The New York Clipper (January 1915)

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,♦ "• i ■ v e THEMW YOEE OlilPPEH. JANTTABY23 :V '-, cormmj ED attr actions, ABTOB—George H. Cohan and William Col- Her, lo "HcUo Broadway," fourtH UOOTH^-"Calldren of Darth," secead week. DELABCO—Leo Ditricbiteln, in "The Phan- torn, Blval/' sixteenth and laat week. CASINO—'"Brpcrlcnce," thirteenth week; second at tills house. CANI>LRU—"On Trial/' twenty-third week. COIW—"Under Cover, twenty-second week. COHAN—"It Pays to Advertise," twentieth ■BMTIRF—John Drew, In "Boaemary," ict- ond and last week. EI/TINGE—"The Hong of Songs," fifth week. 1'OIITY-FOUKTH STitUET —Dlppel Opera Co., In "The Lilac Domino," thir- teenth week. • FOim-ElGlTTH STUEI5T—"Tho Law of the Land," with Julia Dean, seven- teenth week. rciTTON—"Twin Ueda," twenty-fourth week. GAIETY—Ruth Ohattorton. In "Dod'.ly Long- Legs," seventeenth week. CLODE—-Montgombery and Stone, in "Cain- Chin," fourteenth week. HUDSON—Douglab I'^inbonks, In "The Show fchop." fourth week. ■HARRIS—Margaret lUlngton, In "ITlo Lie," fourth week. LYRIC—"The Only Girl," twelfth, week: tenth at this house. LYCEUM — Elsie Ferguson, la "Outcast," twelfth week. LITTLE—"A Pair of Silk Stockings," four- teenth week. LIBERTY —Otis Skinner, to "The Silent Voice," fourth week. ■MAXINB ELLIOTT'S—Win. Faversham, In i "The Hawk," seventeenth and last week. MANHATTAN OPERA HOUSE — "Life," thirteenth week. ; NEW AMS'IHatDAM—"Watch Your Step." with Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Castle and Frank Tlnney, seventh week. I J'LAYIIOUSim—"ainncrs," third week. 1'AItK—"Polygojny," eighth week; nfth at this house. PRINCESS—"Maternity," third and last week. a HP UB Lie — John Hnrrymore 'and Jane Orey, In "Kick In,' r fourteenth week; _ _ tenth at this house. tSIIUBBHT— "To-NJghf* tho Mgit," fifth week TUIRTY-NiNrini rjTTtJflT Ullto Dressier, ,.„„.'» "A Mlx-Un." fourth week. WINTER OAUUEN — "Dancing Around," fiftee nth wees. RIVIERA THEATRE (BirUWIU Thdrsdat Evenino, Jan. 14.) Aa usual, the Riviera Theatre waa packed to capacity Thursday evening, Jan. 14. This uptown theatre has nn excellent clientele, end the management has been giving shows la accordance. The bill the last half waa nicely selected nnd It worked without a hlteli. The pictures were good, and there were sev- eral Keystone comedies. Armstrong and Clark, in one, twentv min- utes. The two eong composers were appre- ciated nnd tbo act went very big. Black luce nun quite funny. The straight man has o good voice and knows how to piny the piano. Very nice thrcc-a-day turn. An en- core and five bows. Alliert Perry and company, sixteen min- utes. In three; bedroom setting. "Tlio Soin- luituoullst" Is a luuuy sketch. The company ft very i;ood. ran Is a clever comedian. Three bows. . 'l rhfl . w,i y ot * Woman," moving picture. A fnlr I-.ssnnay one reel film, cleverly acted. "Killing Horace," moving picture, A Key- stone comedy. Not up to the regular Key- stone brand, Nlblo's Birds, ten minutes, In three. Old standard uct that always goes on account of the novelty. Good drawing curd for big small time houses. Three bows uud one en- core. Lyceum Trio, twenty minutes, In one. This Is ono of the i-lnwIcKt. acts on the small lime. Two young women and n num. Woiuurj at the piano. Act Is dressed very clusslly. Good slutting and piano playing. Act would make a One number two for a big lime bill. Two encores and live bows. Fire Old Soldier .Flddlora, tweuty-flvo min- utes, open In three, close. In ono. This in the net that went over the big tlmo lust season. It 1b un act that goes over more for tho sen- timoiii. A fino attraction for uny kind of a bill. Encore nnd five buws. "Tho Adventure at BrinrclllT," moving pic- ture. A finely acted and Intensely Intercut- lug Knleni (Iniiiia. •'A Water Dog," moving picture. An un- usually good KeyBtone comedy. The picture lias plenty of comedy nnd a few good thrills. Laypo and Benjamin, ten minutes, In one. Both members good ncrobats. Hebrew come- dian nnd straight man. Principal feats con- iiet of a headspring and a handspring from a high altitude. Very neat act. Tlirco TH© KB.VW YORK CITY OPH^AIMfcE}® bows. Mules. irviuu Pisco (Rudolf Christians, mgr.) —Die Kinilor ("The Children"), by tho well known Vienna writer, Herman Bulir, waa prcseuted as the latest novelty. Tho play Is called a "comedy," though there U no obvious reason for this as tho plot does not contain a single laugh, nor is It Very pleasant, Why the rather entangled ami complicated relationship botwecu tho various people forming the cast Is thrashed eut at all, nobody can tell, and If the reason for producing the play consisted In the desire to tuako New Yorkers a little better acquainted with so omlueut a writer as Heir Babr, a eomewhat more eujoyublc work of the author might have beou chosen, say "Der Star." All the members of tho cast furnished .splen- did work In their valu effort to humanize the tlgureheudH introduced by the author: this Is especially tho case with Herr Feint and Frl. Eben. The cost: Prof. Igmu Sctin- rltcr, Richard Feist; Anna his daughter, Ai-nnkn Eben: Gandolf Couut Freyn, Helu- rlrh Mnrlow; Conrad, his sou, ltelnhold Kimimerehl; Bnyorleln, Itudolf Christians; Joliuun, valet, Christian Rub. BuruKtm. Qruiiil Opera House (Itlchard Dorucy, mgr.)—.Wlllard Mack unit his clever wife, Mnrjorlo Rambeau, nre appearing at tills pop- ular West Side playhouse this week. In Mr. Mack's clever comedy drama, So ilaoh for So Vuch. The last act has been changed nnd the ending la much more satisfactory to tho audience. Tho ploy should do n good week's business. Week of Jan. lift. Kosc MolvUle, In her greet success, "Sds noprtol'ns." Keith's Itoynl (Bronx) (C. 0. Mirnn, mgr.)—This week's bill includes: Eva Tun- pnay. John C'onroy nnd Models, Clark nnd Verdi, Fisher and Green, Moore and Yates, the Five Sullys Woods and Woods Trio, Wal- ter Van Brunt, and Dancing La Vara. 15 in pi it- (Cliss. Krobnuiu, mgr.)—Ethel Dnrrymore will succeed John Drew at this house, b?grniilnK Monday evening, Jnn. 115. In the new play, "The Shadow." PROCTOR'S FIFTH AVE, (iubby c. awifT. 110*.) Barn Swift has sure enough started nomcthbig In an effort to rejuvenate the Fifth Avenue Theatre, and from appearances his, and Prow Agent Irving Urookman'a hustling is not going for nanght Last week <Jan. 11-16) was anniversary week at this house. The Fifth Avenue hag been identified with high class vaudeville for nbont twenty years, and with Its recent acquisition of Harry Swift as general man- ager. It appears as though former patrons are rapidly returning to the fold, and ex- pressing satisfaction with the vaudeville now shown. Manager Swift's slogan Is to give tils pa- trons a "dollar's worth for a quarter," In eight acts of vaudeville and first run pic- tures. Dropping In at the house "more than once" last week, found packed houses on throe different occasions, and there Is no dcubt that house records for at least the pust year or more have been smashed. The "first half of the week's program had eucb famous stars as Jefferson l>e AngriL, assisted by Oeorge Leon Moore and Frank Belcher, In a comedy, "Second Floor Rack;" l.nsky's musics] comedy, "The Summeriand Girls," with Billy Hurst and Maude Kelcey, nnd Captain Louis Moreno's "Deep Sua Divers." Otncra completing a strong bill were the Arlon Four, Wilton Bros, and Dun- ham, Banto and Clark, and Larry Cebsiloa end Mona Desmond. The change of bill on Thursday (14) Waa opened by tho Three Kelso Brothers, la a comedy Juggllag turn, and La Petite Mignoti followed with a neat little hit with her liu- perronallonB nf Eddie Leonard Blaglur "Roll Dew Holy Poly Eyes;" Julia Sanderson, unking a number from "Tho Girl from Uloh,'' and Marie Dressier, flinging; '"Bfoo High," besides closing big with her clever Bernard Granville eccentric danoe. "Sliding" Billy Watson, assisted by Joe itaiiiff and ihapcly Nellie Watson, lived up to his half of tho headline spot to a comedy playlet, with pictures, entitled "lining Into Vaudeville." The skit Is well written around Watson's Dutch comedy end he doesn't overdo Uie "slide peddling." Rat- lin* doubles as an author of vaudeville sketches and a husband, while Nellie Watson Is given opportunity to dlnplay her good iigi'ro in a white knlckcr "once boy" salt, end doubles later as the wife who hires a German to be a burglar In order to om- Vlnce her husband he should remain at home nights. Thcro is a touch of burlesque to the maneuvers In the second scene, the card game, etc., but Watson Is funny enough to carry the turn around the two a days, which he began at the Albambra-tihlR week. Louis Sorcho'B Deep Sea Divers was No. 4 on tb e bill, making a full week stay, with the callopc automobile bellowing outdoors between shows. Lou and Molllo Hunting scored big with their clever, well laid out song, talk b-xI dance offering that la still of "big time" calibre. Will Murphy and DIancho Nichols and com- pany had \'iu laughing qulto eonHnuounly Throughout their now "A Quiet Room"' com- edy sketch. (New Aets.) Burns and Klsscn cleaned up ot this show (Thursday matinee) with their doubles and eolos and mostly good comedy. One blue ono was tossed out before the night show. Tho boys' poor Judgment la using r 'lt" was a sur- prise. Mary Rllcn, after dragging a wagon from the subway excavation, and imukine Twcnly- elplith's Street's car service possible ngnm, after tho "street parade," closed the show, and camo up close to 11. and K. as a bit. Ono of tho most intelligent, best .trained animals of tho elephant species that vaudeville has ever had Is Mary. 1)111 for Jan. 18-20 includes: Tho Great relbnm, "A Dream of the Orient," Wilson and Laracn, Os-Ko-Mon, Tom Nswn and com- pans. Mason and Moron, and Dolmore and Leo. Tod, CITY. A well balanced program was presented hero last week and on Saturday a turnaway business was recorded nt each performance The Village Cabaret, an act that has been playing several weeks on the big time re- cently, was ono of tho he.idllhers, and walked away with ono of tho mughJng hits. The idea Is rather old, and but for tho clever wcrk of tho different members, would luivo had a hard tlmo of It. Grigorc and Kllmlnn, a man and woman, in fenls of strength, proved ono of tho great- est tenms In the way of a novelty tnat Jaae ever apnea red here. The jonn docs nil his weight lifting from his forehead, aod does seemingly Impossible feats. Ills best Is lift- ing a largo Bofn, carrying It on his fore- head and going up a fourteen foot ladder on one side and coming down on the other. Tho young woman appears In black tights, and else docs some remarkably good work. Marathon Comedy Four, with somo good, wholesome comedy and several good soupi, e-.eaned un. Tho net went over big: In fact. «iis the hit of it lie program. "Mississippi Cabaret" and "Tulip and Hose*' were their best numbers. Anderson and Bvcns, offering a clover skete't that could bo entitled "Looking for Work." were a huco success. Tho sketch Is clever, tho idea well handled and artistically f lnyeit by botn men. Willie Smith, doing a single flinging tu'R, showed thnt ho possessed talent In proving how to put over a song properly. He dances well also, and made the bunch sit up and tnke notice with many fancy slops. Allmnn nnd Stone, In a singing and phino act. had nn leasnn for complaint over the reception given them. Tho boy at tho piano ran surely piny some, while tho other, lo a high tenor vnlrc, rendered several songs, fea- turing "Mother Mnchree," that netted btm several hows. The Morlii Slaters, with a well o-stumed nnd perfect!/ arranged dancing sneclnlty, rittortninod with their own creations of the modern dunce. Splendid motion pictures wero also shown. Jack. McKINLEY SQUARE. (A. 6. R1CUU0NU, Mint.) Marie Dressier, In the Keystone comedy, "Tllllo's Punctured Romance, was tho en- tertaining feature of Monday evening, Jan. is. Only (We vaudeville acts were •tiawn. Do Verc and I.i-wIh played a variety if numbers on several musical Instrument!!, and finished Mg with "Tlppernry Mary." Hill Iiuvls, black face comedian, got a few laughs wllh bin comedy, but his song, "On the 5.1V' called for tin encore. Maurlca Downey and company presented a sketch entitled "An Irish Anion.** Kmlly Hgomnr, singing comedienne, was well received. Among ner songs were "When You Wore n Tulip" nnd "Mv Osl 8aV' and her enenre whs "The Violin My Grout Uraud- daddy Made." Pnntccr and Wart! closed tho show with clever acrobatic sUintn. The pictures Included "Tilllc's Piinrtuml Itomnnce" and "Her Winning Punch," two Keystone comedies. " Kmih m ' ■■ Colonial (Win. Wood, tugr.l—Tile bill for this week Includes: Trine FrlganJUi, "Lone- MM Lnsslcs," .lack l>oveniix mid I—IliaIIJ. Heather and Mnrshnll, llognnny Troupe, Billy McDermott. Moore nnd Yoang, Robbie Oor- Uoue, and Roberta uud Vcrveru. UNION SQUARE. (SDI KAJIN, KB.) Ben Kahn la booking In some mighty good shows at the Onion square. Ben Ts one of these managers who can be depended upon to look after picking his own acta as well •a looking after every other thing around this well established old Fourteenth Street house, with the able assistance of Frank Abbott. Eight acts and five recle of pictures made up the program for the hut half of last week, with Wallle Brook's ''MlrtH Makers" and Harry Bojton and company running £ietty even In the double headline spot, 'looks has whipped his turn into speedier TCing since last seen locally, and his new Hnrtit 4 Sfsmon'i (LooJa Onrtlf, week. -Fame* *f leading girl, Glndys Davis, has added much more '"pep" to the numbers, while she works in a clever new niece of "flirt" business with Brooks. More of WeJlle was what was want- el by tho managers, so lie put in another double song, working It with Monde Ger- trude Kcesban. who looks well In tbe knee fcsgth "kid" rig. Ben Hllbert is doing a eelo while Brooks Is recuperating from an otieration that left him lacking tonsils. Four iiew girls show marked Improvement in the Bumbera. Horry Bouton has & real good Illusion act and with a good.comedian with fair material, rsn bold ws own on any "pop" bill aa a feature. The act makas a good flash, and Bourton carries two male assistants and a pretty girl besides lis comedian. •Spuwll Bros, end company, Including a speedy good tumbler and n little woman w*jo kag little to do but look wdl, opened the ehenr In good style and were tallowed by italics sad McCnaker. <Ncw Acts.) EAther the sign una got the Soivini Duo oa the SoUmlnee or this "pop" calibre of a boy and girl, pianist and violin combination •witched the spelling a bit Routine hi all that's needed. Anc Katheriaod and eceapanr fNew Act) p\ eseoted "Tea, Twenty and Thirty.'' following Jlorry Boaton, and Betty Obis (New Act) was next, is a cleanly clad, good singing single. <Wk aad nensesar (Near Act) were on just ahead of the Mirth Makers, In parts of just •.head of the Mirth Makers. A good "moaey's-TTOTth" nop. show. Tod. BROADWAY. (JTTLE3 4AS0N8OK, HOB.) Save* acts and sit rccli of pictures arc well laid out here this week. Abe Attell Js special headline with tho "From Coaey Island to tbe North Pole" offer- ing as the "big" act Abe looks well in a dress suit and, though many of his stories are e bit on the old type, be tells them to •stlirfnetory results. Two recitations finish up Ms act. Flee chorus girls, who make bat one change; a team to lead numbers and two Ger- man comedians make op the cast of "Coney Island to North Pole." The team do well with their eolos and doubles, and the twu comedians get a whole lot of fun from busi- ness In un aeroplane, aad later la a battered attteimobllc-liko "prop." The Ave girls have It easy, really working in but one number, (or which knee length military coat-like cos- tumes of blue, over full fleshings, show them to advantage. Claude Ranf opened the "1^* part of the show with his stunts on the wire. Kent la every Inch a clever performer. The Bert Karl Trio, with Earl'a playing and imitations on a banjo featured, has two partners, a bit more than pickaninnies, who ore a peppery pair of workers and speedy .dancers. "Tho PU1" le tho title of a comedy sketch Howard Trusdale and company offered. All about a young suitor for the hand of a res- taurant proprietor's daughter, and his (the fruiter) pulling an extraordinary pill on the old men. Unit, If taken, makes one good un 1 tell the truth. A manager, the chef, the daughter and the old man get one of the round things, and dhcre are picnty of laughu and a big one when the inventor haa one lorred down bla own throat at curtain. Dcalv and Kraemcr (man and woman) did fairly well. Tho glrt's good iook» and cornet Imitation carries the act as It stands, as the man's attempts at comedy fall miserably, and his "effeminate" bit Is Trtl wrong" for Mm. Tho Wlllard Musical Four scored the heavi- est of tho show. In Colonial costumes they effered half a dozen selections on pluno. vio- lin and brass to satisfaction, but would do well to "put in" a few popular numocrs. A picture cloned tbo show. Tod. PROCTOR'S TWEOTY-THRD ST. (KM. A. IMTTHBWa, MOR.) Just an even dozen acts wero shows for tho usual admission on Surprise Night Fri- day, Jan. 18, eight of tho regular l)Ul and four extras. Montgomery and Martin. Betty Itrowstcr nnd company, Billy Mills, and ValM, tho first three mentioned going over very auc- rrswfiiUy. (See New Acts column for all four.) Billy and Slits Kloof (Now Act) opened tho ehow with a musical novelty. Leonard and l.ouls, now fairing a song and getting a notice to "stopsinging," as a start, in dresa suits, were one of the successes of this show after they got to their clever hand to hand balancing stunts. Lawrence and Harrington lilt the fll'ed house plum In .the laugh scotlon with their Bowery spiel, nnd a travesty fox trot and tango (lnlsh that ended In both doing n flop. They are assisted by a lady pianist, who also does Importantly well In the sketch part that leads up to tt»- dunce. The Montgomery nnd Martin, Betty Brew- ster end Vnlll, extra acts, followed In here, and the poor taste left In the audience's mouth after Vr1H*b efforts mnde tough sled- for Jack Wallace's performing cockatoo, Whlto Eagle. But Wallace must bolster up the routine of Qie turn, as the length of tlmo used up In the bird's adding sums by ring- lng_a bell, wears drogglty" on the audience. The Jewell Sisters (New Act) had two of their numbers used by the Montgomery and Martin, extra act, but overcome tbo handicap by good delivery. Billy Mills, cxlra; then "Red Cross Mary" (Now Act) followed by the INilncc Trio, three men ringers -with a noisy broad of melody and comedy. Murray's canines, a clever dog act closed tho hill, after eleven hells, and scored big, with few walking out on them. This week, 18-23, is anniversary week at tills haute, Tod. « ii- Knlckcrbooker (Harry G. Summers, mgr.)—Daniel Arthur will present Mur.e Ca- bin nnd Richard Carle. In "00 In tho Shade," at (his theatre Monday evening, Jan. 25. Wnllnck's (Chns. Iturnlinm, mcr.>— Granville Barker's production of "Aodrocles and the Lion" has been postponed from Jan. 22 to 20. Bronx Opera House- (Richard Madden, •igr.)—Lew Fields, in Thn Biiih Cost of Loving, with tho original Republic Theatre cast. Is playing this popular theatre til's week. The comedian bus an excellent rnlo ns tho mustard maker. Week of Jan. 25, Pauline Frederick will appear here In the sensational dramatic success, "Innocent." Comedy (Loe ft J. J. Shubcrt, mgrs.)— Ina Claire, In "Lady Luxury," closed Satur- day night, Jan. 10. 'Tho Fallen Fool" will be produced at this house 23. Murray Hill (Fred Wnlduiann, Ugr.)— Ji'unic Curio (Oris this week. Bgr)— BocUH Uaids this ... Olympic (Dave Krans, mgr.) FUature this week. Miner's (Bronx) (B. D. Miner, mgr.)— CHrlt of the Gov Whit* Waif this week. Columbia (J. Herbert Mack, mgr.) — Honeymoon QWla this week. Oniy's.—yuccin of the Follic* Bergere Ibis week. Alhamlirn. (Bert Xoung, mgr.)—BUI this week: Valesku Suratt and company, Nellie Nichols, Paul Conchas, Hoey and Lee, Harry Breen, Billy Watson and company, Rayno's Bull Terriers, McMabon, Diamond aad Chap- low, and Irene and Bobby Smith. Belasco (David Belosco, mgr.)— Leo Dlt> rlchstcln will conclude his engagement at this house in "The Phantom Rival" Saturday night, Jan. 29, and on Tuesday evening, 26, Frances Starr opens here in "Marle-Odlle." Standard (Harry L. Oort, mgr.)—-Hie ever popular PotaiA a Ptrlawtter U the at- traction here this week, and a banner busi- ness is expected by Mr. Oort. This theatre Is now a solid success, for the plays offered are aU established Broadway successes, acted by the original companies. Week of Jan. 26. Mnrle Tempest, In "The Marriage of Kitty," preceded by a one act play. Lookucic \H. H. Frasee, mgr.)—"Secret Etringj" closed Saturday night, Jan. 14, "Hypocrites" will be produced at this house by Wm. L. Sherry, Wednesday night, Jan. 2V. Psneh and Jmdy.—••The (Sever Ones," a comedy In three acta, will be given its first tbowlng In, America, at this house, TimraUay evening; Jan, 28. Brooklyn, It. Y.—Aeademr (P. O. Edtall, mgr.) concerts, musical enlertslmnaits, lectores, vtc Burton Holmes' Tnnelognss start 'Wednes- iisj, Jan. 20. Floanley Strmg Qnartctte 14, for. Iowa 25. Mohtatjk (ftWr. Troll, mgr.)—"Tbe German tilae ot tbe War" (mottom vnctmea) this week. iiboadwav (Herbert AscLer, mgr.)—"The life of Klebaid Wagner" (nnHsn platans) end twenty jr*nd opm soliriias, with a large ajmuboey or- chestra, opened here Monday, is, to « packed boose. Tbts norelty proilMS to be a big mc- cess. "Potash & ivrtimmer 1 ' week ef tS. Hsjsstio U. R. lirrce, mgr.)—"Kitty Mae- Kay" this week. William F a w aib a u i. in "Tbe Hawk," next week. Minting a new potlcy this "week, seats being one dollar at Saturday matl- Ef«t. Ds Kilb (1. Floetetoen, mgr.)—"To-D»y" thl« week. "Lady Laxnry," with In* C"«tre. Bert week. Rum (Wlllfam Tknsu, mgr.)—«<iet Ttwrti end Mary Hall, In "The Yellow TMnV' tbli week. • i IVe Secret" week of 35. "A Pair of Bins" to follow. Gitbr (Wm. Woolfolk, mgr.)—Witscn's Mea- tals this week. Stab (M. J. Joyce, mgr.)—FcUles ef 1910 this week. Burros (J. II. Cartla, mgr.)—■Qarety Gtrla this week. Carnation Bealtles next week. OitiMu (Chin. Daniels, mgr.)—-Obis from Hsppylnnd this week. Hastings' Big Sbow week of 25. Oarncnir (Prank A. Olrard, mgr.)—Bfil week ef 18: Evelyn Nevblt and lock fSlffonl, Mdle Ifcnird ana Mahtl Rnnwll, Marie Norilstrore, Catherine Oilvcn and company, Milton Pollock and company. Van Hovrn.. Four NlRbtoos, Mili- tary Dancers, and Mario and Duffy. • Bush wick f Benedict Blott, natr.)—BUI week ef 18: "Neptune's Utvrten," Marlon LlttMeM and company, Alto Brooks and company, Harry Carroll, Henry Lewis, Wide Bros., Bert Levy, Devise and Wllllamt, nod Hopkins Sisters. ■Teospect (Wm. Masaud, mar.)—Bill week of 18: Blanche Walsh and company. Wee Oeorgle Wood, Llfilnskl's dogs, Coaktey, Haavey and Don- levy, Aontratlnn Woodcboppers. Itablns, Jnlla Cor- tls, Weston mid Claire, and lolccn Hitters. GuEBKromr (H. W. Crull, mgr.)—Keith's junior vaudeville, CasscxNT (IMward V. Ilellly, mcr-)—Tbe Cmcent Stock Co. rrescnit "Ready Money" this wtek. "The Mrnitcr Mind" week of 25. 'i«nu« (Pauline Boyle, mgr.)—Tbe Gotham I'lnjcrs preseut "Tbe Argylo Oase" this week, '•Damased Ooodii" utxt week. Putbubb (Geo. MoDcnoll, mgr.)—Vaudeville aod pliotaplijs. Bill 18-20: OHcling fl'Mefiraa, Artie Hall, Trahior and Helcne. Lew wells, Edna Mi* Sfioooer and company (full week), Romuiue and Orr, Burt Bros., one to all. For 21-23: Qlnga- lese Troupe. Tom Van asid Ward Girls, Tbree I.oreitlaH, Muruoret Farrell, l-jilinund Hayes and eonii>[iny. the De Bars, one to tin. Wibwicx (Marcus Loew, mgr.)—^VaudovlUe. K»rnsr's (Prank A. Keeoey. mgr.)—This new popular priced continuous vaudeville theatie, le- cated at iLlvlngslon Street and Hanover Place, opened Monday. 18. Program will be cheated Mondays and Tmirrdays. Admission to matinees, ten and fifteen rents; evenings, fifteen and tvrenty- iive cents. SHuamvr (Wm. Sbeehy, mgr.)—r»ew vaodertlle sad pictures. Bill 18-20 - Uthel Mar Barter. Mor- ris and Beasley, Aveili.g and IJoyrl. Wbttney'a Dolls, Jlmmle Itrltt, Tbne Ales, one to fill. For 21-33: Murphy nsd Foley Kitty Francis and com- pany, Huffy, Gelsle; and Lewis, Lanrton, three to nil. I.iukhtv (John A. Zero, mcr.)—The latest photo- plays and vaudeville. Bill 18-20: "Tbe Criminal," Pop Ward, Barlow's Otrcua. two to 111. For 21- 23: Yvonne, •Hlonler In the First Destee," Ben and Ilnzel Mann, tbe Harolds, one to Ml. Buoc (Geo. Sehenck. mir.)—Loew'a vandevllle and pbotoplayi. BUI 18-20: Five Old Soldier Fid- dlers, Kathleen, "Auto Bandit," Victoria Poor, three to till. For 21-28: Dlero, Mae West. Kana- luui Trio. "Aod Bandit." two to 111. Fdlton (I. Kulin, n Br.)—Vawtevlllo and phr- tureo. BUI 18-20: Beth OhaUia. Duffy. Gebater and l.fivlB. Lou Hoffman, "The Ltavt Hope," Jonts and lokatnn, and writs Troape, For 11 S3: Oar- lirey Bros.. Mr. and Mrs. Hnin Baunett. Bod and NeUie Helm, "Bacy Money," Werlag, and Buah Bros. A NovELTr is pnacnted at TMler's Broadway this week. t,y Archie H. Ellis and a. r. Wattle, to "The I/tfe of Richard Wagner." la mnaie. song end p let ore, aad tv.eaty grand opera ewMato. THE COLUMBIA COItCBRT. A good Mil sliowrd to good bouses 17. Brown and MeComilck opened at tbe piano and violin, followed by dancing and i-auloaiinea, clever acro- batic stunts, etc., to good applaase. tbe Dofc- crl.vH bad a con versa tlnn meet lag. wlti nmcli comt-dy and travesty, singing "I'd Still Love Ton." Tbo Vander Koors, with their comedy magic, and the mlnd-readlng goose were tbe aaoal bit. Bow- •rd and Caaso, in their "TV-rrlble Joige" bit, their 'cello playing and burlesque opera, with tbe 'cello and trombone finish, made good again, "From Co»t laland to the North Pole" Is a ttbleld burlei (,ue. with n good littl > sonbrette, a good Binglng itralubt, two good German comedians and elx ah/w clrlt, with nppro)>rlate scenery and a fine prop airship and taxi: also shewing the anctrette lo a parachute, singing "la the valley ot the Mean," "You're More I%an the World lb Me" was also well sung also "Winter's Kfrbt" and "Dixieland." Eoau O'Neal, with Jimmy Gallagher at the piano, pat over a now set. Miss O'Neal made a bit with her coon song, also in ber handling of the bidding material, while Jimmy played. He recited "The Straight Road Is the Best Bead After All." Whipple, Houston and company had a novelty act, dn which a young house lulntcr lingers over bis work to be near Uie millionaire widow. His song "But I Haven't Got tbe Do-ee-ml" made a big hit, and with the widow, who was held by certain condlllona of tho will of tbo deceased vrho haunts tbe bouse, some good comedy de- velops. He finally gets her and the million. Will Phlltn-ick and two ladles, in blackface, appear on moving day, -be lugging tbe contents of a three room Hat. Some sarcastic references as to bis slater-ln-law aad ber Interfering allow some high flown langeage, well put ever. Tbe Indies return after securing a flat, and the cor- tajw moves en, «nly to come back for a runny tinge rehearsal for the lie use warming. It was a big laugh. The Dancing Kcnncdrs closed the show with their expert stepping, which is getting better every time they show it, and they had to come PLAYS FOR STOCK At 8160.00 per Week laoh RHL1ZIM THE EXISTINO THEATRICAL CONDITIONS US. GEO. JL COHAN In order to allow every Stock Company to make money by play* log bis successes which have heretofore commanded "the high dollar" In royalties, has authorized Us igen's, SANGER & JORDAN, to allow any Company contracting for Production within the next 6 to 8 weeks to select any one or more of the following ten Plays for a flat royalty of $150.00 per week each. " 15 Minuks from Broadway" "Little Johnny Jones" "The Yankee Prineif "The Honepooners" "The Talk of New York" "Fifty llliles from Boston" "Oeorge Washington, Jr." "The Governor's Son" "The American Idea" "The Ulan Who Owns Broadway" 4. Special Terms Quoted Upon Application for "Broadway Jones" ■un The little Millionaire • -M APPL. Y DI1UKCT TO SANGER & JORDAN, 1432 Broadway, New York City SOU) AMD KXCL.VHIVE AGKNTS beck oft™. ■ #♦» . Jftl "THE MIICAWH" It Is reported that the circus at tbe New York Hippodrome will be followed by a pro- duction ot "Tbe Mikado" lo about sis weeks. CHICAGO'S LATEST. (Bfecial wire). Jam. 18. •ne rcmalDS ot Jerry Dolly arrived from Ha- vana and wore burled from St. Mary's Chinch, la Calvary OeoMtory. bare, to-day. Large attend- ance at CuDCal, many floral pieces.-—Tbavleoa fiand Ofteoa Panaraa-FaclOc Bxpoaltlon Feb. Be, fw alx weeks.—Earner McLaughlin haa leased two Rides from Parker for caroivala.—Albert Hedglnl nlone ooe-rlnr circus to so out from Chicago.— Robert Cobtrall ucted rider, 1« here for the balance of Winter,—ID. F. Oarrutbers la back tram Cleve- land today. — Ocnarro, bandmaster bere, nay book with carnival.—It Is persistently rumored that Omir Saml and Delgarlon and Zlnney will go wlti Leavltt and Mercrboff United Shows.— K. O Tal*wtt left to-day for a buslnera trip (or World at Home—E. M. Jackson baa left tbe bos- |dtal at Denver, and pasted '.hrougb Chicago ou way to his home at Qosben, Ind., looking welt.— Fred Morgau, of Qolliaar Broa.' Shown, Is here to- day.—The Curtis seats are contracted fo* bv tbo Hiiro Dog and Pony Shows.—John W. Gates, oldest blllnorter la the world, Is here visiting from Blll- Inra. Mont.—O. W. McCurran li In Oedar Baplda. H. II. TananeD Is la Ohlcairo on toe way to Hew York, thence to tbe Panama Canal, on tbe way to Erpotltion, Ban Francisco.—H. B. Gentry and Ben Austin were In Chicago Saturday.—11. M. Har- vey, general agent of the Hagenbeck-Wallaee Cir- cus, was a Oi.irrEB caller to-day, and announced ciigagtrocnt ot tbe new bandmaster, R. O. Jack, ef Monmouth. III.—.W. B. Cory has moved bis resi- dence to Cincinnati.— II D. Ike Lewis leaves for 'Frisco. He will have concessions at Erpwrttlon. Visitors ait tie Great Pahteraon Sbow Winter qnartera, at Paola, Kan., laet week were: Fred 8. Kempt and wife, Art Bralnerd and wife, J, An- gu«tus Jones, Doc Allmaan. Raymond Blder ami wife, Harry 8. Nnyea, A. H. Brotm and B. W. Brundtge.—Rosa Dsno baa purchased from Jotm T. Backman a male lion, to be shipped to Donald- eonvllle. La.—Beckman baa alao shipped a Hon to tbe Oreo Publlloses, Havana.—Pnnl Johannlng will have bla own animal snow with ANmann Bros.' Carnival Uilt season.—Junes Patterson Is having some steel cara made In Rest, which he In- sneoted recently.—J. L. Damaby Is potting oo Rlk beneat. Bedsits, Mo.—Captain Slgsbee will nave hit educated horse. "Tbe Captain," and art eight dog act. wlUi tbe Wortham A Allen interests. Nola Satterfleld will eifalblt tbe horee.—Bud Snapp will be treasurer of tbo Wortbam A Allen Shows, JttVn A. Miller will have his carry-uaall ami Ferris wheel. John A. Pollltt his Aurora abosv and Everett's mu«lcsl comedy. PolHtt will be as- aiitaat manager. . Warrbn A. Patdick. i i ■ I I.