The New York Clipper (January 1915)

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THE NEW YOBK CLIPPER. January:23 THAT, THAT THAT, THAT IS NOT, THAT'S WHY wonns nv sa.m ■■nr. •i.hwm WHEN YQU'RE LpNC, MUSIC, IIv GEO..11". JIKVKU I T tS THE HIOQEST SONQ HIT IN fHE LAND WORDS BY CHAM. MrCAHHON SHE USED TO BE THE GIRL IS ANOTHER BIO COMEDY HIT BY TUB WRITERS OF "POOR I'AVMNE' MUSIC BY RAYMOND WALKER wiiiuiHur S.vsi fti. i,KWtl. THAT MIStC UV W. MBVKII 1IH TV PICA 1/ LK WIS AM). M H Y lilt VUU MltKI) V.HKLLOW' JlKLIIDY" AM) MOO.V VOlt'KK Ol)I.\U TO I.OVK THIS CYB BROADWAY MUSIC CORP., WILL VON TILZER, Pres, ' t^&Sg&lki&sZir?** ABORNS AND CENTURY OPERA CO. PART. ^E^Y^K^Vir^^Ri ,M BUILD A NEW Tin: villi:. Despite the fact tbat tile Century Opera Oam- Kny lost « lot of money last year, Mlllon and rgeant Atom ere going to produce In Now iork Dtirt. kimo, at 11.50 top prices. It la poaslbla that • theatre of utolerate seating arrangements will be built, aa no ordinary size theatre uow la New York I* considered suitable for operatic per- formances. , „ The, Aootna plan a flCteen weeks' leaaoa la New York, followed by engagements of from cue to four weeks Mob to aucU cities aa lloaton, Philadelphia. Oilcsgo, Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Oluclnnall, Bel- Ulcere, Washington, Detroit, St. I.oul», Kanaas Oily. Minneapolis, St. l'aul. lndlanapolla and Omaha. Their prices for tenia are to range from liou to SS cents. In answer to tbe announcement of tbe Aborni, Cliurles H. t.troiiu, president of tbe Century Opera Company, said to tLo reiiorttra: "(■be statement of tbe Atoms was made with- out the. knowledge, consent, or approval of tbe directors. Undisturbed by wlmt tbe Mewr*. Atom bare aald the dlrectora will continue with the campaign to raise tbe |50,000 three year guarantee fund suggested by Olio II. Kaliu. toward which be will eoutrlbuto enough to dunll- cale. If Kccsaary, every dollar that Is raised." Mr. String added Hint money and offers of money lud already begun to come In. It li under- stood to be tho attitude of the directors Unit tbey will be atle to rulso the uoccHsary guarantee fund and will open their season even If the Atoms make tholr announced productions. ♦ » » ACTORS' ORDER OF FRIENDSHIP MEBTINQ. Tko Now York and Philadelphia lodges of the Actora' Order of Friendship celebrated, with n bauuuet, the elity-alxtb anniversary of tbe found- ing of the order, In the rooms of the Edwin Forrest Lodge, No. 2, 130 Wost Forty-seventh Street, on Jan. 10, at 6 r. u. Tbe meeting was a most enjoyable one. The floral decorations superb, aud tiie menu ill that could be dealred. The brothers of Kdivln Forrest Lodge attend- ing were as follows: V. V, Mockay, Milton Nobles, Oeorge Fawcett, lOben l'lyiuptou, Italpb Delmore, Oha<lee D, Wells, Lyorn Pratt, Oeorge Humphreys, 0. J. Wllllsms, Thnrlowe Bergen, luAvsrd Hall, Hudson Linton. Harry L. Frank- lin, Oscar Kagle, mil J. Doming, Warren Cook, Hdward J. Mackay, Alfred 0. h'laher. Frank L. Davie, Walter Woodoll, Stanley O. Wood, Royal Thayer. Mark Price, w. O. Andrews, William II. Young and Thomas McUratb, chairman com- mittee of arrangements. The visiting brothers from Sbakeepenre Lodge, No. 1. of Philadelphia. Pa., were: Msylln J. Pickering:, president; P. Aug Anderson. George Conway, Ollbert Bly, Edwin T. Emery and I. II. Taylor. * s » NEW ACT FOR "SO MUCH FOR SO HIUOH." Wlllerd Mack bos written t new third act Into his latest play which, being more logical, aa well as melodramatic, strengthens tbe enure play. W. 10. Toad, who baa replaced Oliarles Gonip- ton In tho part of Charles, Jumped Into the part at short notice, and hss proved very satisfactory. 4 s » WHERE IS CHAS. FRAZERt Kindly communicate with this onico. Something of Interest to yourself regarding estate. COLONIAL REDUCES PRICES. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO. ti£2P£&£W2?2 JPE^S. B HOWN'P , Bronchial * ^k TROCHEVJ Relieve Sore Throat reduce inflammation— relieve irritation —stop coughs and hoarseness. Etc, 50c and 11.00. Sample Free, John I. Brown & Son, Boston, Mnaav. (starting Jan. 18, the Colonial Theatre has adopted ■ reduced prlco scale without changing tbe character of Its bills. Matinees sre 25 cents and evenings DO and 70 cents, wltb a few front seats at St. Tbe change does not Include Saturdays. Sundays and holidays. OSS) STETSON AND HUBJW have canceled tbelr Australian time, and will play ten weeks at the San Francisco HViposltlon. OIIAS. (BUCK} LIO.UIY, rlnc gymnast, has finished eight weeks on the united time, snd has Joined WlTlurd'e Minstrel Maids, to do but act In the olio and an "end." . UICINB DAVIBS opened In Italtlmore, at the Meirland, this week, with ber new act. LIANH OAHEUtUA. Anna Beld's daughter, has decided to five up vaudeville, and will probably avcoept an offer to api>esr In the "movies'' In tbe near future. HIONIUIOTTA OROSMAN'S "Thou Shalt Not Kill" has been given a route by bbe U. B. O. NBLLA WHIM, who hsa been away from New York, and America also, for sometime, Is billed for the Colonial, week of Feb. l. nrjMHUl MASON AND MABQUBIMTn ICTTOLKIt opened on the Orpheam time at the Oulumbls, St. Louis. Ibis week, In their clever new comedy vehicle, "Married." ORACH TYSON, of McWatten and Tyson, was foui.d to be anfferlng from other more serioua Injuries than a "more sprained ankle" after her accident, that compelled their closing their Hein- tumlelD engagement laat week. T11K OLOlUAIj, dancers, flopped out of the bill at the Colonial last week, after bolng moved to "opening," following their making a hit In closing position. Nancttb Oomstoox's picture appeared on the front page of Tan Currant. She waa then with •istienandoab." at Proctor's Twenty-third Street Theatre. New York. "OoXi, Tou" was produced at the Treinoitt, Boston, with Nat O. Goodwin. Joseph JnrraaoN ind Wat. J. FxonsNca ap- peared at MbVlcker**, Chicago. Tim Warder Qrand, Kansas City, Mo., was sold by oho sheriff, to O. W. Henry. "TBI SmuTOB" was produced in Net? Yjrk by Wm. H. Orane, at ttio War. Lrrrus Euu Lcaua was with "Tbe Prince end tbe Pauper" Co. Al» Itaivas was at Koiter ft Dial's, New York. jiohton bad nine theatres. Ososaa Miuunk was at the Gaiety, Brooklyn. s)«» OBIHIF OOUtPOI.IOAN Is recovering from a three week'a Illness lu a hospital In Des Molnex. "ON. 1P1LK," Tommy Oroy's travesty on "Oa Trial," Is at Hammersteln's this week. TO OUR READERS TOU NEW YOBK CLIPPER would like to bear from readers of tbe paper. Wo want your Ideas. Write a letter occasionally on some current event that interests you. Letters abould be short —not over BOO words—and written on one sldo of the sheet, MISS DETTINA ("The Spirit of Colors"), In tho rcmarkablo electrical production, "Tbe Edge of tbe World,'* produced by B. Bouiby and M. Teubcr. This Kuroponn novelty was Imported as a special attraction by tho B. F. Keith Co., for eight weeks, at all the Keith houses In New York. It also played three weeks for Bam- mcrstclu, and at the present time Is touring the Orpheum Circuit lilchard l'ltrot lg the American manager for this creation. Florence Hamilton, daughter of Mr* and Mrs. John W. 11 mull tou, and Charles P. Tucker were uutrrled ou l-'iiduy. Jan. 1, at the bride's resi- dence, "The Illinium," New York. The bride and groom ute the well-kuown dancing Instruc- tors, Htiniio and Hamilton, who nod u aludlo at tliu St, Oharlea Hotel, New Orleuus, all laat sea- son. Tbe bride was given away by her grand- father, l&x-Judge i'hos, W. Plttiunu, knoiru is a playwright, uiumatlc cntlc and author. Miss lluinlltou's sister, Mrs. Usldtvlu Q. Cooke, was matron of honor; Eatelle Knickerbocker, muld of honor, aud Usluwln U. Cooke, best man. Mr. snd Mrs. Oooke in tbe vaudeville team of Cooks and UunuUtun, who have Just retuiucd from a successful tour to tbe Coast. Mr. Oooks la the son of tha late Baldwin O. Cooke, author of several pluys, one of which, "liu Last Dol- lar," Is now being produced In moving pictures. He Is also the nepbew of tbe Iste Augustus Cooke. Miss Knickerbocker U the cousin of Had Held, Ihe playwright, and of Wallace lteld, tbe popular moving picture star aud producer. Bile la also re- lated to the late W. U. MocOounld, of (be Bos- icnluns. Tbe bride's father, Jack Hamilton, was a the- atrical manager and nowspaper man, city editor ui one time of T/m ifvmlnp Telegram, and owner with Leander lUcbanUnn, of 'Ihe Dramotio Nowt. Uer uncle is R. f. (Tody) Hamilton, of circus vtiLowu. The groom also comes from a long line of professionals. <«» A CONVENTION CITY. According to too ninth annual report of the Atlantic City, N. J., I'uullclty Bureau, the resort con claim to be the greatest cuuveuikm centre In tho United States, and therefore in the world. De- spite the general busluess depression throughout the country, tho past year Is shown to have been one of the most succtosful In the resort's history, from a convention standpoint. There were 2£!i State and national conventions during 10i«, aud the nliendance at some of the conventions ranged ftvui 0,000 to rJ.OOl). A large number of gatbuilugs are slrtudy listed for the coming year. Fifty of these convcullons have already beau looked, untl uuiong them are aome of the mora laportont end largely intended gatherings. Atteu- Hon la calied lu tbe report to toe pressing needs tor a large, Kell-equlpi«d convention hill, the ncctbslty lor which Is now mure apparent thin ever. The resort as a c.nventlo.-i centre Is Ideal; the hotel ncconunodatlous are ull and more than could bo desired, but the facilities for hoiuuiil greut national gathering* are udnilttedly inade- quate, and a movement lor the erection of a great contention auditorium will In ull probability „e Included among the clvr: activities of 1010, <■» VOOEL'S BIO CITY MINSTRELS. _ _ tin route. I)cah cui'i-sa.—It la very pleasant to us, and It may be gratifying to some of your readers, to know that we hare not lessened our money- getting pace, though the weather and other con. d.iious have been anything but favorable. 1 don't mean to tell you thai our proDla are enor- ii'ous; far. far from that, yet each week hands the "king" a roll sumclently large to cause a smile of contentment to brighten his countenance. Mock aud Crawford, comedy musical act, Joined Dec. 31, and JJarry iillaa a weak later, all three woTklnu- la bacd. Tula gives ua twenty pieces for tho symphony concerts, and the opinion Is general .that Mr. Vogel has the best company he ever exploited. Only two more weeks of the South, then back Into Ohio, Michigan and New York? s). » FIFTEEN YEARS. Mary 10. Prosper: Tbcyer writes us: "Fifteen yet-rs ago this mouth my first advertisement ap- peared in Tits Old Bslubls. and It 'used me so well- Is the reason -we have been such 'close frltcds' ever aluce. After these Ofteen years in the 'profosh,' 1 Iwg'n to feel like an 'old timer' myself,'' ♦♦♦ FROH MANAGER. TO ACTOR. Oodrlc F. Lawrence has resigned aa manager of tho Fuller Theatre. In Kalamasoo. Mlch!7to go Into vaudeville. He la succeeded by Will J. Donnelly, a former manager of the same bouse. 4 ■ » THE POLICE GAZETTE ANNUAL. The Police Oatellt Sporting Annual for lulfl haa been received at this office. It contains com- plete pugilistic and other records. Pries, ten made to order, type, from your own copy, black on yellow, for Sed or blue on white, 96.00. Union label printing. Prompt aorvico and guaranteed satisfaction. Send for prloe list. Houte book, lOo. MATTOOW, ILLINOIS WANTED To Hear from Stock Co. Playing Up-to-Date Play's. Now Hooking for Sum- mer sesson. Can give you t to 0 weeks. Dandy engagement; livouti'urk. Send billing with cor rcBpondence. WM. ROHAN, Mgr. FOREST LAKti PARK, Ware, Mass. TABLOIDS WANTED Can use ten or more people, Tab, Shows. Time, 30 minutes to an hour; mutt change twice weekly; special Bccnery and wardrobe for our tabloid wheel, steady work ir you have the goods. Can also use Musical Comedy People. TABLOID PRODUCTION COMPANY, H. It. POLAOK, Hooking Representative, 00810 Lyceum Theatre Building, Pittsburgh, Pa. PlKfsIslDO Bran new, red hot, up-to-date! IrlRVVIDO Parodies on "It'aal.oiig, LongU Way to Tlppersrv," "When the Mnpleleavca" are Fallln»,"and"TlpTopTlnperary Mary.", Si els. each: two, S6 els. or three b> eta. „ a. E. COX, 810>.- uedar St., Nashville. A MAGICIAN FOR 3-NIUHT STANDS One who can do Spirit Cablnot unci Sensational Acts preferred. Btato ull. Pay own. Maat Join at once. W. U. VAN, Moorcflcld, W. Vt». CHORUS GIRLS, COMEDIANS, STRAISHT MAN and SOUBRETTES GAIETY AMD8BMBNT BXCHANUE Phone Randolph Has. MON. Dearborn St., Cblcsgo. OIBCUS A JUGGLING Apparatus, Boiling Globes, Clubs, Batons, Guns, Wire Walkers' Apparatus and Novelties. Stamp tor catalog. EJJVV. VAN WYCK, Cincinnati, O. PLAYS FOR STOCK, Rod. snd Amateurs. Tabloids, Minstrels and Vaudeville Acts. Stamp for Catalogue. N. Y. PLAY BUREAU A AUTHORS EX., Tremont Theatre, N. Y. City. Till" A ■ If f» A Oulot and Home-like Ban IHr IIAKS uirlttm for Treatment of All I I Ik UHIW Medical and Surgical Cases. Only graduate nurses employed. Address B. *» LBB, M. P., Oiford, Ind. . VAN FLEET