New York Clipper (Feb 1915)

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16 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. Febbuabt 6 CHICAGO NEWS ^ AVVaaTUBKBHTS AHO SUBSCBIPTIORS BBOEIVBD AT WKSTBBM BOIUBAV 6v RBW TOBK OUFFBB, WABRBV A. PATBIOK, iVBSTmUl nABAOBB, BOB ABBbABD aUWB, BAHDOLPH ABD CLARK ■TBBBTB, CHIOAOO. T Booooccoooooooc>ooooooooooeoooocxooooooo u oo» s cooooc co3ccccc oeeooecs c s c iixg _ , HONDIT, Feb. 1. irMcli <bM Id "Bwkr Golcli,** whm at; im« nrnlDf to tlie dniu for tho nnt lime lo llbnallj prorlcM wtth tondi (•lif«) for •aiw Ita hutorr, tfaa La B^le Opera IIoum oDeri iw-iit porpoM bj "Liula Jtk*" (Vna BkIdub), Kdnr ScIwTn'i new comedy of ChKago life, pn-prlnor o< Um "Bockr.aiileh" tiled "Eolfl ■• ■•■ ■■ ~ — railed "Bollinc atonea," wlth Uroeat OleO' dlDDlnr, IllchanI HIerllDK, Frani'n Ulog, Vauitaan Trevor and othart aclinji In It. "irlie yeoman of tbo Guard," one ot tlie %Sf&.i!f»'*'°.¥i,"iI^'^ .'J''?. '"*'' i'.-t'S ««ae who w«* aoireriiK from mid ttttt Auditorium, with De Wolf Hopper making iDooKni ot eicllraent •ncldtnl lo airiloi with baak. "Boa- „ird M'a OalTij" wta'llbmUr palroalnd by the tblnt/ and Uiera was «naliKTabla tot Irot- llnff lad one-itcvplof to Ibe mule' of plaoo aad mmo In "Oilanltr JaoaV* dinco ball. Fortium «em won and loat ilatb^ tbo emlaf, and "Nni. brief OB* of 111* 8L Piol beiet'* Mg boMlan*' n* aooomcM tkal be will like ont tbo lana alad elww ai berrtofon', opeobg atMint tbo end ot Utj. Tb9 Capllal Oltr Bfaora .wen aaoog tb« bli Booer nann laat aeawo. aod HotTEaan la wen >scwn arxnd MIoneaota inJ tbo Dokolaa. Cbnill- Uona tbera are lood be leporta, and Ibew Htatc* wlU bo Ilia atanplnf ROimd again thla 7«ar. ooealu. with the cortala two fcot np, pirlag to go at tte b»ad <t ttelr own etavanTa oi^rlDg tfilr lega, baa been worked- Ij, eeroaJ tbngj^ nnnala uid Iowa. hla llrit appearance as Jack Point At the Little Tbeatre, Tueidar erenlng, Feb. 2, Maurice Drown will give inrce playi, by Mr*. HaTclock Kllla. their Brst aUglng. NumerouB dnnrors iiirnlah the entertain Dent at the Midway Uardena, among them being Ellsworth Cook and Knlly Prancea Ilooper. Ono n( their new dlverllsonent* la The Hunter's Drive." At the motion picture bousea.—The snb- aarlno pictures are now on display at the Sladcbeker. The /legfeld has a double bill _ airilDf tbo Ooddfaa of .Obaoo& '-Hi* Dare of '40" la a tbrtller with the atliig of the thrill taken oot, aod piorfdM ao eTenlng'a eolfrialamrnt that awakcss the moat bfa<9 from a alalo of lethargy. BARKOOT HAS GREAT PLANS FOR 1915. did. no I araodevlUe Boieliy. Tbt WlUm .< reooe patrans s tensaUoo on tb* VMen raoderllle Uanigmar tntort^ I aalb€T dU the ««it of tbU t««m'» Aaaoelalloa tlma. oSsCa, Tbo Moiart <J»lQtrtto dUplayrt foor tal- Aiiaw aouHBa la hiSi'3»i;_„,^ „ ^bntiH^Ki • woBdnfol aoni blrd. IM WiuuK Qaoas, In "Tbo Miaqneradeti," mad* uif bS;TJS?ffbte"Al«rwbldh «> jSnaat w«k-« tte Palace. D«™it. It was tcirbM a hlXlanie. but alwaya remalDa ptcKa- bfld over for tbU week. _ iU be Ula ataioplng Romia again uoa y«r. l?l?*^Ki«y aid^oUla. Joat a »f,"Si £27^iuM oTlK Slo?TcbI«* Bd. B. BOJWI wlTl ft bla gSrnl ageol. an« rellvwo with gomptto «nwh to mabc tbrlr SSr*^o r^ollJ? tbe^tS? " HaJltal il. Oowdj will again bt wltb talm, with a now cnoe like Iboo. tbey made '■«'''Jf^"'• 5":.°" ^ __ .ri . 1,1, ,(1,1, winning the boiu>c all Ibroogboot Ibe booae. .i.i.., lime iKjr wenToiL Ibo comedian la a rate epe- W. H. Oaiwa was •njp>»!r^*..*'?!'il •Lffl dea and dcatrvm the balk of tbo credit. Tbey actied a bit at tbell lewnd »r*>nn»n«laat Ucbday evcnlag. 7b* Mt-lnotto^La Nolle Trmirt Ool. and op-tiHdite pit *^*^ LOH B. -WILUASI8 ACTIVB. Len B. Tnillami. geneni ageit for Bogo Broi.' Ifodem United Bbowa. breeial Iota tb* Western urored a alrong and •enaatlooil ctooUw nniober. - - ■ •• Joat CLurn oIBce. Id Chi- they acoctd on merits, llkcwlio well pucea R. 0. Btrhoot was a welcooie caller at lb* Weiten Dureaa of Tna Naw Iobk CLirrn, _ ., while in Oblcfgo laat wrek. and dotlog a very this week, new pictures of the war, and Harr pleasant loiorvlew oaiUned In a meaaoio bis I'lckford, In a Aiming ot "Mistress Nell." for the.aesjon won lo «ien. On Feb. 8 Wllllnm Olllcttc, Blanche Bates Tb* K. p. Barkoot Bbowa, Sorean ot Tna Nsw' toac Currn oOce. Id Chi- 'rhey acoctd rago, on his i«tam from in extenalvo Irip tbrouiili comedy. RoDtbem Ullnolj, on malteis anoeeted with the ibowa. He baa porchastd a nnmber of Shetland ponM«, Old Fclenda' Onh. In Chicago, laat week, behig plk>ted by A. Mllo Bennett. _ ^ . W. J. OoLauH will play tl-e Ornbenm. Detroit, Ulcb., week of Feb. 8, looked by J. O. MatthCTra. InauNO iHO Oano letnmed to vandeTllle- laat viek. anpeariiig at the Oieat Hortben DIpiio- wl>b Mg wbleb. In addition to tbOM* already In tralnlog at " of IDWO and Marl* Doro will bring to the DIackstono a re-staging of Virlorlcn Sardou's "Diplo- macy." Jcnrcya Lewis. Uustav von BeyCer* tltc, Noiman Tbarp and lilllott Dcitcr ara In the caoL "Allco In Wonderland," a new treatment «r Lewis CarroU'a story by Alice Ueralen- terg, comn to the Fine Arts on Feb, 10. Vivian Tobin, Gcoirrey Bteln, Donald Oal- laher and Mnry Berviss are In It. On Feb. 14 Julian Kltlnge brings "Tha Crlnolluo Olrl" to tbo Olympic. Jeanne Eaglet, Jane Marbury and Kdwatd Oarvle are In tbe cast. Li Balu Opiea nousB (Josepb Brantky, mgr.)—Weak ot 31, "Rolling Btoncs." powwis' (IfariT Towcra, mgr.)—"Tie Dummy," flOtta week. iLLiNOia OA. ntou Jr., mgr.)—"Bari," sec- ond week. Pbihciss (B. p. Oorson, mgr.)—^"Onr Cblldren," fifth week. AuDiTOiiUH (Ouy Ilardj, mgr.)—^Do Wolf nqpper, third week. OuaiCK (John J, Oarrlty, mgr.)—'*Pasii- Ing Show," fourth week ' Osoias M. CoiiiN'H Obinp Oraat Rriiini IHdrrr BIdlngs, mgr.)—"On Trlsl," elxm week. Odar DapMa, will bring the nmnbrr plan% dlolontlvo eqolnes op to a tout of eighty head. The latSi puichaaes wen shipped to Vlnfr qoartn* •laat week. Ue aaooonces, hoirerer, that be Is still In th« matket for more. Ur. WUIIania alao told a jepieioitatlve ot Tna Naw Tobk Omppsb tbat«h* bad mcaged Ulln I/. Jolly aa contraction agent, and that carnival .orianl- sallon of the flral claaa. Itinaported on twenty alily.foot cam and magnlflcently cqnippcd la all departments, will open Ibe sraaoo In tbo Sooth, alibough Manarer Barkool elated that be* bad not ^ ^ _ ^ ,™Bni« « x« .w,u- - dednltely declilnl upon the opcolng Ion or date, a. Ogle, who bu for many ;oan been one of J^iS^tb* jKaJmatleis hot It Is iunula«I that the Inaogotal ot the lOli m, iiWenants, wlU take cbnrw of the bllllDg of Si OT*r™runll«d States, totr win occir at Mobile, Ala., as eicloalTel>> the show. »ii_oi»v uic fiitrcaated la s leceot lain* ot Tna Old Ubua- Tb* Hogs Bros. Show ttIU /jpen In Cnlar Rip. lid, g)ng( about tb* litter part of .Mirll. nnd According lo Mr. Barkoot, his eamlval anre- willlama Inllnated ibat bo will book the ailrac- gallon will he auperlor hi every way to that of tlon dhectly Went from, that city, prevlona yean, and It Is s matter of record tbst nr. Williams Is one of the beat known and TB) 8. Baiaoir. th« *»" SS^.^In?.,!^ TShki; SimS Is now reheaning her new act, Uaher. arrlvtdln<»k«r> lartw«rt. and^ which 5lll contain four boya. It wlU bavr a among Tun OLirrai caltes. Mr. Baicon may Jf^";^ ibowing within a week or two. Jamea headlined at SH. Wayne. Ind.. ble 11m In Ohlcixo. The jtrering la nndor the Oilier acts ah* "Uumb, I'm Bed Creaa Nurae." -i-rt.z~niA'v*u^am> rluh'of "The Imrwier." itoae aoi rtPnali'lle. nwl Hon. iSSdS: ;^14"N?rtbI>:.t2S ifSjlS- •■«> Slpim. m -on.lhe lUce Track - ■ of theatrical people fnm tcr and Chaplin _ -.- , _ Kiirrna. rou.n ako la.vrna open In Dayton, O. for the On« Son Circuit. Raaais sHO Bahoili ate doing aplendldly la naLTOH Powiu. haa conHncd hImoeU to pio- ^- p. , dncing and odlce -work fof,'™ i'lrtt'Jr.nd Join! P. Molosbw haa hren commlsatooM to ?.';i!i.i?,iir'Hiipi;iM,?'? s'^'i^,":'^- siSrA.'"* " Um. ... ,.,„. duaias W. BuaoB arrived In ailcaiio...l*at prevlou rem aod It Is s matter of record tbst nr. Williams Is one of the beat known and n navu la nnUIng aon* splendid Mils -iia ••rhVt Pri^^^ ib* Dar<ioot Shows bare occvled au eDvIable .hlthly -espected aienla In the drcni bo-incaa. an,l ..Tj-^ * iLiKk i'sSi^wnbeKiw In Cbl- r?l*'itl^^^f'IJ;„,n. iS ihiS Baiford D<^ poaltlon In. the .nalm of ^otdoor.entertainment hla «inne«lon with the Hugo ISmi. Rhow la one 1?J"*iS!*V,iiliJ' „£S!,J^fi,^iiiina aery L^'P^.-Tll^J*" ""•'"^ Hla ainco the daya they cane Into olatcnee. Man< agcr Barkoot elalma that hi* shows bsve bm on the load for a longer coniecntlve. lubroken tierloil tbao any camrrat wganlaatlon eitaut, operating Winter and Summer. LBASB9 OHILHOWEB PABE. IC. 0. Barkoot haa koaed the Appalactalan Rz* pOBltlon priwerre, at KooiTllle. Tnn.. for a l>erlod of twenty yeata, beglanlog Jan. 1, 1015, anil win operate It a* an amoacoeot park and rsinrlllon, under the dtio of Obllhoweo Park, niieiibig Its flrst lemMn dlay 17. Tbis park em- i.racea an area of slaty-llTO acres, aad Is fitted pat with s nonher « pemuseot aimotoiaa of lirest beauty and design. Barkoot will protiably PTonwl* a fltate fair, or eipoaltloo. to b* beld at Chllbowee iTark next Fall, and b« baa been prom- ised the hearty aanport of leadltig cookmerelal In bla connecllon with the Hnco that abcold paov* of a noat advanlageoaa nalurv hotli to tb* show Itselt and the genial I«n a. AinrtB'WiLUinnoH, well known In repertoire, la playlog ooe of the leads In "Old Kentochr." Ona Ouro may not on atoek at Springfield, •IH, ■Tbb llaaonmADi—. — . •mt oot u a Ubiold early in lb* aeaaon, haa been IH. . condenaed to a vandovllle act, and opened at Kinrr, OitiOLO * Bioicaax at* pnctlng oot ih« onnd (Tblrty-fiiat and State Btieets) the "The Lutc," over tb* SUIr A Bavlln OlrenlL ^ Jau«.-alartlng Jan. 21. It make* a good Four weeta will be played In Cblcaao alone. eloabiina^irr for a houe of that kind. Tboie '^Oaiwoiso Up Fitdk" opened lis aeaoon In t«i people Is the cast. Billy Onas, lb* eaao, •nl ioslneaa" oonseooetitly ttmalna aery w.a"feaUiied. SSd at thoao home., ^''"i"" H. D. KoireaH, a B. Plooih and John 0<m- Esv* Inia-Hably beenwrad * "J rer* bsve tbmfd a partnerohC and have the tlie pregtama have teen laid out well with proper Alhambra Garlen and Liberty 'Tbpatiee. In Cbl- variety for tho he«t entertaliment cigo, and' the Oilnmtt, In Sonth ChIca(o.. Thoy "Tbb llaaoinnAoaa," which Jamea A. Oalvln • ■ ... • — Oblcaao laat week, at Ibe Iniperlil,,aad moreil to nrtnclMl comedian! Is"n»nr than^baff of ^Sr...... V .k. m.n. Jj^J'JJ^,' g;,^ 3,1, ^„ two nnndiera, and In tb* <ondenili« oihon have been cut down ro much that there II very lltUo cqnnrtnnUy for ttem. In *plt.-> of Ihll handicap. " Ibe Victoria thla week, onder the nenonal man- ageiaent oCObarlee H. Yale, nie abow U highly entertaining. The hook la by John P. Holgrew, of Dubuqnr la., a oomlog tlgnre In that line of endeavor, -with dances and (naemUes snanged bf Bd; Hutchinson and staged and elaborated by it.... trr V -MM. \ xt*« i«u me oeariy aanport ox leau ng coennereiai in- pj so, naKDimai ana aiaacu anu toww«u m/ •^^y^.JS' f.I'""'''"". mgr.)— •Too New |„ Knoavlft aod other leading cltlea ot Frank Tannerhlll Jr. John E. Oaln, LIda Kane. arena maktf Tb* act la pleaalng In every Ucnrletta," sixth week. Olthfic (Oeorgo C. Warr?ii, mgr.)—^"Pot- ash & Perlmutter/' twenty-fourth week. . FiNi AtiTS (Albert rert7, mgr.) UoUoo pictures. • STtlDIBAHEn (IiOUdS J. tton vlcturca DLACKirroNE (Bdwln "PmaallOD," third woe*, ■ luFtni*!. (J. nigrlm, ], "Little ILoat Sister." TicioniA (H.- C. DroloskI, mgr.)—^Wcek f cb. 1. "Dringlog lip I'nUirr." Nationai, (J. P. " Peb. 1, "Tho Lure." LHowN (A. J. Rautniaji, tDgr.)—Week Feb. 1. "Is Old Kentucky." CoLDMoiA (WUIIom Roche, mgr.)—Week Feb. 1, Oypsy Mnlda. Bnqliwood (EMw. Dentty, mgr.)—Week Jonea, mgr.)—iMo •Waplcr, mgr.) — ' mgr.)—Week Feb. Darrcit mgr.)—^Wcek Tennessee, In this dircctloo. An oOcIal anitounce- ment ooooemlnff Ibia promolloo will appcer la Tub Nbw Xoax Ourrsa In due time. PBAISBS THB OUIVBB. During bis call nt (be Chicago ofllcn of Tna Ourraa .Ur. Barkoot voiced tbe'aentlment wblrh U over growing In tbe camUal renla In faror of thla inibllealloo. Ue aald that II wii IKUs wooder to bim that tbe cimlval Interests favor Tna OurPEa, for lis poller Is ao dearly defined sod BO conafiteotly ciirleo oot, a neutnl iiollcy of cooperation, and not coercion, a dlsokled attuud* maintained, withoat amgaace, and a belpful aer- vie* for eveiT branch of tb* show bnalneaa, with fsTorltlam towarda non* and an .>TeD bmk for all. He bnnjtht out the fact In n forcible manner, that Ton Kvvr Toaic OLo-raa rervr* the carnival l>eople without attempting to oloiate their pol'- cire, and wnlle aervlng them ai a medium of communication, one with the other, lecoHIng Ibeir activities for tbe benefit of Ibe amosenent vorld St large. It gets them definite ivaults In Oracw U. UanaoQ, Blanche Nenroorob, Hadellne Oi«y, Tom Meade, Boberl a. Bice, Edward Hlihy, Dave Oooroy ana klarlam Darli bar* the piln- clpal role*, all of which ara nicely handled. n.o« than good. — — , ^ . ivrtlcnlar, and ehove tbe average of those of- teiTd on anall and medl«> time at the Igun thla oreting probably commands Host amans, bead of the Wrsteen VsndevlUo MaaaceiB' Assoelalloo. rotJmcd from hie East- ern trip last Monday aoralng. and departed for sie ninnlng vindevllle and plctntes, and chanting bllli three tlmea a week. . „ _ ^ Bsasn Kaplah vrlll open In New Tork vsoda- .vllle neit month, sfler playing a namher of tte Jones, Llnlck A SChaefer tbeaties with decided 'aocceal. ■ ■ '. _ . Tun Spi.wrrB Qoihtwptb wHl open-on s tone •^1,* In of I'd* Orphevm Circuit, st tbe UsJesUe, Obi- " caeo. In AfrUT- - ■ CAUPsau, AKn Bainr bsv* been routed for a tour of tb* Weatem Vaudeville Managets* Asu- clntlon lime. Jon Sdi.livan has arranged a toar over the Weslera Vaodevllle ifanagers' A.wcIatlon time For Jolly and Wild. . Caoan akp MooHwr will ahortiv open In Chi- cago with a new act, written by flarry L. New- "Oxa OlBl, IH A Hii.uo.1" came to an end at ,,^11 uilknown on last Wedneoday. Des Uoloea. Is., recently. Tna Ajnerlcan Drsms Leagae bas cbaplera at tbe following points In Hlcblgin: Detroit, aranti Baiilda, Kalamisoo, Liming and Ann Arlwr, and Ilattl* Creek, lira. W. 8. Bnttetfield founded tbe chapter at Ann Ai4x>r. dflltles Butterfiem. her danghter,-wai acllve In llie organisation while the _ n.^vo'^'S? l!'m,ill!i^'ifflh'deelded aneceaa In CMplVre'lhelp' weiiern liur a'lil rclam lo _Ohl- UM^I?. .illitHiu^hJ^ decided sneceaa In > ^ ^ ^^^^ aarvlces ot Oecll *^-^S. «7iS?nii«.?^'n«l sudar nlrirt 1..> OoVduo. <be weft hnoiru coaedlenne. -.vbo ls also ^ ,521™^,! iS" 5 SS!Sr, pSSK S Vifi • e"*!** *' "» team. Tbo act will be greatly at.inanimaid, Ind. T. Owlgbt Pepgl* plajri tbo .(rombened, aud will be i«-ronted over th* Rmua Caius will u»e as lier vaodcrllie offer- ing "Maggie Magee,"'WTLtiten for her by Jack Lall. Nap DacKCB la iwlalng hli old ottering, "flight fieelng,*' and will shortly open for a tour ot local tlioc. AaTRim BroNB ahu UAtioH Batbs wni ahortiv Vcit. 1, Liberty Olrla. STAn AND Oabtcr (Psul RobortH mgr.)— ita lavertlalog columni. Week 1, Jack Conway and Billy Illll, In the . oabNIVAL'S FDTTOB. ''?f.J?.'l.1"Ji°M®H''n«rf, TO..U 1 Th' e'mlvol In America la a mowing Inalltu- '*' ""Sf-)—"e«k 4ton. It u In lis Infancy, for Ihe pmflaeers-of the WInnetB. _ „, , _ . thla form ot enterUlnmeut at* leicblng oot for Majkstic (LyiDin B. Qloyer. mgr.)—Week i,i„,, ,„ putting Into effect new method], I hill Includes: Oortrudo IlolIiDnn, Fremont and throojb a pioceu' of evolution, sre forcjng KIphye Bnowden, tbg ■ry nines and George Benton and compeay, Four Aniarapths, Harry Foi, Claudo QoldcD, Jnuo Ward and mill* Cullcn. • ■ Palace Uubic Uall (Mort n. Singer, mgr.)—^Weck 1 bill Includia: Adelaide and nughca, Oertrudo Co^lan and J. II. Oil- 4b*-camlvjl Into b' preiloffllaating noaltlon In th* tent ahow Held. The circus will always be wllh oa, and the rnmlTal will grow In tnportonce wllh every year. .Mr. llnrkont t^elt at aooie length npoo Ihe great iire^jnrntlon which la being made by 'Tna Ourraa for Its spioial uijvoonn AuusnuBirr Kuunmi. to ho Issued Satoidiy. March 27, sod following people with Ihe show: Billy Wandai, Cecil Summere, Mart Franklin, Jack Oates, Wllma Stuart, Adel* Hardy, Polly Ilart, Orcll Dodd, Lillian Bnmaf QeoeflTe Duma and Floieoce Boa- sell. Ourm Labaois Isato tske s protean version of "Faoat'"over a leeluro'courve. Auoa J.Ba waa placed with Issy Welngarrien's Gcplenter Morning Olorlee by T. Dwlsht I'eppte. •OoBA Kino bsa Joined the Wllaon Todd Stock, St Harlon. Ind.,' placed by T. Dvlght Tepple.' Davio UawiNBonH la about to leave for Oall- fomla. MAScca losw haa porcnaaed a all* for th* ereetion of a theatn at Jjn Apirles, Cel., to cost gl.000.000. Mr. '.oow is accomiionled on his Weatem trip Inr P. J. UcUncrer. or tbe firm of Joues. Llnlck « Schaefor, and Morris Kobo, of Mew York. Ana OonN, mansger ;>t tho Uldway BIpp^ i;iI,?i;"*l.V.?.w"iiS?Hi-°^Sido™"lli;flll: SU' deeTatid'that her wUh tbe olR« carnival man- •'<»''MS S?."/ji"S'°'7. SSKJ'. 'S^'Sl.^,'"""^. •pt*. waa lookmg forward wlth..keen anilclpa Selani. Grttco WItaon, Stan Stanley. A.Llcj 7&"'m-;;.Ta.u.5e;°S"^;;»t-;MlK^." ^hlcb"7; and Btannoid. _ ^ <bnaH (o prcrre of gmt hniWlt lo th*^ ootdoor ObcatNodthbbn niPPODROUD iF. C. Ebertfl, fr«i«rnlt7 at lirsc dihI tlcrliVtily fflrirbMih. nora li>gr.)—'Weolc 1 Mil Inrludrn: MoRdA Dnhl thnn «vrr. Tiih Nrw Yank CLTrrin lo the »t and company, Alarlo Stoddard, tho Five fecilou of nmuGcmeni |turT<^-on. KlBwa Japii.' jnppDdrome l''*our. Held and Cameron, watcrbiirjr Ilroe. and Tonny, .Otco Kloino and company, Tyron'a dog^ Hurat, Watta and ITurati Vivian Murray and Joan Etnrm. ' ^ McViCKBH'fl (J. 0. IlHrch, mar.)—^weck 1 till litcluri(>ii: "lloncy airln," Isormlno Hu- chnnan and Playcra. JuRgllnn Nonnnnfl, Klnk'a Comnly Clrcua. the Mat then Trio, Grace Pc Wlntem, tho Frey Twins and Prey* Mario and Trevotle. _ CoLONUii (Norman Field, mar.)—weeV 1 bill Ineliidca: "School Duya.'* KubUcb, Will- iam Piemen and rooipany. DIIW and Btinny MaittaowA, Rill nnrl l^i Vlicno Slatcra. Rnnta rruB. Tji noao and Mnrsuerlte. the Htandard Bros., Dill Uoblnaon. Mlack gpd W hite* FA T CH AX> ARTIItrR DAVIS SIGNS WITH W. A A« 9HOW9. Arthur DaTia hai been eoptBed aa piodoIct lo ■ilTance of ibe Worlbam A Allen Sbowt, working In ciHiJuncthHt wllb Ocneral Arc&I Nat TM*t In pllotliif tbat camlTal onraDliatlMi. Tbli U one of the mni Intcrctlhir cDffoimmti itconled tbta For a ntmbcr ot jottn Arthur Dtfli haa b«eit liteatlAcd with •rrtral ot America*! leaUttiB cIrctM and Wild W<«t ocfanlutloaa aa •npcrlniouttcnt oC cofmDtiaarT. IaM Moaon he oSlclatctl in that iKMltlon with filler Broa A Arllnrton'a 101 Ranch Wild \V«at. DorlDf tbe current Winter montha Dftfla baa been a member of the promoting alaff for Pred Qfckman's "Daya of UP." and bla clerer ahowing attracted the attention of Nat Itelia, wbo U not ogly a incceaaTul .camlTal,cxe- cuHve but kcm Jmtge of talent. N«ffotlatlono for A(r. iDoTJa* acTTlcc* reached a hai>pj eoncli»loa Monday night, and he will oMunie hh dultea ■wllh Ibe wortbani A Allen ^howii In the near future. In the meantime Parli ban honkM up line week! ot eiccllwt thne for Dcdanan'a "Doja of '4(i." Pollowlng Ibe condnalon of Ibe '40 tour ^fr. IWkman will auume actlro charge of ihe Jlplna A IWvbniNn Bliowa, now la proi'eM of CMitiructlon at lUnnVlial, Mo., and to opCD tbo ecoaoa of JOlIt IQ Real Ht. IxHila. III. Ihiring a cull at tbe Weatern Jlnreau of Tni Old ItoLunLO, Itecknwn. In b\n moilmt way, con- fratulatcd Tna Ouppoa npon Ita ivrrlcY In corei^ igi omuBRDcnt ereola of every nature, ami re* nnrhed that It was alniiUr wnmlprfiil tbe bold It JAHOS D. 0*NRIL WRITES FROM TlUa ZONE. Under ^ate of Jan. 2i, Jam D. O'lfell. dilet of l>e|)brtirent of Oonermlona Dlrlitlnn, Otncei- alona and Admlaalona, Tanana-Pacific Ripoollloii* wrliea from San KraiiclHco U> Ihe Wt^lem trpre- oentatlTe of Tub Naw Yoav Cuppb, In Cblcuo: "Spent oljout t^To wcvka on mr way from Chl- nago to Ban rrancltco. and vlilted Loa Anveln. Venice. Oovan Parlr, Santa Monica and 9aa DIese. Oorerad crerythlDg and pUc« pretty well, bat founj ererytblog qnlet. ' Vtalled with Paul D. Uowae. Tboiua I'rior, Abiiot and nioroloo, Kenoey, Fred Robinson and numy otbera. Met Fred Sarv^iit aoTcnl timeo at San Dlfgo, and opent part ot a week on tbe 'lot* wltti him* Gould not oee the Son I>lec» from a *ooln* view* aad reporta floating In nov are not at all en- coitraglng. The laibmua la only partly filled, hut vbat la there looka rerr cood. and It reolW la loo bod that builMoa la ai bad aa reliable re- Krta make It. We arrind in Sao FVanclHO V. 1, aad I called on Bkb Haller and fbnnd hlffl In bed with a bid cold. Re waa around lo a feir daja, bat nnfortonantely It waa not fer long, for on Jan. 3, be was taken to tbe hon* tillrl. operated on and Rouluod tbe^s for abi>ut ao daya.' ICe la around rgoln now. Tlie l*ounu- raclOo la eolog to bo aome expoaltlon, eferytblog teanllfni. and It would take on« of your ability to properly corer It. U .'a boyond nte and not la my Itne^ Alt bolldlngs v the RipoiltloD prcpcr are flnlnbtd, alao ibo ground*, ani( cmra are worklag day and nlgbt MDatallbig tb* vnit nambcr of eihlblta. Tbo lighting ocheroe la en> tirely neir, and tbe many beaatlful effectn rira aiaTtllng. The Tower of Jcwela la all Ibe nam* Impllee, aod will be a inrprtae to erorybody. It la 430 feet hlfh. Tbe \- la entirely flIlcO. nnd abonk nlKlf per cet'.. complete; w crerythlng Icoka cood for opeoh'^ 'lay. nad tbe pieuure M a coll from P. J. Bcbaefer, Friday, and U T<aa good to aee aome one dlreot from dear old Chicago. Ur dutlf« hare kept me ca Ibe Jump. Onmlof In at tola late date boa made It doubly hard, but X am hard at It and will do my Terr -beat. Mr. Bctrt deeerrea a world -of creillt for what he haa aocompHabed. ne oeoda hie regnrda. F. W. McGoonell la a boar man with hla farloua IntoreAia, and tbey wilt all be ready It IB reported tbat Ltanno Carrra, the daaahler of.Aona lldd. who haa wen tocrlng Ihe Orphcum Circuit for tbe past two aeaKna, wlU glTO op Tavderllle. Ana Ox^AN la nt tho AmeHcan. noflDltal aaffCr* lag from rrH^dlcltla. KDiHB HiaoBN has hlc<1 binuelf to Wyoming to tccoprrate. flDB KiHK la Tiallbii In Msdlsoo^Wlo. OBOBoa Fbiobb baa ancceedcd O. W. SchAffer aa OMnncrr of tbe new theatre at Oomfier. Mtnn. niL Oiraaa ahd Ldbib DarmNX bare JoUied Blnaldo'a Playern. Wiiataica Gn-FEH lj ahead of the Allen Rtock Oo. Bthd May la coe of tbe features with the abow J.' A. DiwaoH ANo TriPBa (Eleanor JeoUna) bare dosed with tha "Ole Swanson" Show. «HA]IKT PANKY" IN CHICAGO. lew FIrtda* "ITaaky Panky." at the eooclnsloo of Its Delrolt eognitenmt. Feb. 20. will come to Oileago tfor fonr wfok*. playing the Imperial. Vic- loria, Oroim aad National Thealtee. M. I*. Gelder bos Bocceeded P. W. Lederboer aa treaaaier; while Willie Kleman la now aaslatant manager. 6. J. Jacobeon has auocetded A). Datlef aa boaK Deas manager. Nathan Rdtaca doaed irlth the abow at Oary. Ind,. Jan. .^l. VAUDEVILLE IN CHICAGO. Rab PoiTO opened In "no Dreem Qlrl," at the Virginia, aitd tho elabonlo l(lra of the orr<r> tag and Ue eieelloot preaeutallOD 'Inpteased llself OD tboae who wlioewd the act. Built PoAncia Hoona and Kllswobtix Cona, who were plnred at tbe UMvay Qaidens by Bert Howard, an doing ntudi toward eatabllablng Ur. Ubward aa ine of Chlcago'H Mg ogenta. Tlw act waa booked there (or an Indcflalte engagmrnt. WALm Downra. of lbe W.*V. H. A.. li noir booking tbo Oon, Indiana Harbor, and the Opera Houae, Whiting. lod.' Bdwabd UABBn, naoBKer of the Fair Depart- nrent of tbe Western VnudcTllle Mannjier^* Asmh clatton, nwle a abort trip oat of town laat week* Klemloff 30. . UiEB Babnbb. -who Is dn Albnqoeniue, N. Uez.» for hla health, writes tbo he ba* gained aerea pooDda. He boms to bo able to rejoin bin frlenda wdtfaln a month, aod le re^y defilroua of gettlr^ to tbe fair game. Upon bin retnto be will tbe ounagemest of tha Fred M. time, Fred Tboopaon ta coing to. have _ Blartler for aure. In bio *T^land Grown Up.'* Jay J. Hrran waa with Mr. •Bart aUtce January, 1014, and waa anpolated otalatant dlnctor when I woa made cbleC ot conccoalooa. Srerybody baa l)eea rery nlco to me, Wealber has been eiceed* — "7u^'L^V^~^''V\i^ t^nt miu^im t*mt»rnuw l"ffl/ I"' ^ "'^y Beoooo, ooly one day had opop the eel««of SSlSJl « thla week. Sorry I cannot be at tbe big -.P^IISleLVJ^^tS^^-^irj' ll!lsi?.Jr'*£?*jK "wnnff ot 8howB»en;a Uogne^of America, la Chlcagn., neit noolh. Hoping all fa wcll_ with new thTOogboat, and a worthy contender for car- nlral honora la the moi^a to cone. "PATS OF FORTV-MNB** IN CUICAGO. On Monday ere.. Jan. 26. John N. Wlllya, maldent of the <>reTland Autonwiittl^ 0>.. waa (io»t at a banquet. he1>l at Ihe Hold Tja Bollr. (^UcsRO, wblch will be Tetnembercd hv thorn Rretent for yeara lo eome. On Ihe nineteenth nor of that magnineent bestelry there had been eucted fbr the enter!.ifnment of Ihe mtestM a ■nrllca of "Rocky Gnlrti. Cnl.." porinylnf a mining camn In tbo tnld rush da:r^ of '40. Kffd rprhn:nn'» ^'ntyn of '10." proatolrd by Arthur Dai la. was teouiiltl to Chlcam for the eecfl«|4tn. acit It proved to be the big DPiinnilon of the wT>ph, IncIiWnl to the aatomoUle pbow bring held here. Pli hundred aotomot>lle nnd newii|t!iiHT ntm nrre taken on an ImaQlnary trip to ''Roekr Gulch.'* thp gumin doning mithrcmo and rr«l hnndnna Itanilkerfhlpfn to mnrlilo nddltlonat Inral color. Tbcsr tb«a procccM throat « momtata pibb, you, with biat wlahoa, 1 no, yoaia Iraly, Jahu D. O'Nmu BEVERLY WHITE WITH GETITnYfl. TWrerir White, the weH known pT*«ii aaent^ will .lunln he nKROclattfd wllh tbe Ocntry B'i'nra itila roning seaaon. aa general preai reprceenla* tlTc. a pealtlon be has graced with marked abll* lly for aereral yeara. tererly has done yeoman aerrlcv^ for thla or- ganlaatlon In the paat, and haa a rrrtutatloTy for petting OTcr "croat kIu,T.'* He Is a cl'^n-r wrller. an<l 1^ wrll known to new'imif<'r nlltore all nror ilH* ronntry. Tic la the right man In tbe rlubt plarr. - LEW IIOPPMAN IN CHICAGO. T,e>w norrman. manaier and pmprlelor of the Oapltnl Cil) Amiiseni^^it Ox, la a vlaltor at tlie Wellington Hotel, Ohlcan. f^ew came on hm after wltMaalag tbe OUbby'QltfteaB Ogbt at UU- bock again BaiDHs lac. BAisAaoK ANO OBona left Oh'.raio laat week for 8t IPanl. Ulan., wbete they are appearing at tbe OrphHmi Tbeetre thla week. ■ otfcrlog tbo dainty daoclng act wblch wo« aoch faror leceot- ly at tbe -Uajeetlc Theatre. In Cbloago. . UoOom Am TaouiN arrired In Chicago laat week, from 4be Bast, and will he eeen at the OnlonUI. Chicago, In the near rutore. Fr^nk Q* Doyle boa amura a nnling for 4beT0. Obobob'II. WiaaTB ban added tbe n«nr Apollo ta«bla exleulTO Hat of booklan now baridkn la Ohleafo. atarllog 30. The policy calla for Ihree SJIta weehly. Abe Ooben, who bos tbe Uldw.iy Ippodmme. la ibe kmee of Ibe Ibeaire. Law OiKToa Is booking nome apleodid fCtowa nt the Tblrtr-flnt Street Grand. A cnlorrd ncbool act ta tk(> big altraclton Ihia wrek. and iha Creole Band, Joat olf Ibe Pontagea Circoll, will headline Ihe proeram neat week. Tiia Wllvn Avenne for ibc drat half of laat mek pr e sented a ralkcr eniertalnlnv proaram. Prank P^rt>h cpennl with liigh kicking, woden Miop and acrobatic danclrii;. He ^n Instant nfognlllon. Maoley and Wooli^ wllb ibrlr nov- elly o|ieiilre. rate Ihem nn nceltent ainrt. an-l ihrtu In maklug ihc good imptessloo they ASK WALKER TO PLAY a TMT"™pSlo"FORlfOO" Weatem Vaodvllle Uanac-^rs' Awrclatlon time. An olTerlnt with plenty of laueblng material will undoubtedly remit by the alBllatKn ot these two well known laugh producers. GoAOia Euunr haa opened for the Western Tauderillo Uonafien* AsMclatron time. fUie coma West for Maroua laoenr. bot left that circuit wblle rUylng MoVIckor'a, Chlcn;o. '^DiiiAon Goods'* la rqiortetl to bare closed at Efflngtaom. III., laat week. Gbhb GaaaNB baa been booked for a ivtom en- gagement at the Wilson Arenue. BHtcb Uetltl made tanmedlate aRangeaaoDta for a retom engage- ment, and was auceeaffful la aecurlng tbe star's alnvtare to « conlract. OTHBL AniHHOK, 0 member of tha NIghthawka, maa taken aerionBly Ul at St Loula last week. 6he II slowly recorerlng. CRiaLBB B. IloDciKe T»tvmed a few weekv ag-> from bla Boolbeni trip, wher(>. be hod gone to fbria a drcult of Uaun>Dlxon boofve. He la reported to bara secured n nnmber of randcTlile tlieatree, which will be booked from the offlfci of J. 0. Uattbewa. Mb. ANO Mbb. nAPPT Doc HotxiND were pre* eerted with a baby boy ot OklabMna City on Jan. 10. W. D. Tawuescb, manager of the Pantogee, Wlnnl{)C^, Can., was a Chlcajn visitor. Ma. AND .Mrs. CnABLM WAaiienaN were pro- sented with a baby boy oa Jon. 10. In, Oblcago. CiuBLBB M. AlinHH la cspeetrd to retum to CIilcBgo eoms lime thla week, tinA will Imrnnllately 0L>en offlcea for the Inohlni;? cf bin fair contncta. Stan Btaklbt was initialed Into tbe Elks at Bcottle, Wnih., recently. - Kacbl Moania appeare*! nt tbe Rmnrens Dee Molnea, laat week, aal Is crelltcd w1t\ big sue* Pabk ahd Uall have TMnned to Chicago after ale weeks of U. D. 0. ilme. booked out of Ciil- eago. EnDT Tailuak loadeil the car for the tabloid "Nobody lloine." at Rlfln, III., on Wclnesuliy night of laat wm^, wbni the tbenufsneicr vrav at elxteeo below. The Zat Zams, In 'belr knlfe-tbrowhig ope- claMy, are playing dates through Illlnolo. B(AB Frnnbsbt, prlTnio 9ccrelary to Edwaid Haroh, manager of the Fair Department of tbe ^\'eatem VaudcTllle Manager*' AaaodotloB. cele- bmled her birthday :aat Friday, and all her frifwla are puttied o to her ose. TuuoN UABua, formerly one >f the Barlle Slsteni. who hns been off ihe a'^ge for a year, 1b prnporlog a alogle. to he oecn In Chicago abortly. Tkr RAcamTA TBOoru opened on the Pan- lagen Olrcnlt, 1. Duo MBTtsn„ of Ibe P. M. Baroee, Inc.. baa returned to ChlcagD after a abort trln througb the West. Tna Abtibto TnaATiit, oo Ibe North aide, be- gkn playing vamlevlllo last week, nalng three acia with a ebance of bill nl|hUy, supplied by Oeorfe -H. Webster. Pied Harloian, tne man- ager. is very entbaalutic aboet tbe new policy. J. O. UATTnawa joameyed to Bagloaw, Mich., early last w<«k, to wltneea:the opening of tbe New Franklin Tlieatre, which waa a Tcry aucceos- fot occBsloo. Oeorfe n. PrUniose, who was scheduled to beadllns the abow, disappointed, but the Mil weot (breugh with a grand harrab Just tbe aoine. Antcdlo la reported to have been the bit of the show on tbe opening nlgbt SnaooB AND OnAPPBLLB. Jn Spokane, Wash., thla week, oo tbe Loew tltoe. are baTlng a Terr aaccetiiful Weatem toor. Ibelr act la being weu liked out that way, and they dad tbe circuit very latUtfactory In erery respect. Tbb cnmwella are having a Bucceaafnl toor again tbla bcbboo. BntT Fox la orfBDlalng a eld act lo vandeTllle tbU aeroon. Thb Pour Zabell BlatetB are meellog wllh buc> cem over ibe Gos Son toor. "Tub DnriL'B Ball" vtu 'ihorlly be routed. Rktmolob AMD Dux.*(BUK left for Waahlngtoo. D. a. laat week, to play an engagement ot one Dlpbt Wii;rBa F. Kbbpb retimed from b abort trip on Friday of last w^k. Tna Five 'Flying Do Velle will be tvoked for' fain by the F. M. Ilamea. Inc. tbla coming oea- son. They, bare been playing trnderille dates. GuiMO YuBBt Laa offered b new act to Oblcago. at the Albambrm Hippodrome. Feb. l and 3. It W built along novel iloea. and OMng Tueo Lee, hlmnelf, la a capable entertainer. Tub Cbesletgb Sliten, who are feetarcd la Doyle Woolfolks' "Nobody Home," have had Ibelr mother vUttIng tbeoi for the past fortnight, leav- ln« her at Cbloago when the show lumped to Bt. Joseph, Uo„ lo (fien on the Family Inter-QtBte time. NoBUAN, the frog man. Eetnmed to Oblcv> last week, after en absence of ali years. Bolt l.i!rK waa entertained by tbe Sib at Oalesburg. 111., tceeotly. Caou Goaooif ahd FuaaHOB Nobtor btb pro* NoBMAK HAcanr la preparing to aend anew act OTer the W. V. M. A. mla aeasoo. Wabd, Dbll and Wabd have closed a aoccMirql tnnr of tbe Oipbenia and Inter-State Circuit*, and hnve opened for a toor of tbe Western Vaude- Tllle Managerv Aaaoclatlon. Clara Inob did not nlay the Majestic, Sprlng- fleld. III.. last week, Blihouxb billed. OHABUrTTB'haa been booked for a tour ot the Southern TJ. B, O. time. iMoBBT Sranif la now aaslslant manager of the Wnterson, Berlin A Snyder. Ue la aaalstlag Frank dark. iMARcns Jjomw haa nromlaed to bolld a 1600,000 TandcTllle theatre In MInnrapolla In 1016. Madbiob Wolt la now managing the Uarlowe, Chicago. J0LB8 Waltob Aim Uabib Jaubb are- orfon- liing a oompany to play "8trte Tracked." Dana and Walko cIoMd tbflr Fantaces route lant week, and opened for tbe United Dooklirg Office. ^ onaGO WIRES. (Spectol to Thb Nbw Tobk Cuf^bb.)' CexcaoOj Uonday, Feb. 1. HUGO BUYS FIRE ENGINE. Vic Huso waa a caller at the Western Barcan of Tna Nbw Tobk OLrppaa, lit Cblca^), 8ai*ir- day. aod annooneed that he bad purtiiaaed a mlnfcture Are appantua. which will tw made a rarade fealors with the Hugo Broe.' Dog aad Pony Showa. that twiaty>two brand new wacooe had alreadr naen turned ont fiom tbe Oedar napida Hhopa and that others were nearlng ooaipleilon. Xfr. iTogo waa la Ohlcago In conference wllh Oeneral Agent Lon -B. WlillAma, who la abaplna np a aplendid adeance force, and la laylns out an Itinerary which he belleTce will prore a wlonvr. Wllb Hugo and Willlama at the helm It la dim- cult to Imagine tbe Hugo Bros.' Showa being any- thing bnt a aacceaa. Charlea McCiirren and Kor Rush arc at the Otdar Eaplda Winter quartcra setting ready tot tbe opening at Oedar Itnphlit. ETHEL AOBI\90.V DVSV. Ftbel RoblnaoD, prealdcnt and s^neinl monacer of the RoblDMo Amaneiuont OurpomtloD. Ohl- repo, waa a neteome caller at tbo Western Bureau of Tub Olo Rkliabls, and elated that her com- pany waa making great preparations lo boDiMo iLe booklogn for a lanre number of representa- tive atlractlona for faira, parks, eire^ltlona. home amlnga and celebratlona tale year. Ribel Bobln- aon la an enterprising evecuilve and enjoys a Hide an;oAlntance aaioog fair niuni-fcra ami with the ptofeaalon at large. MUt 6. Mf,oocy*a Trinio KIretric Tsni'em la naioDj tbe featare acta handled by tho Roblufoa ODm)ratli>n. DARNBS IN KANSAS CITY. Fred M. Danwe, rcpresentln.t Prcd U. Bame«, Ice. waa In Kanoaa City, Uo.. Satorday. to atlMid Ibe meeting of the Southwestern Poir Man- aoezB' AMoclaibn at the Ooates Hoose. Somo iden of tbe acope of the Ilamea oiBce* can be Cleaned when It la known that 407 r.ilrs wrro snt'plled with atttactlonB last aeaaon. and accord- ing to Mr. Bamea Ibe proapecta for 1010 iro n^re glowbuc than titey were at tbla time- foe laat year. Booking fair amnaementii hao dorrl- oped bnge inoportlooa.ln the ltei few yean.- LOBW NEWS FROM SEATTLE. FH^rlngB of news,' coming from Seattle, Wash., atatea tbat •TTangements between Uarcua Loow and Jobn Oonaldloe have aaceeaafnlly bcea doaed. and tbat Uarcos Loew will atlll ronala In command of the Weetem circuit. Peter J. Schaefer. of the Jonef, Unlek & Schaefer Olreolt. Is aald to have been pnoDlnenUy oinoecled wllb the aatlofactory ending of tklogs* Tbey are eipected to return Baat ahotlly, LOBW FRANCHISE IN OBTROIT. The aeeuTlng of Ihe Ulles Theatre, Iti Detroit. Kllch., brings forth the report that ttie loew CIr* cult permitted that boose to leare Ha booka la order to aell the Loow fnnchlae for Delrolt to tbe Prlncees Tbeatre. It U oold that tbe Prln- ceta Theatre Is paying 9100 a week for the Loew franchlie. E. H. WOOU HAY MANAGE WHITD CITY, y.. IT. Wood, formerly nionoecr of the Oelnm* bla. who recently returned to Chicago from MIn- ir.capolls, may aasuma Ihe lureermcnt ot White City tbiB season. It ta uld that a nanber ef bl« thtnga are onder- way fbr tbe Boulh Side resort, and Wood would aeem to be the very man to csryy them through. rrcTlona to taking np Ihe thtatrleal cad. Wood waa In adrinco of tbe John Robinson Ten Big E^wa. RBBL FELLOWS PLAN DIG AFFAIR* Plana for Ihc Reel FellowB Oltlb of Ohiengo ball Bt Ihe Hotel Sbenonn 23, are pn};ire«a' Ing nicely, aod Ihe erent promises to bo BD aooeoally Intereatlng one, wllh a cafe ct.antant and cotMiret In a'idltlon. Two Ooors of the flotel Sherman have been engaged. Mari' ogrr Frank Bering, of tha Hotel Bhennao, Is giv- ing hla psBoaal atlenUoD to tbe botd'B po'Lk>n