New York Clipper (Feb 1915)

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10 THE NEW YORK OlilPPER Febbtjabt 6 FOLLIES OF THE DAY. Do ok 300 n&TlTIG* OboroM Cofltmncs 0c«nrry 100 100 100 FrliiolpalB Nainlicn Comnl^ lOO 100 lOO At the Oolamhli. New York, ihts ibow ap- miei] Feb. 1, crowded nltb noreltlfi IQ tbc wt; ot BPCCltl Ducnben, ront'dr tolta bdU Mrlotu vcciiea ■n wltta a burlc«-iiM noltli, accorOlog (o rcfculor bane/ Ocrard conception ot builcwiue. It «u i«cHt«i1 b7 tb« Dlitlit bone. tb« ifco ot wblcb WON kept tlowD, DO ttoubt Uj Ibc bad weather. Bam BIdman did not do lo moch in the flrat part ai the hot dos mao. but abooe lo the reToe **(icrlriide Uijoi. caal aa Peg o' My Deort, had the look* and the brogue, and O0atrllmte<l ber KOoA\y Bhare to the creDmi'a entertaloment la ber part ai well oi In ber apeclallr. with tbe four aabom balred gllmmeren. • Cbeater Nelwo waa a fui)Oj faced Robe, foU of DOTel raaoner Id patting over hla coracily, and he did sot lack langblDg reluron for bU efforta In the Tarloui cometij atroef. A funny fife aad drum bit wai a big acream. Blaa Mar Is a nwect facni. aweet Tolcfd In* genoF, who look good care of tbe nambera aa- atgnod to her, and lookcil well In oeveral fetch* log coiiuffic etreclfl. Utile Anna I'rapp hae sradnated Uto a real rirlnclpal In rarUiua jnlaet. and looked partku* irlr fetching ai tbe Oopld, In the "Danctnc with •TcK 0' Uy Heart" number, whicli Inlrodoccd couplaa of varloua naltonatltlci aod pertoda, VlTlei:ne Ollai bud not mocb to uke care <it In the way ot acting, but raste loto her own for an operatic oieillcy, wlilcb illaplaycd her well* cultlfateil soprano toIcc. Rbe waa well remeru* Kittf with floral trlbutea. loclodtog a large lyre. Mlaa Uayea alio bad to bow otiao. In eckoowl- edging a nomber nf Oowen, lncludln,T a flue offer* Iru mm ber "Dowriiowo Frtendn." 9Ul7 Waldron I'loked the part of Oacar Tlimr iHTMein, and acted It aa mr eool4 br. Jack UcHorler Uld Uirld Ucluco In facial iuakc*ap and dremi. Jctm B, Williams was tJio Olva Ko QnAlt Boy. AI, Bcetes, well mimicking bis pecoJiarltln, and rhU Bihltb tctrd and trkil to look like atoip M. Oohan for tbe parpoie In the plot. R. I>, fiedao, Bnlh. BulllTiD ood UorloD It. Pox com* pleted the coat "What Do«i Ihu Pobllc Wantr* was the title decided open by tbe foor lupressorloa for a new Itevoe. and they prenenieil It accordingly. The eceoea showed TImee Bquare and an ex* IcrtoT of the Ooluuhla Tbcstre Snlldlog, also a ballroom. The elghteeo glrla were of general good appear f>nce. Sam Bldman and Miss Ilsyes opened wltb a wonly quarrel betwen the Duldi asu tbe Irlnb. The Bojnbtrs Included: "Yankee Doodle IV^y." by Mr. Bmltb; "01r« Ue OredU, Bon,'* by John r. Wllllsros; "We're the Ksrouui: lmpr««arlM." !•/ tbe Big Four; "Virginia Itose," by Mliaea I'ropp and .May, to a creit niHny encores; "Ban Frsnclico Pair." by Miss Troi^p nnd Mr. Seilan; a BalTatloii Army nnmber, wlili Mr. Bldnsn ss captain; "ttliat Dora Ibe I'ulillc Want." by Mr. AlcSorley on the singe nnd Ibc different prtnd* |ioIb leBpotiilliiR n'hii appropriate verHea, fmm vnrlouB psrlH of lite liouw, but AI. llcert-s fltially die'd4-s tbe question by tlie Tome Ibot tifl tJitf "cooch." ami nil the otbcn* otrcv. Mlhs Hay song "I Wonder Wbr Tboy Riare at Mf," wlib good ehorns work. A drinking song, "It's Qrent 8pc-rt Just the Hnne.'* IjdiI n great awing. MIsa llsyos d^Urereil a pathetic recita- tion about tbe "iMt flinlcr," wlih a ponch On* lab. A tclfMoiie hit hImitciI th-i^ moUcIn lo tialcB salts posing In a store window. Rcene 2 Introtluced Mlu Tlaym In Ibree mnle coftume changes, with ber tricktoti* (Anns Propp, Dor HMwr, Rulh Hiilllvsn .mil Irene Olsrk). In "Chinatown, My Olilnatuwo," "I'snama Conal," "lie Ooraes Up Bmlling" and the gmlcMjuo Qnlsb, villi the troiiHcn fslllni; off little Mfrs rro(ip. In Act Th-o. Flan May Hnns the "nones" wng, tt> encflrett. Tlie oiKTutlc luiillcy wnv ■ hig Mt, and the Teoipto Qnnrtct (Arthur Brooks. Phlt W. FiPlth, R. D. Weblon and Ilsrrr Lnng) did well T»Uh 'Tulip and llose," "Cammin." "Can't Oct Anay Frwn II" nnd "Tlpiw-sry Mnr.v." In the ballroom scene, Mica Iluyes and Mr. Kelson bn<l s funny an<l atrenuouH traTc^tT iic •Tbrce Weeks." The wlrelewi telephone booth Mt waa well worhnl up hy Mr. Bldnsn, In tbo l<oth; Mr. WilllADiH on Ibe onlpMc, snd R. D. Fednn ss an eiollahlr Ptrnchunn. kicking the Lrotb, wblch kept Stdman btt<iy keeping bin bsl- snce In the ever mOTlng antl eTcr forking bnntlt. "It Wonid Ue Nice" wss a duct by ^niw Hayes ami Mr. Nelson. "Volley of the Moon" wns veil nmg by the btggeat chorus girl. Mr. Bid* QB Dartd Warlleld, bsri-LlH nnthetlr Intcr- Tlew wltb Belaaco. and ilellvered (he scene from *Tlte Music Monler." wltb a comrtty flnlih. Tbe ragthDo medley. stave<1 hy Dan DdiIj, with a morle effect, was all octinn, and bdd thorn to the drop ot ihe curlDlo. The ohorus: Ponies—^Buth RolllTnn, Irene Olnrk. Amy Bmllb, Inline Elilrtdge, I>ot Blblcr. Lottie Nelson, Bnltfile llumetl, Mny Oronauer. Show glrlR—4'^llth MslTore. rilltsn Bitxh. Nancy Trnipeiit. Rlna Mlllc. Nell Ilnll, Bsitie \MeNlsb. Kilty De 'n'uipte. IMrIa Esucbe. May Htsney, Loona Morray, Jane Van Home, Altre -Usnley. Staff: Barney Ocmni, Inc.. projirletor; JackV.c* Nsmnm, maiisser: T^uls aeratd. bn^lneax msn* sfrer; Fred lloundp. innslcnl director: Morion n. Fox carpenter; Wm. Oronaner, property man; Cbu. ntzdj, electrician. tfllL BURLESQUE BRIEFS. VIRGINIA LEE'^^ By JEFF BBANSa aad AaTUtra 1.A1IOK THB WORLD BBATBR WOTSLTT IiOVB BOHO THAT'S GREAT FOR BUUliBB, IH>I7B1.BB, TRIOB, 4VABTBnB8 AN0 FBODlCTIOaa. YOUREMORETHANtheWORLDTOME AliFBSlO BOliBI&ll'B CliABB A BAXIiAO-The Song of the How. HE'S SUCH A WONDERFUL BOY aBBBM SB* flOTKAil'B HEW ABB ORIOHAL RAO CBEATIOB. A Bou WON'T YOU GOME BACK TO ME hSO WOOOV FIBBT aflUiSABB. AInadr a VMtara wltk Barenl Btmdllacn. THE PICK OF THE FAmr a»lJN GARDEN Two Blny ITtUBben TBSt Will StnB|tk«B the WMk Ipeto it Toor Act NMdi It. I'LL CO FIFTY-FIFTY WITH YOU ABOtlicr ot til* HoTeltlM W* ReeommMd. IN THE VALLEY OF THE MOON and MEMPHIS BLUES TOV AUj KBOW TUBBB, JOE MORRIS iUSIG GO. 'ISJ^,ofl^„^*- jnKB li. HORRIB, Ugr. FUILA.: ue K. tU> SU BOSTON: 82 Bo/laton Bb OHICAOOi Onnd Opam Heu« BIdg. —OtinmD airlf—Jack WibM 4 Od. —lliTc- nun'B AJilnial.—Beagle Olrjrtoo ± €d. O0ABUUTON, S. 0. — VICIVUIA. Vlnl bilt' DuKtlln Duo—Afoaat Dros.—PttulnaODn A CtmtroD. Lait half; hnmalag A Own—Mii 1» BivB, A Bo6lir—Hcnrlatta Ot Snib. DUrrnoIT—TBUPLS: Loplla I'ena—Ailm BUti- Irr—KItu Ooidon A Co.—WcAb A Batns— IUtdomI a Utidcr— The Le OfVha—Oordon BiM A Oo Qoclltt'a Uonlu. KBIB. PA.—COLONIAL: Bnrna. Kllotr A Ontj —WfatoD ft l^tm—BiDtia A Dloaa—il^r Ilia- lon Bros.—Vraok WhltnajL FOBT \TkYSF., ISO.—KBITH'S: D]llon-ShlI- Utd Ttio—E<L Vliit«o A Buatn—Caaior A OSAND RAPIDS. lOOII.—OBPBBnH: LotelU Twlsa—Ftaok tfarkler—^AntlioiiT A Hack— Okaa. Efana A Oa. —&n Cannn Ida. C. Noarnt A ■ "M Dlka— was flome talk latclr about Sam IawIb, the Uebicw comnllas, Imlat ibr Vonin ot FlMRuro. Tbit retHvt waa cmfbaUcallj denied by L«vla. PITTBDUnGH, PAn NOTES. Jm Barton, vho plarcd bore In etock tbe latter part ot laat staaoo, waa at Ube Victoria Uat vcek. anil waa boay rcuewlnc acqoalolanccs wIUI bla many local frlcnda. Ttt yrcat suecna of Jack Betil'a company made it nccenHHry to tvtain ttie company for anotber -week. Jack l« a Smoky City boy, and bla frieoda ttcie are lei:Ioo. Tlio Beiileulier Uora number, vhlch made ancli a bit, will tie Rpcotctl, with Lillian LIppnan In ttro apot llfbL Great crnllt for Ibe popu- larlly ot Ihia number la doe Fmlille Clark, who A JOOTHOT of iiASOJiS baa Iieen entered aralDBt Jack Johnson, aa tbe raiilt of n ault by MUier and Ocranl for failure to foiau a contract vlth then to appear with the I'tlllca of tbe Day. Wm. it. imcTU and "La ferlda" are In etoek at tbe Mnjnllc. Waeblneton, D. a Mutor Al- bert la alao with ihem. Thb nen Welch Show, at the Odombla, New Tork, will preaent Ben Welch, Ptorence Bother, Pietla Ploieoce. Bwl Harrlion. Mabel novard, Pat Kearney, Vic Cawnore. Prank P. Unrphy, Ownte Doutlaa and the Amtelcan ZooaTea. la jiQttIng .'.n Dumbera for Jack Beld. Dalay De Vemo waa tho b-juor iiueat at a pret- tily ap]>oliiU-d parly siren jhutfilnv nlibl by a party ot frlenda frvn the Nnrtli Side. II. L. IlU'bardaon aniu tcoivil wltb Academy audlencee. bla pivaaing tenor mice beloR tbe eqoal to aoyUiloB beonl here Ihia rcaacn. lUafile Hopklna ha« left the .Midnight Maids astl returned (u Iut honie In cttU'ogo. A NEW WATSON. Tli« atork dellrercd tbe good, to Mr. and Mr*. Filly WulM (Anna Fentou), at tbe Oeneral Ilea, pltal, I'aterwii, N, J. Billy \\im> : "I'm iho papa of a tnhy girl, eight pouiKla, Feb. 2. Kverylioily happy," NOW TIIB BACnBLOR OIRLB. 0«o. N. HK-liblna baa t<MirfanM bla Patam* fllrla burlcaque uoupauy, under the name of Ibe Uacbelor duo GirlH, and will open a three days* Cligagcment b'eb. 12, In Akron. O. Tdb Oxond 0pm Boom*. Kew Terk, mil burlcaque. 1\'U 2. Tbe Orlentala aic t» tbo DUlo Qltls. NEXT WEEK^S BILLS> V, B, O. TIMBa Feb. 8-18* A,n.Aieri—POBSYTB: Ul UoQ Khn—aiMslo Wrnn—60UO0, Uclntyre & SnttOD— AllfD DInelitrt 4 Oo.—Tbree Melrim Qim pon A O'Ovuwr. BBOOK'LYiN, N. T.—ORPBEDU: BlorenCfr Tm- pMt & Oo^—Boberu ft V«ren—"Aaron of LiAht"—Stturt Bsrof*—Join Bawtw & Go. —3lancb« Walab ft Oo.—L«oo ft Oow BROOKLTK. N. T.— HUSHWIOK : Bdmrda' Sod; Itffiif—Mom * Young—JohD ft lUae Bnrkc— Pool OoQt bao—Woodii ft Woods Trto—<y>iuloa, Devenux & Oo. DBOOKLTN. V. T.—«>IlOSmor: FYfd ft Adelo AHtalr—ll«nr; Lewltt—Lev A Mcrille noDtltif; —Uoe/ ft U«-^trlo ft Doffy—wnUe Bnw. eUFPALO—sncVS: nanr noliDM ft Oow—4toRU Llojd—uarrr ft Cra I'uck—ticeon tttm Qraad Opm—Tbm L«l«taioiu—^Looc Tack Sam Co.—OlBKawDi Bios. B&iUriUOBE—UARTLAND: Frank Focartf— Flanacan A Hdwanis—Olark ft Venll—Uron- 000 ft Ualrtwlo—Trlile l<tlgaDta—b'n&k OU- more ft Oo.—•Hio Lawn Party"— Zrtijn Oontnon. BOSTON-KBITfl'8: Miller ft Ljlco—Oaidlow Trio—Aire. L«II« Garter ft Co.—Okabe Japs —JoMphlne Davla—J£iirtli* Booatm—Uar- shall uoQtgomcrj—Brandon Hont ft Oo.— HiriT Brcen, BllOf LSOBAaM — LYRIO: "Tbe Beaattoi** — Moran ft Wiser—Lauctoo. Lucler ft Co.—CYed Koruao-^dlfr ft Ariln^—Wills ft Basstn— Eiposltlon Ftmr. BEIOOETORT—poors: Arloo Sw)>~ImdohV» ninlB—Uanlon ft Olifton—Lerloo ft Ionian- Musical KleU. CLBVIZaAND— KEim'S: ObDofrUy A Weorlcb— noland ft HollB—Fljlng nenrrs—Becttn CreljtbtOD St Co.—Oerliude Hoffman. O0I<miBDS—SBITB'B: Uodood ft Oarp—Davis KirDllr—UMle Collins—Kddle F»7 ft Oo.— Junes K. OicCurdy ft Co. CINCINNATI—KBITirS: nyiuck—Etbel Qreea ILkBnT tiiHi pens thst Jack Ilonan. Francis F. Hojmoldi and blcDself arc pnll^utly wallInK lo filay Hobenecladr, so as Ihey c«u take a (rlji to Altamout. to vIrH Kieir Oerman conmllan's home. Will Q, Is said to bm tbe proitleni bouse In itH* town, "nie Folllr* ot 1920 Is dolog rcrr good bosloets oo Ibe road. TlvrriHA BiiBLDoN, tbe only Oriental ilincer who Is a prlmn donna, li at tbe (Irsnd Oikta House Ibtt ireck, bnt It U dooblfut wbcther stio vlU let out or not. Lilt and Kat» ara sllll worMnjr In Jacobs ft Jcmon'R offlcf, aod with to bo rancrabered to all tbclr friend*. LiTTLH Ciai. Tin T<obto, the eccentric violin- ist, wbo i\-iH pleknl up In IX'tMit by Bom GrecD* cues wltb tlto Winter Onnlon Sboir. JiOE Smti'H at preecnt Is 'wlth tbe Maratbon r«ar. In vaudcflUe. wsn inerrlnl Jan. 12, to IJIllan Aniknon, a burlra-iiKr. IlHOWNtR OiHnoL Is With PDrlc fom's Belles. Till) AmKlmnB and t.Ane flock Oo. nre at the Arch fltrrei, Pbtladelitliln. for elpht atnl^ht Mwks. llio ctfin|iDnr reisnlnii the snme escept for rHcn Onlf, who rellcTOil Mnlvl Taker rr the prinin donna, nnd awwle White, whu Is tbo new suubrctto Ui iilncc o( Itclen MoArdle. r,oui8 Stabr. tho pointlnr maniinT of tbo llrnnly. Yooth and hVilly Co.. Ii iDuurnlUK Ibc lois or hlH Qiolbcr. wbo died Jin. 37. Mabu lUKin, Ibe popnlnr ytrlmN donna, flilefl Ir. sciiK* ilmrt liefrtw oi>pnliii; oTor the l*n>eior lime, by taklnc llelle PnniueKo's place in a vamle- vlllo act. Sbo abould provo a big success la vaud>rllle, Fhanic "Haor" MoBrnr, now houmllnir wlifa the lion IVtnii, his xlsneil n coiitrtcl for tn-o yenrs wllh Jacobs ft Jemton, nt n larcc Increaso or salary. AvTHTiii ^f ATHi Putcb comcllBO, wlih tb<> ITIeti n'>l)cn, has r'ciKd a ooolrict for next (-eoson with jQocbn & JcniHin. La Buno and J^bbaikx, wbo recentlr left ttt« Olticcr Qlrli. are a big lucceMi Id vauderllle. llni.Kif McAbdls, aoQhreU« with tbe Oenin Block Co., Kill Julu a TaudcTllle act. entlllMl "The Three KMs from Pclwol." l>oni TK>ne. Mae Rn- rlpbt aod Violet tlrialow are all innkliijr bU hlli Willi (lie Arniritroat; ft Imw? Slock Co. Lian La lUr, wtio formerly was with Hie OIni.'pr Olrls, la nonr aoubn>'.(r wltb tbe Trnns* Allniillc*. BntT BiKf.n. iirlnclpal conH'dInn of (he Bon T(-iiii, who lins Uvn talil iijt with lllncaa for the pit»^hrc^\wk?^o^^ YOU WILL SING THAT I PAID FOR YOU" "ms T.ADT WB LOVE," 'wbtch was produced by Oliver Uoiosco at the Btubask, Lot Angeles, tvIII bo seen in Hcv York ataurllj. I'llA erourrr ind roHtiimea, proi)nrty o( Htrrlnn Onj Flske, .Trill be sold at auction Fob. H, at 71 Uroadwny. Now York. TIIIC death of Mr. WenUel, wbc owned coualdcmblo Droadtmy property, dlaclosed tbe fact tbut IiIh reluctance In sell lios Rreutly tatcrfetcd wltb lopravemcnta of Uroadira)' troiitn ut inilrtj-MTCDth and ThIrlT-cliibtli Streets. HK.NltY IlUSStlL,!,, dlrccor of too lloetoii Opera Co., aallcd for Ehicland Jan. SO. 'JVM I'rofeaiilonal Woman'a I.eoguo will start prndudng plays Feb. 4, at tbelr auditorium In New York, wltb "Tlio Mlcer." "TUB KAI.LHN IIKIL" clnsed Jan. 30 at tbe Comedy, New York PItANK llEIiCHlilt snlled for Kngland Jan 30. KliSIIO JAMS sailed Jnn. 80, to >^n In « now London teruc. She boa signed (or tbice yearn with the BoBWorth l^caluro KUms. WILLIAM MORIIIS baa cnffoxed Ida Puller and thirty dancers to produce a "Midnight Prellr" at the Jardin De nance, by l-'eb, fl. WILSON MIZNBR hud bis production, *BblM That Faas In tho Nigbt" at Proctor's Firih Artane, New York, last Stuiday. ue will shortly Incorporate tbe Wlleon MIsi i'roduelag Co. MAKOUS LOBW, It Is reported, will raise Ms prices of admission to all the bouses on his circuit to ten, twenty nnd forty rents, creating thus the "middle" tlma, as a medium bot^'een Ibe small ttair anil tho "big time." "HYPdOr.lTKS" Is dmwlng well at tbc Lonjtaere. TIIIH Is Anulrersarr Week at the JeffetsoD, New York, M.ME. flCTUOVA wfu be featured in "l>anthca" Feb. 8, with the nrooklya Qand Opera Eleu^e stork. FRANK nOIHM mnums tbe loss «t bis father. TOMMY OltAY will write a burlesque on "Twin Beds" (or Hammersteln's, "Dncle rrbona«rhet<ky'B Cnbin" iirit week. MARTIN UIIOWN' Is no longer wltb "Hollo nroadway." UNA BBLL BIIINKKIt la suing Darcy U Wolford (or false arrest on a cborge of pirating "The Typhoon," ou wlilrli ilinrco slio was discharged by the U. S. Commissioner. CAllUSO will sail for Kuropo FN), ii. TIIK new tbratro In .New ilnveii. Conn., for tbc Gordon Bros.' Amusoncnt Companfc of Doaton, In being rubhrd along nnd will be completed early Is the Spring. It will scat 2,800, nnd have ii rao^iug picture and viiudcvllle pollry. A DALL, supper and cabaret, given ut tbe Hotel (lotbsm. New York, OD Saturday night. Jan. HO, by tbo Actrtssc!)' Umcrgcncy Fund Committee, netted f1,000 (or needy actors and actrencn. TIIK allrnntton action begun by Mrs. Martha Richards, wife of Tom Richards, formerly leading own tor Lulu Glaaer, tor ^00,000 damages, against UIss Qlascr, has been aettlod out nf pflurl. aiiltTltUDK DAnNRB In layioff off tbla week la order t» have Dr. Henri lekowlta porfarni nu operation on ber throac. ALniOIlT HTIIAII!) has l>een appointed assistant to John 0. Stranger, treasurer of tbe rorli-elEhth Street Theatre, New York. linitt; I^NtlK. for several yrnn; private sKretarv to Arthur Vocgllln, Into direelor ot the New York III|i|in<lrame, Is now ronne<'ted with tho press dcpartmrnt of that Institution. William Pine Is aleo lu the niibllcltv dep.irtment, which In hroded bv Hon II. Atwell. AN'NAIllOLI.n CALDWRLL, of I>e WuK Hopper's compauy. In now the wife of Lee Onbiiriie, nii nttornev of Iji I'lirle. hid. J. I>. WILLIAMil. nf the HuKh Mi-lnlnsh Vnuilrvlllc riroiilt. Auntralla, Is vlsltlna New York, ind Is innkinc his heiidqiinrler.i In the cnnrern'a New York otllco In tlie Sfinii'l Thc- rlro Uiilldlng. Chris U. Itrown, th,* New York represeoLatlve of tho clriiilt. Is showing Kir. Wlllluiiis cniunil. "Rll/I" clusad at the Standard, New York, Jan. 30. Fritil Urbclf also closed same date ot Buffalo CARTPOBO OONtt.—POLI'S: J, _ Oo.—"A Dij ot the Olrcos"—Juliet , Uiyja A TbatcUer—De Ocloi Trk>. llAJlBlSBDRa — oaPBGUM: Welllnf. Levering A Co.—iBert Fllnlbbon—Tbe Knmeri— Oiraj A BandsU—Tbe Tobuteets—Mack A vioceaL INDIANAPOUS—KBTTH'S: Fields A Uwlr— Tbe l^angdonii—Krmka Broo.—Mr. A Mrs. Kteil'k Voelktr^Eddle Boss—La Mllo. JAOKBOS'VIIxr,—ORPUKUM : Raitmsn A Moore —Srltt Wood—Tbe Gsuilsmldts—Five Yoe- csrys—"At tbe Woedjide Inn." LOUlSVIUf — KKIDB'B: Edwin George—Au- stralian Woodcbotifteri—"Society Bud."— Belle Baker—Nelion A Nelnon—Faiber Qlils. UONTBEAL. CAN.—OBl'BEUU: Wills Ro'.t Wsfefdeld—Four Lnkens—Ford A Truly— FriDcli UeOInn A Oa—Howard A Simon— iiyilx A Barry Girls—Cltodlos A Scarlet— 6ain Mann A Oo. N. T. OITT—RAMMnRSTRIN'B: FIAer A Grren —Hbarp A Tniek—Uattella's Birds—AlUrt Doonrllr—Tom Snitb—LUUaB Sbaw—Rclne D&Tls A Oo Bemaid Gnnvlllo The Bttll. ln(B. H. T. (STT—OOLONIAL: Weston A Glare—Once Lelsb Trl»—Relnia Connelll A Oo.—Kajlysms —JEvA Tanguaj. N, Y. GITY-AimMBRA: Van Bovas—Mera- koe Trio—Van A—^Wco Geosvlo Wood—'Tbo Looesome La.alrs." N. T. CHTT—ROYAL: Angelo Fatrlula—Han Bins. A Co.—I/nnsTd A BusmU- 8ally Fields —John A Winnie RcnnlnfiS — Boeo Valeria Sextette—Arthur Oaist—tteaae A Wladow— Homer Mlln A Oo. NORFOLK, VA.—OOLONLIL. FiRt half: Lena Ilri:!—BiKosbl. Last halt: Mave A Addis- La Ttfcca—^cMabcn A ^anfello, OTTAWA, CAH.—DOUINION: Ball A West— The Crasen—Marie Pcrr—Bird Ulllmaji A Oo.—Hawthorne A Inclla—illUon Pollock A Oo.—Tbe Gladlstois. PirrSBURGH GRAND O. H.: WUIIe Westoa— Woodman A Llvlnostoa—Fmbh Uullanis.* Lohse A BterlUig—Ulaale A Fanrlo Usher— Chip A Marble. PBOVIDBNOB-^ITH^: Boack A MoODrdy- Irene A Bobtv •Smith—Harry Bemfonl A Oo.—Dancing La Vara—Fanny Brlce—Waller Kelly—Norton A Aostin—Fred Ardsih A Co. PniLADELPHl.A—KRITH'S: Il;an A Lee—Oe- cells Wrlgbt—Angelo Annento Trio—Not Wills—Five AnnaiwUs Boys—Arthor Prince— HopklnB Sister*—Mohooey A Anbum—Mrs. Gene Hugbes A Oo. RUUHhmV.B—TRMPLE: Date A Bope—dSlckel A Watson—Le Horn A Dunrce—Lucy Olllettc— Ernest Ball—Grasia Nordlnl—Pealson A Goldlt—Fay Coortney A Oo. lUCHMnND. TA LTJUO. Flrat haU: 4Iaye A Addis—La Toso—dto-Mshon A Chsppdle. Last bslf: Lena Byd—DstoD«bl. SYBAOGSB—GRAND: Bruce. Diiiretl A Co.— Frldkowaky Troope-^U Bolt—Houdlnl— Kirk A FOgaity-Bond A Oassco. SORANTON—fOLI'G: Francis A Boae-inie Beb- reus—Oitdo A Noll—Riy Dooley THo. SPBINOFTELD. MASS.-POM'S PALAOB: Three Yoacsrjs—asmoys—Comfort A Slug—Will- Isms A Segsl—ainslcal Wolfs—Yokobojis Japa. SAVAKNAH, OA.—SIJOU. Flrat halt: Msslne Dros. A Bobby—Browning A Dean—Besrlctia De Serrls, Last halt: Three Ln««—Onniv din Duo—Amnat Bros.—SttaslmauDa A Cameton. TORONTO. OAN.—SHPJl'S: Frila A Lncy Bnch —Mlllon A De t/ing Slaters—^Ralb Iloye— Cooi>er A Emilh—Dnre Dtos.—John R. Got- lion A Oo.—iMlIe. Dorlo A Dogs. THE NEW TORK CLIPPER WILL ISSUE A SPECIAL Outdoor iMSEiENT lUIBER NO ADVANCE IN ADVERTISING RATES NO INCREASE IN THE PRICE PER COPY hmmhT the Date, Saturday, Mareh 27,1915^ nuoE TOR pionnixs * - NET . • IM IftjOO . 16000 • 4000 FBIOU TOR jUIVSRHSniENTS ^ ' NET pMrlMb.Blafll»Oaln» . . . . t 2M lOOIdaw « • - > - > - la.00 IBOUbm ....... 24J0O OuvteFliK*, 4U0 BUfPu* ....... 90.40 Wkola raio ...... ie9JW BEND IN YOITR ORDERS AT ONCE THE NEW YORK CLIPPER 47 W. 28tlx St, New York Xh* Rank Queen Pub. Co., Limited. PubllBhecs ALBERT J. BORIS, Manager WESTERN BUREAU 605 Ashland Block, Chicago, lU.