New York Clipper (Feb 1915)

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THE IS'EW YOKK OLIPPER Febbuary 6 ; Keep a Little in Your Pocket, I Put a Little in Your Shoes, I Then You Can Handle Anybody Any Way You Choose. Oh! You Hypnotizing GOOFER DUST! FOR RENT THEATRE BA LTIMO RE Seating Capacity, 1,600 New Seats and Befitted in 1914 la Centre of City Opposite City Hall Will Lease for One, Two or Three Years Address JAMES F. THRIFT Clly Cowplfolier, Balllaore, Hd. FRANK HAYDEN.IlB. COSTUMES And IVIIIIInory M W£8T 4lllh STUKRT, NEW YORK FIIONK, UllYANT 6216. SKNU FOU CATALOtiUK TABLOIDS WANTED C^ii 1IH0 ten or iiioro imoplc Tnh. HIiowh. TImo, 30 inliitiicii lu HI) linur: iniitl cIihmro twlcowcvklT: H|)Ci IrtI Hcoiery iiihI wiirdrolto fnr our Inbluld vlii'ct. SicHdy wurk If you liuvc tlio tfuodri. Chh alrtu iiric MiiHlcttl CuiiiL'dy rcoplv. TABLOID PIlOUirCTIOM COBIPANY.' ir. 11. roi.ACK, llooklMK ItuprcHuniHilvc, Gox-iu l.ycoum Tlietitru llullilliiK. riilHbiirgli, I'rt. DoYouWANTMIllTARYGOODS? BAND UNIKUKUH, AltUY or NAVY SUITS, TENTS, QONS and KHUll'UKNT OF KVKBY DESUKirTIUN. KruiD QovcrnnieDI Auction. No DUtUr vlint 70U wrnit lu timt line, 1 on inpplr lu NoTT or Hccnnd tmnO. Scud for OtblOglie. B. H. AHKAIIAUS t COMPANY, 506 .Mm kcl 8U, PtilladelplilA, Ps. LEST VOU FUUUKT nafi -WB BAY I'l- VKT WJImVSB LETER HEADS Oontrucu, Tickou, Kuvolopoa, Free Bamplca, etc DTAQKUONKY, Itc. Book bf llenOd OdIs, 310 CROSS 6o'l'il.''uo»rtion}"si CHICAGO WAMTcn ritoDucKU koii tab VVAniCU nusicAi. coMBitV Alilo to ilo Principal CiilLicil)'. Aim Sccoml Conic- dlitii, Slnil^lilMHli, Wonial) forOuriurnl IIihIiii-m, ttoubrclio iiuil o.xiicriciiccil clioriiH lllrlii. All niuM nliiit. Tlila IH our tlilnl Tuli. Iiiilcr. cuKHflcnicnu Uiiko Balury iicciirdlnKly. (iilcll niiil WIiIIIiik wire. MOUHIH A WV1.KU, Htar Theatric, Bun Aittonio, I'ox, For Sale Cheap RwlBS Uellit; SIclf;)i Hells; Uarlmliiiplmnc; Citilic- ilml Chlinca; Mimical IliurlcH; Aliiiiilniiin Hurts Klowor I'oIh; KiiiiiivIk; CIidihcm; I'lirlulilu I'lpc Ui'- Kim; CowlMJils: Oritnii Cliliiivs; Miirlmiiii IIcIIh; Xylouhoiic: tHnyluriniiikH. Write U. FltANK JIAII.KY, Ihiiiilii>;lflii, Ind. > Large List o( New I'rotrs* Hlonn) and Amateur rinyn, I Vuudovlllu Bkulahni^ bluo Mnnolr>uiU'R, Mlnxlrol Mntorftt — JekM, Muitckl Jtr<««, HeHla. IoD>, INalofBM, Uak^up U»tHla,ctfc CalaloBaerWo. Ni^OINliON A 00., OOpU 17. OK^OQBft. PLAYS CONTRACTS LBTTKR UKAD3, KNVKLOPES, TIOEnt), BASBE8, 0AHU3, KTO. Writo for Ssmplee. Webb r<«. Oo.. Hit So. Uearbom 8L, (llilciigo, lUi. WANTBU FOR PHIL. MAHER STOCK CO. Addiena u per Itouie, or c»re UliIl>rF:K Olllct "Dearest Girl of My Heart" Now Song lilt. rrori'Mloiiiil i;oplF« nnd Orcli. tnt forlHloprvKi-Hin. O. 8. UAII'IIKWS, llu.\ JUO, New OrlcllllB, |jt. XUC nillC'^ W"lctnull llouic-liketiaul I nt IJAH3 liiniiiu rurTri'iiiiiicui a( All ■ wnnw Mi;(lk»l niiil ^illr|llcHl Cwicii. Duly gmdunto numm «niulovcd. Aililiciu II. K. hub, U. I)., UxronI, lud. BIG TIME ACTS 11 Wrlllun tnunlcr. Uuiinuilocd lo umkc (uikI. Wrilc tor icruw. N. J. llUc:^\\'nKI£T, lliiiilliiKiuu, MiuH. NEW 212 PAGE lUUST. MAGIC CATAl CoDt«lDlo« cut* of Lewlliis Coiijurot., SOc Nnr 124 book Cttil., 10c None fm W. D. LBfuttY, ion Court St., Uoeto n. lUni CHORUS GIRLS, COMEDIANS, STRAIGHT MAN and S0UBRET1ES OAIETV AItli:HK;tlKNT KXCIIANOK riioiioHrtmlulpli Ki'fi. WON. IK'lU liurii SI., UlilcHito. OIBCnS & JUGGLING ApimTHlUH, UutlliiR Ololirti, ClllllH, wire WHikeni' AmmrHtnn htid Nuvi for CHlHliig. KhW. VAN WYCK. 01 . llntoiiB, (Itiiis, Nuvclilcfl. Srmnp * Cliicliiimil, u. pmys FOR MTOUK, llcp. nnil AniHIeon. TalilolilH, UlnmruliiHiiil YkurtoiUli Actii. HiAUip for (VilHloguo. N. Y. I'LAY UUItKAU t AUTHORS KX„ TreiDODt ThcHtrc, N. Y. VII; riANO, OUOIUOtTRA. UelodlM written to KSf (Menu. W. H. NBLSON, Aitoi T liMtre Dldg.. 1631 Dro»itw«y. N. I. (In anmcring til. plea<« ttiantion Clipp...) CLIPPER BUSINESS INDEX AdTectlMmnti not ncKdlu <»• Uw koftl lU be pabllibtd, pnp<il| dulted la tku Ma •t tlw nt* of 110 for ow yni 4119 Unee). i oopf o( TBI Nnr Toix Cumi will be Mat do to ttek edTrrUMT whlU Um uliirtlwwat ii m ASBBSTOI CVRTAIMI AND PIC7TDBB OOOTUI. 0. W. TrUMr ur.. Oo„ TS Paul It., loetM Uu*. OARHIV.IL FROIfM AND IHOW BAHMBIRfl. D. 0. auBpbm Oo., ail Aick ■«., ruuMpku p>. conPBOTions. BoMkhela Bra, A Bebtulii, Mb Bo. Peerl. M. Oblciio. HVSIOAL BBLLB AND NOVBl/TIBf. P.dw<ii n. StiKt, 38 DlDok at, Berttad, 09iu>. B. a. Utylud A Bob, B< Wllbvliby Bk. Bnoklyn, N. I, HIIBIOAL BPBOIALTIBi. 1. O. DniDD. (800 N. Ol.rk at, Oklofs, 111. MUSICAL QLABSBB. A. BnoMta., 1019 Ntplef At.., Nieftgmi Bin, N I. POPCORN alANUFACTDRBRB. BntckheliD Broi. A BcbiwUi, in 80. PtorU M. Oblciio. prihtino op all kinds. "Pluiet" 8bow Print A Eng. Honae, OutMm, OdL BCBNBHV AND SCBNIU PAINTBRS. 0. L. Story Smlc Oo., Bowrrllle Bullsn, Bo» 100. lllH. Oovtrtf Tiltl*. 1909 Oniur at. unwiakn. WU BCENBRY FOR HIRB AND BALB. Anwilt Onlo, tl9 Sprint Gutfm 8t, Pbllt,, Pa. THD BINOINO AND BPBAKIRO YOIOB. Tbr<. ViQ Yori. 21 W. Mth St, Nrw York. Ttl., Omlcy 8701. THEATRICAL GOODS. BoiloD B«ftlla Oo., 887 Wua. Bt, Bottoa, Uaa THEATRICAL PROPERTIBB. 1. Wilker. 309 W. 8ttb at., Nnr York. VENTRILOQUIST FIOUREB. Bn nob»D, IbM AnatmUiL An., N, X. Olty. WIGS, DBARDS AND HUSTACnES. Percy Eirlog Sopply Uoow, Decntar, lU. OUT OF TOW NEWS Rocheiter. H, f^—Lymm <U. F.. Wolf, tncr.) Irvlo B. Oobb Feb. 3, for Icclurc on Via Eonpttn War, *'Lad/ I.uiurj" 0. Thmpls (M. J. Fhu), mfT.)—<DI11 for week of L: Nat M. Villi, Homer Mlln and Uf)«n IU7 oompiDj, DnniB anO Fulton, LucUlo ami Cockk. R«)thair iDd ATa7. Ilioloa Droi., OoIUm and Hart, and Booit and Oaraoo. Babii. —Bilprr Stock Oo., la "Leoa Ulrm," n wk of 1. ViuiLT (J. H. FouMTcaar, mfr.)—Dill v««k of 1: Uidam BUferado. Llofa Aatonla, Trareling TomMera, Vail and Tomy, Ooy Wcadlnc aad com- paoy. and AIMlard. KJog nad Wataco. Ooiiimiu.H (J. QlcoKD, mgr.)—He lOH Ec> Tlaw TioToiu (J. FancD. rejrr.)—AMI 1*0 Utclodea, Iba Umm QurtMle. of Iiorralo, and FIomc« Ray ndd. MOT£a. Tai Holdcn PIa»ra bare bcoi taken orer tv Htair A BtTllD, and nndflr U>e nama of Ihe Baker Tbaatre Stock Oo. will flalah tbe pnaeot aeaaoa vrlth Um aam aood caart Jaoua wall baa taken cbargv of tba oouaa ta raldeat maaager. Btair A BaTlln wen Ky ie wat ed ben by H. w, Kloii«, of the N«w York oDce. TBI Blppodrooie Tbeitre, one of tfa« oldeit moTla booaea Id Bocheater, dosed Jaa. 80. TroTV If, r,—Proetor** New (P. J. 8bea, nrr.) Feb. "Jim Town JoocUon,** I^U fielblsl and conpaDy. Weber and BUIott, eilrer ■ad Dn Vail. Ed. Wlocbeatcr, Lemard Kaor, Itaoey and MoCuaker. aod Orace Oamp. For 4-0: Anjniita Qloia. Nlb1o*i birda, "Ber Fliat Oaae." Dnan Blaten, Picd OrlOlb. Abbott and Brookn, Jonea aad Walloo, and Btevena and Doon. PnooToi*a OaiiwoLD (B. B. £iade, ofr.)— Paramoont featorea. Psooroa'a Ltokok, Pzou. NorxLTr, Kbtr'b, TaojAH, ALRHii, Umano and BKPfti^ pboto* play a only. Ban DfcsOi Cal,—Sprecbvla* (Dodgv k Hajvard, irns.) "OaWrla"^ (pletorei) wetk of F4b. 1. "derea Koya to BaVlpate'* 13, 13; Bt-Drr Ul'lcr, Lo **Da1dy Txtrifflcgs,'* IB. 10; "Peg o* My Beart" 1% 20, 'To-day" 21-23, "ErerTWomtn*' 34-27. KMPBEsa (D. L. Furry, mgr.)—Tbta bouao la dark. Batot 1 Scott A. Palmer, nigr.)—Faolafct* Tact^CTllIe week of 1: Imperial Orand 0pm Oomptny, Tom Kelly. Bberbonnw and Monrgomcry. ARTHUR H. MILLER, 333 W. 44th St., N. Y. o.t. 8ih &oth at«.. Manufacturer of CHIMES, BELLS, MUSICAL NOVELTIES, XYLOPHONE, DRUMS. TRAPS, Etc. ELECTRICAL CHIMES and BELLS. Loffanaport, lad.—Vclcon tEJw. f, Oalll* fan, lur.) Billy Bryant C>). Feb. 1-n, cicept 0, wbin UlcMT Onla'a Ilui>iquct^ appear. "Pair of Maea" 10, "Damon miil Pytblaa" (plcturM) 16, "PotAJtb ft Pcrlmuttrt" 19. 'TtHlaj" 21, 3£cIolTr« Qtd Beath Zi, Dr. Onk and Aictic pie- tuna 28. OCLOKUL (Uarlow Bycrlr, in«r.)—Bin 1-3* Knrltim and Kllffonl, Bilratcr and Yaocc. a:id VlttCTl and Ocorxetta. For 4-0: Dolly Jlar:)ball, Van Dtoa., and Boao anJ Kllla. UaoAOWAT (Mangos & Jcfltles, mgra.)—Vaoile- tUlo and plctuva. PiEAUOONT (Wto. IL LMasy, mgr.)—Feature fllma only. AiiK an-J OaAND, pbotoplaya. HOTIS. BuoBT AKD Powia wen> a bit at tbe Oblonial Jan. 25-27, In "Tb« .Vrtlit'a Dmm," to elabo- rately stased acrobatic acL Nat Qwdwiw, In '•New Say Die," drew two capacity tcnaea at tlis N«Iaon 80. An Edna Gcodrlcb, a fomer wlfv vf tbe cuncdiin'a. was bCTL In Ibia clly, bla Tlalt beie held added In- tCT«t ^"Bn "ZononA" aerlei belD«; tbown at tbo Ooknlsl are developing tiuQiaal InlcreaL Tui Paaauount, under tbe manjyenxiit of W. n. LIndaay, la tbe lateat addllloi lo tho city'a btnutlfol n.ctuie bousea. cpcolng Jan. 27. wltli Erody'a '^Oountr Obnlnnan." 'Xbe tbeatre b«H a aeatlDg capacity of 403. Two projecting ma- cblncfl ore iiaed, Incaaeil in a conaeio flreproof bootb. Tbe Ark. owned by tbo aomo maoagcnnit. •I Jobcnle Jobnalon and collcg'nna. ASibl Qalntctte, OartmeU and llarrla, titncTiero Wirncr und com- pany, Dainty ^:agll■b Trio, Pathe Dally. Liuo (L. M. Oarauin. inrr.)—Ulll 1-0: Waller Tcnr nod FIJI Qlrh. Xbreo Aa:cr«t, Tlarry Bru)aa and company, KlcMa, WLnvhall and Qrrenc, and Ueaxat'Scllg Ncwi. Jaokaon. HIcb. — AtbCDsam (Porter A HCfwaoir mgra.) Jobn Drew Feb. 6. llowa'a pic- ture* 0, T; Vogtl'a Minelrcli 8. "Tbe Fruea of Fllaaak'* », AJ.WIlaoa 11, "Scpteuber Uom" 13. PUOD (Frank II. Lnoipraan, mgr.)—For Jan. Sl-Feb. 3: Pollard Opera Co., In "A UlUlooalra for a Day." Vaudovllla UannuTlta Oal- Tert, Jcne* aod Sylrcater. "Oallfomla," Bob Finley, and Lcltiel and Jeanett«, Kalauaaoo, Uloh^Fuller (^Vlll J. TKui- nelly, mp-.) '*Tb« Prince of Dlacn" Feb. 0, ^ult- uey Stock 7-18, except 8, uheu John Prow Ap- pcnrtd Lu "ROTemary.'' Majbstio (Will MjraliNll. mjr.)—VandeTllle and inotloii picture*. CoiiOKUL^ EuTa, Lrtio, .Vsw and OaPDCOu, motion plcturea only. San Antonio, Tex,—Orand (Sid II. Wela, mgr.) Oeo. Arllu, In "Dliraell.'' Feb. 2. 3, toallnee aod olibt. Majbstio (KdwarO flayDood, mgr.)—Vaude- rlllr. Plau (Willie PoUtier, mgr.)—Tbe Oolumhia Qlrls' Aluslcal Comedy Co.. at popalar pricea. EMPiBO (Wm. J. Lytle. mgr.)—Fcaton ple- ture«. Quickest Hit on Record !| I'lFJlCR AND n03IAN are rrDOrlcO lo bo "aI rioi" on tbe l'an(a;i-9 time. Tiicy are la tbtl fourth week witb the tliow. TORE ITS WAY THRO' THE OOUHTRY LIKE A TORNADO I A WONDER FOR DANCERS-COMEOr SIN6ERS-ACR0BATS-JU66LERS-MUSIGALACTS,EtC, I ECCENTRIC FOX-TROT By S. R. HENRY Kl^ll-; NOllWOOD AND NEAL 3. ANDERSON uro prcKcDtlnf,', over llie U. U. O., out of Cbleago, ibU Feason, a brand now owedy playlet. "Wbat M^e Could Ilo Tltlnk?" wrltlen for tbem by Frtd J. L^miin. Tlic akctcti la .'trelcul, clean aad ln> lerfdiliig In every particular. Norwood and Andep ■on arc Itookcd lollil on the U. B. 0. time until April. KxceltCDl rvuorts come to tbe U. B. 0. (rutii oTcry (own (hla act U presented. It la a lauKliIng lilt of every bill. Joacpb Bemlnglon dl- rccictl and prwluced It. O. PARK \rrl(ea: "Tbe lllneaa of Butb Arling- ton, of Park aod Arlington, makee U oeceaaarr to cancel furtbcr eogageaKota. Alao aa oar cb- griKenieiit la no longer a aecrel In Detroit, I taka pinaurc In aoaounclng tbe fame lo our many frlciHla on tbe road." BYHECK Colonblo, S. C—Colombia (P. L. OrowD, m(r.) Nell O'Drlcn'a Ulnitre'u Krb. 2 Boston boglib Oprm Co. 0. COMIC S 0 ItG By L WOLFt GILBERT DANCEDBY-MR.&MR8.VERNON CASTLE " " -MR. DONALD BRIAN " ** --MR. BERNARD GRANVILLE --MR. CARTER DE HAVEN --MI88 FANNIE BRICE --MISS RUTH ROVE PLAYED or 20,000 ORCHESTRAS AND PIANISTS IN THEATRES, HOTELS, CABARETS, DANCE FAUCES, ETC.. ETC. 8UNC tt 81 "BY HECK" Eccaiililii Foi Tfot, F«r OrehfBtra, 10, 'Callo, I6t. For Orch.itra, Full, and Plaao, 2Be. For Full Bri88 Band, 26o. PUBLISHED BY Cliiirlcaton, S. C Acnilcmj (Clm. B. I aiollb^ws, oiKr.) Uoaliiu Opi-rii Oo. IVli. 3, Nell O'Drlni'i Mliulrrls S. VlCTOBU (Ptmlme Am. Co.. m;fs.>--nill 1-3: I Strl Sldlera. Jack Syioonda. G(.ti>--i-Ic l.«iie, and ) the Qauilsclinililta. Kor 4.0; JuU.) Goozalcs "Wblltlcr'a Uart<oot Uoj," Talc's "Uolorlni " I Adifr and Arlinc, Vlre Yoacarya. PaiNcaaa, iiajBTio, Libio, i:ho, l° Caia- OSNT, MioBO I ad DuiuuHD, plclum only I Mnakosee, Okln^Dioadway, Yale'a.' a^l. I cty^ Wigwam and Bmfraai, motion plctum oalr. I BiDTOH TuaaTaa la dark. 1 .«"^"'?..'"""" f'*^'^ "> cainclty lioii«, Jan. 118._ at Illnton. iraciTr booaea hara Imo nllog at tbo Unnd- tnr alnoe tl>4 Inamaratlon at \M Icaiura '•BY HECK" COMIC SONG JOS. W. STERN $c CO. 1 02-104 Wes; 38lti SUfel NEW YORK CITY FREE Plino Copy lor PrelawlOMli finding lite program. Othert MRd 10c, Song Orchiitrallon. lOt. L. WOLFE GILBERT, Prof, Manager TIIQ SOIITIICOK BOOUEBANO QIBLB NOTlvS.—Ullly Caiiier OLcned wltb tbe Routbern Hoeiuernng Ulria tablolu cauilcal come^ com- l<ai)y, at ilie Tcuivic, Uagmtotpn, Md.. doing M«unil cor.ic4ly pans. 'l*be abow la under tba illrcrtlon c>f Iho Sonlliein Stalea Producing Oct.. I'lnvliig ilie Greenwoal Uireult. We baro.a tood a<nipiinr and our prcieut bills on week standi ar<: "Cosey'a Vacation." "A Trip to Palm liecch" and "Tlie ilreat White Woy.'' Boater of kIiuw : rrunk .Moniroao, nunagcr, prodiieet and Unit comedy; Ullly Ciaiter, aecond comedy; Ma- bel Wvllliigton, riOLi'orotlea: OIIU AWance, leada nnd Inin^iinm: Frank Falrcblld, atralgfata and clibracicni. Ohorua of noulea: ifabol Ouper, Jeii-ctto MuntroM. .May Wagner, Sue Dorka and hyWU Wdgnor. We all read tbe old atand-hy. Tim Nuw VoHK Oi.ii'i'Ea. .May It alwaya proaper. KD. HUTU, formerly wltb ibe BJngllng Bros.* CIrcuB doing tbo "Bldo for Life," later la Soolb America nlcb a circus, doJng tbe gap, and tben III tbe SlatM In burlosQue wllb tbe Paccmaken and nicby Cral);'a Sliuw, la reluming to tba Iwirds wltb a noveliy, ncit aeaaoa, called "Ho ClRnretle Fleul." JA.Mt3s) A. lliaiJ.Y baa relumed Baat and la "doing o. K." TILKSTOM linVCR wrllce: "I nve a nrodnf- Hon of my dramatic nlaylM. 'Ttt Drnnkara'a Be- Teuge.' at tbe Arcado Tbcatre, flOfflmerTllIc, 8. 0.1 on Jan. 10." JOSKl'US BYLVF^TER 'S. J. Orotbera). ccn- Icrikinlot. or anyone knowing bla whereabouts, la rcqueaieO to communicate nltb bla nutber. or wltb If r. Saunders, :il Sotilb Elcbtetntb Street, PblladolpblB. .MltS. AIIGU3TA FRlKDniOnSRN, motber of Olara Wbllney, uf I^iiird and ^Vbltncty, dkU Jcu. 23, at ber Itomo In lloboken. N. J., and waa Interred at Woo^llawn iVinelcry, New Ynik. POP WARD laid off Inat week on arcobnt Of (Itrvnt trouble. "TIIH PBINCR OF PILSSN," beaded by Join W, lUoKoe ard Rda ron Luke, bit concluded a nio&t aucceraful week's tour tbntngb Bontb Da- kota. In Sioux Falls, llnroa. Aberdeen aod Walerlown new box oulce ncorda for reerlpta \nro eslatdlalKd. PllOF. VON DEOK, musical director for dUm ptoniba with the Angell Stock Co., bai somed Ills conoectlm wllb Ibat company for a tbrea wwka' rest at Uomer Oliy, Pa. [i NOTICE HALF TONU PIOTUBBB In the read- Inir iinsca of TUB CLIPPBIl will b« Itisrrtril at tbcae prloeai Front ragr« Cnt fOS,00 Double Colnmu f 10.00 SluKir Colnnin $6,00 Four De Kock Bros., nuj IXaruId Elolland aod ccmpaoy. ^ PuiHOBJB.—Wolf and Lctrla MuaJcal Block, dally mollncea. GAiarr. — Vaadevlllc. three acts ct Bert Le- Tey'a, and plclures. Air. Ballein offers Uu^ abowB dally. CA8iN0.--Tbla boas« baa atlded rondevlUe to Ita program of elgbt leela of plclum. ItllB, ItnOIDVAT, Oai.TT, PlJKWIOS, Pr.A2A. feature flinis, Moxaj. Geo. V. DiiaZ. la tonrlng tbo Pantagea Circuit, In "Iliilii,** and wilt appear In "Tbe Bypoulles,'' for a llTo weeks* tour CiiAiiia IlAarr, 'The Ilooiler Boy," U npend- log a monib with bla faoilly here, nnd taking In Ibe Bipo. He will go East wen to Oil vaodo- tUIo datea Blontrcnip Can.—Sl(a Ma1eafc^'a-(H; P.- Hill, ngr.) "A Woman'a Woj" week of Feb. I. ^ciKCMS (Abble Wrlgbt, mgr.)—atOTln« pic tcn-a of ''The Spoilers" 1-0. O&ruBou ((3eo. UrldcoU. ragr.i—VatidOTjUe. Week of 1-0: Moudlnl, illlton Pollock and com- ~»boy. Bird Ulllmao Trio, Bawtaome and Inqlis, larlo Dorr. Unx anl Mabel Ford, Qod' Julia Ooiitalet, OATarr (Fred Orov, mgr.>—DIj Jidilleo 10. Drcamlanl Uurlesquers :ioxt. Uomllton, Cnn. — OrAnd (A. B. I/)m1on, agr.) on accoiQt of llio wtr. bookings are Tew and far belweeo bcro. "Thlrly J^dguos UnrtHr tbo Bea," pictures, Jan. 2t)-Keb. 3. Savor ((feo. mroiid, mvr.)—Qlrla of the Fol- llea week uf 1. .MlacbloC .MakiTs next. Tua larcer i>lclure bou«v>a eonttoito to do excel- lent busliKts. Fnio nonrjis baa ngiln taken over the Qslety. Waterbary, Conn.—Jacquce (A. Oouta. mgr.) Oook Stuck Oo., lo "Teas of ibe Storm OouDlrjr." Fob. 1-0. Pou^a (A. Vaiuil, mgr.)—Vaudovllte and mo- tion plctorva. Stiand. I'BiNoaas. Stab, colonial and OAk- DBt, motion plcturea only. N0TB3. OaoBoa ZocoA, fornerly of ibe Iforley I'layetv cf thia city, la agabi appearing beie. wlib tba Cook Players. openlDg Fob. 1. JoiiM MoOoaiiAOK. tbe lileb tenor. wlU make bla Oral appearance la Walerbury. at BucUngbam Hall, 0, uDder Uia auperrLslou of raul Pratael. Donald .MoBeatb. a yowwg Australian rtollnlat, will aulat (Mr. McOonuaok, wblle hUwlo Sobuledct wlU be tbe acoomiianlal. HanolieHtfrr, N. II.—Star (R. J. Caroo, mgr.) ParamooDt plcturea. Pamk (P. P. Sliea Tbcalra Co., ugrs.)—Gar WIdowa Feb. 1-3. AcDiTOMuu—Photoptaya and Taoderllle. OnowH, Ltbio, Qoaaw, Qlobb, OiAHm and RMriBB, pictoreo only. rarerla to Ibno rtela. chnngvd dally. Dbbtha and QoiTBT, now managers of Ibe Grood. anronnce ibat Ine theatre wl!l be cloccd for two T^eeka during Ftihrunry. when a new front will be lnatalle«l, «xtra wota added and ctber Improrcments, totaling $3,500, will be made. SCajoe Coult. of tbo Oommunltr Film Co., Is It tbo dty, lo make a three reel picture bla- torr of this city, wbldi will be pboira Inter lo ' tbo local tbeatroe. Cedar Rnplda, la.—iMajestlc fVIe Hugo, mgr.) blU Jan. 31-Feb. 8: Lea Dougeta. Uanley and Wooda, Frear, Baggot aod Froir, Pearl and Rotb, Grade E^onett and '.compaDj, and Apdala Zoological CIrcoa. Fbr 4^Q: Ghtng L«e Sre. Tbonaa and Hall, Saunden and Voa Eonta, Bid Lowla, Eeat ud Peidott, Tbree Weter Blsleia. WllaoD and Hart. OusfB'B (W. 3. Oolllor, R«r.)—Rcee Slabl. In "A Peffeet tady," S: "Ibe Round-Up'* 0. Parld Waxfleld 8, '"Ulgb Jlnki" 10. Dca Holnca. la,—Prlaoeaa (FJl-ert ft (3el- cfaell, mgn.) Prlocess Stock Co., In The Lion and tbe Uonae." week of Feb. 1. "n«adr Uooey" next. RupUBB (Elbert A Getcbell, Dfra.)—Vaude- ville and pictures. Oiruivu (II. B. BarlOD. mgr.)—HUl week of Jan. 31: DlTing seals, Ann Taiker and company, Elg Oltj FtKir. Olara luge. Stone and Ungbes, Uclene acbolder* Al. Rorer and Bister, and pic- tures. Clinton, la.—(Jllaton (0. B. Dixon, mgr.) Dartd Wardeld. Id 'The Aoctloocer,'* Feb. 0; '^Hlgb JUka" 10. Obpuboh (U. Cohan, mgr.)—For 1-3, Max Bloom. In '*Tbe Soanysue of Broadway." A4I08B-U, BnT. Ltiio, Odiomial and Oabiko, ptotnrta only. Tlia OoLONUL, a plclore honae on Reeond Btzeet. was opened ntioer ttie new management of 0. Nygind, Jan. 23. Peoria* 111* — Majeatlfl (Orpbeimi Ooropaoy, mgraj Billy Walaoo's Ueef Tnutt Beauilea Jin. 61. FcbL 1. "Poush k Ptrlmnttcr" 2. .1; Nat (Joodwbk 0. De Wolf Hopper 7. Obthsuh (Nathan A tineiteot^ n.gra.)—Vaude- Tills Sl-Frb. 0. UsK DlJoo, In "Tbe Sunny Gtds of Bioadway" 4*0. HirroDBOUB (D. P. ObonbUt, mir.)—I.trlng- atcoe Stock Company, in "Merely Uary Aoo,^* 81 and w«ek. PuNOBBti (Searer Amue. Co., U'Cn)*)—Vnmle- Tllle and pictures. FOLLT (llarTT l^rbetrllle Jr., mgr.)—Uuslcal Block 0& Pete De Vail the urod'ieer. ba9 made good from tbe aiyle of OorlesoiK' bo baa put on. and atlmdarce Increasea, Ltnoolni Ifcb^^llrer ((X F. Zebmng, mgr.) "Bierrwoman** Feb. 1. 3, Rose Stsbl 3-0, "Tbe Wblp*' 8-10. John Bnnnr 1-. OiraaDic (L. U. Oamian, resident raer.)— Bill 1-0: UoBigOBMry and Uoorc, Prlncesa llalab. picture policy. Klelue's "OQcer 000." pictures, played to caimdty tHwinets from 1 to U r. u. Aa a special added attraotlon Jan. 2-1. Eabui Dbwby and Mabsl noons, aiors last B«aaon wltb "Tbe Runaways," prcsenteil ibe speedy musical comedy farce, "Safety KIrii " liere. and were remembered from last season by an R. O. bouae. Clorkadnle, llUa. —Majestic (L. Uarprr. mgr.) motion pictures aad raudevllle betwt«u regular bookings. "To-dajr" Feb. 1, "Sotcq Keya (0 Bnldttttc" g, W. B. Pat ton 12. RUDIA DB FARRAS A8S0CIATB riiAYERS. Annie Laurie WlUlama la tbe IngCQoe wltb tbe Bobla De Farras Company. Mlaa WUltama Is oue of the clerereat Inmsuos on tbe stage to-day. aad doea not depend iqKn ber gowna and good looks (although aba baa bolb) to win ber audi- cDccs. Tho nunagomeot considers itaelf fortnnate In oecurUig ber. Wo bave one of tbo strongest oompaolea on tbe road. MLsa De Farras, who la of Spanlsb-FrCDcb orlgtn, la one of tbe youngeat and most Tereatlle Iradlng wtinen on our attge, and thIa, combined with ber Southern beaniy, nas made ber a favor- ite wltb ber audiences wherever she has apucared. Tba company iDCludes: Ralph Uenalo(, leadlDg man and tUrector; Annie Laurie Williams. Rtbel Van Ordo. Robt. S. Lawccnoo, Fred P. Miller. Ctiaa. Erie. Wayne Lyter, - Richard Lloyd, and Joaepb lUdxeway. J. M. Jaooba la tbo advaoca icfireaentaUTe. Tbe company corrlea apodal seeiuiy and electrical fITeots. OlilVBR ST0C7K NOTES* All three of tbe Otis OUrer organJutlooe report excellent bualneaa for laat wrcfc. "The Meliloi Pot," at tho American Thealce, DaTraport. la., piored an excellont drawing card. "Tbe Boosa of Bouilage," at tba Oarnck, Burlington. la., drew sTR. 0. wltb tbta play, and ^'Arlaona'^ waa cboaen fbr the opening plcoe of the Olleee Playeta at tbe Etauplra Theatre, Rock Island, ill., vbare the company la breaking reoords. B. W. King ban rejolotd tbe Oliver fbrcta, and J. Kalmayer bas been tranaCemd from Ibe Bor- Ungtoo Company to Darraport, la. John . Parks bas been engagod by Mr. WllllaniB fbr tba Dnrllagton canpany. PBICB AB BIARICBD OaY PAOKAOE ■OLD BVBHrWHBRB. NO Wii:R PRIOESI I t