New York Clipper (Feb 1915)

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Fbbbvabt 6 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. FOfriRH RIGHT. Tbe ^VUta Rata' Scamper, held Satarfay night, 30, lo honor of Chief lUt Frank Fo* fartri atar In Neir York, vas a huge Buce«ts. The aoaltoriom vas Oiled at olOalght when tlis performance started,, when JulTuo Lcniherf and his orchestra hsd contrlhuted ' s«Tenl characteristic pieces which kept tho trap dmmmer fulljr encaged. Other psrtii ol tha clubhouaa also bela capacity, and a great ' nncr ladlea were present. The <>nt«rtalnment Included acts by j^hef', man. Tan and Ilyman (big hit), Arthur Behlo, MliK Dowera and Sammy Levy,'In ionn; Tick Lynch's Tillage Cabaret, afuao- mnslcal act, with the oldT maid gcttli oh the contents of tho water cooler; Tan Horen, In acme "nut" atuS; Mildred Talmora and Sammy Collins, In character songs; Iho BcmldcFoar, In flno quartette work; Irving Daah, at the piano for Sydney Jarrls, who I aang "Wonderful Olrl," after having been called ipott by LUIIan Shaw, who was too hoarse to sing. Arthur Prince was called opon by Uasler of Ceiemonles Will Cooke, and he responded with a short speech directed to the Bats stwat their organization anil future^ Bn asked for one favor, and that was that all the actors, particularly Rats, ebould save their money, that 1( when the proper time arrives they would be In a position to be ready to assist In the general movement which would assure tbe actor bis rlgbts, and Mr. Prince promised to be with them at sucli time, Mr. Cooke, In Introdncing Mr, Fogarty as the guest of the night, preflxed his remarks by referring to tho coming beneflt for the Viadevllle comedy Club, of which many mem. bers sre also Hats. 'Frank Fogarty hod a glorious reception, and when finally allowed to speak be opened tiy thsnklng everyone present, Rats and no- Bats, for tnelr presence and supporr. of his votk, which he has taken up so earnestly, persistently and successfully. He said hi wanted action ^y the members, not talk about the war. He went right at them, pointing out tbat the actor actually had to be driven to any effort to help himself and to protect tbe buabiess from which he derived his live- lihood. Ho mentioned $31,000 as the amount for which acton were Indebted to the organlia- Uon for advertising and duee. Then Mr. Fogarty appointed Dick Lynch as tbe chair- man of a committee to sell tho remaining tenia Xor llie White Bats' Home, and per- WHHE RATJIBMIS, Q^J Qp JQ^ jjg^j n noioa T. tass. P*mo Brymt aist. ^ Xas, we certalaly ■ hive a noose Oon* mltte*. bat thit does not mciB 70Q..a am* btr, itnold^be dlila. temted In doMioase mVue. Jost n t a rd cenimoB sense sad ;<n notice a detill Ibat li sot Kbit II sboelil be, comet ssme penonallT, without cnlog ''UooM Oon- nittce," icwis not. ntxi to Oniltniu, etc., ■hllst In rlaUioow or icont (lor, olcofiUnrii etc., pies hud hi hu4 ^ St joor sbode, eiHol 'Homer' So make rounelf a eoauntlle* of one. LLOvn IND Adaus are dohig nlcelj co 'Loew's Circuit oC ptrtly ibeilres. . , Eraav ur one or two. jca, sod thcte, new "lire EOTnlvrs" ace aililcd (o loof <llst noir In frame as too enlet reading room, nod In a very abort time these namea will mn Into the bon- dteda. Dfallta now, thoae of yon "vbo are not asnnnt ni, that abortly Ihe White Bats will be a iiowvrtal organliatlon. it Is. Soiai n>n were not one of the fellom who took in "FonrlT Nlslit" SitortlaT last. I wHl not rare about the time of tlmce, for really conld not And eooojh ailjcctirn lo no aroud. So will SIT acalD, "bo Tfrr aorry joa weie not mwefit." OluOHT Itu Black, of Block Bros., bin)oti:s, playing bllllarda wllb Maalfr Herliert Dasiman. AlloNO the real stars who helWNl much to bnT» tbo Palace bill called an exceplloaable procrjm wos oar "filg Ohlcr' Frank Fogarty. Of conne, jou kDOir that be tells atorica on tbe atafo oniy, for alOTles ho tells about "Tbe Order" are tnilba Paul ITrcniNO, late I'eichlnir Bros., Is tuck from tbe lome town. Piorldence. I'anI, with bis wife ere dobg iheir oilgloal creation, the Mualcal Oirilon (copyrightel). Emit has rcliivd, and la tnainf, KiiLBr l!nus,. some yeitrs dolor baji puoching are back In America. »fi<:r a lonf alby aliroad. Fan I. Lewis ROe« to 'Frisco, and opens In act called "The Anio Bandit." Part,has seventy sides. Last week. In Altnny. Gov. Whitman was ten* dersd a reception, and T.iila Keenin, the cbarji- lag wire of Joa. P. Mncii, manager of tbe T!ll- mere, enterlalDed, as did members of Al, Bleb's Ooneynooo Co. No doubt 'twas some SMoquet. Ktbt Wetlnesday In tbe coay lilllo Oealre, ca1ie<l "Myatic,'' in Bnolilyn, there are old fashioned atterpiem put oa that rival ihe onco presented st UamDkersteln's. Fred Alljtaler man- ai<9 to secon talent that makea tlw aoUeace ' eiusoo (L. Stoddard Taylor, mat.)—9am Der- nard, m "The.Belle af<Bon<l .1Cm-l," drew nod tnibie^ weMi of Jan. IS, "lb* Lam OobTho" Fob. I, WUUsoi Uodge, In "Tbe Bead to Uappl- nes^" neit. OoLovBU (Fred. 0. Berger iMr.)—'The Utile OtW drew BMd bOBlraas week e( 3S. riaka O-nan, In "Jack's Itaaaoce," Feb. 1. OtarMi Fnhman pments, for Ibe first time on any atace, Ann SloiUock, in "A Qirl of Ts-day," not. Naiiohal (Wm. n. Bapley. ngr.) —Uaud* Adams and her eic«lient compaay, In "Ibe Leaend ot Ltooora," 'The Ladlta ahaknaears" and "Quality Siieet," had good bnalneaa week o( 39. "The Miracle Man" Feb. 1, "Qninvy," with Cyril Uande and his Kogllah company, neat. _ Pou's (LonU J. FOase, mirj—fte ^opnlsT Player*, hi "Tte Road to YMterdar," asT* a la* perforaano* wmk at ao. (Aiarie* dackay, Robert Lowe, Daniel Ilanioo, Jeroo* Kennedy, r Lillian Eemhie, VIoletto-EhnbsU, Belen TIas mi Katherlae SUstoo, were ail eiwllenl. Oood buat- seu ralcd. "Aa a Man ThUka" week 7«b^ 1. "T1» Bole oC Ibfce" neit. , Oasiko (A. Julian Brylawikl, in«r.)—It* Be*e- bnda week o( Feb. 1, with other acta and new plctnie*. Sunday concerts do well. • COSKOS (A. Jnlian BfylawskI, mfr.)—Bill 1.3: "ttm Ooney Island to the North Pole," Alex- ander Porter, Hr. and .lira. Tbomlon Friel, (lamllle PersonI coopany, Uae Rvau. Scott and Anita, and new plcluiea, Bsnday concerts d* caoaclty, Qatrt (Oeort* Peek, mir,)—iDare Marian and hii own company pleased lire* aQdlencea wwk of 39, The Priie Winnen week Feb. 1, College GIrti next. -Sanilay coDcerta do well. KaiTn's (Bolanil 9. Robblni nu(T.)—(los Rd- wcrds and cooipauy. in hi* i-vn new "Sons Re- voo of 1014;" Pool ArraMtionr prewota Citiier- Ine Calrrr: and conipany, in "TV< Save One Olrl." PlSDk FogartT, "The Dahlia Ulnattei;" Uc- Mohoo and Cbappeile, tbe I,ew and Mol* lie Hnntinr, Dupreo and Duprc^. the nearst'Seilg New* pictorial. Sunday concerts do capacity. hlAjasTio (I. Theo Muiyby, mgr.)—Ibe Ool- tol Beauties are BononDccd as the attraction foe tbe week of Feb. 1, HOTIS. Tin snnouncemoit In these celnmni tefsTdlng tho oid-timera rboto* in the Oolnuibla lobby has demonstrated the fact thai Tua Ct.rrrn Is lead In Waabio^ton, for reveral have bcvn seen in tit* Kbby with tbe cllpning froa Tna Cupvn. Mauna Apaks, ^"Tbo Delio o( Bond Sheet," end "Tbe Llill* Cafe" (onied a combination wt attracUona that nleased nil ciiSR*, WasuiMOTON Is sUlI OB the sup, and all tho WONDERFUL SONGS nrw Ad«Qi» autm Emie QuarMtc, Omrce yxt^, Uit UtrOT, and fMitsfp pl«tvm. Nicfe S» Ton ud company U btcOllnlnff for Ibe MC«od half, witb Ddl-TtHLwr Bm., Nfwrll ud U«l UoOormick. Nadel h«1 Otm. ibe AuKm, tod lora ptiotGplaja, complfie tbe Mil. ' nivPODtOMi (rrmnk 0»aoberT7. mcr.)—-Vaodtt- Tllle and featora nlrtom. Oaivrr (Matt 9nltii. mfr.}—Tho OltAQltotrra mek It Jan. SI. Qaj N«w Yorkera 7-14. OKmiT mtoa. T». T^affe, mfr.)—'IV Uf Re> Tkw fit 1»1D wfck eommmclDff 31. Auto Qlrli l>b. 7 and w««k. WiuiB Wood <Jo*. Qlldtr. mffr.)—FMtm pic- tnm and moalc. . v BoTAL (F. Lt NnrauD, rtcr.)—iFcatom pic* ton* ul otdtmltm ud pipe onan. Bora*. Viioui LoBv ma la town ftrly In ihe WMlr, and atter a vlilt vllh Maaaffr* Jacdtd. o( tlH K»roM. Mt for ttw Wni. ■. HiMma Booaa. Ilanr Btrt. ^rtle EUxnlon ind lack UWdletoo an cahaTtUnf at ibc Jrireraon, and "bowUnf Umn orcr** wlitti tbtir >oon iim mtter. ..''-^ ' Otd at tbe BIdA Qoaae Ottt, DfTi>tilr>c Warner, Btrl Aleiaadrr. Grace r^rrr ami Wiiril IVrrr. are tmldlnc ftwlth Dlctatl7i ind drawlnit llg cronrdi oC dlnec*. Philnfleld, W. X — malnnrld. Fkld'a Mtn* ■trela Frb. 3, mailim idI uiBhi. "Ii'm i T^nu. Lent War to Tlptxrary*' 0. OUrr citfliii, moTlnf piclom. PaooTOB'fl.^-Photopli^a and TMndcTlllc. Abtoi (J. H. Oovm, osr.)—Opennl Ita doon anla Jtn. 80, after btlnf dark for lacTcral wccka, rbotopliijB. Liaic.—Thotoplaya NOTM. J. r. Dalt, ot thlfl dtr. httn pnrrbaM<i1 (he picducllon o( "Tha Red Rm>,'* the Irdi jtcrfttnu* ■occ of wblcli will tie fflren at Allrr.lown, I'n., lVb.l5. Oni of Ibfr cleTtmt Uti of tbo flrat art la Pleld'i Vlnitreln irta a utlro ou tbo modem diove tj O'NcLI and Mnrkrr. Pateraon, N. J.—Mifoatle <W. IL Wnlub, irpr.) bill Feb. l-l: "Tbo Mthw ami nellr*.*' Ont. Jack naniot and Son. iho Tire Orion Tnniiwi anil Oaae and Atna. Vor -I d:. ClirrllT Ili<U Trrupe, Rtjnioar and Itownrd, Wllllanui nitil Beld. Otpt. Moore and pl'turcM. Ltoiuu (B. WIImt, iD^.) —''Beplomhcr Morn". Ktek of I. OaPiiitiM (L. Roble, oigr.)—Lrr Krilr Febman.Sbow week, ot 1. TrentoH. IT. J.—Sitte Str^t (Hernnn Wilin. tnsr.) bin Vtb. 1-3, Marie Hntv. In "Moralu oC ftlBrc»" (pleture). Tbree Ollden Olrlr, .^(erIello Trto, . Bimtti and Radd, Oor E>o Trickr, and ' Rrplolta of RIalDe/' Wedsrmlav onlr. For ^-n: Ftlltn TallaferTD.'ln 'Tonne Itumanco'* (plctunnil. "Tbe Man la tbe Dark." Teld-Tniih Four. Fred and Annie Pelot. and Uarle AtTLlIe. ZancvTllIe. O.—SolittftB (Arthiir Morctr, mur.) "To-daj" Kch. 1. "Mull bikI JcfT lit Meiiro" % 'ToUA A I'erlnmHer" If. OarjiaoM (B. It. UarriB, ui«t.) — Vau'leTllle and piclure*. QoiMBr'a, luPBBiAr.. Qhand, Uu'I'odboub and AuBBiCAN, moUoD pIctOTta. HAnnoirs creat ebpire SHOWS* WIHTER <)VAHTBR NOTES. irAUiLta.<r, O. Mra. Klliabetli llanH^lon, Ibe proprlolmB, tin: t irtanod ttvm a- tbrto voeLa' rlalt lo iiio I wltb ber notb^r Bod aUter and brotbm. Un. lIaD|»t«u ta bavlni her beaalUOl car. "Kllaabetb." ^boroocblj OTerbanlrd. repMated. YBrnUbvd and dMocawd. Tbe tSmpln Train I* brloi all ihorouiblr rr- IMlnted, lha tweatr car* will aooa be flolabeii bi)>I will be one of tbe bandaoant ibow trains on Ibe cead, Tbape baie bm foar new waioos addH lo the «)nlpiiMCkt, whAcb rtow rcakea iweiKr-elaht to all. Im O, OolllBB. a well known Oolunbtn, O.. hoipl nan, baj iMteil ttie rilning car, "^rionlal." an 1 "wtll run an up'to-daio dining car In titrj n- a|4CL J. Ulltoa Trater. an old Irot^r. of ttia cltr, la a Tialtor, and icriia Ihlngi avako wltb M* Teitarlee. GDlIn L. (Do;k) Onnrbell and wife. Marie, ^re frefioant rUMon In Ilnnnttonvllle. anil bare on- Jered manr One NttilllfiinM and dlnnen aa lbs unlv chief uows how lo rmb. OBiitaln Jack CliaiiiiBn. of CIillMcnlhe, 0.. who wQI be BBaoclBletl wlih Puck Onmpbeira Tcn-tn- Une Showi tbli K'awii. wa4 alM a Tlcllor, snil efiioxed blmadf, On account at Ibe rinnr proide who are wnrkctl at tbo Orrat Kinidre .MhnwN In Winter niiBrloTB Iwre, (bo clllienn tinre nmnM llic miini "Iliinnlnn- Tllle," and all iho ulnvl car comlaclon bavr Iceraal to call nut iho imnte. hln, Malifl Oowoll and dauRhleT, Pella, accom* Sinled I17 K<1. I). M<^rrlii, kvller knovn oa ihe InulnRlinu Kkl, Hivnt llirce dnjn TlMllInf Mri. Ilnniitldn, The Wnllona, h'tle? Known »% tin* Oreal Kiir-' nan .Mhlelrs, whn will lie th" f^ilnre free ni irartlonH nnd ptit on the collM<uin uliowa vlth tin' Great Kmidro Shown, liare been fmiiirnt TlnltfT* w'ten nla^-lnn nil the aiirrminlliiir irrrirur; hi Hn' btqh clBM ihenirea. Clg Tim" hn* rtiaroo of *he Winter (]iinrln-4. and ban ten mm nndrr lilni who are kn>|dnu tli'nu <kmn to n nirrtr- Cnn nro all lielnv iwlnlnl a tulght Ttd with trlmmlnga black aiul >rll<i\v. JARVIS^EEnAR SHOWS. nr H. U VHNOH. TI1Q biuUet place In Kaatan Otty If without a dcubt llio ontre of JarrU-Heoaan Sbowa. lo* cntcd ot Iho Kdwanl Iloiel. whrir abowmm of all clBPiea are uvo dnilr. It la Bate to aaj tbiit D-rlr llno-up of RhowoKii and conceaaloontrw cun* alHt of tbo iiH>*t unremkfnl rarnlral pmile In Ihe IH-Blnrjs. Thi-y tiriTe li«*n BO aiicewfal In book* Init Intio BilmrilonK Hut Iber bBTo fonnd It mwMarjf In fironro ftfe mor*» cNra from O. W. I'arktf, In Adilllkm (0 the Iwenir the7 bnre al* read/ conlrncttil fur, utaklng It a lwenl7*flT0 car bL'OW. VrOKDS BT BAH M. LEWIS WHEN YOU'RE A LONG, uusra BT oBOBaEi w. uaTsa L0I6 WAT FeOM HOM FBaFORHBHh LOVE IT. THE PUBliIC CAlf>T OET BROVOH OK IT. IT'S THE HIT OF EVBUY DIIjL AND Tim OHE BIO HIT OV THE fWCMTRT ■vronoa bt chas. hccahron SHE USED TO BE THE mill HIJ8IO UT llAVnUNO 'WALKKU VAIiK ABmiV OBABBIsa BONOS. YOi; OVOIIT TO BBB PERFOIUIBBS OOHB AFI'EH THIS ORB. IF YOU TUIRK KPCOK FAVIiMB" WAS A aBBAT UOKO, IIAVB A LOOK AT "SLOWBIIV OAV WILL VON TILZER, Pres., 145 W. 45th St., N. Y. City CHICAGO: 123 N. CLARK 8T. J Carnivals. sonoll; promised to liaTo tlie home frco and clear wlcbln a ;cnr. Ho reported that dnrlDR tbe fourteen years uf the Rats' eilsteuee, tnlrly-oiu' life mem- bers bad been acquired, while during tbe fiii*. three months alone sixtir-elglit each dealrable membersblps bad been secured, tbe latest recruits being Hap Ward, Triile Krignoza, Mmc. NaxlmoTa, Lillian Shaw, Ellzabetb Murrer and Nnt Wills, sbowlnf what can be done. He adrlsed all m^bors to act and to The even said get them lo, In the go-ahead spirit business men, the lawjer, the cleny should get In touch with tbo actor. He "Protett the business. Let 'Whlto Rats' be your slogan." He pointed out that In order to be able to Play In a New York orcbesira It was neces- sary to show a musical anion card, and re- marked that only recently a slace manager told him he expected the lime to do not very far distant when an actor who wanted a piece ot scenery hung In a theatre would have to show a white nnt card. Mr. Fogarty spoke with the spirit ot con- viction and barked up by the record of bla own achievement, and every member present usdoMbtcdIy absorbed that certain "It cod be done" feeling, vblch should bear great and Immediate results.. lit. Fogarty said: "I'm golos to make you do It, and I'm going to make yoa like yonr medicine." He pointed out the advantages pSered br the organization and Its home, which he said was the Orat piece of property that the actor* as a body could point to as their own. Bert CevT cartoons, shown In moving plo- iana, closed tiie show. Mr. Fogarty held receptions la vsrlons parts of Ihe building while the hall was cleared for dancing, which occupied attenttsn from 8 A, II. on. Tbo cibuet downstairs iras well pat- ronized. The occulon certainly angnrs well for the success at the White nets. LOEWGETS ROCHESTER THEATRE Tbo flhobert, Itochcster. N. T., panes to tho control ot Marcoa Lotw, betinplng Feb. 8. nm mil be all or htcd kI. wtlh phoioiiiajs. The octp will rem.ln ihe entire wwk. WILLBRIKS YOUR SWEETHEART BACK THIT I PAID FOR YOU" roar. Fred acted oat manf jcan btmself. All Uio prlnilnff for raaaquo ball U nolque, and quite Dorel—eartooDeil tij bucU orlgluiton aa Uert Lercj and ArcUo aoito. Date, Uardi 10» Xerraee GarOeo. FouLUAVBN noDBB iiuoacer'a snnntlm for dBDce onlrr for ball la one daodj—wall llU 70U see It and 70U vlU sure colncttla wllb me. Au "WAaNB loft for Daltlmoto to jola an act Moch luck, Al. OuB s^nttoaaolj clerk Hcriwrt UacTnt7i«. will tn mlaafd Mind desk for aereral veekH. taking Ur.'a advico aud going to mouatala counlrr. Ue can be addroased care of J. H. Van Oleff, IT. D. B. No. 8. Waterloo, N. T. TCHT WuxiuiB, after rtatlnff N«ir Tork. and. of course, club, aar« b« lua aeea and tIiUciI tbem all, bat ptoclalma that oar orfianluUon baa tbe irorld beaL Tooj'a soarvtloa of baring meioo- rlil wrrlcca held onco a jear for dear brotbfra i^marted will no doiibt be sanctioned hj all. I enowKD Walter Welma' adrcttlBcotent, aent me b/ Sir Waller, and the bora Juat aald "Im- menae.*' Walter Inat liitea blaxelf, Ibua tbo reason of printing InTcatiDent; or wa» It want of eidteoient for aometblog to do tbeao cold daji • In camt> towna? Uhod our dear friend. Dr. Freman's eare Dro. Joe Blna la mending slow but sure. We mlu jov abOQt club. Joe. Be baa been cooflned In room guc* Deo, 2S. Whiut pUjIng tho BUmere, Will O. Mattbavra look alck anddeofr, and bad to cancel. BoLaND OmaB, Jamca F. Hajes and Nat Lo Bor ue stilt 111. Ann loog alc«e, Howard Preroat la back from ihe West looking dandr. - Do not forget our jaw Mortoo. althonch on the job tn onr bllllanl room each day, tI^Hb ilck brolnen. and don much to cbter then. Knoir •U "Batdom" Uian^ hlni for Interest taken. Nofr, pleaae do not minaoderatand ne, but Id TeT7 near fvtare Frank Fogarty and members are going to fry nuke It u powerful aa thoae who predomlnata with do Intentions of dictating. Jnat Jnatlcs for Ur. Actor and Mr. ManBger. In one word: "Squtty*' wben It coom lo oooinctB. ROTAL ULLIPUmN'S REVUE. Ono of tbe tint Aom to be rooted by tbe new KIbw ft Brlinger-^nbert oofflblnatlon la Ihe Itoyal LllllDDtlan DeToe, which la now being preparvd V Prank Bohm. Tbo reme, wfalch wlir be etagrd by Ned Warbon), wlH bare Ita nnwlc written by Irrlog Berlin. Only Etaropean noreltics wlU tn metented. Two ac!a haTO already bem engaced. They «rs Bdllh and Ilertba Altboft, wondcr^ll moflclaoB, and that derer canine act, LlplnNkjr'B OO0. Other aela are ttelag engagnl. llie lour will open Marrh I. at Pnnmna' irnrl* ford. Conn. Howard Oalo goes In fldrance, owl Clando SBTiodem., raanaiter. It la itoanlbte that there will be dally parailca ot some'of tbo acta. kcal maoagcn are satlaQod. l%e TDorlog pletore hontea haYS nolhlng to aai aa tLcy are all doing big bualnets. Onm of the past Waalilocton faTorltM, and Blirays well reoccil^rcfl. ^nd van aaw '"Iho Llt- tlo Cafe," waa MIka H. WlaUreU Po Witt, for* nier manager of CbaM's. Wits the dnal cnrlalu at roU'a. Saturday, Feb. 0, a nnmber of tUe I'opular FlayerB will aay Ibelr good-bre. Tbe new i>laycrs Ibat aro to be on band at tbo opening of tbe week H, arv: Mande Qltbeft leading ladr: Itockclirfo t'eltowa, lead' Ing man: arabam Vclsejr, I<ob1s Halucif, Hobert Lowe, Daniel llanlon. O. Uarrla, Helen Tracy. Gertnule Uondblll aod Iftrlft Nlcbota. In tbia llBt will bo foaod Bome ot tbo old farorltea who hiTo retomed bome, and vlUno*l^ ■ hearty, warn welcome. HaiTT AlunHra inu nOHi M director, as heretofore, ANDBua DrrriL, wbo li prodoclag "Tbo LItaa Domloo" in tbiB city Ibla w*f>k, will dellrer a lecture before tbe Drama Lenxue. Tneador after* noon. Feb. 2, at 4.30, In Iho Woodward & Lo* tbix>p'H Auiltorliim. Snbjcctt '*The American Girl In Opera Abroad." Kansas CItrt Ho.—Abnbert (Earl Stowanl, nurr.) "Ihe Wblp" Cuiopaur failed to open Hun* day. Jan. 24, as booked, ovlng to dlfllnlt^a in ScUog teener/ from Denrer. Tbo play opeo*d onday nigbt, 2B, and played Ronday. 81, b> mako full week. DaTid Warfleld. In 'Tbs Aoc- tloDeer/* wcU of Fob. 1; Clunnoey Oloott mek of 7. Oamuic (Uirtln Lehman, mgr.)-^l seals Ibr tb« oTMlnf performance. Jan. 28. were re- aerrod for tbe Sontbweat Lnmbermen's Aaaoola- tk>n. In annnil oonrentlon bere, 2T-30. Bill f^r ■wees of 31: Blanche Ring aod oompaoy* Alan Brvoks sod company, Bebaailan and Deatler, Tro* y»U>, nidley and Fleming, Miller and Vincnit, Ellda Morris, ud Oipbeom Trrr^ Weekly. AUDiTOUnif (Mota Miller, mgr.)—Alock oom* eny, la "Seren Day*," 31 and week. Uvch terest wu maotfeated In tbe initial amaraai's €t Hiss Miller as Anne Drown. In Ihta piece, being sel«tcd for lotroduclojr the company's Dopa- lar manAger to tho local powlc. To Hlas Miller's aplendld conrage and ber cantfol atteatlon to cTtfy detail ot tbe oiBOBgement the uuprooedoitel eooocsa of IhU company la due. flnAHD (A. Judab, mgr.]—"Doogbt and Paid For." for Ibo flnt time at popular prleee, ptayfd to nig traalnoBs week cndhig 30. "HlloBtonea" weeli of 31. Khpisbb iOj. Jaooto, mjrr.)—.mil week of Feb. 1: Tbe WHaon Ilroa., IfohncH arvl Itliey. eiarman All, flallle Hl<nnl>ltr and Urolhm C«ni* eron-De VItt and com|iany. Ckldcn and West, and fc.-ihire photoplayB. Jimiib Ueriiard an<I Il.ivl llnrrlnium irero enBlly Ibe li^illnera bere, In Itwlr onw-ly playlcl, "Wlto la Hhr," laat week. ni^na <w. D. NewklNr. mgr.)—^pllt week laodevUle and plctorw. IlIll for Jan, ;jl>Keb. 3: Harry Brooks god compinyi Uio Tossinc AosUnv, HEINZ & BECEnAR SHOWS. •nie Uolns ft BeckDun Bhows will be one «( tbe targeat shows id tbo camWal fleld tbls com- ing aoawn. It's equipment la the rery beat. A number of now DOTOltlcn will bo Introdaod by Ibla coniiany In tbe way of featnre attnietlons Itaat will b« a omplelo suprlae to Ihe camlraJ world. In fact, ttie organlaailon from train to lot will be tbo otost no-to-dato In erery 'df|tart* Dent, and Uio ahow prapor will be mler th« per* sonal aoperrlaloA of Fru Beckmin. white Fd. L. HelM wilt attend to tho utrance. Rrery denart'- ment wUl bo In tbe bands ot experienced anow- men of recognbed abUliy. FrniaralkinB for tho season of lOlB will be well under way by Fob. 1, at tbo spactout Winter quartets In Kaat Bt Lonla. III. A number of eontracts bare been signed (or the enanlng tea* ■DO with dctlraMo conoetsloua* wbtcb we bopo Co bo able to famUh rtortly. The oompioy will cany tweoty-tU cars lo ac* oomitodats aUteea ataowa. dbm rlilea, a band of thirty pletes. on* cooc«asloa of a blad, and will bo able to fomUh aU nitb sleeping acoomowdg- Uoiia on their train. It wUI bs lbs aim at nelna ft Decktiun to 4Pcko tho mnidcsl deparlmant of iMa hIm^w a fea* tuie. The baud will be under tbo dlrn-tlun of Kd. Oionelts and a steam calloiw will l« iiaed In tbe dally street parade, which \t1I| bo aaothar fciilure of this abov this year. The psxada will b» mon tban a half mllo long, BbeUand ucnias. cameli. llooa, tlurra nnd many beeata ot Ibe forest will bo abown In upon wa^otia In the parade, not forgetting four elcpbanls wblcb will furolth me of tbo Crcs acta on Itra lot riery aflrrnooo and erenlng. CDRRAR'S GREATER SHOWS. n aiHa <JharIea F. Oorran, proprietor of Oarran*e Orcaier Hbowo, hat made arrangements to fumlth all ahowt, rldloi derlm and cooeeaolona at tbe Dig BprlDg FtfUral to be held at Temple. Tei., Jate In Starch. Many new ahfira bare atgaed at thla writing, and do doi^t t'als will be on* of tho best cekHirallMia erer lv4d at Tanple. Tbe aiianclat condition ot Ten^W aod tbe aurroundlng towns la far better than "iwo montba S|0, aa laat week, bece^ oottoa adranL0<1 two and ooe-balf cents, this naket a bdght outlook for tbe Onrran flbcnr'a opening. •Many people of tbe National AinaM. Oo, last ■eaaoo, tjt wtalch Mr. Ourran was manager, and heroral tt tbe Curran Bhowa will be IdeDtiOed at Ihe Temiilo ceMratlon. The entire outfit of Our* rnn'a (Ireater Bhuim will tn atrifriictl fruu Qrand Vlfw, Ark., wIhto It cIoAfd laat neaiion, to Tenple. Mr. Chirran, wltb Ibe nnlnlanon of W. 0. JamcMn and W. H. Hlyier, arp Tcry bintlr ongaced at f-nwnt ((rtllnif Miliirn In Hhape. Tho eiaot date ,jiaa not yet been iln;l<leil itituii. An ad. In n'l mrly lasue of Tub CuiTcn wJC giro fuU detalla ot tho big week. No Dnlli]tintrr| allrnrtlorii linri* \y^n toikM liy U.i'in, utnl whi-ii (In- IIM'i »K*nwiii Irt itMhiTfl Into eilileii'V, tlK< Jnnlp-S^vliiHii Hliiiwi4 will mviiiiy a lik'lin III lliu b Id III Til hi ti i'«riilTn|N nt Ihu twriillrlb ctnlury. Tlirlr oHDpaiiy will miHliit uf twrWo flral-clRu ailriiclluiia. ami Lwvniy'Hil hlxh c'hkm ooiciwlona. N'ino but l<>ullltiialv vuiicculuua will ho penuUted on tliclr Midway. Wllllau llodd Jnrvla will bare cbarifo of llio Advance aa gvueral oonlracUog agent, and Adol)i)i fleeman will hare charge of tbo •how, la general maoogvr. Dan MoCliBln, tbe halo follow well met. end well known lo the ahtnr world, bai been eu- gaied as special agent. Connie I'rowitt, for three years treainrer of tho BUndard Theatre, Omaha, Neb., will be lbs aec- reury and treaiurer. Fat Duncan will l>o aaalat' * . - . ... ji^^ ant manager. Obarles Johuton haa IraH«l _. dining car. mil Hpenccr, loo yeara with ihn I'arker Intrnela, lua algi.ed at iho chief cleC' Irlclan, Oeorgo Olark, tralnnaator. M, L. Veruon, preos repreaentatlre. Tbero la no doubt Ibat Dudd and Adolpb will hare Ibelr company complete In a Us* days, aa ibey are going at It with tome speed. A oumpleip llne-up of tbe eiecutlre ataff, soowa and concen- atona <4 cbit gtganllo organlaatlon wIU apiieir In una of tbo iMauet of Tiis OLirm In (he near future. W0R11AM & ALLEN INTERESTS. nr DICK 001.T.INB. News from flan Antonio, whoro Mr. Woribam la aupcrlntcnding the getting toKctber of bin maia* mulh organlutloii. Is aotncwhat oieagrr llila week, uolbing of murh Intereat having lranii|>rvil. Htevo A. Woodi. Ibo grnrrallmtltiu '•f (br< Worlham adranco forces, la aomcwbere around Ihf country liwhlng urer Ihe alluailen ami laying oi:t hia plan of camjialin lu Iho lutual Wowla manner. Uo la Tcr/ reticent ainut bin morvnentt, anil . .,liafilr not be for tome llllle time. will prohahlr not be beard from for publlcatlo:! Mr Allen la at Hhrerenort attending to the bnlhllng of Ihe now Tom W. Allcu Kitowa, which, nomerlcally. will be the lame Mr. Wortham'a aggregation, and putctti Ibo latne atronx Featurei. and hIa Bcneral agrnt, II. L. liOhmar. la alau out on acont duly. Tbe ciTlce of the Worlhana ft Allen Hhow* at 1207 Maoonlc nullding, Cblcago, are hiiiy. and Sir. Povert Is mahlnr aercrtl rlalla lo Vilparalnu cllrnding to Ibe bultdlug and aaaembling ot hiM attracttooa. In bla alttrnce. Nat Relni, wliugwlll act at gmeral agent Tor thla ihow. In fo l»o fnund there helping out with TaTh)u.s iletalli that hi* loiitf eiprrleoce haa made him pnat mnitcr uf. Mr. Relaa announces that he liaa cnKtunl Art DitU tod J. II. Kltfpatrlck for Ibo tt\inirv torw tbla aeaaon. and that Km, ltet<M will hafe aerfrnl oonccaalona wllb tbe tbow. a«NlBtr<l hj Nat Mil* ler. wbo hni l«m wltb bim for yeora. John A. rollltt. the nialattnl manager. It ex* r>erlc<l hrre r.lHirlly tu lake nji liN iliil'n with tho egirregatlui. and hlii iirtur.ncf will be vnry wrl* tmofj to Mr. I'owira, who at (ircrent haa nmrn than Ilia haMla full with Iho many delnlla of thf new orgnalaatloii to atUiid to, ond wlirn It rouica to IhU nrHifiilllnK nod hulMlng bUUT, John A, It the right uun lu tbo tight plan.