New York Clipper (Feb 1915)

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4 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER, Fbbbuaby 6 AMERICAN ACADEMY OF ^ DRAMATIC ARTS i If the One You LoveAinVLoving Yoy, Sprinkle r Linie -'GODFER DUST!'' Conneettd with Mr. CbariM Frohnun'* Emplr* Thtitr* mil CompinlM Recognized as the Leading; Institution for Dramatic Training In America BOARD OF TRUSTEES Fnnklln H. Sirgint, PrMMint FOUNDED DiMti FrehiMB John Ortit In ISB4 Binltwln F. RMinr HmquiIu* Thuiwi For catling ind Infsrmitlon ipply lo III* SicrtUr; RMm 182, Ctrntgli HiU Niw Verh OUT OF TOWN NEWS &^rsi£^. FIOMT'OIV. IIuLMK (Obirlri J. Ulcb, mic.) — Utjlnnliiil Fob 1 Mlllc^ Iluikc oiKMin (i llircc wwki' ntw ami n "Jmr." In Ibc ore: Rhcllcj Hull. Helen* JoLokon. Alice Joliu, U. UwMiev Umn, ■riuu IleTlwIdii, Edwin Uurcli onU Arlliur Uurlrr. MiJMTio (Wllbur-ahuUrt Oo.. ngre.)—Wll- Until h"nTonliiiii. la 'Tbe U»wk." ooaien Kili. I. The com Includet: Vlrglult rnnion, Coo"«F Teaile. Kriok Umt nnd (Irnra UendsrHoii. Miirle TlnriH-st t-Jid bor Londou ccjicpaiv bail a iiilen- dld week, I'UMilTU (Kred B. ^7rlil^t, our.) — "Too Moi.r Ocoki," DOW In aecnnd week, bus mot T-lll: n cerillal teceptloK, and oiubt (o en|or niDiiy wttka ot proiperlly. Krank Criten lie«ilc 4 Terr capable ootDpaor of plirera, TaiHOBl (Jno. U. Scboeirel, nur.)—Slilh week a! "Sereo Keia to naldpate," tad llial perfnnn- ancc bore will occur Fet). 6, It will Ihm go Inio the New Eniland clllea, laklnf In tbs blilni uC Ualae, Now llampahlre and Vemojl. OouMiiL (Obailea Froliman & WIIIUo llnrrli, uert.)—Olilrd and Onal w»ek of naul Dawji^n "Tba Debounte," Leo Dltrlclllt«lo, la "He rhaaton BltaV' Feb. 8. OoBT (Jobn B. Oort. nur.)—After manj dlaap- solDtnxnla "Wiafi doing On?" • oew miialcil faict. will flnallT let elarltd Feb. 1. Tbe book la br William 11. OlIITonl. Irrlo I17 MIlea Ojer- lH>1t, and muffle br WUllaoi Loralne aad Josepnlne Ibmien. Tbe coat: Waller Lawrence, Francea Oamaron. Kaoi Wlllon. Hot Atwell.. Dorolbr Webb, Maude Dealt;, and Dojie and Dlion. enoBiiT (Wllt)nr-.1butiert Co.. in«Tf.)—•'Tbe Pmunt Olrl,'' wllb Kmma Tienllnl In tn« prima donaa role, haa found mucb faror at Ibia bouac. Tbitd week beglna Feb. 1. Yl WiLuoa (Wllhur Tlienlr* Oo.. mna.)—Slilh week of "A I'air <d Slioa." Doalon koa taken to «lila briibl and nerrr farce. errllle, OonarcM Hall, Nlajara. New PiU«. Soulb End, Back Dir. Cagle. Roibuir, Premier, Apollo, PorlUo, Wllllama' Ideal, Oriental, Him- lllon, Barfard and otben, Muon li etpected ot Splllane and Held, wlio are Tandarllllni for tbe lint lime tbia week. Boib um Eodon prMucta and hare done a lot or uu- teur work. Lrnn, Hau,—Andllorlum Tbealre (R. V. I'belan. mir.) Leater Lonernn Players pn»««t •Wltbln tbe r,aw." week of Feb. 1. "Tbe SJiep- lierd of Uie HUla" neit. . . , . ^ Ltmk.— TbIa theatre re-opened with a atoek (t>mpaaj ], under Ihe manaiement of William H. Kafir, and tbe I.rnn Plaren, ropportlnt Helen Ware, In "Tbe Third Dfireo." Neil week, "^LTMri? (V. J. Oobee, mgr.)—Vauderllle and moving plcturea. OiMloin (Al. Newhall, mgr.)—Slollon plcturea ""IJtHTaii Bgoill (Col. Wllllsrd 0. Btanton, miT.)—VandcTllle and motion plcturea. Milfnrd, Masa.—Opera House (F. Tonuiklni, mgr.) for week o< Feb. 1. Ibe Flhel liar Bborer Co. 1n n rtpertolre of ilramaa. all written and produced br Mli» Shorer. who Blla lb* leading tole In each. FOrd 8. Oimpbell la leading man. Motion plchiiea between aola. Inwu—Motion plclucea and lllostraled aong". MiMAOka ToMMlNn cilli thli week the beat crcr at the Opera llouae. aa In adilltlon to hia big dramatic and picture program he la preaentlng Hie TaiKlerllle acta. , , „ ■ IluaiKua aeema to be Improrlng all arounil riila aeetlon. The nhopa are one br one falling In Hne. pulling Ibelr emplojee* on full time. Trrre llnnlc, Inil.—Qrinrl (Ctiie. Rnllh. mjr.l Nat 0. Oooilwin Fob. 1, Ilowe'a pIclurM 8. 0. "Omar, tti'^ TcplmakiT" 10. "Ilrlnglni: Tip ralhd" mat. and nljtit 14. "Tbe Whip" 28 28. Tbere U [oHiInc new la toirn for tb? flnt wMk of Fetmurr. B«twc«a tli« nodoi to Florldi tDd thp EJUr BDodtr KTlvil lerTlcCT there li plntr of onpc«ltl&a (0 the pli7lioi»n. bol despite tbIa ODCdlilou Apiwftr to be faronble. Lnic (Ixooird Blnmbetf, nifr.)—Crrll Uaoilc't 8ucc«« liKt week, lo "Orompj,*' wqi moil vin- ribsik. Tbe bouaes were ct capidtr ide, and 9wt$b In tbeir appliDie <-f tbe dellohttal cbir* icter work ot the itar. EUle Machej flDil Rolaiil Occbtcne lire the Oneit kind ct support. Tbr Hc<iid week befffni 1. AtWLPBX (Iteooard Bloabcrv. mir.) —T*ieiv wai DO oocatwo aboat tbe ncoees of "Tbe Tblnl rarly" uat we«k (o etcelltot baalneis, TTalte? Jooea eM Taylor Holmes are moat aklllfal lo piOTldlns Ibe fan, and tbey tot ricblj deterred oprlBDae. Tbe secood week beslDi 1. Oauiok (Obas. O. Waunaior. mcr.)—"The lllfb Oost or LoTlDf" la a iceniiloe fan prorldcr, and there was oo doubt nlHnit lis laecm toil «eek. Tbe booaes were packed and tb«f on- Jored ttic work of Lew Fields lo straight faice. Altc* Fisher, Obarlotte Itci. Ocone IIkswII tod Junes Lsckoye were itrj cleTcr lo the aopporl. Ibe aeccod aod Onal wevk vtarla 1, Hboad (NIiod ft ZIomenasD, mm.)—Oood HiMd faonsci eojored "Tbe Pbaotom BUal" laiC ueek. Tbe play la btodiiofselr noaoted, sod tbe i-klll (tf I>arld Belaooo \» teeo In the detilli oC :he prodocllon. Leo DItrlrbstelo'a actiog Ii per- fect, and be Is aplendldiy suiiported br Laura Uope Orewa. T%e second week begtos 1. FostUT (NIioD ft Zhnmernian. cncn.)—"Tbe Olrl fran Utah" cootloaed lo delight One hoosce I«at week. Jolla 8aoder«oo. Donald Brian and Joe Oawtbom are dtddedlj In bigta favor. Tbe third week begtos 1. WiLWOT (W. D. Weteftrlh. mgr.)—"Damaged Cooda" 1-e. "September Worn" was a lltely musical ahow that pteased floe bouaes last week. Pi«ke O'Hars follows. AusaiOAit (Wm. W. Miller, mgr.)—Tbe sloek puis OD "One Day." 1*0. "Roojrbt and Paid For'* Msa carefallr rerWed, to giod retiirna. lait week. Frnld May Jackaoo and Bernard McOwen, Id tbe liflils. did pralKwortbr work. D. F. KiiTii'8 (H. T. Jordan, mgr.)—Blancb^ Walfh. In a tabloid Tfralon of "Tbe Woman In tiie Oaee," la *be featore for F^b. 1 adJ week. OtbfTS are: Babj Relen. Flanat.'an and m- warda. Bajroitrbl. Uirton l.ltllcfiel'l'a Finrentlne etnRers, Miller and Lylev, Charlotte nsTca^rroft. Plplfoz and Pouto. Btuart name?, acd morloff picturer. QuNn (Wm. \7. Ulller. m^n' )—'^^'•ok of 1-0: Will W^rd rnd rompanj, Rral and Karly. Jewell OoiDCdy FVjor, OdllOD. Bernaid and Scarlh, Rob- bie OordoDC and motlng r'ctnrn. KvrnxNi (.M. W. Tarlor, mgr.)—Week of \-4i: "Somroirland." Fire Itnllsn Aluskele^rs, Clark r.nd HcCulkiUgh. Ifrnrr Frrr. Ooldlng nml Kent- dclpbla Orcbeatra, at tbe Academy cf Moslc. on "Boats GoprKor** draw a aplendid aadleoce at tlie JletTopolllaD Opera Uoose on 26. Peiwcis X. HopM. personal repteseptative of George SI. Oobao. waa "•"W. J". M. Lt the Cotbedr«l. to BUMbelh A. O'Brien, oi tbIa clly. Mr. and \If«. Bore bare gwe 4o tbe Florida re- sorts for their booeymocm. Tna DiiBCTOB or Pobuo Simr suddenly closed, on 33. tbltty-thre4 moring ptetore boasee l«caoae tbey failed to ottalo their 1»1S licenses. Tbeie waa an awfol bowl pat op. tut tbe police vere obdurate, and It via not until the foUowlog {lay that the manaiers obialoed there llcenaoe and vere tben permlltcd to re-open. flcnntoD, P«,—Lyceam (R. H. KobBstamm tcgr.) '"The Lime Oafe" Feb. a. "The Newly- weds ai,d Their llabr" 3. 0. Tcu'B (John If. Dorklog. mgr.)—mil week of 1: HomcT Llnd and conpany. IloederV iDTeatlon, r»ert Fttcglbbon. Norloa and Psyne. Uander De Oordora and CDm^1Dy. Lola and Otto Tate, and Ethel klcDonough. ACADSUT (F. lamea Carroll, mgr.)—Poll PIs.r- era. lo "Sky Vanr." 1-6 . „ „ Btab (Harry W. atonna, mgr.)—MouHc Roaife Glrla 1-6. Majkctio (Tbomaa QuIgWy, mgr.)-Folllea of 1020 4-0. This theatre, uhtch openeO Jnn. 21. will ion burle«iae the liat three days of enrh neek. deroilog ihe flrvt bnlf to amati-ur boxicg ntLtobes. lUJnU DBU»(B. MAKnATTlM, WnHDHB^, PAL- AOB, WCNDFJILAND, OnfltEUlt. niTPODflOUK. TtO.- TOBu and Ooubt Squibb, ticlures oiilr. Altoona, Pa.—MIdiler (I. 0. Sllsbler. cngr.) Elltn Ti-rry, In scenes from Shokesprore. Feb. 3; (he Tad Glrla Burlnqners 4, nowe's pictures ff. 0. Oeroun pictures 8-10. OBruFDH (Arthur R. Dentnan. Dtffr.)-^lll 1*^: Welilne-Lererlog Troupe, Barlow, Craig and Will- iams. Shcrmnn aiid Ultr. For 4 0: "Tbe Faahloo Sbop." American Omrndy Four, Mr. nnd Mrs. EantoDd, and Dcre Wellington. ScxravUj N. J.—Newark (Oeo. TV. Robbing, mgr.) will remain dark Feb. 1-3. OAirrr (Wm. Kocnls. mgr.)—The Eeautx P«- "?f.;p!J«':H-. K^'Dming,. .nrrO-Bm Feb. 1-0. Mile. Slartba and Slelcrf, Nelfabr Tnuiie, Faulman, Fum.n and Fnnlraan, Jim and Marlon Utrklna Wiodlcrd'a animals and pboloplara. Niw OUND (Wn. Uocb. mgr.)—Dill week of 1: Three Falcone, Onl, Dohannon and compi':r. Howard and White, noma Sitlerj, and "Zndrra' '''ltuo'. Btmkd. Navr CiaaicK, Bmurr. Pom- CEee, IBIB, iSMniCAM and Oitstal, plctaiea onlj. Denver, Col Tabor flrand (Peter UcOonrt, mgr.) "Dabr Mine" Jan. 81 and week. OuBBcnc (Max Fablsb, mgr.)—Bill Feb. 1 ud w<ek: Hanlion Drockbank and oompanj, Kncwl'i nonkera, Minnie Allen. Plator and UcOltienr. Moore and llaager, Kolb md Harlani, Aleiander Mroa.. and Orpbran Weeklr. , DtKHAU (D. 0. Woodward, nft.) — 'Tbe Nlnger" Jan. 81 and week. BuPiinH (Lawrence Deatu, mgr.)—Bill 28-al Included: Prlncean Kalama aod ooopanr, Alrin end Kenor. Avoroa and Mnlrer. "Snooxer," Oaba- ret Trio, nuTT 8. Toomer and compur, and moving plctorea. BaoinwAl (Peter McOoort, mgr.)—T-aog-Ulller Oo., In "Tbe Tbird Degree," 81 and week. Colorado SprlnBH, Colo.-Bnma (J. T. nawklna, mgr.) thla new theatre la bow In Ike (>rplirnm Oltcnit, wllb Kra Laug and Cbaa. WU- ber Stock Co. Elena Garbardl, aloger, Feb, 2. PBiHot'18 (J. R. TAupklns, mgr.) — "Ura. WIgn of the Cabbage Patch" 1, "Tbe (loo* Clrr 2. Odeon (0. A. Loretand, mgr.)—Moring plc- turea. Tne o'.ualcal concerle, under direction of Prof. DIetrhh. held at Ihe Bnrna Theatre Siindar after- noon, ore drawing capadtr bouM*. St. Jobn, Ilooae Can.—Opel Wood., mgr.) the Wllmot Young Oo. preaeot "A - - ■• Feb. 1-3, and "■ (Walter lent "A 'A' Oowter'i wife's SacrlBce' Honor" 4-0. Oeu. UNiquH. Stib and Euprbsb, pictures onlr. l.TRio.—Vauilerllle and plctorea. r BROADWAY'S FOUR WOUD8 UV BAN H. LBWIB MV8IC BY OEOHOE W, MEYER WHAT LL TOU POBITIVKLV TUB UUEATKST LYRIC, tiUEATEST IIEI.UOY, OHEATEBT DOUBLE VERSIU.^ IN YBARS. AS WONDERFUL AS "VOII BIADE ME LOVE YOl'.' '«voiiDs Bv CHAN. ncCAll■lo^ THAT nVilC. BY RAVMOSD WALKER HOSPITiLITI TUB KING OF TIIEU ALL. THE ONE IIKAL "HONEST T«> OOOONESS" FAST MELODY SOKU OF THE YEAJl. IT HAS NO COBIPETITOR. WATCH IT CLEAN VP. LoaioN (Francla J. D. Fcpmion. mgr.)-Dig bomea rule wllb "Dco-llur," ivblch li now lu Ita '°l[o»ioM*OPMi IloUBl (W. n. Macdonnlil, mgr.) —The llcnri Jowott I'layen. In "The Merebant of YenlS," llr. MacLean aa dhrlock, Mlaa DIrkctt (1 Portia, and Mr. Itelph aa Uassanlo. OiaTLi Bguani (John Oralg. mgr.l— Omjraon Otv" Ixglna It" fourth week Prt. 1. PAiK (JoKiib DoUi, mgr,)—Ota heailllne at- traction of w«k of Feb. 1 Is Marr Plckford, In "Mltlrcos Nell." Other fMtnna are Obarlea Franks' Srmpbonr Ordintra, Aoslln organ re- '^WiltVch'b Oabiho (Obarlce B. Waldioo, mgr.) —Kd. Wrotho and his aailaunta. the (llnter Olrla, are funnr making liore Ibla week, 'llie Hon- err lliirlcKjnere aro neit In order. Xijunt (Qeorgo 11. Ualchellcr. iiier.)—Ben Baker wasn't wllb Ibe Ikin Tona lait week, bu Uie grrtlfuian who roplucwl him wni Krenl. unu tbe thow waa one of lb. be«l of I'lO ,Be3«on. Hen Welch and company (lilB ww*. with the Gaiclr Olrla lo follow. Ilowiio (Ooorge B. I>othnp Jr., mgr.)—'nic burleecu Ibla week la tumUbed Uv l!ic Ohnrralng Wlilbwa Darlcaquo Oo., and the olio by Al. Del- mrnt. Four Dnnta Biothtn, Ford ami Tnilr, Thouaa llagtlnie Trio, Itcb and llrh, Cnrmau, Adoluho and La Pavla and compaav. Ueiinlr. youtb nnd Follr Oo. roil week. QuMo Orni lIoiiBa (dcorgo K. Ix>tnrep. mgr.)—Zallah'a Durlcsnue Oo. onl Ibe uiual eilrn feature nighla. Obarmliig Widows Oo. Is to follqw. . ., , .. KUTU'S (Bobert O. UtMu, mjr ) —Va esks Suratt and companr, Dcrt Brrol, Occntc nolianii and comptnr. Four Voluntoirs. Irene nml Uobby Bmllh, lloilLlid and Farrell, Toaca rour, Turellr •ud Charlct 'I'boinpson, I/oiw'B St. Jiuaa (Mareui Loew aunagonent). Feb. 1-3: Dora Deau'a Fanlhom. Wllard, 'AVo Dtiants, aud otben, Laat half : Muriibr and rwer. Carroll and llleker, Hugh Bairoell, .Mara- IboQ Conedr Four, and Rqulllo llnthers. LoKw's Oipiiiuu (Victor J. MoiTl.. n»rr.)— For 1-8: Wataon and Ounnlnghim, Irvne Miller, nugli KiuniDlt, Marathon OaneJr Four. Moulrose nnd Srdell, nml otben. lisst three ilsys: Jean lioiithern. l,a 'IHtooiubo end cominny. Two llryanta, ond olhera. . „ lAiw'B QLoni (Fnnk Mciglier. mgr.)—For 1-3: Arno and atlckner. Bow and llooii. Ocrlmde Batnea. Frankljn Atddl and compaur. Saroy and Brenuan. and Kiiulllo Urollicn. Ilolmc* and Well.. Ttoee I/otvtlaa. Bolaud West Plajers, aod othen. laMer part of wwk. DowmiN Bquii (Qeorge R. l.o!lirop. mgr.)— Derajo anvl Eemeter. Tanncnn and Clnxlon. Tom llalrman, Prerelt .nd Merrill, llnriv Sydell and Oeorre Olarkaon. „ , ^ llijoo (Uarrx Oualln. mtr.) — Orand Oitora Trio. Roiiln KoraleckT, Mnlvlle lllttmhouje. Alma La ralne. Jamei K. Oonn'>ll, U Oiutn. Arthur MTorK. au I otben. _^ . ^ OninKiN'a OLTltril (John K (Xwnertol. mgr.) —The lilll ih'a week Inclmlci ihe Ore«.ny Triope. Ijickr aud Yoaat, Bpllllane anil IloU. Jane Oour- thorpe and cnmnnr. Black Dratlicra. and Morcn« Uualral Block 00. . ., ■ _ VAOOHim AHO PlOTUIIFt,— Bcellaj Bqnare. VAQimca (Otto Merer, mgr.)—dlUl 1-3: Meolo Moore'a "Young Ajiicrlcn," Ourdon BroB.. Itlres and llaiTlaon. Norcross and conipanr. Bill 4-7: Kmerson and Brldwln, Hale and Qoe, Fenner tnd Tollmdn, Ffoilnl, Master Oibrlel antl componr. Nbw (»LOHlAf, (M, I.OSS, mgr.)—^lualcal com* cdr and plclu.'es. Loib (ft. B. (beeta, mgr.)—Slock and plclurea. AUUICIM, OOLOHIIL, ObUOENT, FOONTIIN, (lAi'linN, lup, LiciuH, Onpiiiuu, Oca, I'bim- CCflH, I'sUlUe, POPULiB, l*il:K, llOTil., SaTOT. Swan, Twai-ri Pomn aod 'riitATOBiou, pic- turce onlr. n^yrn. BnaNTUNOii A Bhoubu, ot Ft. Wayne, have leaned the Detnlng Block and will open a new piclnre Itouse about Feb. 13, wnllng l.TOn. Otto Alaraa will bare charge of mauagement of New lllppodnmo randerlUe bonac, which opcnt 10. Driiall, Ind.—Sourwlne (Bailey Scbtomerer, mgr.) OoQley A Keeoaa, Musical Oo. and pleturta. PniNOBse, CoLOHiAL and Aao. piclorea ODly. INDUHAFOUB partlea bare made an offer for a Icaie ot ten jean on a bnslnesa bkwk oi Weal National Aronue. here. In wbldi Iber propose to ereet a Tauderllle tbealre. Tber make the offer proTiaing Ihe owner* accept ptopoaltlon by Feb. 1. Taa moring picture theatre ownen of tbla city held a meeting Jan. 30, for tbe potpooe of onan- lalng a Block company to bnlld a now theatre to be used for high elaaa plcturea only, and bare a Beating capadtr of atlcen btudred. It met with hearty appnral. Another meeting waa held SO. A UBOa portion of Braall tbcatregoen are Journeying to Terre Haute ererj nlglit to wItncM star Dim prcdnellons, and co:i«eqiiently tbis ftlep WAS taken. South Dcnd, Inil Ollrer (S. W. Picker- ing, mgr.) "Pair of Sljea" Feb. 0. Jobn Drew 0. Darlil Waifleld 20. OariiauH 10. J. Allanll. mgr.)—Bill 1-3: Dr. Frnlerick Oook. Oeo. W. Day and cooinanr, Mar- riott Tttupe, Uopklns nnd .\xtell. and Aordon and KInlcy. Majxtio (P. J. Olltford. mgr.)—Mnslcal com- edr and plduren. AVMTvniifK, l.A SAI.LI, SunrniBr: an'l Oolokial. picture, only. Atlanta) Cla.—Atlanta illouer (Horge, mgr.) BaldwIn^elTllle Stock a>., In "The .Mao from nome," Feb. 1-0. FCIBTin (II. I,. Canloil, mgr.) — Bill 1-0: "Tbe BMutlea." Dritt Wood, Mnrion. Luder ami company, ai,d Florence l\>iupett and company. Mill (A. K. Jonea. mgr.)—Durle«)ue. BoniTA (Qeo. Campbell, niir.)—Tolileau nnd plctorea. SnANO, UONTOOHmT, Uband. SArOT, KLrrt, VACPam. Altua. Alamoii (2). and AitUA. motion plelurea only. Ansnata, Ga.—Grand (RIebard Taot. mar.) Nell o'Urlen'a Minstrels Feb. «. Boalon English Opera Oo. S. Raymond nitcbeock 9. BlIOD (Sparka A Bchramecb, mgra.)—Da<e Newnan'a "Tabarin Olrla" 1-0. Stoawp, MOMieKA and Dbuulahd, picluna only. BROADWAY MUSIC CORP., big, Arcble and Gertie Falls, and moring pie- NiioH (Fred'k Leopold, mgr,)—Week of 1: Frank Buan, Bmlly Bmlley and company, Morton aud .Vustin, Hoogbtoo, Morrla and Hoogbton, Murphy and Tbomaa, and moving plctnrca. Wm, PanH (Wm. W. Miller, mgr.)—Week of 1: "Tbe Lawn Party," Mooro aod Yalea, Madden and Fliapatrick, Pedcraen Broa., Frank Terry, Folke and Adams, and moring plctnrce. Orobb Kcib (Jaa. I. Springer, mgr.)—^For 1-1: Reed Bmlib and company, De Dlo'* Olrcua^ Olay- lon and Lennle, Tclezrapb Four, and W. 8. Bar- ney and company. I^r 4-6: Jack Lerr and coBi- paur. Block, Uumca and Tkomaa, iBbakawa Japs, be LongB. Ooi De Tricky, aod Barton and Dnrm, Olobk (Eugene Perry, mgr.)—Week of 1; Ixinji aud Elliott, MoMaboo, DlamoDd and Obaplov, Metropolitan MlnBlrels, Bliarlli and Btiaasner. (^)lberlne Oballoner and conipanr. Francis Liid noae, Wllaon and Pearson, D'Amore aod Douglais, and moTlos pictures, EupiiB (Wm. F, Rife, mgr.)—Rooe Sydell'a l,ondon Bellea aro ackedoltd for Feb. 1-0. The Sodal Ualda wen dellghltil eolertalners. lo fine houaee, laat week. Oabino (Wm. J. Valll. mgr.)—Girls fran llappyland 1-0. Tbe Oolleto Olrla was a classy show, lo bijg bouaes, laat week. GATari (Wm. S. (}lark, mgr.)-Tile Ul()i Life Qlrls 1-0. TaylOT's Ttanfo Olrla enjoyed One liatrenage laat week. TaooAniao (Robt. Morrow, mgr.)—Ibe Moote Oarlo Olrla are lenanu 1 and week. The PoUlea ot 1020 iraa roled one ot Ibe beat Bbonn of the ■eaaon by orerlloyrlng booaea laat week. DnKOHT'a (Prank Onmoat, mgr.)—"Ibe White nonse Baby" waa a thnelr new akit that scored big laat week. Obarlea Ilr.ydea rraa the nuise and be eilracled plenty of fan ont oC tbe role. Bddle Oapsady bad some new offerings Ihst were greatly liked, while to thn Ont part there was a cbenee of soogB ond Jokea that were entirely to tbe riklni of the One avilasices. OHasTNUT Binm OroA Donsa Oolowial. AtLIOUaKT. ALnAHBBA, UlJOU. GfUmD. PLAU. VlOMUA, BTAHLIT, PALAO*, HIOIHT, FUMBC- roao. LisniTT, Pbopli's, Evraraa tod Oa- rnauH, moving plelurea. KOTBS. TUB LriTLB TUBATIB te-OKOB With ill StOCk company oa 8, wllb "Ibo Admirable Baabrllle." Robert Dempaler la a now cooer witii the com- pane, "Tna TtnoA. a big movltg piclnre heose, al Berentren aoA Venango Stmts, tbrwir open Ita iwn on 80. It Ii a tlOO.OOO renlnre, wllb a 1,700 renting caiiadtj. Uark W. Wllsoo, fomorlr of the Cbestnnt BItcet Opera Oonse, la the mm- ager. Tun DanaBtB Opdatio Booiarr sanir In clever Biyle "Hie Magic Flnte," st Ibe Academy of &lu- ale: on 2T. FniTB KBBiBLBB wai Ihc sololst wllh Ibe Pblla- SiiUBEBT (Lee Otlolengul, mgr.) Is dark 1-0. "Peg 0' My Ilesrl" 8-13. Plooiob's (L. R. adding, mjr.)-Bill 1-3: Tuck Sam and, Ous Edwards' "Kid Cabare:," Dore'a Beaux and Bellea, "Hie D.cbelor Ulrla." OBPllEuu (U. S. Scblesloger, m^.)—^Tbe Fore- berg Playcre unseat "The Obost Dreaker" 1-0. An unnnmed play, by Jobn Ernest Warren, offering $'.£3 for tbe beet tltlo Bubnllled by tbe patrona, will be put on 8-13. StiNin'B EMPiBB (Tom -Mbier, mgr-)—AnnWer- ■nty wiek 1-0. rrlib the Girls of tbs Oay While Way as the ottrectlon. Bpeclsl erent/ of irreal- lliig. ciRua stunlB, slogloif and danclne conlests, etc., each night. The Beuunn Show 6-lR. Ltjuo (L. K. Ooldbig, mgr.) — Plctnres and roudevllle. Bill 1-3: Dell and Olln. Empire OoDCdr Trio, Bohr Grace, Guy Baldirln Trk>, James Ktnoedy and compaur, Port and Delacey, "lbs Bachelor Ulrla" and Nlblo's Birds. For 4-0: (ko. 8chlndler, Doltr King, Ruth Glbion ond companr, Bennett Slsten, Miller and Kent, Sumlka Oelsha Girls, GrlCn and Lewis, and the Daring Datta. Joraer Oltr, N. J.—aiajeeilc (Frank E. Ilenderaoo, mgr.) "Tbe fllodcesa <t VIrtne" Feb. 1-0. Neit week, "Sla Bopklns." ACAoaiir (Oair MoAdow. mgr.)-French Models 1-0. Next week, Tanio (iocens. OaruiUAi (Leo M. Ksntor, mgr.)—Tbe Or- pboum Sloek 0>., to "Ibe Escspe" 1-0. Neit week. "Offlcer 000." Kbtii's (Wm. B. Garro, mgr.l^lD 1-3: J. Warreo Keane aod compaar. Potts Bros, companr, Klsle Oanieoann, Doris Wllaon and companr. Church Oltr Four. Dill chanted 4-0. Uobokeoi N. J anplre (Wm. F. Flu- gerald, mgr.) Social Maids Feb. 1-0. Neil week, <Mt\a frem Happylaad. Lrato (0. S. Rlggi, mgr.)—Loow raoderlllo and ptclurca. Blinneapolla, Minn Melropolllan (I,. K. Eeoll mgr.)—"Dunnr In Fnanrbnd." with loiin Donnr, week of Jon. 31. Le Bor. Talna and r<4co company Feb. 7-10. Darld Wartleld, lo 'The Aurtloneer." 11-18. BAINSklDOB PLArHODKB (A. 0. BAlobrldrc Jr.. mgr.)—The Balnbrldge Playere, In "Over Klihl," wllb Florence Stone aid AverlU Harris, week of Jan. 81. SnuoBT (Ob.B. A. Sllcbler, mgr,)—Tbe Wright HuLthiglon Playen, In "The COnspIncr," vreek OafnBOM (O. B. Raynond, mgr.)—Bill week of 31: Joseph Jellennn aod companr, Dorolbr Tree. IHnlln and Mcllale, Marie Lo nnd compinv. Frenk >ortb ond cotaiuny, Tonng and Jieotn I'tilllo and Fabrllo, aoA Otphenm Travel Weekly, UmilOB (Jack Dlllott, mgr.)—Bill Feb. 1-0: S'!Sff iS™^"'B''«rre and Rlog. Vauderllle In Uonkejland, Oscar Lorraine, Le Maire and Dtwson, qsd mollon pictures. iMPiaiAL.—Gertrude Asbo aod Marlon Weeka lo songs, and nlclutes. KiBRAK KBLTr, formcrlr manager ot tbe Opera nouHT. here, strlved In town Jan. 28. Tub dlrccton of tbe Opera Bouse, at Ibelr rcceut mccllog, declared s sli per cent, dlrldend. 'nt old oOlcen were eiectcd. Local Manager W. C. McKsy, of Ibc Opera Bouse, has moted his oiUce down stain, and also fltted op a neat smoh' Ing room on the otchestn floor. St. CathnvlncB, Con. — Grand (0. B. Odium, cgr.) 'The Quaker Olrl" Feb. 8. "MUesloneo'' 10. OhiFriN'a Family (0. J, Forhan, mgr.)— Vaudeville and moving jiletnres.. BiprorBOUB ((3eo. Drcnnon, mgr.)—Vsndc- vltio ocd raoTlog plcturea. Mllrrnnkee, Wis, — Davldaon (Bbenun I<rown, mgr.) ''Tbe Misleading Lady" Jan. 81 and week, Julian EHInge Feb. T-10, "FolaBh A Perlmulter" 11-18. Majbstio (J. A. Hlgler, mgr.)—BUI ireek of 1: Eddie Foy aod Beren Fbys, Charlie Abeara's company, Courber Bisters, Daffy and Lotense, Ida DIrlnoff, Mollen and Ooogan, Brooks aod I'owen, and Jack and Forli, SBCuaitT (0. A. Newton, in^.)—The Sbnbtrt Slock Oo. present "A Fool There Wsi" 1-4 and "Madame X" 0-T. "Big Jim Garrltr" next week. OATBrr (J. H. lUioadrs. mgr.) — "Winning Widows" Jan. 8I-Feb. 0, Watioo SIstera' Show i«it. Empbbsb (Jas. Kraose, mgr.)—"Mis. WIgn of tbe Oabbsge Patch" week of Jan. 31. <krBTAL (Wm. Gray, mgr.)—Bill Feb. 1-6: Owen McOlrener, Ethel Wbllealde and her Picks, Paul Bowens, and Rockwell and Wool. OtrnBSM (Wm. B. Mick, mir.)—Bill week of Jan. 81: Eleclrlce, Dose and May, Carnll. Rest- ing and Fay, Pal and May Tonney, and Throe Bennett Blstcn. Racine, Wis,—Orpbeum (Msotlos Bankln- son, Digr.) bill Jan. Sl-Fch. 8; HajcaUo Hoslcal Four, Johnson, Bowaid and Llsstte. Bonell oso CRinreh. Barl Vance, aod Harry Gilbert. For 4-0: WlUlam Morris sod Orace Tbonloi, In the moslcal tabloid. "Whose LIlUe Girl Are Ton," and moving plctorea. .VLMBsno, Gbaud, Baowb, Wbri Bodbb, NijoD, Amus^ Ahbiioam, An and Oabikc, moving plctons only. Hemphla, Tnnn.—Lyceum (Ftaik Gray, mgr.) "To-Day" Feb. 8, T; Nat (Joodwln 18. OBpnani (Arthor Une, mgr.)—Bill l-Tsg"* mine Shnne snd eoopanr, Barnes sod Orawforo, Ueoige Damenl and company, Saos .Enoou, (Thick Sale, Mr. and Un. Oordsa Wilde, Oleo Gascolgne. and plcloits. . ^ ,,, Ltbio (Jteol. U. BUIoback. mgr.)—Lytic All SIsr Players,ln<ed by BlHy Long, opened ao In; ileOnlte eniaienent here Jio. 24. with Alaska, to crowded louses. "Altar ot Lots" 81-Feb. o. Ai.i Ihe mollon plolura bovin are doing siceiy.