New York Clipper (Feb 1915)

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Copyright lOlB. bj tli« Fnai Quern PaMlihlpg Cempuir (UmUM) Founded by FRANK QUEEN, 1863. NEW YORK, FEBRUA^RY 6, 1916. VOLUME LXII-No, 62. Prios, 10 Ctnla. ACTORS' FUNLS9,000 RICHER. BENEFIT AT CENTURY A HUGE SUCCESS. STAGE STARS SIIIRE. The CcBtur; llieatre wae packed to ca- pacltr Frldar oftersooD, Jan. 20, wheo tbe curtain went up on the Drat act of the tnam- motb bill vtalch had be«n arranged b; Daniel Krohmto, preeldent of the Actors' Fund of America, loi the annual bencllt, and any ocn'tlon ot those present In the audience i7ould be quite the llat ot "Who's V/bo" In the world ot prominent folk to-day. Dut onis box full attracted especial attention and re- ceived a rousing hand on their entrance. They were several of the eucets' of tb.) Aclnrs' Cund Home on Staten Island, and lu lurn guests at the beneflt ot Charles Chrli- tiio old circus cloiwn, ttIio lest n-eek pold <1 000 for tbe samo box. Among them were Mr. and Mrs. George Uorton, Nannie Cotter. Harry Irving, Leon J. Vincent and Fred ''"owing to Illness, both Fannie Brice and Mrs. Vernon Caetle were unable to appear, tut Trlxle Frlgania most generously volun- tterwl to appear for Mlw Drlce. and FranK Tinoey kept the audience convulsed with hli efforts to imitate the sprightly Mrs. Cast'p In a dance with her husband, Vernon CasMn. I.aet en tbe bill, bat a tremendous bit, wan tbe minstrel flrat pnrt And olio. In nhlch halt a.hundred ot the Twelfth Milic Club members took part, under the musical KBBFE'S UA8TY DEPARTUnE. CnicAOO, 111., Jan. 28.—Walter V. Kcete. one of the booking mnnagera of the Marcus Loew Western Circuit, left Chicago rather suilJeoly on Wednesday night for De; Moines. Be Is also reported to have vlaltcJ Omaha. , . ... With the announcement made by nuthnrl- tatlve members of the AITIMnted nookln;; Company tbat they bad aecured the bookings nf the Miles, Detroit, a house that has been booked by Keefe for n number of years. It H thought that this, pcrhnns, had caused thi> Kuddcn dqiarture of Mr. Keefe for Dea Uolncs and Omaha, It is known that before departing Mr. Keefe held a long conference with his at- torney, Fred lOTftnthnl. The matter Is said to have been very Important and was not dlscuKsed. COLIIMDIA, NEWARK, SOLD. Pnncrs were signed Inst week for the sale of the. Columbia Thnntro. In Nemrk. N, J., to a wew York nyndlcnte headed by B. J. nodel, the theatrical manager. Tlie ncw.owncrB will spend oboiu »40,ooo In altcrutloTiB. A new balronv will be In- stalled with a tier of meMonIno boies. A new stage built and concrete floors laid. A new lobby will bo In marble trim and new seats thronghont. ,„ . Back of the twlcony a larec ipnec will be devoted to dancing. The policy ot the bouse will be announced shortly. "OAHDY SHOP" TROUBLES. Daphne Pollard, of "The Candy Shop" Company, was unable to play her role at South Bend, Ind., Jan. 25, on account ot serious Illness. ,^ . Alfred Qarrard, juvenile with the ssmc company, went on for that date wearing green glasses as a result ot coming In con- tact with an electric wire on a sleeping car. It Is feared he will lose sight ot one eye, ■ GARFIELD'S TABLOID. (Speolal to The CurFsn.) Jamestown, N. T.—B. M. OarBeld for many seasons manager of one of "Matt ana Jer' companies for Gus Hill, and this sea- son manager ot "The Winning of Daroatn Worth," which toured the South, opcne.1 his musical tabloid company nt MayvlUi', N. Y., Jan. 28, after ten dsye' rehearsal at bis, Mr. Garfleld whipped a good company I nto sbspc nt shor t notice, NO SALE. II was reported thst Marcus Ijocw bought the Newark Theatre, on Market Street New- ark, from the Miner estate, at $400,000, but Henry C. Miner Informed Tnn CLiprUB that tlero Is "no thing to It.'^ PAGE SDCOBBDS JOHNSON. direction ot Lsura Sedgwick Culllns. Miss Collins conducted the orchestra hcrselt. Ida naterman was the Interlocuio?, and others prominent In speclaltlea were Margaret Mc- Klaney. Louise Drew, Mrs, Kdvin Arden, JIIss Arden, MInette Barrett, Louise Dresser. Josephine Drake, Julia Dean and olheni. The entrance of the girls was partlcuiariT effective. When tbe curtain rose they wcr^ discovered with their backs to the audience, seated way np stsge, then turned nround on the rerolTjng stsge until they were all well down front. Elsie Ferguson wos chsrmlnjt In an en. Hrely new one act play, entitled "The Dramatist at Home," and supported by Will- iam Courtlelgb. Ethel Barrymore presented Sir J, M Barrle's "A Slice of Lite," with John Barry- more and Battle Williams In the cast, and Oils Skinner. Mile. Dorzlnt, Wlilinra Collier, George U. Cohan, Fred Stone, Dave Mnnt- gomeiT. the "Watch Your Steppers," Tom Penfold's Itagtlme Trio, Blchard Carle, Vir- ginia Brooks, Frank Tlnncy .ind Vernon Csatle all contributed generously to the cn- jovnient, Lllllao Kassdl, nided by a corps of well known actreases, sold- programs, candy and cigarettes In the lobby. The beoe- llt netted about 10,000, a sum necessary to support the Fund for almost two months. Meyers ' agent. * ?JlV'?.'''«nM"u,faT!.1nS?n'^^?'Cl!l ^^"o^^rci^ j;^^ general' press representative. will remain there for a year's rest. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO. NO SUNDAY SHOWS FOR NEWARK JINGLES FROM THE JUNGLES. Till "Watib Qvein" Sucotaole was put on at the Exposition Ball, St, Louis, A BEAUTT BROW woa hohl at the Gaiety .Museum, New York, It, a. KNowLxa reslgnod from Augustus Daly's Co. and signed tor "A Pair of Jacka" T. J. Cronln also retired from Daly's Co. I'nop. Kabl Mebz died. W.U. Bdcki.1I and Wu. Jbioub formed a partnehsblp for a black face act. l>>rTRa JACKSON AND JACK AsiiTOit boBded a variety combination and did t0,210 for the week at Hjde & Behman'a. B. S. nOSS LEASES PROSPECT. The Prospect Theatre, at Prospect and Westchester Avenues, one of the largest In the Umnx, has been leased by II, 8. Mobs for ten years at $25,000 a year. It seats two tiipxsand. Tbe house will be Included In tbo B. B. Mo!n Circuit. 'WamingB from the new police board were sent out last week thst bcneOt performnaces for war auffcrers and the uneDpioycd, sacred concerts, dances and bashclball gamea will no longer bo permitted lo Newark, N, J. Concerts and oenoflts previously armogcd for Siindav were canceled, and tno theatres refunded tne advance snie money. Commissioner nrledenbnch, president of the board, refused to give any Informallnii further than "all Sunday nrausements will be stopped hereafter," nr rsiNK ii. tiioui'Son, BECK A SINGER I.SSPECTINO. Chicaoo, III,, Jbu, 30,—Martin Deck and Slort H. Singer are making a tour of the Southland. They ore reported to be In- specting varlnuB land sites, possibly for tho erection of Orpheum Tiiestres in that vi- cinity. I*, is not known hero when Mr, Singer will return to Ills olllcci. NEW DRADT PRODUCTIONS, On FeK 4. at the Comedy Theatre, Wm. A. Brady will present "The white Fcnlbrr." by I.echmerc worrall and Harold Terry. The («Bt will inclnde: Cynthia Brooks. Jessie 0!ondtnTiing, Elaine Inescort, Frances Csr- iion. Mshol Held. Mabel Arohdaw. Arthur Kliiolt. Alan Mudie Leslie Fnber. John Bur- kcll F.ric Maion and Alexander J Herbert. On I'oh. 8, nt tbe Maxine Elliott. Mr. Brndv will produce another pla.v. written by Rillshury Field, and entitled "The Rented r.orI." Tbe company for this wlil include: Trtwrencc D'Orsav, Albert B.'witti, Douglas Wood, Schnyler i.idd, T.eonard Grey. Alice Nndabl, Teresa Jfaxwcll-Conovcr and Olive Templelon. THREATEN TO REVOKE LICENSES, necnmmendatlon that Mnyor Harrison re- voke the IlcaoRcs of seven downtown Chicago theatres wae made Inst week by the City Conn- cii Jndiclary committee. Detectives report, ed thst they had been unable to buy seats at the box ofnces of the theatres hut soon after had obtnlned them on orders from the speculators: (hat thev had Intercepted nies> songers returning tickets to the box ofdcf ns the hour for the performance appronphed, nnd thst they had sefn box offlre men deliver ticketa to sneciilators' messengerB without T'Oyment of funds. JACK WRD9TER WniTES. Jack Webster, writing from Johannesburg, South Afrlci, says: "I was commanded to present myself to T.ord and T.ndv Iluxton after the flrat act Inst night. (I am starring In amtge M. Cohan's myslcry farce, 'Seven Keys lo Bald- pate,' with tho J. C, Williamson Cn„ Ud.l ix>rd Buxton Is tho govcrnor-genrrnl nf South Africa, and I am loIJ that It Is the second time In tho history nf this cniintr.v that such an honor baa ticen conferred on an actor, and also that I should feci vcr.v proud of the disllnctlon. I do. "Hie Johannesburg Trannvaal^ In review- ing Uio llrst performnnco of 'Seven Keys lo Baldpalo' In this city, salil: 'Very Inrgrly George II. Cohan's mystery farce fslki on the snonlders of one mnn. In this esse (he one man Is John Webster, who showed sn Atlas-like capacity for tbo work Itnnosnl upon him. Mr. Webster Is nn actor of dl«- Imcllan. with an Indlvldunllty of his own which Is not less noteworthy hornudo he Is so entirely natural—and to he nntiiml Is one of Mio most dimniit things In singe lite, or lite of any other kind, for that matter. Hut how Sir. Webster carries It nil elf—with what discretion nnd resource, hu- mor and Intensity—cnn only be gntliernl from per.sonal experience of the plnr. Tlw nbvinus morfli Is—co and see Mr, Webster vmiiwoir. It Is a flrat-mte plore of work, n niece of work which must lake n nince of Its own In the rccnnls nf dlstlngulsli(.i1 nui- ce.':ics In South Africa.' " CIIAIILES E. TAYLUII. The Unmum of UurlCMiuc, Owner uiiil Manager ot Tteylor'8 Tuiigu Ulrls, Tlic Siliow is Uakliig New House Ileconls All Over, RUSCO AT PT. WORTH. W. A, Rusco. resident manager of the nijnu, Acndemv and Jetrers, Saginaw, Mich-, Is at It, Worth, Tex., for his health, where be eipeots to stay for six to eight weeks. He says the Texas air Is making him feel like a youngster. His time Is spent pleasantly with his friend. Oscar Gould, manager ot tbe Ma- jestic Theatre. NEW TRIAL IN DAILEY CASE. Juatice Keogh, of Mt. Vernon, N. Y„ has granted the application for a new trial In the Mrs. Jas. A. Ballev wlil caic, whleh wni recently decided In tho favor of J. T. Mc- Cndden. Mr. nutcblnson'a attorn^^ys will try to have the case put on tbe early calendar. ^ NEW ACT. Mabel Baker, who was prima donna of "The MertT Countess" Co., will open over the I'roctor time In a new singing single act, Joe Myers Is booking her. TO TRY VAODEVII.I.E. I/B Blanc and Lorraine, the dancing act tbut made such a bit with the Ginger Girls, Is now going to try Tandcvlltc, Daniey Is tbelr ! I'ERFORMBR INJURED AT BLSMBnB, Bmlly Parley, wbo featured a "saw mill" In her novelty musical aot, fell Into tbe elec- tric saw wheel during her performance at tbe Eismere 'Rieatre, One Huodred and Eevonfy-slxtb Street and Southern Boulevard, Tbursoay evening, Jan, 28, and bad ber right arm badly lacerated. Only for tbe quick octtoo ot ber two part- ners. Fay iWtllard end Ansa Simpson, tbo acddent might have resulted fatally. WHERE IB BJCRDBaT WVOKSI Anyone knowing the whereabouts ot Her- bert wycks will confer a favor by addreu- Ing M, L Bltteolender. 861 California Street, San Francisco. Mr, Wycks' mother desires to locate him. rilfl.irP TO ACT IN KN<il,l.<<ll. Adolf Phlllpp will shortly make Ills np- penrnote upon the IvtielMi speaking singe In nn Rngitsb role, supported l>y a strong cast of Kngilah speaking pinyers. Tbe vehicle seiecteil liy Mr. I'hillop for liN appearance is the muHit-nl comcdv drams. "Two Lota In the Ilrnnr," successfully pro- duced br htm nt his theatre Inst se.isnn, nnd Rlnrn then adopted for the Rneiinh aince. "Two Irfits In tlie Brnni" ran for one hu'i- drcd consecuUve nicbts at bin cozy ltttli> p'nyhouse on Knst Kifly-sevcnlli Street, nn-1 was written by Adolf I 'liillpp. NO snow AT EMPRRSS, .MAN HIECO. As a result nt nn nitercation lietween Hie lessees, I'Sjrry ft Kernnn. nnd Jnlm 0. Wrsy, manager of tiie World's Fnlr Stock Co., which brought nil tiiK pnrtlcs Into court, the Impress Theatre, In San Dlcgo, Cal., Is closed, Mnnnger Wrny was nmiawl by liie Icshtcs ot mimnnnagement, hut bin cnnlrncl, sliown In court, proved hioi tr> lie wiiliin ills rights, nnd V'.n case wan dlsmlBRcd, For the prcsen!. nt least, the Empress liaa no show. ••ROYAL SLAVE" LF.ASEIt, Clarence Bennett, nf Rnii Dipgn. Cnl., linn leased Ms "A Rnvnl Stave" In Ned llstcs, of Suit r.akc City. 1I„ who wlil tnke It on t'le road. Boy Van Kosaen linn hecn engnged bi play a pnrt nnd stage theprodnctifiii. SU.IIHER SEASON OK OPERA. Msnagcr Dodge, of tbe Snrerktes 'ilientre. San DlPgo, Cal„ Is considering o pmpnslttnii (0 put In Wilbur's Opera Co. at that bous.- fnr a run through next Summer, 9IIUIMANN-HBINK RESTING. }Ine. Shuosnn-Heink has returned lo her CALVIN THOMAS has succeeded Ernest Olendennlng Id "Tho Song ot Songs," ot Ihe ^'"jTLl'STjohNBON bM resigned as press agent for Comstock & Gest, In order to edit ' ^^BAlffiY^oSt'^BLA^.^ contemplates returning lo the stage after an nbscnco of two yeaS, dStog^rt be bns devot^^^^ to the management ot bU. various stlr.c "° OI.tVBm MOnOBCO returns to New York this y;eck. I^WIB S. STONE goes with "Inside the Lines. THE Broadway Rose Grrdcn. Now Torx, '« «'0'«''i, .„ ,,, -..n „, .,,„ orand ThM ."gi'ortrmu'j.c.Y'-.aSffi ''.^^N^ifSby!''''in'i"h.cS*^"i. ll'us's'Sl i'^lS.. '""pi?ANB'^"ni«I Jan, 20 for a sixteen^ry store and factor, building, on (ho sl(c ot ''''^'V'S^yVA''oX!'X:o^ a former employee named F«I,«w. wbo was sent to prison some years ago for robbing Mr. Draay. "BUZl" will doso at Ilsrtford, Conn., Feb, 6. "ran MODEL GIIIL" opens 8 at nichmond. Va. MRS. DB WOLF nOPPfin nrescntcd iier tin"*and »,S«%-/-'"Vo'L"^ In ,ue una lIAnniBT WOLFF eulng ber bneband, Rennold woilt, lor ajvorec in luo '""KMfe PAIUJ5Y, a vaudeville per(V,rm_er, had her rljh} "nn cut«t the ^raer^ ■Tbealrc ""mS'. VEHNON CASTLE was out of the cast ot "Watcb Your Step" last week, owing '°'&B"s'D?LMAtf bas''go«CB;S'' I, prepare for a touslcal comedy ""anna PAVrOTA opsned her ballet bcbob at th. Coptuw, Nnr York, wllh "nByBonds," ALFRED DRYAN, A Dunic BO well ItDOwn to the muAlc builncis tbat on InlroductloD to our rendcrn in v.DnwBfnry. , , Mr. llr/an la tho writer of over two tiDndiod Mngn, inanv of wblch hovo bcca rccognlzeu ns thft largMt bita ever rcfordcd In the oiiibIc InduaLry. Ilo orlgloatca hia own UtlcH nnH baa to ble credit a-isne of the moat orifflaal Ideae Jo aonga that haTc erer ticca relcaaed. He Ir t*ie writer of that now famous peace ballad, "I Dldo't llalao Hoy to Ho a Soldier/* tbaf la oakloir nualc liUtory. ^ Ur. Bnan la one of tbe inoit SDcccsifal free tancca, barlnf aonfa with nrarij every moalc pabJIlbfr In tbe coUDti7> Jakb VKituu U iMit ilifiiil of 'Tcfh** nnil II07*' Oi>.. In Town at ptr^oul MiHHlNC. llKt innitfTlnn, If t'lnylng llio 1111111 onrn In Mnnliinn. I.LNTim lii ccK lj no r In MlritimttA nllh bin FtlANK llANR». nt'.OT A TT^t hIX Vrfltl, If lO Mlititf»<ilii n-llli hi* rmJl)* ntioir, TiiK JfinHrmi^, KNIo .^ml Ktigrnr arr pUyInf tlin Riimll iimiiM :n Soiiiti iviicoiixln \mk vlinl*, (A fntr liu'lnnm. 0()l.. IT11B.V, irlin u*n1 la linrp it WIM Wnt BlUiv on llic rrail Unn Imply liuill a iir\v ibeatm at Klnnnamn. III. Hp iIio nin^ |Ih- linlel lh«"», nntl hiN null lUc mail. Mamik MiM.nrr, In^t apfiiMn nith Ihe Onllmar 5ihim-.i ikilnff an nr^ art. ami luarlrcil at Ibt mil nt Ihp Rpamn, la fnniln^ a dniiNrp i«rU1 act wllh hpr hii^lnm), whn xrnn lM«i itptporlj nan Willi llip flollniar Hhntv imt yrnr. Tlia act will U> p.illnl Dip Aprlfll l^^lem. W. J. Maninplil, irhD hna hml out a "IT. T. 0. " Co., nlH,rlnji halt* thla WInlpr, hark Inin Dip tnoillrlnp ahmr tMiMlnraa annn. TiDnr naaiia. thp urange JuiM l'iiiK>r Worker, ban again lanncliPil a iniiHlral ahnn-. I'cn Monriir. thp fair frouiMl workiT, U In tlilrago for IhP WItiipr. Ifaiar T. Biunnoh ano coMi'ANr of Imtre 1. rt' tirownllnff lb? inhlolil ttlar. "Nohtntv Ilnme" In IllliiloN. on Iho Krnn:< lltlplni (Imp' SirriiKKijtNn Htthik Co. la phrlnic Sonthpm Wlatonaln, and will alioTd^ onno Into Norlhprn lllliiola. TTip atio'r rnns Wlnirr nnil Hiimmor, iniall caai, aniall iawik. hiit aiin> mrux^, Tnar'n "(imt, or tub Shnnt Hoimi" Co Ploni-il latplj for larK of bMtInp«i.i. It irai ■ fliie Ktllp alimr. anil aliinrlrl havp \x^i a nucrPM. ItlcituoNn KiWT. n*bo. n roar aft>. |irrapnlM Ainck In Aiimra, III., at tlic Koi Thoairp, la rr* hrarNlnir "TWn of Dip Slorm Cnnnlry." In a nhorl Tprnloii. Willi LwclTP pcDitlr. oiiciiIiir Jan. 7H, nt Aurom. Pr.ntA nn Voan Co. U m rnuta Ihnui^ Illlnola plftviriT oM iprrllnrr. Till Ja(k llNooKa Ftock Co.. wllh IwpIm PPiml*'. I" lilarltis oM frrrllnry In IIip HMilie \\tr\. nml In aplfo of tlio off renaun li crlllaa birt'lnpwt. Tub .Mnh-^Mc Hlork Oo.. fnwi llir MilfliMr. Hnrhfortl. III., Iina luorpfl liiNi tUo flrninl Oiipra MoiiM<. Aitrora. for nn linlrflrillf riui, nml la clvlnjr thP nmplp a run tnr Iholr m'riifr. wlili iiUiularil rnj-Blly iilay*. *rfth pk»\ rniKlfvlllr nii<l iilrtiirra, nt Ipn nnd Iwnity ppiita. Manngpr Tlnnvn. nt Iho aMtp mnipnMT, clvpa n flop niiiinnnnvwnt oneh IKTformanrT, IiPhvcm ari«. J. ArniiHiiiH riAiT. Willi liiN wirp anil in-pittr. OOP IninliH nf itmiMTlloa, la glrlnjr n innulral ahoW III Norllicrn Whmnntn wirit %tnnOn, tii fair bnrf* lima. 1!p \rlll rl(M> In Manrli aii*l oi»pn hla tfiit alinw III Ifar. nil. WfiiTR ^'U>lr,B'1 UniiiriNn f)i(ow Hp»1 fink. MI., wp^h nt Jim. I«. Cm. W. flitiiiaTT, wIki liail out hln raHrneil kIii.w In^i KiiniiiirT la Mliirr'^iolfi. ninl turthtw M'ral. Iina Ntnrrtl Mn r«r fop Hip Wlnlpf. and w*lh Ilia wife iiDR out N picture Miow. plnj-liu Mlnno* aoln. Piif* 0. llAi.i, Cab ftihtw In wnrklnj lowirtli Npw Mrilm. piiN«ltu llirmuih Illlinl*. It In « poitil fnnillf •IraiiiBttc ctKiipaiiy. pon O. If^ill fa nn ompp-ImMnr in hlvVvn, W|a., nnd nulte a irmiilnPMt pdllllL'Inii. TiinMAH Ilr.AivriiAnP. ilin maulrlhn. fa at TTop. kliilnn. III.. hU linmp, fnr Ihn WInipr Will f» wllh rrniik tl. TIUHn|«oiia Trnt Hlfiw again oekt acrroii. roit o\n i*RnFouHA\crt] oivly. Irar AnilprwM) ami Ilmh I't^Wrti {.ifni. Ander- aoiil. who were (r«nit rarorlrm In rninlral compdy tvfnrp ihpir rcllrcmpnt a fpw apaaona aInce, t'irnpit lo ihp ahifn f(tf niip pprformanre. bi 'Ttia ITInce of rilapfi." at Ran Olalrr, Wa., flnndar nlirht. Jan. 2-1. l^or apvprnl apaannn Mr. An>Tcr- Mn nrnn Ihe Amprlrnn Mptiipnant nnd MIm Pp*- Moa plafprl iIiP mI«of K4lltii Ailam* In "I'llapn " Tiip rniinjr roiipip worn ntarrlpil whlto appcarina In Ihp ninalral romwlr. and Ihrpp yp.ira iRn look lip rpMhVncp In Rnq Chirp, whpro Sir. Antfenoo la pnaagptl tn lh.i ahop hinliipaa. Wirn Krunk T. IIiipI]. advanop for "TIip Prinro of rilapji/' rrarhpfl Fan fllaltp. he Indncpd Mr. and Mra. Andrraon l»i nphMr In I'-pIr fona^r rolpa for ono perfornianrp. TO 8TAII I\ "Tlin IlKD nO.SID." Wally nprlhirk ami John P. Dnlr hnfp madp a fi.iilritri wllh Znf nariicll lo alor her In 'Tbe «l ll^w'''. which Ihejf harp ptirp|ifla(<il fmoi Jrhn O. nahrr Tbp.T will oppn nt AllPnlown. Pn.. Holiirday. K-li. |:|. nnil play nnly tno wcpka In Ihe K-iaf. nfKT whirli thpy aini't for fhe r>iflai ovpr thp Canadian I'nplllr, Tlie compin* (MBaTTd liirliidP*: Miiirirp Darry, Warne Hnnn. i.ctTKv Wllllnrnii. '.Vliilfml yniinif. Ilz-nrl Iji IJonlP J'Mi.h HIandUh, Onrl Hiahl. I.niirn JilTMy sml CliiiTlollo OdIp. WHO K.VOWH MACKK.V/.IKr Aloiaii'Ipr Moi-Kiiitlc kllM hlioaplf In Kanrnia f^liy. Mo.. Innl wppk. .Volhlnir una fniiiid on him t'l givp any aildrmti of niiy of hla iiroplp. Hp wnm hiirlcl I17 Krrt'iiion A; .Mamliill, r:U0 Main Mrrppt. Kanaai fJliy. AIpi. A. srcDonalrt. binl- npaa inanairr of "llnuKht ami Paid Kor" OO., nnj .Vplhlnl nnr] fJroTliiI nlirii'M Hip HPnlf^a. .Mana- »:pr Jiidnb paid In full all firni<ip«. If any onp krimra anrlhing rpcnnllritf MacKpniIf't folk*, kindly noiify Min/ijpr Judnh. nrnnl Thraifp. Krinaaa City .Mo, BETTV NANSEN. Ilcllj Nonscn, Iho miiclihoraldwl Scan- dinavian Irngnllcniin. wfrii wc.irs dccornllons trlliMlorr lo hnr E''nliiii from every pulcnlntu lit Kuniric, liiia r.rrlrni In this country and IH now linril nt work In n apctlal studio cii Kiizcd fur licr utile nuc posing In n gri'nt nirwn [iroiliirilnn of "Tiii'. World and III4 Wlfi'," KRchcrgnry'K drama of Interna. lliHinl funic. Wllllnm I'nx, unilcr whoso c«- tluslvi' mnnsgcmcut Miss Nnnscn was lir'iuglil (n Mils country from (he Iloyal The- iilri' iif (.'opcnhagcn, met .MIsi Nnn*nn down ,\(iv York Hay on the revenue cultor Han- halinn, accompanied liy a committee of notiililcH. 'I'lic collector (if tlio port, DimIIct KIoU .Miiliiri", allowed MIhs Nnnscn'a wnrilroho of riiriy llro trunks to enter (ho countrv onljr nfiiT Mr, I'"OT had pnntnl a Imnd nf t'lO.ono. Tlrero aro many wonderful gowni In tho '■ollcctlon, creations "t I'ngiiln, Worth, Dou- eel, llcflfcrn anil folret, hut tlio one which will act cTory woinnn In Ihe rnuntry lo talk- ing, -when they spo MIhh Nnnscn wearing It 'in tho screen. Is hnriwn nn "The (loldcn down," Mlw ,S'nriricii will wear this gown fnr Ihe timt lime In 'The World nnd Ills Wlfo." anil II lit sure In rriMte n Ncnsatlon, A hrlcf ilcHiTliill'in tit tlin gnivn Is that It consists of rliitli tit gold, iipnnglcd with strings of ncc'l pi'nrlH. The "tunic" part of It. or clonk, wclglia Iwenly-four pounds. The gown llscif Is of embroidered rosorolorcd silk Willi a "nsh'Inll" Iraln.