The New York Clipper (January 1915)

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.. i •:• JANUAB Y 16 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. (BUI f. BOQEB3. JlOB.j I It wasn't 10 vt(7 long ago that danclnij acta were given the erram spot on the pro- gram here, but this week thi opening posi- tion was given over to a dancing trio. Tho real solid hit of the bill was captured by Orvllle flarrold. In his daisy offering of classy songs. It wu his Initial appearand here, and the large audience Just coulfia't et enough of bis splendid singing. (Hco (ew Acta.) Mr. <ind Mrs. Jack McGrcevcy, In their side-splitting country skit, were easily a laughing hit. It can be quoted as being ono of the greatest novelties In vaudeville at the present time. Iloth give an almost perfect characterization oi farm folk?. Joe Jackson (an always be depended upon to get the laughs, and at the Monday mutl- lcc seemed to go better than ever. He has almost tlie same act that he has been doing for the past lire years, with the exception of bis opening. On bis appearance the curtain is raised In xlg-tag fashion, which evokes much laughter. Vsleakn feuratt. In her new version cf "Black Crepe and Diamonds," had little to complain of the reception accorded her. Iler awictlug company, especially S«-nnlon tnd Frees, was good, and are deserving of m» !i a *8&2 a * th * Dl € success the act attained. n V , P ,eBty * personality to spire. Nan Malpcrin, vaudeville's latest character come olcnne, cleaned up. She Is one of the clever- est Blngles that nas ever appeared here. Sho offered four songs, featuring ner well known bride cumber, to excellent results. Henrietta Crosman and company. In a ore act peace playlet, "Thou 8halt Sot Kill,"' recorded one of the biggest hits at this house. <8ea New Acts.) Chafes and Fannie Van, in their "Caso ot Emergency," found It rather bard going at times, but at the finish "got thorn" and they walked away with a fair sized hit. Ihe Gardiner Trio, In their own creation of the modern dances, were In number ouo petition, and for an opener received mure applause than any act that has appeared here In that position. All three nr«» iinishri nrtlets and executed some new dances that were well liked. Richard Ilavcmsrm and his lions and tigers. In the closing position, mado them rit up nnd take notice with bis inarvelous work. The art Is a feature from Btart to 1nl«h, nut hold the audience seated until the llnal stunt. The llenrst-Sellg Weekly, showing current happenings, was Interesting. Jacl: (BIBT TOU.NO. MQH.) Manager Bert Young can go ahead anil feel as proud as he likes about the show be has up In Harlem this week, for there's not a dull moment from the time Leon Spragdo and Nellie McNeece open the bill, wltb their corking good roller skating turn, till tho Rcsc Valcrlo Sextette of double wire per- formers close it up Just ahead of the Hearst- gellg Weekly. Ben Ityan and Harriet Lee cleaned tip. Monday nlgbt, and when it is considered what strength lies in the nine act bill that holds sway hero this week, why, Ryan and Lee are worth a "million' dollars for the way they followed hits scored ahead of their cext-to-closlng spot. Rosle Lloyd, on No. 2, entirely too earl;, was a great big success in her deliveries of "Winter Night," "What Will the Harvest Be," "It Takes An Irish Lass to Sing >n. Irish Song" and "Wonder Why." Hiss Lloyd's gowns are beautiful, although pins satin slippers didn't "lit In" on her opening "Winter 1 number, for which she wore a black fur-trimmed white suit and hat and carried a muff. Nary a Lloyd has any more richer personality about her than Rente. She's a leading "slngle-lu-vaudeville," and we thought Will Ward and his five girls would have hard going following her Monday night. All wrong, for Ward's playing of piano, nnd voice, and Wardls wards' playing made theni the same enjoyable musical success. Tho medley of Irish songs sung alone by Ward, with the girls posed around him, closes the set strong. He had a lot of fan kidding a new .member In the act Monday nlgbt, audi the Albambraltcs appeared to like it. Kail and West followed. Ball and West have had all tbo best tilings said about their "Since the Days ot '01" offering. Ball and West are the same as ever. Lew Madden and Jimmy Fltxpatrlck never showed to better advantage in their "eigh- teen karet-surronnded-wlth-dlamonda" sketch, "Tho Turn of the Tide." It's a gem of the first water, with tbo tide running In their favor all the way. Mike Coaklcy, Lou Hanvey and Joe Dun- levy opened the second halt of tho .show, and their soegs, gags and dancing was twenty minutes of lively black face fun. A trio of boys 'way up top In the minstrel line Evelyn Nesblt and Jack Clifford got morn applause than we ever witnessed their get- ting at other local houses. Just ahead of Hyan and Lee and the valerlo Sextette, Home show, I said, Bert. Tod. H AJVIAlE> R S T E> IIV' (S. (LONJ8X HAdlilvLL, MOB.) A vaudeville show beginning at 2.15 and running without Intermission until 5.40 Is soino length. That Is what they gave at Ilammersteln's on Monday afternoon. Th? performance began with a Keystone comedy film, entitled "Rum and Wall roper," which was very funny. Mendal and Naglc, two young men dressed as Italian street musicians, were the first to appear. The act pleased. It would be mora effective If the men wore more attractive costumes. /One of tbem tries bard to Inject comedy In bis work, but be is no comedlau. John and Winnie Hennlngs scored so heavily that they will undoubtedly be awnrd- eu a better spot on the hill for the rest ot the week. air. Hennlngs docs most of thn work, and he is a true comedian. As an eccentric dancer he can dance with the best of tbem. He Is thin and tall, and this greatly aids his peculiar brand of tun-making. The ludy does not do much beyond playing a cornet, which she does skillfully. They both sing, but neither of them has'a good slnirlng voice. The audience liked the act immensely. Owing to a sltgbt accident to Grace Tyson . during the beginning of their act (Mc Waiters and Tyson), they were compelled to cancel. They were succeeded on Monday night oy the Three Keatons, who will, of course, re- main for the rest of the week. Marshall Montgomery still gives ample Eroof that be Is without question one of the est ventriloquists America has product d. His act was much applauded, as It deserves to be. , , Of Juliette Dika's act, reference Is made In our New Act column. Keller Mack and Crank Orth, tbo voudc- villlaus and song writers, were easy winners with their specialty, "The Wrong Hero." Mr. Orth is one of the best "nut" comedians It has been our privilege to see In a long time. Mr. Mack Is an excellent straight niun. The act got many laughs. Bessie Wynn was, of course, a prime fa- vorite with the audience, for lew women can put over a song as well as sh>;. Her songs were all good, and for good measure she sang several verses from her old hits. George Holland, assisted by Billy Kelly and Graco Bennett, won the rowedy honnis of the afternoon with the act entitled "fix- ing the furnace." The man or woman who can look at this act without laughing should seek Ihe services of a pbyilclitu Immediately. Both Holland and Kelly, as two furnace men, are very lunny. The Long Tack Sam company Is held over for a second week, which Is In Itself strong evidence that the act la a successful one. Slgunr Bagonghl, the dwarf equestrian, came on very late, but found that tho audi- ence still had many laugbs left. Ho wou many of them by his comedy riding, and he also received applause for his "straight' bareback riding. Those two excellent colored comedians, Slielton Brooks and Clarence Bowen, were next to closing, which is a very bad spot at tiauitnersteln's, but, despite this, they scored heavily. They are good singers. One of them is a clever dancer, and tho other can irakl" a niuno sing with melody. of Tarro Mlyako, a Jlu Jltsu wrestler, who xnado his drat appearance in this country, we speak In our New Act column. Ktlccu. NEW VAUDEVILLE ACTS AND REAPPEARANCES Den M. Jerome's Mnaleal Ilevae (Stontrs). 21 min., oxs and -rnnKB (srrcuL, err.) Harlem O. II.—Ben Jerome, who has been awiy from the mctroiiolls soine years, bus brought something pood back to "his heme town." TherVs "class" banging all over the melody offering Ixi ■.resented here. Ben Jerome supervised the »tog- lag and directed It* entirely, as well as wrolo every rote. Tho act has a unlaw opening (in one), for which "Skinny lloo Hoo' r Is uwJ. allowing seven ot tho company shilling It over two Suffered walls, and working up tn one of '.lie girls (Dolly Dohlman) calling for Skinny, tie (Roy hinder) In "nibo" makeup makes his en- trance from the orchestra, and the number Is finished with a trio dance by MIm notiliu.ui, Mr. Hinder and Lee Wents. Then to the ••three" »et, and before a bluo velvet drop Sylvia IX Frankie sings "In My Soap Bubble Aeroplane," a pretty number, wltb Miss Dc Frankie In a pink Colonist hoop-akirtod costume and bonnet, amlated by the other sevea, tn "kiddle" costumes, seated about tbe stage blowing soap babbles. It 1* flolshed wltti a cleverly executed dance by Mito Do Frankie and I«o Wcntt. "Mama's Angel Child" la sung by Oorrlnne Hcwlette, a real enough. plump girl. In "kid" costume. Her delivery of this song Is flawless, nnd It scored aolldly, -while she added to It with some dtnclntt that aw- prised the bouse not a little. "Nutty Hooey- moon" Is nuother good number, lead by Mlas ue Frnnkle, In "rompers," isstatod by two of the boya and two of: he slrl.i. Sylrla again Is called upon here to clince aa a finish, aha the mnile an Individual sneeeas. Ben JcronM makes his entrance alter this number, throutn the vent In the special drop, and plays a medley of "Peggy Brady" (sung oft sttgo by Miss Hew- lette). B My Love Is Like tbe Red. Red Hove" (played by Mr. Jerome). "The World's All Wrong Again" Ysnng by Mr. M. Xenmme), a Jerome gem; "Rose of the flhetto" (tang off stage hy slits Ucnvlettc), ami finished with Mr. Jerome's playing "Louisiana Urn." A seat Mt worth a mention Is the titles of each ot these songs Sashed on a tereen la the tec. As a finale, Mr. Feunone. la a Khaki uniform tings "Yankee DooHe Olrl," while tbe Mltses Cora Soutbc, "Brad" ftcllty and Ilewletto alter- nately appear at tbo drop's vent In different na- tional coatumes. As a climax, tbe entire company, villi Sylvia De Frankie at drum major, tnd tbe rest singing Into "prop brats" Inatrumenti, make a tour of one of the orchestra ilslee and return, wllb Mr. Jerome playing for It. Tbert la a eiuoothneaa In action and melody to all of It that la soothingly catchy and enjoyable from beginning to eod, while the dressing of and the company themaelvct show* Ben wis particular in picking hit tupport. Tbe Mlatet Ilowlette, Da Frankie, Houthe, Dolilmao and Realty are alt good to look upon, while the Meant. Wenta. Hinder and Fen- pone, the latter notarising a fine baritone mice, hold up their end to make all a harmonious "niuilcal revue." To* ((.'HAH. 1'OIHDAM, MOB.) An unusually good bill was responsible for a packed house Monday evening. Plenty of comedy, plenty of singing, and plentuy good looking girls helped the audience spend a pleasant evening. They showed their ap- preciation to the manager and roundly ap- plauded all acts. The bill was nicely arranged and tbe interest was held through- out. Valentine* dogs, ten mlcutos, full stage. An unusually good dog act ff&a several well trained canines. Two bows. Freddy James, in one. ten minutes. He Mils himself "The World's Worst Juggler.' He pretty nearly earns tbe title. However as a nut comedlau and a monologist he can bold his own with Three bows. William O'Clnre and bis Shamrock Girls, In full stage, special setting, twenty minutes. Very good act, with pretty girls and good singing. O'Clnre Is quite a yodler, and tbe Juartettc of girls was well liked. A pretty rlab story. Three bows and encore. Andy Bice, In one. twenty minutes. Andy Deems to Improve with age. He has one of the funniest Hebrew monologues tbo writer has heard in some time. He shared the hit honors for the evening. Two encores, four bows. The Mystic Btrd, in one, twelve minutes. Master Paul has certainly an attractive act. It Is remarkable how well trained the little bird appears to be. It Is an act that attracts equally the young and tho old. Four bows. CarroU and Hlckoy, In one, sliteen min- Dies. This Is a neat Ringing and piano act. The girl Is very pretty, but even that can't puU her .sliwiug over. She plays piano very •well. Tbe mnn Is funny. The act should oo cut to about tec minutes. Three bows. I,Ida McMillan, in thro-, eighteen minutes. Llda McMillan and an excellent supporting cVmpany offered a very Interesting sketch by Maude Fulton, entitled "A Saleslady." &|l88 McMillan is a very clever actress. She in. h a nice personality. That, coupled wlen her original way of delivering lines, helped to win her sketch more than the usual amount of applause. Bert Snow Is a good actor nnd helped the playlet not a little. Five bows. t Gertrude Barnes, In one, twenty minutes. Oertrudo Barnes In a comedienne from head to toes. Sho captivated the Monday evening §atrnns and was cattily tbe hit of the show, he eang four songs. All of them have been In her repertoire for many seasons, never- theless they are good and lend to show her off to satisfaction. Loew made a lueky deal when he signed Miss Barnes. Five bows, nn encore and a curtain spcecli. The Three Olllls. in three, six minutes. The Three Glllls are sensational equilibrists. They are typical of the three-a-doy houscc. Three bows. During Intermission a funny Keystone comedy was sbown. Tbe third episode of "The Exploits of Elaine" closed tbe show. This picture Is becoming mora popular than "The Perils of Pauline," and should prove a mint for the producers nnd managers. Ut/lei. NAT C. GOODWIW has begun a suit against W« for alleged libel. JULIA WILLIAMS (Mrs. Scott Slgglns). a well known actress Is very ill with con- sumption at 234 West Forty-third Street, New Vork. She would like to know tho where- shouts of hor husband, Scoit Slgglns, tbe actor. Miss Williams will deem It a far/or It any of her brother or sister professionals can furnish her the above information. Ali HARRIS AND W1FB (Marie Dc Lano). for the past six seasons with the Angclls ComedUus, ploying principal parts, sre in Pcorls, III., visiting Mr. Harris brother, Oeorgo Wilde, who is superintendent of the money order division in the Peoria post office. BAMUF.L T. SCUULTZ, a scenic artist of Wilmington, Del., is now at work in the new Tower's Theatre at Camden, N. J., one of the latest Nixon at Ztmmermann vaudeville houses. J. D. WOOD denies the rumor that the Bnndbox Theatre is to close. BUOKN'B O'ERlKN noes with the new Porter Emerson Brown comedy. THE Grarvlllo Barkpr.Jdllah McCarthy repertoire, commencing 21 St a, New York, will Include "Androcles nnB the Lion " "The Mnn Who Married a Dumb WUe," "Mid- Summer Njaht'j Dream," "Doctor's Dilemma" nnd "Madras iHouse. "THB HAWK" will close In two weeks at tho Maxlne Elliott, New York, to go on the road. JA8. K. HACKETP has bought tho bouse at B8 West Seventy-first Street, New York, for hlfl town r^Rldi'nco THB arartiuent of Frederick Perry, of the "On Trial" Co., at 0 Bast Fortysoventii Street. New York, wns destroyed by- lire Jan. 9. Nancy Wllllsms, a domestic, was Injured by leaping fronn a window. . „ „_ _ __ , , "TlliT IRRKSISTIULB MAN" will be seen shortly, with Lou Tellegan In tba principal role, '•ROSEMARY" reopens the Empire 12. with John Drew, Alexandra Carlisle. Mrs. Whlffen. Harry Harwood and Hubert Druce In the cost. 8TELIA KIRALKY, n tjmfftjte. who hns been *wny from stage life for several yews, Is to-return. 8hc Is the daughter of the Into Arnold Klrnlfy. iiONNii; OAYLOBD AND MARIB HARTMAN are rebesrslng a new act. DANGINe ACTS, MUSICAL ACTS, DUMB ACTS "PICK A CHICKEN" Featured by Ilaadllnera—at Great One Step, Two Step f>r Trot. H*a » popular awing and direct modulation that strikes (he car with turn appsal lor more, FaM orchestra, 15 centt, Full Band, MS centt. MEL, B. KAUFMAN A«0 Saint Nicholas Place NKW YOKK C1TV. AUSTRALIAN MUSIC PUBLISHERS W. J. DEANS & SON 600 GEORG2 STREET SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA REAL HUSTLERS OF AMERICAN MUSIC! Would bo glad to hear from ruhllHhorn who want their Music known hero. Visiting Vaudeville Artists please pay us a visit. Always a welcome for you at otar house. C AV«. "While Variety It the •Msr'tf Life' •9t\ X 9 Your Act Must Be Kiall of •Qlataj You can't plant 'lioakum' and reap book! Act, okototi or Monologue— SOW ." A1XEW SPENCER TEMNET, KxUckaTnookw Thoatra Bldg w Wtrw Yorfc City. TENNEY Qottlto i roper "The Snerlflcc" (Dramatic Sketch). Lexlnaton.—Tills dramatic eplsodo from tho Relan of Terror beld closest attention front start to finish. Tbe act opens In the chambers of a newly-elected leader ot the Oommunea, wno bat compiled a list of the nobles about to be shot, among tbem tbo biwband of the woman who bud niiurncd I ho leader's suit. 8be has been In- duced to tlgn her allegiance to the peopte't chums In the hope to save tier hutband't life, but thu Count, known aa l'rlaiiier No. 4. Is alto turn nioned. iufluonccd by the lender the vife inducet tbe huabjnd to tlgn orer his property to tho Oommune, and ho Is vromited a reprieve for both Limfcelf and tbe wife. Tto sutiordliittea. liowdrer, have their onlart from the leader, and No 4 It ahot tlto, tnd the liody it corrlod on In order that tlie wife who awaits hit rotura to leave the city wllb him, may bo furthe.' tortured. She anility realises, after an effecting tocno, that be will not respond to her calls for an an- swer. At aht la about to leave, she notices a iIukkit left upon the table, nnd approaching the slotting, gieeelnjr, sneering leader, aakt to bs tliuwn her kasband'a signature. Tlie leader leans (inward to tscure the document tnd Ihe knife nndt ltt way to his heart. Ourtaln desceods upon a aeon* with tba wife cmuchlng over huaband's body. Mildred Elaochanl acted welt the euottonat role of loo wife, and the loader was alto well acted. The mob acene was well done, tbe crowd rushing or. three tunes, once when called by Ihe itador, to heir the former aristocrat auig "Tho Mai- Bclllatae." UiO. Thanhouser Kid A Co. (Sketch). IS Min,, onb, ANO IULL staqb (apsctal, an). Harlem O. II.—With her own special drop and set, Little Mario Kline, better known sa "Tbo Thanhouser Kid," assisted by Klngdcu Brown, a clever little chap of about ten rears, presented "In Fairyland." s two tccned sketch that tllovrt little Marls plenty of opportunity tor Ulapltylng ».cr ability to amuse as much befnro tbe publlo ?ersonallj as sba has on the trreen. Preceding he act Is a reel of pictures showing thta clever child actiett being "left by tbe stork" and a final "runLlng away from home" to go on tba stage. Tbe first gllinpao of Marie allows her In her "nightie," carrying a doll, bookk and a lighted candle. She tarries to tbe way, to read, bat a call by mother interrupts, and the tocno changes to lull stage, with tho exterior of a large houae, tnd "prop" wall, tree, grass and bench. .Here King. don Brown, ns an urchin, nnd Marie have material that shows each child's talent off to a nicety, tnd although Dab* Kline la tki featnre, tbs llttia down fellow la worthy of great praise. He's a clever "leading man." tlthougti nls part does call for hla making lovo to two different "gala" (both parts played by little Marie), one as s village girl who loves him and pleads with him not to ste-il hla "dad's" money, concealed to s tree, while tho other "a clown-girl from tho clrena," taunts him for abiding by the "town lassie's with." It Is a clever little playlet. The climax (back in one) shows "Baby 1 ' Marie back In her "nightie" n> say gool-itght and take— An bows at ibu show. Toi. • a Henrietta- Crosman. 14 SUN., ON FtlLl, Wilis. I'alnoo.—A great success was scored by Hen- rietta Orotman and her company, presenting for the Brat time Maurice OtmpbeU'a lattlo peace lilajlet, entitled "Thou Htialt Not Kill." The aketeh which haa very Utile plot, tells about a mother refusing to lot her son go to wtr after be bat been called by his country. Is a previous war his father had given bla life for lika country, and tbe mother says she has done ber duty to bar country snd that she hat reared her sou ss her own and bla life belongs ID ber. Toe war aplrlt prevailing In tills country st tbe present l.Uno It the chief reaton of the won- dt-rfa! success that the playlet attained, but under ordinary circumstances It Is doubtful .whether It would attract more than passing notice. Miss Crosman gave a splendid performance as tbe mother, and was ably assisted by Oerstd Bldgood, aa lbs son. Jack. i s i The Lnsens (Trapese.) 12 MIN., run. STAOB, Harlem 0. II.—Two men, the straight, ta fleshings, it a Jiji, a clean cut cbap, who per- forms creditably an the rings, featniing the "cut- ting of bunds by feet" while blindfolded. Otown faced comedian, in loose Biting drett suit got* quite t little out of inlralclng hn partner's stunts. Good "pop" act, with pooatblllllea of going higher. Ml s Hatter nnd I,out; ("oansj and Dances). 11 Ml P., 0K». Harlem O. II.—Young couple who dsnes well enough '<■ cast aside the laxsciit "noisy" routine of their turn, get now numbers nnd shape up hometblng with clgss. Tbe girl can evidently pisy a piano, but just now alio-a hing- ing out tor rone*, when Ihey danced *hey were enjoyed. Both are good workers and make rood appearance. re*. V/eo Gcorulp Wood. 28 MIN.. DO* ICKN'S. Bnahwlclc, Brooklyn,—Wco Oeorgle Wood, tilled ts "The Boy Phenomenon," raptured bit audience nt tbo Uushwlck Inst week. The "youngstet" Is older thtn he sppesra to be, but ho it a mite of a fellow, and the appellation, "boy," fits hlin nicely. TliO act opens with Oeorrlo iiclng put to bed hy his nurse, or rather lilt nurse attempts to lot him to bed, but ho refines to bo put. He la seen In s twit ot "B. V. U's," and refuses to don bit "Nightie." Tbo nnr-9 finally lets him have hla own way nnd ho puis on n Scotch suit tnd shags a Hootch, sent. Nrrt he slips on s dress and glres an Inilt.illon of Bessie McCoy, staging a song. Ills last Imitation It of Mnudo Allen, the danetr. In all of bis work he proved himself to bt an arttat, orea to the Utile talk he Indulged In, which was evidenced by the fact thnt tho audience appreciated every minute of tbo tweoty-clgbl ho waa on tho stage, and wanted more. Una. ■ t Mario Hortlstrnni. 10 xut.. ONS AN0 TWO. Colonial.—A new ofTcrlua-. patterned after the work of bar husband, Henry H, Dlirjr, introduced Marl* Modatrom to hlgtluio vaudeville. Sba cap- mated ho- nudlenco from the Blurt with bar win- ning smilei and her charming personality, "lilts of Acting" show Miss Nodatrom's nlttrlonlo ability to perfection. She showed tho dlffrreiKO of singing a ponslar ballad with cad without Kralnrm; of an actrsts slid a home wife hearing a confttskiii of robbery from ber hatband, and of hearing of tlie death of her huttinnd over tho Iclcpbone. Sho haa won herielf n good berth Willi Ihe V. B. O. booking oOlces, by putting over s novel act. Jfyirs. ■ • ■ •Tttlletto Dlka (sonsys). 10 MIN., IN ONU. nammerslcln'B. — Tho Monday aflennon audlmco wu cnld to Mlaa Dlkn'a Drat offer I u-;, but sho "got tlK-rn" with her iweoud aong. Iler tongs, or rattier, characterisations In songs wero well chosen, and tier gowns, wilcb shn channes for eiih ton.:, are all ttiiniilag, Indeed, w* can- not think at this moment of a better dressed woman In vandertlla, Vl'hen It conies to s Bgurc, Mile. Dlka Is "there," She Is s wrsiisn of (letslnc personality and song* that rc-iulro dra- matic action are well within her grasp. The or- chestra, tnd a nun at tto grand piano accompsuy ber. Ktlety. ' s Orvllle Hurrold. 18 MIN., ON rill.I. Sl'SOS, Palace.—(More than surpassing tho billing that nrtcaded hkn, Urvilla Hurrold (prorrnnuued at "Amtrlca't QraUeet Tenor") nlgnairtrd hli ro- tura to vaudtvllia hy f.uttHiaj over a solid hit here at the Moaday mallnse. As a tenor ho Is well known. Till reputation hat been Justly earned, and all that la left to say Is that ho well 4iould uako a fetturo on any viiudcvllli) bill. Ho offorrd a repertoire of some alt soars, but hit biggest success was scored with "I'm falling In ton with Somo one," "Ysatcrilsy and To- day," sad "Mother Msrhrre" jack. ■ a a Tho Glorias. 10 MIN., IN Til lit*. Colonial.—An exceptionally clever dancing pair are I ho Ulorlaa. Mure la a team Unit would go on any Orat class bill. Ualtroou) dancing;, rather than the stereotyped ttage dancing Is their npoclalty. Iloth are vitreniely xraceful. and tho )M«M are very good, Their linltatlmi of a dates on skates took the bouso. It la clever, and It oomottilnff new. They followed a picture, and were first on the bin, nevertheless tbey earned so much spplsose that Ihey were obllgul to give a curtain speech. ISylct. t ■ u s Tnrro Hlyako (Jlu Jltsu Wrestler). Ilitmmcralelia'a,—This bis Jip was Intro- duced hy Joe Humphreys as the undlspnled cham- pion Jiu Jltsu of the world, snd stibed that hn wsa open to meet any man In tbe world at the same. Ho had to work :iko n beaver on Monday afternoon to keep this title, for ouo Fred West almost took It away from him. West Is from Cleveland, and It a clover wrestler. The Jap Is very clever and hla act Interested, mainly because of the wonderful tight tbo American put nn. infer* ■ i .- CostjrOTO and Darns (slDMers and Tail. era). 18 MM., SOX scows. Bmshwlek (Bkln.)—Cosgrove and Burnt (man nnd woman) presented t singing and talk- ing sketcn Isst week st tbe Bualiwlck, Tho scene of tho act oecnrs In the ttndlo of a tousle teacher, tod be being sbsent, tbe wowsn undertakes to 111 bis place at teacher. Mho at- tempts to give lessons to tho first applicant who arrlvtu (the man In the act), and tosatuer they do avao slagiug and talking, They wars not very heartily received. g M , Biz (Ivnnilii. (Mn.lenl). 13 UIN., 1-U1.1. STAUB. Harlem O. IX. — lflve men and one young woman (foreigners), who play (veil on marimbas and xylophones. After opening In r.nllre eoatiiiars the man change to drcm salts, and tbe girl to evening gown, look wall and aro all good mu- sicians, Int olher nimibcrt ooold turplant ons or two now used. to* ROU TE I vIST. Sapiilemrn(nl I,ls(—Iteoeleed Too Irtite for Classinca tloa. Cftsuncey^Kelffer Stock—dtalb, M. T., U-lfl. "fool There Was, A" f r o one ct , Cleveland, 18- US. I'alnco Players (Fred Doaudoui, ingr.)—Osrin- burg, W. Vs.. Indof. "I'alr ot Sites," Western (H. U. Vraxes, mgr.) — Oily, Mo., 11-10. St. Denis, ituth— JiiM Angelc 11-10. flt Clair. Norone, tttock (Correction)—Shclikin, la., ii-io. "September Morn"—Toronto, Can., 11-10. Thomas Mils. Com. Co. (Tab.)— BWdlford. Me., 18-23. "Within the law*'—fvoapect, Cleveland, 11-10. Young-Adams Block Mo nct o n , Can., 11-10. THU TWO POM.AIbS, acrobatlo comedltnt. who arrived from Kngltnd recently, tnd have placed themselves under the management of Ted linker, and liave been booked solid on the W. V. A. time, opening Jan, 11. OUT OF TOWN HEWS Cleveland, O.—flpera Honse (A. ". Hsrts, mgr.) Ztcgftdil's "t'olllcs" Is tho attracllou Jan. 11-10. "Sari" next week. Colonial (V. Itny Comtlock, mgr.)—",V Pair of Sixes" (return eiigsipineut) 11-10, with lltlpb ■Hen mul May Vokea in tbe Cast. "Pretty Mrs. Smith" 18 aud week. Ksirtt'a IluTODtoitn (11. A. Iianlels, mgr.)— Bill week of 11; Kddlj Kuy and Ihe Seven Kojs, I'rlts and Uucy Brurh. Mary Dorr. Chung llwa Comedy Four, the Lo.-otla 'Pwlns, O'Brien, Havel and cuiupany. Milton Tollock aud company, and I'iplfaz and Paulo. .MtTsoroiJTSN (Fred B. Johnson, mgr )—"Big Jim ilorrlty." 11-10. by (lie Mutropoltlnii Play- en. Next week, "Tbo World ami Ills Wire." PaoarsoT (J. W. Lyon, nisr.)—"Within tho I*w" ll-lti, ''A Fool Tbero Waa," with Rugcnle lilslr, next. OuivF.i.ANR (IT. D, Zlrker, mgr. 1— The 41011101 Players, III "A Woman of Mysttry," II Id, aaASP (l^rew&Oacnpbrll, nigra)—Wstk of 11, "St. itlum," by tho permanent stock company; 18. "Tbe Four Ouuiuen." Mills (Chat. Osruer, mgr.)—Clll week of 11: Fray Twins and Fruy, lllller, Mooto and (Isrduer, Karl, Marie Ituisell, Moutrutv and Sydell, Chsa. IXtland, and pictures. Piiini-iLL* (P. B. Rest, mgr.)—Bill week ot 11: The Four Aerial Stars, Handy Piindy Klda, llh/llon plcturct uf .Vunvtlu Kell ;l niiilin. White's .Models, Del Vocchlo Olisngi compaiiy, I.lvliigHtuu und Vau. Drew Aiory. nut pictures. Ooiivon Sultans (Harry tluiuchcr, mgr.)—Tbe Passing Bovltw week of 11, Including tho Uau- dug Lublnt. Don nomine, lie.ute liolnnd, tbo Cardownlo Slators, Jones and Howard, Iljleii Can- non, and pictures. Stas (Drew * Unniplsdi. ingrs.I— The Star and Osrter Hhow, with Jack Conwar, week of II. Umi'iuk (Ueo. Clicuet, mar. I —Tno Tuugo Queens It-10, tho Taxi 0 trie Hid. KNicKcnuoi'Kcn (IS. N, lluwiis, mgr.)—For week of 11: "The Dancing Ulfls," motion pic- tures, with Florence Heed. Msclljn ArPuckle, In "It's No Laughing Matter," la another pic- lure feature, Dunmso (A. A. Conioy, mgr.) —(i'ho inaiitgv- ineut has arranged with tint (Ilm. Klelnv Uo. to show all tholr produclluna, tho llrst bring "An- tony snd Clcunatra" 11-1,1, ami "A Fuel Thrre Wnt" 11-10. Ntaniihik (Jos. Urossinan, mgr.) —Among the drat run films 11-10 are: Wilton l.acksye, In "The Pit" mul lieutrlco Mlchelenn, III '"Mrs. Wlggi of the Oabbage Patch." Amiamiiiia (Fred H. Brandt, mgr.)—For week of 11. Carlylo lllackwell. In "Tliu l.sst Ohapter," and "Zudors," etMlaodu No. 8, Sre thu ultrscllniii, with Mclxdorf's Urchestrn, Norst, A srsviAL mullneo ull star lieneflt for tho Aclors' Fund uf America, In which every allow now In tlie city will bo rvprcauntod, la announced at the Metropolitan for HI. Tun FourtMiith Annual Auto Hliow, with 12.000,000 la exhUiKs, will o|ieu 10, at tbe Coll- so um. Toronto, Can.—Princess (W. Mulholtaud, mgr.) "Thirty I,ragiivs Under tho Hen" (na- tures) Jrn. 11 and week. "Tho Misleading Lady'' wtek of 18. (I,, Holoinoii, nigr.l —Walter Jisies, In "The Third Party," II and Week, liny Mutes Post, In • Omar, tho Ten I ins Hit." uext week, tliiAMii (J. W. Onwiin, mgr.) — "Setitensber Mom" 11 rud week. Al. II. WllwHi, In "A Prliiiu of Tnttcrs." week ot 18. "Wltblu the Law" li> follow, hiisa's (J. Hliea, nigr.l—Hill 11-10: (Hark and Bergman, l«rralrui mid Burks, Bert FlttglbNni, Nehonler and LUcklusoii, Lobso aril Hti'rllng, ltob- ert Kelly nnd company, Hplssell llnithors nnd Attrk. tnd MoMahon. Bliiiisind and Lliuulow. Losw's (B Itenittein mgr.)—BUI 11-10: Mo- cart and Bradford, victoria Four, Pop Wurd, Dulinore ai.d Mooro, Musical Kenneys, Lewis' Manikins, Wood's anhualt, snd (Jco, U. iteno aud coinpoiiy. IJiW'uiiitoMH IV,. A. McArdlv. mgr.)—Bill II- 10; Oxford Qusriellu Held and UniiHiroii. Ijirdy's liogs, Omwlord aud Hbnr/, Mctlunulck aud Irvllig, and Arthur Hulllvan and eompaiiy, Uavarrr (T. It. Usury, mgr.) — Pst Whtlu'i JiiMleo it and week. Dreamland Show wevk ot 18. Ntas IV. W. fllalr, mgr.)— Cherry Blossoms 11 and week. Tbe Tempters week of 18. H'isahu (I,. Hchletlnger, mgr.) —Photoplays and Itoraunolll Orcbeatra. Majsstio (B. B, Orlfftu, mgr.)—Tabloid mu- sical couatdy, Kansas City, Mo—,Nbubort (Karl Hii-wsrt. mgr.) "A Pair of Kites," with Herbert (.'.irtbcll. Oscar Flgmiiii, Orlnndu Daly, Jeele luiropudl, DSInnlc UlmlN-l, liernlce Buck and others, con- tinues as the attraction for Its second week, com- mencing Jan, 10, drawing full bouses, oniiirtnt (Martin fsniman, mgr.)—Crond.-l houses prevail here. Bill week of 10: Hwor and Mack, Bendlx Players, the Hharrocks, Ucrtrudu llorriniinn ami company, ami Mtehan's <lng4, Usanii (A. Judah, uigr.)—■•Bringing Up Faither" week of 10. Ai.'I'itiiuiuk (Mela Sillier, mgr.)—cilock. This ruiulile cuipuny, bended by Ann O'dny and Italpli Killnrd, eoiilluuea to play in good lioutcs, "Old lleldellieril" HMO. ISMi'nraH (Marcus f.oen'-Cy Jacobs, mgrt.)— Bill in-1il: Patrlcola A Mrer, Karl nnd Curtis, "School Days," (Irny snd Urnhum, Blanche Les- lie, and Poltin Bros. IIii'i'iionoMS (Frederick W. Lincoln, mgr.)— Vaudeville nnd pictures. Oi/iiin (Win. D. Nowklrk, mgr.)—Spilt week vaudeville. Uaitrrr (Matt Smith, mgr.)—Beauty Parade 10 aud week. Osmtusx |Tho*. L. Taafe, mgr.)—Hello, Paris 10 and week. Wilms Wood (Jmetih P. fllhlny, nujr.)—Fea- ture pictures, symphony orchestra anil 820,000 pipe organ. iioiai. (F. L. Newman, mgr.)—Feature pic- tures. THE HIPPODROME SURPRISE. "The Wars of Uln World" closes 10, and the Hippodrome Will re-open 211 with a big two-ring circus exhibition with tunny nov- elties. Tlie comedy division will be featured, as the msnsgeincnt figures thnt comedy In Tvlmt in wnnted Just st present. Krnnk Ken- ni'bol. Al. Mlnco. Bteve Mlnrn. Slimier Jolii- fltin, Geo. II. Adams, Pan Diierow, Leo lining- wick, Cunsrd nnd Hart. Unorgo Znmmer, Krnle Anderson. Abe Aronsnii, Kred lilerks, Hihii/Ss Hnnsoti, llossl, Jerry (Jluytnn. Danny OMineti and ,1ns. It. Adams will be among the srroy of clowns.