New York Clipper (Feb 1915)

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FBBtttABt 6 rrHE NEW YdltK CCLrPI»ER. 11 n f AOK IDWAIM* SIDEUGHTSONTHEHDSICGAHE, TEDDY HORSE'S MDSDIGS. I9I4, Once funln we bnmp Into a New Tear, Aai ttae scaeon- of 1U16 Is aaw bere; For some tbe peat year bee been good, for otbura bad, And the bo;e wbo bad bita lave cause to teal glad. 'n'atersoo. BetUn & Sii;der lul "AaielM," tbe beautiful aooi, "MlcbliaD," "Rag Picker" "CaroUaa" as4 "Wben Batb Cane Along;" Tbeas aongi went awful big, taking btt for bit, And eveiTone conid be ttutbfnlly teemed & bit: fTbe crew in rtalllr, wltb Barrj Ertni at tbeir bead, Certainly woke np old Quaker Town anil knocked tbetn dead. And tben Will Von TUier into Pbllly did roam, With "Dancing Arouod," "Mlas Tou" and "Sroneone Like Ton at Home;" Murray Wbllrman wan tbe manager tbey all ppoke well of, Wbo worked bard on "rx)ng Way from Home" iind "Ob My Love," And they all went over big, you can bet. For they are still calling for tbe songs yet T.eo Fclst bad bis sbsro of tbe numbers tbat bring tbe Jingle, Namely, "Game of Love," "Tulip." "Tou're Here" and "Rip Van Winkle," And witb CIIS Odon putting tbem over, tbe good natarcd Clin, Tbe songs went over wItb a bini, bang, bllf. Joe Morris, with bis gong, working mamlog, nigbt and noon, Put over In great style, "In tbe Valley of the Moon." Tbat wonderful writer, Maurice Abrahams, With niayed hie part, 1 ■'llashful Doll.' "Qrown-up Ladles," "Vlctrola" and "Ilreaklng My Heart." The Fblladelphla ^orce, with Milt Stcreu, so big and fat. Made these songs go in Phllly, yoa can bet A good hat. To start 11)16, George Meyer cane with Kal- mnr and Puck, And on behalf of his Phllly friends, I wish him the best of luck. In conclusion, let me wish for the New Tear to Jack I^dworde, all tbe joya, r>ut why don't he mention the Philadelphia boys? Wo await anxiously each week for the old reliable CLirrna to come out. Hut when it comes to Philadelphia news. Mi writing arm gels the gout; And hoping that those who closed their oSIces, get back and things start to hustle. Tor the more opposition we liave tbe harder wo bustle. Best wishes to onr friends in New Toik from tile boTS In Phllly here, I am, as always, the Song Plugger Shake- speare. Paul Mobrat, The Song Plugger PoeL JOE GOODiriN TAKING REST. By a peculiar coincidence Joe Goodwin has given to each publisher he associates with a hit In bis llrst song. Tbo Sbaplro-lleristeln ^'ompany were tbe lucky ones this time. "The Little House Upon tbe IIIIl" Is Joe's latest, and Is predicted to gain more favor thnn "Lonesofflo Pine." Joe saw that the song was given a start to fame, and tben beat it for a two mnatos' trip to Cuba. He Is now on that Island ea- Joylng himself, and eipccts to return witu several good Ideas. KoKINLEY BKIglO CO.'S NEW NUMBER, A now comedy song by Liz and Anabel Osgood and Perclvol Montgomery, entitled ■iQe Kissed Her On tbo Qangplank As the Shin Sunk." has Just been Issued by the UcKlnlcy Music Co., of Chicago. TWO SinriABLB SON'GS. "If Every Girl Were a Beautltnl Bose" and "Last Night" are two of the most recent Issues of Otto Uelnzmsn. Both aro sultalx for feature songs, and as tbis Is tbe drat announcement of tbem performen are ad- Tbicd to give them a trial. FBIST LOOICINQ FOR RECORD. ' Following along with bis wonderful grand- slund flnlsn of 1014, Leo Kolat bos several songs besides that whirlwind hit, "I Didn't liaise My Boy to Be a Soldier," that be can refold on his lOliS ledger. "I Want to Go to Toklo" and "There's a Spark of Lovo Still I'urnlng" are two songs that arellabeled hits. Then lie bas several more written by Joe McCarthy and Jimmy Monaco that haven't bctn announced yet, but ■ wblcb hnvo been picked as possible contenders. Tbe^ boys ore duo for a big winner, and Leo FeUt Is golnir to bb the lucky one again. Bo.vs, It's the wonderful "Feist system" tlint docs It, and to (hink that all this mar- velous work la controlled by Phil Kornbelscr, ouo cf the greatest ever In the game. LEWIS F. MCnt'S DIG FOUR. "The Melody Man," Lewis P. Slulr, who has always come across rear after year with those faaclnating melodies, has four new wngs, written In conjunction wltl T/OW Brown, that will abortly be heard from. All four are constructed with bit Ideas, and irlcDd Lewis Is looking torirard to a bit oc two this year. IiBWIS HDSTLIRO. RddlR Lewis, of Ibo Sbaplro-BernBtctn forces, has been doing some excellent work* for his Ann. He has placed "The Little nouid TIpon the Hill" with many vanJcvllIo acts, and predicts It to bo tbe season's flrst song hit. II0R9E AND FIlill.DS RAVE] GREAT UONKSY 80NG, Theodore Morse and Arthur Fields seem to hare struck the public's fancy with tiielr . recent monkey love song, "Doodle Oodle Dee." Ilolh hoys are working nigbt and day deuion- strntlog the song, and the results are very grntirylng. They nave been a feature ot acv. oral vauiiffvllle houses In New York lately, and the song has been the hit at each bill. Ted also^boa a seml-comlc novelty number, entitled "Somebody Cume and Kissed Me'' l»as It You?), that Is gaining much favor with comedlcnnea GBORCB IIEYBR AND JOB YOVNG RETURN. Kalmar & Puck's recently appointed pro. icsHlonal manager, George W. Meyer, sccou- Jsnlcd by Joe Young, took a trip to Pltts- urgb and other nearby cities last week to try ont several of Meycr'd latest songs, and the resulta were so gratifying that .levcrol will be released shortly. TRB nVSV DALY OFFICE. . William McClymonI, Newark's favorite bnl- ■sd slnccr, la going to be connected with the iMly Muilc Co. next week. He sure would ■Ike to hear from bis many friends In tbe prorvsslon, as Will la qnlle a favorite. Arthur Harris, formerly with the Hnckelt- Morgan Players of Harlem, One Hundred and Hlxtcenth street Thentre, and n clevi-r boy. put over "To-nlght'a My Lest Night Single" and I'Wlnter Gardca Girl," scoring repeatedly ou them songs. Jnck Cook Is fealnrlDg all of Daly's niim- Jfra at Ileleenweher'a Cafe. "At the Oirlmgo gentlemen's Ball" being bis favorite number. Some treat me nice and gentle. Some like no up—some down, And I've been Instrumental In supporting many a clown. All sbapvn and sorts I get 'em, I'm silent, as a rule: When they complain, I let 'coh— For I'm only a piano «tool I The "Ivory" In the music room is Bot wvs conHned to the piano key& BLiaiiTki larger around tbe waiatUoe, but otherwise as smiling and serene as ever. Ton Qulgley visited tbo Mg city last Tuesday, cavorted and conversed four days, and left New York flat Saturday. Tom declined to bo Interviewed, but expressed tbe nnblased oclalon tbat WItmatk'a (for whom he la Chicago manager) have ttae beat songs he bas ever heard. JuDoiNo from the results aome "profes- slooal" managers and their "asslstanta" tov tbey get, they aro either auperbuman or wonderful Itsrs. H.«nLBU'a weekly excitement takea place evtry Thamday at the Mt. Morris Theatre, One Hundred and Sixteenth Street and Fifth Avenue, for that Is "song writers'" night at this place. Glance over the following list, allow three aoogs to each singer, hear the enthusiastic applause, and you will be eon- vlnced that the "song boys" (snd girls) do hold a nlace Jo the hearts of the people: Charles slartin (Tell Tsvlor), Herry Tenney (Stern), n.'>n Alberts (Abrahams), Uorls Bit- ter (Levi), Horry Hoch (Pelst), Moe Klec> man and Bob Klebcr (Blehmond), Artbof Fields (Wltmsrk), Billy Moras (Morris), Botstord's Quartette (Rcmick), Most ot tb» boys use chorus elides and tbe audience lit- crslly sing their heads off. Not all "song writers," 'lis true, but not one "song wronger." Happt Is the booster who can use a tnolor car. We gaied with bulging eyes at some of the Feist writers' royalty checks last week. Tbe lion. Mr. Feist seems to write 'em so large and so cheerfully. It's almost uncanny. May he never get "writer's cramp." Tub postman brought us n dalnlv en- velope. 'Twaa In a feminine hand and dell- cutely perfumed. "Ila I Ha I" thought we, "nt last wo get a •mash note.' We opened it carefully, Twos only this, and signed "An- nette :" He wrote of love and flowen pink. Address hhn now—"Hotel Do OInk." She was a great klddcr. "Hello, Teddy," said she, "give mo 'E>oodle Onrtle Dee' In on 'apartment'^ key." We were wise. We gave It to her In A-flat t A REGULAR HARRIS BALLAD. In '-'Can Yo:i Pay for a BroHen Heart?" Cbm. K. Harris hns agoln clinched tbe title of "king of balind writers." It's his flrst ballsd release this year, and that It will make many bnlUd singers famous goes wlih- oiit saying. nftcr year Chas. K. Harris' name has appeared on the real homo hsiladt, end If they did not become hllH It was no fault of his. He lins never composed a song or allowed his name to bo used In cnnoecUon with any blue songs. Mr. llnrrls has always contended that the clean, wholesome none would win out lu tbo end, and In "Can You Pay for a Broken Heart?" he Ihlnka that bis dream baa at Inst beea realized. Ilnllnd singers tbrnughont the country who were fortunato to have received a copy oC this song all report that tbo song has been the biggest hit In their career. A line to Meyer Cohen, It you are a professional, will iTing you a copy. TUB HOUSE OF REMICK BAVB HEAL HITS, Tbo J. U. Itcmlck Company have registered two hits In "On the S.13" and "Cblnatowo, My Chinatown," two songs that have become big favorites. The Orst Is by Henry Marshall and Stanley Murphy, and tbe other Is by those old Btaadbya, Billy Jerome and Jean Schwartz, "Over the IIllls to Mary's," another song controlled by thia house, and which little baa been done with, will Jump Into much popu- larity when brought out. Moso Gumble, professional manager, hnd a heart to heart talk with bis force la^t week snd Instructed tben that Jerome II. Itfrmlck wouldn't be satlsned with Icsn than four lills (bis Fcason, which accounts for the renewed activity In tbo Remlck oIUco In New York. BROADWAY'S NEW ROAD MAN. Murray V\'hlleman, one of the hustling boys of Melody Ijine, bus been appointed general road man for the Broadn-ay Music Co. Murray will dovote much of bis timo visiting nearby clllos to Introduce the Arm's lastest numbers to tbo traveling profession. HARRY VON TILZBR HAS 90MB SONGS. Harry Von Tllzer, who hsn started In the music game with renewed vigor this year, seems to have found the succciiHor to i*ls fa- moiiB "Wiilt Till the Sun Shines, Nellie." In "When My Ship Comes In." The way per- formers have gone ofter It would Indlcsts that Harry bos a bit right off tho reel. It's a march ballad, tho kind that the public has been waiting for. .Another number that will get In the money Islcallcd "Go and Get the Habit." said to be another "Cubanola Glide." Then there la that wonderful ballad, called ".My Beautiful Chateau ot Love," that wna written to follow Harris famous hit. "Last Night Woa tbe End of tho World." The house of Von Tllzer la bonking •:n the biggest year It ever had, and Judging from tbe list ot aoD^ Harry la In for a Danner year. A NEW PUDLISHINO CONCBRV. Maurice Levi Music Publishing Company Is the latest to cuter the Held to publish popular music. The firm will publish 31r. Levi's compositions ns well as outsldir num- bers tlist have merit. Charles Lang, long identlfled with tho popular song gome, has been appointed as professional manacer. They will shortly aonouncc their catalogue. DALY AND ALLEN'S LATEST. Joe Daly nnd Tommy Allen have Just nn- Ished a .Oallad which Is the companion song to "Heart of the City." Mr. Daly Is high In the praise of this song, not because he wrote It. but It has all the cormarkH of bulnir a eong that the public will appreciate. The title of tho song Is "Don't Tell the Folks You Saw Me." IIAVILAND'S NUMBER LIKELY TO GO OVI:.U. "Face to Face with the Girl of My Dreams," that Fred llnvlland Is working on, stauJa a fairly good chance of going over It hard work counts for SDythlng. lie has his force on the jou every minute Iwostlnn the number, wblcb las found much favor with the profession. UORT SCHAFFBR STAR"a OUT AGAIN. liCO Feist's road man, Mort Bchnffcr. after a week's stay In New York, niortcd on a tour that will keep him on the mod for aevenl nonlba. Jlort la a good hustler and has accnmpllahcd some big things In the big cities for Irfo Feist. "I Didn't Rnlw My Boy to Be 0 Soldier." that aentnllonal peace bal- lsd, will bo Ills feature number. SENSAnONAUSORG HIT PUB- LISHED BT SHAPIRO- BERNSTEIN CO. Louis BematelD, president ot tbe fUiiplr» Dcrnsloln Co., wbo published that RnsaUon of all sensational song bits, "The Trail ol tbe Lonesome line," has aiMtber by the eame composer tbat should prove almost as ropnlar. I was one of the flrst to predict that "Lonesome Pine" would aweep tho country aa on i ot the biggest songs published np to that time. I v'Ul now go on record as saying tbat "The Utile House Upon the Hill" will equal U not exceed that wonderful seller. Pettormen all over the eountrr are send- ing for thIa excellent number, ana it proaent orders are an Indication It will be one ot tlie first clean-up songs of the new year, A NBW WW SONO. All arts that are uaing tbat big song hit that will lire long In the hearts ot tbe muale I ubllc, "On the Siiorea of Italy," will be glad to know that AI. Ptontadosl and Jack Glogao have written a new Italian song, with Joe Mc(^rtl>y writing tho lytlca Thia combina- tion ot writers can't be beat when it comes to writing Italian songs. The name of the new song is "My Own Venetian Bose," and •talk about a pretty aongl Well, It's better than "Shores of Italy." Iliat's saying aome. A funny patter chorus goes with It. One distinct feature abont this song la that It will be a credit In any blgb class singer's ropertolro (either male or female). Be ont ot the early birds and get It wblie it Is still in manuscript, because wben once it gets stsrted you will tw able to sing It way Into the end of 1016, and be a terrific hit with it Naturally, Leo Feist is tbe pnnllaber. Keep ?our eyea on IL The title is "My Own Vent^ Ian Bose." AMERICAN COMEDY FOUR'S DIO HIT. One of tho flrst quartettes lo put on that sensational song bit, entitled "I Didn't Raise My Hoy to Bo a Soldier," was Ibo American Comedy Four, and they do so much with it that they always respond to several encores. NOW WITH H. WITUARK A SONS. Harry Dellon las left the Hhsnlro-Born- ateln Co. and la now associated with H. W1I- nark & Sons. Ho extends a welcome to all his friends. HcCARRON AND WALKER HATSI A BALLAD HIT. If yon haven't beard Raymond Walker and Charley McCnrron's latest song, entitled "Tho Price I 1'alrt for You," yoa arc losing an op- portunity to featorc unc of the beat and most original aonga written In some time. It's a Luniltcr that will appeal to orerybody, tho ainrj- cf which hlla man and woman. At tho pre.Henl time It Is being restricted for cahnret performers, but will ehortly he rc- leesed to tho general profcsalun. Get your cupy early. MARSHALL A TATTDGVILLQ FEATURE. Henry Marahill, featuring bis latest eong, "On the G.ID." baa been a big fluccMH la vaudeville In New York tbo past two weckh Henry Is working with Mlaa Heather, and (egcther they have been one ot this jeer's Taudevlllo surpriaes. "The Lltll^Honse Upon tho IIIIl" '(SUAMBO-IIRaNaTKIH CO.) "When You're a Long, Long Way from IIome".(BBOtowAT Music Co.) "On the B.18".. (J. H. Bbkiok & Co.) "There's a Spark ot Love Still Burning" (Leo Feist, Ikc) *^lrglnla Lee" (Job MobbibsCo.) "I Didn't Raise My Boy to Be a Soldier" (Leo Fbist, Inc.) "Sweet Eentnckr Lady" (M. Wit.«a«k ft Sons.) "Maybe a Day, Maybe a Year" (Jos. W. Stbbm a Ca> "When My Ship Comes In" (Habbt Von TiiZBB.) "Chinatown, My (?hbialowii" (J. H. Rbuicc ft Co.) "I Hear Yoa Calling, Tennessee" (BMpiaB Music Co.) "When the Mission Bells Aro Chiming" (Tcr.L Taii/ib Co.) "Can You Pay for a Broken Heart?" (Chah. K. IIarbih Co.) "You Aro the Rose of My Heart" (MAiraiCH RKTiiuoxn Co.) VFaee to Face with the (llrl of My Dreams" (F. B. IIaviusd Co.) "That Du-Sali Dey" (F. A. Mills Co.) SOMETHING NBW. A certain young song demonstrator by the name of Slltnick Is conducting h(idc riub- llshers' nights at the dlffi reut llghls held In New York, tbat has altr.\ctcd considerable attention. For a consideration of a sot of regulars any luuslc publisher con hnvo his niieclal night at one of tbo flglits, and Incidentally the uald Mltnlck has tho honor to witness the sport. It's the newest and moat up-to.iialc method ot Introducing songa, and the originator de- serves much credit for bis Ides. JIMMY MONACO'S NBW IDBA. What ia anil to he the best song Jimmy Afonnco ever composet* Is shortly to bo re- leased by the I.eo Keint Compnny. Jimmy iir.a sJrrady turned Into the Feist concern three original Ideas, and wbllo tbey are not world beaters, irlll attain ranch ponularitr. Tbe new one Is tho baby that will signal hU association with the Feist firm, snd Is said tn be the most original Idea in a aoiig that has ever been publlNhcd. Jimmy retuined from I.akewood recently, where he had gone for a rrat, and whllo there wroto sovernl other songs tbat will bava a bearing abortly. A SAD TALB. Time and again Murray Bloom has been warned about wearing titoso loud shirts of his, but bds failure to take heed rcHuiled In a robbery In his apartments last week, wtieu someonwntered and stole every shirt .'in had. A necuilnr thing nbout the decil was thit nothing of value but the rnl and bluo ones was In the room, so the thief did the Jimmy Valentine witli them. A NBW CARROLL AND DALL SONO. Fori Carroll, who rerenlly Joined tbo staff of M. WItmark ft Hons, lias Just finished a new song with Ernest Ilnll, enUtied "Won't Yon Take Mo HoDo to Meet Your Mother," that sounds very nueb like a hit. Julius WItmark thinks so well of the number that ho Intendi to go after It at once. EDDIE DOERR WITH MoKINLBT MUSIC CO. Kddle Docrr took charge of tho profee- slonsi deportment ot the MvKlniey Music Co. in Now York last week, nnd l« hard at work on the several feature unngs released by tbo firm this year. He has met witb mucb success Willi "One Wonderful .'41ght," that Is destined to go over big. THE SONG TO STOP THE WAR) "i Didn't Balse My Boy to Be a Soldier," AI. I'iantndosl and Alfred Bryan's reoent knockuut, ami puhilshed by that hliMinllh, Leo Kelst, popularized by Phil Koru'ielser and bis wonderful ataff, suneniaed by Kd. K. Bltner, and sold by Pick windernirk, la now being recognised as ono ot the greatest bal- lads evei eompoied. My, what a sensation It is creating throughout the country I Acts are writing the Felet oillces dally saying tbat the song la a riot, stopa tbe show at each performance. The dalllea are devoting page after page, depleting its effect on tbe war situatloo, soma even going so far will stop Tbe war. so far aa to tay "the song that Tho Fong baa taken each a ilart that 70B couldn't stop it DO TOV "PIGBON WALK'*? Everybody is going after "Pigeon Walk," the Broadway Music Co.'s latest Inatmmuntal tit. It's already the erase In New York, nnd tiefore another month passes It will bo tbo country's biggest Inatrumentoi success. PIANTADOSt MAKING GOOD. Arthur PUntadoal, who has been ciuineetcd with Shaplro-BernstcIn for several years. Is cue of tbe bardeet workers of that llrm. He la on the Job at all times, and never loses an opportunity to boost tho aongs nuhltsln'il by his hnune. Ho la making "The Little Kunso Upon tbe Hill" hta feature song, and should be given much credit for tho great success tbo song naa already attained. WaOI>|WITU HARRIS. Victor Wood, one of tbe most popular sales- men In tho muHic game, Joined the Chas. K. Harris Compnny last week, and oxpe<.ta to clean up with "tho king of ballad writers'" httest song, "Can You Pay for a Broken Heart T' TBLL TAYLOR IN THB BAST. Tell Taylor's advent Into tho East with "When the Mission Hells Are Chiming," after on absence of aome six tnouths. Is likely to bo very prosperous for hira. Tho eong Is only a few weeks old nnd has been received vvry fiivombly by tho profession. Tell's oilier big number, "You till the Judgment Day," la also getting its ehnro of popuhirlly. NEW PROFESSIONAL MANAGER. Sid Miteliell, recently connecird with Jnine.s Kendls and tho Dniy Music Cinnpauy, la now nrofesalniial manager for tho (.'re^ceiit Music (.0., one of tho newest firms to euihark in pnbllHbliii; miiHlc. |4id in one of tho regu- lara and will treat yuu right, I'ny bliu a visit, AL. VON TILZBR HAS A NEW ONE. AI, Vnn Tllzer, who has bad little llnin of late lo give to song t-niiipoHlng on iiiTonnt of vaiidm'llio knokiiiKH, has Just given lu his piilillHheni, .Sliniilni-lliTiiHti'ln, n sung <;illi<ii "Darlln' " that promlacs to attoln inucli favor. HARRY TBNNY WITH STERN. Harry Tenny Is the laiest to nsao.'liile wltli the Jos. W. Sicrn Company, to assist L. Wolfe Gilbert In putting over the two wiin- derfui aoiigH, "Weop No M.ire, My I/ody" and "Moybo a Day, Maybu a Year." BOOSBY A CO. START SUIT. Booaey & Company hnvo brought a copy- right Infrlncement suit agninHl the Kinpire Music Co. lu the Federal IHatrlct I'inirl. Tiio plalntlffa say that they aro the owners of the copyright ot tlio nong, "I Hear Tou CalllDC," nnd that tho ileri-iiilnnt bi infring- ing their rigiits In piilillHhliig thii eong, "Tennessee, f llrnr Ynii Calling," tbo nong that AI. ,Tnlniin scored aiich a hit wltii at the Winter Uardeu. DRANBN AND LANGB'S NBW SONO, Not content with having "Virginia T^ee," a bit song, to their crnllt for tho new year, Jeff Uraneo and Arthur Lange bavo Juac turned Into their piibllslicr a now ono entitled "That's Why I'm Single To-day." Joe UoriU thinks it la a winner. THB HIOHT IDEA. Have you ever caught tho Wnterson, Derlln A Snyder (urces demuiiatrating a new aongl G0II.V, but don't tliey go after It lu tho Hglit wayi Yuu start HliiKlng the Hniig bi-ftiro yuii know 11, Ted Hiiydi-r rerliiliiiy linri uitt tbe right Idea about iip-tu-ditte song plugging. 0IIA8. K. IIARIIIS INCREASES STAFFi On ncniuiit of (lin wniidrrfiil success nt- tnlned by rhnH, K. lliirrlH' lalc-Ht l>allnd, "Cnn You I'ay fur a llrukeii ileiirtV" Mi-yer Coheu, general iiiniiiiKer, nnd Ltiiilit <.*itlii>n, prnresHlonnl innnnger, Iieid a coiiKUitiitiiiii with Mr. Harris oim! night last wi-ck, and nil decided lliat they would enlAri.'e tli"ir forre. The new ballad InuiiH ho good that .Mr. llnrrls Is going In let iiolliliiir Kiniul In llii* way In trying to make It another "After tbo Hall." WATCIIIKO FOR NBW BERLIN SONGS. Now (hat Irving Brrllii has relunii-il from Ills vaciitloii, all kinds of predictioiiH nro being mndn as to what the king .if aoiig writers will relenHc, It's In the wlml Hint Irving ban Hoveml new ni'iiKalional Hoiigri up hbi alei've that will shortly he aniiniiiiL'nl by Ills pulillahors, Wateraoii, Ilerllii A Hiiydor. As he lins aiwoya been "Johnny on the spot" for tho past ten yeani with now and original Ideas, tho present will prove no ei- ceptlun. A FAMOUS SONO DEMONSTRATOR. Boh RuMck. asMlstnnt profcHHlnrini mana- Cer for lliii SliapinHllf-niMti-iii (.'oiniiany. Is eeomlng ho poinilar tliat even the dallies aro devoting Npiicc de|ilctlng liim and bis niisrtettc rendering fiiat bal- lad, 'Tho Mttlu IldUsn Upon tlx- IIIIl.'' Bob la HO TniKlcMt Ihnt he Is hiiyini; nil tho impers that talk about bim tri his rHenilH won't get jealous. GILDERT HAS HIT ABROAD. Song only four weeks old hero la alrcOily a success in Lfnidon, war or no war. Jack York, genial huHhond nnd nBiniiger of Alva York, writes Wolflo that ".Mnylsi a Day, Have a Year" was a big suci-eKs fur Alva nm and orerr nerformance, nt her rngnge- inent nt tbo Victoria Palace, l/>ndon, wlilrli proves that good goods like good news, travel. COWAN WORKING ON rDODUC:TION. Bubey Cowon. ono of Phil Knrnhelanr's chief aids, has iiecn quite hUHy of latu work- ing on a production. Ituliey liaan't ilono nucb in the iKiniiiar snug line for somo time, but It's still lu hlin and he's likHy to blnHHoni out any time. You kuuw, lluhey wos morrled recently. MAURICB RICHMOND'S HAPPY SMILE. With (he ofTlrea rrowdnl dally hy perfnrm- ors rehearsing "For Kvi-ry Hinlle Yoii (lave Me You Caused n 'l*hoUNand 'rears," tho aue- cessor to tlio nnw famoiiH "Curse of An Acii- Ing Heart" aud "You Are the Ruse of Mr Heart" that you are hearing so mucli ahout, nnd which hus been (ho direct meann of thu market being flinided with a lot of rlieaii Imllntlnns, ont to mention "Bvery Night.' "Keep It Hp." and tho great surprise comedy aong. "Yoii Didn't (live It to Me," nut over- looking "Cotton Hall," a great, big. font opi-ning or cloning nong. aa well as Hie lienu- tiful linllad. "If I Hud My War," which keeps growing UUgcr overy day, sny wniidor that Maurice llii.'liinond wenm a |ierp'-liinl ■mile (heso days'' The IVIuelo RubllsHors' OfHFIolal Orsains WHEN I HESITATE WITH YOU :■. L-o-., i,„i,,- .,. ■,< J, • 'f* HER A INS WE R ',-'^M.,;l.^,v^-,■i;,);,r■l^4^j^,■':'• ,, '---l \m[ IS S0M[ONrWHOj(S-'THINKlNC{0f--]fOI) n:: I'.Oh-: ilAV NK sivj . c ■ 'sT iloix. mo EDDIE ADLF.fl JOINS IIARIIY VON TIL'ZKII. ITio hoy who gets tho small time nets, F.ddic Abie-s, :iaa Joined the Ilarty Von Tilier Company. Kddio is a giHxl plugger and ebouid place the Vun TllBor sunga to good advantage. GILBBRT TALKS t'Dout Btem PHbllealloM.) Wbrp no mubi ut udt Is tho llrat song that 1 lisvo taken credit (or tho inuHli- an well as tho words—that Is, my name Is down aa composer for name—but, by the wby. It by no means tho riiisT ublout I'va cosi- roagn, Ank ono or two of my past com- nosers, wbo look credit for them. It cer- tainly Is gmlUylng Hint thia number la such an : .stniuieutal bit aa well as a vocal suc- cess. It (hero ever was a smart feller It's Jlramy Moiinco. When ho loft Will Von Tliior he had ir all planned to go with Leo Feist (or rather, Phil Kernheiner), but—tliiiiiglit wise James—during the few days vacanvy be- tween tho time I leave "Will'' and sign with "I'bli" I can write n lilt with "Oil"—and ho did. "Maybe a Uay, Maybe a Year" Is already conceded hy rival puliilHliers lo he a lilt, that's tho beet proof in Ibo world—and Tin SAI.KH. S. 11. Henry, who la belter known In pri- vate llfu as ilenry Hiern, brother of joaoph W., iieedH no inlroilucllon as nn original melody writer. Ilia latest hit, "By llerk." la the iinii'lieat inatriimental success on tii-nn!. Now, it Is a real ramie song, with a lyric by yours truly, and (.'nrter De Hnven, Fanny Urlco nti' only a sample of the mauy acta who are -lolng this number already. it tnkra longer to make n ballad than a novelty or rag song, but the rciults are so much better. No, "The Same Old Town" la not a hit yet, but every day brings arts In unsnlli'li.'d. ri- niieatlng this siirc-flre, heart Interest ballad. Wntch it grow—Into o llfe-tilied hit. If there Is ono man who deserves aa rourh credit for the shiti'hh of •'FIfly-KKtv" na the coinposerH, Snitlli and llnrrls, thai ainii la George I'oniier, tho partner of OhrlH Siuilh In vniidevllle. Tlint hoy cnn certainly put over n niimlier, nnd lio HUra puta over "FUty- Fifty." Why don't you drop n feller a lino? (Sec yuu iicjt teoek.l AMERICAN HOSPITAL BENEFIT* (UpccM to Tiis aNew Yoik Ourm.) Tho llilnl ntinttnl Wufttt tnr itw AnirrlCBn lb** fttrlml llfMiltal will U* lifM nt llip AutlUurla<«, Clih-nRn III.. Hlinilny iirirrii'«iii, Mir l>. On y<^. 7, a n)«)iiHi«T iiiocilim trill U* hi>l<l )>t iiw tht*if\\Ai AHMirlnrlun In Ihv OM KrU'wIi i( Amorlnn <:iijli Ui-idm, mt I* N^irlli licHriaini tlln'oi. 'i'lio nhl Krli-mlH* Oluli will |iArlkl|iaii'. t.HMl t<*rl Iiij'h iiin-l liiir WMH ono ot \hv iwiat Piircrfxriil 11 KHrri. While nnlhlng ivrlilnlnB in Rrhiil liuxlncn ocriirrnl. It hid I hi' illittliicll-iii wirnlntf ia Ihu hMo nt the Amrrtcnn 'I'liratrlrjl JIow|tllfil Iho niiliort nf Iho iiiN>ir jmrilun uf tho Old Krl(*ntti n>rmlM>ntlil|i. .\ rmnnilKA' iwrr* Hfnting Iho OKI K^lrmlii wan iinwnt it tlw nnt una mccllDff hclil hjr Ihn ritniillnl AiKwIall io. Tito (ftpio of riMirrrnitlnn mii nlmiir rtiannt'la Mt' tilnlOK lo itrtfl riinmri, whlrh liid hail ihrlr t'lrrct npon the rnrluui iiutiMvni of th» ulil Primila. Ttino gpiilk'iiK-n nllntiM with liitrn* tlfltiN of olthrr iirurliiK tlinio ninHirs wholD Urn nr iilMfiIut« inillti. It riiilnl afUT much iN^ho'lnf, vllh Ihfl nilitilft of 11)0 vtrlotu nH-uilicn of thn Old KrlPii'U* Ulub nettled m to tto TBrlouH rp- vonotl ruiDuri. The oommlltco RiimrallDV Ibo Old Frtnidi' Oluh wiiH cont»oHil ut lUMfcrt Hbcmiatt, LInroln J. Onrlrr. Ktlwnnl Itnwliinil, llnrrr Hliolibiii. Kratik Oauulo. Gro. Hllint. K. Itlcknen aiM II. lUnu-iillul, JcilRf Chirlvfl N. (iooiliiow actrd nn iirrftldoiil and chilriiun, In ibo aboneo of rrrxMnil J«i- •rpb Ilniij), whnw abicDoe from Ibo nicPllnv vm» duo to Iho dtuth ir Ma Jauinttr, wlm wn* klllnl Inilintif lait Thuniliy iiliht In an autuiitiiiiili> arcMcnt. A rinuiivr was iilpcvl u|hio Ihr Rndicr* Jiitr, duo lo tbia locldrnt. Tbn chnlrnian unh'rr'l Jhnt Ivltrn of roiiil<>li>iico and nonmi U* m\i Diiitotllilfly lu Mill lir.'rjvMl |in-»ldi'iit. KJiorily uttvr (lici nicvll'iit waa niK>itri| lir lion. JndRo Owilnuv, Dr. Moi Tliorck aiiKKPttvd honrlnii riitm lln* iirl'itN ni>rfi«ciitntl\rj of tbo Ohl KrlHida Cliih. l,ln<.-olii J. Oartfr pjtolio for bla hiYiilipr Al»ln^ltl^ft and told tbo Amcrlcin Hbtpllal A^Miclnihrfi that llm moinbcn of tho OH Krlt'icU were unfjnillUr with llio ptam of tho aDmrlnlMi. tiKi tlirlr pTviMwil llicalrleal l.fMjdlal. I|«> nUu lolrl uf tlio ruiiigra of nilntriniim-nt Ifaat bad IftcD clrcalRinl. Anolbvr jmlht waa n\M*\ hy K. Itlckni'ii, of Klint, 3anolo ft UkkHun. wlm Mid *'We are aot hiro to cauRO dlNwnaloii. \Vti nru IntiTMlnl. Tfaoroforo 1 would Ukv. aa widl aa llv olIicT tmiii* Iwra of tho Old Krh-nda CInti, Ut Mty ■ Hal of all llloao cbarll/ caara. I woiilfl anicKvnl thut ■ llm be prepared ko (hit iC can be ahown to lliu rarloua otoinlirra ot thf Old FrItTKli.'* Jii'Iko (JiHJiliioiv (inlvkl/ bl»)cctnl to o Hat of rJiarltr pallciila bolnif maiTo iift, clahnlnir llinl It waa UDoDilcal and not jimiHT, llr cnllnl iirmii Dr. Mai TfaoTok lo ciplafn llitt alliiailoii. "Hrnllo- mm," aald lb** doeinr, "It la unethical lo unko a Hit of obarlty v^XtmlH nnd wml It }tnttinHt throiiffh Iho city, alioniliitf 'ani ihla Im what lir. Thorek haa Accoiapllalinl tor lUn imifnMlun.' Hut (millnnpn. I extend to jmi Ihrtr, aa a commllleo, ati hiTllatlon to tho Ainn-lcan Thoatrltal IToai)!* tal, whrrv tbo rroorda of thow iiatlonU will bo oiMWftl to foo to InTMllvalo." Hta memhrrii of Iho Old Prlmilii arcrfrtod tbo mDlt<T In Ibfl aamo aplrlt aa Jndup Ooodnonr and Dr. Tborob. ind arcppt«l Iho Invltallon lo IniRMVt lite lH>ipflai. TJnrriln J. Onrlrr arnao aru?r thlnBH had \tti*n aallrrfactorllr a4>ill4.'d In bla mind, lud aald. "I aot not a wealthy tnan. hot ladlM and lii'ntldnon. I pli^tico lo yoii my hanblo nutport. both itiinnclnllT ami nliyiitrallr." II. Howntbai wna tlitfO rallnl upna, rto ntTntA a nhun anrorh, and In clwlnir. donated 1100, aa part t)t \ht> Fpnlal nf Hio Audltorlooi Tbralrv, for Ihe Itcnrflt. Thn American Tliealrlral Ilnqilinl Aaio^Iallnn hiH liern payinf IRnO t'lr tUn rental of llio Audi* t'lrlum TItoalre. ilurlny Ila annual lioneflla. TbiH li n charily rale. Jamm llenahpl, acMnr fnr Iho MimlrlaDi Union, flnntninml Ibit Ihir (ndpagn KitliTnllon tif Mual- rinni will donalo an firrhntra i4 Hlily'dro ptoca. which will bo Jcil by Mr. irenabol. Amona thoM* pr««>iit were: IInii. Jiidfo Obarlea N. Oorriinow, Mra, Olinrtea K. (loodnow, Dr. Mbk Thorfk, Mra. Mai 'fliorPk.aMfia OtfitI Oonlon. r.liiivdn J. Carter. Mra, r<ro Kraui, V^calor Iter* T>nr«l. Oharlni Andreaa. Harry HheMnn. flmriro Kllmt. K. nirkmn, Kdwanl Howland. Mra. Flor* tiirf Norlon, Jamea llenRliPl, n. Rf>Benllial, KntH>rt Phmnan. FVank riaooto. Dr. P. J. Kiinr. Rdward Rliayop, U. J. ("Kport") rienitan, and Qfly oilion. WTIMK LOCK TTfl." The ntiotoiitsy. "TImo fork 770." fealnrlnie Ji^ Wi'Irti, oa lame 4hraham^ In u\s parlf. wnu riven , a priralp ^boiTlnif to revnpaper mm and otiiera at lh<^ IfnlvprMl e!tl:lblllr(n room, hi C(ilrap>. Inat wetV, and Ihia we'hacteil. allrrlni, midt^wnrld drama, by TTal Ileld. abooM b« In irr^at dim nnd It In a fi^atoro pboto^laf' of nnniQil merU, fanltleaa lu Ita pbototfiapblo detail tvd rplrmlldly alPHCd. FOR THE TIRED BUSINESS MAN : ^moK TUT I PAID FOR YOU"