New York Clipper (Feb 1915)

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Febbuaby 6 THE ISTEW YORK CIjIPPER. 9 ATTBACTIOWS AT THB HEW TOBK THBATBBI. PALACE cm »i^lt-MlM . mt. NAZIMOVA hbpt Vim's oardbb COBFOHTdlKIICO BIUjT tfoDElltnOTT CAROLINE WHITE ■ jllPf OlnwUon or JOHH 00BT. ' ^» A Erg. ^jj. n,^ ^ Sat.&M. Wed. Bkt too. to tlJO. BBLffra A 00. pKMnt A malolniu of Iots, mjatair tad Umui, ByBOl ooorhRiiiiOBnB. I VIIEUM nr. Bnadwsj. LfuEUB BTai.,S.U.KUATliDn.A8kl,U Cluilea FlDluiiin, EUw A ErUigtr pnunt ELSIE FERGUSON In • FU7 In Foot Acta tij HalMrt Henrj DavlM. "OUTCAfiT." NUDSjlH Mtli St., W. of BroadnT. Btm- MkttBus, Wed. and Sat- xu. THE SHOW SHOP Bf Junta Forbes, Antbor at •Ttie Otionu Ladj" With DOUGLAS FAIRBAMS OOBAB A BABB.I8 B'vaj and web St Bres. Bl8.It. Hata. . — Taca. ABaLBt2.i6. OOHAH A BARBia Preaent "HELLO BROADWAY" WItli New Tork's Favorite Comediana OOnAN, WM. OOLUER. AAB ■ MM B-WAT A «U BT. ETB8. (.U. wwaaaBM ■'popaur Wed. Mat. Mo. to ILW. OOHAN A BABBU PRBSEMT "IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE" A nmoal Faot, b; ROIOOOPBB HEOBITB ud WALTBR HAOIETT. CANDLER I»f5»4"V^TS!^^t*(BMf" vmii/uuM gjj^ jj,^ Wed; A Bat ut. BffT Torki Keweat Flajlioaie. Oohan A HaiHi pnaent (bjr viwwementwitli AiUiDr HopUnilk new pUf b7 »isw yoiun Amerlean aatbor "ON TRIAL" By B. L. BelienaMln. Beala I weeU In adrinoe. I 4eih 8L or. B'wty BvenlngB St e.lO. HaUneea Wedseaday andSacordarxao.' 6t CO. PBBBBBV By MABOAHEr MATO and BALIBBPBT FIBLD FULTON TWIN BEDS REPUBLIC W.mst. ETenlngae.U; MaUsees Wednesdar and ' A B. WOODB PRBSBNTS "KICK IN'^ToM"?; WUlard Maefc WItll JOaif BARRTUOBB, JAUB OBBT^ J08BPBINB VIC^TOa and othera. KJIIIERBOCKRE S'aTtV^'J M DANIEL V. AATllDR pnueola HARIB RICHABD CAHILL CARLE MuBlcal Comedy 811 TBB! jHBIIC nV IHfiTBDnillf w. 4:lBd St. Erea, e.It. Un UlalBKVAfl Haia Wed. and Sat, a.l«. KLAW A ERLANOKR, Hanageta. OHARLBS DILUNOUAK Fraeenta a Syncopated Moalcal Sbow WATCH YOUR STEP Ifnalo and lyilca by Irrlnir Berlin. Book by Harry B. Bmllb. Wltb Mr. d( nri. VemoB Caatle. A H, WOODS Pretenu an AmtrtoSi ^_Flayln»Acl». THE SONG OF SONGS ~*~1>BHELD0H. BaaedontbenoTalby SPDMHAIW, wim an AU BUrOwt THBATBE, W. 41d BT. Brenlnsi at 8.11. Vata. Wed. and SaL, %\t. 8ELWTH A CO. PRESEOT HARRIS SELWnt A . .^„„» MARGARET lUlNGTON Tm IlIE AilTIlCn JONBa STBAND "a^iSoToL'*- MART PICKFORD "MBIISTBESS NELL OTHJi" SpfERtOR PICTDRE ATTRACnONS u.— 'ifl Orcbeatra and Bololita weit Week—Oaby Dealya, In "tier Trtnmph." S2JIIPIRli B'«*7^4«1>W-BTe«.Ui. oiuR!Kfpte'?i:.^':*-S?,SSr'''" __.CHAHLE8 FROIIMAH Piwenta*^ ETHEL BARRYMORE '"AS?'THE SHADOW 3i"c,a By Darto Mlccodoinl A Micbael Uortoo BURLESQUE ROUTES. THE FRENCH MODELS. Colambls 'WbMl* Al. Bmtm Btor (Inlii Rsale, inr.)—(ItletT. ODttia, F«bk 14, tar «a 8j3, UlnMpolli JO. . Amtficu Bnnlln (Loa Epattlo, mir.)—Bmpli*, Tokdo, Ptb. 1-a, OUetfD 8-lS. Bebmio BiMv (jAck Slupr, mir.)—Onbeata, PtltnoB, Feb. I S, Bmplw. Newtra, s O, Boo Tina (Fnnk UcAlnr, ncr.)—Hinronl lod Albinr F«b. l-e, Bnoi. New Toik. 8-13. FIc jQllln (Minim Jie>M, D(r.)-'ail«l7. Hon- tml, P(b. 1-a, Albiiv and Hartford 8-13. MURRAY HILL, NBW YORK. (Iltvln<i Ttctiat Amiv, M). Wbm Dcrrnnl ind Zrlnlrr ilirKd out it Uit bnlonlBi nt tlx mioD tlirr wtr* wocrln) *lwtl>f.' tbeir alMW lotog to ivioatD on lha wb«*l. To tMt Iho Tenllct of lb« wnaon Uift pnt a Ktl coDwdian and tmvT man la Ibe nnncllial role* Tb<j »plo;«d Fnnk Uatt and Fnd l>e 8IW.1 UNCLE SAM'S BELLES. _ ICellr. Damwl * Wllll>n)>" prtnnttd Cnrle a«B'> I1«ll« at Oalj'i lut wttk (Jta. M-30). "A Nlitt It ilM Cabarat" and "Tb* B«IIm at Rom" nir ilaifd by Ktllr. Damiel and Will- Ian*, aa.l Ktllr. Danarl and Wllllaon catrlfl the abow ortT wllb th^Ir MpptfT CDHMdy. Hi* run, Uouth or "blalah," tint in a few placn, la voTth too |i«r ctut. In dfllTeir. but Dot for bo'RS motion. A "irlo" oumber at a anda founialo. tviiTMa K., D. and W., la "nil alitir." TiMTr'a no |>lot. 3onfi w«rv 14,1 for tbt ooot tart by tbal mr c\&m lltllo aoobrrtle. mnc*< 'arr. WfeMbvr ihr waa hamkO a coajflo oT Boai> hem ibai wriv Kdjibe Ulbbm' for Iba Nm York i-naagMneni la nut antiHNi: liut aurrly aucb a abape* If prima (limna aa xtiM illUxHia la worth nun irtaj ttfuBi vbcrl. Frank llnrl la one of tbo funnlrat and DcaUit cooKdlana In burleaque. Tba ml of , th* pilaclpala acrm to onjor wortlna wllb bim, Ben Welcb'a On Oo. (Darry Sbiplro, njir.)— and tbfr put cn tbclr beat eiToria wlien he la on Oaltty, Boalon, Feb. 1-4, OolnmbU, Kew York, tbo atate. —, —, -T .... , . - "> a ""^l cllpppd part and two aonn. oeltbfT end tbey niado tbo abow oae of Ibr bnl on toe vf wblcb anMnulnl to mnrh ouulilo tbe way Ibty Beauty Parade (Bd. Scbaeftr, mir.) — Oalety, Miijxanalli, Feb, 1-4, Star, Strraal. S-IS. BoweTy__Dorlea4neri ( Bob _Ooben. nxr.)—Albany Tbe Uuiv.-<r mu baa been pnttloi on iwie i^iod abcwa UUlT, but not In a long lime haa any ahow KOIM aa bl( a hit. Manaser Kcnl Wald- man adnlltrd that ^.o thuiigtit tbia burlnxiao one of tbe beat on tbe wcon I nlwel. True, wc allow Ibat Ibia alnw la itlll a Utile rough but tli« clever maolcurlat. Durt, will a(« that It will not lean.- bli ibop without • alilne on all lla parla. 'Ibo prhiclpali bare oil bci^n well aelccte<1. and there la nr>l a bit of fault to be found wllb any or tbem- Tbo cboiua la on eicerttlonally roiwI loohinc one, and alw a c<k I alncliig anretatkiii, Tbe noubera were alagnl l>; llucbcy Kcnonl. ami aland Itj IlUiibcr ncmord. and her rlimtlrv fCtuHl Job. *l*lie glrla am wlllliig oulwclBhlita BELASCO jy?'^Ji? Mat»^TliniB.4Bat.,ia». .. , DAVID BELASCO I^ewgia ' FRANCES STARR IN MARIE ODILE By EDWARD KNOBLAtrCU. Eeih Are., oiMiti sia. Dally Uailneea at 2,26c to II. EvonlDga at 8,2Sc. to $140. MAMMOTH WINTER CIRCUS SUPREIAE B^y A Mtk SU Phono «980 O0L on. and SaL,AOO. 1<A8T a WBBKB 1<A8T a WBB. DANCING AROUND withALaJOLSON VBIA CdBL W.ofB'way.' PbonetngBiyasU al nlw Evea. ai6. Hats. Wod. A Sat. XU, JOB WBBEn'B HmlcaLl Comedy FroduoUon TIE ONLY eiRL IQt'h Tbea.,nr.B'way. Pbona 418 Bryant Otfill OU, Uato. Wed.ABat.2.W. DRESSLER IntlM Ui^ laaBb Tohlcle «^ MIX'DP" TTHBATBE, Mth St.,waat of B'vay. Pbona, 84W Bryant Brea. LU, HaUnece Wed. A SaL, 2.1t. All4tar Company Direct from tbe Oalety Tlieatrt, London. SHABTEST SBOW IM TOWN. T0-NI6HrS THE NIBHT 40—OENmNBLONDON OAIETT OIRLS M B. V. KBTTB'a B'way ktUBL Uallnee Dally. Sun- day Oonoeita iM and 8.U- COLONIAL ARTHUR PRINCE BOSB COOBLAN A CO., Clare Borton, Nella 'n'ebb, Ur. A Ills. HodgklnB, ■■711080 4 Uoya," ■■Auronbot Ligbt" V f mS*BTV w. 43nd BL Eves. AM. bAOCiKX Z Mala. Wed. 4 Sat. at a.U. OHABLRS PROUBAH Presents OTIS SKINNER THE SUaENT VOICE raiES EORRRT OOODUAN. on the atory by Ooaverocar Bonis Bway. A 4(ita St. Brea. at ■ Bats. wed. A Sau a.U 'blakQEB, Kanacen RUTH GHATTERTON " DADDY LONG-LEC8 ABBWOOBUIDTBV JBAB WBBBTBIB COLUMBIA THEATRE BBOAOWAV, «T*h BTBBBT, R. T. Thia Week, FOLLIES OP TBB BAT I ITTI e THEATRE, 44th St., W. Of B'way. LI I ILE Phone aioo Bryant. Erea., 8.4<. Msuneea Wedneaday A Sat, a.80 A PAIR OF SILK STOCKINGS Oraila BABOODRT'B OOHKDT JU Seats at AU Perfoimaneei ixto. DA ATI! VHEATBB, 4>th, W. Of B'way. IIUIII n Fboneoioo Bryant BTee,<JO. ■ Uaiineea Wed. A Bat iBoT WINTIIBOP ABES' AMERIOAN PBIZE PLAT CHILDREN OF EARTH By ALICE BROWN. rAQTNO B'wayAsgtbStPhone884eareeley VAOinU Ere8.e.20. Hats, Wed. A Bat, 2.-J). THB HOST WONDERFITL PLAT IN NEW YORE EXPERIENCE 0« THEATRE. West of B'way 44Xn Ola Phono, 1^ Bryant Brea. 8.00. Matinees Wed. A Sat, 2.00. FOB FOVB WBBKB ROBERT IN- REPERTOIRE MANTELL nnRRATHILLTIIElTRE I«ilBfftaa Awe. ud «ad Bt., B. T. Ttli Week, QIBLS FBOn JOYLARD of '40' are doing finely, and it looks good all. Clutzb will to only too pleased to tell the along the line. Last week In Limn . wo. world about you. packed them in every night. Turned them A. H. DnowM.—Hoir be tbe Great Inter- away on the opening night In FlndUiT. I ex- national Ehowa doing in. Donaldionvllle, T*^ enrtloned a carload (rooi Toledo, we plog thin week? Send In your rente and sons Chicago, Hotel La Balle, for the Wllfeys- news. Overland Auto Company banquet, Jan. 2ri, TiHS back your "bucks," they cannot buy then Jump into Toledo for a week, fallowed my cAmlvel. "I' got to have the by Fremont, O.; Kendallvillo iind Anderson, money." Ind. Have no trouble getting bookings, and j. c. McCaitbet got nwny from Cblcoco we tij to give the people 0 iwl show. With without making any noise or letting anyone kindest regards to yourself. Jow llopp, Jow nuch know bis buslneas. J. C. is one of the Dokm, Jow HnUt, Jow Cannon and nil the real on«, tcgudlegs. He must like Kansaa other Jowa yon can think of; with beat wishes again for yourseif, blniselt and my- self, I remain, Ibo fellow that sets tbem up ■head of tbe world's monster, massive and mastodonlc. the new Indoor nmuaement at" traction, ■Tbe Days of '4B.'" Note well— Arthur la there. ■Tacs SHiaT.D8. Artel Shields and Pearl wliletta.—^Your New Year'a rard from Bt Martinsville, La., received In duo time, tfsny thanks for your kind wlabes and remem' City. Ursbert a, Klinb says Con T. Kennedy ta Ibe wlseat one of them all, and when they all wake .up they will And oat Con T. lias not been tnvellog for nothing. Some com- pliDient. now much real coin do yoo figure on mak- ing In IPIO? Make It n big aum. Don't be a piker. J. 0. Daout says be will very likely have brnoccs. Klidly write, and Tiif New Yobk «»„ «o wltli a carnival, aince Worlhom A — .^^^^^^»[^^— ^ Allen bought out the Mighty Uaag Show. ~ ■ Well, well. J. O., aa rou know, had algned NiaN cuss AMUSEMENT CONCESSIONS FOB DEER ISLAND, BILOXI, MISS. ttmnslODt popnlatlon darlnffBeoAOD 10,000 '.dftUj. CommniLieato, wlUi dotAllB, to C. 8. CROCKETT, «1B STAMOIi BlBAlfOHB) SIaDO.. JffBW OBI^BARI, IiA. up to go w)tb the Mlffotj Hsair. Duirj> joufMlf a bome like C. W. Parker hji9 Id T^TCDworth, Kin'. Some place. The irrllfr wishes to acIcDofflodxe (he receipt of a TC17 floe photograph of said home. He aaw It when It waa bulldlD?. * Neprr loso algbt of jour object. Meaning the thing vou loteod to accompllBb. Tf 70a baro no lueal or omblsb, well, that la dif- ferent Hope 70Q have. Ip Tou had the nionor the Smith Greater bOB made iDd saved, you would not baTc to worry. Oh. that I'lttsbiirgb bank account. TnBRE Is moncT Id the camtTal buslnesa. Do jou know bow to get It ouc7 TiKa blm 9Uti QWTE^ 004 eIto liUo eome air. voik«r« sod shoir ao Intcmt In ihrtr Duntcri. The bfoks, "In Wronu" iml "The lUJsh num." tn full of >lf^ snd tbcro U not a ihtll motnriit lo vltbcr of thm. Bolh <>f conlsln nine rrry fui-iajr lUuBtlons. Anioiu 'It fuQnIctt irvtt: Th6 cnlranvo of Iho two cumrillnni. tho lolroilUtfClon, Uic cnirsncc of th« bAil man. tbo ntlnd Tfstllni bit. tho holdhig of tbo mMiry hi:, tho Hnijiplntf of tbe Bnccrs bit. Uie itruitusltig Mont. the kli»log Mt, the MMIIntf of (ho iitalurs bit. lira table wenc. Iho cfffinlitalo bit, Iho Inmirancr bit. Iho loadM clfior bit. thf> haml bit, tbo cntnnca of tbe 04TinaD in tbe burl««qite, Ibo riart niiml^r. tbo colrouco of ibo Itajn^. Iho f|»-«laUr of llcr* aod IlMtfOTd Feb. 1-6, Ca^loo, Doatoo, 8*19. Bjllr WatWB'a Dig Show (DIII7 WiUod, ncr.)— Oinaiilc, OloclDDail, Feb. 1<0, Eoplre. Toledo »13. CBmallOD Bfaotln <Bam RoMnioo, mgr.)—Qll* lEore, Spvlagflcld, M«as., Feb. 4*0. rrorldenco S-13. <y::cfo Qlrlt (Max Splcip-l. ngr.)—Palace. Baltl- DKTe, Feb. 1-0, Oalotx, Voiblngton. 9-13. ,.- Drpamlcnd Burleanucn (Doh TraTcrt^ mgr.)— b^ baa pat OTer a gw Job. SjracLto iDd Utlca Feb. l O* Oslotjr. Moolrcal. 013. Dare Mailon's Owa (Inr UkrU. mgr.)—Qilctft Plltsbureh. Fob. l U, !:tnr. ClorelNDd, 8-13. rollln of Ibo Dir tJtck MoNamara, mgr.)— Ckilumbla. .New York, Feb. 10. lar off 8-13. CaMno. IlklD.. lB-20. OoldfD Croiks (JamcA 0. Fulton, mgr.)—oO Feb. 1-0, MlDneapolla g-l.*!. Galeir OlrlH (Jacob* A Jennno, mgrs.)—Weat- miDSter, iTovldctice, Feb. 1-0. GaielT. Boatcn. til3. (llDIRr Olrli (R. 17. ChlpmaD» mgr.)—OtilAO, iKutoo, Ffb. 1-0. Marirord A Atbaoy 8-18. airla of (ho Qar Wblte War (DaTO Oordoo. our.) —Rmpire, Nowark, Feb. l-e, Pblla, 840. Qlobo Trotler* (Wa«b Martin, mgr.)—Oate^, Kansaa CItjr, Feb. 10.' Galetr. Omaba. 8-13. Qtvt MqIiU (Wm. V. Jconlnfta. mgr.)—Oblum* blo^ Chlcigo, Feb. 10. Eoglewood. Ghlcato, Olrla of tbe HodIId Ronge <ITiirtlg ft Beomon, TDBTS.)—'L«7 off Feb. 1-0, GasbM, Dtookljo, 6-13. Oar New Torkera (Jake Qoldeoberg, mgr.)—Im* perlal, Rt. Louis, Feb. 1-0, Oaletj. Kantaa 0117. 8-13. Glrla from Happ7land (Geo. II. Ilarrts. mgr.)— Ouloo, Pblla.. Feb. 10. Hmpire Hobokeo. 8-10. Ilanpf Widows (FeoeM7 A Uerh. iDgn.)—^alelj, Detroit, Feb. 1-0. Osletj. Toronto. 8*18. QooerraooD Girls—Caainn, Dkln.. F^. 1-0, nur* tig A fteitnoD's: New York. 8-13. . Dsailnn' Big Sbow (Ilarrr llasllDn, mgr.)— name lii cai>llals) was tbo riot of tho ahow. Hnrtig & Seamn's, New' York, Fob. 1*0, Em- quaint German character van inoiv tlinn appro- pire, Pblla., 6*]3. ciLtttl. ' Them Is uo ollipr ciiiitr< In Inirlcoiiiio LIborlr Olrls (Alex. D. Gonnnn. mgr.)—Engte- that works with exacUr <bo winio alylo llo wood. Clilcigo, Feb. 10. Oatotr. Detroit. 8-13. ktMMvs bow lo wear dullim. Wlicn ho nin.*ca Tore Makers (Sam Howe, mgr.)—DroDX, New out In a full drou salt, bo laukn It. Ills nakL- Tork, Feb. 1-0. Orpliram. Pstorsoo. 8-13. up snd dialect an both vory lood. He has a Million Dollar Dolls (Ira Miller, mprr.)—Empire, nice toIc*. end la quite norao eccenlrlo ^nd acro- Brooklm, Feb. 10. nilnniv. fMirfngfleld. 813. hatic diccer. nurt eonUi nially apiv/ir In wer« sung. "Cnwnor Melody" la iwiw a grand bll td joatentaj. \Vh7 did K.; I), ft W. not switch lo a newer ooeT NerertlictMa Mlas Otbbons Old well *rlih Ibe Tttcal cn<l of It. and mansKfil Witw with "Mr Urlonial gitm." In tbe aecoml l>art, wearing riill while tle«blnB)i and a jHlor* robe snd Iial for tbo flrst snd a iHrcry acalrd nrrsir orcr llrxhlngn tttr ibo latlrr. Sh« wnri "them" as b^uiillfnlly ai any prima donna to burlraqtto to-day, and the only regrei li aho dlitn'l bhT« al lNi>t ihroe guoti numlwrs to Frances Farr's irlA. Ihsl Inrlndo^l "Harmony liar," M wlih llirney ^'llllanu: "MI»iiliUi|p|il Otibiret." "Hello, Folk*" and "(^liri>rnlB riiiI Yon." tmldca lirtng yrtXl Irtaih^l a|t with niiicb. for n soiibrotto part, but Mil ncelkitlly rnml for. Oborrblsb i^viiror wai In Itie !«|tni nisiiy lUniH, her rlihnrfmf aloiio, ami with ClIfTtinl !>« (InifT, hor, (radlnR tlio "Ciilnnlown.' to IMxIelnnd" ami ".Mlchlg] niu»4.vni. "Hack •Mof iP't - - woo^lt'n aboe a|K>clnlly wlih I)e Or»rr wnn a nicd bit iif work, with homoir hi al>lir«>vIi«:oil bliio anil wbllo "litlckcr" Mitt, ami Do <lrorr In lilnck Mitlt. Mtho Kelly, flmt as (Amut nilharo ami lairr »* .MIkw McCirlhy. aitti nnrury Wlllknii inn Uimhi Iwron: Iheii doing Ixtnla llolns. In llio "Hrllrx ut Ildiuo" ImrlPLia. ni>rkrtl k'oII lufrrttior. Frniilc Dainsol did a Konlueky Colonel, a bunrn |ii/, sirnlgbt aod "c«mi." and wna In n ilroHn aiilt itMig enough for Iba "audlnu-o" bit who^o the orrhrs- tra 4iilt. and Kelly, Willlanu. De Oroff and MIm Farr, crmtinl Into iIh< pit and "ployctl" Uiulr own ranvlc. It tiMik big. nard end Marlln, Iho by-nlay wllb tbe llalili, TTie "Ubinitown" niuiibcr lud (ho cbnnu rigged (be fcurUsniie 00 "Olhclb»,_ th« cborui nuniifcr, to blue Tama uuidin, anil "Oallfornlii" ImHiiHit tod tlie anUh with (Im Itsjsb. All of (hcso scene* T«eelT«a good Istighi. Ainon# tho nnulcil numbers wove "I Can't ne* IleTo Yoo Really Loto Me." by BfaTtln; "Tulip and Boae." tiy Miss Allyo; "Mluliilppl Co' baret*' by Miss UoOloud: "All Abosrd for Dixie." by Ulss Houston: "Itooknl In Ibe Crad>o of Lote.'' by Martin and Mc<:k>ud: "Roaa Ro- itetls." by DeBllTB snd AII70; "Mooching Along," by Dcrurd: "Mlchlgnn." by lloiialon; "VIC' hols." byJucCload; "When tho btweet Magnolias by llMnnnl (bla own con- _ _ l Htop tYom fjotln* Me by "OuTt snd Allyn. smi "High Obst of LoflDg," by Hooiitoo. TTie MOttlogi were veiy Bloom lo TeDn«*se&" norltkm); "Vou Oan*t Htop t>Yom Now.", by 'Hurt snd Allyn. f LoTlDg," by Hooiitoo. The LTod, eopeclally Itie sccnml pari. FRANK I'URT (for ho dowrroti to liore bis ' His 3Ila« Fnrr and the glrla out lu wbllc Jackola oud drahlnga ftf military mak^>. Hio cuaiirotea fur the other' niinilK'n, from "Chinatown" on, wrre well coalumnl. As a apeclst allraollrai, JotkIc Rlkor. from tba ranks of tbo "Itt'llei"* chorus, nmlor tho title "Kinrlrnia," {tfToml "Daniti Is Arabic." a imirb twKchlof. SQulrmliig of sll of Jessie but ber feet, ILat oeoreil nig. This compinr will return to Dalr'a Feb. 8. lo llnlah out ibe Irani* of thIa honso wllb alock Inirleagiio. and with Rrownlo O^rroll si prima dt'noa, IS Mlw Qllibona' realsnstlon took vfTcct 10. Hio rborw: Ins Brlfbt. I^dlth GUI. I'eggr Duahsn, Mlhlred' dlalro, RI'Hinor Omr, Mnhel runrre. Ilabn Detiell, Rote Ui>)tsoa, DeKyfe 'I>ickcr, llolon WlllUmi. I«« IMa>rer. Flo Miniuotio. Joaido Price Winners (A. Foanon, mgr.)—Oilely, Wash- Invton. Feb. 1-6. Gaiety. Vlttaburgb. 8-13. Roneiaml Girls (Walter Greares, mgr.)—Osletj, Doffalo, Feb. 1-6, Syiicuse and Uilca B-M. lloHe Sydell's (Dsrrr Tbompaon, mgr.)—Rnplre. Pblls.. Fob. 1-0, Pstarc, llaVtlmore. 8-13. no*ey Poicy Olrls (P. B. CIsrk, mgr.)—Oalety, Toronto, Fob. I'-O. Oayely, IlulTalo. 8-13. SocUl Mslds (J. J. Llebennann, mgr.)—KmpiR, Hoboken. Feb. 1*0. Kroplro. Rrooblyn. 8-13. Star ft Girter (Prank Wolaberg, mgr.)—8lsr snd Gsrier. Chicago. Feb. l*o Imperial, Bt. T.f>uU, 813. Trocaderoa (Frank 8. Pierce, mgr.)—Slsr. Otero* Isnd, Fob. 1-0. Olymplo. Clndnnstl, 8-l.T Winning Widows (Louis Ollbert, mgr.)—Oslely, &lllwaakt«, Feb. 1-6, Star snd Gsrtrr, Cbl- csgo. P-13. Wathon Slitont* Co. (Mf^x Spteir^I, msr.l—Star, St. Paul, Feb. 1-0, Gaiety, Mllwinkce, 8-13. Colombia Wheel—Added. Aujo nirls (Teddr Bloiond.^. mgr.)—Standard. ' '0. Oeotury, Ksnass City. 8- '~ ' ~ " Slandsrd, Bt 8-13. Touts, Fob. 1-0. Oeotury, Ksnass CIt; Bntdway Olrls (Boh OordoD, mgr.)—! Clocliioatl.'Feb. 1-0.'B(bpreei|,'Oblambus, 8-13, Doheralana (Tom Miner,' mirr.l-^alely. Ilrooklyo, Feb. 1-0, New Haren and Drldgop^rt 8-13. Big Rerlew (Henry P. Dixon, rom".)—OcDtory, Ransss Olty, Feti. 1-0. layoff 8-13. Cbtcdco ia-20, Beaitty, Tooth and Folly (Louis Slark. mgr.)— OrcenOeld'aod Holyoke Fob. 1-0. Howard, Bos- ton. 8-13, ' Big ScueltJon - (MorrU Walnntock. mgr.)—ffew naren and Bridgeport Feb. 1-0, Orand Opera CoDse, Kew - Tori, 8*13. - - City Sports. (R.-B. Pattoo. mgr.)—I^y off 7eb. l-e. GstetT. Oblcago.. 8-13. Crseker Jacks (Cfaorles Faiko, mgr.)—Gayety. Cblcsgo. Feb. 1-0, Oolumhits. Irclfnapolls 8-10. Cherry IlloMOma' (Msatico Jacobs, mpr.)—Tejiple, Fort.Wsyoe, lud.. Feb. 1-0. Oblcigo 8-13. Olty Belloa-^Star, DUo., Feb. I'O, O^aderm Phils., 8-13. ■ Charming Widows—Howard, Boston, Feb. 1*0, Grand, Rosf^n, 8-13. Rts Hull's Show (Lew Tslbot. mgr.)—Wllkea* Rarre and Scranton Fob. 1-0, Dlogb-imton snd flchrDcclady 8-13. Follies of Pl,!SBore (Rabo Rem^ieln. mgr.)— Perth Amboy, South nelhlrhem snd Baston Feb. 1-0. Gsloly, Doltlmore, 8-1.1. Fny Ftaaler Oo. (Joo Oppeuholmer, mgr.)—Bock- logbom, LoolSTllle, Feb, 1*0, Slsn lsrd, Olncln* osti, 613. French Models (Dick Zclsler, mgr.)—Academy, Jeraey Olty, Fob. l-O, Perib Amboy, South Pelblehem and Baston 8-13. Girls of Ibe Follies (H. M. StioDse. mgr.)—SsYor, Hamilton, Ont.. Feb. 1-0. Oadlllac. Detroit. B-13. O17 Wldowa (Loots J. Obe!*wortb, mgr.)—Msn* Chester, N. H.. and Worcester. Msss.. Feb. 1-0. Now York 8-13. Qlrla from Joylaml (BJm Wllllsms. mgr.}—Mar- I^UIU. New Tork, Feb. 1-0, Star, Drooklyo. Oinleo' cf Olrla (Louli Gerard, mgr.)—Hsymarker, Cblesgo. Feb. 1-0. Htandanl. St. Loula, 8-18. Osy Morning Glories (Jack mines, mgr.)—Blog- bsmtOD and Schenectady Feb. 10, Oorlntblin. Rochester. 8-13. Hello, Paris (Wm. Roebm. mgr.)—OolomMs. In- disupolls. Feb. 1-0, UucbTnibsm. Loalsrllle., Hbi, Llfo OWa^ (Frank OsHer, mgr.)—Oalely, Phlla.-Feb. J-«. Atlantic Oltr andl^entoa 8-13. High Rollen—Empress, Oolumbos, O.. Fob. 1-0. Hmpire. Olerelsnd. 8-13. Heart Ctaormers (Dsre G<nidron. mgr.)—Empire. S13 • °" Pltlabiugh, Mischief tfskers (F. w. Oebsnly, mgr.)—Slsr, Ibronto. Feb. l-O, Saroy. UamlltOD. A-n. ^V'Jf, SI: fluJll"". mgr.)—Troeadero, Phils., Fob. 1-0, Wtlkes-Bsrro sod Smntoo 8*1S, Orlenlsls (Billy Wstaon, mgr.)—Orand Opera PS^ ^<"''' 1*0. OreenOeld ft Uol- yoke 8*13. Passing RoTlew <* 1014 (Joe Lerltt, mgr.)— CnlntblaD. Boebcsier, Fob. 10, Star. Toronto, Senimber Vomtag Oloriea—Victoria, Plttsbanb, Feb. I-fl, Peon Circuit 8-1.1. Tango Olrls (Obas. R. TaykTr. mgr.)—Atlontle 0lt7 and Treo4oo Feb. 10. Osletr. Rkln.. 813. Tempters (Gas Ksbn. rair.)—Osdlllsc, Detroit, Feb. 1-0, TVmpIe. Ft. Wayne, lod., 8-13. Tsngo QDi«ns (R. S. Dsly. mgr.)—Olympic. New York. F«4». 1-0. Academy, Jersey Olty. 8-13' Tsxl Olrls (Jack Levy, mgr.)—I'enn Olmilt Feb. 1-0, New York 8-13. TrsDs-Atlsotlcs (Cbsa. Donoftoe. mgr.)—Oalety, BsKIfflore, Feb. 1-0. Pblla. 8-13.. ZsMsb's Own Sbow (Jobn Kokbsrdt. nxr.l^ OrsDd. Boaton, Feb. 1-0. Usocfaegter, N7 O., aad Woroesier, disss., 6-13. pRNN cittroiT. Rosrer Falls. Fs.—Mondsy. IfcReefport, Pa.—Toeadsy. Orsensban. Pa.—Wedoeadsr. HIsbler, Altoons. Ps.—Tborsda7. Ofpbeoo, Toffk, Ps.—Friday. Acsdemy. Beadlog. Ps.—Satordsy, Irroodn'oy I'mbtoilon. Ilu in tho Rtrt of ilie,oM rerowned vaulFTlMo toaiii nt Hawthonio and Hurt. Waller Vtmoii, who pisjrn ii|i|wlio, la very fuDr,y. but a cooit deal of hl*i dmihiIt la loat on ttctcunt of Mil* fastness of Hurt. Vcniun la a good foil, llo purtroys thn Irlsii'aaii and tbo Ft4-i>chmnn, ^nd Is gnrnl In both. HV^l ]>o .^IIts hcl|»t s b>hh1 iloni lu put ths ■how ovor. lie la a charartrr acini of iisr extol- ler)ce. Ills clisrscler of Hie HbJbIi was runny aod alrrn. and was rory well plajeit. Ko ahoiritl ss a 'Iromntlc actor when be tHirIe»)iied "Olbello.** Ills training ao an acior on tk* CuaHt bns wun Mm a good licrlh aitd a fliio name. Gm. (Itfrl) Marlln Is a ne looking straight mso. TTe knows how to wear Ills clotbm and always locka neat. Tie bas a fair roico snd la a food deiiter. Bftrlln slmnld got sway fnini ttte sot Hnea who[rt>Ter bo cau. Ad Hbblng mskes good stnilptit mco. llneliey Ronaid was very comical at tlin negro hell hop IJnlHio■ till* uMinl IptII lioyn. Ikrnanl ti\i\ no il.inclii?. !Il> ui«o«i Jila swcel voko liisicud, end Mie n^aullii wrro far louro irrntlfylng. Amy Allyn Is a flue looking irrlma donna, has a beaiillfiil roleo and kn<i>Ts bow lo uso It. Hbo la 8 iptotl ferdor nnd ran si>eak Ikt llnrs. On tbbi lieiullful woman her gowns am worth while looking al. KIosbIo McCloiid la a oloror comcillonne. and with a Utile loning, would bo emlnenlly lit for big ilmo vauficTlIk*. She la a tall woiiinn. nnd could oso bcr height to good sdrantnge. It»r roloe Is rood, ood abe can put ot<t a rag song as well ss anybody, taAura llouatnn m&kea so excellent Utile nou- btette. She lias loo^i, role* snd nimble foot In tier f^Tor. and kfuws hir/f to Mponk hor llneft. T)w olio waa very eood. Floanle MrOloud aang "At the Ball" ami 'THpiterary," ami reoelfr«l a big band. Ilcrnard and Martin hare n pnni lino of talk. Martin's Imllatton of rkonco I'rlniroM-'a soft shoe (lancing, and Itoniard'a y<*lltnir, made Ibo act a hit. Hio "Foarlw-n Sons vt Iho I>enort,'* an Arablsn acrohatle act, atooixHl tbe sbow. They were forced lo do two encores. An oicoltcnt sbow. Uyict. CHANCE TO BUT STOOL The Columbis Amuflemeot Oo. liare T<»tsd to Jncreaae tbolr capital atock to g'jnn.uoo, Tho ad- dlttonsl 105.000 losiM la offered at 12 per nbsra -to nroient lioldnn tit Colmnbta slock, snd I2.D0 a SDsro to now InTOHloni. OEOnOD IIAnillS ItUIlT. George IT. Harris waa Injuml by an automobllo last week at Ooa llundrr«l snd Tweiity-fourlU Bttcct and Amaterdam Afenue. New York. Fire lr<«fl on bll right foot bad to Lo amputated at tbo Knickerbocker nootiltal, whoro he will bo con* floed probably for Ibree works. IHPBRIAX OPBNM^ The Zmperlal, Bt. Iritis, oneocd Jan. SI, (n tb« Columbia wheel, with tbe Osy Now Torkem. Molllo Williams has joined tbo company for tbe rest tbe season. Ons Fat boa signed with Kna Pplejel for three 7esrs. He was married in Inn- llutward, of ili« Uaywards. 00 Jan. 38. at (bo New York Oily HoU. SraHroio, Cokh., Is «iigg>vlrd oa a imaslltiv thieo day apllt week with fihTlrgOeld. Msm., sod New HsTMi Is alio mentlonei). brtulr. Hoy Marlln and Klls Arlhiii^. The Hiaff: J, W. HtanillMh, manarvr; J. STnrrls. hualnt-M m«nri«n*r; W. Willllng. iituiilcnl dinvtor; J. Fretf, niiairr mevhaiilc: .T. Wrmlo. ninnirr oC prt itertr: J. NoIpoo, electrician, auil Madame Clare, wanlrvbo nilHlro**!. Tod, 4 aAI«ft WKUK. Cnmnionrlng .Monday 'naiitirt*, Fi'b. R, MIner'H In Iho llrviiT, hnhla lln nfly-OrHt ■niilvtTmry 'llio (h«Llro Ih tlotrtrrnlrti with IIoicm and oloclrh* llHbla. Ilirt linker and hh Ifaiii 'l^m rili lx am lhi> at* lrotlh>n. wliU 'XttolH Pakit aud her HawallnnH aa a foal lire. <ir. Monday maltnoo a iiH^-lal trlnl nmnt of MimT'a .Miiko l/p will bo hIti-ii lu mrh lady In IhO audience, and aa .Monday and WiN'm-.tiay nlKhia lo ererrcno who buys a ctnji«n, on» ttt iho framed plj olographs. On TiicHilay nlslit, 0, Hioy givit to itOTwiiy-iIro fTA) of thotr psinns a drx'tuuM clilrkou ' Hie kind you eat), aud a.mnrkot baakct llllnl wlllt Cj Inga. (Hi Tlmmlay night Iher will iipct<-nt sonii* ra> traordlnary big nmaleur fealtirea for Ibis ii|k'cI:iI olght. On Kridny night. 13, a ajwvlal wreatllna lournn* meiit, Tiiin Matlliows t». U-v Korner; Mikr WII- Innl V!f. Vic KiirlB, (Imri;^ Itnthnt-r, IIghiwoii;i|t cbaiiiplon, ra. Arnntd I'elorKon. on Hniiinhy mailiioi-, ]:i, fiblhln'n'a Day, every child Dl lending will got n l»i of lotto's cnmly. Hiriiriiv'sf STOCK. The Capitol Deaulloa Is Hie (Ilia of J. Theo.|nro .\ttirtili7's bur)osi|uo suargatlnu. at tho Mnjo^llr, Waahloaioh, 1>. O., Uila work. 'II10 cfmijiaiiy Ineludra: J. Tbootloro Munthy, r>ldl« llsrTla. Win. H. 4tinllb. Tommy HarrlH, )b>b .fttoGirIro, Mnrle Delmar, Corrltiim Do Koroai. ifliorus: Sblrley HIalr. Tlirrvaa llrown, Jennie Olaen. NleO Itltaa, l'e«ty Uavtn, llalm Forro«H*r, Jennie Oarran, IlorleiiM DiHinla. draco lllnl, T/tr* elta Hwtnier, Ilatito Hinlth, Mao Navy, ioniito Korvin, Uelle Lynch. Krelyi (lll>aott, Hthel Van Auailn. llisMiiesa U gra(Lr>^iig. and tbo aeaMn will uu* douhlnlly bo a wIniHT. TIh* Iioiibo ataff: J. 'llipmlor^* Murphy, mnnaser; Wn. Itowiimn, treaHiiror: <J. V. HchUlehl. iiuihI* ral illroetor; Frank Whito. alasn mnnaxer: Oina. 4. White, property ; Hharn (IraTon, otioraior; Jannes Luftas, tftcolrlrlaii; J. \V. Uuwo. |iil. Kcpni. NaTB n. ftl' AHI> WaI.TBU lldttnMliKnri wlihdritw from tho Unly Tht^lro inatiaumient. New Vork, loJit \v<i''.t. Jtrr^iK* K^wMilirrg niul Jl. A. T<(wImo mnaln. Joaiicile Ihiiiro'n Company Is tbe sltrncilnn ihta wook. MANAUHoa Tai'Mr HmnNOf*, of Hih Auin (llrls Oo„ has rngagetl Mllf*. ItoE<>ll, "Ute Dancing Vfnua," as a special attracMon (Vir Uie roat of tbe aesnoD. PaiFfnusM Or>iA Wii.n. ceceiilrle dancor, was extra attraction with the Uyirsy Mahla (V>., at Iho .Star. HI. TaoulM, Intit wei^k, playing In large houars. snd la Imoknl sollit to pisy relom date* for Ibn next nlX wet'ba. OiiAOi.u IiuBKiiAsiiT and bla slide r(v)>ced Chaa. Ilowo wllb Hie Heart Oliarmers, Tou IlAunvrr ahu Mat hare Jolnril tbo ZaMiah Show. DonoTnr Oom.inh who has been playing clubs for Ore yesra, weul back lo burlewjue. Joining tbo Monte ^'nrlo (Hrls. Raar IUkd has revorrro'l, and Olleil lo laat Sunday at Hm Onlim>)ita. Now York. MAHr-LLtt HnuuAK gm orcr to Hie R.>wory Rnr* lenquen, and Is suecoolnl wlih tbe GirU nf (l.u Moulin lUHise by Kthel Mannont, wlio aiiccoa^* fully nang "Honinbofly Kmiwa," at Ibo OolumbU laat wool, Hta Mur.L has cb)wd a lib lh« Follies of ]Di20. ItsU-lto. who baa liern rUilnir ber niioclalry only fof a few weeks wlih Ibo abow. n&w plays the psrt. WILL SET YOU A JOB '"rMK ^RIOSC THAT I PAID FOH YON" HARRY K. MORTON Of Qua Vajr'a Qajatr Olrls TUB PBODVCEB THAT KHOWB HOW TO PUODVOB flllUWB Raymond B. Perez *^ ALWAYS HAS NOVEL IDEAS Jast B few or thIa Heaaon'a abow/: Olalcli Cooprr'a Paar Showa, Bmiatf Gerard Moore A Beaalon ikiad Che C)«baret Olrla, ur RRVERBNOB IB THAT NO NUUIIRIt WAH OIIANdRR APTKR OPKNIffO. IT lIBERn, FEB, 6, FOR BlURGE OF SEASOR W. H. EVERSTINE OIIABS., UEir. BVB. ASftlilDg cant for. lIolRlit, ( ft. < In. DOROTHY JEWELL ItUBdVKI, Id DU8. An;tlilngcaatfor. HpcclalUcii. Ilelg?it,tfl. (In. L'XpcrleitcrJ. Rap. or at/>ck. Joint or alnalo. A'lllrnw W. If. KVKRttTINK, OUUUKKI.ANI), Ml). In aniicerlnn ait, ptcute tncndsn CtUtUk