The New York Clipper (January 1915)

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January 80 THE OSTEW YORK CLIPPER. 2i DO YOU COMPOSE Bongs or Instrumr-ntaJ Music? II so, bo BURR to have aaine arranged by bji EXPERT I An artistic arrangement means success t I have dona hum - DRBUSof blfl 1I1TS ! Writeorcall afternoonM • • _ •. KUOENE PLATZMANN Car* Shapiro. 1UM VV- 47th St., N. V. C. j-HALLENudBURT* Direction JOSEPH R. SMITH Baataorne. Billy. 0. H.. Piedmont, W.Ya. Hallen * Hunter, Orpheum, Altoona, Pa., 29-30; Lyceum, Canton. O.. Feb. 1(1. Hcnt-y ft Long, New, Baltimore; Trenton, Lvnch- borf. Ta., Feb. i-S: Beaoobe, Roanoke, 4 «. Hart. Maria * Billy. Majestic, It Wortb, Tea.; Majestic. Dallaa. km. 1-6. _ Hi itI* A Raadall. Proctor's l*3th St., N. T. C, 18-27; Proctor'e SM St.. N. Y. 0., 88-80. EFFIE » BILLY HALL yALE STOCK. CO., BROCKTON, MASS., Indefinite Hendj. Bap. * Co., Proctor'* 23d St., N. Y. C, 36-27: Lyric. Newark, N. J., 28-80. Hall. Haail May. Proctor's. Elisabeth, N. J.. 28-30. Havesuut'a Anion a la. Maryland. Bait inure. I.'ankia BIO*.. Temple. Detroit. Hawkey, K. V., Dominion, Ottawa. Can.; Q. a H., Plttaborgn. f>b. t it. Hawthorne * hurlis, Poll'ii. ScraatoB. Pa. MARIE MO BILLY HART • In '•PHB CIRCUS GIRL." Direction. JAMBS B. PLDNKETT. Hslperla, Ma. Shea's, Toronto.Can. . „ _. llsyes. Kdocond. * Co., (Iwlej Bo., N. Y. 0., 24- 27; LocwV Newark. N. J.. 28-30. Hsrrey-De Vora Trio, National. N. X. 0.. 23-27; Folton, Bkln., 28-110. Hanson. Alice, American, N. Y. 0„ 28-30. Hai-roMa, The, Lyric, Ilobckon. N. J., 28-80. Hsxard, One*. Busbwlck, Bkln. Hale A Pattrtoo. iloyai, N. Y. a The s A NOVKL'l'V IN music Pm. addrea, WHITE KAT3.uV>ofced so l id to weeka Hall. Bob, Orpheum, So. Bend, Ind., 28-30. "Her First CaBe," Froctor'v 125th St., N. Y, a, 28-30. i:«nrys, Flying, Forsyth. Atlanta, Qa. Ileum A Kly, Lyric, Birmingham. Ala. Du-sbnw ft Avery, Temple. Detroit. Herbert 4 Dennla, 7tb Are., N. Y. a, 25-27; IMJoii, Bkln., 2H-3H. Eticilcr, Hersbel, Loew's. Pooghkeepslo, N. Y., 2S-30. Helm, Bod ft Nellie, Loew's, Poushkascnslo. N. Y., 28-30. Herman. Lew, O. H., Oil City, Pa.. 28-30; O. H., Kt tunning, Feb. 1-8; St. Olalr, Orcens- burg, 4-0. Pfennings John ft Minnie. Tm. Pcnn. Phlla. Pllllar w. J., Pontages'. Taeonia, Wusb.; Pan- tages', Portland Ore., Feb. 1-fl. Hi lien & Fox, Majestic, Milwaukee. HI'lebrrrC. Fred. Empress, Kansas City, Mo. Itlllyors. The, Gordon So.. Cleveland. Megan. Gae, care Krnle Marks' Co., lndef. Houston. Henry, Touring Australia, lndef. Holland. Joe, Proctor's, Troy, N. Y., 28-30. Uorwool. Alice, Proctor's, Mt. Vernon, N. Y., 28- 30. Bolt, Alt., Keith's. Columbus. 0. Mae Hold en Tlllt: ELECTRIC si* A Kit GAIETY GIRLS CO. Howanl, Eddie. Victoria. Charleston, S. 0.. 28-30. Howard ft Chase, Keith's. Providence. Hrudinl, Temple. Rochester. N. Y. Howard, Gteat, Tempi.!, Rochester, N, Y. Ho«arJ & McCane, Shea's, Toronto, Can. Hoffmann, Gertrude, Majestic, Milwaukee. Hoyt ft Wn.-dell. Empress, Kansas City. Mo. Hoffman, l-ou. Boulevard, N. Y. 0., 25-27; Fal- tan. Ukl.i.. 28-30. Holmes ft Wells. Orpheum, N. Y. O. 28-30. Hopkins Slaters, Royal. N. Y. O. Maiden ft Harrow. Palace, Minneapolis. How ft Howe. Varieties, Terre Hntite, Ind., 28-30. Howell Ulster*, Colonial. Harrlsburg. Pa., 28-30. Honey Girls, Empress, Cincinnati. Howard. Kd , ft Co. Keith's, Lowell, Ma's. Honey Bees ?6>, Wm. Penn, PbUa. floev ft Lee, Globe, Phlla. Hudson, Bert E., 0. H„ Elroy, Wis., 25-FoJ>. 8 . HURST, WATTS & HURST •LAYING WESTERN VAUDEVILLE TIME. Direction HARRY W. 8PIKC0LD. Hnnler ft Ross, Family, Ottawa, Can. Hurst. Brandon, & Co., Shea's, Buffalo. Hunting ft Francis. Orpheum. Kansas City, Mo. Hufford, Mick, ft Lockluirt Girls, Olympic, Buf- falo. ' Hussey, Geo., Academy, Buffalo. ailiii»ili[irs UNITED TIME Direction - - - - -PAT CABBY International Sextette. Atne''""i. N. Y. 0., 25- 27: Emery. Providence. 28 <I0. "In Monkey Land," Crystal, Milwaukee, luman, Wm., Palace. Hartford. Conn.. 28-80. Irwin, May, ft Co.. Onjihouin. Memphis, Tenn. Irwin. Flo, ft Co., Busbwlck, Bkln. iNned, Ornbeum, Menspblfi. Tenn. IifIIbd Mufketeera (S), Bowrtoln So.. Boston. James. Morris, ft Oo., Procter's. Schenectady, H. Y.. 2S30. Narrows. IcrayUi, Atlanta. Ge. Jack ft Koris, Palace, Chicago. AITWAYS A LITTLE AHEAD OF THE HUNCH PHILADELPHIA m New Jersey Central EVERY WHIR OH THE HOUR Prom Liberty ft., tl.Lto 10 P. M. sad att Uidnistrtt with SleoaMra 10 MIRUTEB OP THE HOUR Proaa IV. MM St. YOUR WATCH 18 TOUR TIHB TABLE Consult P. W. HEROY, E. P. A«t. 1440 BROADWAY. NEW YORK. Jaans (3), Orpaeoai, Memphis, Tenn. James, rrWMy, National. N. Y. C, 28-30. Jamea, Mrs. Louis, ft Oo., Lorw'i, roionto, Oaa. Jarrott ft Maxwell. Colonial. N. Y. a Jeanettes, Toe, Proctor's 23d 8t.. N. Y. O, 25-27. Jewell Mlsteis. Proctor's. Plalnoetd, N. J., 28-30. Jean, Little Hlaa, OolonJal, Norfolk, W, 28-30. Jewell OasjaatS Foor. Keith's, Tamrvi. Fla. JcnreU's Manlfaa, Hodsnn, UnktaUill, N. T. Jerome .% Oursvn, Grand, at. Loala. "Jim Town JiECtloa," Proctor's, Albany, N. Y.. 28-30. Jobnslens Musical. Brnplre, Hartlepool, Kag.; Hipp., Dublin. Ire., Vrb. 1-4; Empire. Brad- ford. Frig.. 8-13; Palace, Hall, 15-20; Es>- 5Ire, leeds, 22-27; Palace, Maaebrater, Maith -6. Jorn, Ca.'I, I-'elth's, Providence. Jones ft Johnson, American, N. Y, 0., 25-27; Delancey St., N. Y. 0.. 28-30. Johnato-i. Matel, KeluVs, Lowell. "Jost Half Way," Emery, Providence, 28-80. Jndson ft Cole. Colonist. Lorannirt, Ind,, 28-30. Kararana , T tps Proctor's, Troy, N. Y., 2S-S0. Kalnuir A Brown, Majestic, ObteatjO- Kaafsatn. Reba ft Nina, Boulevard, N. Y. C, 25- 27; Columbia, Bkln., 28-30. Kanaaawu Trio Hipp.. Baltimore. Kaufman Bio*. Keystone, Phlla. Kaiser's Dogs, Palace, Hartford. Oban., 28-30. Kennedy, James, ft Co., Proctor's iSfl St., N. Y. i C, 28-30. Kelly, Walter C. Orpaeom, Montreal, Can. Keller. Bill ft Maude, Poll's. Scranlon. Pa. Kennedy, Jack, ft Co., Majestic, Milwaukee. Kerrllle Family, Ornbeum, New Orleans. Keane ft Window, Colonial, N. Y. a Kelly ft Berg, Gordon's Olympla, Boston. KELLY GALVIN Direction HARRY 3P1NGOLD Kenn ft White, Globe. Boston. Keno ft Green, Keith's, Jersey Olty, N. J., 28-30. Kelly, Robert, ft Co., Colonial, Akron, O., 28-30. Keltons (3), Empress, St. Paul. Keough Sisters. Princess, St. Pad. Klmberly ft Mohr, Temple, Rochester, N. Y. Kingston A Ebner, Orpheum, Minneapolis. Klnkald, Billy, Lincoln 8q.. N. Y. 0., 25-27. Kirk ft Fognrty. Royal, N. Y". O. Kloofs, Musical, Proctor's, Elisabeth, N. J., 28-30. Klein Bros.. Sliuliert, Bkln., 28-30. Knight ft Moore, Grand, St Louis. Kolb ft Harland, Ornlieum, Sal'. Lake Olty; Or- pheum, Denver, Feb. 1-0. Kruner, Joe, ft Co., Proctor's. Troy, N. Y., 28-30. Kruukii- Pros., Keith's, Oalumbus, O. Krcmollna ft Durras, Ornbeum, St. Paul. KtoloIiI, Huns. Columbia, St. Louis. Krcmcr ft Morton, Win. Pcnn, Phlla. Kumy, Bush ft Kolilmvn, Ormirt, St. Louis. Lawrence, AL. Princess, St. Paul. Lawrcnin' Pert. Emuress, Mnuyunk, Pa., 28-80. Lawrence ft Harrlngtoa Co.. Troctor's, Troy, N. Y., 28-30. La Belle & Harry, Praetors, Albany, N. Y., 28-80. La Pearl, Koy, Proctor's, Albany, N. Y., 2S-80. La Paine, Proctor's, Albany. N. Y.. 28-30. Laird ft Thompson, Proctor's, Elizabeth, N. J„ 28-30. La Rocca Boxy, Orpheum, Montreal, Can. Lane ft O'Donnell, Dominion, Ottawa, Can. La Mllo, Keith's, Phlla. Laneton, Lncler, ft Co., Bijou, Savannah, Qa., 28-30. Inwton, 7th Ave, N, Y. 0., 25-27; Lincoln Sq„ N. Y. C. 28-30 Lsng ft' Coulter, Orpheum, N. Y. 0.. 28-30. I a-uric ft Ale™. National, N. Y. 0., 28-30. La Titc-imh, Academy. Fall River, Mass., 28-80. "I«st Ho|ie," 8t. James. Boston, 28-80. La Vine ft lnmon, Nixon. Phlla. Law ft Sk'l'rn flfobe, Pluln. Lambertl, Orpheum, St. Paul. I.~i. loula, Proctor'a 23d St.. N. Y. 0., 28-80. MARK LEA FEATURED WITH PASSING REVIEW OP 191, Leonard ft Louis, Proctor's, Plalnoetd, N. J„ 28-80. Lelghtons (3), Keith's, Boston. Lean, Cecil, ft Co., Keith's, Boston. Le Roy, Lytton ft Co., Keith's, Indianapolis. Leonard ft Russell, Keith's, Phlla. BESSIE IE COUNT Lewis ft Russell, Orpheum, Des Moines, la. l«wla, Henry. Orpheum. Bkln. Lewis Tom, Victoria. N. Y. 0. L'Estraelllta, nipn., St. Louis. 1/ee ft Cranston, Keystone, Phlla. Ledacer, John, Empress, St. Paul. LEWIS awd WARD ALWAYS WOICKINO US Ocean Viovy Ave.. Woodhavcn. N. Y. Llttledeld, Marlon, ft Co., I'rostwct, Bkln. Livingston, Dave, ft Co.. Pruc.lla, Clevelaad, Lloyd. Bosle, Keith's. Phlla. Loretta Twins, Keith's, Toledo, O. "Lonesome Lassies." Keith's. Washington. Lockett ft Wnldrou. Orpheum, Memphis. Tenn. Lorettas (3), Lincoln Sq„ N. Y. O.. 28-30. Loew's (2). Colonial. Arkon. 0-. 28-30. Lockbardt ft Leddy, Academy, rail lUvcr, Mass., 28-30. Lobse ft Sterling, Onrmeom. Bkln. Lorber. Max.. Nickel, Lnnrrence, Mass., 28-30. Long TacK Sam Co.. Palate, N. Y. O. Long, "Upside own," Oarrlck, Wilmington, Del, Lo, Maria, Orpheum, St. Paul. Lowe, Adelyne, ft Co., Olympic Baffala. Lucille, Mile., ft Parrot. Temple, Detroit. Lyres (3), ferric, Birmingham, Ala. Lyons ft Yoaco, Dominion, Ottawa, Oan.; Colonial, Erie. Pa. Lydell. Rogers ft Lydell. Orithetrm. Sioux CHty, la. Maarey ft Bolton, Olympic. Buffalo. Maltland, Madge. Orpbeom. Boston, 28-30. Mario ft Dairy. Royal, N. Y. 0. Martini, Flying. Oolaalal. N. Y. 0. Mawte * Walton. Pataee. N. Y. C. Marlotba Band. BIJou, Bostao. Malcolm, Tom, Bljoa. Boston. PRODUCER VIOLET MA3C0TTE Pens.add.. The Bungalow, Rannolph, Maga. Pnon* Rellow. Keith's, Ft. Wayne Ind. ^_ luvlfnrd ft Wlncbesier Bbea's. Toronto. Can. Uelanar ft Oorea. Uiykseaa. Meaapala, Tana. The Pains CABBIE BEYNOLDS of Sciatica Mario ft Trevette, rampreta, Ctnclrmati. Marsella's Birds, Olobe, Phlla. Hasan ft Murray, Globe, Phlla. Marshall. Rd.. Colonial. Akron. 0., 28-80. Marart ft Bradford. Miles, Olevelaad. Has ft Klldnlt, Princess, St. Ptsl. Mctlow^n ft Cordon, Proctor's. Mt. Vernon, R. Y„ tS-SO. McOreevey, Mr. ft Mrs. Jack, Shea's, BaaTato. McJJevlU Kelly ft Lacy, Keith's, Cincinnati. MeLeoJ, Tex. Keith's, Cincinnati. McMaboa ft Ctipelle. O, 0, H„ Pltta*arr>. The MeNutts "NUTTY MortWTTS'' Oo medjAcrobatloCyclUta. Directio n Franlt Bohnt MeOmnack * Irving, BIJou, Savannah, Qa.. 28-30. MtDooough, Babel. Sbca's. Toronto. Can. McGinn, /rancla, ft Co.. Majestic. Chlearo. MeConaell ft Bkmpaon, Orphean. Des Meters, la. MeFarlinU, Mario A Mary. OraheBXa, New Or- loans. Mcintosh ft Maids, Knpreas, Kansas «ty. Mo. McMillan. IJda, & Co., 7«h Ave., N. V. O, 25- 27; Plattuah Bkln., 38-30. aMBaro ft Drily, Delaucey St., N. Y. 0., 25- 27; Amerlrr.u, N. Y. O, 28-30. McDonanls. Danclar. Palace. Phlla. MdMahon ft Diamond ft Ohapiow. Oashwlek, Bkln. SfeWatte.t ft Tysoo, Prospect, Bkln. McDermott. Ully. Keith's. Lowell. MeLallan ft Carson, Wm. Penn, Phlla. Molmiuld Cbss., Oross Keys, Phlla. MeRvoy, Dick ft Alice, Academy, Buffalo. Melvlna (3), Victoria. Charleston, 8. C, 2S-S0. Mtehan'a Dogs, Orpheu-n, Des Moines, la. Merkett, Bert, Orpheum, Minneapolis. Meirlll ft Otto, Orpheum, New Orleans. Metsettls IB), Orpheum, St. PanL tlelroae, Bert, St. James, Boston, 88-80. tjHlTED TIME Redmond, Rita. Orpheum. N. Y. a, 28-SO. Reed Bros., Palace, Minneapolis. Reno, Geo., ft Co., Mltcn, ClMetand. Redman, Billy. Trie, Oordon Sq., Cleveland. Renne, Rosetia. Olyasplc. Rnffslo. Rhnm A Witctte, Orphram. New Orleans. - Rlee ft Francis. Orphrnan, N. Y. C, 18-27; Ttfc Ave.. N. Y. O., »-30. Site, Andy. KaOonaL N. Y. a, 2321; Wat* rash. rkra.. 18-30. „ „ Rlehards. Ch«>s. Rsnery. Providence. 28-30. Richards Bros . Oread. Pulls „ „ Rlro Bros . New Portland, Portland, Me., 28-80, Robjms. Mr A Mrs., Pan-ages'. Calgary. Oan. Rover's Aerial Wonders, Proctor's. Scharctadf, N. Y.. SS-SO. Robins. Mnvlnnd, Baltvnore. Itoebca's Monkeys, Keith's. Cleveland. Rogers Wi ll, 'klorln, Oharlcstoo, S. C„ 28-30. ™-m TWO ROEDERS-^t The 'GVMNA8T" and "THE NUT" MR. V1C.BLAUVELT FRANK EVANS IPO. Boye. llnth, Keith's, Indianapolis. Rolland Oen.. ft Co.. Keith's, Providence. Roach A MeOsrdy. Keith's. Phlla. Romeo, the Great, Palsce. N. Y. C. Rueheater. Osire, Hudson, llaloo Hill, N. J. Robinson, BUI, llki>.. St Louis. Rose ft Moon, American, N. Y. 0., 35-27; BIJou, Bkln., 28-30. Robinson's F.lephaotn. Grsetey Sq.. N.Y.O., 28-30. Rose, Sid, Loew-s, Tbrojto, Oan. Rose Tvoure. Liberty. Bkln., 88-80. Roberta A Verern, Prospect. Bkln. Roney ft Beat Atbaaabra, N. Y. O. Roger Sisters. Howard. Boston. Roden. Ruth, Grand. St. Louts. Rota, BdtUe. Olobe, Phlla. HniMrlls <T), Cross Keys. PhlU.. 38-30. Russell, Jack, Oreely's, Portland, Me., 38-30. BEN HARRIETTS TWO BOY» AND SIX TABLES RYA.N BllCi LEE BAX STEEL CLAD WARDROBE TRTJWa $45.00 Double Trolley, Steel Round. Fibre Covered, and It Is BUILT BY BAL A Few of Oais Out-of-Town »'ent>i W A. RAC<>N A CO. Boston, Mass- CL'AKANTKK TRUNK. CO. Hartlord. Conn, THn TRUNK SHOP New Haven. Conn. SYRACUSE TRUNK CO SvrscnsD. N. Y, b SILVER Bridgeport. Conn, TI'STIN'H TRUNK bllOl'. BlDKhnmton. N. Y, AIIK hMPOMUM Buffalo. N. Y, UAMiEI. BROTHERS, Chicago. Ill, WILLIAM BAL, Inc. 14 W 10th St., « - Wow Yor* FRANK MACKEY DOING "DUTCH" WITII OHAS. R<I|1IN*«N B C.lKNATlON UKACTIES Massimo. Arademy, Buffslo. Martin. Bradley, ft Co., Olympic. Buffalo. MacCnrdy. James Kyrte, ft Co., Sberklaa Sq., I'ltlsbunrli. Mrye ft Addis, Proctor's 125th St.. N. Y. ft, 25-2T. Mostro. Lyric, Newark, N. J.. 28-30. Moxtnc Bros, ft Bobby, Forsyth, Atlanta, Os, Olsyo A Tally, Sbca's. Buffalo. Marx Bros, ft CO.. Keith's. Boston, Mack ft Orth. Ornbeum. Harrlsburg. Pi. Msrkley, Frank, 0. O. H.. Pittsburgh. THE IWACLEYS SPECIALTY DANCERS. DIRECTION OF M. 8. BBHTHAM. Madden ft Fltspatriek. Poll's. Scranton, Pa. Martin ft Fnhrlnl, Keith's. Washington. Msek ft Walker. Palace, Chicago. Marie. Dainty. Majestic. Milwaukee. Marlette'a Manikins, Orrbeum, N, Y. O., 25-27; Columbia. Bkln.. 28-30. Mnxmllllan the Great. American, N. Y. 0.. 28-30. Mnrtden ft Cloee. l^iew's. Newark. N. J.. 28-30. Mann. Ben ft Hard. Loew's, New UocneUc, N. Y.. 28-30. MENNEHI & SIDELLI Those Lndlcrona Aorobntn Booked solid Meyako Sisters. Palace, N. Y. 0. Miirllels, Edltb, ft Co., Nickel, Lawrence. Mass., 28-30. Merrlott Troupe, Orpheum, Racine, Wis.. 28-30. Miller ft Vincent, Orpbeum, Des Moines, la.; Orpheum. Kansas City, Mo., Feb. 1-4. Miller, Theresa, Proctor's 125th St. N. Y. 0., 25- 27. Miller ft Kent, Proctor's 23d St.. N. Y. 0., 28-30. F.nier, Packer A Seta, Proctor's, Trey, N. Y., 28- SO. Mlliman, Bird. Trio, Keith's. Boston. Miller ft Lyles, Keith's, Cleveland. Miles, Homer, ft Co., Temple, Detroit Miller, Moore ft Gardner. Loew's. Toronto, Can. Mlllards 13), Grand, Minneapolis. Milton ft De Long Sisters. Grand, Phlla. Military Dancers (6), Poll's, New Haven, Conn., 28*30 Mote, Edith, Proctor's, Albany, N. Y., 28-30. Morton, Ed., Dominion, Ottawa, Caa.; Oruhoum, Allentown. Pa., Feb. ML Moron ft Wiser, Keith's, lulls. Meaner, Huyes ft Mosher. Poll's. Scranton, Pa. Morris. Ellda, Orpheum, Des Moines. la. Mo-rell, Frank, Lincoln Sq.. N. Y. C, 25-27. Montrose & Sanlell, Greeley Sq., N. Y. C, 2830. Monarch Comedy Four, Emery, Providence, 28-30. Morris ft Beaslcy, Palace, Phlla., 28-30. Moore ft Young, Orphrimi, Bkln. Moore ft Y'ntes. Prosrwct. Bklp. Moiton ft Austin, Cohuibl. N. Y. 0. Morse, Hilly, Keystone, Phlla. "Motor Madness,'' Gordon's Olympla. Boston. Moo-re ft Freed, Nickel, Laarencc, Mass., 28-30. Morln Sisters. Keith's. Ixiwell. Mn.-s. Uorrls ft Bradley, Oarrlck, Wilmington, Del. Horse, Billy, Keystone, I'hlli. "Morulng, Noon ft Night," Ulolie, Phlla. Mullen ft Coogan, Keith's, Indlaua|Hills. Mulloue, Flank, Keith's, Indianapolis. Murphy, Mr. ft -Mrs. Mark, Ornbeum, Jackson- ville Fla Mueller Bros. Greeley Sq., N. Y. C, i'5-27. Murphy, renutor Francis, Delancey St., N. Y. O., 25.27: National, N, Y. C. 38-30. Murpliy ft Foley, Olobe, Boston, 28-30. Mum ford & Pot-borne. Ilo-vdoln Sq., Boston. Muniby ft Lachmsn, Keith's, Jersey City, N. J., 28-30. Murphy ft Nichols Co., Orand, Syracuse. Mystics Bird, Loow'n. Newburgb, N. Y.. 28-30. Nsp. Little, Keith's, Cincinnati. Kaslmora. Alia, Palace, N. Y. O. Nagel. Ceo., ft Co., Oarrlck, Wilmington. Del. Kavarris '3) Nixon, Phlla. Nailll, Prinreas. St. PanL Nesblt A riltTord, Shea's, Buffalo. Newhoff A Phelpa, Keith's. Louisville. "Neptune's GsyiVsu," Royal, N. Y. 0. Nellson Trl>. Greety's, Portland, Me., 28-80. Nichols-Nelson Troupe, Empress, Kansas Oily, Mo. Nlblo-s Birds, Proctor's 125tb St., N. Y. 0., 28- SO. Nichols. Nellie, Buabwlck, Bkln. Nick's Skating Girls, BIJou, Jackson. Mich., 28-30. "Night at Monte Carlo,'' Cross Keys, Phils., 28-30. Nosses, Musical (8), Pontages', Spokane, Wash., Feb. 1(1. NoTcross A HOldsworth, GiplKum, JockronvlUe, Fit. Nordstrom, Msrle, Keith's, Providence, Ncnette. Victoria, N. Y. 0. North, Frank, A Co., Orpheum. fit. Paid. Noble ft Rrooke, Touring Australia, lndef. Noble ft Lewis, Palace, Mln'teapolla. Nordstrom. Frances, ft Co., Poll's, Near naven, Conn., 28-30. Nnirent, J. O, A Co., Shea's, Toronto, Can. O'Brien, Havel ft Co., Orpbeum, Harrlsburg. Pa. O'Clsre, Wm. A Girls, National, N, Y. C, 28-30. Oddone, IIIpp., St. Lonli. "OlTlcer 444," National. N, Y. 0., 25-27; De- laneey St., N. Y. O. 28-30. Okabe Ja-rs. Phea's. Toronto. Can. Old Pol-It-r Fiddlers (81. 7th Ave., N. Y. 0., 25-27; Loew's. Neiv Rochclle, 28-30. O-Mean, Gl'dlng, Orpheum, Boston. "On File," Vlerorln, N Y. O. "On the SvIkmI Plavrroind." Bushwlck, Bkln. O'Netl Shrfera <3). saiat'inU. N. Y. 5, 28-30. Palace Trio. I lootor's 12.1th St.. N. I. O.. 23' 27; Protinr's, Troy. 28-30. Pauline. Orpin m, Minneapolis. "Pardon. Tbo." Ornbeum. N. Y. 0., 20-27; Lin- coln Sq., N. Y. C., 28-SO. Pstrleols, AcceV), Palace. N. Y. 0. Park, Howe A Francis, Palace. MlnnesooUs. Psnstnns (8), Ostrlck, Wilmington, D»l, Patrick A otic, Coloulal, J/igansnart, Ind., 28-30. PsTilrw. Arjdeiry, Buffalo. I-enonl. CamlUe, ft Co., Proctor's, plalaneid, N. J„ 88-30. Peres, Lnplts, Dominion. Ottawa, Osa. "Pekln Mysteries," Alhambrs. ft Y. 0. reolson A Goldle, Poll's. New naven. Coon., 28-30. Phillips, Sidney, American, N. Y. O., 29-27; Delnoeey St.. N. Y. C, 28-80. Phllbrlck A- Oorilownlo Miners, Keith's, ClevetsmL P+»nr-n. ten. ft Co.. Lydls Manriret, Wichita Falls, Tex., 28-30; Majestic, Ft. Worth. Feb. 10. Plnnrd, A I., Princess, Wichita. Kan.; Lyric, Oklo. Olty, Okla.. Feb. 1-0. Plnlfsx ft I .inlo. -Temnfr, Rochester, N. Y. Pierce ft Knoll, Acsde-ny, Buffalo, Potts, l!rnt>, ft Co., Majestic, Chicago. WEBER AND EVANS FRESBsTT MILTON POLLOCK AID GO. In "Spenktng of fa t her." by O B O. APE Pcrlrr ft Sullivan, Alhnmbrs, N, Y. 0. Per* ft Ouo, rjrpbenm, Racine, Wis., 28-30. "Pcol Roma, Tbe," Palace, SprliigOeld, Man.. 28-30. Prttt. BHI. Colonial. Erie. Pa. Primrose Poor. Majestic. Milwaukee. Prout. Eva, Lincoln Sq., N. Y. O.. 20-87} De- lancey St., N. Y. C. 18-30. Prince, Arthur. Albamhr.1, N. Y. 0. Frlre, Jaej ft Mabel, Academy, Buffalo. Puck, Harry ft Rva. Majestic, Chicago. Quick. Mr., Palace, Springfield, Masa., 28-30. Ray Mouile, Proctor's 23d St., N. Y. C. 25-27. Raidinel. Don, ft Co., Proctor's, Mt. Vernon, N. Y.. 28-30. Ralph, limbic, ft Co. BIJou. Savannah. Us., 28-30 Hawls ft Von Kaufmau, Palace, thiringfleld, Mass., 28-30 "If you too on do It, It's ours" Ryan A Tierney, Colonial. N. T. 0. Sabine ft P.ronner Co.. I'roclor'o 125th St., N. Y. C 25-27; Lyric, Newark. N. J., 28-30. finford, Jerry, Proctor's 125th St., N. Y. 0., 2.V27. ■ JUiiUltlCE SAMUKI^S —IS— A DAY AT ELLIS ISLAND Direction IIA UK Y I'lNCUS Sale, Chick, Columbia, St. lotils. Bavoy ft ltrenuan Locw'*. Nmvark, N, J., 28-30. Mayer, Joan, Colonial. N. Y. 0. SANTLT & NOBTON IH VAUDEVIUE Salon Rlnjers, Keith"', Olovt-lnnd. Scott, Marie, King, Procior's, Hrlicnecindy, N. Y., 21--30. Schooler ft Dickinson, Palace, H'lrtngllcld, Muss., 38-30, Srhnffer, Sjlvesler, Orpliium, Hkiux Clly. In, Sclinietian. Rose. A Ilro., Vlet.irlii. N V. tl. Feyniour A Dsptee, BIJou, Jnek-oii, M'.eh,, 2S-30. Seebacks, The, Wm. Penn, Phila. MABELL SHE Dr. R. 0. Und orwoorl any a that thoro li no •xpreinlouol neurnigin whiohla more) dln- traaalnaT Uutn that known aa BoteUoA. Tbe Main of this condition la nnunlly ozpoauro |o cold and danipnoflS. One of the most common oausos la rhoutnotiam; lodood thli to no often tha cnuso tbns notno writers in- •ladn solatloa nmona tot) TAHotlea ol rbou- mntlniB. The trefttraent inclodon remedies to ooonlaraot the tun of tbe diteaae, u wnll »a moaauros looking to the roliet of pain. Whatever treatmont may bo employed, two things must be bomo In mind—the patient must bo koptna treo front pain as poealblo I and be kept aa quiet; at possible. One or two Antl-Kamnta Tablet* should be given every two or tbroo bourn, nod tb* patient, must be warned against going; out In lnole- raent weather. | Anti-Knmma Tablets mny be obtained at all druKglttn in any quantity, lOo worth or more. Ask (or A-K Tnbletn. In Hondnobes, Nournlglai, and all Pa'- ■, tlinv ,-'--^ isss as sisan ^o.»^e Tlghe A Babetie, Keith's. Oalumbus, O. Toarager Troupe (10), American, N. Y. 0., 35-37. Tlnpoal, Florence, Ornheuin. N. Y. 0., 25-37: Greeley Sq., N. Y. 0.. 28-80. Tlmherg, Herman, Colonial. Akron, 0., 38-30. Tooua'a Indiana, Grand, St. Louis. Trmey ft Norman, Empress, flrsnd Ranltls. Sllcli. TnvUt's Dogs, Empress. Grand Rapids. Mini. Trtns-Atlnnllc Trio, Orpheum, Harrlsburg, Pa. Trsinor, Val ft Helene, American, N. Y. C, 25- 27; Loew'a, Newburgh. 28-30. Trask, Mjbelle, Hl|)a, Boston. Treat's Seals, Keith's. Lowell. Mass. Tittle's, Mmo., PsrrvttB, New Portland, Portland, Me.. 2830. Types (3), Orpheum, Daluth, Minn. Iloraml Tioope, Albnmlrre. N. Y. C. Ushers, The, Maryland, Baltimore, VanillnorT ft Loale, Keith's, Huston. Van ft Ward Girls, Greeley So., N. Y. 0.. 38-30. Vnhlos, The, Fulton, Bkln.. 88-30. Van Hnven, Colonial. N, Y. 0. Vail. Olive, ft Co., MaJ<ktlc, KalaiiMson. Mich., 28-30. Van A Sclienck, Orpheum. Peoria. 111.. 28-30. Vernon, Hope, Keith's, Cincinnati. Venellsn Pour, Palace, Minneapolis, Vlrlnrln Innr, loew's, Nmrburirh, N. Y., 28.30. Vlttorln It Georgette, Varleth-i, Terre Haute, Ind. 88-30, Vis-ler. Mr. .» Mrs. Henry, Keith's, rt. Wayne. Ind. Viiliml s»vs. The. Orpheum, Montreal, Can, Von Hamp'on ft Joivlyn, t/oew's, Newark, N, }., 88-38,, Matty, Girls from Hnppyland, lndef. WARD, BAL AND WARD UNDER TUB WTHTB TOl 1 I'T.i I Iilll\G ADELAIDE M. BELL Sherman, Van A Hyman. Tth Ave., N. Y. 0., 28-30. 6heruiau, Hi flo, Sliulx-rt, llkiii., 28-30. Chowalter, Una Illonche, Flnlhusb. Bkln., 28-30. Show, Dillon. Palace, N. Y. <). Shelilons, The, Mi's, New iHarco, Ooiin., 28-30. UNITED TIME Sharrocks. The. Orpheum, St Paul. Silver ft Du Val, Proctor's, Albany. N. Y., 28-30, msakiiri unit. Insulins, n. Y. c, 25-27. Pinscr's M'lltels. BIJou. Bkln. Blmnson A Desne, Orpheum, Boston, 28-30. Slinins. Willurd, ft Co., IliJou, Buy Clly, Midi., I'H-IMI. Skaters Ullouve Orplicuni, Jacksonville, Flo. Skating Bear, Lyric, Birmingham, Ala. Walton, Jmnes, I-nwlor's, Hclienoclndy, N. Y., 28- 30. Wnkcnel I, Wllln Holt, Shea's, Iluffalo, Water l.llles (0). nrplici.n, Monlre-,1. Can. Wade. Inhn P.. ft <■»., Kolth's. Taiiipa, Fin. Ward A Onllen, Malixllc, Mlhvtiuk.v. Wntklns, Harry, O171I101U11, Mliui.mpollH. SPENCER WARREN TUMIIT.INO WITH UsO sMBMIUi TRIO. THIllUNa Olt l'HEUM CIUCIM T. Wnldeinar, 'nuiiig ft Jacobs, Onduitm, St. Paul. Wurri-n A iumeU, Plurtuwrii, Bkln., 28-30. Wiilmn A Cunningham, Ht. Jium-s, IXsvtoti, 28-30. 30. "Way out," Lytic, llnlwkui, N. J., 28-30. WniHin. "Sliding" Hilly, ft Co., Royal, N. Y. 0. Man-en A Mnlloy, Ilcwnnl, lloslon. Wnliern, Fowler ft llnrrvtit, Gordon's OlymiiU, Ronton, " Walton, Burt ft tattle, Garrrck, Olympic. lloslon. WARDELL and HOYT I.At (411 CIlICATOIlrl Wntob tliem They do It Walker ft III. Keyn-lnne. Ililla. Walsh, IileiHhe. ft Oo., Keith's. Wn.hlagton. Wells. Billy A Nellie, Hngbes' Ooiunllaus, kxlcf. Weston ft (.eon, Forsylh, Atlantu, Gn. Weston, Wi'lle, Keith's, Clnclntmtl. Wrenis, Waller. Keith's, Tsnsia. FIs. West cm, Wni„ i Co.. Fulton, TIMii.,'2 8-30, HAVE YOU SEEN Shrode and Chappello WEBER & ELLIOTT? (tmiHivn ovir.'H i.isein" ••DURING ONE'S LIPE LOEW OIllCUiT SO LID Smltb, «•! ft Jack. Liberty, Bkln., 23-30. Smith. Irene ft Hobby, Poll's. Herontim. Pn. Snowden, Klphjc, Ortiheum, Kunaas Cl'.y, Mo. bnow, hny,, Cincinnati. Botetil ft Antoinette, Colonial, Norfolk, Vs., 28-80. Song ft Dauro Revue, Alhambrs, Phils. Hong Do.-lor* 18), Onpheum, Alloonn Pn.. 2830 "Society Buds. The," Keith's, Cleveland; Keith's, Louisville. Feb, 1-0. Bpooners, The Roulovurd, N. Y. 0. Spencer A Williams, Majestic, Kalaimiioo. Mich., 28-30. Starrett, lie ward S„ Jr., Zlegfeld's Follies of 1914. Isiief. Stetson ft Hnber, Prlneesv. Sau Frnnelsoo, Sterling, lli-rry, Procior's, Schenectady, N. Y„ 28-30. Stone, Louis, Keith's, Loolsvlllc. Stage Btrack Kids, Daleneey St., N. Y. Q, 2880. JESSIE IAMBS STIRLING and CHAPMAN SCOTTISH VOCALISTS Direction STOKER and UIEKBAU8B 1 Hoed Trio, Family, iluffnlo, St. Jamea, Win., A Co., Empress. ClnclnnatL ttuyveaant. Dixie. leakvllle, N. 0„ 28-30. l-lefner Trio, Empress, Grand It'iplds, Mich, Sullivan A Paaquellna Co., l*roclor's, rialnlleld, N. J., 28-1111. Cullya (»). Alhambra, N. Y. V. Sundlui ft Gelalia Girls, Colonial. Harrlsburg, Pa., 28-30. Sullivan ft Mason. Orphean), So. (lend, Ind., 28-30. Sutton, llclntyra and Htm THE PUMPKIN GIRL DIRECTION HAItltY J. FITZGERALD Kvengall, Hipp., St. I^jula. Bwlmmlaf Sylpbl, The, Colonial, I/ii-nnsport, Ind., 28.30, Sylvester, Proctor's, Albany. N. Y., 28-30. Sylvia, Park, Toronto, Can. Wells, Low, Orpheum, Ronton, 28-30. Wesl,, llliip. Ilaltliiiore. Wi-lier lllrls .:'|, Orpheum. Peoria, III., 28-30. Weber ft Ornllola. Hinprcw, Grand Rapids, Mich. WELLlN«-LEVERI9iQ troupe Funniest Cycle Act >i Vauderille Whllraan, Frank, Temple. Syrnrnv*. N. Y., 28-30, "Why Men Go Wnsig," Vlcloriu, N. Y. Q, Willie A Jason, Victoria, N, Y. 0. Whltdrr, Ineo, ft Ob., Pell's, New Haven, Oonn., 2P-30. Whitney'* Dolls, Nations], N. Y. 0., 20-27; IUJou, l'k lii. 28-80. . W. E. WHITTLE IN IIIg NffiW ACT 8PHMWR HOnN IN CENTRAL PARK Wilis, Nat, Temple, Detroit, Wills A Hassan, Orpbenui, .Jacksonville, Fla, Wllsos, Jack. A Co., O. (>. 11., Pittsburgh. Wilde, Mr, ft Mrs, Gordon, fblumbln, St. Louis. Wilton Sbters, Nbnls-rt, llkln., 28-80. WlllurJ, Globe, Boston, VS-Ild. Wlllc Bros., Royal, N. Y. O. NAT. M. WILLS THE HAPPY THA MP KEITH A OltrtllSUM TIME Witt A Winter, OoIoiiIjI, N, Y. C. WIIkui ft Penrsnn, Onrlun'N Olyinjla, Boston. WIKng, llenlly A Willing, Varieties, Terre Haute, Ind., 28-30. Winter, W.nons, Orphems. Racine, Wis., 28-30. Wlllsor, Mojcatle. Kalaniuxoo, Mich. 2H-30. Williams, Blanche, Cross Keys. Phlla., 28-30. Woodward, Remain I,., Cook Comedy Co., lndef. Wood, Hrltt, Lyric, Jiirtnlnghsia, Alt, Woodman A Livingston, Keith's, Cincinnati. Wood, Ollle, FaraBy, Itechcstcr. N. Y. IfBLhSgSSP W00DF0BDS ANIMALS RAOTIMD OLARIONETIST Direction MAX HAYES Tabor A areen, DoaWsrd, N. Y. O. 25-27. Tslin Bros., Iloulevsnl, N. 'Y. <)., 28-30. "Tcogle, l-be." Hipp., Baltimore. Tsylor. SL Oislre Trio, Orpheum, So. Bend, Ind., 28-30. Tempest. Florence, Lyric, Birmingham, Ala. Texas Toinuiv Dancers, Hlmls-rl. Bkln. L 28-SO. Terry, Arthur ft Grace. Palace. Phlla., 28-80. "Telejihoi* Tiinsh'. A," Orpbeum, Bkln, Temple. Bdlth, llljou, Roaton. Tarnde Hlslera ft Co., Colonial, Haverhill, Mass., 28-30. Those French Glsls, Keith's, Cleveland, MOST UP-TO-DATI4 COMEDY ACT OBIUINAL FUTURIST DANCE IN VAUDEVILLE WM. g. HENKEBSY—TI10 HrtokmaUe r Wood. Wee Georfle. Colonial. N. Y. 0. Wood ft Wyde. Ornheim, Rarloe. Wis,, 28-80. Woodford's Animals. Princess, Rt. Paul. Wyna. Bessie, Lyric, BlrulsgtMiu, Ala. Wyn-tt's Seotch Uds ft Lassies, Orpboum, So. Bend, Ind., 28•!». Yoscnrys (6), Lyric. Birmingham, Ala. PRICE AS MARKED ON PACKAGE SOLD F.VKIlYWIIKltH. NO WAR PRICES , '. ,> «• , ^ .1