The New York Clipper (January 1915)

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January 23 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 0 GERSTEN STOCK CO* AT THE PROSPECT. (Hevlcwed. Tncsdny Kvcnlngr, Jan. 12.) Manager <Jeraten offered the Broadway Beauties lilt week, and titer this week the company will more to the Odeou, Newark, tor a long stock en- gagement ibeie. Like all the other shows, trill one la bubbling with (ood, boneat comedy. Al- though some of the remarks aire a little bit strong, the patrons enjoyed every niluute ot the enter- tainment. Tula abow, with a little more brush- ing up, could easily go on the wheel. The man- agement provided better looking costumes for the girls than they bed previously done. The caat 3s Terr good, and there are few stock organisa- tions that can claim as good. The work ol iMax Armstrong Is little short ot remarkable. He seems to be able to whip the performers into their parts with only two re- hearsals. The principals did not receive their parts for the second aot until Saturday. They pot their shoulders to the wheel, and by dress rehearsal Saturday night every single one of them was letter perfect. By Mai's clever coaching the show wont over like a shot, and not even Abe Mlera had any fault to And with It. Hal Lane exerted himself and put on some corking numbers. The girls are hard workers and de- serve a good deal of credit. They are a mighty nice looking bevy, and each one is blessed with good looks and a sweet voice. A better chorus would bo hard -to Bad. Armstrong also wrote the book. It contained many funny situations among which were: The marriage ceremony, the entrance of Murphy, the sew cabaret dance, the entrance of the Dutch- man, tbe buying of refreshments, the table scene, the entrance of the husband, the hiding bit, the entrance of tbe wives, the reading of the letters, the duel scene, the target practice, the argument about eating, the entrance ot the straight man, tbe explanation of the medical treatment, the refusing bit, the treatment tut, the bomb bit, the drug scene, the mirror bit. the bat bit and the bag bit The song numbers were well selected, and contained some ot tbe Istest hits. Among them were: "I'm Ooing to Make Yon Love Me," by Miss Baker; "Don't On Away," by Miss Baker and Jack Martin; "Oh, What a Beautiful Baby," by Miss MeArdle; "When Inlsh Dyes Are Smilln'," Hiss' Baker; "At the Fox Trot Ball," bv Mill McAr.lle; "When the Ship Comes In,' 'by Mils MeArdle; "Same Old Town." by Miss Baker; "Borneo and Juliet," by Baker, MeArdle, Camp- bell and Harris; ''Walla Walla Man," Mlis Me- Ardle, and "On tbe Shores ot Italy," Mlas Baker. Meyer Harris Is a clever comedian. Althongh be never wo.-ked ss a Dutch comedian before this engagement, he la very adept In the character. In tact this role Is far superior to hi* Hebrew. Ho gets over many good laughs. There are very few. It any, men who an as) good folia to comedians as Is Dewy Campbell. He gets slmoat as many laughs as Harris. He la comical lo tbe role of an Irishman, Jack Martin If one of tbe beat straight men la burlesque. Originally, Jack was on the legitimate stage. His former training Is serving him well, and he haa become a big favorite with tbe Bronx- lies. Jack should not attempt to sing, however. Hank Slmmonds proved the laughing hit of the ahow, quite unconsciously, too. mind you. When be appeared aa the butler, with short pant9 and his bandy legs showing, the audience gave Tent and almost lsngbed their heads off. He Is a good juvenile man. riTTSBVRGH NOTES. Ralph Pepper, electrician ot the Academy, rnelgned last weak to take a position with the Harry Davis Enterprises, being located at the Grand. Good crowds turned oat at tbe Academy to greet Billy Klein, ■ the Plttnlmrgh boy, who was here with tbe UK by Craig Co. Billy Is inpular with his many friends, and he was loudly applauded at every move. His bit In the second act at a Bell Boy, la very tunny, and he shares honors with Craig In keeping everybody In Good spirits, bin mimicry keeping the audleuce In continued laughter. During the Summer Klein will be with the Krause Greater Shows, doing hla spectacular ETgb dive as tbe feature free act. In which be haa met with great success tbe past several years. s THIRTY-TWO YEARS. Thirty-two years as special officer In the lobby of a theatre la the unique record ot Michael J. Hayes, on duty as "special cop" art the Star, Brooklyn, N. V. Mr. Hayes Is known as plain "Mike" among hla friends all over Brooklyn. At the age of twelve "Mike" secured a position as candy boy nt tbe theatre, and then became property man at the house. He was on this >*> until a fight broke out In the gallery one day, and Mike bandied the rowdies so well that he was raised to the position of special officer, and has been In the Lobby of the theatre ever since. ''Mike" ahm acts- as manager when M. J. Joyce, -the manager of the bouse. Isn't there. He was born In Brooklyn, Oot. 15, 1870, on Raymond Street, near Myrkle Avenue, and has been a resident of that city ever since. He now resides in his own house, with his wife and six children, the oldest (being a son, twenty years old, at 32 Windsor place, and Is a member of the Fraternal Order of Eagles. a WESTOX WITH GYPSY MAIDS. Harry Weston Is now with tbe Gypsy Maids, Slaying the role left vacant by the death of ohnny Hanson, In Kansas City, Dec. 22. Weston opened with the ahow Dec. 28, at the Gayety, Omaha, and did great work with but two rehearsals. SI Jenks dropped out ot the cast last week to go Into vaudeville, and so Weston alto played bis part, but put bla own German specialty In, In place of Jenks'. He has proved to be one of those "men ot tbe hour," and Is now comfortably popular with, the Gypsy Maid troupe. s EDYTHB GIBBONS AT DALY'S. Uncle Sam's Holloa Is the attraction at Daly'* Theatre this week, making the house's second week as a burlesque venture. The shapely Edyth* Gttatons Is making her debut to New Yorkers as a burlesque prima donna with this show. KIBE CHASES BELLES. Tho members of the Liberty Bellea company were driven from their rooms to the street Mon- day, Jan. 11, when an early morning Are threat* coed the Liberty Hotel, In St. Paul, Minn. Most of the guests were asleep when the alarm waa given, but all had time to dress before leav- ing. The hotel suffered damage only from smoke. a TBI Dancing Dalys are still going big with the Golden Crooks. THE SOUBRETTL ai wiuiam aocnm, What haa become of tbe melodrama tic toabratta of yesterday i That enchanting and popular little person of the good old days, who was the brave little female heroine of the Lincoln J. Carter's— who won popularity not alone from the situations provided by some of "America's foremost drama- tists," bat who, Incidentally, added to her meas- ure of favor with a song here and there and some carefully arranged ateps—«*or a song and dance waa, once upon a time, a very Important factor In the successful career of • soubrette. Along wllgi the disappearance of the popular melodrama of the olden days, when audiences used to tear down various porUona ot the theatre in an effort to gain entrance to the temple ot art, many will maintain the aoubratte has also en- tirely vanished. Out in this they are mistaken, for In burlesque this tame charming figure comes fortfn to display all ot the same qualities that made her so popu- lar and well remembered with melodramatic audi- ences. To-day alio bears the Identical relation to the success ot burlesque and wlon the same quoto of popular favor that she did In the other days, when Instead of wearing fllmny gowns she ap- peared clad In a buckskin skirt with a huge cannon carefully 1>ockled around her slender waist. None will forget—that la, none of those fa- miliar with the successes of the melodramatic days—-Lottie Williams, in "The Shop Girl," "The Tom Boy Girl," and a long Hat of almllar playa, Nol tiier will they fall to recall Lillian Mortimer, In "Bunco In Arliona," or Vdvlan Prescott. In "A Child of the Regiment," not to mention scores of others who achieved Just aa much fame when popular favor was won In melodrama. Audiences may have forgotten the namea of the leading man, the 'eadlng woman and the rest of the entire company, but when they think of these plays they do not forget the soubrette who called forth applause time and time again by her timely entrance or her quick wit, and then further added to their pleasure with a specialty during the action of the play. And mentioning these we will step forward a few yeira Into the era of advanced burlesque. Here we Mill find our nuibrcttc winning popular favor with a little lean acting, more clever say- ings and a goodly measure of syncopated melo- dies. And we might take a* art example ot tho purrnt day toubretto well-known Minnie Burke, of the Trocaderot. After cartfolly weighing tbe requirements of Mli'nlo Burke and those of Lottie Williams. VI- viae Preocott and tho others mentioned, is It not plain that our former little soubrette la still very much alive and with us, and nine times out ot ten, running away with honors In popularity. Minnie Burke would have been Ideal as a little heroine In "The Shop Girl," "The Tom Boy Girl," "A Child of the Beglineot." and numerous others that made prodtieis a fortune, while In the next breath I cannot conceive of anyone put- ting more life or ginger or personality Into lb? Tttcadcros than Lottlo Willlaraa or Vlvltn Pres- cott. Then turn back a page la theatrical history and put Mbit Burke In "The Tom Boy Girl." la she not all that any producer, any author or any audience could ask for In such a part, and would she not win the same auccee* that fol- lowed the efforts of Lottie Williams. Tbe re- quirements are absolutely tbe same. We may hastily belter.* tbat tbe soubrette did vsnlih with the melodrama, but a little thought and careful analysis ot the soubrette ot bur- lesque will readily convince one that our sou- trelto Is still very much with us—she has simply re-appeared In a slbrlitty syncopated form. Take away the Influence of Irving Berlin and a few others, and we have left the grand little sou- brette ot yesterday. WANTED Burlesque People IN ALL LINES COMEDIANS, PRIMA DONNA SOUBRETTE, CHORUS GIRLS Show Opens Feb. I State Lowest Salary Address JACK SUTTER, Mgr.. 33S Summit Ave., Jersey City, N. J. BURLESQUE ROUTES. Columbia Wheel. Ai. Reeves Show (Irving Engle, mgr.)—Lay Off 18-a;i; Ualety, Kansas City, 25-30. American Beauttca (Lou Ityatein. m»r.)—Star, Cleveland, 18-23, Olympic, Cincinnati. 2530. Behman Show (Jack .Singer, mgr.)—illartford and Albany 18-23, iBronx, N. V.. 2.1-30. Bon Tons (Frank UcAleer, mgr.)—Westminster, l>TovUlcnce, 18-23, lice ton 88-30. Big Jubilee (Maurice Jacobs, mgr.)—Gaiety, But- alo, 18-23, Syracuse and IHlca 25-30. iBen Welch's Owu Oo. (Harry Shapiro, mgr.)— Oalety, Montreal, 18-23, Albany and Hartford 25-30. _ , Beauty Parade (Bd. Sebaefer, mgr.)—Oalety, Omaha, 18-23, lay off 25-00, Minneapolis Feb. 1-0. Bowery Bsrleaqners (Bob Cohen, mgr.)—Syracuse and Utlca 18 23. Oalety, Montreal, 2530. Billy Watson's Ulg Show (Billy Wataon, mgr.)— Oalety, Pittsburgh, 18-23. Star, Cleveland, 2B- HO- . _ Carnation Beauties <8sm Robinson, mgr.)—*ol- litre, Hoboken, 18-33. Btnplre. Brooklyn, 25-30. College OLrls (Max Spiegel, mgr.)—empire, New- ark, 18423, Vhlla. 25-30. Dreamland Burlesquera (Bob Tra/vere, mgr.)— Oalety, Toronto, 18-23, Oalety, Buffalo, 2A-30. Dave Marlon's Own (laiy Orodt, mgr.)—Palace, Baltimore, 18-23. Oalety. Washington, 25-30, FMltas of the Day (Jack McNamera. mgr.)— Albany and Hartford 18-2.1. Boston 25-30. Golden Crooks (Juntos C. Fulton, mgr.)—Oalety, Kansas city, 18-23. Oalety, Omaha, 20-30. Oalety Girls (Jacobs & Jcnaoo, nigra.)— K^nplre, City Ilellea—Manchester, N. H., and Worcester, Mass., 18-23, Murary Hill, Now York. 25-30. Cl.armlng Widows—Lay off 18-20, Springfield 21- 23, Greenfield and Holyoke 25-30. Bra Mull's Show (U<iv Talbot, mgr.) — Star, Brooklyn. 18-23, Trocsilcro, I'hlla., 25-30. Follies of I'leasure—Olympic. Now York, 18-33, Academy. Jersey City, 25-30. Fay Foster Oo, (Joe Oppenuelmer, mgr.)—Oal- ety, Chicago, 18-13, Columbia, Indianapolis, 25-30. French Models (Dick Zolaler, mgr.)—1'enu Olroult is-23. Olympic, New York. 23-30, Girls of the Follies (II. M. Htrouae, mgr.) - Corinthian, Rochester, 18-23, Star, Toronto, 25-31). Oay Widows (Louts J. ObeTwortb, mgr.)—How- ard, Boston, 18-23, Grand, Boaton, 23-30. tllrls from Jnylnnd (MUn Williams, mgr.)— (Irani. Boston, 18-31, Manchester. N. 11.. and Wor- - crater, Mass.. 25-30. Garden of Olrla (touts Gerard, mgr.)—Cadillac. Detroit, 18-23, Temple, Fort Wayne, Ind., 25- 80. Oay Morning flrorlet (Jack (Nines, mgr.)—Troca- dero. Phils.. 18-33, I.iiterne. Wllkea-Barre, 25- "J7 ; Majestic, Scran ton. 28 30. Helm, Paris (Wan. Hoelim, Gaiety. Chicago, 2B-.10. High IMo (BrU (Frank Amboy, N. J., Mouth Kieton, I'a., 18-23, Oalety, Raltamore, 25-80, High Rollers—Buckingham, Louisville, Ky., 18- 28, Standard, Cincinnati, 25-30. Heart Charmers (Dave llnudroip, mstr.)—Abandtnl. Cincinnati. jH-23, Mmpresa, Oolunvbua, 25-80. Mischief Makers (F. \V\ Oehanty. mgr.) -dltng- liamtcsi and Schenectady 1823, Corinthian, Itoohratcr, 25-30. —* mgr. *—toy off 18-2.1, Cahler. mgr.)—Tsrlh Bethlehem. I'a., and HOSPITALITY MUSIC DV RAYMOND WALKER Mabel Baker Is a wonder. She has more than enough personality and her voice Is beautiful. Sbe makes n striking appearance and does not mako two entrances with tbe sums costume. She Bpeaka her lines perfectly. Helen MeArdle ta one of the finds of the season. When she started with tbe company she waa nn Indifferent little soubrette. Now abe Is one of tbe liveliest on the circuit. Sbe has a dandy voice for rags and knowa tow to put a number over, Roth Mae Enrlght and Dor their roles, Both Mae Enrlght and Dora Long pleased In A good show, a good cast and a good home. Uylet. a SAMUELS DOING WBLL. As far aa Pittsburgh, Pa., goes, the title of "Champion Hustling Agent" goes to Frank Sam- uels, a local boy, who Is ahead of the Midnight MolJs Company. Samuels lovea competition, and Is always after an Improvement over the other fellow's novelties, and usually does better. Bora end raised In the Smoky City, Samuels haa been connected with the theatrical game for tho past thirteen years, during which time ho has been afhilntod with some of tbe beat traveling burlesque oompanlea In the country, among them being those of Pat White, Charles Robinson's Crusoe Girls. the Jolly Girls snd Armstrong's Midnight Maids, and be has turned good bualness for all of them. He baa many new and original novelties In the way of "give-aways," cards, etc., and does much, daisy advertising. In his home town he haa many friends, snd has always been very success- ful In getting his show the equal, If not tbe best business of the week. a Tm Oat Widows, at the Gllmore. Sprlngfle!u\ (Mass., Jan. 7-0, had a fine singing chorus, comes the report to Tun Oi.irrrn. Marie Bc.iugnrde. Janet Faust snd Bertha Wood were recipients of many encores for excellent rendition of vocal combers. 1'iabl LmitosTON has closed with the Tango Olrla. Lantbt la very popular with the mem- bers of the Oersten Stock Oo. Habbt Rooms, who attends to the burlesque business for Bemlck's, is one of tbe beat hustlers In the music business. He Is very potralar with tbe performers, and they anxiously await his ar- rival at the theatre. FOLLIES OF TUB DAY. Tbe Follies of the Bay, according to Tho Butt- etiao Herald of Jan, 5, Is "the Best burlesquo show ot tbe season." Here Is the dope: "Every once In the age ot a roar row sotibretto tl.erc Is brought forth upon the burlesque atage tbat highly Improbable thing, the amusing bur- lesque, a show conceived ta liberty—but not li- cense—snd dedlcnted to the proposition that all burlesques need not necessarily be created equal- — nor Identical; a ahow that finds It not essentlul to online Itself to such traditions of burlesque as tbe tramp, German, Irish or Hebrew comedian; tbe husky lady, billed 'prima donna,' who baa a figure or no voice, a voice or no figure, but more probably neither; songa anch as that sweetly solemn thought which concern the Indubitable fact tbat when the great big ladles act like babies, you got to (I. e., have to, or must) love 'em, that'a all; and show girls whose conception It It that the genua chorus should be seen and not beard. "Once between visits of Bailey's comet a bur- lesque ot thti novel description flashes acrosa tho lurid bnrleaque horlson. And auch la Follies ot the Day, which appears at the Baatable this week." On FainiT, Jan. 8, tor* Wainstock, mother of Morris Walnotock. manager of the Big Sensation Co., died at the age of seventy-eight, In Phila- delphia. Sam J. Adaub. former comedian with Charles Wsldroa's) Trocaderos, and well-known for his re- trmrksiblo "sap" character and Impersonations, has signed s two years' contract with the Shu- bert offlora, and Is now rehearsing with the new Winter Garden Show. Sun will handle a part especially written for htm, and along tbe same "boob" llnea that have made him famous. With Ms introduction to Broadway be will drop bla middle "Initial J., and will henceforth be known as Sam Adams. Hianr Lano Is faat becoming one of the beat Hebrew comedians In burlesque. He hss received a number of flattering offers to Join."Potash A Perlmutter" shows, hut has turned down all and will remain with the Bra Mult show for the rest of the season. Stevi Gobdon ahd Feank, "Raas," Mcbpitt are making big hits with the Bon Tona. CiranLXs Mobuh has been a big success with the College Olrlt since he Joined. A BURLESQUE STOCK CO. To Play Grand Opera House, Hot Springs, Ark. for at least two or threo monttm. Goodcapaclty. Big percontago considered to tbe right party. Com- munications to be mado to FULKIHAN, care of M ATT AII BROS., 1004 F St., N. W., Washington, D. 0. HARRY K. MORTON Of Ona Fay'e Gaiyoty Olrla Till; OLYMPIC IIHAMI. lit own private brand of liurlcst'un was fur- nished last week at the Olympic, New York, by the Transatlantics. The burlesque Itself was couched lit language unmlstaknblo as l<> Intent and purpo**, onu topped off by one of the army of sbakors, It provided an entertainment that tho Boui-ry never would stand for. Tbe Olympic Is doing great business, selling out at every per- formance. This week the Follies of Pleasure, with Mil.) at the dancer, and Jack MrOsbe, Clyde J. Bales, Tom McKenna, Sam Iyowls, Mont Raymond and Violet 1I11h.hi. i t U II.Klils-lltltlli: AND SCRANTON. Aa predicted aeveral weeks ago, the Luterne, Wllkes-Ilarre, I'a.. and the Majestic, Scranton, will re-open ss burlesque houses on Jsn. 25. Kllllug In the week, now a lay off, between tbe Trocadero, Phllnilelphla, and Ringhamton. The Oay Morning Glories will be the first ahow to play theso houses. s U011II5 THANKED. Louis Boble Is the proud possessor of a letter from Secretary John J. Fltageruld, of the Pater* son, N. J., chamber of Commerce, thanking him for effective and persistent efforts In "Boosting Paterson" In connection with tils work aa manager of the Orpheum Theatre In that city. t ' TWO PRINCIPALS LEAVE. The Armstrong and Lane Stock Oo. will go to Newark with Just two principal! abort. Milol Baker, tho popular prima donna, and Helen Me- Ardle gave their notice last Saturday. Mlaa Biker will probably play vaudeville around the city. a i i PROSPECT TJIEA'I HE DARK. Frank Oeraton't Prospect Theatre will be dark for two weeks. Tbe Armstrong ft Lane Stock Oo. that was the attraction there for the peat all weeks, have moved to the Odeon, Newark, where they Will pray Indefinitely. B BERT BAKER ILL. Bert Baker, featured comedian. , vrtUi the Bon Tons, was taken suddenly III at the Rmpkre Thea- tre, Brooklyn, Jan. 9, and was removed to the hospital In a serious condition. He la being re- lilaoed by Jack MoOee. t RUMOR DENIED. During the early part at the week tt waa rumored that tbe Park Theatre would change ita poiloy and show burlesque. Tbe manageanent denied the report. NO HTOCIC Daly's win have a new attraction every week. There waa some talk almut a stock ooropany, but the rnatsagement quickly killed the rumor. SERIOUS ACCIDENT. Mickey Feeley, with the Oalety Girls, sprained one of the ligaments of bis neck while doing bis tumbling act. ADVERTISING* AGENT DIBS. Fttnk Oalagher, advertising agent or tbe Colum- bia, New York, died Jan. 13, from pneumonia. s A aoon opportunity for a burlesque stock la offered at the Grsnd Opera House, Hot Springs, Ark. Matter Brothers, of Washington, D. a, own (he house. Brooklyn, 18-211, Juy off 25-.10, Providence Feb. 1-0. Ginger Olrla (K. W. OIiUmiuiii. ingr.l-J.ay off IS- 211, WoHtmlnatcr. ProvUk-iicc. ItVSO. Girls of Uio Gay White Way (l)nve Gordon, mgr.) —Bronx, New York, 1N-2,'I, orWinmi, I'stcraoti, SS -30. Ololts Trottera (Wash Martin, mgr.)—Star and (larUT, Chicago, 18-2:1, lay off 'JB-dO, Gaiety, Kansas City, Feb. 1-0. Oyjisy .Maldi (Win. V. Jennings, jngr.)-^Star, fit Paul. 18-23, Gaiety, Milwuukee, 2B-30. Girls of tho Moulin Rouge (llurtlg A Seamnn, mgrs.)—.Gaiety. Boston, 18-23, Columbia, New York, 20-IIO. Oay New Yorkers (Jake Ooldonuerg. mgr.)— Koi- lire, Toledo, 18-2.1, Chicago 2o3(). Girls fiom ilsppyhnd (Geo. II. Harris, mgr.) — Casino, Bklu., 18-23, llurtlg A Scaraou'a, New Yogk, 25110. Happy Widows (Fenuessy A Ilerk. mgrs.)—Co- lumbia, Chicago, 18-2,'t. Rnglowood, Chicago, 25- 30. Honeymoon Girls—Columbia, New York. 19-23, lay off So-MO, Oualno, Ilkln., Feb, 1-0. Hastings' Big Show (Horry Hastings, mgr,)— Lay oft 18-23, Casino, llkln.. 211-30. Liberty Olrla (Alex. D. Gorman, mgr.)—Oalety, Milwaukee, 18-23, Chicago 25-30. Une Makers (Sam llowe. mgr.I—Casino, Boston, 1S-23, Hartford and Albany 25-30. Million Dollar Dolls (Ira Miller, mgr.)—Casino, Phlla.. 18-23, Kmplre, Hoboken, 25-30. Prlae Winners (A. Pearson, mgr.)—Empire, I'hlla., 18-23, Palace, Baltimore, 25-30. ROM-land Olrla (Walter Greaves, mgr.)—Oalety, Detroit, 18-23, Oalety, Toronto. 28-80. Boss Sydell's I Harry Thompson, mgr.) — Orpheum, Paterson. 1843, Kmplre. Newark, 25 no. Bosey Potey Olrla (P. S. Clark, mgr.)—Enaie- •wood, Chicago, 18-23, Oalety, Detroit, 25-30. Serial Molds (J. J. Ltebermtnn, mgr,)—llurtlg ft fieamon'e, New York, 18-23, Phlla. 20-30. Star A Garter (Frank Welaberg, mgr.)—Olym- pic, Cincinnati, 18-23, Kmplre, Toledo, 25-30. Ttocaderot (Frank 8. Pierce, mgr.) —Oalety, Washington, 18-23, Oalety. Pittsburg, 25-30. Winning Wldowa [louts Gilbert, mgr.I—Oalety, Minneapolis, 18423, Star, St. Paul, 25-30. Walton Bisters' Oo. (Msi Spiegel, mgr.)—Lay off 18-23, Oalety, Mlnucapolla. 23-30. Columbia Wheel—Added. Auto Olrlt (Teddy Slmonds, mgr.)—Temple, Fort Wayne, Ind., 18-23, Ilaymarket, Chicago. 26- 80. Broadway Olrlt (Bob Gordon, mgr.)—Columbia. Indianapolis, 18-23, Buckingham, Louisville, 25- SO. Bohemians (Tom Miner, msrr.)—Oayety. Phlla,, 18- 23, Atlantic City awl Trenton 25.80. Big Review (Henry P. Dixon, mgr.)—IIa-ymarket, Chicago. 18-23, Osier/, Ht. Louis. 25-30. Beauty, Youth and Folly (Louis Stark, mgr.)— New Haven and Bridgeport 18-23, lay off 18- 20, Springfield 21-23. Big Sensation (Morris Wainstock, mgr.)— Atlantic Oily and Trenton 18-23, Oayety,. Brooklyn, 25- 80. Oity flporta (R. 15. I'atton, mgr.)—Standard, St. Louis, 18-23, Century, Kansas Olty. 2530. Ortcksr Jtcka (Obarlea Falke, mgr.)—Century, City, 18-23. Ity off 28-30, Chicago Feb. 1-0. Cherry Blossoms (Maurice Jacobs, mgr.)—Savoy, Hamilton, 18-23, Oalety, Detroit. 20-30. Monte Carlo Girls (T. Sullivan, mgr.)—Murray Hill, Now York. 1843, .star, Brooklyn. 25-30. Orientals IIIIHy WiUnun, liigr, > --Goycly. Brook. l)(i, 18-23, Now llmi-u iiiul llrnlgiijHirl 25*10. Passing Itevluw of 1014 (J<m l^vltt, mgr.)— tAt off 18-23, lilnglisniKsi ami Hchenectaily 25-30. AopU'iitbor Mumlng (Ikinrnt—.Kmprots, ColmutHW, 18-23, Umpire, Olirvelsml, 25 flu. Tango Ulrls (rfJhss. K. Taylor, mgr.) —Gnyely, 18-23, l'lilln. 25:1(1. Tempters (Gut iCnlm, mgr.)—Star Toronto, 18- 28, Savoy, Hamilton, 20-30. Tango Queens (K. hi. Daly, mgr.)—Victoria, I'Husbiirgli. 18-23, iPenn Circuit 2530. Tail Girls (Jack Levy, mgr.)—lOiniilra, Cleveland, 18-211, Victoria, 'PIMSIiurgh, 2530. Transatlantics ((iuui. Ikinogbue, mgr.)—Academy, Jersey Olty, 18-23, 'Perth Amboy, South Bethle- hem and Kastou 25■30. ZaUah's Own rltiow (John Kckardt. mgr.)—Orcen- fluid and Ilolyoko 18-28, Howard. Boston, 20-30. PICNN CIRCUIT. Beaver Falls. Pa.—Monday. McKeesport, Pa.—Tuesday. Grrensburg. Pa.—Wednesday. Vilsliler, Altoout, Pa.—Thursday. Oriiliemu, York, I'a.—J'rUlny. Academy, Reading, I'a.—Saturday. a ■ Mn.i.ia Da Lboh, the original Girl In Bluo, will be tbe added attraction at Daly's this weak. HtUBt Waiii) replaced Harry Mnrkt Stewart as prlnclptl eoniedlsn with the Auto Olrlt. Cam, DkLbOBATO, the eccentric boy violinist, formerly with tha City Bellea, haa Joined tho new Winter Garden Show, lie la under the direction Of Rush Jeni'.on. Talbot Kasfxr, Willi the Million Dollar Dolls, hat Joined hands with Florence Talbott. Mlas Tallntt end Kenny sro both vtry clover, and they should make an eieellent pair Tiia Temple Quartette Joined Barney Gerard's Winners Tub Monte Carlo Girls, this week at the Mur- ray Hill, include: Harry Welsh, Chubby Fair- nount. Eva Sullivan, Dollv Morrlaaey, Blllle Hallus, Bert Haundrrs, Harry Keeler, Fred Bin- der and tbe Big Four Quartet, Baubttb waa a quick repeater tt the Murray mil. New York, appearing at that house last tttek, with the Follies of 1020. In Iwr specialty, a few weeks after pitying there with the Ptsilng Review. Sbe will remain with tbe Follies. The AI. Reeves Show Is laying off this week, owing to the Princess, Ht. Louis, going Into pic- tures. The Imperial will be ready about Feb, 1. Tabloids are now being played tt the Academy, Pittsburgh, owing to the failure to secure bur- lesiiue snows for the house. Jambs 11. IIiiodbs la now manager of the Oayety, Milwaukee. Wai/ratM, for tome time manager of the Gaiety, St. Louts, will manage tbe Olympic, Cincinnati. liuniB Ci.abk hat returned In the Bote Sydell Co. l'BAir, Rxtd closes with tho Trsnt-Atlintlc*, 33. [.rah Laroy takes her plnre. I,Bo Htsvuns has signed for three years with Mix Spiegel. Fbank Wakbfibi.d Is bank with tbe Olrlt from Joyliiiid, Fbamk LiriNaBTOH wss fined five dollars re- cently In Cincinnati, on the charge preferred by Manager Hart, E. HEMMENDINGER CA8H OR 40 JOHN ST., Na Y. (PHONE 971 JOHN) diamuids, jkwkluy, watcubi, gUBatODHTua.l CREDIT TUB PnODTJCHO. THAT KNOWS HOW TO> PBODCCB 8UOWI Raymond B. Perez ALWAYS HAS NOVEL IDEAS JottaVfew of this Beaton's Shows: Blnlrh Cooper'a Conr Ihowa.Darnoy Gerard, Moore OX Iranlon unit the Cabaret Olrlt. HT BBFEK&HOtt IB THAT NO SUMBKIl WAS OUAMQED AFTER OPENING. Hi: 1)1