New York Clipper (Feb 1915)

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14 Febbuabt 6 TIMELY PICTURE TOPIC. mOHOLAS POWEn CO. IBStBB HEW OATALOOVK HANII80HU 0::-rAOU j BOOK TISI/LS ALL. AUOVT POWER'S PICTURB MACHINES. I The Nlcbolas Power Co., of 00 Oold Street, ; Nfrw York, manufacturers of Ike I'ower'a (WA ■ Cnmcragrapa oad other proJcctluo dt^Tlccn '. for a nuiiib<!r of yearn piuil, ntu) jiirt l>BUed a new flfly-two (Rce colalngue. detalllog the i good points of tlicTr iiroduct. Tile calaluxuc Is printed m ti high nailo I of ealcDda/ coated paper and profusely lllus- : troteil wtth ,cut< of ithe numerous devices I turned out by Ibe Power flr-m. I lixclUBlve features of ttie Ponrcr's OA I Oomcrasroph are grapblcnlly staoim In lUus- I tmtlons with accompaDylai type explana- tions of their delicate worKlnKS. "nio new Tower's ootalogiie la a technical book that everyone who owns a moving picture machine of any tipc or mako, sbould Immediately ccenrc. The books Tttll be smt on request lb ezblbltorn. AI.CO FILM CORPORATIOn SITTA- T I O N — fllAl DIRTHIBUTIKO OON- CBRN IN UECEIVBR'B UANDS-ALIj STAR KKATUHU OORFOHATION ' BANKRUPT. iMIIton M. Oolilcmllh and Arthur F. Oott- liold were appointed receivers, Tuesday, Jan. !tO. for the the AIco Film Corporation, doing n mm distrlbutlni; liuslncHS at 2'JU West . ■ i'oity-spcond lUreot, New Vork. ■hiring the vrc«k previous to the appoint- ment 01 tbc receivers by the II. B. District (.'oui I, acTcral exriinnce men reprcscuting the Ako concern IhrougDout the country, got -togrUier In New Vork and endeavored to make n forty cents oa the dollar settlement wlto Alco'a numerous crcUlom, but some- bow or other the plan fell through, KrldRV. ■Ion. 211 Messrs. (loldamlth and OotUiuld, the receivers Butipesnacd several of tbc ex- concc men coimrctod with AIco and asked (bcm a tew qucatlona In a IicarlnK held bc- (ure-U. S. ConnijMiloner Olk^hrl»t. Nothing of tmporlance -wns lirouubt out at tlii^ Friday mooting, and another session Is scheduled for ^Yeduesdny, Feb. 3, when U Is J'opeil that Bomi' dollutte liifoniintlon may ho rblolneil as to the coudltlon of the llUn coui- IJi.ny's tangled alfnlrii. 'Wie Btsndnrd I'>ngmvlng Co.. crciUtors for $1,800; Jnmcr A, Walton, iU2, nnil tlio rlnygoers nim Co., 12,040, afgncd tlie ix-tl- lloa that put the Amo Co. In bouliruiMcT. At.L STAR rBATOna CORPORATION DANKRVPT. The All Star Kenturo Corporation, of 220 «. 1'iirly-Bi'conil Street, New York, has had u iielllliin lu hnnkniptcy nicd egnJnat It bv .1. P. .Miller, n tri'dlfor for trM; Mlnndaril Mogmxlng Co., ^22, and Frank A. lloogta- lliii;, $41. The film producing concern was formed Lbodt'a year .igo by Harry II. Iljiver and AutfUblus 'Jlioains, who iccontly dlHiiused of their holdings. Tho All Slur Iisn lu'nit rc- Icnxlug their product through tho Alro J''llni t'oriKirrtlldn, and that coneeru In reputed to I f'lu n licnvy btock Isterest in tbe former rouiimuy. •'.MOIIMNO" MATIKBB nBOEMSARY TO SATISFY PICKKOllD AU.tllUBnS IN WIIiMINOTOK, UKI., 'ilie Majcnllc Tbcoitre, Wlbnington, Del., Is t-liiLbterliiK all looal movie hoi oOco records iiM '^'J'lie Honic of l^aMUlOllDt&" U wns neccs- piiry to run a morning show whcu Mary lick- furd. lu "Cludcrella,' was shotwD. iMurh of the present success o< tills de luxe motion pMurc bouse Is duo lo the care- ful attention to dotuLla by Mftuamr James <ilnns and bis asslstnnt, Joseph iKlalr, and Ihe never falling courte«y of the entire honso ctair. The house itself la one of Uie most beau- tiful theatres of the midera tyjie, and wue ri'cnvtly reported by tbe huUatng Inspoctot US being oos of th« itwo local theatres which met every renulrcment for safety and perfect Yiivtlhitlon. It bas teen eztremoly aucccss- ful presenting Iteramount flInM since tho Avenue Theatre, tltit city, was destroyed by lire. The Rtifr Is an follows: James (Hobb, man- nun: Joseph nelalr, assistant manager: Le- rof Ilye, chief opcrsitor; Leonard Wrlglit, aa- iil.stniit opernlor; Harry dibort, door man ; J>. A. Thompson, liousc mnn; Arniur Vernon, ■Miirrls Oreensldn ond Jack Rose, usbors; llirbent JncksoD, head usher: Otto Trultt, rnhllrlty promoter: Arthur S. llanbv, ptsnlst; lii'iiflin I'nniu, relief pianist: MIsa Jones, eaxhler. 1VGLI. KNOWN FILM MBN ATTEND TRIAI. OF BASTNAN CO. AT UUKFALO, K. Y. Prominent men In tlic film world attended the trill ot United Hlntni Onverumeut va KnHl-Qjnn Kodak Co., In Uulfnlo, N, Y., Jan. ^7-20. ,lule8 llrulatour, DoTld lloraley, Ijouls Hurntein, Kdwin ThanhousN*, Vt. A. Neale, ^V. II. Gray. 1,. J. II. Il<ilat and Xleoriro ICiistmon were nmoiiB tliose present. Tlio hult 1ms bo«n on trial for about a year, I'.'rmlttcnily, ond wns brought nndcr tho iiiilMrnst net prohibiting muuuiulles In re- >!triilnt of trade. l.IITTI.n MARY IN HAI.L OP FAAIEr- .MOTION PICTUnU STAR AHONO THIS IMMORTALS. .Mary PIckford, tho Famous Plnyors Film Ccinpiiiiy'B world beloved star, lins been ex- tended Ibo most signal diBtliicllon ever coa- fcrred tiiion n motion picture nrtress l>y tho Iiiinrd c{ Kducnilon of Kansas City, Mu. In eoinpllInK n list of the world's cclob- rlilci, comprlslDE the greatest Dsnies ot IiIb- lory, pcleuce and plillotfophy slnco the dawn or civilIziilIon for the pupils of the public dchools ot that city, the Uoard of ICdiicntlon lins Included the iiniue ot the unlvernnlly Idolliod "Mtlle Mary." Among the Iniiuortnl names with which Miss I'lekford Is llslnl appeared tbc follmv* liii;: Dame. lannc Kewtoii, Dalrac. (Irueral licrnbardi, Ulysses, Lord llobert^, vlUa, VRITZI BCIIEFK STARTS WORK ON "PRBll'V MRS. S.MITU.'> Krltzl ScbeO, Iho prominent favorite ot tlio legitimate siniie, whose sigiintnro wns re- cently secured by the Oliver Murosco I'lioto- piny Compnuy lo appear before tlie motlou iilcture rumera, bna arrived at the Ilonvorth- Momsc) studios to star lu n screeu version ot her latest play, "Pretty Mrs. Hmltb." AVurk has been begun In enruest In tbe Ilia- lug of tho comedy, written by Oliver Miiroseo nnd KImer Harris, and nn Glnboratcly spcr- tacular production Is assured. Tills Is the Hrst nppcaninco of Ml9S Schclt In plciurcs, ami It wns with great cuthuslnsin Ihnt the star ot tho tootllghts cnmmonced 3ier work at the sludlo. liach day nlTorUa licr new surprises In tbe nrt ot motion pic- ture iirnduclleii niid every morning llads tier iimong the Hrst at Iho studio, eager lo com- mence tho day's work, Bupportlni; Miss Hchcff are Owen Moore, Forrest Stanley, Ixiyle UennlsoD, Myrtle Stcdmnn nnd a scoro of other screeu favorites. FAMOUS PLAVBRS CO. BNOAGOS SOCIBTV LEAUER. Tlirouph a casual Item published In n the- nirlcnl lournni last week, niid Immedlutrly copied by n few sorlely papers. It o dls- rhised Hint the lure of (lie singe—or mther ot the sereeu—lins dniwii Mrs. Bybllla Pone, who Is conHldered one ot the most beautltui women In Fifth Avenue society eirclow, from the innrtilc floors ot fnshlooablo reception moms before the motion picture enmern. She will appear for the llrsi time on the screen In the Famous Ploycrs I'llui I'orapaiir'a four pnrt photoplay adaptation ot Martbn Unr- Inn's celebrated play, "I'hc Uachdor'a llo- nsncc," the setcea Tcnton of Kblch will present John Hmerson In the title rolo, to be released Feb. 11. One of the mib-tltlea In tbc production that will appear on the scre« will read as fol- lows: ''Jack Meets nn Attractive Bodoly Irfindcr:" nnd tihe nuiUonce w4ll have the added satisfaction of knowing that the scene contilOH true rmllsm. and that n aoclety leader. Indeed. Is ponlDg tor their amusement- )lra. I'ope Is tbo wife of Charles II. Pope, a wealthy cotton broker. Hctor.. her Jnarrlago she appeared In several Droadway aucccsaes, and walle on the stage afao was known tot her bcsirty and isnice. It Is not flnsnclal conditions that have por- fundcd Mrs. rope to become a motion picture actress. She has a Iwoutltul home at 247 Fifth Avenue, where mau dabonUc aoclety functfons and recopUons nave been given In the last two years. ARNOLD DALY INJVnBD-^AS A DAD FALL WlilLU WORKING IN OELAINB." Amnll Daly, oopnlar star of the st.ige. and now much hi the niKilllght bocaiise of his being featured la the Pathc serial picture, "Vhe Kiplolts of Elaine," had a had tall thin week, which fortunatelv resulted In nothing worse than a severe snaking up, but mlfrht very easily have become serious. A church hternle had bees ercrled on the cdgo 6t the I'allMidea In Jersey City, and Mr. Daly was retiulrcd by :he scenario to pursue A orook up Into the heltrv and from thence up to tho very pliuii:Ic of the steeple where a strunic was to t.ike plnce between the 4wo while hanging on to rhc golden cross. The stnigelc was so violent that Mr. Dalv lout bis grip and fell headlong to the ground below. Fortunately he 'aiided upon his shoulder and escaped witli bad bruises only, 'ilic camera maa succeeded in gottlng a i>of. tlon ot his toll. ' JOHN BMRRSON RB-APPBARS ON THB SCntSBN IN SECOKn FAMOUS PLAV- BRS piioniicTioN, «Tua dach- BLOR'S ROMANCE." John Emerson, wOio orlnlimlly made Ms fIrMt nppcarnnco In motion pintures 4n the Fnmoiis I'layern film vernlo.i ot his termor theiilrlcal Huccesn, "The Conspiracy," through irlilcb he lienimc liiMn«lkiti'ly uc<|ualntcd with the motion plotiii-e piHillc throughout the cimntry, rotiirns to tile screen in a four- pnrt film ndnptnllon of the celebrated nentl- 4nental comedy. "Tbo Rochclor's Romance." by Martha Morton, to ho released Feb. 11. 'Tho Daehelor's Itomonce" Is a charming liuman m'tiire drama, brimiolng over with <limlnt humor, colorful chai'antei4Ea.tlon, and lefrcshlnc roinnnco. In this delightful comedy ilnimn, John Umprsun portrays tbe role ot linvid llohiies, the lornhle baeholor of tlio pl:iy, a kindly, mllilly eccuutrlc llu-rary <^rltlc. -Kilo runs at the ulubt ot a wennn, only to be trlmicd bend over heels la a vio- lent love nffalr with Us yotrng and pretty waitl, .Sjlvhi. WIioji "The nacbelnr's Romnnce" wne pro- Bont..Ml throughout tho country nn n play nev- ernl years ngo. It won national po)iularlty through Ita charming bumno qunllll.''H Its humorously pleasing nspecta ot life nnil lovi', nnd Its splendid note of sincerity. In Ms screen version It has Innt none of Its tenilor Di>|u-nl. but gnlus npnreclnhly In Interest inriiugh Ibo ampllflcntloii of blot nnd char- acterlzallon made posslblo by tlie wider scope of tin* camera. The splendid manner In which Mr. Boer- ton portrayed the dllllcult and ecccnt.ic role ol 1110 autlior-dulocilve In "The Consplrticy'* Indicates his complete adaptability to the role In the present subject. His nnlnuo portraynl ot the middle-aged bachelor wlio suddenly awakens to the /net that there ore things more lupnrtnnt In llfo than books, will be even more appreciated by the motion picture audiences who witness this dollgblful and artistic presentation. The part ot tho girl who ofTecta the change In the outlook and msnners ot tbo conrirmi>d bachelor is adnjuately porlrnyed by l.or- ralne IfuUng, who has app.>ared In a num- ber ot recent Famous Plavera productions. Tlie feature la divided inio two essentliil parts— ihe division before love comes to the bnclielor, nnd the one after he hss learned of lite existence of the one woman. Roth are dUtliiCt Iniperson.iilons, varying fnim each olber In overy dolnU. nnd It may thero- Inrc be tTuthfiilly said that Mr. Kmerson portrays tn-o cbni-actors la one role. CAPTAIN DBSLBY PICTVRBS IN SEC- OND WEEK AT IIAXINB ELLIOTT'S I'UEIATRU, .NEW YORK. The socnud week of Captain Denley's Snuth American pictures, nt Maxlue Klllotl's The- atre, Btnrted Monuny, Feb. 1. The lutrepld explorer, who Is well known on both sides ot the Atlnnilc as an luter- nnlliinal polo player ot higb reputu and an enthii.slnrllc sportsman nnd blazer of trails In unknown lands, has by the aid of bis Dintlou picture camera auccceded la record- ing, la uii lutercsllng nnd plcturosque form. f;ci-nes met wjtb on his recently completed Biiuth American expeilltlnn. Despite tbo Oauv dinicultles attendant upon photoifrophy in tho tropical Juiiglo lutltutlcs, the pictures, nhlch are exquisitely toned, depict life la Lotlu .\uierlca lu n manner uovcr before pre- sented to the public. With a we.illli ol ma- terial 10 choose from. Captoln Ilcsley wisely rofnlued from Including the ordinary scenic travel views. Ills aim and object tbrouKhout was to secure such pictures as lisd never before been attained, nud In this be has ad- mirably succeeded. From the pcruetiinl snow- covered pIuteniiT and rnngea of tho Andes to the tropical Jungle Is a far erv, but tho uudl- ciiee Is carried nlonj with Inntructlve and tinlqiio scenes, which do not lor a municnt riernilt Interest lo flog. b\>llo\vlnc the co<irM> of the longest trlbu- tnrloH of tho irrent v\vi-r sereml of the dead cities ot the Incas of Peru were visited, tho pictures showing In deiull tbe oraatlng stone ivork ot these pcopie, whose history Is only a unttor ot conjoctloo, and whose stories uf •nythlcal treosurea hove cauned this seotloa tit Ihc countFT to ho named "The Wondcr- Inud of Peru.' WORLD FILM CORPORATION ISSIIB9 NUW nOIISB OROAN FOR BXCI.U- fllVB BENEFIT OF SAISS FORCE. A house orgno, onlled "Tbe Firing Line," end deslgacd eicluslvoir for the use of Oie enles force ot tho World Film Corporntlen, vHI lie Issued shortly. It Is to be published weekly, and will bo edited by C. U. fleelyo, sales director. Leon J. Dnirciorger will net as assistant editor. Tlie fist number will make Itn nppenrance I<Vb. 10, nnd It Is planned thst only the liveliest, sort of material thnt will be ot vsliis lo the uilcs and executive staff of thn World Film Corporation will appear In this very iaierestliic publication. •Jlie editor of "I'hc Firing Lino" hna adopt- ed OS hlH slogan "Watch Us Orow, Grow Wlih Ua." a. a. Schsetir. sccrcury to Mr. Sole- Dick, Is entitled to,the credit for chrlstcn<:ig th: puhllcatloD. (. DIRRCTOR ORAirrARn AT WORK ON VIVIAN MARTIN PHOTOPLAY. M. n^lle Chnulnrd Is one ot the best known Ffcnch directors. He Is now at work nt Ihc World 111m Studios at I<\>rt Lee, on n fenturo In which Vivian ttartln Is to lie etarrnl. M. CTinulnrd Is n eradunic of tho French Kclalr studios, and has been nBS> elated with such noted nrtlRts ns Itejaiie. lie lins plnyeil nt the Fmncnise nnd vniidc vlllo theatres la Paris. M. Maurice Touroicr, who Is well known to American picture fans because of Ills making ot tbo photoplay, Bobcrt Wanri^ In "Itie Han of the Hour," and Vivian Martin, in "The Wlsh-.-ig Ring, was formerly a member ot the same con^any In which U. Chautard appeared. When "Alhis Jimmy Valentine" was origin, ally producedlln Paris, M. Chautard played Valentbiet while M, Tournenr acted as stage manager. DBATOIZ MICHELF.NA RECEIVES STARTLLUC OFFBH. Bcatrls Mlchdeaa did not appear at the Tlroll Opera House. Han Kranclsco. Cnl.. during the week ot Jan. 24. where she might have nung arias from the grand opera. "MIgnon," while tbe motion picture, dealing with the same theme, wss thrown on the screen with Miss Ulebeleoa taking the tltie role la the iibotoplay. When an exclusive gnlhcrlng wltneswd tho exhibition of the motion picture at the St. Frani'bi I!atel. Sao Francisco, Ulss Miche- lena waa prevailed npon to sing, and her rich soprano notes thrilled and surprlsetl. The bit she made causod Turuer Sc Pahn- ken, managers ot the Tlroll Opera Huiue, t.i stiomut n novel stroke. They urged the songbird to aiipear as a (pedal attraction durlne 'iMIgnon" week. . Although tbe offer made to Miss Michelena was flattering, the motion picture star was forced to refiuo It. as her eugagemeot with tile California Motion Picture Corporation requires her presence continuously tor sev- eral WH>ka with lier company In the Santa Crnz Mountains and In the Sierra mining loglon. to rake part In the Hlmlng of a rew Drete Ilnrte photoplay, "Lily ot Poverty Fist," which will Roon be released on tho World Mim Corporation achcdule. "YOUR OIRL AND MINE" IN NEBRASKA. The suffragists ot Omaha, Neh., headed by Mrs. Draper Smith sod otliers, arc wording hand In hand with the World Film brai>'a tbere to moke "Your Oirl and .Mine," tho suffrage picture, tbe talk of the year. That they have succeeded is evldeirt from the st- leailon Oiftt they are receiving at the hands of the OmaJia newspapers. Bo Successful has been tibe exploitation of "Tour Gin and -Mine" 'ttat the women Inter- cntcd are determined to have a suflrage film like "Your Girl and ^Une" shown for every year for the next three years, so as to he able to carry Nebraska for soffrage. While recently In Orouhn, Ixnvis J. Selz- nlek, vice presldont and general manager of the World Mlm Corporation was the guest ot the Nebraska Suffragist Oiganlzatlon. HERE AND THERE IN HLMDOM. IliciiAno Fox, ot the Chicago branch of Ihe World Film Corporation : J. Walter 1 amb nnd Jerome Sohcl, both of the Now York branch, are the Oral prlzo winnera to win salesman bonuses iin<ler the Kclznlck profit sharing plan, Lba: If-, in active operation with tlio employcoa of the World Film Corpora- lion. Mr. Fox won tiio first prize of JlOO Mr I.omb sccureil the s.^rond prliie, $50, aoil Mr Subd'a prize Is ^ITi. t;ioso prlzos were awarded to the three winner.-* they eecaicd the grentest amuunt of business l-nsed ou gross casli collections at the :'jwest expense during the flrat four weeks of the proHt sharing {ilsn's operation. The {leilod started Nov. 20, and ended Dec. 2a BInce the announcement was made ttot ■the profit shaxlng plan wns to become a rcallfr alt tho salesmca In the omploy ot tho World Film Corporntlon have ontorod tho race wdth enthuslsmn, and while there liave been only three prize winners, many records bare been broken. Gcnml managr Seltolek, in cODgratulnlIng the prize winners, sold: "I am so pleased with the succeas that yon have won that I want to offer to ereiy repre- sentstlTe concern all tho details In tnls plan. I'hc enthualasn that the i>lan Inspires bene- Sts tbe Industry as a whole, nod I am happy In tho thought that you have won tte pHies, for -with ootual jirollt sharing yon will feel that the welfnre of -the World FUm Corpora- tion is your welfare" Mr. Selanlck has prepared a complete schedule at the details of his iproflt sharing plan, and the booklet giving this Infoimatlon can bo secured npon request at the home omce of the World Film Corporaitlon. KKw runroriAT thtutu for uancbbstzb, N. u. T'he Gngle Theatre Compnay, an areaae- ment corporation of Mnnrhentcr, 19. IL, which will bulla a theatre In Hint :liy, was formed recently with a id,v'|1'ji; lu the ofHces of Attorney Harry K. I.ovf.-lng. OHlcers wero elected, the organ..nation of tho corporation completed, ind^ pti-.iis consummated for tho crertlon ot ManclnviIor'H lutest motion pic- ture house on a siti- near Elm and West Bridge Streets. The olPcers are: Pre."!ldent, Hcrtal Parl- sonu; vice nrcBldent. Tnncrcde Parlsenii: treasurer nnd clerk, Pcrlcy J. Urown; gen- eral mnnngor, J. E. Ctmrbonnenu. All ofScem will serve nn the board of directors. The theatre site Is 100 by 100. and II Is the cuinaeement'A Intention to have the build- ing nrrnnited slinlliirlv to the ucw Palace niicntrc ou Hanover Street. UlS "101 DANDI" ST\Ta BIOETS FOB WlbCOMIIN. T. W. Ilrlght, of Ft. Scott, Knn., owner of Stnte rights of the "lUl Ranch" Olm. has added Wisconsin, ond In now working that State, aB.slsted by his son, William. iWM. FAnKTIM AMD KI>a.\n LEWIS DOWN IN AUOIIBTA, OA., FILUIHO "TUB NEW OOV- BBNUB." Willi lam Parnom and suppoitlne company of the William Fox Players are In Augusta, Ga. where the eitcrlor scenes for Che photo drama "The New Governor," are to be pro- duced,' under the dlrecllon ot Kdgar Lewis. Anuog bboso with Mr. Fonunn are: Ohilre Whitney, Oertnido Clomons, Frank Kugler, Ccorgo De CarUon, \1. W. Crlmmlns and Cliarlca Uavenposit John Zanft Is'manager of the company. The players will Ronaln la the South for about a month. ' The New Qovomor" was phiycd on the dremotle stage under the name ot "The Nigger." ^ Oveh o thonsand dollars In two days In a house scaling three hundred persons, at a fitly cent odmlsslon. Is the record ot "Ca- Mrla," In Jacksonville. Fla. The Itala Film Company's report from H. n. Mason, who Is cxplottlng the famous vroihictlou in tho South, brings this Information. Pi-ANB' Sot the rfinlatgoment of display rooms and operating rooms of Francis J. 011- bcrt. 1020 K Main Street, Dallaa. Tex., have been approved by the city Inpspectors. "Cn- Mrla" and other Itnla productions are bebig distributed by Mr. Ullliert la the I/ose Star State and najntninj icrrltoiy iwlth marked aucctsa, RoaAR SELWT^r and hts cqu.iUy dlstln- gulsbcd.wlfc. Margaret Mayo, have ngreed to make their first screen appearances under the management ot tho Jesse L. Lasky Fea- ture I*Uiy Co. This will all take place In con- nection with the picturliatinn ot Mr. Scl- wyn'B own very famous and successful play, "'Tho Amb," In which ho was himself the star during Its original engagement In New Yorit at the Lyceum Theatre. Mr. Sclwyn, It Is now otUclally announced, will Interpret for Ihc screen the same Btelkir role which he created tor the stage. TiiK .^11 Star Film nenlnl Co., New York CIt.v, Is booking the Ilnla tour reel "Cablrla- Blara" pnductloD, "The 'lYensure of the I.ouiats,'' with Lydla Qiinrnnin In the lend- ing role, for New York Slate and Northern New Jerse.v. Walter Isaac, manager of the Ml Star Film Rental C o.. reports great activity among exhibitors who are eager to Lhow tnls new Him, following the tremendous success of "Cablrla." State Bights Have Come Back k ——— —— In less than one week the HAVE SOLD |THE ORDEAL, AVALANCHE and A MODERN MAGDALEN TO Electric Theatre Supply Company PbUadelpbla, Pa. Famoas Stars Fihn Corporation Clevelaad, Ohio Liberty Film Renting Company PlttBburgb, Pa. Casino Feature Film Company Dotrolt, BSlob. Northern Film Company Pittsburgh, Pa. Celebrated Players Company Chicago, 111. The above eoaoerns have eoatraoted for next twrelve months. There's a lot of luscious territory Just ripe for our productions, still open. If you are Interested, vralte or wlie us novr. LIFE PHOTO niH CORPORATION 220 West 42nd St, New Yoik City C. A. CiiiVEns, who tor some years past traveled In thn South for one ot the Intsest Him or^nnlzntlons, aud who was the oldest roadninn In pohit ot service In tbo employ ot that comiieny, has severed his connections with them and is now with the World Film Corporntlon In the same capacity. Mr. Cblvers Is well known and popular with ex- hibitors In the South. Hlr territory will ombr&co Ihe States ot Qoorela. Tennessee, Alnbema, Florida, North and South CaroUnn, for for4 'for^ for for for^ Eastern Pa. Delaware District of Columbia Maryland Ohio Kentucky Western Pa. West Vlrglnli^ Michigan Wiseonsln Western Pa. Ohio Western Va. Kentucky Illinois Indiana our output for the Tua rapidly dcvoloplng buslncBs ot tbe World Klim Corporation has necessitated more elbow room, and Jo larger floor spaco has hcen taken In the new ornate Jaeger Building, 820 3t Catherine Street, West, Montreal, Can. When they have flnolly Battled down, the World Kllm Corporation win undoubtedly have one of the tlnecC qunrtcrs there, and will be equal to the luihing business that 1b being done by It. S. Bell, the mles mauasjer, worthily supporlcd by 11. SIskInd, oOlco manager: 0. W. Kerr, ossltont sales manager, end n. W. Talbolt, Gulosmon. ft KATIUIYN OSTEHMAN DBC0UB8 A WORLD COMEDY STAR. Eathirn Osterauin, llie comedienne has Joined tbo World Comedy Stnrs Mlm Cor- poivtloa and wlH be starred In o number ot one-reel uomodlca. Miss Ostermnn's career on the stage has been a most Interesting one. For soveral sea- sons Bhe starred at the heed ot her own cein- nany, In Mark Swan's clever comedy, "The Olrl That Looks Like Via." and also "Tbo Nlrtit ot the Play," wtilch afterwards beoamo LllUon nusaell's starring vehicle, onder tho title of '"Rie First Nlrht." After this she piayetl under A. IT, wood's nuinngement In 'Modest Susanne" and "The Qlrl In tho Taxi." She ma ols» an Important Taadevl la leaturo os the co-star with Louis Simon, In "A INirlalan Garden," which was successfully presented tor two years In all the priadpal va-udovllle theatres. ^Iss Ostemin's last appearance In Now York was at Uommerstcln's, In her own one- act play, "True to Nature." She has often been spoken ot as tbc iiucen of comedy, and Possesses talent plus vitality. Wss Ostetsian has a splendid sense 'ot farce, a legitimate onethod ot lough provocation, and a radiant and smiling face tbait will surely get oivoE 4hc screen ea It does over tho feoUuptts. JESS WILLARD A PICTDRB ACTOR— WHITB HOPB APPEARS IN •TUB UEAUT PUNCU," ' Jess WUIard, one ot the numerous white hopes ot the nation, played the principal role In a Qihttne drama recently, entitled *The Heart Punch," on Imp picture. This film was produced eveml^t, as WUIard was fompollcd to leave for tho West file tollowlog snornlng. Stuart I'atOTi wrote tho scenario and produced tho play at a day's notlce- "Tbe Ilcart Piinolh" uffers the merle tana on onportunlty ot seelne the O^Aar who win thortly discuss a little matter ot opinion with "Mlolah JohnslDg." down In Mexico, In sev- eral characteristic and Intimate close-uii Tlews. ASnLBY IN A COURT ROOM PHOTOPLAY. Director Carrol Floming has jost comr Dlelcd tor release In the Mutual program, a two reeler called "In the Jury Iloom." It la by I'hIMp IjOrnergao. nnd features MIgnon Anderson, "the dare-devil Ingenue:" Arthur Ashley and Sidney Urncy, who plays the part e! a 6cU-abnegatlng pbyeldan.