE, R. I. Tlio city hits bought tho luitldlmt, to be torn down for street widening, coo Orchestra Chairs. 600 llnleony Clititra In good I'ondiilon, Scenery. Ciirliilns, Draperies, Spot Lights and all Theatre and Stage Emilpuieuts; is Hnias Lobby Frames niul llruss tunings as good its new. Will be sold cheap IP bought AT ONCE. Address >IRE TMEA. >ro vldence, R. New Victoria Hotel IN NEW YORK AT BROADWAY' AND LONG ACRE SdtARE 145 to 155 West 47th Street "Tits Very Heart of Raw York" ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF 380 ROOMS HBO PRIVATE BATHS Every Modem Convenience Knropean Plaa Exclaslvely RATES Single rooms, bot and eold water §1 Single rooms, private oath II.B0 and up Salts, parlor, bedroom and bath 14 and op Suite, parlor, S bedrooms and bath 95 and up First Class Dining SerYtoe at Reasonable Prices O. A. HOLL.1NGBWORTH, How York City CUNTER HOTEL, San .nt.nlo.Tei, E U RO pe AN . Absolutely fireproof. We want show people, If toe reason we advertise In The Clipper PERCY TYRRELL elected for the coming ysar: SeUjcl Taylor, presi- dent; Hush Hockaday, vlce-pTesldent; Carl Thrasher. bnnLdal secretary, and Everett Cope, business agnL Milwaukee, Wis. — Davidson (Shermin Brown, mgr.) Nat a Goodwin. In "Never Say Die," Jan. 8-6; "Under Cover" 7-9. MijSBTic (J. A. allcler, mcr.)—B1U week rf 4r Hay Irwin and company, Mabel Blegelmin. Gallsgher and Carlln. Baraban and Grohi. Istsed Burner and Gores, littler and Lytes, and Two Carltons. Shobeht (0. A. Newton, mgr.)—The Shnbert Stock Co. present "Damajed Goods" week of 4. "The Fortune Hunter" next Gatwtt (J. W. Whitehead, mgr.)—nosey Posey Girls week of 3. Gypsy Maids next Cuistal (Wm. Gray, mgr.)—BUI week of 4: Jack Straus, Anderson and Burt, Elsie Gilbert and company, Bessie La Count, and ReUJlajtm and Grant. OsFHsmi (Wm. E. Mick, mgr.)—Bill week of 3: Major O'Laugnlln. Bodreeu and May, La Res Greebem. Fravllo and Bob Flralmmons. Fort Scott, Kan. —Davidson. Wasbingtoa University Glee Club waa here Jan. 1. VauoSTTS, PiorcwoND and Tusutsbstts, moving pictures only. MiNiam O. B. BLDDican, manager of the Vaudette and Plctureland and Manager D. Fllliola, of the Tbeaterette, have bought the Bex Tbeat.?. and are dismantling It. Tola will only leave tbree picture houses In the city. Former Manager Oscar Herold, of the Bex, has retired from the show business. J. BERNARD DYLLYN, Of Zlcgfold "Follies." AMERICAN ACADEMY OF DRAMATIC ARTS i Connected with Mr. Chtrlas Frohman'f Empire Theitre and Companies Recognized as the Leading Institution for Dramatic Training in America BOARD OF TRUSTEES Franklin H. Sargant, PratMent FOUNDED Dahlal Frehman John Draw Is 1884 jMbunln F. Ratter jsjaathaa iwsmaa For catalog and Inlormallon apply to tho Sacratarv Room 182, Carmgla Hall New York CHRISTMAS DINNER GIVEN AT THE MAPLEWOOD HOTEL, HOLYOKE. MASS.. BY EDWARD BEATTY AND JOE LEA VII T, TO THE MEMBERS OF THE PASSING REVIEW CO. Those present were: Uaiel Ford, Mario Fisher, Mile. Babette, Rose Memley, Hess Marshall, Josle Uernlcy, Nellie Tnrney, Clare Evans. Mark Lea, Ralph Rockway. s a m Watson, Leo BaycB, Dave Levitt, Jainee Garvin, Wm. Barry, Artna Weinberg, John Porter, Bnuna Fay. Pearl Watson, Hattle Juchlm. Irene Hermann, Millie Do Lece, Flo Bussell, Flo Jacobs, Thelma Serrlll, May Saaw, Msy Miller, Tegi> SulllTan, Beta Johnson, Mrs. Mark Lea.