New York Clipper (Feb 1915)

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THE N^yr YORE OljIPPEB. (lUUB F. lOOEBfl, UOLj Held OT«r tlie second week on acconal of her Inrnesdonj niccciu, Nailmon end her excellent vompRny, pruenting "Wnr Itrldet," went erea bigger nt this MondaT'a matinee tlun at her Initial appearance, uor adrent iDlo vandertlle la marked by a great triumph for her. The Palace nmEanancnt, alwaja on the alert to gire Ita patrosa aomethlnK out o( the ordinary, baa this ircek, In addition to the above mentioned star, aocared Cacollnn White, the well known opera star, fi)r her Initial Tandevllle appearance. The iccoptlon accorded lier on Monday ademoon proved that talent conquere. Hlsa White linB a pleailsg Totco and a ton of persoDAllly, which caned lier a big aacceea. (New Acta.) If lliete la a single woman In TauderlUe who can win more laughs from bcr audience than Kaanle Btlce, the writer baa never so^u her. MluB Brlce l.s without a superior in hot line. She Intitidnced a new song tor tbe Dnt time, called "Mosha from Nova .Sculhi," and waa a riot with It, The song aultrd her to a T, and aha got everything poaalhic out of the number. It's a hit song, If ever one woe written. Then she gave "By Heck," uild to be bv tbe same writer, wblcli went over big. "Too High," one of her old num- bers, was also well received. Ttat eaponent of tan, Billy UcOermott, rleancd up. He had tbem roarlnu with laughter eveir second he was on. His fea- ture Is operatic selections, with the aialstance of Ibe trap drummer, which earned bim tre- mendnos applause. Billy has plenty of new material that brought In the desired raulta. ."Neptune's Qarden of Living Statues." Id the closing poaltloa, shows a t>evy of beau- tiful and ahapaly Touig models that cause Ibc men In ttio andltnee to «tt up and take notice. Tbt act la n big spectacle and makes a great vaadevlllc featnit. and KItB, In their one net satire, colled "Coontown Dlvorcom," capturtd the li\iicl;lng hit of the bill. The act Is by Junle McCree ami Is brlnlul of laucbs. VVingliar. Comfort, In a rich tenor voice, rendpre.l "Vlr- jlnla 1*0, one of the flrst real bit «oags to make Ita appearance this season, Tbo anng was little short of a sensation at tlie Moii- liny matinee, lie also ottered "Vou'rc More Than the World to Me," and scored equally as big. Its an exceptional h&llad ana showed on Comfort's voice to good advantage. Moran and Wiser, boomerang hat Ihmnetk made their re-appearance here and alrawed that they were maateta In handling hats. The act Is a good feature and took several bown. When It comes to putting over songs, Ona Vsn and Joe Scbenck tako a hack aoat for uo one. Golly, hot the boya went big at their opening here! They gave In rcvtatlon- "Juet for To-nleht" "Why Not 3ln« 'Wearing of tbe Oreen,'^ "I Don't Need a Job Thai Bad," "When You're a Long, Long Way from Home," "Shores of Italy" nnd "liar mony Band," Sacb number waa put over as only tbey can, and the result was a dcclde<l bit. In the opening position, Joseph Cole and Gertrude Dennhy gave a dcmonatratlon of the popular dances, and scored bl^t than any act In this position thst has ever played this house. Both ate flnlshod artists and shoved grace and ease In the seveml original dsnces. The near8t-Sell« Weekly, showlne lnte^ crtlng Tlewi, atotted tblDgs oS In good thapt. /ao*. BROADWAY'S BICCEST INSTRUMENTAL HIT PIGEON WALK BT JAMBS V. HOMOO RoMcaln'l ks tlie beat Vos T«e< pnbllslkMl., Haw York luui bob* daCy orer It. •PiaBOir WAIiK." It's* wonder tor Doab Aets, Umsloal Aets mmi OsaelBg Aets. aanit ttor It Bt'onea'aBii beoame Wherever yoo go yaa hsar ramoBS over irlglkt* BBOflDWftf MUSIC CORP., Will VON TILZER. Pres.. ^oilft ^'nl^ s? YORK Circus. <^AWDUST m TmSEL" GOSSIP FAIR MANAGERS MECT. SPARKS SHOW ROTES. n ruircHa biuib. Bt "nilX POBTB (il,, DASI.INO, Owing to the act of "Those Four nays" not "nolng over" at the matinee. Mnaday, neceKltated Al. Darling's switching his bill wme for the night show, and Vau and Schctick, who are also working the Talace thia week, doubled up for the week and took the place of "Tbe Four Boys" In next to doling on tbia bill. John and Winnie Ilen- blogs were moved from No, 3 to T, Nelli Webb from 7 to opening after Intermission. "Anrora of Llgbt' from closing to No. 8. and Mr. and Mrs. Qeoe Hodgklns from dos- ing Intermission to closing the show. Arthur Frlncc, billed pretty close to bcln^ cotrect as "The World's Qreateat Ycntrilo- qulsl," and Boss Cogblan, In a new act by Edgar Allan Woolf, headline a fairly good thow, the edge of it being taken off some by tbo falling down of the turn that was closed. J<taa and Winnie iHennlngs and Aathur Prbice Shored the leading honors Moiida>y evanlng, altbounrh the Hcnnlngses were casll; tbe leaders, Joba being forced to moJie a short speech at -the conclusion of their act Prince bas, wlUioat a doubt, tbe best ma- leital for displaying his ventrlloqnll* ability, than perbsi)S any one In bis line. At'sny rate, wltti hbnself rigged out In an admiral's cnltorm, a flashy gun boat aet and a "stupid" sailor ''dunm;'' to work on, the turn Is a stream of laughs from the time be beclns till he releaiea tbe head of the "aeaman" to his asilstant, wbo Is also rigged In a blue "tar" u^lfntm. . ... Tttio eccentide grmnaets on tbe triple bars, Slirio and Duf^, opened 'the show, did very well and were folloived by those clover slng- Ine, doDclnff, fun makhig mlnstiels, Coakley, ACTina MOB.) UooTey and Duslevy. Lasky's "The Aurora of Light," a bean- teous Bight ottetlDK, with a pretty, finely formed woman po.qTng under tne dlBsolvIng (olored slldcB, Sited In nicely In No. .1 spot, and after Hose Coeblso's sketch, Clara Mor- ton (New Act) closed the ilrat bsif of the show. N'ella Webb Is making her re-anpearsBco here this weeV and. In opening after Inter* vlivilon, acored a nice Utile success and nc- C(*p[ed three handaomo bonqurts of flowers, attci offering five numbers. Miss Wcb'> has lost nnry a olt of licr personal charm, acd although vaudeville would prefer her t-hnng- log a few of her songs, tlie "little ringing actress" puts her material over In sucli a manner that she knows It's not iiccesAarv to change !ier gt,wo. She la accompanlrd In each bv a male planlat, who ml^ht Improve the grace with which he gets himself "on" nnd "off." John aud Winnie Hennliigs followed Nella, then ramo Arthur Prince, and then Gus Von and Joe Schenok, the ncnr-locompamhle duo of ^ongbtcrs. The boys' rcpcrtolro here Mon- day was: "Just for To-nlnht," "Why Not Ehig 'Wearing of the Oreeo, I Don't S'eeJ a Job Tlint Rsd," and scored big with "Little House Upon the Hill" and '^Mr Old I/>g Cabin Ho.110." "Iny old time" Is the time to listen to fellows who can get the goods from songs like Van and Scbenck. A vet7 proStahle week for them—and the (now was falling fast Monday night. Mr. and Mrs. Hodgliins (New Aet), In rloxlog siK)t. New Acts will appear In next week's lasnii. rod. eallsboiT Ledte of Elki itagcd a saeectifnl alnstrel eoierltlnroent two alattts last week, under the illreclkin of Wm, tl. I'llllc, at SbetoTno. Ulch. The ODIOBlal was ciotrdcO each night, and tbe show v»B a big bit. The flrat part letllag Wat ODOiuallly clabunite. and reprraatrd tbe deck of tbe battle Hblp Nerlh CaroHna. Ibe Bi>Brks 6boir bunch waa lafRely rvpnqcotcd In ta« show. Uanaser Charles Rfiarki, an eotliaelBatIc Klh. vhlle tihtnfi no bcUtc part In tbe piwlaetloo. headeil the Dif street parade, and marcbed along la trae nlcstrel stjrlc. Tde feature of tbe olk> waa tbe Uirlemue side Rhow, In whtcb there waa a big dlaplar cif frenkH. Fletcher .Sii>llb utdc the Inlrofiuccl llie freaks. Blid ■ bMo (UXR HIBIfBT.Ti, UVB.) An exceptlonallr lalny flay brought tlie „ BoUna, the Queer Magician, waa a big JJt patrons of Hamrnerateln's to tlie theatre la Bis Imltatlans ot^ dlfferei)t_mus[caj_ Insten- moves. It also draw a. numtrer of trap- alrnis, who were attracted ty an nnnaually good bill Between tbe two classes the thea- tre was packed early with a very appreclatlv; sndlence. Loney iHaskell deserves a good deal 01 credit for being able to corral three menta with his mouUi Is remarkable. His * nut" comedy helped to make his act a most novel offering. Claire lloclieiter received a big ovation on her return to the "Comer." Miss Bochcster Is truly B remarkable slagle. Her double ol vaudeville's biggest ncadllncre, Orace La voice flinging made un Immense hit with the Rae, Bernard Granville and Claire Bocliester. patrons. Both her bsritooe and soprano fsr one show. Tbe bill, like wine, Improved u5Vi.i?r.!L^ tn *^^1 -ter a rather poor atatr, the Virginia," "Walt Till My Ship Copes In, an With age. Alter a rather poor aiarr, virpinia,^ J-'" »«^. »» ilov uVencd op to more than the reeular excerpt from tho sextette ,iJ>c>i^ *°* cpe«d uiimJlF run «t "tbo Comer." Thore for an encore sbe eaoj "Last Nlglit W 08 tho •mnre a number of new acts and rc-appear- Rod of the World. j «v . « ■Bccfl this week. Uowever. collectively, riom. Tbe return of Al. Shean and Charles War- aersteln'fl presents a corking good three and ren waa aFProclatcdiand the pair went very a baU hoar entertainment *Ut (?o-appearci:ce8.) The show opened promptly at 2 o'clock vlth a funnj Keystone comedr entitled "Fatty's New Bole." The.StllllBgs bare a neat banjo act. (New iCl8.) %oe Cook» the One Uan Vauderlllo tSlmw, was a bit He Is one of tho forconnat "nut" comedians In tbo profestiloo. He has u nov- »lLy act that any audience would oppreolate. He Is a clever humorist. Steve Argen, hilled as England's premier Harrv Boss had n nnmber of frisnda In •^^gtitr. proved to be no other ttuin Jot the nudlenco and received a good hand. (New cook, In & ctf»ter dleinilsc. , ^cts.) Orace La Hue waa tiio real bit of the after* * John Stanley and company presented a noon. Bb& Is one of the cinaslcet atnglee bk comedy sketch entitled "At-the Elevator." vaudeville. (Rc-eppcaraaccs.) Veil acted and well liked. (New Acta) ^ nernard Orani^le shared tbe Ug hit Allck T>aader did not live up to bl9 brotber QK^nors with lAss la Ilue, OraavlUe Is an Harry's reputation. (New Acts.) f/^ No.« 1" mole single, and coald headline Col. Diamond and &fmc. Grant, tho "Oil aJcinstAny hllL (Re-appenrancea.) Dasclng 0>nple," Is one of the qualDtout acta 'Artbin- Obrat, asalsttfl Uetcoe Barat; la vaiiaovllle, and ts one that 9liould have perToroed some ftialr ralolng fesa In chair absolutely no trouble In being booked. Tho talandng. His Wg trick, that of balandng old gentleman of eighty and the Jfldy of sUty UnseM oai two chairs, whose ™rt leffl S- tnrougb all the modern dances with awe- rested on two plosscs, from a high altitude, spiring aglUty and grace. Tliey danced was surely a breath etopper. the mlanet, hesitation, Texas Tommy and An Interestlns Ffttbe Dally News closed onestep, and vere a big success. the MIL tfttwi. oponltiff dill _ . unow band, nude up of CUfiQD ffpntki. John Ol Spirhi Jr. and UBi«r Wirll. made pkoiy of Doisr. Tm Ktks clmwl Mwut 1000. oDd will itpntitbe show At StamTlllr Id tbe near fatorc. Jim Hodge, lilt scnioo vUh tbe 8parfca Show, has parcbiMd two scali ind a taxciia and wUl vat 00 n big flvc-lD-oac ihow wlUi (be Uontcr CarolTal ibe ccnnlDg H«a«on. A proferlf mm biiuwu is "Whlley,** whUo on hi* way to the nbuw lat*t week, fell fniu a (rain at Atibevlllc aud hml an arm cut off. John 11. S|ifirlu Jr. and lA>8ler Wall, ot Eaat Drailr, l*a.. bare nrrlrcd at quarlera m. aro as* alstlnir In llie painting. Fred >Varrcn. for seroral aeatons a maBletan with ttw Uun Bros., baa arrlreil at qoattere. and 1« anIaUng Mn. Snarba Tritli tier work. O'NcIl and Janelle, th« Htrons mm, karc ticca re-eiixaccd for lUe coming acnKon. Tbey are oK'Ct- Juff \Tltb 8UCCMII UHh Wlutor In TauderlUe. Sin. Gay Oolin, wife of ibc hot tatnalc trap drumuer wltb tbe abow, la working U an Uon Jnv act at the Ncvt York III|jpodro3i(. She Is onft of the T.nncllc SlalcrH. Fritz BninBor boa bU fonr Iktna working dally and hoa friinnl up a bin foiiiun; aet. Aa a con* cindlog feature they will alt aninnd s table and be fed raw meat from bin naknl liandn. "Ttie Prince of To-iilRlit" cvmpaiiy Tinited the qoarlen durlnR Iholr atoy In (he diy laat wcfk, aod (be buDcb waa InvltM (o take In thv eTcnlog perforaaoce. Tbe abow was great astf «o was iha crowd. Tbe loDg ran of hod weslbor thIa Wlater has kept Sofwrlolendent Jania Jacotn busy wlih tho ■lock, hat be baa met with good luck wKb aim ciceptlon. LaH week a valoable borae died ot luii? fevrr. Captain Tlelior wUl have a new deo aod cart tor bla aeala (be comloa aeaaon. Ilia TaudevUltf iMokiogB wlU keep blm boay Dp to tbe week befora the openlnB. Uarry Hugbca, a formrr nember of the tUg ■bow baaJ and a oompoeer nt note, who Is now a member ot the onbcetio In the Aeadaotf o( Mualc. HaTerblU, Mau.. bat Joat written, and had pabllshed a sew match tor DlltlaTr bands called "Spaiks TrtDmrhal." It Is iMlcated to Uunags Cbarlea Bpaika. Ray DIE end wife wll again this scasoB. Jlmskle Qieer, who has imt In tbe nmter part of tbe Wluter la Ssllsbacr* l^ft a abort Ume ago to jola a abow In tbe far Soulh. Alhrrt Keller will have tire big attiaetloiu in bla pit abow this season with bis Ug aaake and loonatrr ope. Jobo H. Bparks Jr. Is prOThig an eipett air calliope manipulator, and be la eatarlalatng the bunch vltb dally concerts. A new wacoo has tMn built to booae tbe tall bnd parade feature. A mcetlog of alt ttio fair nunacvra of the 6la(e WP8 recently twld at Qrceoaboro, and a plan aOopied to do away wKb oouOlclIng datea. An aieoclalton wis fonnei and offlcera electod for tbe ensuing year. Laat Fall the two big fflira at ibli oectloo of Hie State eaoie on the ■ame datei. to Uw ilctrlaient of both. The nijoD. Oreenflboro, 1» belog remodeled, and a bao(lM>iDe new front pt^ In place. The house ti puttlwr on feature prctoros. Mn. Cborlee Bparks la bavtoit all new ward* n>be maile for the oonlog scaaoo, and wban he Strade koc« out on tbe opeobig then Is boond > be aomn daih. It Is witb revret that we annoance that Mrs. J<>lin f^parki la sertMslj 111 at her hone at Eakt Brady, l*o. Reporto from all secllona of the flooth show ibat DDsloen la Impnwlnr In erery line. Florida la orerroD with (oorlata Joat now. and a few nlgbtt ago s s^d train of Pulhnsn aleapen_psaaad IbrouKh here C4rrylag colored waltets lo Florida >riater resorts. will be with tbe aids show Buuoo, Wis.— Vred J. Winsll. ot tba Bfaig- Una Dros., Is la town. uosT Anr ruos. — Fml Bcchman, Arthur Davli and Ucri Barbv are bi othtr kinds of show twloeaa. I'BSU, INO.—J. J. McNolty will aaaln ounaco 4be aldMbonr witb (he Pamnin KohlDiiOO Shows, In VAUuinrit.LC—-Walter Shannon. ANDBiaoK, iNn.—W. U. niinry, «f the 101 Baoch Wild Went, la at bla htntc. CiioUri IN riiB Aim.— l( la rabljbit Bud Slars* the aviator, 'at plamilng riiicb a venture. CiiiOAno.—Tho clrcD4 tulk« mlo^ \V. R. Welt% who DOW oiakca blj bonu* In llrltlsrport, Ovn., Ibe home of tbo Durnuin & Utllej Oiv^;::! sjijw cn Earth, At. l*ADL.—J. H. Oarrclt. of tbo once Bloe Bron., bna plana fur a trnroliiic expnultltm, \Ve»r Uaukn, Ind. —Kronk J. N'nrtlicn, of the Flafteobeck-Wallace Clrcna, la In aud out cf this 10WQ nulie frrf)uenlly of U(o. In Ohioaoo.— Cbaa. Andreaa, Arthur Donoett, Rhofta RoyaU J. IMdIe Urowu, Krauk Sveciwy, Nobby Clark, Col. Wm. A. IfOrelle, Robert Ool* trell, Albert Uodglnl, J. Krauk Longbolbam, Beverly White. J. J. .McNoliy, MorrU. J. n. Duffy, Dan R. Boblnaoo, John Ilonry Rice. Jack Deacb, Ar(bur Davla» 'Bert Karlce, Kred Iiecbman, llonier Wllaon, 0. D, Molniyre, RbvlA Royal. Qiai. D. Knilerlcka, U I. MonlRfnic, Al. \V. Martin, F^ldlo Martin, Lcn B. '\VllllMtni, Pr««l Wajmer, Hank BUo (clown). J, S. Oltlay, W. II. Gotlfrey, 11111 Roden, Jlam^ Frntt, May Daren* port, Rva Darenport, U. S. Sodbla, and a host ot other followem ot the white t^jM. Tom Uooau llkea to OMoa|c aide abAws. Lett •cpion tnanaKcr of the No. 2 with tbo BsUS'Floto* ItufTalo out coniblnitlon. Tioaa Hiu.'H Wild Wbt, fnrmerlv a wagon aliunr, ttwH wllh tito 0. A. wortboto CornlTal. Al. HiLTAir, will anin bnve the ilito abow with ItK' Yanlro Itoblnaoti Circus. Kanhah OiTr.—I.ovTrmcv' Rnu'ey had Ihe jihoto calliry wlib tbo HvllH-Kloto-llLlTiilo IMIl Circus loflt aeomn. Il4* dt^lnr.J hlnitclf retired frum cIrcuKca In (bo future, OiiicAOO.—J. Rddio Brown la In town walking cmund. M. B. OooxsTON la very alleot at present. WbL-o ho relanta to l.sRncaater, Afot •CsuAB BaptDS, Ia. —^Vle Ilar> and his staff are very bu«y men. Chaa. W. MoOorrm la mulcring valuable aultance In gcltlDg tbe big dog and pony oooblnallon in readlm-aa. SiHOHOHOus,—W. II. Godfrey—7tnkes Bobla- aon drcut. SDaETBPovT, La.— Worklnxnten are converting tbo Mighty naag Olrcua Into a carnival for Toai V. Allen. VALPADiiao. Ind. —rr<^t.irttlona ate now being node to tranaforra tbo nice Uros, Otrcua ennljt* meot reccDtly aold to Wortbtm A .Vilou by w. B, Franhlln, Into* a carnlvaL Who will put ont an enlln>ly now elms this seawNiT Who darea In iba face ot tbe pment coKdIIIooa and oppoaltloot DnNvaa.—Ool. W. P. Qxlr (Boffalo Bill) wat one of (bo big drawing cards at tbe horse abow recenlly held To (bla citr Ton Ohablis OiSLOH Doo AHV Poirv Onon Till be tho chief sttractlna of Ibe flivt anuud "Society CUrcm" of tbe Aurora, 111.. Y. M. O. A., to be held Feb. 1M8. Bnterlalnera of other sorta wlU tM given by Iscil taleat oC tbe aoao- elatlon. Oarloa to featartne what he clalma to be tbe only riding goat (a the United fllnlea. Aa- otber member ot tbe cut li a trick mule named "Jack Johnann." Olrcna M«ta wilt lie placv^l In (he (tymnaalam lo accoonoodalo eight hundred people. lloirr Rmkbioe, formerly aaaoclaled with the Barnum ft Ilaller Sliow, hai been owlRncd (o the adrance ataff of Ulngllng Droa.* Olrcus tor tbs aeaaon of 1&16, TuKBB will be no aide show wllh the fleHs- riotO'Buffalo Bill, blmsdf. .Show tlOa aeaaon, The Knir .^tnnagrra' .Vaaoclallcn lirM n meclln:; St Oontea' Hotel. Kanaoa City, Jnn. 'M\ whtdi vna laiitely attemltd by n'tireKntrlWca fn>nt Oklahoma HIato Pair, Uklohoma Cllfl KanHaa iliate KnIr, llutehlnaon: To|teha Pair, TVtpeha; Lculslnna State Vair, ahrcTeporl: IViaa Hiate Fair. Dallna: New Stale Fair. Mflakoieo. OUa.; American Royal Fair, Kantuia Oly, Mo. A. L. .Hmnaler, of llutehlnaon, Kan., wis etteled nreaident; 1. S. Mahan, Oklabotna Olty, Tlce'prealtk^t; Joba T. Sllnaon, Sedalla, Mo., •rr* TTtary. Kitti M. naroee tvobed attmctloDx with all fain In aaaocUtlon. Jamea I'attetarn a!in>ci1 with llatchlnaw Slate Fair and OHIahoina State Fair tor (imt t*at'enoB Shows, to fumlah car- niral stlroctlons. loppUBMBtal Iilat—ncoelved Too lMt» tor CiaaainoatloDi ATsins Plarori—VinnniTor, Can,, 8-lS. "Utuu lllrr'—I'llliriiuriU ll-ll), Eorb Hluck—KriYUliJ, l*u., 1.0. "Ii'c«:liln"^UuUvlllo Ul.Kob. a UuiM I'laycri—Urraiii, H. Oik., 4-0, Wlilts I, s, llrUlol lu, U, \ViiUk-r 12, 10. "nrlp WinlnV—SI. Idull HMTcli. S. Kluikc, (lUilyi, block—Urltlul, OoDu., 1-0, Hi. MbiicIickIit t-13. La l(i>> aiwk lUiirn'clluu)—v. Uuilluhl, I). 1-0. .Ut. Viclorr H.|:i, Loot KiiKHlUwi .Mlmw.—Tcauilo, Tel., I'tf. "Ulalwilliiii Uilf"-<l. II., OkTFlaiii), H i:!. Olcott. Cliauiirvy—.SI. Uul. Bl-Kvli. 0. "On tho Froillkf"—'I'mn Ua.ojr'n (M, O. LmnN-r- dale, mar.)—(Irmillo Knlla, MInu., 0, Mumliall 8, Caillijr 0, WuhTluirii. fit. UaL, 10, Ctritr Uko 11, Tororilii 12. U'lillo 13. PmI, Quy tlnln—.Ml. i.<iuh 31.|i'<4j. 0. I't-rry'a I'ccrlfM I'larcn (U, II, VmSi uivr.)— 'rumiilo, Can., Iiiili-f. lUalUno, Ailolllia—T'ir.nitn, Can., S-ii. Itiihnril & frliiiiiy. Mlimlri'l. (Iliilhiid ft (''llklmi. ii.lin.l—IkJlv, lib., :i, 1. (^jilivrll C, .Mouiilalii liviiio 0, (llcitiiri l-'iTrjr S, UlHiilitmii 0. Uaklrjr lu, Jlurloy 11, Tiflu ralla l:!, l.'l. Rmi Carlo (Iraiiil 0|icm 0>. —Ii|ilNliurittl fl'IB, "i:iorr of ibii Ikwiirj"—riii.iHiniii I'U, Ti'iii|>nit NIock—Urj-rrvliilr, I'.., 1.0. "Wliiulim ot Datlnna Wurlli"—IKmcr 7-13. oniFFiTii nooKiNO roLi cinouiT. Wallor <lrtnilli, rnrmiirl/ F.'talant manafrr at roH'a I'Dlaif. Hii.-lii'in.-lil, MfiH., and iiivfloualy at llir old riill Ihiii.w III iliNt rlly for Ivfo yvant. Inrt broil iiruiiHili-d In a |iimIiIiiii In Poira New York Ikuklnil Omco In lllo I'alnco Tliraliv Duild- Ids Itcvldo worklnir iiimii ilio i-OMtal liooklniia ho will dIrrcL nfTalrH rcl.Mvo lo aondlug oat tlio ■Iww, tor tlio niilni I'liU Olrcitlt. FOII LOHBS tlARTFORD, 'Rin Tlnririird Tlir.iro, on Jan. .10, paaaM from lh« oiiilml ut H. '/,. roll, and ngilli) tindrr iIhi liiniini^fiiiciit uf II, M. JennliiH., Ikim-o ot i\to lirojMTiy. Sir. Jpnii|p|>t nniiininccfl TaudOTllla ,Dd iilciurca oa llio now iHdlcy, liu bum to r»«|i«a Veil, U. FAMOUS RNdl.lNII MANAOnn DBAD. IioNiuiH, Kill. I.-.11; ralilo to Tni CUrpaa— l/ml. Mcyiir. tliv wrl' kiwwu uonagari dM lm« RaHiar W. Rrasi.a, roivwrlr villi Ibo llliiE' llcff flbowf, commtttfd nlclde fir loaiiinf from a Ibird olorr wlodow, at IStO Woililnntoo Rtm't, BootoD, Saaday, Jan, 31, alKr he bid Uirown Iila baby flona tho aamo wlotor. ESCHMAR SHOW ROTES. winter qurten of tbo J, IT. Eacbmao Worlil United Olrcna, at diot Sprlnce, Ark., ptcaent a Men* of aeilrlly. After liaTlof taken (be mrM Rnowncd --'^ '- — '~ (CIIA8. POTSDAM, HOB.) On acoount ot a rainy and dlanErcoiUo ■Igbt tbo root ma sot as crowded as usual, UiTsrmtT, tbe crowd tbait wa^ tlicre were Terr Uberai Ln amouirt ot ag>plauso banded out. Tbe bill was an excellent one, and I'otsdam diODldlbe coogratukated on tbe way be laid It out Arthur Ward, ten mlutca, In one. Arthur mird la a VHp juggler ot Oie first water. Ills work was enjoyable. Tbe maJa trick, fuit ot Jugirtlng Bcren hoops at the same Ume, wns very dllDcult. Ho fli>lsbed by doing a Terr good eccentric dnncc. Five bows. Tommy van and Ward Blstera, Bftccn mlii- atca, la one. Tommy Van nnd tho Ward Dlaters have a neat "nut" act. Van la a Sod singer and the slaters are clover come* panes. The girls make their entrances from the audience. Crackcrjack, nuro-fire set for tho big amall time. Four bows. AltboS Bisters, fourteen minutes. In three, nia is Jpst the style act that would go big at the Palace Theatre, Olrl, slxlcen years ef age, at piano, and girl, ten years old, at neloUcon. Act la classy and would mako a ue number on any bill on tbe big time. The nsntat Is a flnlslicd artiste. xouoKer k\tI has charming personality and Is really culp, ^ey played tno Llsit Rhapaodle, "Tbe Do- aary" and a ragtime selection. Six bows. 'Herbert and Dennis, twelve minutes, In one. Both boys are fast woitets. Vat man B a vo>7 funny comedian, and straight man >■ good. ThIa la on act that would gd big CD any kind of a bill. Five bows snd vnrare, _"ni8 Father's Son," twenty minutes la three, Walter H. Dro>wn bas a very dramatic Vnylot In "His Father's Boo," and It Is one •sat holds the Interest of tbe audience. It lolls ot e son's Inheritance ef a thlerlM trait ot his father's, and how he fights It. All the characters were well portrayed. Fire curtains, . _ During Intermission a very funny Key atone comedy was proaented. "Hogan'o alosjy Job" Is Interesting and amusing, ' Eva Prout, ten minutes In one. Miss Proat baa a very neat single. Bbc bas personolltr and a good volco. Her wardrobe la pretty. She males » good looking boy tor her sec- ond number. She Is very dainty and is a gracefnl dancer. Oliree bows. Kitty Vrands and company, twenty-flre minutes, open In ono and close In three, special set. Kitty Krsncls and her Widows' League la a very tunny act Ulsa Francis la an excellent Irish character woman and a scream In her role. Tbe blonde woman and boy Bie good. The giria are well gowned. Borne good numbers. Little girl sings sweet* ly. Fonrlecn proplo In the act. Six bows, Frank Morrcll, ten minutes. In one. Prank Uorrell, the golden voiced tenor and the sil- ver moaologlat and story teller, was a big hit Tbo audlrnco did not seem lo get enough of his slnaln;. He hns a beaiillfiil voice, lie sans "What's In a Heart," "Little House Upon the Ulll" and "Dear Old Olrl." 8U bows. Bob Tip and company, twelve mlnntes, toll stage. Bob Hp, assisted by a young lady and a dog, presented a somcnrtiat dlirerent aorobatte act Tip Is a good oerobst and comedian. Tbe young Isdr has a swcot voice, and the doe ds very well trained Four bows Tbe sixth episode of tLo "Eiplottii ot Klnlnc" proved an Interesting closing ct an ciccllent ahow. Mylet. (Oontlniiet on pcgo t$.) Wn.KV. .UU UJCtV IL _. thlis u taking on a dnnte or nowscas, tse rasolts ef the nuDwroos mechanics who bavt booi busy since the Ont of the year ortrbsolbig sod palotliir tbe eqolf DmL Ur, Kacbnua (Ibe aoremor, as b* Is familiarly known by Ibe coployees) bss been trtveUng very exIcnalTclr daring tbe lost Donlb. oMlatalolnr oa offlce at too UotnpolUan Natlooai Dink ot UliiDt- •polli, MlBD., but at loat reports MCtlTod at winter qnartsrs be will soon be la oar aildat •gain, whea some teal sorprlKS nay be lookM for by lb» (at abow world. K Is alrtadr romoted (bat Ihla baatllnc show- nun baa porcnaofd several car loads «f modem elrcas nllroad eqnlpmcst sad the ptople wbo boTO watcbed os grov may be soipflssd to see our colarccment for tbe oomlor aeosdo, Uoweier, ire ore not prvvaml to ba too opti- mistic at Ibis writing, and shall sU be satlsiad to wait tor developments, AL F.WHEELER ROTES. AL F. Wbeeltr, manafer ot tha XVnr ICedel Show, apmt (be gnater part of tb* past week 00 tho Philadelphia snd Bsltlsum naifcota. nor* ^alnr draufht borasa Cor qm ivUh tboso ahoin, aerorai flntfj malched pairs mn aecured, and In addlilvD Mr. Whccler furcbaatd tweati-alx head al rrlv;t« g^le from tho Adama Riprw Ooo^any, Tho nvdrr Sh-iira will ow npwardaol cm hno* dred head tf alock the ooialnf aeaam. Wltaon Broff. A Ob., 'bt circos waioo bonders, of Ca/ord. I'a., ar» balldlnff two Tssr elaaar ad* vertlslof wafona for \bo adraoos. slao a pony Inod wsno tor tbe No. Q baad. MeKlnttfT'a Donate «cDtch Baad wUl cecv/ thla la pande. •nd ft will be drawn hr t«n beaBllfol opoiteil fibetlaod ponla. wbleta will inake a tcct noTfl •ad attractlrs parade ^ealare. ^ notert Tajlor, tho now genent icnt ot tbe new Uodfl will nae four wacoaa ahasdL and be baa sorrooDded blnuHf wllh a ooms of llcutcn' ■ntj ibat win milk^ ■ nry fenald^le torn. Ue wlU haTc a mrnpleie new lliw of nHclal paDW to herald tbe comlM of (ha ibow. THD TIOTOR-HENnY IIIOW. tto Vldor-neaiT CamlTal li beloff onanlsM bv V. r^ltt and llmrv Meyeitiofr, tn start from Now Tork. Therbari all oteo oa tbs roail, and demands tor tbt Lerltt-Merarboff flhowa came In so faat tbsr flad It noccatair to «4iufp Ibis Moond sbow. Ooo. H. Banlllon vlU bo raaaaier. HM- MT Wire Is fsDstal press agnit for tos Lerlit- Inraihoff Bhowa, UEINZ A DEOKHAN SUOIVS. Tho official roater Indodea: Manitrr, Krei] nefk* BUo: traDlc manager, Kd. Si. Helm; cuitracUng Bseot. Earl Knoa; aecrctnT7'lreaauier. ilvo. liul- llDSijtrcia agent, L. \V. TrowlirltUo, band leadrr. Ed. Olienettc; gcicral so^trlulendeat, (Irorite W. nrned water carta thcra ererrtbdy Is wide Ed. Oienetle; gcicral SQi«rlul«ndeat. (leotite W. ke, aud there U notbing but buJle. Brerr- BJtbardi tralnnaalcr, Uo fL^^Zapri apeclal I is taking on a decree of nowDcas, tbe rastflta s«ni(s, C. B. Rdrlug(oD, sad B. N. /ollao. TnB Tn.ii HpTlng Fntlral and Oala W«>k WlU bo held at Temiilo. Ttx., March 20-Aprll 3. O. F. Corrao, gantral managrr, waa ftirrnerly feneral manager of Qonnaa Or««ter Hliowa; n. Ti. Ifonercatt h treaaorvr. W. O. Jaumon, arcrrury i W. (f. Hlftcf, annerlnleodffkt Of coaceaaloiiit. A "Dira or iV' beefaieak dinner will l« given, Feb. 4, bT Wm. RamlcUpb Ileorat, ot bla Ulvcr* side Drlre homo, In Now York. Tna Cimlral Mcn'a Aatoclallon of New York have efecred HIdnej Wire, irceldent: Mai ^.triiler, Tloe pmldnit: R. Kfllothia, aerrctary and tread* arer: Lcwia Kehlnkol, aenceniit'it-annit; 8. II. LoDCki, chairman of tbo houao commlttve. . SUCCESSFUL BECAUSE I It duHorvoH lo ho. rurrnrmnrs buy U iwcnuae I tboy oto do Iwuor vrlili it tban without lu MADISON'S BUDGET No. 15 lOiiiiiints loclndo 19 great tnonnlngnos, n I wnridurfnl nuiit for two iniik-s iinil 7 nets for Iniiilu mid ruitiiilii, IS lutOMt piiniillra,3 Up-tJiii linliiHinil UrMi'imr's ii Hldu-MpDitliiK tniilrilfl furcu, liOHlilcii liiiiidredH of iirlKliinl imaN, SliloWHlk lilla, mu. MADIBIIN'H IIIIIKII'IT, Nil. 16 ciislil (INK I>OLI,AKjpor copy lliick Ikhmi'ii nut of print, except No, It; prlcu, $1, lor lliidKuU 14 iiml IS tosuthor, tIM. IlOSaTIIIUU AVBNUB,NUW VOBK Hi LIOtnlT Ohar. i Uuu. lias., MpsclalUss. in 28,IIL6tlS;WLin, ThiimiiKli esnertSDM, BMllly andwardrotio. llirril THAflOD. MfSSX, Fnke and Tmnsimiio, Wlllloa to doable stseo as IiiKonue. Alio IS, IIL 9 ft. 4 vri, mibs. giook. Hup, or Ono NIahl. Rolliblo niKn. only. Wrilo or wire IIAIITI'OUD A TllANOU. VozUt, SUU- water, OUa. UsD join en receipt Uokels. SPECIAL AND EXCLUSIVE All kinds and slrlss for Vandavllla Burlesquoj OaCarets and Uluba. Big Time Acts to Order Btampforclrcalar, terms, et& Robr H.Brsnnsii,l433 B'wiy.N.Y. m Skolrhos, flays snd Bntertalnnienit fm Wriiteii to order. Terms for stainp, AUBLU, riHywrliilit, Kusl Liverpool, OUo. HUQO BROS; MODERN UNITED SHOWS Bossss tn all depannMRila, also Talking sod RlnRlnit Clowns tiist can produco good track nnmben, Troope of Seals, Strong Ooncert Kcnlure, Neat Too-ln.Ono for sldo abow, Uon or Woman lo play Tonney Oalllone, Man to IihikIIo Cnoklioaiio, FUa TIIB ADVANCH-UllliKMints, Uthnnmplicm nnil llnnnor Hen. Hnst bo anion. Wibb BVT—Vsrved I'uiiy Ubkck, I'liiy llnriiciu, TmpiiliiHs, eio., thirty besd of Spoiled Ponies, from M to M Indies hlsh. MnHt he rlieniiiriir ciub. Advance addreiw. Low U. WIl,l,iAMII. Oen. AKont. Wliid.or-Clirion lloUl. OhlcM*. 111. Allotbers,HIIOO BKQg., HajMtIo Th»tre, O.dar Uuiiids, la. 1880 85th ANNUAL TOUR 1015 FRKIIKII. nOBBINS All FEmilRE SHOWS TV AMTKD-For Hie conlnir Setsea, DntHSlsss and swi ll dressed Acts for h\g Show, WHil West peopla for Conceit, Udy Uan Pnncher, Bnsko VhsiBii:. Willi <iwa fnskcs. (,'iihnsltlcs, yrooks, OrlentalHusl- claasand Dancers. Colored llnrid snd MInxrrlH. And anr Aei-i miliniiv '"r a llnit-claM 8lda Hhotr. Bide Bbow peni,).. nddrtss A. II. "Punvil" AL>I.KN,^I(i.1 IS. luib Ut., New Vorh Cltr. AU oiheni PHANK A. KOUUINS, Jersey Clty,^. J.