The New York Clipper (January 1915)

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January 16 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 19 DO YOU COMPOSE Bongs or lMtromonui mubIot If so, bo BORE to luvo swroo arranged by an KXPERTl An artlsUo arrangement mesna SUCCKS81 I bare done HCN- DKKDS of BIO HITS I Write or call afternoons 8-0 EUGENE Pl.ATZMANN Care Shapiro. am W. 47th St., R. V. C. Harriet. Fnrt, Empress, Grand Rapids, Mich. HtrJeln, Lilian. Kelth'l, I'h'la. Henry*. Flying. Bljon, Savannah, Oa., 14-10. I'tndlcr, Herschel, Boulevard, N. I. 0., 11-18j Anierlcrn. N. Y. C. 14-10. Penning* Jobn & Winnie, Victoria, N. Y. 0. Herbert's Dogs, New Palace, Minneapolis. Hcarn & Itutler, Lyric, Newark, N, J., 14-18. Henry, Margaret Mlllca, liljon, Boston. Herbert. Mons., Boffdolo Sq, Boston. Mien, Baby, Poll's, New Haven, Conn., 14-18. miliar, W, J., Pantages*, Vnncoover, Oan.j Pan- laces'. Tacoma, Wash., 18-33. Hippodrome Four, Colonial. Chicago, 14-10. Hill, Murray K., Beubert, Bain., 14-10. Hogan, Una Ernie Marks Co., InAef. Houston, Henry, Touring Australia, Indtf. Mae Holden THE ELECTRIC SPARIC QAIBTY Q1RL8 CO. lJouillnl, OoluatUa, Grand Rapids, Mich, liotvard Ekldie, Orphrnm, Jacksonville, Fla. Holt. Alt., Keith's. Louisville. Hoffmann. Gertrude, ft Co., Orpheum, Kansas OMy. Mo. Holman Bros., Bt. Thnmas, Can., 14-16. Holer A Boggs, BIJou. Battle Creek, Ml;h„ 14-10. Hoffman, Lou. Delsncey St., N. V. 0., 11-13; Boulevard. N. Y. O.. 14-10. Holmes ft Wells, 7th Ave., N. Y. a, 1410. Hoe; A Lee, Orabcura, Bkln. Hopkins, Ethel A Emma, Prospect, BMd. Holden, Maxwell, Orpheum. Peoria, III.. 14-16. Hoyt'a Minstrels, Orplieum, Racine, Wis.. 11-10. Howard * Field* Minstrels, NIckeL Lawrence, Mass., 14-10. Holden. Howard, Academy, Buffalo. HURST. WATTS* HURST FLATiNC! WESTERN VAUDEVILLE TUB. Direction HARRY W. 8P1BQ0LP. Hudson, Bert E., 0. EL. Spring Villey. Wis, lluelivs. Mn. Gene, A Co., Temple, Detroit, Hurst. MUiQU, Globe, jjjjjt, NI6K Ifi) ■ LOU » PHILADELPHIA mNew Jersey Central EVERY HOUR ON THE HOUR From Libert? St., T A. at. to 10 P. M. and at Midnight with Sleepers 10 niNTJTElB OP TUB HOUR From W. »3d St. VOia WATCH IS YOUR TIME TABLE Comult P. W. HEHOY, E. P. A*t. 1*40 BROADWAY. NKW YO UK. MeMIIIas, Llda, ft Co., Loew'i. Newbnrrh, N. T., 14-18. MoOreevey, Mr, 4 Mm. J*:k, Palace. N. T. C. McClure A Dolly, Empress, Cincinnati. Member. Dorothy, Orpbeud, Montreal. Mendelssohn Foot, Colonial. Brie. Pa. Meeban's Dot*, Orpheam, Kansas City, Mo. Direction UNITED TIME PAT CASEY Hymsck. Forsyth, Atlanta, Oa. lnnets ft Ryan, Keith's, Tampa, Fla. Iin-ln. Flo, ft CO.. Keith's. Washington. Ineenlans, The. Victoria, Baltimore. "Me of Wishes," Colonial, Haverhill, Man., 14- 10. Italian Musketeers (5), Star, Ithaca. N. T.. 14-10. Jacob's Dogs. Orphcwn, Birmingham, Ala. Jennings A Smith. Keith's, Boston. Jewel Comedy Four, Bijou, Savannah, Ga.. 14-18, Jewell's Mornlklus, Cordon's Olympla, Boston. Jo)*on, Hairy, Globe. Pblla Johnsons, Musical, Empire, Newcastle. Kng.: Bra- Sire, Nottingham, 13-23; Smiilre, Hartlepool, 25- 0; Hl'ip.. Dublin. Ire., Feb. 10; Empire, Bradford, Eng., 8-13. Johns <3), Majestic, Milwaukee. Jorilon Olrls, liljou. Jackson, Mich., 14-10. Johnstone, Lawrence, Colonial, Logscsport, Ind., 14-10. Jordon A Doherty, Majestic, Ann Arbor, Mich. Jones & Johnson, Greeley Sq., N. Y. 0., 11-12; National. N Y. 0.. 14-11. Johnson, Howard A LUette. Orphcum, So. Bend, Ind.-, 14-10. Juliet, Dominion, Ottawa, Can. "Juat Halt Way," Delancey St., N. Y. a, 14- 10. Kaufman Bros., Poll's. Bridgeport, Conn. Ki.lnmr A Brown, Orobciii, Minneapolis. Kanncawa Trio, Ttb Are. N. Y. C, 11-18; American, N. Y. 0.. 14-10. Knurman Slatera, Greeley So., N. Y. 0., 14-18. Kuiifnuin A Lillian, Grand, Bt. Louis teutons (3), Victoria, N. Y. 0. KELLY'-GALVIN Direction HARRY SPINflOLD Kelly A Mack, Manhattan, llkln. Kelly, Walter C, Shea's. Buffalo. Kelly, Itobert. & Co., Shea's. Toronto, Can. Kelso, Mr. A Mrs. Jas , Hudson. Union Hill, N. J. Kennedy, Jack, A Co., Majestic, Chicago. •Kervllle Family, Columbia. Bt. Louis. Kennedy A Booney, Bijou, Bay City, Mich.. 14-10, Kelly, W. J., BIJou, Bkln., 14-10. Keenan, Frank, Prospect, Bkln. Kemj> Sisters, Ualsey. Bkln.. 14-10. Keefe, Lungton A Wheeler, Garrlck, Wilmington, Del. Kelt A De Mont, Grand, SL Louis. Kelly A Berg. Nickel, Lawrence, Mais., 14-10. Kelly, James, Gordon's Olympla, Boston. Kearney, Jas,, ft Co., Academy, BnlTalo. Kirk ft Fogurty. Orpheum. Birmingham. Ala. KlmlM-rly ft Mobr, Dominion, Ottawa, Can. Klnkcld, Billy, Academy, Fall Blver, Mass., 14- 10. "Kid KoUret," Keith's. Lowell, Mass. Kllleen ft Francis, Gordon's Olympla, Boston. Klncjld, Billy, Oruajjai, Grand Rapids, Mich.. 14-10. Miitlcg's Animals, Orphenm, Peoria. III., 14-10. Klclsou, Musical, Oaslno, Washington, 14-10. Knight ft Moore, Uajestlc, Nashville, Tenn. Knapp A La Foge, Ilulsey. Bkln., 14-18. honors Bros. (4), Garden. Dallas, Tex.. 14-18. hull. A Hsrland, Orphcum, Stockton, Can., 14-10. Koltmom, The, Nlioo. PUUa. Krunicr A Morton, Orphcum. Birmingham, Ala. Kremkn Bros.. Oolninblu. Orand Rapids, Mich. Kramers, The, Kellb'i, IndlsnaiKills. Kronold, Hans, Palace. Chicago. Kreniollnn ft Darras, Orpheum, lllnnespolls. Kramer, Joe, ft Co., Lyric, Newark, N. J., 14-18. Kurarey, Busch A Boblnson, MaJesHe, Cbatta- uooga. Tenn. Lang, Blllte A Mac, I'mctor'e 58th St.. N, Y. C. 11-13; Proctor's 123th St., N. Y. 0., 14-18. La Vino A Ionian. Proctor's, Newark, N. J., 14- 18; Proctor 1 *, PlalnOeld, 18-20; Proctor'*, Mt. Vernon. N. Y., 31-23. 1a Oraclosa, Maryland, Baltimore. "Lana Party, The," Palace. Hartford, Oona., 14-18. La Ilocca, Rosy, Temple, Detroit. La Crnndnll, Keith's, Tampa. Flo. La Ullo. Keith's. Washlugtoo. Lamliertl, Orpheum, Mlnaennolls. La Roe, Grace, Orpheum, New Orleans. Largay ft Bbee, Delanecy St.. N. Y, C, 11-13; National. N. Y. 0-. 14-18. Lamb'B Mannlklns, New York, N. Y. C. 11-13; Emery, lTovldence, 14-10. "Last Hope," Tth Are., N. Y. C, 14-10. Lawton, National. N, Y. C, 14-10. Laurie A Allees, Folton, Bkln., 14-10, La Toy Bros., Proaoect, bkln. Lancaster ft Small, Halaey, Bkln.. 14-10. ■ I.awrenco A Bdwarda, Garrlck, Wilmington, Del. La Vaa ft Martin, Lyric. Newark, N. J.. 14-10. La Vara, Dancing. Keith's, Boston. Lancton, Lucler, * Co., Globe. Phil*. Laureaze, Bert, Hipp., Pottsrllle, Pa., 14-18; Pal- ace. 8o. Bethlehem, 18-20; Garrlck, Morrkrtown, SU23. Lang, Joe, Academy, Buffalo, lander, aim., Victoria, Baltimore. Lane ft O'DonneU, Colonial. Akron, 0. Le Roy, Lyttou A Co., Orpbeom, Birmingham, MARK LEA PBATDRBD WITH PAgglllO REVIEW OP 18141 leonard A Russell. Keith's. LonlSTllle. Lelilors, The, Poll's, New Haven. Oonn., 14-10. Owls, Tom, ft Co., Temple, Rochester. N X. Lconnrd A Russell, Keith's, WaahlngtOD. • Le Roy A Paul, Star Hipp., Chicago, 14-10. Le Malre A Dawson, American. Chicago. Leslie, Blanche, Empress, Kama* City. Mo, BESSIE LE COUNT ALWAYS A LITTLE A UK AD OF THE BVITCR BAJL STEEL CXAD WARDROBE TRUNK $45.00 Double Trolley, Steel Bonnd. Fibre Corcrod, and It 1* BVILT BY BAL. A Few of Our Ont-of-Toirn Aarentsl W. A. BACON ft CO -,i Bo«ton, Mauua. flUARANTKE TRUNK 00 Hartford, Conn. THB TRUNK 8HOP New Haven, Conn. BYRAODSB TKUNK 00 Syracuse, N. Y. 8. 8ILVBR Bridgeport, Oona. THSTIN'S TRUNK SHOP. Blnghamlon, N. Y, AHB RMPORIVM B SSf i0 ' ,n' HANDEL BROTHERS Chicago, 1U. WILLIAM BAL, Inc. ■14 W. *5th Bt., - - >•» ■•** . i-i . i \. ■ : ' r 1 • Lester Trio 9Wt>c, Boston, 14-18. Lery, Bert, Prospeoi, Bkln. Le Count, Bessie, Unique, Minneapolis. Lewis, Henry, & Co., Wm. Prnn, I'hllo. Lelonds Umprcsa. Grand Itaplds. Mich. Le Roy & Cahlll, F.inpress, Okln. City, Okln., 14-10; Electric. Kansas City, Kan., 18-20; Majestic, Waterloo, la.. 21-23. LEWIS a™ WARD ALWAYS WORKING 742 Ocean viuw Ave., Woodhaven. If. Y. Minefield, Marlon, ft Co., Hudson, Union Hill, N. J. Llplnskl's Dogs. Keith's. Washington. Linton ft Lawrence, Palace, Hartford, Oonn., 14- 10. Lloyd, Herbert, A Co., Bljon, Bay City, Mich., 14-10. Lloyd, Rosle. Alfaamhra, N. Y. 0. Loyal, Sylvia, ft Partner. Keith's, Cincinnati. Loretta Twins. Keith's, Cleveland. Lohse ft KierlliiK, Siiea'a. Toronto, Can. Ixirralne ft Burks. Shea's, Buffalo. Lockett & w.iiiimn, Majestic. Ofalrago. Longblln's Dogs. Onpheum, 8t. Paul. Love, Murray, Trio, BIJou, Battle Creek, Mica., 14-10. Long, Chapron A Green. Family, Detroit. Lou, Lady, American, N. Y. 0., 14-10. Loittlas (3), Ixew's, Toronto, Oan. I»gnettl, Greely'i, Portland. Me.. 14-10. Lucille ft Parrot, Orpheum, Montreal, Can. Lucler ft Ellsworth, Colonial, Logan*port, Ind., 14-10, Lucky A Yost. Phil*., 14-10. Local ft Lucille, Bushwlek, Bkln. Lucler, Fred A Hess, Empress, Cincinnati. Lunette Sisters, New, Baltimore. Lyons ft Yosco. Keith's, Provldeuce. Lyre* (3), Poll's, Scranton, Pa. Lydell, Rogers ft Lydell, Orpheum. Dulath, Minn. FRANK MACKEY DOING "DUTCH" WITH CHAS. BOBINSON'B CARNATION BEAUTIES Moion, Wilbur A Jord-jn, Avenue, H. SL Loals, III., 14-10; Lyric, Danville, 18-22. MneCnrdy, James Kyrle. A Oo., Temple, Eyracnse, N. Y., 14-10; Oolonlal, Erie, Pa.. 18-23. Mathleu, Juggling. Wilson. BeloJt. Wis. Mmlne Bros. A Bobby, Keith's, Cincinnati. Mors Bros, ft Co.. Keith's. Columbus, 0. iMurklcy. Frank, Keith's, Indlanapolt*. Mason A Vniishou Co., Doinlniou, Ottawa, Can. Mack A Williams, Keith's. Providence. Mack, Chss.. ft Co., Poll's, Springfield. Has*., 14-10. Mario ft Duffy, Keith's, Washington. Ma B elle ft Ballot, Mnkatlc, Oh.cago. THE MACLEYS 9PBCIALTY DANCBRfl. DIBEXmON OF M, 8. BE NTH AM. H'nck A Walker. Orphe-in. Bt. Panl. A'erlo ft Treiette. McVleker's, Chicago. May, Tiny, Oninvsm, Grand Rapids, Mich.. 14-10, Mann, Sam, Players, New York, N. Y. C, 11-13; Liberty. Bkln., 14-10. Mann, Ben A Ilnrel, Columbia. Bkln., 14-10. VLltiand, Madge, Academy, Fall Blver, Mass., 14-10. I'.urtell's Mannlklns, Bo' N. Y. O., 14-10. Kornrt ft Bradfonl. I/oenv's, Toronto, Oanr Mmlilen ft Clogg, Emery, Providence. 14-10. Madden ft Fltxpitrlck, Alhambra, N. Y. C. PRODTJOXB VIOLET MASCOTTE Perm, add.. The Bangnlow, Randolph, Mna. Phone. Maltbews. Al. fllmyre ft Co.. Bnshvlck, Bkln. Mock ft Orth, Vlotorln. N. Y. C. Marmelll. Victoria, N. X. 0. ft'nnlo ft Hnnter, Halaey, Bkln.. 14-10. sirrlamis, Musical, Ooamos, Wsshlngtoo, 14-10. MeBevltt, Kelly A I.uwy, Keith's, Indianapolis. Hi-flood ft Carp, Orjihcum, Montreal, Can. McDermotL Billy. Keltb's. Providence. MrMsbon A Ohappelle. Keith'*, Phlla. McUaboo. Dlamood A Obaplow, Shea's, Toronto, Can. McFadden, Alexander, Orpbeom, St Paul. The McNutts "SUTTY MeNOTTS" Oomedr Acrobatic Oycllata. Direction Frank Bohra TWO BOYS AND SIX TABLES MENNETTI & SIDELLI Thoae Lodlcrona Aerobat* Booted solid Merrill ft Otto, Columbia, St. Louis. Melody Monarch* A a Maid, Majestic. Nashville, Tenn. Melrose, Bert, Flattmah, Bkln., 14-10. Meyakos Twins, Roys!. N. Y. O. Menanla, The, Bowiloln So.. Boston. Mercedes, Bock ft Co.. Nlion. Pblla. MtLt'el ft Nagle, Victoria, N. Y. 0. Melnotte Troupe, Lyric, Indianapolis, 14-10. Miller ft Vincent. Ornbeuin. Des Moines, la.; Orphenm, Omaha, Neb., 18-23. allies, Homer, A Co., Shea's. Buffalo. Mildred A ltutb, Majeetle, London, Can. Milton A D* I»ug Slater*, Orand. Svrscuse. N. Y. .Mlllmaii, Bird, A Co.. Prospect, Bkln. Miyake, Tarro, Victoria, N. Y. 0. Mitchell ft Leiabton, Malcetlc. Paterson, N. X, 14-10, Moran ft Wiser. Keltb's. Cincinnati. Morton ft Austlu, Temple, Rochester. N. Y. Moons ft Young, Poll'*. SprtnrOeld. Mac*., 14-10. Moons ft Yates, Kelth'a, Washington. Morgan, Jim ft Betty, Majeallc, Nashville, Tens. Moore ft Barrett, Family, Detroit. Monarch Comedy Four, Orecley 8q., N. X, C, 11- 18; Belaaeey St.. rf. Y. C 14-10. Moore, Tom ft Btacla, Flatbosh, Bkln., 14-10. Moss A Fry, Orpbcura, Boston, 14-10. Mentaomerr, Marshal, Victoria, N. Y. O. Mote, Kdlln, Hslsey. Bkln., 14-10. Merrorr A Harris, Orpbeuin, Racine, Wis., 14-18. Morton-Jewell Troupe, Empress, Cincinnati. Moaart QaJattlt*. Orand, St, Lonl*. Moore, Joe. Keith's. Lowell. Mas*. Montgomery, Barry. Bowdoln Rq., Boston. "Motber Goose In Bwltaerlaad, 1 ' Keystone, Pblla. Moore, O'Brien ft Oormack, Globe, Phils. Mosber, Hayes ft Moaber, Fhca's, Buffalo. Mullsne, Frank, Kellb's, Boston. Mueller Bros., American, N. Y. C , 14-10. "Murder la 1st Degree,'■ Lyric, Hobokea, N. J.. 14-10. Murray, Marlon. A On., Basbwlck, Bkln. Murtiby, Geo. Howsrd, Boston. Momhy A Lacbmar, I'alace, Hartford, Cons., 11- Myetic Bird, American, N. T. 0., 11-13; Bhnbert, TBkla., 14-16. Nagnro, Nat, Troupe, Shea's, Baffnlo. Nib, Little, Keith's, IndlanapolU. Nash, Jails, ft Co., Foil'*, Scranton Pa. Natalie ft Ferrari, Orphenm. New Orleans. N*My ft Nnldy. Boulevard. N. Y. C. 11-18. Kaynon'a Birds. Poll's, Scranton. Pa, Nagle, Oeo., ft Co.. Vlotorla, Balllmoee. Nartlne, OosnVM. Washington^ 14-10. Newtlrk A Evans Bister*, Bijou, Flint, Mich., 14-10. Nevlns A Qordon, BIJou. Bay City, Mich., 14-18. NeiMt. Evelyn. Alhambra. N. Y. O. "Neptune's Garden," Uwhwlck, Bkln. Nelson, Margaret, A Oo., Oosmca, Washington, 1418. Nelson Duo, Oreely'*, Portland, Mr.. 14-10, Nlchob-Nelson Troupe, Empress, Denver, 18-2S. Nick's Skating Girls, Majestic. Kalamuroo. Mich., 1410. Nichols, Nell la V. Royal. N. Y. 0. "Night Hawks, The," Grand. St. Louis. Nlkko Troupe, Grand, Phlln. Nosses, Musical (5), Pontages', Edmonton, Csn.; I'anteges', Calgury, 18-23. Norcros* ft Uoldsworth, Orjheum, Birmingham, Ala. Kowlln A St. Clair, McVlcker's. Clilcago. Nordstrom, Murle, Colonial, N. Y. C. Norton, Harry, Academy, Buffalo. Nugent, J. 0., ft Co.. Maryland, Baltimore. Oakland Slaters, Orpheum. Montreal, Can. Oknbe Japs, Bushwlck, Bkln. Olympic Chonrplon Trio, McVlcker's, Oblcsgo. Oliver ft Oliver, BIJou, Bay City, Mich., 14-10. Oliver, Belle, Colonial, Akron, 0., 14-10. O'Meers, Gliding, Boulevard, N. Y. 0- 11-13; Loew's, Newark, N. J.. 14-10. "On the Riviera," Delancey St., N. Y. a, 11- 18; Loew's, Newark, N. J., 14-10. O'.Nell Sisters (3), Loew's, Newburgh, N. Y., 14- 10. O'Nell ft Dlion, Hipp., Baltimore. O'Rell, Bastard, Boulevard, N. Y. 0., 14-10. Otto, Elltabctb, Colonial, Haverhill, Unas., 14- 10. Patrlcola, Angelo, Orphenm, Birmingham, Ala. Patrlcoln ft klyer, Kmirreas, Kansas Oily, Mo. Patrick ft Otto, Majestic. Nashville, Tenn. Paka, Toots, ft Co., BIJou, Saginaw, Mich., 14- 10. -Psrshleys. The, BIJou, Ann Arbor, Mich., 14-10. I'asserle's Band. Allinmhra, Phlln., 14-10. I'synton ft Green, Keith's, Ixiwell, Mass. Ferea, Lrmlli, Poll's, New dluven, Conn., 14-10. Peyser, Henry ft Emma, Majestic, Clmitanoog*. Tenn. Pe|>pliio, St. James, Boatoo, 14-18. I'er.rl ft Roth. Orpheum, Peoria. 111., 14-10. PhllMpps ft White, NiMT York, N. Y. 0. 11-18: Orphenm, N. Y. 0., 14-10. FMIbrlck, John, Portland, Portland, Me., 14-10. I'leroc ft Burke, BIJou, Battle Creek. Mlcb., 14- 10. I'lnard, At.. Empress, Decatur, 111,; Orpheum, Qnlnry, 18-50. Pierce & Maltle, Majeatlc. Patemon. N. J., 14.t8. Pomerov Oraoe. Poll's, SprlngOeM, Mass., 1410. Polfln Bros., Empress. Ksnaas City. Mo. Fope ft Uno, BIJou, Flint, Mich., 14-10. WEBBR AND EVANS PRESENT HILTON POLLOCK AND 00. In "Bpeaklcg of Father," by OEO. APE Prince, Artbor, Orpbeom, Blrmlncham, Ala. Prultt, Bill, Keltb's, Cincinnati. Primrose Four, Oolonlil, Erie. Pa. I'm lie's Dogs, Orphenm, Des Moines, I*. Provosts (4), Lrrle, lndtnnapolli, 14-10. I'uck. Harry A ICva, Majestic, Milwaukee. Sulrk. Billy, Fultoa, Bkln.. 14-10. symonds 18), Orpheum, Harrlsbnrg, Pa, Bsndall, Oeo., A O)., Lincoln Bq., N. Y. a, 14- Rayiuond A Bain. Colonial. N. T. 0. Banous A Nelaon. Orpheum, Peoria, 111., 14-16. Raymond, Ruby, Wm. Penn. 1'hlla. lUtbsktller Trio, Hew. Ilaltlmore. Bellow. Dominion, Ottawa, Can. Rogers ft Uclntosb, Nickel. Lawrence, Ma**., 14- Rohertl's Animal*, Greely't, Portland, Me,, 14- 10. Russell A Colburn. Orpheum, So. Bead, Ind., 14- 18. Buffy, Chss., Academy. Buffalo. Ryan A Iac, Alhambra, N Y. 0. Ryan. Thro. J.. A Co., Hipp.. St. Louis. Rale. Cl-lck. Majestic. Milwaukee. Samuels. Itay, Orplieiim, Mlnneaitolls. Saona, Loew's, 1'oughkeepsle, N. V . 14-10. MAURICE SAMUELS • —IN— A DAY AT ELLIS ISLAND Direction ItAHRY PINCITS Saiaphone Qnlntetle. Gnrrlck, Wilmington, Del. Salamios, The, Glolie, I'lilln. Batons, Musical (3), Natwnnl, Bo»lon. 18-23. Santo* A Uaye*, Lyric, Indianapolis, 14-10. SANTLT & NORTON IN VAUDEVILLE SehslTer, Sylvester, Palace, Chicago. "Bcenes from Grand Opem," Keith's, Boston. "School I'lnygrotuid," Keith's, Phlln. Schooler A Dickinson. Shea's, Toronto, Can. Prhlndlcr, Geo.. Nixon. Phlln. Seasons (4), BIJou, Jsc'ison, Mich.. 14-10. Seymour ft Doprco Majestic, Kalamjioo, MlcU, 1410. Influenza or Grip Dr. John M. Mayhew tloaorlbea Influenza or I* Qrlppe a* a oontngious disease, Uio •ymptoma of which are sometlmea bo ob- souro thnt a mtiltltudo o( Bins" are) some- times hid under tho diagnosis. It often comes on wltli a marked ohlll, or possibly by aovornl hours of chilly sensations ac- companied by snoozing, which 1* toon fol- lowed by a distressing, cough and awontlng. with pnlna In all parts of the body. Unlets chocked tho disease develops into broncho- pneumonia or a croupous pneumonia. Tuo patlont should bo put to bed or ooiupolled to take absolute rest In an oasy chair, ths diet should bo light, but should consist of nourishing food and one Antl-Knmnla Tab- lot should bo token every two or thrco hours. This treatmont will usually break up the disease in a remarkably short time. Antl-Knmnla 'Pablots may bo obtained at all druggists. Ask for A-K Tablots. They are also unexoellod for Headaches. Nouralgio and All Pnlu. BELL 9 »aw. Lillian, Temple, Rochester, N. Y. Bl.esn ft Warren, Majestic. Chicago, (uiirrocks, The, Orphetim, Kansas City, Mo. Sbcne. llcrvalnt-. ft CO.. Majestic, Milwaukee. Mir km m Kemp Sib UNITED TIME , Sherman, Van ft Hymitn, Pnlton, Bkln., 14-18. Sleldons, The, Ortibeam, Altoans, Pa., 1410. Shaw. Sandy, Knapreai, Cincinnati, flbtlvey Boys (S) Orand, SL touts. Victoria, Oenevleve, family, Detndt. Victoria Kour. Loew's, Toronto, Can. Vli-twi, P.d., A Buster. Bushwlck, Bkln. Velui.teern. The, Hhca's, Buffnln. Tm lliuupton ft Jocelyn, New York, N. Y. 0., 14- 10. Von Klein ft Olbson, Rlh Ave., Bkln.. 11-10. Wnril, Marly, ttlrls frou Hapnyland Co.. Indef. Wede, John P., ft Co., Victoria, Charleston, R. WARD, BELL AND WARD UNDER TUB WHITE TOP FEATURING ADELAIDE M. DELL Warner-Amersa Troupe, Maryland, Baltimore. WnkeHeld, Wills Unit, Temple, Detroit. Warren ft Cnnley, Orohonm, Montreal Can. Waldcmer, Young ft Jacobs, Orpheum, Dulntk, Minn. Ward A Cnllen, Orpheum. St. Paul. Wattes, Australlaa, Colonial, Chicago. "Way Out," American, N. Y. I.'., 11-13; Fultos, Bkln., 14-10. Shrode and Chappslle SPENCER WARREN snnntirti n»w«a i.nV- TOMDMNO WITH I.RO ZAnnEW. TRI "DUHINO OSB'8 LIFE LOKW CIRCUIT B0L11) Slildons. Oreeley Sq., N, Y. 0., 11-13; Hbnbert, Bkln., 1410. Simpson A Dear*. Oreeley Sq., N. Y. 0, 14-10. ■BR, ureeiey ou., is. a- v-, Hlgsbee'a Dogs, Orpbeum, Boston, 14-10, Binger'a Mlilgc4a, St. lames, Boston. Ckuiner A Wood, Portland, Portlaml. Me., 14-10. Skslellea, The, Utnr Palace, Minneapolis. Skaters BIJouve, BIJou, Savannah. Is., 14-10. Staling Bear, Orphemn, Itcksonvllle. Pis. Slraiie. Blsnche, American, Chicago, 14-10. Smith A Palmer. 8<ar Hipp., Chicago, 14-10, limllli, Irene A llobhy, Orphcum, llkln. Smith, Cook A Brandon, Orpbeum, ll.irrlshurg, Pa. Pmlth & Kaufman, Lyrl.\ Newark, N. J. On-lley, Hnitly. A Co., Win, Perm, I'lilln. Boreltl A Antoinette, i»dill's, Tumpii, l-'la. "1'oclcty Buds," Shea's, 'Poronto, Oau. Besman, Fred, Orpheiun, Ho. Bend, led., 14-10. '>ong Doctors, The," Oeaud, Phlln. Scnthcrn Beauties. Cnslno, Washlnglon, Splssell Bros. A Mack, Shea's, Toronlu, Call, Elinigiio & McNeere, Alliainhra, N. Y. C- Sletson A limber, llrondmiy, Oaklnml. Cnl. 17-23, tilarrett, Howurii S., Jr., /Icgfeld'o Follies of 1014, lndtf. Plelner Trio, Killh's. Cblnmbna, 0. Stone, Louise, Oulnnlul, Krl*, Pa. Slnntona, The. Ooloulnl, Clilcago, 14-10, Btcwnrt Sisters ft ICscorts, Ihupreaa, Chtcngo, 11 10, Bt. Jonxs, W. II.. ft Co., Umprctii, Chicago, 14- 10. JBS8IK JAM KM STIRLING and CHAPMAN SCOTTISH VOOAlsIBTS Direction HTOKKlt and lllKUIIAUKIt Rlrmi-1 Trio, Orpheum, tlruinl ltaplds, Mlrli., 14-10. Slone A King, Family, Detroit. Stephen,, Ixww's, Newark, N. J„ 14-10. Slone ft Hayes. Orpheum. Ilneliic, Wis., 1-1-10. Stevens, llnlnnelii,;. (Irplieuiu, Itiirlnc. Wis., 14-10 Stevens & Stevens, Cosmos, Wnshliiglnu, 14-in. Elevens, Stella, Porlland. Portland. Me,, 14-18. Sullivan, Joseph, ft Co.. Poll's, New Haven, Oona , 14-10, Sutton. Helntyre and Sutton TUB PUMPKIN OIHL DIRKCTION IIAHKY J. rTrZUIlinAI.D Bntiecs k Keefe. Olobo, Boslon, 14-18. Sulllvuij-Krniili ft Co., Kinerv, Providence, 14-10. Kuratt, Valeskii. Palace, N. Y O. Lutton, Mclntyra ft Suttoii, Pull's, Scranton, I'n. Bvior A Mack, Orpbeum, Knows Oily, Mo. WILBUR C. SWEATMAN RAGTIME] CI.ARIONETIrIT Direction MAX 1IAYICH Sylvia. JelTers, Saginaw. Mich., 18-20; BIJou, Buy City, tija. "Tangle, The." Loew's, Newark, N. J., 14-10. Tutor A Green, Loww's, Pouglikoepiile, N. Y., 14- 10. Tate A Tate, Mb Ave., Bkln, 14-10. TUMMMNO WITH I.RO ZAMIKU, TRIO. TOTJRINO OIU'IIETJM C1UCUIT, Wslly, nichanl, Lincoln Sep, N. Y. C. IMSj Orphruin, N Y. 0., 14-10, Wnleihury Bros. A Tenny, New York, N. Y. 0.. 14-Id. Word, Poii. laew'a, Toronto, Oan, Walsh A Bcnttcy, AHiamhra. I'lilln., 14-10, \\nrrrii A Krnnels, Olnlie, Boston, 14-10. Wanl. Will J., Alhamhra. N. Y. 0. WARDELL and HOYT I.A1IUII CIlIJATOnH Wnloh them T hey d o It Wnre. "Helen, ft On., Kellb's, Je-sey Clly, 14-111. V. niters. Waller, flrninl, Phlln. W.-II-. milv A Nellie. Ileghrs' ijoinedlaiis, Indef. M'lstnn, Willie, A »'->., Keith's, Oolinnlnin, 0 Wei Inn A I.on, ill Ion. K.ivnmi'ili. (In., 11-1(1. Weld) A Hums, Piilare, Clileago. Welier, (lias., Orpheiun, Duhtlli, Minn. Wistun A Clnre, (Irplictnii, Nine <'rh"«ii"a, Wells, Lew. Lincoln H«|.. N. Y. C, 11-111; Onvley So.. N. Y. 0„ 14-10, HAVE YOU SKIN WEBER & ELLIOTT? West, Mae. Delanrey HI., N. Y. O., i l-lfl. Wei-.i Tmii[ie, irinthuah, llkln., 14-Kl. v.'esinn, Win., ft Co., Acudniiy, Pull lllvcr, Mass., 14-10. Veil. hi ft Yipii i -, Hipp., Ilnltliiiore. Welch, .!(*, ICnery, I'ruvlilence, I MO, Weler Olrls, Viirlellea, Terre llniite, 1ml,, 14-10. WELLUEVEnffil TROUPE Funniest Cycle Act In VaudeYille Wiler, Ada, Academy, Buffalo. Weill, I'eiry, AiMdciuy, HulTiilo, Vv'elllnf Ij-verliig Tr»ii|S', .MllJrsllC, Pnlerwin, N. J., 14 Id. Wlltmmi, Krnnk, Proctor's HI., N Y, 0., ll- Hi; Lyric, Nownrk, N. J., 14-10. Wheeler, llcrl, Poll'*, Hcriuilr.ii, p>. While ft Joson, I'nlnen, ('lilcagn. Whiting A Hurt, Orplieiim, MInricnnoll*. Whiteside, Klhel, ft I'leks, Mi'Vlcknr'a. Chicago. Wlilleliiinsc. i.lo)d, IIIJoll. Flint. Mill)., 14-10. Whltney'a Dolls, Orpheum, N. Y. 0., 1 4-10. W. E. WHITTLE IN HIH NKW ACT 8IIMMKH MIIHN I!V CICKTHAI, 1'AIIK While. Danny. Trio, Hnlsey, llkln., l-l-ld. "When Ijovo Is Young," li-'innl, HI. LoiiIh. "Whin Women, llule," Cosmos, WasUJiigion, II- 10. Wilson, Jack, A Oh., Orplwnm, Montreal, Can. Wlllio Bros,, Temple, Itoelu-aler, N V, Will* ft Hassan, Lyric, lllcluwmd, Va., 14-10, JAB. WILSON & AUBREY TAYI IIR itf HIIWARI1 "WorWa Almost Orcnlrst Wrestler*." Plnv IHIssUll « lUlflHIIU Ing liultod liuio. Direction mtNU HUmiKa Wllik>, Mr. ft Mrs. Oordon, .'(njestlc, Mllirauktv. Wills, Nut, Columbia. HI. I/ml*. Wilson ft WHhon, McVlcker's, (Sileumi. Winter, Winona, lllloii. Ann Arhor, .Mich, 14-10. Willing, I'entley A Willing, Varieties, Terre Haute, Intl., 1-.-10. Williams A Davis, Orpheum, Milwaukee. THOSE KIDS PROM HHAXII. I'LAYINO I1NITICL) TIMID Tntelliaiiin, Wm., BIJou, Boston. TiuilK-st, rioreur, A >>., Orand, Syracuse, N. Y. 'll'atcher A Denn, Poll's, Hnriford, (Innn. Thonins. Clias., Poll's, ll.utfor.1, 'Joun. Ttxmlon A Oorlew, 7tli Ave., N. Y. 0„ 11-13. CARRIE REYNOLDS HS-^SSuil: Z mat. m. wills UNITED TIME ltclsnec A Oores, Palace, Chicago. llettsl. (4), Bljru, Flint. Mich., 14-10. Reno, Geo. B., A Co., Ixww'a, Toronto, Can. Ifcddington ft Orant, Unique, Minneapolis. Bedford ft Winchester, Howard. Bosun. Beeder, Orvllle, New, Baltimore. ■diodes ft Cromptoji. Oordon's Olympla, Boston, ltlng, Blanche, ft Co.. Keith's, Cincinnati. Rials, The, Keith's, Provldeuce. Ridley ft Fleming, Orpheam, Memphis, Tenn. Rlggs ft Wltchle, Columbia. Bt. Louis. Rice, Andy. American, N. Y. C, 11-13; Lincoln Sq., N. Y. C, 14-10. Richard*. Chris, Orphenm, N. Y. 0., 11-18; Loew's, Newark. N. J., 14-10. Rlpon, AL, Orpbeans, N. Y. a, 1410. Rogers. Will, Porsylh, Atlanta, Ga. JOE- THE TWO ROEDERS- HAY The "OVBNAHT" sad ••THE HUT" DIB. VIO.BLAUVKLT FRANK KVANB Ino. Rochester. Claire. Forsyth, Atlanta, Ga. ltoyc, Ruth, Keith's. Cincinnati. Romas (TJ, Poll'*, HartCord, Conn. Roches'* Monkeys. Dominion, Ottawa, Oan. Kooncy ft Bent. Keltb's. Pblla. Boden. Rath, Family, Lafayette, Ind., 14-10. Kose Troupe. Delancey St.. N. Y. C. 14-10. Roach ft McCordy, Royal, N. X. O. Robins, Orpheum, Bkln. Holland, Oeo.. A Co., Victor!s. N. X. C. Rose ft Moon. Empress, Cincinnati. Boeder's Invention, Nixon, Phils. 10, Tharber A Thinner, Qarrlck, Wilmington, Del, MOST UP-TO-IIATK COMEDY ACT ORIGINAL PUT CHI ST DANCE Thompsni), Harry, Hipp., St. Louis. Timbers, Ilerinnn, Kellb's, Toleilo, 0. Tltcvmlj, La Belle, Llujoln S<|., N. Y. 0., 11-13; Kalkoal. N, Y. C, 14-10. Tlffony. Maud, Boulevard, N. Y. C. 14-10. Toney A Normun, Keith's, Indianapolis. Trails-Atlantic Trio, Victoria, Charleston, S. C, 14-10. Tsuda, rinrry, Orpbeum. Memphis, Tenn. Turner A Grace, Star Hipp.. Cblcngu, 14-10. Types 13), Orpheum, Des -Milnca, la. ruber, Claude ft i'aunle. Temple, Rochester, N. Y. Usher Trio, Cosmos, Washington, 14-111. VaudlnolT ft Louie, Maryland, llillliuorc. Van ft Schenck, Kvltli'a, Toledo. 0. Van llarkley Trio. Colonial. Chicago, 14-10. "VaudeTlllo In Monkeylaod," Aowrlcau, Chicago, 14-10. Vaggea, The. Orand, Cobalt, Oan., 14-10. Van ft Ward Olrls, Boulevard, N. Y. 0;. 14-10. Valerie, Rosa, Hexletle, Alhambra, N. Y. C. Van. Cbas. A Fannie, Palace, N. X. 0. Vance, Clarice, Empress, Cincinnati. Van Hcrven, Col-mlal, Akron. (I.. 14-10. Vernon, Hope, O. 0. 11., Pittsburgh. THE HAPPY TRAMP KEITH A OKI'IIICUM TIME Williams, Loltlr, ft Co., Kmiiress, flmnd Rnpldl, IlleU. WIIbu.i ft Lenoir, Cosmos, Wushliigton, 14-10. Woodward, llonislu 1.., Cook C'nuedy (!o., ludef. Wolfs, Miislrsl, Palace, Hartford, Oonn., 11-10. Woml's Animals, Loew's, Toronto, Call. Wi« id, Wee Ucorgle, Orpbeum, Bkln, WiiMl, Ollle, Fuitrlly. Ottawa, Can., 14-10; Itlrli- ardHoii. Owwego, N. Y., 18-20; Temple, I*ck- purl, 21-23, WOODFORD'S AMIALS llf VAIiniCVlILF. WM. 8. HKNNlflSSY—Tho UookrnxUeg Wowl, Brltt, Keystone, Phils. Wyiin, Bessie, Vlclorla. N. Y. 0. Yoscarys (ft), Mujcwtlc, Ohiittunooga, Tenn. Yuma, Oarrlck. Wilmington, Del. Yvonne, 74li Ave., N. Y. C, 11-13; BIJou, Bkln., 14-111. Zlininer, Carl, Oasl no, Wrshliiglon. • Dl AVQ Bought and Sold 4*V LH I O ALICE HOWIuUDcHicAoo Mcfllnn. Francis, ft Co.. Colombia, St. Lools. MrOlmey, Owen. McVlcker'*, Chicago. MeKlnley. Nell. McVlcker's. Oblesgo. McNeil Trio. BIJou. JockMO, Mlcb.. 14-16. MeKensle. Beatrice, A Co.. Family. Lafayette, HRPJ - "S^'clvfT^o 4 K " bcrt,,e ' omM - "^ RYAN and LEE McDcrmott A Wallace, Orpheum, N. X C, 11-13; AoCTlcsn, N. Y. C 1410. HAnniETTB 'If you sec u* Oo It, 1ft ours'' m ve: f^'s guaranteed AKE-UP BEST MADE