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12 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. Eebbuabt 6 HABKT SnfRIB, HOTIOH FIOTURB BDITOll. CURRENT FILM EVENTS. ADOIiPH ZVKOR, VAM0C8 PLAYERS ADNOVNCBI 8TD- oroducers alMuld accrue to the tint concern PKUIDOUS PUOll>^Pli]CTACL.B, «TI1U In tli« world to prncnt a resuUr feature BTBRNAL CITV," FOR NATIONAL proimim. f » RBLBASB —MUCH DlflOVflSBD "Ant "Tbo Eternal dtr" vlll crate a NCRBEK TRIUMPH AND OTHER IM- cieater end more laatlng Intpresslon amone PORTANT 8UIMBOT8 TO FOLLOW Ue goiicral vublle tban that acblored by WILL DB DISTRIBUTED THROUOII any otber production In the hlntory of the SPECIAL BOOKINO AOENCV OR- llJm Is i comporatlTelT safe prediction. OAMIZBD DY FAMOUS FLAYERS. ADOLFH ZVKOR, FAMOCS FLAYERB The Famooa Flayers Pltm Company an- TOBSIDEllT, JJEAVBB FOR^LOS AN- sonoces Its gluBcndons photo-spectacle, "The Kternal City," by Uall Calne, nith Pauline Krederick, tor Immedlato relcoie to legiti- mate thoetrte and motion picture taouaes chntiilDg twenty-live cents na the mlnlmnm cthnfiwlon, that can bouso a long-run attrac- a a*ai»u«E<n a. ■ i n iju w MO f vn AJl* GELBS ON tIRVflUAIXY IMPORTANT iHIBSION. ' Adolpli Zukor, president of tbo FamoM Flayers KUni Co., left Ner York Monday on a trip to Los Angeles, vbere the Western ctudlos of the FanuuB Playcrv Film Co. are tlon such as this tinusual flim achlcTement aonr sltiinted, for a pnrvow said to be of the A special booking agency bas b«n or- utmost hnjwrlanco to tho tmde In gcnoral canUed -by the >-amou« I'lojers Film Co. «nil tothe FMaons Hayem Film Co. perUcu- .™ .w .—. — —, for the eiploltatlon of "The Eternal Cltj" jarly. Wb«t tlie real ream for the^to Is a one hundred tboosand doHar concern, baa Hiougb^mc Intimation woa dlvnlgcd tliat theac new plana were In consideration by the nmonnel of tlie Kontoua I'layers Film Co., ibolr exact porport m» nor or disclosed. Re- cently, however, It became a martter of belief that the I'^inioug I'layen Film Co. were plan- stng to produce a number of elaborate Dim subjects in Japan. Tbc imcnrtedge that the PamouB rinyers posaessed the film rights of "lladamo Butterfly" atreiurtbened this Im- frcsslon. and when Mary nckford 'was sent 0 the I'aclllc Coast. It was genornlly theo- rized that she would go Oience lo Jcwan to begin work on the nim version of tbdii cele- brated opera and play. The fact that Mr. Zukor Is eipeeted to be e^ay for a considerable period of time, tends to the belief that bis ultimate objec- tive Is a trip across tbo PaclOc to the Orient. If this possible venture materlallus, the trado wllUbe glvon the flrat serlca of subjects produced In Japan and possibly China by an American feature eoneem. That It will be a notable acompUsbment Is at- tested by the BtupcndoDB lemlts obtolned la ICurope, where "The Eternal City" was produced last Sumner. "WIZARD OP OZ" IN PICTUIIES- FRANK SiOORE, FORMERLY BUIU LESItUB 8TAR,'rLAY8 BOAIIECROW. The "New Wizard of Os," a modem film Tcralon of the fomons fantastical romance, iwblch In the form of a musical comedy played for over two years In Ncv York, and then enjorod unabated succsa throughout the country for eight aeaaona, la announced as the.latest release on tbe Alliance program. In It apnar tbe Bearecrow, the Tin Wood- man and. Dorothy, tbe Kansas a^rl. It Is safe to say that there has not been created cither In Ictlon or stage llte.'atnre during tbe last two decades a trio of characters thst are better known than these three, which appear In Ht. Banm'a new production. On tbe stage ttaelr exploits afforded tens of thousands of tbeatregoers wllb amnsement and diversion, and the Scarecrow, his com- 8union, the Tin Woodman, are the leadbig gures In wbat bsa ibecome a modem classic, end they are bousehold names. . , The audience of exchange men and ex- 'Company, nas been enjcagcd slbltors who viewed the picture Isat week at llam W; Jefferson of the the Alliance bcadquartera, aaaured both Mr.' " Dnum and General ^Manager Cobe that lis Talue as a money (ttter was too evident to te questioned. Frank Moore, who ■ppeitcA In the original production, " " " -llanm ' . man is otby, the Eansaa girl, Is played'by Tloiet Macmlllan, who appeared In the original production before the footlights. There axe several distinct novelties, some of which were obtained by means known only to Mr. Baum and bis associates, and ethers which are the result of clever yet simple manipulation of tbe camera. It Is the IntenUon of Mr. Cobe to put the picture oot with an excellent selection «C paper, upon which artist* are now working. dJBICHMAN WIIiT, IRTBOOnCB BIO VAODBVILLB "NANBS" TO PICTURE FANS—WORLD COMEDY STARS FILM CO. TO SPECIALEBB IN BINOLB REEL COHJDDIBS, Ibe World CoDcdy Htais Film Corporation, REALISM IN REELS! TBAH 18 WHAT VTB 8TBI7S FOB; THAT IS WHAT WB AOCOlCPIiISH H.WAT.THlff, OOTTPLBD WITH THE BBBT FHOTOQ- BAPH7Arn> S0PEBIOB ACT nr o, MA mas KINBTOPHOTB FEATOBBB THB XTBATUBEiB YOU WAITF. THE iCINETOPHOTE lae-isa west 46th street. New Toik Telcpbos'e, Bryant mil jK jaouiv. -wav ap u f i c u in ue original tlon, was apedally engaged by Mr. lo plar the Scarecrow; the Tin Wood- I handled by Pierre Coodere, and Dor- nnd other special jubjecta too long for the mnnot be dcllnttely ascertained, but ItTiaa regular rrogram. This hooking organUatlon recently been commonly mmorcTln the trade ? *" *^J^,'i}^'^m S*^ ■ 5*^l,V?f *^ ■^e" preaent Kuropoan wars tor- Agency, with ofltces at 110 West lortletb mlnate tho »Vtniona Players plans of pro- Btrect, Now York. dudng a series of lokportaot feature auhjceta Owirgc M. Wolty., one of the beet knowu in Hiirope. Sir. Zuli» beeon active coiitom' booking managers In this country, has been platlon of continulns the fordgn nim Inva- Cantnots have already been closed ' cucagcd na representative. slon In coimlrics not offeoted by «he contl- do AngeHs. well known aa having Mr. Welly was -for yeora with the Ueblprs nealal conflict. • atar In "Ibo Deaatr Shop." '.^EYinta; ' yeora In a similar capacity. Tbe Famous Players future Mary I'lckford releases will also be booked throufdi this special agency. When asked for an olllclal explanation of tbe purpose and policy of tbe Select Film Hooking Agency, Mr. zukor, president of the Famous IMsyers, tald: ' "For a long time we have been perplexed by the limitations of a dcdnlto lour and five reel program, which otften militated agnlnst Important subjects whose nature re- quired longer and unusual treanacnt. The solution of this problem wo found In the crgunliallou of a special booking agency lor the dlatrlbatlon of a tew selected subjects that wora too long or expenaivo to be con- fined to the regular prngrum. After thcso Fubjeets have Seen booked In tho theatres tbroui;hout tho country tbnt are equipped to hoiiao loni; run, Hpeclal attractions, tlioy will ho plnced on tlio rcKiilnr program, nud when llicy are fo roleoHOd to tlio regular program exhlbltoni they will possess a prcp- llge similar to ilint which attaches to a Ihenlrlcal production after n nictropolltnn run. The enormous cost of tbo forthcoming Miiry IMckford releascB mnko It Imperatlvo lo distribute theao subjects through tho (■elect Film Hooking Aecnrv. "The organisation ol this apcclal attrac- tion program will do more to cnbnnco tho dignity of tbo featuro Olm, and tho Intes'lty of tho Industry at large than any other slnelo or various atcpa over ueforo taken, ae for tho firet lime In the hlntory of tho motion pic- ture business It Is absolutely and Inpqwrably placed on the plane of legitimate theatrical offerings of the moat serious type. Tbe adop- tion of this policy will greatly dignify tho public aapoels of Ihs trade, as It will noiv osaume every lota of systrmatlutlon asso- ciated with the business methods of the thi«tre." • . • In reviewing Ur. Enkor's declaration It doea not aecm surprlaing tliot tbo man who orconlted the first movement to connect tho screen with the ataio should also be re- sponalble for tbe last slop toward tho thor- ough odoptlon of accented theatrical methods In the presentation nt motion nlctui«s. The mammoth film odnptatlon of Hall Onlnc's maaterwork, "IThc Btemal City," ■ lie first nrod-.ictlon to bo distributed through the Beleet Film Hookluc Agency, which was proiluccd last Bummer In Itnly and England, and In the exact loeatlona In' which Hall Calnc made tbe stirring action occur, under tho direction of IMwln B. Porter and Uugh Ford, and which van recently given a nom- bic prcnicrt exhibition at the Lyceum The- atre, has received more unstinted praise from motion plcluro trado Jouraala and dully nennpapen litan any oilier tllia offering In the Iriatory of the screen. Added to Its gcsoral ond nnusunl value la the vital timeliness derived from tbe recent dlanntroiis earthquakes In Itoly, which In- lured many of the historic and ancient build- ings that form the Iwckground of tho screen proiluctton of this Immortal novel ond piny. No other lllm subject over before produce<1 lins oltracted Uie allenllon or promoted the illKi'uaalon which followed tbe Initial sliow- liip i>f this extraordinary screen achlevomenl. Coming on Ih'! crowning triumph of the Fn- motm Ployera' producfog nerlvltles. nfter tlTis' yenra of fiunreroe londersliln In feature proiliir; InuH atenilllv niiilnlnlneil Itv Ibis eoti- eerii. rut] dlsnlnylng In the ulmnsi llie trnn- pfi'iiilrul geitlus or lOihrIn S. rorlcr ns n ninviiT r.f Hip hlclier iirIiu-l|»*«»R of the plleni nrl. It woH nccepteil nn iiecullurly appro- prlnlr llmt the (:rente»t dWihu-tlou tlinl wna ever won by a auUJccl llluicd ity AucrKan t)eea toimed, wMh Flril 01el<linian, well known In. the motion, plehsre Held, as the <Iomtnant flgure. Tde aim of this new cor- poration la to manofacture and market one- reel comedies, wltti thneus stare of the legiti- mate and vandevllle stage In tSie leadlna roles. Contnots have already been closed with Jeff " ■ been tbe and many other Shubcrt successes; I/bIn Olaser, anomer widely known star, who has appeared In "Ecmlnle, ■ with Frsnds Wllsob, "Dolly Vardeo," and other sncceoaes too numerous to Dontlon: Florence Tempest, of the well known vaudeville team, Tempest and Bun- <hlae; Katheryn Oatennan. who made a repu- tation for herself In "Plff, ftff, Ponff," "A Fetadan Garden." • . ,^ .• Edmund Lawrence, vrho hae had an Inter- eatlng and varied experience on tiie legitimate stage as a iirodncer, bavlnc been with Him. WTKeoie UU|an Rnssell, B. H. Sothcrn, Do Wolf Hopper, and recently with the Kalem . 'ci. ,g dlreolsr. Wll- — -le famooa Jefferson family of actors, Is to be his associate. ^ Tbe scenarios are to be written by Usik Swan, who has been engaged In turning out tcoaslos for tiie Bdlaon Company, and who Is also a well known playwriglit for the legltU mate staga. Tbo World Comedy Btanj Wlm Coifwratlon, according to the advice of Phil Olelchmon, Is here to 111 a place which, op to tte present time, haa been sadly neglected. These eom-^ cdles, with well known names, aro to be re- leased on a regular piognm. VUL POX ACTrVB IN THE PEATOTIB FILM FIELD — BOX OFFICE AT- TRACTIONS CO.'S RUMKROCS DI- RECTORS BUSILY BNOAOW) ON FORTHCOMING «Bia" SCREEN FBO- OUCTIONB, WUllun For, wlo has given to ithe screen ■neb notable stars of the "legitimate" se Betity Nanaen, Charles Blcbmsn, Edmund iBrecM, Dorothy Donnelly, Wilton Lackaye end William Psmnm, announces that Nance O'Neill the dlstlngnlabcd interprelor of emo (lonal role» who orealeJ a aenaitlon under the management of David Belasco, In "The Lily." and otber enccesses. haa signed a contract with him. tor a feature screen pro- duction of Count Leo Tolstoi's inastetprece, "Hie Kreutier Bonata." This should be a deeply IntercsUng production In more ways than one. as It marks iMlas O'Neill's debut is a aim sUr. "Tbe Krentier Sonata" forms one Tpore of the ambitious series of features produced by William Fox. Eliminating Trouble Exhibitors and Operators caused much annoyance. ' With audience dissatisfied. Exhibitor losing patronage. Impending trouble always thought of by Operator. Through loss of lower loop, meaning interrupted picture. All this can be avoided by use of ingenious device. This device is Power's Automatic Loop Setter and Is used exclusively on machines of Power's manufacture. Write for CstaloK X "With PnU Details NICHOLAS POWER 00. NINETY GOLD STREET NEW YORK CITY Complets for Btan daru Blse Fflm, soTino pio> TORE VacblUM $10 00; Moving Flc- tnre Camera Tri- pods, tl7.oo; Sleie- optloeas complete, any Myle of light, tlioo;- ^Oalclnm light Jets. ttM; Acetylene Oss Oen- entois, 12N; An Lamp, tl.oo; Btaosiats. tin); Hovlng PloMre'ObJecUves, |2.7t; ■ Having Plclnre Lens Jacket, 12.21: Stereoptlcon Lens, sny tocos, toc.i Hovlng Picture Hochlne Feed Sprockets, ue. Ii. HETZ, goa M. «3d Street, ». Y. City. FILM and SONG SLIDES A big rodncUoB In Film, 100 reels at leant a foot, some at IS a reel: have Weatem and Indian Beela, BOO S«ta •t ioag Slldeii, Wo. to tl a set; Power'aNo.t Hsohlne, tT6; also other cheap Ma- ohlnea: Model "B" Ooldnm Macblnsi |90. T also kwv rllaa, Blldss and HaeillMa, If good. ■ g.F.GAliLOT.lS Klahtb At«., 1I,T, 8p»cltl_H||ttin Picture MielllH-Barflilns Blareopilcona, Spot Lights. Lenses, Condensers, OartMos, Annonnceroent Slides, loc. Box Rewlno- en, Portaiile OperaUog Booths, Benalr Puns for Bdlsoni Poiret'si.I.l'Sll'- Second-hand Machines bonghlsndaoldi'Vli REPAIR BROKEN OR WOBN FAHT3 OF M. P. MACHINES OF ALL HAKES. KG ORUIiR TOO SMALL FOR ODR ATTEKTION. CHA8. H. BENNETT so Mo. Mb St. ..PIIUiAOat,PaiA,PA. It follows the cleveriT prodoced WllMam Fox -pdcturlaatluns of "The TUef," "Samp- sani""The Wslls of Jericho" alia "A Vool Itotn Was." Herbert Brenon, producer of "Neptune's Daughter," and eevei«l otlier too- cestful Olo creations, will direct Miss O'NeLfl In the Fox production of the Busslsn novel- ist's maslsrwork. In the stage version at whldi Bertha Kallcb scored heavily on Droadr wav and' throughout the coontry. William Shea, featured In a Dumber of recent Broadway succeases, and recently also of ' the ' Dnlverasl forces, supports Miss O'Neill. WlUlam Farnum appears In the most recent Fox releasee ss tbe leading play- er of "A Gilded Fool." 'Ihe next picture In which Ur.. Famom appears Is a scrcei version to be staged by Edgar Lewis, of ,, Edward Sheldon, - ■•—- ... author ake's beat known veblclo. "Sslva- A Fool There "Xhe NIj of Mrs. . tlon Nell." Frank PowcU, producer of Wss," Is presently wfirking on a vlauallza- tlon of 'rxhe Valley of Mlaslng Hen." HERB'S A TBAH TBAT HOWARD CRAMPTON. CIIARMB ELDRBDGU AND OTMEIR "VOUMQ FBI/LBRS'' Wirli RBMBHBBR. Jennie Lee and Charles Cortrlght are tea- ture<l In the tloJcatlc-Mutual pastoral drama, "Farm Folk." They appear as an elderly couple, whose son leaves the farm tor a career In a big city. More than thirty veal's ogO'Jennie Lee was known oa one of the fore- most actresses of England and America. Ehe made a specialty of Bhakcapeareon roles, and eeeured a noteworthy HUccesH In the dramatization of Charles Dickens' "Bleak House-" I.orctta Blake nnd O. V. Mac- Dlarmld play the leads. "Farm Folk" Ik a Majestic toleaso In the Mutual program. TBFFT JOHNSON FILMS THB NBW YORK SUBWAY. Shortly after ten o'clock, Monday morning, Jan. 2C, the Vltagraph Company of .\merlca look the flrst motion pictures ever made In the . Intetborough Subway. Fowertul arc lighta were Inatslled at the Omnd Central Bfatldn, the camera was "set up" In the "crow's nest" and arranscd to show the con- gestion at "rush hour" when the crowds changed from the lotal to the express: This ■will iM nacd In tbe. reels ot t£e "arester City" for the ranama-raclBc Exposition. 1'elft Jobnaon was the man In charge of the ^"'''HB'S IHMBRSB AS A UDRVMK." "Having seen Ben Wlbion Is so many dra- matic roles, It wsa qnlte a treat to see him portraying the role ot an Intoxicated back driver In The Adventures ot a 8ea-Qolng Hack,' icex comedv. He la very droll, and the homoron's pliant lo which he flnrts him- self forma a dellgntful climax to an amusing story." Bo wyelh tbe publicity man np st the llolverinl, from which one night be led to Inter tbat'Ben Is a "good dmnkcn actor." DIRBCTOR THOMSON BACK F'ROM THB CO.ISI^TIDI'I.S SOME. IRTBR- E8T1NO TALBB OF COAST riCTURJO CONDITIONS. . „ Fred Thomson, who made "The Christian" tor Vltagraph Co^ and the big feature pro- 4uctlon ot '^The Sign of the Crosa" for tbe nimoue Players Film Co., arrived In New Tork from Los Angeles esrly last week. Mr. Tbomson, while on the Coast mit on "The acoso Girl" nnd "Tho Country Doy." He has some Interesting tales to tell ot Coast picture conditions, actors snMrles. general managing directors, etc.. tliat fcre highly ai- lertalnhig and decidedly enllghtentng. liDTCHINSON SaCVRBS BOOK RIQBTS. 9. B. nutohlnaoo. president of tbe Amer- ican Film M.inutaetarlng Company, has con- cluded the purehnsn ot the exclualve moving plcluro rlghta ot "The r,uro ot tbo Mask," b.v Ilsrold AlscOrath, and a nin voralon ot tbe book soon will be aeoi In the Mutual pro- gram. It will he produced by a special fea- ture company, now twlng or.i^.inlzea at tho Americans Santa Barbara studios.