New York Clipper (Feb 1915)

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8 THE I^EW YOUK CLIPPEK. Febbuaby 6 TEE NEW YORK OLIPPEE Fonadcd la 1803. THE FRANK QUEEN PUBUSHINQ CO.(UnlUd) niirAiVT'Ai. ALBERT }■ DOBIE Bsnoiui *HD BstiKU* tmuoB. ■■ MEW YOBK. FEBBDABY 6, MIS. " Botmd JQM ti, U1», 11 tka Poit OSet it Ntw York, N. T.. u Mccul cIih ouiur, lu^t Uw ict of Mtrek 8, 18T9. ItTCiUwiMSU—13.80 per iDcb, Uoila eolanu. AliMtlMBUu Mt wllb Iniiler, 10 per tu «itn. ■UBfCRIPTIOR. Om Tcir, la idTuct. f < i ti* moatlu. |3; (hi«» Montte, 81. Ouudt ud CoKlfs pnuie eitn. Blsfta eopkt will b* MDI, pmlptld. on nnlpt of One Terma are Caab. taa OiIPPEB la Inonl «f<rr WBDNB8DAT. Tbe Forma Cloiinc Frompllr oa Tacadar. at 10 A. U. Pluw NDll bi npnu domt orfn, ek«ck. r. O. «id4r Of mbttRil All cub aelsitd with lattw tt ml of HiHlcr. Addrcai All Cotumaaleatloaa TUB NBW YORK CMPPBB, 4T Weat 38tli Street, New Toclc. T«l. aiTI-UlllWO. nttlttmi t'aM< Aiirui, "AOTHOun." THE WEBTBBN' BUBXIAU «( Taa Curpn li louttd at Boom COS, Aibliid Block, Okiaio, VTMicn A. PaUIck, nuiftr and corrapoodeat. OMAHA BRABTOH. Data llttfbtll, miniicr, Ilooas 809-810 UoOtcae BuUillac Omtlu, Neb. THa OuTPaa out aa obuihid wHOLauia md •ariiL, at our ifraU, Daw'* BUnublp Aanc/, IT OrMO Btml, Cbiilu Osou Botd, LodJou, W. a, Eiilaod: Biuituo'i D«wi dmot, n At«iw d* rOotn Pirli, FriDM; Uaollt Book ud Btt- Xmny Co., 138 Etcolu, Utalli, P. L| Ooidoa A ootob, las piu ainai, ajdntr. H. a w., AmUalla. ANSWERS T O COBBE SPOHDEHTSo DBASIATIO, A. B. a, Hamblll.—);fe wooll tdrlM 70a to' BMko ptrraial tppllcatloo. We do Dot belkre, bow- «>er, tb«t t dnniUe whool la cooilaciol la coa- aectloD with Ui« oomfwuj.^ „ _j W. a H., XouiptowD.—^tn. r. <M7 (Billdo. Dill) wu bora la Aawrlrt. , . B. J. H., Filrtlew.—"CbtilcT'* Aool" recelnd Ita Aral Awrleta piodociloB eept 2D, 1803, at BeibleboD, I'l.. Siat In N«w Tork av, Btanditd TbtaMb (>ct. i, 1803, and aootloaeA at etaodatd tM oral two bundtcd pertonaiDoia. BUeniie Otra- dot pUred tbe Ulle tole. It wta anla aeea at «bl* Ibealra, wtek ct BepL 3, 18DII (foe ooe week eolr), and una aolog on tba toad wlOk Ut. Oeiar «ot elui Id Um due role. B. K. B., lUabaooT Otj.—"n>-D*T" opeDed Oct. O, 1018, at tba V>tti.el(lit]i SiRct Tbtatte, Hew xorlL and bid a nia o< tblttr-four wMta. r. 'W. B., North Sakhni J. B. Baredr died Sept 31, loot, in Salt Lake atr, Uuh, ai«d elitr^lTe tnn.- nia lait occupailoa waa ae macutr o( a blir Taudoillle conpaar at Okb Kcbo ratk, Waslilngion, D. a, wblcb opened Jnoa 80, leOI. The Tcntare waa not aocecatfnl. Be died poor. He vaa not tbe owner <A tbe mln* atral coDipanv twirlng b'.B same at tbe time yoa owDlkn. The cwMva of tbe compooj meielx paid for tbo lue oC tbe lltTerlr name. A RaiDia, «t. Loula.—I. We do not know tbo preatnt wbereaboota at party. Addma brr la car oare and we will adTcrilHe letter In Curm letter lint. 2. We ncrer anawer qutttuna tela- ting bo tbe prirate life of anvone. i. O. B., LloolennTllle Wllllaat Granlan died fcb. IB, 1808, ut Ihe Dloomlngdalo Initoa AaT- Inm. While Plilni, N. \. K OcxauMT lluuin, N<nr TciIl— W« are not able to decide the qucetloo. To be on the aafe aide, 70a had belter wtlla to tbe Attomer Oca. cnl. waiUoftco, O. a OADDS, Notice Kaw Tork,—A la rltbt, tbe 8, 8, T, B caake a eequencc^ and entitle tbe plajer of tbe B to fois lolota. U, B., Otuwa.—A la Tiaht, the man next the aie baa a perfect right to rolae. D, W. IlirBuffalo.—It la a mlaileal. r7i CARNIVAL CONVERSATION ^ WnJlAH JUDJILNB UJIWllV. (<4taa Onion.') Wbo pot Ur. Bonlirel «a Ilia "oatr* Uiva coornge. lio tbe beat jou can. K la Winter time now. Qood tlmei we ahead. Be prepared. Build a now ahow wlHIe you Itare tlie Man, Bemodol the old one. Yon mar be wlae—but jou can be footed. Dsaa DocTOB Bullvwax : I haTe been dut aereial wecka with a "ball" ahow that fhUed to va aalarlca. Wbot aball I do7 "CUB18 M. HuiTU."—JHie maa that knowa end doea do, J. Allex Diunabt.— What caralral are mVCh the Jarrto C Seeman SliowB wben the caillupe plara. W. B. BaauB, of the Beiuatlonal Barkery make* Chicago hi* Winter atopplns plara. He wlihe* to be remembered to all tna xeadrra of Tea Old BaLiABU. .„ , _ BruBi, Dub, tbe high diver, will again be with W, T. HarriDiton'a Oreat itonthera 8how», according to Loula J. Berger, the general agent of that organization. All the Doe Staler* are married now, we hear, ore of them being Ura. Al. Demberger. Oood «BIAID IN AUBRIOA." ne cait for tho new Winter Oanleo nrodueUoQ Indudea: Kora Dajree, Ulle. Uaile, Maud Lambert, llloauMD 'Seelej, Tanicl Solly, Belle Aiblrn, ymte, UlnfTf* OoTcrdale, Robj nrlder. Uai^ Iuerlte Beilaa, It<«allDd Utr, Harir Kor, Obarica . Roaa, Bert Olarke, Joe Jarkaon, Ual Vonle, narrr Carroll, Lew Brlce, John 6paTka, Bam Ailama, Jann Olranni, I'cmlkoD, Oarl Dellorto, Harold Robe, W. II. Datli, Will Slanloo, Eleanor lirom. Oil* Hemoatoae, Lola Whltner, Elalna I'rriich and Jane Elliott. Tbe title aelecled la '<Uald In America," and tniiMd of the uBoal "cndlta," Harold Abterldn will bo known oa tbe author o( tbe "S<aw Oien?' Mgreunil Itooiberg and nirrr Oarroll, the com* iioeera. -will be Tr!itii>ni(lblc for tuo Inak of con- Irlliullng "all kIniU of mnsic re-wrlltcn," wbUa Ibo •Sronli" will be luppllcd \ij Ihe aclora. J. 0. Uuffinan la alaclng tbo production, and Jack Uaaoo tbo dance numiieis. Ooutrorjr to (lie uhubI cuatom. "Maid In Ame^ lea" will bo plBT«d for a vxek oat town, 01>cnlDg in New York Ihe week of Fob. 10. THB COIiUMBIA CONCERT. Tbe bill at tbe Onlnmbla. Kew York, Jan, 81, Inlailed: Keeler Dr», bag punchen: Normod aiMl Norwcod, •Ingera anil dancen; Bert Bbep* rarti and. companr, bull whin ami roplog expetta; llert llaatoo, mcnotoglit: Charira Oreaiman and bli Dnnjopbln-la. Norwood Uall, Kclao and Lo'^h- (on. llert Ilaker, tbo Ron Ton comedian, and IlBill A Hie Tnupe of Araba. In their wcnde^fnl tuaifi*ing nad pyiamld act. -WOODSTOCK HAS PLCtTT. Nerer In the hlilorr of thMttlcal* In Wood- ■lock. Oin., hia tbrre hcca auob a deartii of (he* alrlfal attiactlona aa now. Plana are out for the erection hr tbe Small Iniereeia of a new 00m. hooMi on the comer of Welllnirton and Dindat BIreeti. W. n. Wilcox, fonacrlr naoaeer of what la now OrllOn** Tbo* aire, will be ntanascr of tbo now booae. TUB OARDBN OPUNS. Tbe Kew Garden Tbc4t;e. In P^ltlmre, waa FKoed for a ajieelal InrltatloD ncrformance, Jan. Sti. Adcle nilchle waa tbo hcatillnrr, and li alao fvatutrd f<r thia week. Tbo Ihi-aira proiMr plaT* coullnwiia TaudoTlllo under Iho inaDnsefflcnt of tbo Wbltehiint nrotbora. Tbo leof garden will bo uaed for dancing. REP. COMPANY FTRANDBDi (Bftdai to turn Ouivn). JiManowN. N. T.—It n tepmcd the Whll» Lead-8tnb.a Rcrcrtolie 00. attended at Mead- Tillf, I'a. laat work. Aa attempt to attach the I>i<vert7 tailed, on accouat of a pierloua bill ot aalc. «i> <IFA1M AND FANCIBS." At the Apollo, Atlantic Ollj, N. J., Rlaw A Krlinger announce their new rerue for Feb. 11. «-lth Dorolhy Jirdon, T>rdla Ixmoukora. Latrra iranlltoo^Paul Morton. 0»nror ami I,e Malic. l.«o Oarlllo, DiiTo Abmnw. ItaMiioml and Oamlj, l->ank Moolan ami SIrlla lloultan, In the caat. NO WAB PRICKS OJX Price and Qoalllr Aliraya the siuaa BOLD DVBRYWBBRB. ;oa going to handle the ptoes tor? Cm T, Kenned; 7 Tub Showmen'* League of Anerloa -wlU Ht« BDd continue Ita good -trorlL Kiiocken^ you ere on the wrong trsck. "C. TlHOTMI KrMNEDt."—Olie hcTo vt the rcrolTlng door*. Did 70a read laat week'a Nbw Yobk Clip- pib7 It not, wbr not? An "al." In Tbi Old Beliaiilb wUl get you Jost what yoo want cverytlmc. Jon J. CoNNELLBT I* In SbnTeport; la., eupcrlDtcndlng tfao butldhg ot tbe Tom. W, AllcD outfit Joe J, left LeaTeDWortb and Kanaa* CU7 (omo two week* *go. for tte Louisiana and his new posltloaL know* how. WiiCN scgotlaMng a -loan In the Winter tittw Blwa;* use a shock Mnoiher. K. C. TiLDon -mt* -with the hoja a wUle In Kenwo City recently. TiiB big Moooe doing* that I* echedaled to take fiace In Pltlshurgh, I'a., eome time clurlDC the eeaaon will be played by one of the big Western carolvala why did not ono ot tbe Eastern one* get It? Who first aui festi-d that the Moose have a celebration 'Ittaburrii ? You know. Answer it yoanel . Eed OxtOH left Chicago Sunday, Jan. " for Sanaa* City, trhers he will remain eome time. La Orand Hotel. : Wno plays thO big doings In Taoft, PU.? Now or aoon. . C, W. PASEn la Teiy bn*y making trip* between Leavenworth and Kansas City, Look out, there nay be eome more camlTala come out of bl* home town, " '" ' WOBO conies fiom I. the A. H, Drown Great clooed In that city laat week, to itay closed for the rest of .the Winter. JiAD reporta are coming from Texa* ro- enllng. tne Winter toon of eome carnlTnla tbe Lone Star State. Wintertime. 'Dick CoLLiNa"—Qeneral pteaa repreaen- tatlve. Why not more of the Q. P. R, claa&I JouN F. Uabtin Is due In Chicago now from New York. Ones* he got there. He always gcta to what and where he gota tor and to. OrjiBBAL AaiiNT&—Se nre and pick out a good manager. M. B. (Spikb) WlOHIB, Viol* and Pan! (Little Bplkc) are at present m.iklng their beadqiuirtera at the La Grand Hotel, Kan- aa* City, Mo. We wlU know noon who thc7 will go with this Bcaton. EuGENB P. McKbmka. —Why so silent vhlle on the P. X. Ksnch, Del Bio, Tez.1 Eugene P., are you going to float down the river this year with lUce t Dore'.i Carnival on water? W. J, KinoE 1* on the P. X. RancA, Del nio, Tex. W. J., -why ride "akldoo mllea" to get your mall t ■dlBB. W. J. KxnOB (Jennto Smith) Is Win- tcrkig In Kaneas City. She will again be "Up In the Moon" with some csfnlvaT It her Cresent plane are carried out OoH, T. KiNNBDi^ Konsaa City head- qoartera Is at the Baltimore Hotel Be la there quite frequently of la<& .BoUB say In Chicago, "Let^a ctick to the Wellington until It Is no mora" What do you say? . O-Mab Sau-T.— Ton got It rlAt ttls tloia. flood luck. Regards to Ssin W. Inck, folk*. Ed. Jbbbop*.— Did yon acquire the prop- erly of tie Hampton Oreat Empire Show*? It was talked around Chicago that yoa Koold. Lew HomiAKff, of Iho Capitol City Amusement Co., of St Paul, visited Mllwaii- kce ond Chicago recently. Lew waa In Cbl- cago Sunday, Jan. 24. He said tbe Capitol City organliallon would be very strong this coining season In the Northwest where It has a great repataUon for giving good amoBcmest JAUES PATTZB80H wan doe In Lancaator, Uo.. laut week, to purchoae aomo elephant*. Wonder U hVlld? Now, yon Jo»t jalch out H« and ace tbe big animal show to bp put out by the Pattereon^ackman combination. Abb jou money mod? If *o, try and get over It When tn that atote one U llah'e to overlook many good bet*. _ I. P. EsLicK arrived In Chicago from De toolt Sonday, Jan. 24. His plan* tor the coming leaaon are not ready yet Look ont BiEVB A. Wood*, the general agent for the Woithem Shows, la very busy In and CMc Ideals" Boards of Trade and com. merclal clubs should eat It up. It la good, TOO will admit . _ W. H. DiCB leCt Chicago for.St Paul Sun- day, Jan 24. He sold that the Ulce A Dore Camivkl on Wat!r would open In PIttiourgb, Pa., April 24. He went to the -Mlnnfapta rity; to break tho Ico on tho Vl^slsslppl , Al.' F. aoB)(AN sara positively tbat the Gonnan' Qroatcr would he out this season. When last seen by the welter be was pre- narlDg to Journey to Cincinnati - and: New . York, from Chicago, of course. Itceardles* to this, many say he will again be (he gen- earl agent ror the S. O. Barkcot World's Greatest What do you think or know? The latter would. In the openlon of tho ''Onion," . be all well and good. You are In.the carnival bpslnes* aren't you) Well, watch this column each week. Do dot miss lU - Heurebt a. Kline's Streets of Alt Na- tions Is a good Idea. He will have It Doe Alluam.v arrived In Eansa* City, Bitnrday. Jan. 30, from Lancaster, Uo., hla Winter neadquartei*. Habold Edbrba I* very much Improved In health since going to Eureka Springs, Ark. Wb lbabn In Kansas City tbat Mrs. Fred B. Holmes Is confined to s hospHsl In Hot Springs, Ark., recovering from an operation You are In the world to make the best of It Yon are ambitious, ot course, and want to go forward, so keep tbat fact constantly In mind. Labor and work consistently to accomplish your deslie* and won will win. Will win. PracT CoDBT has a coty little flat In Eon- *a* City. He ani Mr*. Court are charming entertainers. Daby Is well and doing fine. . J. H. JonHSOH will have all new equip- ment for hi* famon* Nomla Show when ha opens In Paola, Ken. Tub dates ot the Hanlln, P. I., carnival were set for Jan, SI to Feb. 7. Who knows If It bapponed? Eo. L. Heinz, of the Heinz & Bedimnn Shows, Is due In Chicago tbis week from Hannibal, Uo. Watch for his announce- ments In the advertising columns ot The Ihing when acason 1016 rlosof, Uke some of yon were ia season 1014'* Cloee< fna-general sgcbt* are all working now. Whi ere the Dlvhig Queens so silent ..'It will be some vreeks yet Then splaab, splosh •gain. Neab Uanacerb.— In order to get next to Ihe special It I* very necessary, that }ou £0 to the scat of .government and not to a man atandlng In a hotel lobby. Doc Alluann wlaiies the. entlro dMw world a .proeperoua scaaoo. Jtut like he wished them all a Ueriy ChrlatiDas and a Usppy New Year. Doc Is thete when It comes to wishing his fellow man weU-' A UAK that Is' In the show business and Is not for Ihe Showmen's League of America is not for. himself. You got thatf^ didn't vpu? J. C. UcCArrafiT arrived In Chlcaco Sun- day, Jan. 24, alKcr a short stay . In Kauea City r.nd thereabouts. Be said he had a great time with the bunch. J. C. will have much to do the coming season If his present plans are filled, and we believe they wlU be. Wonder w!'.o will be oh bis staff? Let'a hear. TUERB arc many peo|de In the worhl who •re not B'Mxt of It as tar OS some ttilngs we know of go. Toko that Tbrat the opposition kindly, they may not do you no harm. W. J. (Doc) Allmanh Is going to have some carnival to be reckonea with. Look who la with blm. AoBNTB, .pick ont the right and - good botela Some of them are awful. fiEis'u Casbt writes from a city In Kansas that be Is busy beosllng tho Kanaoa Poaltry fihow. He will arrive In Chlrago next montb Bome timo to take up bis publicity work with a carnival for the season. Gsrlbaldl 16 dead. A. D. (Red) Mubbat writes' from Ban Antonio, Tex., Jon. 14: "Priend Red—Am Solng with Lockmann-Lewls Shows at 'range, Tex. Everybody around Ban An- tonio has been asking for you. Hope you ore having success." Tbsnks, A. D, tor tho good wlshee. See yon this Summer. Wrlto agaliL Red Onion wishes to acknowledge tbe re- ceipt of - a season ticket to the Yankee- - ~ . oeo„e J-. r that big,' Oeorge F. men In the anv time you Uke. Just get It tight, >•»"• .. - . Wv B. J1BVI8 has sold "Bod's Smoke Chop," In the Edwards Hotel, Kanaas.^C'W, ■adM* devoting all ot bis time to the Jarvi* „ * Seeman Interests. Wm. B. left K. C. for n. Yon can't telL gt. Lool* and Chicago Monday, Jan. 26, on Donaldsonvllle, .Lo^ that « strlcstly burinesR mission. He will arrive -eat Inlcrnatlonsl Show* tn doe Ume ai a flrat class carnival maiuger. — '—■ He haa some etrong personality and a moat "'wilS.^'&that "Carnival De Luxs" thing this season? ^ -VAifABAiso geta on me camlvU map, W J. Franklin's hame town, too. Whbii and where do yon opoiT Dont do It too soon. CuAO. S Haicb -wont ten -what tUa sear mm. What's op? DAW. R BoBiNSOR wanto It to be known tint ho 1* no kin to a grouch. Hani carnival folk* aleep until noon-thirty each day In the Wintertime. Bome longer. CoL. 1,A00'* Grbatfji Brows hove their Winter quarter* In New York, with n Brnail- way oddreea. Colonel, let 'ran New Yohk Clifpeb hear from yon. Chas. Da KuKo Is atlll In Chicago, and bealthy. - W. A. UiLLXB, the nertr-go-toond king ot - Indianapolis,:!* due hi Chicago now. He Is ■tin bnjlng cars for the Heuu A Beckman ixaln. Thb a. p. Whitney Shows are still out In Tsxa*. Weather or not they go on juot the •*me. Mas. Wk. fi. lABTis send* her beat re- garda to all readers of The Old Rbliabi.b. Bdoofbtionb tor carnival club*: "Hot Dmb." "DUl Pickle," "Sower," "Club Sand- wich," "Prone Devonrera" and "Soup In- balers." Are yon a member of "Itbet"? Habbt B. Notbb. —^Where did 70D go7 Vo, we do not forget our trtcnda imm na a list of the member* of your of* W. U. EwiNO, director ot W. U. ITgrnous. Zouave Band, of Champali Ewlnifa - „«lgn, IlL, was a visitor In Cblcago, Tuesday, Jan. 10. He reporta everything going «ai finely with that atetUng mnalcal organisation of dis- tinctive orlAiallty. He returned home the next day. He will be back In Chicago dur- ing the fair managers' meeting next month. A. H. Hbmdleb and Cohpant, San Vran- Cisco.—Ynnr circulars and general news mat- ter received. Thank yon. Very much pleased that yon are for The Old Reliailb. Ubs. Fbahk O. Waluck writes from MoOehee, Ark., Jan. 18: "Dear Bed Onion— We have not heard from yon In seveni Donttaa Frank Is now flue and dandy." Note—Frank O. WalUdc has be<en sick. Ho to well now and -will have a band vrlth one flclal etaS. We do sot know them alt but big onos wben the season opens, ■re wlDtag to get acquainted. Bend ft to- Awrnua Davis writes from ■Toledu, O., day. Jan. 20: 'iRed OnlOn-(the fellow wbo orlgl- Oet that "Do It now" thtsg In your head nates things), Uy Dear Confrere—^A drop before the seoaon opens. Do not procrastl- of Ink makes a man think just the ssme as naie. Do not be six month* beblna on any- a drop ot soup makes him sure. Tbe Days end all the Island '^bunch." Snio Kablo. —Where vrfU yon liaUy-hoo'^.l* called? Gmnperta be KrtiA JOS J> COBBLBT. J. O. tfeOAVFABY. All of them are getting placed, ona at • tiem. IVhere are you going? C. U. Gasei la a real flrat da** pms agent He know* the newapaper game. That I* worth a whole lot Con he write? Well, ;ea. Can ho place It? Yes, yes. It snowed In uuny places In Texas last week. Tbat makes It very nice for carnivals and tent ahows. We do not think. "PuniLs or TUB Deei'," a scenic, mo- chanlcnl, electrical production, aa shown at the Hippodrome, Kansas City, last wevk, would make a great carnival show U put tinder a black top and properly presented. M. B. (Spike) Waonbb baa been making frequent trips to Leavenworth, Kan., fro-u Kansas City. U. B, left the latter place Saturday, Jan. SO. for St Louis. The wise ones say ho -will this season be secretary and treasurer tor tho Louis J. Heath Bhowa. Can't tell yot; lot you know next week anre, Ili;u Onion wishes to thank bis many friends tor tho avalanche of letters opropoa bis recent soro tooth. D— that molar. ToK W. Allen la due In Shreveport, La., this week from Leavenworth, Kan., where ha has been detained for some weeks with a badly bruised foot Tom W. will make tbe Louisiana city his headquartera for aomo time. He WlU see to It tbat the Tom W. Allen Bhowa Is made right for the ISIS tour. Oeobob Harmon, «f cafe car tame, 1* atlll making Miami, Fia., hla Winter qtuirters. flee, It I* nice to have lots of coin ao one can do as ho likes 1 B. El, TitiB la In Southam California tn the vicinity ot San Diego, Dosni Fbamxbl Is In Ban Slego. Bobby, some nowa, please. IlEroBTS from Ban DIsgo have It that tbe dally attendaiKo at the Callfomla-Pansma Exposition average aniuid the threo hon- drcd nark. Too bod. Everyone says, and "such a beautlfiU expoaltlon, too." It may got better? Wlty did not tho carnival ahow ..„ men go there? They kuo;w a 4hkig or two We need eome carnival ahowa. about tho amusement buslnesa. "w. a wrr.f.tAun " «ia rot Kenhbov, proprietor and general HABitz Doas.—How la Washington C, B.. Ohio? AooLPn Siesun Is living In Leavenworth, JCnn., now, -where he is very buav building and aasemoUng the Jervls A Beemoa Shows, Be Is some constructor. WANtET, one hundred gross of gum shoes. Wilbub 8. Cbsbbv.— Who are you with for seaaon lOlC? How Is Baltimore? C. Smith. —Who Is the general agent for the Smith Greater? W, J, (BiLLi) RiCHAiDS oays he la com- ing North from Oklahoma In shoot flvo sreeka. Billy, why take so long to come so abort a distance? Vaudeville Is almost the same thing -s war nowadays One to three day engagements are. W. j. will again have the Mlmcle Hhow with a W. Bmiidage. So be It welL W. Y. (Doc) TUBHSB la atlll Uvlng In Kanaaa City on bis pilvate car, Usrguerlte. Doc Is eome Doc, and his car Is the same thing. HoUBB T. ToNBS 1* anlborltr for tbe state- meot that B. W. Brosdage nul apriog a Ug ■nrprlge very soon. Watdi the advertlalng columns ot Tna New Yobx Clippxb. Uahaoebb.— Do yOn know what kind of a ahow a Uother Oooee ahow Is? If so, g«t one. It wUI be acme novelty. Ask C. W. ranker. R. 3. Lewis Is due to knpoDt aune more twins like the Samar Twins, Hope be do. CON T. . . . mnnoger, Walter F. Stanley, assistant man. agor; A. H. Berkley, general agent and Tom et. Warren, aecretary and treasurer of the Oon T, Kennedy Show, are very busy men just now, nttlng things In tfi^ie for that carnival, Watdh '<m. What good In a million people to draw from, if yon have nothing ot merit to offer Ihcm. Uanaoeis.— OTease do not M na start lbs aeason with any Spring tosUvals. Get modem for your own profit <Ibe puMu la al<A ot the ''festival" f kig. C. W. Pabkeb c«n cany-ns-alL IIOUEB V. Jones aaya -watdi the S. W. nnindage camlvad. Wo wilL Homer V. Is luck In Kansas City from Oilcaco. Very tuny now. MORS camlvale -will start acason lOlB than over before. How many will atlck to tho InlRh? Ijidy woman, what ate you doing? IIUT bread tor tbe living. Norer mind tne rofTota and flowers aVter ney have^sscd. SouE carnival managers and general aconts have n diBcase that might bo calle<I wcsitcrnunlonpoBtaltclcgrapliltls. Did you ever nlop to figure n|i hnw much you spend In wirrs In a season, when a letter In tImo will bring tlio anmo ro.iiilla. J. M IUtmawav.— II. II. (Knt) Duncan viMilK ti> 1tr:tr from .tou, cnrc Nrw YohK Ci.ii'i'i:i:, Cklcneu, II, II, tclla us ha will bo Pebc¥ Tibbell get atnnt tor the Gonter. (bla "Durs of '40" __. Arttior Davis, Bert Barles and Fred Be^onaa pnt «o tbe "Days of '4B" at the La Salle batA, Chisago. Other botols wtll bOlow. Yon w«U see. Dice Collins prove* that a press agent <an keep bnsy In the Winter time. Dick goes tn and out of Chicago sometimes two and three tUnes a Week, Sou* people lose their mlads when tfaey losa tbeir bank rolls How about a man that never had a mind or a bank roll Be shon'd be pretrr well off about now Dan k. Bobihsoh aaya a Btteen-hi-ose car- Blval oxaBS fltteea back and one In front How do Ton Uke It? It listen* smatblc. Dan It., can lb be that you are coming back to carnl-TaL Mb. Davis, tho costume man, of Grecnfleld, ill., was a visitor In Chicago some days (go. Uundi. are jod paying attention to tao co»- tuu^ng of your mow. Calipobnia Fbank. —EIndly tell ns what oarnlval yon -will bo with, dlow la vaudovlNe now. What? J. B. Warrbk. —^Wo arc ready now to wel- come TOU book. J. D., |iay oS the bets and come Id. Harrt F. noFKR.—JMd wo tell you that you have been picked as a general agent Tlint goes. too. Urncral Aobnts. —Uero ts a new nuaplces. "Auspices ol A Fund for tho riomotlon of Heinz £ Beckman Shows WANT MUSICIANS All Instruments (Including Harp and Vlolln—elther sex) For My Concert Band and Musical Show SInaers, Vonltr iBstnments, Daneers, Hevelt^ and Bpeolalt^ Acta, donbllag in Brasi, answer. Stale salary expected and who you have bees with. Thirty weeks conttict vnih a real *bow. WiU open la Kaat Bt. AasI*, III*,, alMBt AprU 10th. Amatantakeep oSMa. Addre** S. BID. OBBirBTTSl, Band iMder, aaiA 'West FoBiUi Street, Dnlntb, Blaa. Cam plan* a first elasa HeckaBleal 8taow| MiiiieltalBa Bew| 1^*0 mny other Show of nerit that daesn't eonfllet with what wa already have. FOR SALE—All Kinds Coneessions, excepting Wheels WANTED—Ttralnmostor, Head Porter, Promoters that oan ooUdt Saaner ads., Drivers, BlackamlUi that oan do waged work Address HEINZ & BEOKBCAN SHOWS, M13 Broadway. St.. Hasntbalt Mo. WANTED-CURIOSITIES For C. A. Wortham Shows FREAKS, CXnUOSITIES, NOVELTIES, UNUSUAL FEATUSEB, STRANGE PETIFORBXANCES, OR ANYTHING OF EXCEPTIONAL BflERIT OR NOVELTY THAT WILL WORK IN A PIT SHOW. OPEN SAN EARLY IN ANTONIO, APRIL TEXa AaJIrsss irOBUS ot. FAIRLT, Outar HetaL Baa Antonio, Taab OOBTOESSIOlff MEN, GET THIS ■ELVILLE'S GONGESSIONAIRES' EXCUNaE HARRY G. MELVILLE, Manager 20 Soutb Market Street, - • CHICAGO, ILL. PBOHB FBAMKIiIN 4604 IManagers, Fair Secretaries and Concessionaires Write Tell Us What Concessions You Want AND WE WILL BOOK THEM FOR YOU. "Nuff Bed" FOB PUHOH BOARD OPERATORS Wbaala, Thaateaa, Pteks, and All Othar Pupoaaa CANDY » CANDY =^^F CANDY Our Chocola •re Hade Fi ^ Mt»*t naF Get ear Piloe* on Halt, One, Two and Five Ponid Bozos Dapt. O. 118 B. Dearborn St. onioAoo, I1.I,. TLAVORS J. J. HOWARD oohtbaot . IWIoHIUI FOUINI OPERA CIRCUt CHAIRS OIUND KTAND MU 80.000 Ctaln-80,000 Oniil Itaidt-M.OOO CIrcM laib n Hiid tar RidUri PaifMM lAROBT BBATIKO OOHTRAOIOBS CIiBTai.AHO, OBIOl VAOTOBTl OHIOAOO, lUi.a * ISVa W. 3d St. TU., Main dO. OsBBeaatTtlU, Fa. n. BaekweU St. TsL, WestM Cable Address KDNKELY TelenhoDO TaMUelroso KUNKELY OF NEW YORK Manufacturers of CIRCUS AND SIDESHOW TENTS TENTS TO UIRB, FAiAOB AND A1,L, CANVA6 WORK DOS Baat l»7th Street. Under tbo I'orsonol Supervision of UAZ lnn<KLG7