New York Clipper (Feb 1915)

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18 TEtB NEW YORE OLrPPMB. F^BBUABt 6 AXNOUNCEMENT JOHN ADAIR, JR AND HIS COMPANY LOUlB PlBBkl Stanley Piloo 0«o. O. Roberson Pl«nd Akey INOI.VJDINO Eileen Cosgrltf Beatrix Lewis Claudia White Adele Lewis Margerette Bougber George Bradley Wm. onggs Harry Speertaass Bud Jamison 16tli Week, National Theatre, Bte«benTiUe, Ohio Opaalmg for mm All Sninmar Ru^ »t tlw Victoria Theatre, Wheeling, Wert Va. in April People in All Lines Wanted >ERIVIANKIM-r Miutlolnto optn Fob. S. OdIt c4pKble Stock People need UBWcr, Scenic Artist at once; fliBtclam Dlnolor, teaalng People, Oomodlin, oto. Hnke ssfiirT reuouMe. Itlaaure. Mgr. DVVAti TUJBATBE, JaokaonTdla, Wlm, Jewell Relley WANTS A rev (rood Stock Peopio for Ljrio Theatre, Uohlle, Ala., oponlnir Monday, Vsrch 1, Comedian wllb HpocUllles. Team Han and Woman who Play Parts aiiil change BpeclalUra once a week. Bcenlo AitlBt, wlio can and wUlpliyemiill Fane. Aildfcw Care of Lyric TtcMre, Mobile, Ala. VAUDEVILLE ROUTE LIST Fob. 1-0 la repr«aciit«il. Aliljott ft lumta, rroclor'i, Tnj, N. T., * t- Ainu llimid Tmnie, Bojal, N. i. O. Clark H MoOjllni«li. Keyatone, Pblh. O>non, Lolo, Ban DInsi. Oil., ImM. CDIham, .Icnsle. JIMIr "Hireilc" II.ilI & Oo., lodd. Collier k J» WaUc, F^mpRn, OblcUD. i-i. ALOHA TWINS ha-^^s lu tbeir Weoderful Darcfooi Uela-Unla Dancea FeatoRd With the "Hlachler Uaken' WILL CONLEY The Dllly BoBdar at VandevlUc Onlltd Time Direction JOB HARRIS Adln ft Arllae, Vletoda. CkulnUn, B. a, 4^. Adolpba, Umaid, Boalas. Adalh ft Qaylord. Palace, Bnlaineld, Maaa., i-t. Ah«are, CAa«., Traape, MaJeaOc MllwiQkce. AkI Trio, Natloaal, M. I. A, 1-3 i Ddaaeay St., N. y. O.. 4* Altlo, Yankee Babe, Oltf Point. Haaa., iadef. AlTlu. Peter H., Oipbnm, Omaba, Keh, ' Alplno Tnnjw. Ooloolal, lOuiMfalowo, 0., 4-0. Anarantha 44), MOeallc. CblraSD, Aoerlean Diocen (6), t^Lice, Cbicaae. Abierlcan Ouncdr Kour. O/ntim Altooaa, Pa.,4-^ AiiUioay ft Mack, Kallh'a, 4MiiiBbua, O. AnacT, Lou. Kflih**. I'roTlOcnce. Auttioiiy ft AiMe, Pndm'a SOi St., N. I. O., 1-3: PiocUr'i. Ut. Vermi. 4-0. Antunlo. IJrJt, KrdIIt, Uoz'jntir. N. T. AniBut Drca., Osleolal, Norfolk. Vi.. 4-0. ArlolB Una., Proctor's 23d M., N. T. a, 1-3. Amnironic & Fonl. Sbobert. Bklo., 4-Q. ArJell, FrinklTD, ft Oo., 8t. JaaMt, Boetoo, 4-4. Ardatb, Fml J.. Itonl, V. T. O. Arien. Stere, TIclorli, N. T. O. .\rlon (4). Palace. S|>rlii«lleld. Mass., 4-1. Arrelle. Malle, Htate St.. Tmloo, N. 44. Aauie Troupt. Pioolot's Utli St., N. T. O., 1-3; Proctor's 1231b at., N. V. O.. 4-8. Austnllsn Woo^cfaoovars, Keith's, olocUmatt Aubrey ft Rfeble. Kellii'a, I'toTldeacc. "Aurora ot Llikl," OoloDhl. N. T. 0. ATolloa. MualesI (4)^LIimdIo tM]., N. T. a, 1-3; IxMv's, Nmirk, N. J., 4.6. Arrllag i Unrd National. N. T. O.. 1-3. Aaatd Bros.. Kellh'a, Prorlrtence, Ball. BfiMit, Temple, Detroli. CLARA BALLERINI THF; 1 DON'T CARE OF THE AIR UNITKD TIUB 99 "DREAMS THE 6REATEST WALTZ BALUD IN YEARS A* aniiB by Wlnonn Winter. Profea. ■lonni Coplea and Orclieatrntlonii slow Tcndy. ALSO I/Ovo'B Illvjl-^own Ilv tlic Old Red Mill — Tiyn Dear—l>Rat NIkIiI h Sad Dreuni—liii- ropcan Armngcddon Vinr Sonc—I Dreamed I I/ny Whpro T'lowcrs Were tTprbtfrinx—Cuin- mdea By the Moonlight—^c Merry Ila-Ilt —The Kllilit—lloy ScoulB—'Ncatli tin; I'Inca—My FlrKt I/Orc—Halcyon Diiys—My Trleco llollc—I Couldn't I<o.ivc My Poor Silk I'Mcud—^llic Lnsl aoo(M)yc—Cnryn Unt riHsiim—Aly llochy Mt. Olrl—Thot ttnifg.v iU\K —How I ItcRrot tlio Day Wc Met Since llio Day Wo Siild Uood-byc—My Sweet Dreams of Ynii—'Mid the Ozark Mounlalns or Mlasourl—Ou K«Rle Wing—Oil, llic Kulacr —Give Hit n Ilou.iuct of Hoses—Why Did Yuu Qo Aivny Krom Mo—My Money Won't I.ct Mn Love—tMothcr la WalMng Kor M<— The Winning of Sue—College March—Oh, 'J'liose Dreamy. Dreamy Hvcs Bo Iliuc—'I'lio I'rettlcst and SmnrlOHt Olrl In Town—It's Only a Kodnk Picture of fhe OM Mill nt Home—Mv Krli-od Down South—Come On. Ma Honey, and Daoco This Knir With Mu—If It's Him I'll Did Adlcn—(;omc Borne, Dear, For Uahy'a Soke—At tlio Sotllny of tile Sun—Down Dy the Little Bloux—Trcj- tlon—ITio Whispering Winds—I Only Sleep to Dream of You—Luhoma—What Is Uiinic Without n Mother—You I/Oved Ue Wlien 1 Was Near You—In llip Garden of Rose- hud Dreams—(Colonial Dnys—Whcro NInga'a Knlls Arn Kalllng—Paying 01 the Mortgag!) —*!vcrytbInB la Rnggy on Old Broadway— Yotithlul Ilooos—JIusIc Is Love—1 Am Thinking of You—I I/OTo You, Honey, Nut Your Money—'In the Valley of Dakota. PPM Coplei (o Profeialonola IMSflOLBSIITB ft(!0.,Wa8liiB8toD.P.C. WANTED Doubling Dross. Board ou car. Opoiu Fob. 8, Nu tickels. 1.0N BURTON'S UINSTRELS, OOHDELE, OA. MANAGERS, LEADERS, MUSICIANS For tho purposo ot liclplng musicians secure dcslmblo positions, and to liolp leaders and managers secuto tto mu- eldaua thej mint, m bavo eBtabllalitd A tm mm mmmm. A Trcll equipped bnrcaa keeps track ot the wnutH of musicians nnil leaders everywhere, and us souu ns we know tlielr vrnnts wo liniucdlnlely innll Ihcni u list of niuslclanH or posltluiis aurh aa wc think will meet their needs. There !b no charge for this service. If you ure out ot work or If you need musicians, write us to-dny. FRANK IIOLI-ON A CO., Mnkers nt IIlHh tirade Maud Inslriimeuts Kxclu- Mlvuly, 2U34 aindyn Ave., Chicago, III LEARN TO ACT >Up to D«t« lo tTcrv dtttlL^ ( flCtSUrt. CboriN Toitf Opcf^ :hca, AcIIai Dnmitio Art, EtA StagA Danolnif Bto* «yUp to D«t« lo tTcrvdtttU^^ Doculu Skrtdica*/ ENGAGEMENTS SECUSED _ ScTioot Alwnyd Qnen. P.J.ltinOIO.niul 'I'KN (Vl'lJKIia. llNo.l4LSn1lc£>tClIlCA(JO,ILU oiT mn THE VAUDEVILLK I tell yon bowl FaaoluUnff profession for olttaer sex. Blir soluios. Experlenco on- neootaaiT* Bplondld onffogomonU alwvs waiting. OpportQnlty for tnvel. TbM» I trloftlagmuandftuthorlUcflondorMiny 1 mothods. ThlrlT years* oiporlonce at * manager and parfomier. Illustrated book **AII About VMidavllla" soat FRKL Fretloiio La I>«lle» Bta. ti, Jnoksoo, mi^ Willi nn Inforiiinl tllunor iifior thi> pciformrtncc Jnii. :w. C. A. Itolnliiinl, miiAlcnl illr'cior of (III* OnilKiiiii, llrwtklvii, tMiichhlnl a \vc^>L uf crU>l>rii((iiri 'ii Imnor of IiIh nritvnili yrnr of i»r* vliv In thp (irritHnni. niul llip l\rcutj--nrih Jubltx^ of IiIm canvr nH n i-omhu'htr. 'riH' tlliiiirr wii" ■rniiigiit by Kmiik Olrnnl. maa- AKtT lit -Ik* (>ii>liriini. iiiwUtCil Ur Murk Nnthiin mill Hoiitc of ilic oihi*r niiwiiltrrn of ttio Ori'tieun hiafr. A iiiiii<lH<r of tlip ivrfoniipw win* iiiipoaTwl u Ibc t>liyliuuiii- ihirlug tuo wivk wore pivscol. OUT OF TOWN KEWS Portlud. We^9(fcnai (M. 7. Qsrrftr. ngr.) "DumagcO Ooortd" rpmretl, matlnev aod DiHht. Kob. 3. "Tb4i y.^lloff Ticket" -1-0, Adds I*>a V&j onil TaiKlfvlUe (Oinpanj 8-13 Kmirs (Louia K. Kllbjr. mgr.)—The Keith tlick Oo. preamt '"lYio OciirceilOD" WO. R«pie- Bt'itintlrm from Uio local bmi(>ii«*i of tlio Knlefats of Oolunibos onil A. O. II.. oiid ilrk>iratcii from llie local clenrr bare tircti InrlUi] to otttod this IToilucUon. "IIcli> Waote<r* 8-13. Nbw roRTLANi) (M. 0. niunu*ni)<»rc, msT.) — Vaiulovlllc Jiiil imllon plctutea. Illll 1-3: V)c- tor'a Mualcal &lcUi)^>. Kniiclnatint; Fnnkol, Ham* r.rt-iiil nriil Korrcikr, TIiimo 'J'bre; Bo^e and Will- laiiLi ami Oxicy. Bill -t-O: ^aIn Usrlon. the ^luu'ln \f\\c, Olliun oiiJ Iht Molt, noil Joo Morae. C;uKm.T'8 (Jnmcti W. Urcel.r mifr.)—Vaud** \lllt' anil iimilon ,il:hirofi. mil l-.l: "The Maa of Myiiery," KuiBi**tt llroa.. anil Jimmy Mulrcy. lull -l-U: TI:o KliituroH. llsmMii Slsk'ra. Itaml^s (luKv. Ilomnn'a lOlC Aliulcal Iteruc la bookcU to - week or 8. Oahco (Jomes E. Moore, ebat.)— The Marcus MuNlcfll Conicily Co. cloned a aucceaaful two weeks* ci»tnnioent tiere Jao, 30. For week of Feb. 1, lite "MiiHlcal ViAMi-i ot 1013/' with GOtlle Dow lliiff, t'liilay and llurke, aaU the Klulay Slaters, licmllnit lilt »\\ovf. NiCKSL (Win. K. Reeres. infrr.)—Tlils pictore tiniiKe. aoon lo be calkil tbe fllrand. wllb Its n«w KG.OOO orpnn ^a^d orcbectlra aelectloaa, featUKB tUe Parauiuuiil victure ofTcrlDRa. RHrins (Geo. I. Appleby, mgr.)—Feature oo- lloii plcturra. CiTT llALU— Id the Ifonldpal Oriran O&ncert, 4, Will 0. Uacfarlaite, aulst«d by .May Uukle. ci^mprlK tbe Intercatlog featurea. Local lAJent will conduct ■ DIekcm carDlTtl ami itageent. la aid of the Woraaa'H Club Uouse Fund, 8. Portland, Ore. —Ilelllff (W. T. Fufl^ fogr,) Kutb St. l>CDnU Feb. 5. U. UBMiuuH (T. li. Coalou, mgr.)—DUl Jao. 31- Fob. 0: RiLwlit Hlerena and Tins Marabtll coot' pany, lUgoletio llroa., Mario FttBfflbboaB, Drown- Flotcber Trio, Breut Hayes, ood Mile. Lo7ara aiilnkala, I'ANTAOts' (J. A. JohQMD, siRr.)—fllU wcek of 1: VIvlnii Marnliall anU coniiwny. Harry airard bihI co4uiiaDy, Hanilltoa and ilarovd, Qulua UnM., eiHl Marliin and HlUlar. _ ISuraasB (H. \Y. Ptciong. mffr.)—Bill week of 1: J, K, Bmntett ami couipauy, Olnrk aud BoAC. Roy and Arthur, tbe OgdcD Quartette, SinItU and PAriDor, and ttic Three Doualda. Bakuu (M, \7. Seaman, ni«T.)—Stock company, in "Tbe Dawn of a Tomorrow," Jiin. 31 aud I.YHio (Kentlti): & Klood, niKra.l—"Iny tho Frviicliiunn" 31 aiHl week. I'KuiLH'ii. ilTAi, Katiohal. AIajlhtio ami Co* LUUUiA. iihotupUyn. U.\Kun.—'Hie linker Slock Company Is ivorihy of the iM>|)Ulnrlty Ibnt liaA falleu to Jli» lat tbls wnaoti. for llieir piwlucilons hiivp nil bi«en of hlxb claw onler. Slary PhlJielt Baker, who has bivn playlnK Hw Icadi for aererol week*, has ariilercil iMiPh Horteia, and has galiml a boat « friends theroby. EvoBSvllle, Ind,«Wolls DIJou (O^ Idrr Offull. lupr.J 'Fine Feathers" I'\Jb. 0, "Hio Red Wlttow" 7. "Under OoTer'* 8, "DrlnKlnu Up Father" 11, T^vnwn llwe's trSTrl plclur^-a 12. i;i. "A I'ltlr of Slum" 14, "reg o' My Heart" 17. "Tb« TUlnji That Owni" 18, 'Ihe Wnlp" 23-27. N»w 4laAND (Wm. McOoffon, mgr.)—Bill Feniier ojuI Tallman, Hale and Qoe, .Uaalcr Qa- lirlel and c<muiioiit, Proiliil, ami Kuimcr^ii and lialilwhi. Pot -1-7: Younc America. RItm nnrl Harrison. Nororons and company, and "Uob'a" tu.i1ug katmaruo. Majkstic (Clian. Sweolon. nvr.)—Obas. OlMon Ts. John Klrnri. wrefltllnj; match, 3. Oai'JiKUM and NoiTiisttiK (Chas. Sweeter, Qtgr.)—,\.ni-ueur nudeTllle \m\ motion plcturrt. rniNcnn, Satoy, Obitiuiion, Ririu0ii>s, Nor- Ki.Tr, C0U>KIAL, l^ANKLIN, VlRaiNIA. COLDMDIA* FUl.TON, VaI^IU. STAPIUU, (luVUKon. ALHAM- niiA, jKrmiHOH, Wooni,AWN, Walnitt, Fatoniti;, Oabtlh UkLh and Alauo. luotlou pictured ouly. IndlnnnpoIUt Ind.—Murat (J. O. namrs, mar.) •T»Hf o' My Iloart" wwk uf Fob. 1; "To- day" 1M3. Knomsii's (Art. F. Miller, ran".) — Julian RlllONT 10. Zleffeld'B "FoUlca'' B-in. LTcauH (AntlcrtMMi A. Xlq:ler. nigrs.)—"Tho Ro:«ary" 1-0, "The Cut nml the Fiddle" R-13, KuTit's (Ned 8. lleatliitn. mffTJ—4II1I 1-0: "1^0 Bride aiiofi," Jack 'A'IIhod. Dnrrell jnd Ooiiway. Bthel Orccn, Edvtln Qcorve. Nelaou ud Nelimn. nnd Woodman and l/lrlnRiton. Lybio (Barton A Olscn, intn^)—>11UI 1-3: Cole- ton and Ullrs, Im Vine \^[nioi-va eootpniiy. nn>u>:tt- ton and Turner, nnd Uoolli and T,eanilor. For •1 -U: ^:u«leal nvderlckn, IMfAno and Ulngham. >ly\v* .NtcCarlby nml Ida Walmit couiikiii)*, \\tAter, D<ilan nnd I'Vaacr, and Fnur Konerx ilroM. CoM>ui.iA (0. J. Banics, mgr.)—French Fnllguca 1-0. noadlDR, Pa.—Acaderar (Thll Lerj, mgr.) "Tlir Little Colo" Feb. 0, Ihe new Taxi Olrls (hiirkaque) U. OaruKUU (Ncal Harper, unr.l—Tbe Orpbeum Plnyors, hi "Baby MhK,^* 10, "Ninety aud Nine" IIiiTniwoui) (O. O. Keeiiey, mgr.) —Bill 1-3: Fraiih Mnyno and coiiipany. Franconla Opera com- pany, Faber lli^«. oud Adam:*, Wi«lon and Youur, r.nd Qiieente l>utir«Un. Lafft baU: *'A M«ht In Moole Oarlo" U bew-'lner. HOTBS. Tun thinl at o aerlea of Qto Sunday ooncetls, br the Iteadliif: Syfiiiiliony Orchettra, will be given I'Vb. 7, at the l[l|i|K)<lrouie. Fon llie pKHlucllon, "Ninety and Nino," by Ihe Orphnvn rlnyera, an euglne twenlr-lhree f<et liMii: will be brmiyht from Ulles, N. V. A special ral I roaden* u I git t will be nlwerred d tirl ng tbe week. Fi^namoB Vi.>irKNT. who was to haTe l»een re- iilacfil by Mary KMne, 1* atlll wllb ihe Oivheuni ria)-ers, aa luscuue. <Baf:on(rhl, Kellb'B, Fhlla. Bamen. AliiBrt. Keith's, Phlla. Bames ft Onwford, Orpheooi. Memphis. Barabao & Creha, Orphcun, 31. Paul. Baldwin. Ouf. Trio, Proctor'a 23d St., N.T.a,4-f, Faker, Uabel. Proctor's 'Jn«l at.. N. Y. a, 4-0. Banta <Unxi. (4), Howard, 'Boston. natcTDao, Tom. Bawdoln Sq., Eoaton. Barton « Brown, Oross Keys, Phlla., 4*6. LEE BARTH STILL TS DIAIiECT Jlankoff & aijllc. Emnrea,, Grand Haptds, Ulca. Ilamos & IU>biDHOa. uopiew, St. Paol. llortoD, Snm, rortliad, Portland, Me., 4-0. Ilsrat. Arthur. Victoria, K. Y. 0. r^verly & Slacker. QrldlB Cir;ull, Inilef. Urlmont A H,rl, Ooloalal. CLlcsp'. 4.0. Ueroard ft llarrlnaton. Ulpi>., at. Louis. "lieautlei. 'rlie." Vonylh. Atlinli, Ot. Ik-rcvrunl, Hurry. & 0>., Douiliilon, Ultawa, Oan. iKTnnrd, Sniihjrc Kcllb's. l':orl(lcnce. Uvrrens, 'nir. Kollli's, Wraslilngton. llcnion. Freowiit, & 09.. Mdi»Ktlc. ChlcsRO. Iwrao & CaHj,or. American. N. Y. 0.. 1-3. li«).slc'B iVtckaloM. Uoiilcrarvl. .^f. Y. C.. 1-3. Bt'lle ft Onn, Dllou. Ilklii.. 4-0. I>Tlln Madc<i« (111. Nulkiiial, N. Y. C, i i. Eellwlslre Or>,.. Kultun. Ilkln.. 4-0. "Eelwee?b Tralnrf," Locv'i, roL-pbliccpsIe,N.T.,l-0. CuTlck ft Hart, Pnsiiect, Ukln. Bttinett, Rlch,rd. Orvheusi. Palo. Bt-rnsrd ft Hearth. Qrand. l'>i!ln. rert, Klo, A Oo.. Keith',. Ixiaell, tlM. Ul« Oily four, OrpbeuD, lies MoUes, la.; Or- pheum. Wlnolpeff. Caa., {»-13. rickel & WatMo. Tenipir, t><lrolt. I1:i:na ft Dnt, Kcltli'a, (.uilavllle. niack ft White, Ooloolal. Qilcrsu, 1-6. Black Bros., Olymplt, Boaton. l..'ock, lluoMa ft Tliomas. Oroas Keys, Phlla., 4-0. Boffera, Walters ft Cfoolur, Oruheuoi, Kanaas 01 ty, Mo. Borslal Troupe, Amerlcao, Chlcajto, 4-6. Jtolaod ft Holla, Kellh'a, Oolumbua, 0. Road ft OanoQ, Teniple, Rccheater, N. Y. liowera, Paal, Onatal, Ullwaukee. Onnm Bna„ Uoalgoae^ ft Stone, H, T. 01, in- del. OoAer ft Smith, Shea's, BnlTalo. Odiolly ft Wenrlcb. Orphem. Qrand BapUs, HIcb, Collier ft SfflUb, Bbesos. DofTato, Ooaoelly, Jane, ft Oo.. 0. O. II.. Flttsharfb. Oilllns k Hart, Temple, Rochester. S. Y. Cvwhoy MIostnlB, Keith's, Toledo, O. Ooortner Slaters, Ustestlc. UllwaekM. OMk ft 0>i, I'ncior'a lUih St.. N. Y. 0., 1-S; Fnetor's S3i SL, N. Y. 0.. 4.8. Oole, Boiaell ft Daris. Proclor'l 23d SL,N.Y.0.,4-a Gooiran ft Cos. DIJou, Bkln.. 4-0. ODOke, OIja, Loow'a, Newbanh. N, X., 4-4, Oole i Deaaby, PaUce. M. I. O. Comfort ft Klo(, PsUee, N, Y. O. CoDnara ft Witt. Hip,., Baltimore. Ooncbos. Paai, Pnniect. Bhla. Oonelll, Re^iaa. ft Oo., Oipheoffl, BUn. Goamr, ft Duiri, Boyal, N. Y. O. Oouper, Joe ft Lev, Xoral. N. Y. 0. OoDdoD. Derereaoa ft Oo.. Albaaibra, N, T, 0, Cook. Joe. Victoria, N. Y. 0. ODBkley, flaoTey ft Duolory, Ooloalal, N, T. 0, Ooihlu. Rose, Ooloolal. N. Y. C. OorelU ft Olllrt'ie, Biahwick, Bkln. Conoell. Jss. R., BUmi. Boston. Ovpelaud, Draiter Co., Kniinws, Omahs, Neb.: Na> tkxial, illoH aty, la., H ia. Connelly Dolly. Ramtna, Qrand Raplte, MIcb. "Oolonlai Days." Poll*,, New Darea, Ooon., 4-0. Cremy ft Deyne, Orpheuin, EdmoatOD, Can,; Or- pbouu. Vancoarer, 8.13. Cronla. Morris, ft Ob., Paltoe, Cblcaco, Cree, BlUle, PiecKir', 123tt St., N, Y. 0.. l-3l Procloc'a SSth .St., N. Y. C. 4-0. Croaoion, HentletU, ft Oo. Alhambra, N. Y. a Crossnag ft steward. Alhijibra, N. Y. O. Cosbmaa ft Oe Von.Oarroltoo,Mo. ;Lrona,Kan.,S-13, OimohiKbam ft llarloo, Hipp., Alloa, Ul., 4.«; Rnipresa. St. Louis. 8-10. Oinunin ft Seaham. Panlaccs'. Taooma, Waab.; d'antafw', Portland. Ore., 813, EVELYN CUfflMAH IN VATOEV1IJ.B Cutty. Rllsabelb, LIbeity, Bkln., 4-6. Culleo, James. Ivmprra,, Oraud Rapids. dUch. Cusbmao ft ^uj]derlBnt].<»loDlal,llaverhlllJdass..4-a Darla ft Mattbeirs, Hipp., SL Louis. Uare Bros,, Shea's, BufTalo, Darrell ft Conway. Keith's, Indlanapolla. Darts. Daring, Lirtlc, Newark. N, J,, 4-6. Daniels, Walter, ft 0>., Bouteianl. N. Y. a, 14. Damerel, Oco., ft Co., Orpheum. Uempbls. D'Aiaoie-Dougtaas, Olobe. Phils. Dehllnier, FearL Olnaplc. BuiTalo. Darlt. Geo. O, KelUi's. Lowell, Maas. De Wliitera. Qrace, UoVleker's, Cblcaco, De Mar, Qrace, Kellb'ii, Kl. Wiiync. Ind. Delmore ft L<«, O. O. B.. Pittsburgh. De CordOTo, Lcander ft Oo.. Poll's. Scrantoo, Pa. Deeley. Ren, ft Oo.. Oroheum. Dw .Moines, la. Denumit. Carl. Anwrlean. N. Y. O.. 4-6. Deane, UnrKarel. Onelrj Sq.. N. Y. C. 4-6. Deao's, Dora, Phanlooa, Academy, Fall BlTtr. Mass.. 4.0. De Witt ft .Stewart. Palace. PhUa., 4-0. De .Maiest, Oorl. Orpheuin. Dkln. Delmonl. Al., Ilowant, Ronton, ]>evaro ft Zeineter, Dowdolo 8q., Boston. De LoncB, Cross Kers, Phils., 4-0. !<• Trlckry. Cor, Grass Keys, Pblls., 4-4. DlTlnolT. lilo, MnJCH'l?. .Mlltv.iukec. Diamond ft Qraitt, VIclorls, N. Y. a r=xoii. Bowen ft DI:;on, ijlyinplc. Eoffslo. Docbslader, Lew, Keltb's,'Toledo, O. Dirls. Mile,, ft Dojs, Sim's. UulTillo. Pcoley. Ray, Trio. Orplieiim. irarrlsburf Pa. Doit. Morlc. Orpbeiioi, Mon^rejl, Con. Dockslader, Lew, KeUb's, Toledo. 0. Prnlln ft MrRsle, ^riihe'i-n, Mlrnespolls, Docler ft Erelyo, Orpbeum, Sloui Olty, la. Decldry. Will, l>ro:lor-a liatb St.. N. Y. O., i-9, Dolce Slstcfs (3), Rreprefti, Clnelooall. tvi.ertja. Hie. Keltb's, .'.oirell Mrs*. Prawev. Prlxo ft Hambo. Keith's. Clereland. Duokdr'a Beil Rhigeis. Kellh'a. Oolunbus, O. Dunedlc Duo, Cokiolal, Norfolk. Va., 4-0. Dupree ft Dopree, Keith's, Wssblogton. DofTy ft Loimse. Majestic. .Milwaukee. Da Bols. Wluned. Proctor'a. .ilbanr, 4-6. Dunn SlBtera. I'roctcr's, Troy. N. Y.. 44. B i Ba>oncl»Isl ^a TJlOCHElJ Make a cough easy by preventinsT the irrita- tion that inducoB coughing. Free from opiates. 2Sc,60o and $1,00. Sample fYe«, Jftbn 1. Brown > Sum, BumUm, Dunn ft Stereos, Pioctor's. Troy. N. Y., 4.,. DursI, Viola, Uiew'., Tonnlo. Can. Dunnicre Breiyo, Royal, N. Y. 0. FRED ft ilNITA BRAD p^nSS'^-rar;.?'^ Bl Hey Slaters, Palace. Ohlca^, Elklos, Fay & Blklns. Proctor's 125tb Bt„ N. T. O., 1-3; Pfoclor'8 08th St.. N. Y. O., 4-0. Elliott & West. Prfletor'B, Albany, N. Y., 4-». Elllbon. Grice, l*ro»i>ect. Hhln. KIretrlc. Orpheum, XlUvoukee. DmmelU Mr. & Mrs. Qugb, St. James. Bostot, 4-4. Kmorson & Baldwin. VarlelIe«.Terre lIaute,Ind.,4-0 F.<)ullIo DroB.. St. Jimes, Dostoo, 4-0. Krrol, Bert, Kelth'H, Bostoo. FoBmottd. Mr. & Mrs., Orpheum, Altoona. Pa., 4-0. Kfans, Billy & Clara, daiety, ChlciiKo, Indof. ICrans, Chas., A Oo, Keith's, Otoroland. First VaoABt Week, May M. 1015 Mgr.- Cbus. A, Pouoliot, Pal. Theatre BIdg,, N. Y. 0, •Bradley ft .Vorrla, .Marytind, Baltimore. Urice, Fannie, Palace, N. Y. C Brueh, Frlu ft Lucy, ^lien'a, -llurrola Hrlndnmour, Orntieuoi, lliiTTl^iurs, Pn. "Bride 3bop, The,'* Kellh'R, IndlnnapollR. Urown, Delmore & Brfnvo, INjll'a, SprlngHeld, Alasa. Brooks & llowen, MaJestLc, Alllwankee. Jirady & Milioiiey. Defancey St., H. Y. 0,. 4 0. Brower, Walter, Flatbuab. Bklu., 4 0. Drj-anta (2). Oipbeam, Dosion, 4'0. A wm I wm YE OLDEN DATS AlTD PRESENT WATS BOOKBO BOLiID OR BIO TIMH HARBT- EVENS & SMITH -DAVE Tlreen, Hanr. Royal. N. Y. O. JJrl£fatons. Tlx, Poll's, henr Harco, OoDn,. 4*0. Burr ft llopc, Tonple, Detroit. Uuroa ft ^lon, 'reoiple, Rocbeater, N. T. BiirDbau ft Brwin, btvbeum. Kaasaa 01&. Ifo, "lluterly ft Rose,'' Pnetor's OSthSt., N.I,0., 4-4. Burke ft Barke, Orpheom, Doston, .4-0, Burke ft Harris, Loew's, Toronto, Can. nurk«, Jolia ft Use, Proapeot, Bkln, Duroa & lana. I^pect. Bkln. Busb, Kratik, Nlion, Phlla, Jiurt, Anna, Olympic, Boiralo. Dyal ft Bariy, Orand, PblU, Oasail ft l)e Verne. Dajloii. O.. lodef. Oaliarls ft OIco, t3olonlal. Chlca^, 4-0. Cnrcenm, De VItt ft Oo.. Knipreoa, Knnsss OIlT, Mo. Crnieron A O'Oinoor, E^le, ItlrmlnjAam, Ala. Oarus ft Bandall, Ljrlc. BlrrolDsbini, Ala. Cnniien, Zars, Ttk), Doalnloii, Ottawa, Can, Carona Doo. Bhea's. Ibronto, Can, Calvert, tSatberloo, ft Ok., Keith's, Waahlnitoi. Carter, Waters ,t Oo., PnK'.ti»i's 23d !t„ N. T. O., 1-3: Proctor's, actKiicclndy. N, Y., 4-0. Cannen'a Mluatiels, Praetor's l'3d 8t., N.Y.0.,4.6. CncDeld ft Oarleloo, Piwlor's. Ht. Vernoa, H. Y.. 4-0. OnTolIo's Circus, Proctor'a, Mt. Vcmon, N.T.. 4-0. Cahlwell, Dlaacbe, American, N, T. O., 4-0. Carbrey Bn»., Orpheum, N. T. O., 4-0, Cnrrall ft Blekey, St. Jaiaea. Bmon. 4 0. CslTcrt, Mannierlle, Bli»u, ,1ackwi, MIcb.. 4-4. Calirornla. Illlou, Jackson, Mleh., 4-0. Cunuen. Ilowaxd, Bostoa. Carioll. KeaiUif ft Pay. On^ouni, Mllwankee. Carr. Ulille. ft Oo., KeUb's. I.owell, .Mass. Cerene Troaiie, Tth Ato., N. Y. O.. 1-3. Flat- buab, nUn., 411. Clili- ft Marble, Kellh'a, <;ieTelan<!. Chanlne, (ixiibnun. N, Y. C. 1-3; Columbia, llkln.. 4-8. Chllds, Joanctle, Loe%r'B, Ponahkefi-ple, N, Y.. 4m. Challls. nelh, nonl*T.ild. M, Y. 0.. 4-0. Olialloner. C^lherloe. Oo., Ulciv, Phlla. Chsller Blatera ft Ililllday. Olyople. BulTale. Clinton ft Beatrice, llnonaa A Puller, ladtf. TBB dlRLS BBHIND TBB ODNS GLINTONandBEATRICE DBENNAN & FPUiBa AtiBtnilla. Inilollnlto Cllir, Laddie, Ofpbcum, eioux Oily. Is., B-13. Olnrk ft Tunier, llose B.Tdcll'a Co., Iadef. Clayton, Ileusle, ft Co.. Kellb's, Loalarllle. Clarion, Kra, Ulup.. Dtlllnnre. "Olaint Acent," Kioery, Prorlilenee, 4-0. CIsnile, Tub;, Royal, N, Y. U. Olsrksoo, (leo.. BowilulB Sq., Uniton. Clarke ft Ora, OtUot UolthU, Oinal tM, 1- iMaith t. Presdaallnc "BETWAKN B.«TT1,B8'> Special Scenery^ Eirecta. Flaying V. B. 0. Time "Brerfbody." National, N. I. a, 1-3; Loew's, Newark. N. J.. 4-0. Exposition Four. CMonlal, Norfolk, Ta., 4-0. Farber Olrls. Kellb'a. (Jlnclnutl. Farrell-Tsjlor Trio. Keltb's, Ft. Wsyne, lodt. Pay, Kvs, Proetor'a, Albany, N. Y., 4.6. Fanton'a Athletes. Loew's, Toronto, Can. "Ksahlna Shop, The," Omheum, Altoona, Pa., 4.4, Falls, Archie ft Oertle, Keystone. Phils. Fslhe ft Adams, Wm, Pesn, Pblls. rem. Ilnrry, ft Co.. Keith's. Clerelsnd. Frni. Ilsy, ProclWe :3d 8t., N. Y. 0„ I-S: Pioclor's, Mt. Vernon. 4-ll, Felli ft Tsiie. Alhambra, Pblls., 4-6. F(-oiier ft TaJIunn, Varlcles, Tem Baata. Ind.. 4 6, FInk'a Comedy Clrci*, Mcyic',(cr'p, Gilcaao. Flelils, W. 0., Oniheiun, Otsnd Rapids, HIcb. Fields, Faille, Colonhl, Norr.iU. Vs„ 4-0. r:irKlbbou. Bert, Poll's. ScMuton, Pa. Klfher ft Qrven, Dc'iwl^k. Dkln. I-1nlry. Bob. BIJon, Jackson, Ulch,, 4-6. Flsiismn ft Kdwards. Keirh's. Phils. VIetchew, Isabelle, ft Oo.. Pnctor's 2M Bt, N. T. g, 1-8 i Pfoctor'a IMth BL, N. Y. C, ^4. B. KELLY FORREST PHEHIDICNT OF TBB nODO*9 UNIONS DinECTIOM - DILLY ATWELL Fold. Max ft Hntwl. OrphPUD. Montreal, Can. IVater-lloll ft Co.. Kellh^i, Pmvidpuce. Pegarty, Frank. Keith's, Washtiielon. Fcj, Eddie, & FnDily, Ifajeadc, Mllwaokoe. EDDIE FOY .IKD SEVEN LITTLE FOYS DIrccllon HAIUtY FITZOEnALD Fonda, Mabelle, Tienpci, Gmnd, nichlandtoira, Md., 4-11. rent ft Hewitt, l>n»n<v:t. Bkb). Fonl ft Traly, llowarl Boston HABBT FOX and XANCSI DOIXT IN VAUDEVILLE Vnr Twlno ft Frey. McVlcker's. Cblesso. Fnofclin ft Oreeo, Palace. Ohlca^. Frana, aig.. Troupe, I>roclor's I2Stb St., N, T. C. 1-3; PnctoCa nstb St., N. Y. O., 4-4, Prsnels A Tones, Proctor's. Albany, N, Y,, 4-4. Knncbi. Kilty, ft Oo. American, N. Y, 0,, 1-3) Qreelcy Oq., .N. Y. C, 4-0. Kridktnrsby Tioupe. Orpbeum Dkln. FrlHaDoa, Trlile, Albambra. N. Y. O. Froalnl, Tatlclln, Tcite nanle, lad., 4.4. MAE FRANCIS TBB FABBIOn PLA.TB QIIU. IN VAUPBVILLB •Fiey, Henry,'Ke;«tone, Pbtlj, Francis ft Rose, Olobe, Phils. Fredericks, Muskal, Lyric, Indlanaavlls, 4-0. Gaailaebmldts. Tbe, BIJou, ^rannah, (M,, 4-4. Osxolgne, C1e>. Olnaplc .Memphis. QsKoriies, Iloysl, Delancey St., U. Y. O., 1-3; Oniheum. N. Y. 0., 4 4. Oaby, Frink, Ttb Are,, N. Y. O. 1-3. Oabrlrl, Hester, ft Co., Vsrlelles, Terrs Bante, Ind,, 4-0. Oallon. Grand. Phlla. Gardner ft Le Roy, Olynmle, Baffalo. Oeenie, Edwin, Keith's, IndlsnapoUs, QeoiioUa Ttlo. Proetofo IMih at, rf. T. ft, 4< . SAM GILDER The OrlBlnal Loae Star Hluatral P. B. O. TIME Miectlon HABBY BAPF Gillette, Lacy, Temple, Detroit, Gllllniwaler, Claude, it Co,, Palace. Cblcsfo. "Girl from .Milwaukee," Orpheum, St. Paul, enroll. Hairy. Oipbeum, Sloni Olty. la. Olhhs, Cbas.. Proctor's CSth St.. N. Y. O. 1-3: Proctor's 23d 3L, N. Y. O, 4-0. GILMORE tb CASTLE ONITBD TIMR Direction. PBTB MACg Gibson, Rath, ft Oo., Lyric, Newark, N, J., 4-4. anils jsi, Orpbeum. N. Y, 0., 1-3; Ttb Are., N. Y. d.. 411. "(UtI from Mscj's," Lyric, Hoboken, N. J., 4-4. UUsoo ft Pemoot. Portl and, Portland, Me, 4-4. CHARLES GILLEN with OBACB LA RCB DNITED TIME Gladiators, The, Shea's. Toronto, Oan. Olose, Angusta, Proctor's, Troy, N. Y., 4 4. Golden ft West. Kmpress. Kansas Olty, Mo, Gordon, John, ft Co.. Shea's, BuITbIo. Gordon, Kitty, i Co., O. O. II., Plttshar(b. Goriloo ft Ulca, Grand, Syrseuie, N. Y. Gotdea. Oloude, Mnjestlc. Cblca^. Goeu, Odenian. Lincoln Sq., N. Y. O., t-S; Oo- limbla. llkln.. 4 0. Oeuld, Rita. Kmeiy. Prosldence. 4-0. Goad ft Laacdoo. Albambra, N. Y. 01 * GORDON and GORDON NOVELTY, AOROBATIO, CONTOKTIONISTS PeraaaHont Address. W. T. CLIPPEH. Gordone, Robbie, Grand. Pblls. Ooldlnfr ft Keallnf, Keystone. Phlla. Ocssans. Bobby. Majesllc, Weal Orore, la.; Vaude, Doudi, 8-13, Oruher ft Kew, Park, tlltehell. Mo.' Electric. Joplln, Mo., 8-10; Bleclrle. Kansas City, Ksn., 11-13. "Green Beetle. The," Orpbeum. Qrand Rapids, Mleh. Oieen, Flbel, Keith's, Indlsnanolls. Onhnm ft Randall, Omiieiim. Jaekso&Tllle. Fls. Orimth. Fred., Proctor's. Troy. N. Y., 4-8, arima ft Lewis, Lyric, Newark, N, J., 4.6. Grand Opera Trio. OInnpla, Boston. Oranrllle. Bernard. Victoria. N. Y. O. GievDiy Tnmpe, Olynpla, Beaton. Owynn ft Geaaett, PoM'a, New Hstip, Obm., 4-4. EFF1E in BILLT HILL TALE BTOOK CO. BBOOKTON, KAflS., Inileanlte Bayward ft fiLilTord Go., Majevtlc, Dallaa, ^x.; 'Majeellc. MobsIoo, 8-18. Hallen ft lluoter, Lycenin, tTanton, O.; Grand, Phlla,, 81;!, Hawthorne & ItigUs, Orphe'ini, Montiesl, Oan. Hart. Marie ft Billy, Msjesllc, Dallas, 'Tel.; Mc- Jesllc, UouBtoo, 8-13. Harris ft Rainioll, Pioctor'a bSIb St, N. Y. C 4-0; Proctor's, Mienectady, 8-10, MHALLENiNDBURTvta Direction JOSBPB n. SMITH naydn, Bo:ton ft nardo. Colonial, Cblcaco. 4-6. HaTcoian's Aulinsls, 0. tj. H., Plttshutnb, Haalou Bros,, Temple, Rochester, N. Y. Harrington, Isiwrvnce, Proetor'a 08tt St,, N, Y. O.. 1-3. Hall, Vera, Proctor's. Albsny. N. Y., 4-8. Bansoo, Alice. Llncohi Sq., N. Y. O., 1-8: Flat- buab. DhUl., 4-0. EarrayDo Vera Trio, American, N, Y. C, 4-6. MARIE AND BILLY HART In "TUB CIRCUS GIUL." Direction JAMES B. I'LUmtBTT, Rayea, Edmnod. ft Oo., BIJou. nkla.. 4 0. ' Haywood Slatetfl, Albambra, Phlla,, 4.0. Vawtey, Halitht ft 0>., Prospect, Dkln, Bamld, Onllle, Olfiheura, Ukln. Halperln, Nan, Dushwlck, Ukln. Hajpco, U. 0., ft Co., Olympic, DulTalo. Uaason ft aialds, OoloB lal, HaTerhUl. Hois,, 4-0. The Haywards rm. addra, white RAT8.Uooke<laaUd40 weeks Uaruon BIsten, Greely's, Portland, tfe^ 4-4. Herman, Lew, St, Olslr, GreensbuTit. Pa., 4-S; O. n„ Lslrobe, 8-10; O, IL, MeyerdaJe, 1113. flenry ft Adelaide. American. Ohkaflo, 4-0. IleiuTS, Plylna. Lyrle. Rlcbuiond, va , 4-0, ITcnabaw ft Arery, Temple, Rochesler, N. Y, Berrera. Proctor's 126lh St., N. Y. O, "Her First Osse," Proctor's, Troy, N, Y., 4-fl. nerhrrt ft Dennis, American, N. Y. 0., 1-S; Flst- busb, Dkln., 4 0. nelm, Dud ft Nellie. Lyric, nobobcn. N J., 4-0. "Her Naine Was Deanls." Liberty. Bkln., 4-0. flennlnas. John ft Winnie, Colonial, N, Y. 0. dielcn. Oaby, Eeltb's. Phils, nilllar, W. J., Psnt,ima'. I'ortlscA, Ora irillebnndl. Fred, Hipp., St. Uuls. nines ft FoT. Mnjentlc. Oli!i!;uro. Iltifisn, Oos, Rrnle Msrhs Oo,. luM, IIOLsloo, Uenry, Touring Australia, Iadef. "Iloney Girls," McVlcker's, Oilcago. Mae Holden TUB BLBCTBIO 8PABK QAIBCTY GIRLS CO. nclmcs ft Rlltar, Enipr>8s, Kansas Olty, Ho. Ilcyt ft Wsrde)(. Ulnp., Louis. Holt. Air. J.. Cohinlal, Erie, Pa. Uocdlnl, Orpbeom. Montteal, Csn. Ifoirmsnn, (lertrode, ft Co.. MsKelle, Ohicsgo. IIowBid. (Asa, ft Co., Orphenm, SInnx Olbr, Is. IIollls. nolly, Procter's. S<>heneclady. N. V. 4-6. Iloffmaa 1.0,1, Loew'i. NewViryh, N. Y., 4-0. Holmes ft Wells, Olobe. Itos^jo. 4-8. HURST.WAnS& HURST FLAYINQ WESTERN TADDR7ILLE TQIE. DlRcUos HABBr W, BFINQULD.