The New York Clipper (January 1915)

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JANUAEY 23 THE OTW YOBE CLIPPER. -* SOT OF TOWN HEWS OINOINNATI. ■ Oat of tbe whirlwind of rumor that swerrt In from lb* Eut, rxxbinj very clarifying came rela- trt* to Otnclnna U'a future' as a mult of the aettmr together of the Klaw A Erlanper and the mabert Interests. Tbe disquieting etorjr that -fcereafter Cincinnati would hive bat one the- atre of the Brat clesi brought a pronounce- ment" from Carl Hubert IKuck, who took tbe boll by tbe boms, and asserted that tbe I.yrlc would Bet be affected, and that the company operating tab) home waa protected by booking contracts ' that would inaure CUM "A' attractions. Beat- dent Manager T, Ayhvsrd, of the Grand Opera Borne, referred to the fact that John a. BaTlto waa enjoying life In Florida undisturbed bj the stories of change. This was offered as tbe beet sort of evidence that the Grand would more along in the same high diss groove. Tbe future Holds the correct solution of tb> agreement and Its effect upon Cincinnati theatricals. Both ■oases enjoyed a run of prosperity with two new stows during tbe current week. Grand Oraiu Houbb (John. H. Havlln, mgr.)— "Under Cover," with H, B. Warner and tbe original Chicago caet, cornea Jan. IT, following Julian Eltlnge, who scored a great triumph In "The Crinoline Olrl." Overflowing houses of the "good old times" proportion proved that (tiers •re lots of people left who wiR turn out to sea tbe sort of show they want to see. Bltlnge Is) the one male creator of feminine roles who mala- /tains his masculine prestige and popularity while he la just about the acme of perfection aa tbe "woman" of the eye feminine. "Tbe Crino- line Grrl," with her wealth of gowns, wsa a marvel. In tbe supporting company were: Ed- ward Carrie, supremely funny as Jerry, and Her- bert McKlnzle, whose Lord Eromlelgh waa very, very good. Others Included James O. Spottwood, Walter Horton and Jeanne Eagle. zlegfeld'a "Follies of 191*" 24. Ltrio (Girl Hubert Hcuck, mgr.)—"Peg o* My Heart," inarming, delightful Peg as Interpreted by Elsa 3yan, comes back IT. Frank Craven enjoyed the satisfaction of nuking many folka ' laugh laat week, and 'Too Many* Cooks" came too, while tbe echoes of Joy oyer "A Pair of Sixes" were still reverberating around tbe cheer- ful bouse. An original story, told in an original way—this describes "To) Mony Cooks" to a "T." Surrounding the actor-author waa a stetlms; com- ' psny. Including Inei Hummer, who made a ■ swtet Alice. William David, Mary Blythe and Louise Blal were other principals who shared la the harvesrs) of applsnie. "The Story of the Bossry" 24. - B. F. Kami's (John. F. Rcyal. out.) —<B. A. v Bout's "Bride Shop" will be tbe headline IT, with Andy Tonrbes and a beauty chorus. Others: . Leander de Cordova and company. In tbe military' •ketch, "Tour Flag, and Mine,'.' tbe Oonlln- - Steele Trio, In "Follies of Vaudeville;" Mailers and CoogssL Kewhoff and Phelps, In "Oare of .. General Delivery:" Louis Stone, tbe Osrltons. ■ and Darreli end Conway, In "Behind the Scenes;" notion pictures. Wautdt Sonar (George 1*. Irish, mgr.1— "Mntt and Jeff In Mexico," another cartoon play. comes IT. Last week was rated as a farewell to "Tbe Rosary," and gcod slsed audiences appre- ciated tbe Edward B. Hose play as offered by , Rowland 4 Clifford, Jay Quigley was seen a* - Father" Brian Kelly, the lovable parish priest. Others In the well balanced cast Included: Mabel Volner." as Alice March; Basel Kelly, as Kath- ken O'Connor, and Beth Hamilton, ae Lesura Watkins. Then there were David S. Hall. James MoHngb, Edgar Murray and Randolph Murray. "Trail of tbe Lonesome Pine" 24. Lexer's KitritKss iGeorge A. Boyver, nurr.)— Wormwood's animals Sop the bill IT. Others: . J. W. Binder told "The Fairy Tale of the »>v1ea"--lssx- week a* trie Advertisers' Otter, loncbcoa, at-tiicAietroyole. "A Quean Votrru" Is being rehearsed by the advanced pupils of tbe'Kaim School of Oratory and Dramatic Art. ..-••• Norman SKsmona'i reading pupils are to assist at an- operatic recital by Amanda Hahh Hess sod her voice students,- ••' Toa V V n Ptk. Arthur 8. Blddle. Leo Thins and Alois Csrtschmld form the Cincinnati Mai* Quartet—a new musical organisation. Mania -Nsnisraa has returned from a successful concert tour of the Kuth. Jtrusjt F.ltinob took bis dally exercise at the Cincinnati Oym during his local engagentent. Ho ti» to wore athletically to keep slender, anil it la hard v-vrk. StDMarr 0. DtrssT Is elated hecanm ho la to go to tbe ranama-PncUc Exposition: for a series of organ recitals. Ho will be Claclnnstl's repre- sentative aanf national celebrities at the key* of the ere it eipoiltliu crsan. Tin Cincinnati School of Expression la to give a Plnero one-act play early In February. Arnold Bennett'a farce "Tbe Stepmother" Is also listed for Its first local presentation with Harriet Pendle- ton Hunt Amber Kcnyon, Ivan M. Tull and Henry S. Stanford, In the cast. DLixena Rwo christened trie new electric slgyj In front of B. F, Keith's. She turned the switch that started tbe current through the three thous- and colored bulbs In the sign. As the great light illuminated tbe square the theatre orchestra played "The Star Spangled Rannrr." It wss a dry" christening, sod the only thing moist about It was the rain, On» HUHputn members of the Builders' Ex* change and their ladles formed a brilliant the- atre partr that enjoyed "Too Many Cooks." Javs, a dainty little girl, made a Mg hit In the comedy, "A Strong Cop of Tea," at B. F, Keith's. Epwln Connelly, who wrote the aklt. was the indulgent dad of the sketch Otto Ernest Senior, of the German Theatre Co., was given an ovation at the revival of (bat organisation, which be rescued from the depths of bankruptcy. Blakchb kino, all sparkles, was a real head, liner at B, F. Keith's. She Is aa magnetic a personality as ever. Josi Majbdonsb and Iokatio TaLLasu gave aa evening of Spanish music at the Conservatory of Music Recital Hall. AN icctdbnt to Sylvia Loyal took ■ splendid! act out of the Keith bill and disabled a capable entertainer. A fall from a step-ladder censed all the trouble. Tbe act of Miss Loyal Is pretentions —wire walking to tbe music of a myriad of pigeon wings. A fractured arm will keep her out of action for a time. Both Bora, '^princess of ragtime," rallied her subjects around her In vehement numbers at Keith's. They liked ber act. Sandt Sbuw drew one b't of cheer-un criticism that made him throw out He chest. Tie jntassrsr said ha wis "not unlike Hairy Lander." The Empres s crowds appreciated his Scotch dialect atones and stags. "Lorn Powders" Is the moral eomedr sketch which Fred and Bessie Lucler put on to the de- light of the loew Empress constituency. Bessie, It nay be astd, has Era Tangnay tied en soma eccentric points. Ouxics Yucca Is t favorite whom Olnctn- Bostons have heard many a time. She (bond lots of old friends to greet her at the Empress. HELSSta Kocn. as Elvis Lottl, wss the care- free hit of the German Players revival. J, llraitix TmntAW makes a strong plea to take tbe cuss words out of "A Pair of Sixes." Thb MaoDowell Society members have been In- vited to gather at the Little Playhouse, 21, as guests of Will W. snd Helen Schuster-Martin. Lanr GaxoonT will be beard at the Hotel Oil- ton. 20. under the anwotcej of the Drama League of America, Cincinnati Chapter. Pxmcrsa.—Thie theatre has .roan converted Into a-high class- moving-plorare- theatre, -and ■ opened Sunday, IT, with ."The. Bobbers." Stai>nabo (L. Belcbenbacb, mgr.)—"The GItl la Bed" week of IT. . OtTBTT.—Folly Burlesqucrs week of IT. Victoria (Wot. Care, mgr.)—-The twenty -fifth inbllce of Director Hans Lorbel Is being eels- rated, It being twenty live years since he became. an actor. Sunday, n, he played In "Der Moede Theodor." Columbia —BUI 17-21: llomor B. Mason, and Marguerite Keeler. Alexander aod Scott. lamed,, the Three Johns. "Chock" meaner and Henrietta Gores, Lou Loekett and Jack Waldron, Euireus Trio and comedy (lion. Grand.— Bill 1T-23: Maate- Gabriel and com- pany. Seven Colonial Belles,- the Nsrabe Troupe, fcand>ra and Ton Kunts, the Three Dixon Girls, Flo Adlsr and company, Geo. Lee, and Univer- sal Animated Weekly, HirrODioua. —< "School Days." a pretention's' musical comedy offering, heads the bill week of 18, with a cast headed by Dorothy Aubrey ami Roy Msck; George Wilson, of Primrose snd Wil- son's Minstrels; Gray snd Graham, Earl and Curtis, 1'atri.ola and Mirer, Blanche Leslie, aud Polxin Brothers. Barllnarton, In,—Oraod (Ralph. Holmes, mgr.) Jack Beasey Stock Jan. 18 and week. Oasjuok (R. McOmlUs, mgr.) the Oliver Stock On. Is still drawing doe business, Palacb. —This moving picture theatre, which will be under L. P. Blank's management, is rapidly rearing completion, and the grand opening will occur about Feb, 18. Jswxl, Elitb, Gam, Nnxo and Otinar, moving pictures. Noras. J. W. Grave Is the new proprietor of the Geo Theatre. Carl JacoBson. former Garrlck leader, ha* been engaged for the New Palace. Cedar Raplda, Ia«—Majestte (Vie HtMc, mgr.) bill Jan. 1T-20: Lrbby aDd Barton, Marian Harris and company, the Kesky Troupe, Holden snd Herron, Richard Mllloy and company, Dtrtla Hereon and Milt ArneoMn, and Ktmbewah Troupe. For 21-23: Van and Bell, May Taylor, "Detectlva Keene." Al. Abbott. Walter Gary and FIJI Girls, Klut ring's Animals, and Singer and 'Singer. Ghbenb'b (W. fl. Collier, mgr.)—"Help Wanted" 20, '"To-Day" 91. "Countess Coquette" 24. "Under Cover" 23. "Milestones" 27. "A Pslr of Sixes" SO, "The Girl of Sly Dreams" SI. Dea Holnea, la.—Berche.ll (Elbert ft Getch. ell. mgrs.) Thurston, the ma?'clan, Jan, IB. Pamelas (Elbert A Getchcll, mgrs.)—For week of IT, "The Rose of the Rancho?' Ettrasss (Elbert A Oetcheil. mgrs.) — Vaude- ville snd pictures. OarrtsiTu i.H. B. Barton,—Bill week of IT: Lsmbertl, Hubert Dyer and company, Hunt- ing and Funds. Pmilio and' Frablto, Twlato, and Joseph' Jefferson-Blanche Bender and com- Psny. Keokuk, law—4»nrl (Chat. H. Dodge, tngr.) "Under Cover" Jon.-20. -HrrroDBOata (Mark Angell, mgr.)—Vaudeville snd pictures. OouatAtf and OgFBjrjM, pictures only. Memphis, TenB^^yeeam) (Frank Gray, mgr.) "The Trail of tbe Lonesome Pine" Jaa. 81-23, "Wltbin the Law" 28, Margaret AngHn S», 80. Obpiisdk (Arthur Lane, mgr.)—fine business continues here. Bill 18-24: .Marie and Mary Mc- Farland, Riots snd Wltchle, Allan Dlnebart and company, Belle Baker, Merrill and Otto, Kervllle Family, Harry Do Ceo, and Orpheum Travel Weekly. Ltxic (BenJ. M. Stsinback, mgr.)^^Pxnma ■Bunting snd players offer "The Olrl from Out Yonder" IT-23. HEW YORK CUT. "CHILDREN OF EARTH." Booth" (Wlnthrop Amos, director).—CMI dren o/ Earth, a play In four acts by Allco llrown. Produced by Wlnthrop Ames on Tuesday night,.Jan. 12. Cast: Mary tillen Haratow.......... Killc Shannon Aurim llarstdw Herbert Krtlccy Anita Ilurstow it..Olive Wyndlmm l'eter Hale A. K. Anson June Hale Ullda Vareal Adam Hale. Theodor Von KUs Nathan Iiuell ltegltiald Uartovr Uncle Epb. Urout , Cecil Vnpp Cynthia Coleman Mrs. Kate. Jopsoo BiNopaia or bcbnu. Act I.—Mary Kllon Barstow's Hitting Room. An afternoon.In Spring. Act II.— Xhe Hale Kara. The same alternuon. Act III.—Pino Tree Spring. Daybreak tho next morning, ACT IV.—Tuo JBarstow Sitting Uoom. Nearly two years ago Adolph Klauhcr (then dramatic critic of 7^0 Nmo York Times), Augustus Thomas, tbe playwright, and Wln- throp Ames, tho producer, formed a com- nilttee to rend American plays bv native authors. One thousand, six hundred and forty-elx plays -wero submitted. The luck/ play was to be produced by Mr. Aracs antl Its author waa to receive 110,000 for tuu work, The lucky playwright was Allco llrown, and ber work, "Children of Earth," was the play. It was given Its first New York pres- entation at this theatre on the above date. "Children of Earth" U a drama of New England life and, with the exception nf two playlets, "Just Owners In Spain" and "The Wob," the prlxe play la Miss l! rowu'8 II rat Important contribution to the stage. She has, however, many books to ber credit, mostly all of them about New England life. "Children of Earth" Is a purely American play, for Its characters aro all New Ungluud types (which are faithfully drawn), and all of the scenes are laid In a little village In New Hampshire. The story la a charming and awect romance of two middle-aged lovers, but It lacks dramatic action, but is rich In Imagination ant poetry. The central character, Mary Ellen Bar* stow, had waited on her father "hand and foot for twcnty-Blx years. To please liltu ahe had Jilted her first love, Nathan Duel). When tbe play opens the father had died, and her brother, Aaron, had como up from his home In New York to «ottlo the estate, the bulk of which had been left to the spinster. She refuses to go to New York to live with Aaron and his daughter, Anltn, but decides to lend for Nathan (whom she hnd not seen In years) and marry him. But Nathan makes no secret of tno fart that lilts only purpose In marrying Mary Ellen Is to secure her property. 'Mary Is, of course, horrified. Buell is the owner of a neighboring (arm, which has been worked by Peter Hale, to whom Buell had promised bo would sell It. Cut Mb plan to marry Mary Ellen had changed all this. Mary Ellen, despite the fact that Peter baa a wife, a Portuguese, addicted to drink, had grown to love him, but agrees -to marry Nathan Iluell on con- dition that he sell ber bis farm, aa she in- FOR RENT 1 THEATRE BALTIMORE Seating Capacity, 1,600 New Seats and Befitted in 1914 In Centre of City Opposite City Hall Will Lease for One, Two or Three Years Address JAMES F. THRIFT City Comptroller, Baltimore, Hi. ^^~ Maurice Downey and company showed tho pathetic sketch about the old Union soldier returning to find his wlfo married to the Confederate veteran who had shot him la tte Ilattle of Chlckamauga. Johnson and Crane, a natty couple, started with tho "Hello, Qood-Ilyo' song In excel- lent voice*. "Me for You," "Father la la the Movlea Now," "If Thoy Don't Stop Mak- ing Them 80 Beautiful" are their other offer- logs, and their tlanccs wero most Interesting. Carmen'* Minstrels Included ttiA lady Inter- locutor, the quartetto and tbe two end moo. In clever btta o( minstrelsy. "Last Night Waa the Hnd of ths World," a yodle song, ."Linger Longer, Lou," a dance and "Th.» Hold-Up ling," with some aisle work, made up an Interesting aklt, Peter. Dick and Morrison followed with more alnglng. They looked well In full dress, and offered "When Orown-Up Ilables," "I Didn't Raise My Boy to He a Holdlor,' with a megaphone chorus; "Winter's Night,'* "You're More Than the World to Me" abd "Follow the Crowd," all to good apptauao. Tho Six Navigators, In sailor suits, with a drop showing tho dock of a ship, worked faultlessly In a number nf acrobatic com- binations, doing soma iliRlcult tricks with snd without the aid of tho springboard, and closed with the usual three high tumbles aud leap frog. AT LI Y CHORUS: Wbat'll you do, when somcono gets tho kiss lletougliia; In you, wliat'll you do? Whal'll you do, when you begin to miss TI10 Invoyou once knew, wliat'll'you do? Kv'ry time you close your eyes you'll see, HomcoiiQ cUio atuaklng luvo to mc, There will come a time When you'll bo ead and bluo, Wlieu Homebody wmits iiil- tiihi you'll want uio too. Just think it over,—wbat'll you do? Mile. MoMe md Gardner, Charles Dcland, Mary Carr awl compauy, In "Back to Buffalo;" Marie Bossell, Odone, and Montrose and SjJel. Motion pictures. OLiitr-13 (Wlllla 1>\ Jackson, mgr.)—The Star and Garter <-oim* 17. Last vreek the Gay New Yorkers held the boards, with credit to them- selves and .he satlstacllon of burlesque lovers. The musl-Ml farce staged was ••Madame, Who Are Yoa?" In which tarn Howard aad Irving Gear scored Individual bits as Isadore, 8Iegel and Moriti Ooo.nor. Telly and Stella Jlorrlsscy, Alma Fleming, Julie Knae, the Bnynxxii Slaters, Frank O'Brien, Harry Lament, Jack Manly and Milton Hammer were In cheery evidence. The added attrition, "A Romance of Old Egypt." proved to 'be a good dance, In which Mite. Cyme Byrlle, Charles and U. Iiuii.i were seen to advan- tage. American Denudes 21. 'Stinmud (Oharles B. Arnold, mgr.)—Sam Howe's Heart Gharmers are doe 17. Last week the September Morning Glorlee blossomed to pleas- ing advantage, Introducing each Bowers of the garden of borleaqne aa: Margaret Stewart, 'SUtneaqne and strikingly pretty; May Allison, Erne Weston, May DelTsle and Hazel Cmnmlngs. The offerings were "At Saratoga Springs" and "A Night la a Harem." The finale of the opening borleaqne was tbe picture, "Tbe Deluge, ana the wlodop was furnished by a very Hvely dancer, Aaantl, who proved close kin to Terpsichore. Jess Weiss and Donald Kerr, aa a conple of bell hone, «ffer some good, comedy stun*.daring the action •(the opening burlesque, and Bert Rose and A. -at Anderson are a .pair of hard-to-beat comedians. The High Boilers 24. Mcsic Hall, —At tbe popular concert of the -Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra, directed by Dr. Crast Kpnvrokl. 17, tbe soloist will be Josef Vlto, harpist of tbe orchestra. —• ■ OnuiH (Otto Ernest Schmld.-. mgr.)—The German Players are to offer "Die Pnppe" at the Emery Auditorium, 17, with Use Loreoa In the tl«e role. Oapitaou, HavcK'a Ornu Homna, StbaKO and Familt, still offer motion pictures. - tbutsicai, Wtrieraag. Horar M. ZinoLan whose local theatrical In- terests are centered In the Walnut Street The- atre, came to Cincinnati on a brief visit. Since tbe war he has abandoned Paris as a place of residence. . ' ' Brrra WesTO*, while doing her torn at the Standard.' a dance with Donald Kerr, waa the victim of a painful mltfiap. Kerr, who was swinging ber aroonl v-hlle she had her hands clasped round bis neck, slipped, fell, anil MIm Weston was tossed lnt> tbe footlights. AHhouxU ber ankle was hurt she gamely finished her act. Kerr ripped his dress suit. Boaan Hancx, son ot tbe late Hubert dlenck. came over from Indianapolis, where be has charge of tbe Hetack tbeatricsl Interests. At a dinner In honor of Florence McKee, of Oft. An- bum, her engagement to Heuck was announced. They are to be married In June. Otto Ebnist SoHmn. of the new German Stock Co., will redeem old season tickets Issued j*~. It tbe defunct company, accepting then at half Tsaa»|faca value In^excbancw.for new ooe*. TBs Knights Tevoplsr of Cincinnati. Hansel- man and Trinity OosHnanderles, have bou£M the entire house from pit to dome, aod will go to the Lyase 20, to see Elsie Ryan, In "Peg o" My Heart" Thto will be the largest theatre party ever given In Cincinnati. Rosa Melvillb expressed regret before she left town that It was not possible to build theatres large enough to make It possible to play "81s Hopkins" to a ten cent admission fee. - la fourteen years "Bis" baa' nude 5,600,000 theatregoers lanah. TmoDoas Sttjskow Ridsb. the Russian pian- ist. Is to give a concert for vlslllng ladles, at the American Waterworks Association here, May 10-14. Jack Miarm and bis wife, ot tbe Chester Park ataff. have been, cnjeylnc life- at Honolulu. Jons- J. MuBDoan, general manager of the Lulled Booking Offices aud B. F. Keith Circuit, eptnt a day here on bis semi-annual swing around the Keith Circuit. Newark, N\ J.—SJuihort (Lee Ottotlngnt, mgr.) Pauline Frederick, ta "Innocent," Jan. 18- 23: "Kitty MaoKay" (return engagement) 25-30. OnniEUM (M. 8. Schlcelnger, mgr.)—The Fors- berg Players are gaining results with excellent shows. Mines's EiiTtaa (Tom Miner, mgr.)—The Col- lege Girls 18-23, featuring Abo Reynolds and Florence Mills. Base Sydell's Show next. Kbexky's (John McNally, mgr.)—Bill 18-20: "Motor Madness," Ross and Fenton Players, El- liott and Mack, and "Fun la a Hotel." Ltbio (L. B. Golding, mgr.)—t'lctnrrs and vaudeville. Dill 18-aO: "After the Weddlnir." Bay Monde, Elliott and West, Palace Trio, Two Sollnls. Theresa Miller, Lawrence and Harrington, and Lalla Setblnl. For 21-23: "The Butterfly and Rose," "Squaring Accounts," Seymour and How- ard, Harrison Armstrong Players, Marie King Scott, Hearo and Butter, and Kola. Odeoh (J. Okln, mgr.)—The Frolicsome Lambs 18-23, with -wrestling Monday; dancing contest Wednesday; Country Store Thursday, and amateurs Friday nights. The Dimpled Darlings next. Loa-w's (M. J. Kuhn, mgr.)—Oowds packed that house nightly the openlna: week. Bill 18-23: Kitty Francis and company, the Mcretlc Bird, and Four Texas Tommies. For 21-23, Edmond Hayes and company Is featured. , . Abbott Pas*, and Newark folk will be Inter- ested to learn that tbe wife ot* Max Hornell. the genial advertising man at the Sbtrbert Theatre Sere, recently presented bun with a baby. Haebt Hbalt and Job Sravnfs, treasnrer and ssalstsnt, of the Odeon, will give a big benefit there Feb, 21. ' Jersey 'CltTi S J,^Majestic (Frank H. Henderson, rugr.) "Fine Feathers" Jan. 18-23. Next week, "So Much for So Much." Aoadsxx (Cary MoAdow, mgr.)—Trans-Atlan* tics, with Harry Fields, Norma Brown. Lee Hick- man, Sum Wlnrow, Frank Hushes, Boby Grey, Pearl Held and Jack Witts, 18-23. Next week. Follies of Pleasure. OnruroM.—This house is closed week of 18, and will reopen with the Orpbeum Stock Co. 28. T. B, Kantor, lessee and msnsger, aad Leo M. Kantor, directing manager, will present tbe latest Broadway plays, with s company of sixteen mem- bers. Kama's (Wm. B. Garyn, mgr.)—Bill 18-20: York Trio, Capt. Bennett and Son, Hart's "A Breath of Old Virginia," Lewie and Joyce, Weber and Elliott. Slg. Frans Troop*. Change Ot bill 21-23. Hoboken, *f. J^-Emplre (Wm. 7. Flts- gerald, mgr.) Carnation Beauties, with Charles BcLlnaon, Gladys Wilbur. Frank Marker. James X. Francis. Mabel Lee, Msy Bernhart, City Com- edy Foot, Joe Feeney and Gna Knoll Jan. 18-23. Next week. Million Dollar Dells, Ltbio (G. 8. Bbjas. mgr.)—iVandcrfne and pictures. BUI 18-20: The Harolds, Aaf. Bison. Richard Wally. two to All. For 21-33: Freddy James, loose aad. Fryo, Bose Troupe, two to fill; Trenton, IT, J,—8ttte Street BUI Jan. 18-30: Lssky-Belasco picture, "Tbe Olrl of the Golden West;" the Three Musketeers, Norton and Ayrea, PlottI, and Lorraine and Coos. For 21-23: George Behan, la photoplay, "Tho Italian ;" John Hymer and company. In "Tbe Shop Lifters'* Lyons and Galium, Artols Bros, and Taaoott. St. Lonls, Ho,—Shnhert (Melvine Btota, rxgr. ) "A Pair of Sixes" week of Jan. 17. Oltmpio (Walter Sanford, mgr.)—Margaret Anglln, In a revival of "Lady Windermere's Fan." week of 17. Ahxbicaw (H. B. Wallace, tngr.)—"Bought and Paid For" week of 17. Pabw. —"Tbe Gamblers" Is the offering week of 17. Buxmakdoad.— "Three Twtoa" week of 17. - Majzbtios (2), Eurinca (2), Pnmoisi, Alauo, Colonial, Qusavh, Plaza, I'alaob, Oab- iiolton, AuxaicAtr, Echo, Suuubban, Lauab, Eosn, Bbx, Cbtstal, Laboa, Oxroao, Wbllino- ton, Iui'Xbial, Da Ltrxa, Db Soto, Suahiiook, llELVEDani, BBAirrr, Libebtt, MarnorouTAN, lMPtaUALS (2), Daisies (2), Pahtiukh (2), Botal, Bavot, Pekin, Famous and Colohdia, motion pictures only. Naahwllle, Tenn.—Vendomo (W. A. Sheetl. mgr.) San Carlo Or mil Opera Co, week ot Jan. IS. "Within tbt> Law" 28, 20. Oncnncu iGeo. H. Hickman, mgr.) — Normso, Hack«lt snd Players. Business has not bcc.i what it should be with such a capable company. ViOTOXit Cbtstal, KLrrr. Finn Avbndk, Ai>- nAMDSA, Hex and Omshcent, pictures only. Pbinobss (Harry Sudekum, mgr.)—Vaudeville and ptctnrrs. . A nbw moving picture theatre Is In the course of construction here, on Fifth Avenue, near all the other "movies." It Is being pat up by the Dixie Amusement Co., Mid from present Indica- tions It will be a handsome house. Montreal, Can.—His Majesty's (R. P. Hill, mgr.) "Charley's Aunt" Jan. 18-23, "A Fool There Was" 25-30, - Panroass (Abbto Wright, mgr.) Is dark. ObPhsuv (Geo, Driaeoll, mgr.)—Dill week of 18: Gladys Clark and Henrv. Bergman, In "The Society Bods:" Lyons and Yosco, E. F. Hawlsy and company, Juliet, Kd. Slorton, and Luplta Peres. Gatett (Fred Crow, mgr.)—Em Welsh Bhow 18-23, Bowery Girls 25-30. Saint John, Can.—Opera Hoose (Walter Woods, mgr.) the Thomson Musical Comedy Co. ? resented "The Traveling Salesman," "The Wiles" snd "Breaking Into Society" week of Jan. 11, closing their engagement here 10, and leaving, earae date, for Waltham, Mass. Gam, Stab, Unique and Batrasss, moving pic- tures only. Ltbio.— Tsndevllle snd pictures, IiarsauL.—Gertrude Ashe, in songs; the Mar- cus Sisters, In operatic selections, and pictures. Vancouver Can. — Loew** (Jaa. Fining, mgr.) Mil week of Jan. 18: Parlse. Trovolle, Andrew Msck, Moore and Elliott, Bell Boy Trio, rod Gsseh Sisters. ^ Pantaow* (E, D. Graham, mgr.)—Bill 18-23: Cornell. Oorley and company, Joseffson Troupe, Exposition Four, Three Goya, and Evans snd Sisters. St. Catharines. Can. —Orand (O. B. Cdlum, mgr.) the Ouionlnl Stock Co. opened for a permanent run, Jan. 18, with "Tbe Tnralns; Pout" Al. Wilson Is hooked for 28. GsnrnN's (J. a. Frrban, mgr.)—Vaudeville and raoTln.t pictures. Hutopiomb.— Vaudeville and moving plcturss. "Waco, T**>—AodltorUnn (P. S. Ingrahsm, »gr.) "Seven Keys to I!oM(W' Jan. 10. "The Poor Little Birh Girl" 35. Majbstio.— ftesae Dainty Stock Company. Cost, Cbtstal snd Vbndomb, moving pletnxea and vandevlue. HirroDBdus, Quest snd Bex, moving pictures only. Clnrksdnle, Hlasr-Kajestle (L. Harper, oer.) motion pictures sod vaudeville between tegular bookings. "Stop Thief" Jan. 29, "To- day" Feb. 1, ' T Seveh Keys to Baldpate" 6. ■TVAYS THE SAME. NO WAR PRICES gOLD BVKHs'WHKHIC. In ar.ntering at*, pleas* asenfiovt CLima.. tends to give It free and clear to Peter Halo. I'otcr will nut listen to tho arrangement. Ho declares that he loves Mary, and they plan to elope. 1'eter's wlfo follows them Into the woods, and when they hear her moaning they rcallzo that tliey are doing wrong and they decide to return. The news of tho elopement had spread. Peter's wlfo defends Mary by stating that alio had taken to drink and run nway, and that Peter and Mary had followed her to bring her back. Tho atory Is accepted. Nathan leaves for hU home In a neighboring State. Peter's wlfo lcsumcs her post as servant for Mary, after stating that ahe and l'eter bad not loved each other for years, l'eter continues to work lils farm and Mary Kllen continues to live as she hnd always lived. Aaron uud 1:1s daughter, Anita, return to New York. Aa can be seen by tho cast, Mr. Ames haa given the play the services of a fine com- pany. ICfJIo Shannon played with charm end sin- cerity the rolo of tho unhappy and gentle spinster. In the emotional moments sho wan • bit theatric. It was, however, on tno whole, a noteworthy performance. Although he did not exactly suggest tho picture of tho rugged Now England farmor, A. D. Anson acted with great sincerity, ltnglnald Harlow made the character of tno money-seeking farmer stand out It was a wonderfully conceived portrayal of tuo Yan- kee skinflint. It was something of a surprise to lee tho polished Herbert Kclcey, with ebln whiskers, playing the rolo of a grasping, selfish brother, but he ployed It excellently, although It must be confessed that big accent was mora Cockney than New England. It remained for a stranger to tbe New York stage to make the most emphatic Im- pression. She waa Ollda Vafcsl, and ibo ta a real find among emotional actresses. She gave a vivid performance of tho Portuguese* wife. Indeed, no finer bit of acting has been seen on tho local stage this season. ' Cecil Yapp, aa tho Idiot (a rolo not needed In the play), contributed an appealing portrait. Olive Wyndbam waa aweet and charming as Anita, and the role of her bashful lover was excellently played by Theodor Von Eltz. Kate Jepson was natural In tbo •mall rolo of a New England housewife. Uncommonly beautiful la the woodland scene, and the lighting effect Is perfect. Mr Ames has once more proved that J10 Is In the very front rank of American producers. Keloey. JEFFERSON. The bill for Jan. 14-10 showed good acta and good pictures. La, Petite Marie opened with ber Jolly little trapeze act full of catchy little tricks and trimmed with some little vocal exercise*. The disrobing/ while doing Iron Jaw work was liked. Herman Beits sang "lloom do KcfsT "Why Don't They Do It Now" and "Fatlma Brown," and did several good stories and Imitations. Packard and flmiill speeded up well In songs and dances. *I Didn't Think He'd Do If was one of their songs. Mr. Packard did a fomale In n green gown and a Oeorgte Cohan bit. Doth finished with clever dan- cing. Helen Primrose did a grotesque nut act. starting well with "The Curse of An Aching Heart." and then utilizing the "All Bight' gat in different, variation*.. "ROSEMARY." Empire (CJiurloa h'robman.Mngr.)— Rate- mary, Louis N. l'arkor and Murray Carson's four-act play, was revived Tuesday, Jan. 12, by Charles Frohiiuin, with John Drew In. Ills original role. TI10 cast: Sir Jasper Thorndyku John Drow Professor Jogrnm Hubert Druco Cu.ptala Cruleksliank, It. N.. .Harry Harwood William Westwood Frank M. Tliwnfli George Miollle Liiwle lftlgard Abraham Wiiltcr Hoderllng The Htllt Walker Kml Goodwins Dorothy Cruloloiliaiik Alexandra Carlisle Mrs. CrulckHiiuiik Mrs. Thomas Wlilffcu Mrs. Mlnllle May Qalyur PrlBcllla FruuceH Landy HYNOi'HlH Or SCKNgH. Act I,—.High Koad. Kxtcrlor of Sir Jasper TuurnUvke'a Park (England). [Mr Jasper maket a mUtaka.) Act II.—Dining-room at Ingle Hall, (Hlr Jaiper makes amend*.) Act HI.—<Uppcr Itaom In Mrs. Mlnlflo's Coffco House, in London. (Bir Jaiper forget*.) Act IV.—Same as Act HI, but Fifty Years •Have UUpiuid, (Mir Jatper remember*.) Charles Probman'* revival of "Hosetnaty," on Jan. 12, revived memories of tho original American production, which occurred Aug. 81, 18011, at this samo theatre, with Mr. Drew aa Hlr Jasper. Maude Adams as Dorothy Crulcksbank, and Ethel Hurryinoro as Prls- cllla. It was this samo rolo that did much to moke Mr. Drew a fixed etar In the theatrical firmament, for In his portrayal of Sir Jasper bo displayed a versatility of which his fond- est admirers had not dreamed. It was Maudo Adams' performance of Dorothy Cruleksliank, also, which did much to confirm Charles Frobman that his decision to mako Miss Adams a star was a wlso one. and the following year found her a Kroliman slur, ploying Lady Ilabbic. In "Tho Ldttla Minister/' While Mthol Ilarrymore's work as Prlscllla Drat brought hor to public atten- tion, and was tbe forerunner of ber being featured llvo yearn later In Mr, Froh- man's production of "Captain Jinks of tbo Horse Marines," which was written espe- cially for bor by Clyde Fitch. For these leasoni the revival of "lloaemary" Is of more than passing Interest. Mr. Drew's present performance shows tbe same artistry shown In the previous produc- tion. Ills Hlr Jasper Thorndyko stands to- day as 000 of bis best characterisations, for tbe reason that It brings to tbo front a versatility wblcb Is not required in many of bis Impersonations. Alexandra Carlisle made a charming Doro- thy. Dear Mrs. Thomas Whlffcn (who has elected not to retire for a while, despite her oft repeated assertion that she would) was her usual charming self. Frances Landy was pleasing as Prlscllla, and May Oalyer wan capable as Mrs. Mliilde. Harold llarwond fwho waa with Mr. Drew In the first American production) played bis original role of Captain Crulckshnnk, Hu- bert Druco, Frank M. Thomas, Lewis Kdgard and Welter Soderllng gave good aid. "Rosemary" Is only on for a few per- formances, aa Ethel Karrvmore opens st this bouse Jan. 25,. In "Tbe Shadow." Wnit.