New York Clipper (Feb 1915)

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Fbbbitabt 6 THE iSTEW YORK CLIPPER. 17 of Ibe #D(ertalameDt, irblch will iDfurt-faolt- rmi'tnit R. n. NeMii. Sccntorr aoO TrMiurer T A. C4irrilii< CbiilrmnD Warrrn A. Pttrlck faiT« AllfniM to the ipnllmluirr trrnnsfiMiili;. It Is Ibf liitrnllon ttt lavorilw Ihr cinb fane- tlon br mean* of nlldfs to br dlspliT^ umd Um ecrt^ni of tb«' Cblcacp uoTrnK picture tht^iiivs. d wblcb tbfc* arr 73a In number. Thi> batlnru ofllcM of nw Hv^l Fclkrwt Club ^ It COS Aabland Blofk, Chicago. BUiOiSQlIE m CHICAGO. rorl«tQOft rccelTfld a htiwj ruttGoai^ lait wv«k. ronr ciMptloDallT •troof abuirs tnc«^«] lo irawlnf a tmneinoDa btulMas. Rocbf. VQT.) —Jahc Ooldbrrg, ■ WUIIf- Foot, drawlnf ■ „ CoLxniBU (Wm, . . - IDC prtMUted tht MorTtsM-/ SlKifn aoil t^itstl an^l Irrlnx Qdir m \bf |irlrcl|>ali of (be OiT New Torkvra. DoKy «irl Kirlh Morrlwy M -tbe female oontlDrroi, c-.iiLfui; tbMr war lltionrboiit ibe two boon and a ti«lf perform* at'Cf. lli<7 acore«l iQdIvliliiillr trAl as a combl* nailOD. TVlllle Blegr). welt n>n>fnbcred hrre la TOuikTlIk -circles, wlib Ibe ccc'siinre of IrrlDc Oear, Kored Instaollj as two comttllsas. Tbe coatttines are <5'f-cate)ilu »d<1 tH^utlful. Tb« KifS, biClctllni: "Dlite." "It's a Long Way to fTlppcrair/' "ttafiis JohiiKn't Il^rnioiiy Bood" acd "Mj ArTcnir Hot;*." eiccllenily rendered br the Tirloi:i prlnclnaM. (XI. HnrLe reported ficod bafloets Ihrongbout tbe entire ircek, Oatrt (B. 0. -Scboeneclicr. mgr.)—"Hello, Paris," Is tbe atlraclloa ihU week ai tbe aaTet7< Tbe mlrtb proToklng pnMlucilon Is offered lo two barletta, cpeolng wllb "Hello, Paris" sod closing wltb "A Night. In Firls." Aowng tbe prloclpsls to win dUtlDCllon daring tbe Cblctoo engagnneBC are: Geovfe A. Clark, Jfin Jlartoo, Ltoyd Uarpby, A. J. Howell, Irene Mers, Florence Tanner, Nsocr IVslker. Obarle* Fagao, Jules X.a Barbe, Jcaele Wright and Xble Kltner. KiTVABKri (T. M. Herk. incr.)~Tfddr SImonds and Janies J. Lake*<i Anlo Olrls. In "A Mlllloti- alre's Jail,*' oreoed here Jao. 24. Tbe prodacilon was glren In mo parts, Iniennlogted with Taada* ' Tllle spei-lallles. la tbe lmfl^ti.t«. Carol Schroder, • James J. I*al:e. Barry Beymour, Harry Ward, Row Allen. Uadellae Webl), Riiward Frorcts, Billy Hallman and Oeorge Walker won Inalaat lecognltloi, while In the spe-jlaltlcs Frsocls Rlli- ott offered a Parisian lunlooilDe sensation, which prored a norel as well as an Intereflting creattnn. **The Olrl With Ibe Red Rom." Tbe Uaymarket patrous dlnlayed Intense Interest la tbta ntmelesti 'ranan, and advice to tbe maoagement woald t« "to gtre the tlrl a chance." ■ STAB Am GABTm (Paal Roberts, mgr.)—Tbe Liberty Olrls, In tbeir laoiiilng snllre. "Tbe Alimony Oltit,** assisted the boi office man at tbe Star and Oart^. Matt Kennedr. as Dan O'Dar. 'wsa capably anlstnl by Orl OPorge. Jos. Ward. Oliver De Onot, Harry Kits. Harrr Bber* wood. LUUan fimalley, Dorrls Claire aod Delia Carina. ' THE RIVER EXPOSITION CO. W. H. (Bill) RIM. W. O. P., -WM Tl>lt<l 10 liU CblcifD oflloe XiT • nprctntttlT. of Tns N«ir ToiK Curm mi foiud to b« op to bUi .;m Id a mau of oomnoiukDce melrra riom a m^t adrfirtUciD«nt In tMte coloaua. tbe lelrera IDUlInf well Into tb« hondndi. Bt had llttk) ••BOW U IIVXBTTIIfa BT TOV-AIiAIOIIT t BT jn ITS AIJUQBT TOO"— BY JASIBS KaitDII A Hew T«BT Barprlte ftorTos And Ironr Andloncr. A Ballad Wllh m Throb That Will Barprlaa tk« Blanafar ortha Tbamtra With ttar Applaaao loa BaoalTa and Bring Viibovndad and BarprlalBfi Raaaita "FOR EVERY SMILE YOU 8AYE ME" (YOU CAUSED A THOUSAND TEARS) Bjr JOS. a. McKBOlT and liBO BEHKBTT. Th« Traaat and Boat BMllille Seag BTar Wrlttam. A Baantlfai Wwli Appealing to tbe Ijoyaltr and Pldalltr of Womanhood ^^n'A-gy"- HfcURICE RICHMOND MUSIC CO.. Inc., I4S W. 4Stli St.. Hew Yorfc "HOW la BVBaTTuro BT TOU-ALRIOBT t BY J BY JAMEB KBNDI8 I ITS ALRIGHT TOO**— (0 say' for pobllcatlon, exeept tbat thlags wer« ' iwtt - " *: * — ■ereral well hkowa motorboat maonractaters anif foil ^Ing rTc along had jtter .than his fbnndat antlcliMtlons, test retomed from a tIsU amon^ s&hlMtors of bcceaaorlea nsed In rlrer naTlgatl«>n and fleosnre, and foond ttoem verr entboslasllc OJfT dIs new Tentnre. lliey asanred bim of their wUllngMSS to take exhibit apace and edvertUloff In thli* tbe latest amasemeot feature of Ibe cnitaiT. and donhtl^ bis joomey will bring big Onanclsl resnltt In Ibe way of additional lacoae to the Rlrer Exposition comptoy. Bonw facta that bare bllberto not been pnh* llabed, and which are Interesting to onr readen, many of wboin hare been anxtourty awaiting In* formation on the snbject, axe as follows: OABaSlVAL ON WATCB. The floor space on deck will be In tbe nelgb' borbood of tHI.VOO Bonaxe feet, or saOdcnt to aceomnwdaie 7.000 Tlsltots at one time. This will be amnged to a Uldway oo tbe water OOO feet long and 100 feet wide. At one end of tbis aildmr the water camlral and flreworha will be shown, and at the otber the merry-go-round will be the feature. The Ferrli wheel wUl be set op In the ctirire. Aroand tlib space there will be shows and con* ctealons, completely enckulng It, wltb the ex* cepilon of tbe wscev reeerred for the entrances for passeiiters rroo excursion steamers and the boat landing at w4ilch they abtblt. The adrance hllllog will he done by two motor boat* and two antomobllea. the former corerlng tbe rtrer landings and towns and tbe latter attend* log to the country zontce wlibln ittj miles of the town where the attracllon Is booked. Tbe "PAT'S" PER PICTURES O F PROF ESSIOWAL PERSONALITIES. FndBeckmanlaflntotnlla modeat man. Aioanwbodoti notpubellhar blnueltorblj opinions (orwanl laleaa aated. But vboea worda wban duly velgbed and uttered are tonnd to falrir brlBtle wltb Bound common acDae and all round wUdom In amnaenieat inaliora, Fr«d baa Mrred a long and couplcuous appranticeablp in tb« tcnt«d Held, and now la icc- ogDized as one c( lis past masters. Clrcos, Wild TVeat, CamlTal and Gcncial Ontdoor Amnss- ments bare at some time or other felt bis Influence and appreciated bis presence. Not onlj In this country alone 18 bis name known as one of tbo morlng factors In the entertainment field, but foreign ebores bare been Invaded bj blm In abov enterprlae. Fred Beckman Is a man of wonderful Initiative and eiperlcnce tbat Include all pbasea of tbe amuacncnt world. Bets aatengcbsraclerand dominating penonalllty, Is a construcure genius, pajlng siftot attention to the iltue detail! so often omitted br ebowmen, wblcb make all tbe dlierenco between success and failure. Mo matter Is too email to escape bis attention, no organization too big for blm to bandle and pilot to guccees. ne Is wbat one would call an all 'rosnd sbownan, methodical, aggressive and progressive. Ho one ever aceuaed Fred Beckman of doing an onUnd action or deacendlng to a tattr meansees. BIslsacbaraoleraboToaucbdefeclb He la tbe emt>odlmentotwbol»«>nled, genial klndneas, and in bis bluft, beaitr w*j will alwajs nmaln silent, ratber than jolu Id tbe "anvil eliorus" wbeie posslbl7 tbe business and lepntaUon of a brotber sbowmaa Is at stake. "It job cant boost, don't knock" la the motio he lives op to In hla dallr life, and «aa of tlia isasona tor bis great popnlarltr among men wtaoae opinions are woitb while. Ken of Fred Beckman's atamp are wanted In tbe sboir boslneai, tbelr ripe, soond Judg- ment mskes tor tbe betterment of «Ti.iing condlUons ud tbelr buslneea netbods are a credit to tbe profession and help to dlgnlflr tbe amusement buslneea among outsiders wbo have but lltue knowledge of tbe manjsterling cbaracten that Aneilca can produce in Ita world of celeb- rities wbo cater to tbe amnsement wants of tbe coontrr. Men whose word la tbelr bond, and who are In every respect reliable, upright and straightforward, both In tbelr own profesalon and the world at large. Fred Beckman la associated this rear wltb Ed. L. Belnz In tbe organization of tbe Eelns and Beckman Shows. It should prove to be an Ideal oomblnatlon and one tbat will make a big mark In show circles this season. Thej will bare an equipment of which any carnival proprietor might well be proud and with tbe years of schooling both have received In outdoor amusement aOklrs and the name that both partners bave wltb tbe entlro show world tbelr progrcaa should be npid and sure. Fred Beckman In brief Is one of tbe solid men of the show business. Bolld In Integrity, reputation and strength. WORLD AT HOMJJETS BIG FAIRS. mSOR Wni PDT ON GREiT AinMAL SHOW. (BptM Win to TBM Knr Tou Ourrm) Fas. 1. •The World at GCome will provide the caraWal altractioos for the leading fairs In Northwestern Canada, und Fred U. Barnes. Inc. the special fiee acts and e<D»tkuial exhibitions, Inclailng the Barnes Eurouean Olmia. tbe arrangemcnta Lavlog been negotiate by E. O. Taibott, for the World at Home, and Ben roeeothal, for the who were lb Biglna laat week la -- -- -- - Bcnes agctcy, who were lb Biglna laat coontrr blllloff wUl be made aloog drcna lines, altendanco uiM>n the meeting of the Gtoadlan fair and will draw hearlly to special days arranged nuuiagerv. Oootntcis w^re closed fv Oalgair. aa (fade days and picnics by merdiants wbo are Eeglsa, Boskstooos £dm'»ton ind Brandon. The , . ..... --^ ^ j^l^ ictsou In Northwestern Oanada wUl open at CaigoiT June.2(f. Tbe rei>ort, Ihst on acconat of the war thera will be no fair held at Wlnnlftcf, Uanltoha, Ueka cooflrmatloo. The war actlriUes wlU hare little effect, so it U bellcTed, oa tbe fain whkh have been boohed by the World at Home and tbe Banes Agency. Tbe terrltorj embraced Is a great wheat growlna lotereeted la the exposition as a feature for draw- liig crowds to tbelr town. A look at tbe map will show tbat there are orer six bmdrcd of these tovnn along the Ohk>, .MInIssIwiI, llllnula Rivers, and tbelr trHmlarke, besides tke large cities nhete stands of three days can be played with proflt. AH the attracllons will be bnllt eo that all 4tast will be necemarj to do whea oorlog will be to drop the top doirn and sail on. Tbe eHmlna- tlou of the greatest bog^bet? of the showman's existence, tbe maddf lot and locg fasnis, will be cnilrrty rilmlnsted, and If Bill Ktce has not got Ibis sbow flrared down to sbont as near perfect condltloDs taat it Is possible to eiblblt under, there Is no nse In caicniating anything In the amusement Itoe tbli Bnmner. CHA6. H« HARSH OPENS AGENCY. Cliarles M. Mrmb. fonnerly general trarellng rcpretcntstlTe for ibe Fair Deiiartmeot of tbe Wealern ToDderllle .Managem' Anoclntlon, has de- cldftl to go it "slvrle htoded," and has oftened a suite of olBcee In the Saralotfa Hotel. Ur. Marab will act as exclonlre esMt to the acts bcoklog fairs, parks oud olber opea door amnse- menti, and Incldentollj Inlld and promote State and coonly fairs. Obarlra M. Mar«h la wMl known tbrooghoot county and State folr circles, and hla new Tea* wheat crop last year was a record breaking e*e. and the crop irrospeeta for 1015 are fine, with the prloe of wheat contloually oa the adrance. Mmtn. Talbott and Boacnthal are t« be tnart* Uy ftiidlaled apvn this master etroke la dosing eootracta for their respecllTe firms. In tbe face of ^Irlted competiUoD. and the Cajuidlao fair Dkanagen auj feel son thst iheir coDsUtnenia will ind BO caase for CDoplalnt when the Worlil at Booie and tbe Baroea featares are onfoldeO for their amuseocnt. BOOKi BIO AlVIHAL SHOW, ;^ ncrrj O. Booked aa «oe <£ • "The World at Wnsoo's B\w Animal Bbow has been leading attraetloos whb Mt. WlleoD arrived here the' couatry—nerhapa the greatest on tlw North Aaterl- can Conllneat. Obvtouaty these fairs are of an arrlcattoral nalore and dertrad'largely npon the farmer contingent for patiwuge and aopport. The . and la Daklor hla headquarters at the Palmer Hooae. He, with Joe Bauman, president of 'The World at Itome,'* arranfemeota we^ per- fected for the projection of a trained animal ei* hlbltlon along prrienilom lines. According to Mr. Bauman, **Tbe World at Boom" will opn at DsTenjiort, la., on or about Uay 3. Great preparations are being made at th<* Winter qoartefv. and aitracllona are titlng booked St the Obtcsgo otBcee. HOSPITAL NOTES. ALE.TANDEB riLiK Is Mrlously 111 nt the ^-merlcau Hospital, under the care of Dr. Tborck. Tbe doctor tbloke he will be con- toti In the boepltal for a couple of weeks. fiEUdiB Oeb.sabd, of Iteiniard anil De Haven. bOB been opereteJ npon at the Amer- ican Uoepltul, and left that luatllutloD in a Terr tew dsfs to nil bcr eugogemente. ii.nraT, HciNisD, of the Cjcling Key- sards, wblle performing at tbe Virginia The- atre, «BS eelzed wltb an attack ot appen- , „. ... dlcltls and was rushed to the American Hos- lure 'irlll ptore ■icteMful. 'h. plau to bolld pltaU where Dr. Thorek operated npon hbn and eqilp an entire fair tram otnagrr to elite at 2 o'clock In the morning. At tne present driver. He baa alpinl a lumUr of wcU known (jme Mr. Revnard Is doing very nicely, and nira, which he Tnlenda to annonnce ahortlv. v„ t, npccted to leave the Inatltntlon In • Well known ads bare niao signed eiclsalvely daysi be booked by an opinaMllon drentt tk«7 will nndoubledlj be piepared for a flsbt bj emt. Ins another bmutlfnl vaudeville theatre Id this vlcbiUy, and thna be abl e to meet the oompetltloo. TE.Ul BOOK TS MARCH. Uort H. BiDser, necotlre maoaser of the Weet- em VaiKtevllle Uaoasera' AaaoclatloD, ajuKraocea tbat the W. V. It. A.'a anooal Tear Bock will be Isancd early la Uarcb. It will be Ibo aame alio aa tbe ooe laaued by them laat aeaaon. wlih hlffl. Laat week Ur. Slanh waa In Vopeka, Ean., where be looked aflw the Iniemta vl Ibe Kansas Uld-Wlnter Eipoelilon. While there be atarted en a aecret ■cootlac caDpaliii. ant was reported " met- — ■■- L chalroian of tb — .'latlTe to fumlabloy (lona for the 19111 celrhratbn, to be held In Oc- to have vlBlted wTcblta, Kan., where be Inter- viewed W. P, InneiL cbaliaian of tbe Wichita Gipoaltloo Board. rrlailTe to (umlabloy atlrae- AsE Oi.HiN, music publisher, vho bas been In tbe hospital, for some time, following a serious operation performed by Dr. Ttoirk. has completely recovered and will leave the Insttlutlon very shortly. ^.. ^, , Mrs. Datb ZiuUEi, wblle attending ber hnsbnnd, Dave ZImmer, who Is condned at the American Hospital, sulferln* from beat*, disease, was operated upon by Dr. Tborok for a Weeding tumor. She Is in splendid pbyslc«l condition anil eipecla to b« able to leave tbe boapltal In a short time. MnB. VraniNU. Bt. who wsa opcr- It Is said tbat alirr hU Wichita vbit Mr. Marab Immediately pto«e<M on a flylog hml- neaa trip througheot tbat arclloa ot tbe cuunlir. Be la ripecteil to reach Ohlcam within tbe neit «w» weeba, and will Imniedlnlely Miam a aolle at oOcea hi one of the piomlnent b'llldlnss In ,,r!,„rj,„ tar a. ten eerlous condition aer- !»ie,.Uop. Tbew oocee wiil unV>iihte.lly compare «tcd upon V'gcuMrallncTciT nicely JIUi the beat In Ibr cltr, aa Mr. Marsh Inieol. era! 'W'^/''^'f, 'ilVii^ a tew ♦o look after Ibe arnrforta ot aU hla bnalneaa aMo- and wlU be out of tbe loaiituiion in a icw elates duclng their short vlalts lo tbo Wlnily Olty. days. A. B, C. GBTS HILRS THKATRB, The Anilatcd Hooking Oomiunr. of tlUa cllT. baa arqulred the hooklnga of the Hlles Theetie, In I>etn>lt, HIcb. Fied Llncohi, bead ot tbe A. B. O. ■ude tbe annofincenent to TBM OLieraa reporter on Weilneedoy of laat week. ^ The annouuMottnt. ot aecorlng the Mllee honae in I>eirlll. la one ot neat Imiwrtuc^ to vaude- ville. The A. B. O. Is showlnc vapid growth neentir, end tbe lakliic over of the Detroit booso taarts a riln meipectM In vauilcvllle circles, and metna a ireit deal to the new agency. In the past, mcolh tbe Afflllited has seciired a wnnbo ot weH-hiuirii ontKiMown hooklnga. In- dodlnf the Riiprtaa Theatre at Ft- Wayne. Ind., which thej atarled boobhi« lait week. They re- ceplly ac'iolred tbe booklniKi or Ibe Kanaaa City Hlppodierae. Other rv<»nt aiMlllooa to the elr- eolt are Aberdeen, 8. D., Valley Clly, MInot and Devil" Uke. B, b. ^Pred M. Unn/m, head ot Ibe A. B. O.. re- turned lo OhlcAio laat week, after an ahaence. ne ha, other pTana, which ate eaiMted to lead to a further growth of the circnil. John Haah. who la dolni the looking of (he circolt. ha. not Men Itlter a real chance op to thh time, win* teered to cccuiir hlmwir with the araiiller hoiwce while with gnlllrnn k Uinalilliie. la dolnit aplen- Jld m/rk, and Ihe Mfellnice ot Mt aUowa has hrotsbt blm mnnr coiiiiillmciit,. _,It I. Ihooiht that wllhin a week !he circuit will aniiODPce olber Imuorlaat counectlooa. asOTBEB NEW VAtUBVilXH riant, for the eieetloo of a 1900,000 bidldlni. which will conuin a theatre with a sea ting caps- clfy ot l.JOO. bare been arttled. Thenew kou* win be eieoted at CUrk Slr<«< and Porter Atotw. and will be completed hy tat Sprtng. THe Wll- Jon Avenoe Theatre, booked by the Weelem Vande- vnle MaJiafers' Aanodatlon la In Ihla vldnlty and Ih^Sid th?^ ho.« be !«ff^J»"rjSSl aiencT than the W. V. M. A. It will nndooMedly B deiUred (roceltlal and wUl be ••blaehllated^ wflllan HTKlaley * Boo. "•'»'•^•J"9^»: nine year lease oo the pionerly. They haw Ruled the theaire aecUon ot tlejt propowd balW- 1ns to the Oargorle Theatre Company for the neit Mteen jea?a. Ilenlal not ineolloDwl. Tlie theatre will i hnllt after modem Ideat. and I la atld that It will be one of the mott beaalltol theatrea In tbe oolljine '"-""fi^ 2?n meat haa vet been made a> lo who will book tbe "Tt iJ'kMwn that the Western VaodMllle Maa- ■lier*' Asanelatlon conlrol a pramlneiitir located pfee ot property to thli Ticlnlly md aWld tlie A«K McCARRON TO 8INQ IT 'a-ri-iac PRioK THAT I PAID FOR YOU" 100 HEE SSEEI^ m«do tnm youw •wm oopx. OBO color of ImM, tow aOO <br BOO ftraMf B004br MOt 100 la two colon ftr (UtOO. VBIOB labal prtB<lB(. Veaid for prlco Ilat ol Mhar prlB.lag at proportloaatc paic«a« Roatc Booli, IDs. Bauafaotlota gawr- •Btaod> mmniiiiiui»K HA<n*OON, ILUNOia (On aceonit ot Co. closing) OHAaACTXM CHAR. OOMDS or BXM. BVt. nslfbt,*n.,4ln. Weight, IM, Age, 84. Ujrsaisliook snd Bep. ezperlsnee. flood ward- robe, flood Blsdr. BoiwrandreUabls. MoBpeo- laliy. Join on wirs. Tlckett Tea. Address ■■IIItob, lillBob, Bex ua. Per. Bloc k or Bep. preferred. Ull LEONARD E. LORD J UVUI UM UADS HEAvm or our. bub. nclgbt, t ft. II In. Weight, IM lbs. Ags, 9t yn. good wsrdrobe aod thoronghlr sneilenced. Address 1303 Wanraa at., tt. ImbU, Be. OUT OF TOWW NEWS CteTcUmd, O.—Opera TToiiae (A. F. ITarla, eacr.) Klo-Toee n«d- lo "T^ Yellow Tlekrl.*' feb. I Ca. Next week, "Ttie Ulalradlug Lady," with Paul Dickey. OoLiiNUL (P. Ray Oomalock. mir.)—4leluro nictures are shown umlrr the auiplces ot the Ht cngsgeoteiit of "The Bird of I'aradlse'* 10. "Hie Loula ryllilaii AaHOclalloit. **rnB Ooi4'Wiv nno," wbldi la t» be produced •I tiie O.>lonlal Olieatre veek of Feb. 8. la a ■Kccsifal amatoor preseniatlfii of a plsy stajted In dlirereni citlea for charliable piiriKieca. Tii itiJs ciLy Wade Pavla baa secured lite serTlces of pereo hundrctl of Cterelnntrn foremmi jimiiir xncleiy folk. Ind-Jillna Mrs. Chas. 11. llin>l>t*r, dnugliter of Jntwr J. R. rrliclinnl. wbu vrlll iilay tlie leailliig feminine iiart, oml Wllllsiu Taylur, wbo won nut In a cou)|«MliiMt ot iwcntf-nre snpllcanla.fnr the "hem" rule. Mr. Darls hsa ban many rei|ue«is fToiu charlinltlr Inailintlona about Ihe cminirT 'o itrcsent his muKlcal exlravaganaa In their clllrs. la»t DecentWr. lll.nOQ waa rpallse<l for Ibo loeal charllr, In Plltstiurgh, ana the iireseiit tale of atatii Inillcalea a ailll larger amount here. Mrt. Ujron T. llerrtrh la raip of lbs prime moren, ami otber pronilneiu folk of Cleeelnnd are aailit- iHg. St. l/oola. Mo flhultcrt (Mclrlllo Bids, O'Cr. > "ttniiir. the Tcnitnaker" wci'k at Jan. 31. OI.VUPIU (WallfT 8aiifor«l, mjrr. >—Chauncer OKnit, Id "The Heart of Patlilr W'hach," week of 31. AJiKBiraN (II. R. Wallace. fon<>—"Help Wanted" week of ai. I'lRK.—"Our WiTcs," for lis first tlmo In SL l.oiU. week of 31. BiiBNANiHUii.—"The M'slts Dream" week of 31. i*RiNi;Kiifl.—MoTlng piciiirra. ttTANiMan.—.\u(u (llrls week of .11. ViirmHia (Wm. Care. mgr.»—.l-YMI AmltroRlo, tlte pitimlnr contrtllan t4 Ihr Ornian Hiork Co., aiMl valuablo member for wano jenn*. waa glren a benedt at thla theatre Suiiilny nlflhi, .11. "DIs NaoherlD" ('"Hie Beamalrcan") was the atlraclloa. Nsw QiuND Oa.HTaAi—"The Three of Ua," with MaM Taliaferro In tlir W-atl. 31 an«l tveek. ViLToni*.—<X>uui)enelnit Humlaj af(ern<:on, 31, Ibe "DHinirn and Pyllilaa" (|)li)itfv|i|af). Ttiees engageoeii Oomie Hero' will be vrDOuced umler ibc man agement ot Wade Dafla. by local inlvnl, for iho brnoQt of tbe Dorcoa Boclcly. wlih a caat of acTCD hundml pcofile neit trevk. Kbtu's lliri'onKoua (U. A. Daniels, mgr.)— DUl weeh ot 1: Sam Oblp and .Mary Uorblc. Mi-*k and Ortb, llarrj >*erD aiul cmnpan.r, Drawet^ KrlJCO and 'llsniUo, Warren and Conler, Ulll rnilU, Cbjs. K. liraua aod comfiauy, Ilarrlct -Uurl, and vu-liires. MvrtomuTAN (Preil E. JofanioD, nnrr.l—Fur we«li cf 1, die MeirxittoUtau riajrers. In "The Qua- aplracj.*' Neat week, "Ura. uumrsieail Leigb." rasspsor (J. W. Lyon, mgr.)—"The Trail of l>onesome PW l-O^ "Hebecra ot BouDybrooa Kam" B13. OLBTm.aMD (n. V. ZIrker. imt.1 —Tbe Dniden Players, lo 'The X.ure." 1-6: Carolyn Dales, aa bew leading lady, had a Ttry aocceaaful debat laat week. •Obaho (B. T. Nlttaola. local mgr.)—The pema* Lent atock enupaoy. Id ^'Little Loot Blater,^' "Ttt nird Dqpee" aext. UitaBs (Ohas. flamer, mgr.)—Dllt week of 1: etewait Blstcra and Bacons, Hnslcal Arolloa, Rarl and Oortla Merlla, Bryan, Buauner coopaoy. Jobnaoa aim Dean, and pictures. raisaii,L4 <P. K, Bbcj. mgr.) —mil wi<ck «f 1: Lillian krortlncr and cxnuaoy RIcr, Dell sod Eatdwlo, Major Wright aa<1 i>anchtg nogs. Law- renct Johnson, B(tfard aod Mooll, AUeo Trio sod rvtnren. Goanoif Sqdaib fnarrr Dorocher, mgr.)—For week of 1: "Tbe Snake Ohancer'' and Piof. Ollirgvd, in bypoollc act. and pl^tares. Stab (Drew A Oampnell. logrs.)—WaMron'a Tmcadeto Burleequers 1-d. Eacriaa (Bert MePball, aigr.> —Heart Chamera 10. Hl|h Rollera 8 l.i. KmcBKiBooKia (E. K. Downs^ mgr.)—Feature plctarsa. DooHsaa (A. At Oorao-, mgr.)—Feature pic* tures. Btanpiui (Jot. aroseman, mgr.)—Fcalui* films. Till Barmoiilc CHab oonrert, wlih Tleleo Rmth* era, aoprano, and Evan Williams, tenor, soloists, will take place In dray's Arntory 1 John UcOoiuAnii was tieard In recital sSt Gray's Araorr 1. Tna Foon fExpoamoH openetl at Wlsmon Oolt- aeum, 1. Hlch's Orchcatim la furnishing uuilcal P'cgrama. for uy iDsirumfliit or nonber Of Uutramanta. Boofa, wontiuMllfaglo.Bkelohog.oto. BondftAmp, OtlAfl. L. LBWia. 4» Rfokmond SL. OUoloutL 6. FOR SAl^B—Booftor Orohestr*. TlTlioeaon Act liDproTed. fiplder with 'Womaa'o Head lIloaloD, Ka KlDD Rnbtwr Necks. Fat Clown for Bar Aot Clown that swells op fac, etc., Prop. AnlmaliAiid Olutisuulotoordsr. Also (nowD Props. No est*- logttoa. K. WALKER.W W.aPthBt.Wew York. WAJUMD—For TentlDg fioamn for LOWRRT BROB BHOW. CIrcu and Vaudorlllo Acu of sU kinds. MakeftUibroedayatands. UuHtbeshlolo cUaoge. Osn plac« good Oomedj Uualcal Aot, Fenuue Inpenooalors, Oroand aud Aerial AcIh, PlHOO Player, Ifan aad Wtre with Olpaj FortQDO TelllDff outfit, man to tUDdlsPsomo other gaoio. Hunt no moner-ffetten. No boozors or kicken wanted. Nofancjsalaries; Itmnst below.sflltls sure, fitatajuflt wbAtyoDcan snd will do InfliBt letter. BhowopenaearlrlnMay. Address QBO. Be LOWBBY. Bhensndoab, Pfc Wo bave One IIoDdred sad more PLAYS, Uurlesiiueti) TruKCdV. Oqo Act to Fl7e. BiperUy Selected from tbe works of ooe thouHttUd Wflters. Everr uiiu avail/ulk for youruhk. Wheiber joa sre sn Aciur Id Vsadevllle, a Produ- clngUsnagororFUm Usnafacturer We Havt Your Rsqiilrvmsfrift. Whil Art They? Wanted. PliotoplsFS muA BkortFlotlon We sre Bcllers of Bundard Lltoraturo, Fiction sod Drsmullc, la MS& Funa We assist the writer to make his work Balesble, snd b«U lU Bmsll chsrgs for lilorsry asMlstaoctf. Ko chnrge for selUog. lliniiKrlp*e Unlverul, Sooltly •! Writer*, Ine. aaO Plftk Aramae. H. Y. duiimmeii it iiBERn Dns to closing ot theaire. Pnll line o( Traps and BeOe, Experienced In Vande- vine, Maalcal Corned/ aid rtctore Work. Sober. UeterencofromIsalposlUon, A.F. «t U. WALTRH H. TULhKS, n« B. Ollnlon Ave., Trenton, N. J. CHEF AT LIBERTT, Celered DInlos car eiMriencs. Beferences AI. Do all i. UAMIl/ION, um M. AdUand Are., OUcago. Cni.vunu.—mil n|.Krti.n; Irene Franklin in^ nnrton Orten, CiRiiile ailUiifwaler iin<l crnitit.nv, Mirrla Cronlii mil M. Ali'rr> Mm. Mai'k ii)4 W.lhrr, Hli AinoTlciin D.nivni. Ihi* I'rlniniio Four, the Kl Her Slilor., tinl lilctiirvK. GtANn.—mil ni-hVli. <l: "I'lia I.lttle Moill.le," llif 'MuRlr.l OtnuiTTitiirr. Mnrllii K. Jnhn.ini, I.nn., itnnicr anil T.nne. Nrluico and Hnrler, SJIIIinl llTollien, mil Univrrul Anlmnlnl Wrrklr. Ilinniianus. — mil Jl l'Vh. n; IVmird tnl ITcrrlnifn. llajt tlid Warli-ll. Ilio NIchoU-NHnt Ti(.ii|>e, SIrlnloali owl Muili-nl U.lila, Krtd Illlle- binntl. iHto lo flil. Toronto, Can. Prlnmn (W. Ilulhollind, r*r.) "The QiuKer Olrl" K.'j I' and week, r.rk 8-1.1. ••I'riucii of I'llKvi" Wlowi. ALUANoas (L. Holonwi, mtfr.)~.Pirk I'L •Itie BInl of Pir.nllw" H-ta. OaaNO (J. W. ikirau, mgr.)--Rosenle DUIr, In "A Fool Tberv*"." «»« oj 1. Adellna Roattlno, In 'Tba^lnier," 8 and week. "UlU- alurM" to follow. Fnu'a IJ. Sbei, mir.)—DUl 1-6: 8li Waur L'*lf«, Knok Hilton nod corpany, Mnro sad 7.117. H'lIU Ilolt Waktdeli. tir. end Mm. Jack ftlcGrteTer, OaTiuna Duo and Brandon nant and ctopinj. LoEW'a (J. Demileln, mar.)—Dill 1-S: Dan elus Krniieirt, A.h .ml HItaTr, r.nt«in Atk* ktM. Ik-rtbel Jlrndler, Tlirro Loiellea, (lonluB end Blnnlrj, Surko and llarrl.. end Viola I>uVaL IlirronaiiHB (B. A. UcAr.lle. oiur.)—Dill 1-1: Waller Beyiiolda, Dooorao and lec, I.ear nnd VIeldt, and fnture fltm.. fl.Twrr (T. R. IfenrT. nmr.) — Roaej Foaer Olrls I and wtva. Ilappr Widcwa K 111. »»a (P. W. I<lalr. mar. I — UlKblrf Uikoa week ot I. I'aMlnji Heilew C-tl. KruHD (I.. RcUlftlnser. msr.irkoloplera and Kcuianelll Bympbonir Orclieslra. UA/iano <D. H, Oraftin, mgr.)—Tabloid ma* ^csl CCUMdj. Vanronver. Cnn.—Arenuo (R. It. lUcketla. oar.) Avenue riajer.. l.oBW'a (Jai. nllliw. mir.)—.mil vrek of Ktbt I: Juasllns He l.l.le. Hloatt lllack aod companr, Crawtord and llroderlck. "Ye Uld TIom lUl- liiwe'eo," Tom llaliunej. and Rrsotll anil I.llltpu. tiani. 1UNT10B0' (E. n. nraham, uar.)—Mill l-t: ■War of tbt Ttxif." Ilertle Fowler, (hildeo Trotve. DoDlap sod VIrdIo, ajid Qordon Oroa. sad tamiroa FRBB^BIX HONTIIS —irmUTINO FOB mOFIT. A HonUilr Onlds lo Honsj-Maklnif. Telk tiow tlOO growa to liooo-llow to gat rich taloUf and tiooesUj. II. L. RARHKR, Fnb., «3i|.g3 w. Jaokson lllrd., Ohlcage. WANTED Man for Juveniles and Comedy HDtTDO SPCOIALTV. Wire AUGUSTA PERRY STOCK CO., Ntwniirlitl, N.H. WANTED PEOPLE ALL LINES For Rep. and Stock Thone Hitli •pcclallles preforrod. Don't mlsto^ reaoiit. 1'<:ll all Hi llrnl. riintos rotamed. J AUK I'AlttfDNH, UanlmtunTliOHtre Co., ElkHTIiealro, Iluton Ileugo, La. Perfoners DoibllnK li Briss, Speolallln on riANO for balance of this and Bamner season. Can Place aood reiinle at All Times, 1.0Wjirlcea, aalurj. Addren II. 1a HOY, LA HOY HTUOK CO., week Pell. 1, West Mansdeld, Ohio; weok Feii.s, MU Victory, Ohio. leiCT roil DOIUI BILL Oiuranteed lo be aa a iod aa aoj actin Vaadofllle. KnotpetfecilTaaturaoiorr to rou, rstam Uioaci Md lU RKKONII YOUll DOLLAR. Two raopls Acta and Honoloraea;aii7ctiaracl«rs. I'vswrltfeii handieds of seta. CHAI. i«A«D«» OARTBH, C»bool, Mo. SIR mi I MIIEllE VIM fioiraoiAH HHALL PABTB ■OMB IlfUMimi Oaeldti Oo* Address aAH WALDOH, Whltesboro, H. V. HUGO PLAYERS WANT PEOPLE IN ALL LINES iDOlDdIng Kan, capable Leads or neaeles: espable Vomaa for Benbretlo and logonae I.eada, with Speo- taltloa preferred. AI appcatmnce, Tersalllllf and Repertoire eiperlence essential. State all In lint. Ton know the aeaaon. Hske salair accordloglr. Ileaao do not mlsrepresenu H. HUao, Bryant, fl. P., Feb. 4,»,«; Whits, B,t; Bristol, 10, Il| Webstor, 13,11; Kllendale, V. P., U, It,IT. PEOPLE IN .ALL LINES FOR OUR NO. 2 SHOW PBBNAIIBMT ATOOK. One blU a week. At Comedian, Youns, Good Looking Heavr Han, AI Btage Manager that can plaj a reaponalble lino of part<i, AI Uliamcterllan and UonetMlnitlness People, AlBccnlcAnlsL Bend lino photos, BIslo age. hMslil, weight and paal experience. This la K hlfth claui organization, plarlng all the latcat Now York releases. Yon must be AI or joo won't do, Ho- hcsnais Pell. >. Addrtaa UOBRB BTUOK COHPANV, Orand Opera llaasa, TsaBBalowtt, Ohio. Phono aoBT BrroBt VBadeTllle Aaenta THE GAIETY THEATRICAL ENTERPRISES Vonid like to hear from sIl'AcIs, largo or small. Write, wire or phono ySBO V. WBIOUHAlir, iMr Bre«d«rai|r, Osiotp Bldg., Balto 311, Raw York.