New York Clipper (Feb 1915)

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FEBBUABY 0 THIfl ISTEW YORK CLIPPER 19 DON'T BE MISLED BY COUNTERFEITS The Only Real and. Genuine Sons FIFTY I I. the One^ by SMITH & BURRI8, WrI.ors cr"Bnllln' the J ack," anti B I S M E D JOS, W. STERN & CO; I02-I04 W. 38lli Sl. NEW YORK CITY BodgklM. Mr. Ic Mn. >>flr Colonlil, K, T a EoccbtOD, Morris ic Unur'ilM. Stion. PbWa' UudKn, B«rt E., o. S., £ln>T, W1>.: o.' H.. Uxll. 8-20. /. n . v.. n., Bont, Bnndon, ft Oa., Bbn'a, T«n»to, Oin. HniillDit, Uw A Uolll«, Kfllh'a. Wublnstn. BnBm ft I/OcMirt Olrla, RleliBrdjDii, Oiwcso. N. Dlr««<leii IflTBD TmB PAT OASBY fijnuek, K«Ith*A. Oolanlnu, o. Bjuiu & MclDtjiv. Olvbfua. Stou 011^, li. iDct, OUrt, Oipbfum, Des -Uolncs, li. IntttwrtloHl Six, Pilaw, Hilla., 4-0. Irwlo, May, ft Co., Ontbtum, Nev Or)«Bsi, lancd, Oiptatam, K«ir orleana. lihakama Japa, Croaa K«t«. PhJU. It«1i ft Itch. Boward, Bobioq, Iltllao MoakctMK (S), KcTaiow, PbDa. Jaooba' Doga, Marylaoa. llalUmolc. Jarrow, Lyric, Bimlns'ti-in, Ala. Jack ft Porta. Uijmllc, illlnaokw. Jahos (8), OrphaoiD, Nev (irleana JavMs, Uorrla, ft Co.. mxlor a, AIUdt, N.T„4-4. itmt, Aaitmj, Pall Rlnr. Mn-t., 4 0. JiOvraoa, Jo:!., ft Col, »rnli«3ni, Mlnnoapnlla. Jcrts ft namllloD, Proct-H'a 1291b SI.. N.y.O.,4-0. Javcll OooMdy Four, iJrand, I'hlli. Jchutonf, Umlcal, BIpn., DuMId, Irt.: I^pln, Bradfoid, Bnjf., 9.13; Palace IToll. 10.20; Emplrr. Lnds, 2S-S7; Palan, Mandintor, tfanh 1-0. Jobuoa ft BockloT, Prociur'a 13Gth St., N. T. 0,, 1-8; Proclor'a fiStb !<t., N, Y. O., 4-0. JcbsaOD's Dun, Llnrolu Rq., H, Y, C„ AmwIcaD, N. V. 0., 4-0. lean ft Icihnaon, Ornb«L-n, N, Y. O., 1-3: Boid^ Tanl, N. Y. a. 4-0. CcDM ft SylTnler, UIJoo. Jacbion. MIcb.. 4 0. '•Juat Hair Way." 7lh Av.v. N. Y. C, 1-3: Ful- ton, nkln., 4-0. KnDfiiun Bisters. Bhalwr. Itklo., 4-0. KwnaD, Prank, ft Co.. Kt. Wa>nr. Inil. Kwina, Cbaa., 7th Arg, .S. Y. g. 4.0. KELLY^GALVIN Direction HARRY SPIWOOLD Kaloa (8), nipp., naltliiio:«. CroDeilye. Dancing, locw's. 1\n<o(o, Can. Krily, Waller 0., Kclth'«. Pro>:il«ncc. Ktnao ft Window, Orand. .<tymcuio. N. Y. Kc:ao. tSi. ft Mrs. Janm. Omn'l, :?yracurc. N. T. KiDjDton ft Elcner, I'lntbMm. Dulalb, Minn. Kluuieni. 'riK, Proc:«r's 12.);h si.. N. Y. c, 1-3; i'roclor's, Albany, 4-0. Kag, Dottle. Lyric. Nemrk N. J.. 4 0. K.ltk ft t\>girty, Duatiwlck. Bkln. Kliouraa, Tbe, OluUy's. PortlKOd. Me.. 4-0. KoH) ft Barlaod, Orpbetun. Dmver; Orpbeom, I/lncolo. 8-18. Kornaa. Fred, Lyric. BtoliinODd, 7a.. 4K). Kobe Troupe. Amerlcio, N. Y. 0., 4.0. KoralMto, SonU, DIJou. Boaton. Konen Broo. (4). Lyric, IndlaauioUs, 4-4. Kiemka Broa.. KellVa. (Xnclnnttr. Kramer ft kfortDO. Oryfaeom. llarrlabor;, Kionold, Bans. Orpbeum. Mempbla. Lancloo, Loeler ft Oo., Foraylb. Atlanta, Ot, Lai Moo KhD, Lyric. Blnnlnnboai. Aln. LiDidoo*. Tbe, Kellb'a. Onclonttl. Laiar ft Dale. Orpbeum. JickaouTllle, Fli. L* Bona, Boiy. Oomloloo. Otuvi, Can. Lanbertl, Orpbeum. St. faul. La Prance Bros, ft Eugeoe, pfoclot's Mlh St, N. Y. O.. 1-S. La Tlaa. Mile.. Proctor'a SSIta St.. N. Y. O, 1-0. I«be. Max. Proctor's 120tb St, N. Y. O., 4-0. La Palsa, Prator'a. Bchrnwiadr, N. Y., 4-0. Lane. Plant ft Tlmoona. Delaocey SL, N. Y. 0., 1-.1; Loew'a. Poucbkceptle. 4-0. Lang ft Ooolter. Oreeley Bq., M. Y. a, 1-8: Anerlnn. N. Y. C. 4 0. Id Delia Oomlniiea. Orpbeum. N. Y. C 4-6. Laat Hope." Glooe. Bodt'Mi. 4-0 Lawloo, Lyric. Robokro. N. I., 4.0. La Boe, Oraco. TIclorln. N. Y. a Lauder. AUck, Victoria. N. Y. 0. La Palma, Aloia. Bljoo. Bostoo. La Ooata. BIJou. Bontou. La Tltcomb, Orpbenn. Boxton. 4-0. l» Paela ft Oo.. Howard. Boatoo. "Lawn Party. Tbe." Wm. Penn.. Fblli, La Toy Bros., Keith's, Lowell, Uaa«. MARK LEA PEATDREO WITH PftgglWO BBVlgW OF 191* lelcbtAi ft Roblomn, American, Chicago, 4-0. Le Uocn ft Dupree<:e. Temple. Delfo!*. Leu ft Oranatoo, Orpbemn, BajTlaboTV. Pa. Leenard ft l.oule. OrrelFj Eq., N. Y. 0., 1-8; Emtiy, ProTldeniie. 4-0^ ALWATS A liTTTLB AHEAD OV TRB DCROB BAL STEEL C LAD WARDROBE TRlTNK f45.00 Donbls TrolloT, steel Ronnil. Flbi« OoTOicd, ood It la BDIL.T BT BALi _A P«w of Onr Osii^f-TowB Aceatai W. A. DAOON ft CO BoKion. Mass- QDARANTRG TRUNK CO Ilartfortl, Conn. niR TRTOR SHOP New llKVcn. Conn. HYIIACDSR TRUNK 00 SrnicUBC, N. Y. B. BILTBR Dridgcport Conn. TDSTIN'8 TRUNK BHOP. DIogbnmloD. N. V. Ann BMPORIUM BulIUIo. N.Y. HAN DEL nR OTUSnS Ohlcngo, III. WnXXAM BAX, Ino. ^ 14 W. 4l>tlt at., . • ■•w York. ■M.n, HI.' BESSIE LE GflOIIT fjuter TMo. Hipp,, Baltloion'. Lewis, HeaiT, Albamhra. K. Y. a Lewla. Tom. Bualiwlck. Dklo. Li<nanl ft Russell. Du.'rtiisick Rkln Leiliel ft jMoetlo. HIjou. Jacksoo,'Ulcb., !■«. Ury, Jack, ft Oa, Onaa Kcyai Pblu., 44. LEWIS Ain» WARD ALWAYS WOBKUa ia Oteao Vnir Ato.. WoodbaTon. M. T. tlllleOeld UirloD. ft Go.. Kvlth'a, Phlla. I/nd. Homer, ft Co.. PoU'a. ScrAfloa. P*. "Little .Miss U. B. A.," OolonlaL BaTeiUlL Man.. 4<. I>;d, Bosle, Orani. Syraeoao. N, Y. IJrid ft Urllt, Palace. SprlngOold, Ua»., 4-41. Lotetta Twins. Kellb'a, Oolambus, O. LAse ft SlerllDff. OrirtietsD. Ilairlabuiv. Pa. Lockett ft WaldroD,^ Olpheum, New Oncans. Loolae ft Ullchell. Loow'a. Newark, N. J., 4-4. Loiettaa (3). Qlotie, Boston. 4-0. Loni ft Elliott, aiobc. Phlla. Loclera (4). Rmpim, Cblcaro, 4-0. Lstllle ft Pariot, Temple. Rwbater, N, T. Lucky ft Yout. Olym^la. Beaton. Luts. Clare, ft Co.. Academy. Buffsla Ludlnii ft Stuart, Tbomastllle. N. a, 4-0. Ljons ft Yoaco. Colonial. Rrle. Pa. Vllon. Roy. ft Co.. Kellb'a, LouIstUIc Mario ft Tierette, MeVlcker's. Ctlcago. FRANK MAGKEY DOINO "DUTCn" WITH OHAB. ROBINSON 8 CARJiATlO.V BEADTlEa Mattbn Tth>. MeTlcker'a, OhlOKO. MQXIne Bros, ft B^Miy, Lyric, Ulralnj^haiD, Ala* Man Bros, ft Co., Keith's. I'roTldence. MacDonouAh. Rtbel. Poll's. Scranloo. I'o. Msyo ft Tolly. Sbva'9, Toronlo, Can. Harkley. Pnnk, Keith's. TcIhIo. O. Mack ft Walker, Palace. Chicago. Uason ft K«eler 0>„ Uniheum. MloneanoHs. Hae ft Adills. Proctor's ilil St.. N. Y. 0.. 1-3. Maoklni. The. Proclor'a 2M 31., N. Y. 0., 1-3; f roctot-n 128th St., N. Y, g, 4-0. THE MAGLEYS SPECIALTY DANCBRS. DIBECTION OF M. 8. DENTHAM. Uaek ft Maek, Pnetor'a 23d St.. N. Y. O.. 44. HallJand. Mailio P., Uoolcrard. N. Y. O., 1-3; Pulton. BMo.. 4-0. Madden ft C\iia. Loew'a. Newhursh. N. Y., 4-0, Manihon Omcdy Pour. St. James. Boaton, Uarletie'a Manikins. IIIpp.. Baltimore. UauTlce ft. Wilnn. Oiiineuoi. Dkln. ftUnella'B Bltdt, Albamhra. N. Y. a Mario ft Dnirj. Ooloulal. N. Y. O. Uatlbowa ft Stiayne. Keith's. Olndnnatl. Ifacart ft Bradford. Empreca. OndnnAtt PRODVCKR VIOLET MASCOTTE Perm, ndd.. Tbe Bnng»k)w. Rmndelph, M>«». PIiodo Madden A Fltapatrlck. Wkn. Penn. Pblla. Moraliilt, Dollf, Colonial. Logaosport. Ind., 4-tl. Mack ft William. Keith's, Lowell. Mass. ".Mau la the Dark, The," Bute SI., Tmlon, R, J.. 4-0. lIcNutts. Crrllnff. American. OilcSKO, 4-0. MrKlnlCT. Kell, Barir'^i. Cli'.cn^o. 4-0. Vclntoah ft MildH, lll|ip.. Sc. Ix,ula. Hi-Drillt, Kelly ft I.nce7. Colonial, Erie. Pa. aioDcnuolt. Dllly, Palace. N. Y. a Ik'cConnack ft Irvlnv. OriiluMn. JucksotiTllle. Pla. ttrClond ft Cun>. 0. O. il.. PItlsbntrh. KiflrcvTCT, Mr. ft Mn. Jack, Bba'r, Toronto, Can. The MoNutts "HCTTY MoNDTTS" C omedyAerobaUcCyclUia. UlrecUoii Pmnt Boliin UcUabon ft Oiappelle, Kellh't. Warblnxton. McConnoll ft HImpson, i)riihe*tm. St. Paul. MiGowaa ft Oordan, Pronor'B Sflb St., N. Y. a. t-3. Mraure ft Dolly. Natlonll. K. Y. 0.. 1-8; Oreeley So.. N. Y. a, 4fl. MrMIIIan. Llda. ft Co.. Pliiibert. Bkln. 4.0. tlcNaui:htan ft Stosri. .Ohjiibni. N. Y. a McOlrnry. Owo. Crystal. Mllnackce. MrMahoR DIuioad ft Cbajilow, Globe Phlla. McixmrnvAllken Co.. I'nntixer'. Seottlo. Waah. UelTlns (31. Oinheam. JacVconrllle. Fla. lUetsetlls (3). Oirhenm. Duluth, Minn. TWO BOYS AND SIX TABLES MENNEUI & SIDELLI Tboae LnJIctonn Acrobatn Booked bollil PHILADELPHIA jQA New Jersey Central EVERY HOUR ON THE HOUR Ffwm Lilbortf Bl., T A, H. to 10 P. M. smd at HIilBlght yrlth ■■••pan 10 HIN0TE8 OF TUB HOUR Pnna W. a3d St. VOUR WATCIi IB YOUR TIMB TABLB Coniuil P. W. HEROY, E. P. Agt liM BBOAOWAY. IIBW YORK. DO YOU COMPOSE Bongiorlnilrumoniftlllaalot If so, b« 8DRR to base auno uramted tir no KXPKHTI An nnUtlo nmnnmeniraunasDcoKsa I I hayedoiioIIUN- DREU8 or blO I1IT81 wnio or call anemoonA 84 ■VOBNB PliATZHAIfn Or» Bhaplto. Ba> W» BTtli Bt, M. Y. C. B<olch Players. Lincoln Rq., N. T. O. 1-8: Anwrlcan. N. Y. a. iH. flehjtilinn ft Itoolley. (trphinun, Kinna City. Mo. S47-nwur ft Uowanl, .Majesllc. I'alormit. N. J., 4-0, Herlian's Do)n. Orribenin. Slon City. Ta. Merkelt. Bert. Oiroeuni. Bloux City. la. Mryako Slaters. On'beum. Ukln. Melnpolll.ui MIosliels. aWie. Pblla. Ulller ft Vincent, (indii-uni. Kausaa Olty, Mo.; Oolunbla. St. Loula. 8.13, Milton ft De 1.001; Sisters, Sben'a. EulTalo. Mlllmnn. Bird, ft Co., OtribeaD, Olonlml, Can. illlliT It LyI-. Kcllb'o, Plills. _ ^ „ _ Miles. Homer, ft Co.. Teiniile. Iticbesler. N. Y. Mlltou. Wslter. ft Oo.. Shea's. TV^ponlo. Oan. bllllcr ft Vincent. On'heini. onnu City. Mo. Miller ft Kelt. Pronlor's LSSIh BL. N. Y. 0, 1-8; Ljric, Nroark. N. J.. 4,(>. Miller. Irene. Acailemy. Fall Rlrer. Man., 4-Q. Ulllanl. KlaK ft Walmn. Family. Rocbestcr, N. V. "Uoforlnir." Victoria. CliirUwton. H. O.. 4*0. iMorrls, Mr ft .Mn. Wm.. Proclor'a IZOIh St., N, Y. 6., 1-3. Vornn, Beatrice, ft Oo.. Proclor'a Mlh SL, N. y; 0.. 1-3 i Proclor'a 120IU St.. N. Y. O., 4-0. Uole. Editb. Proctor's. Mt Venxm, N Y., 4-0. Morrell. Prink. American. N. Y. C.. 1-3- Morris ft Beasley. Oreeley Sq.. N. Y. O., I-B| Ni!lanal. N. Y. C, 4 0. Motelle'B, Besirlce. Seitetle Plalbnsb. Dkln., 4-0. Moss ft Fry. Loew's. Newark. N. J.. 4 0. .Montrose % SydeU, Qkitie. Boston. 4 0. MonsTCb Ooinedy Four, Alhsmbn, Pblla., 4-4. t'orrls ft Wilson. Palace. Ph'ls.. 4-0. Moore ft Younc. Albamhra, N Y. O. y<w Qoartette. Vic'yirli. IIocb<elep N. I. Hilton ft Sbeen. Ullinlll. N Y. 0. Moore ft Ystn*. Wm. i'enn. I'lilla. Morton ft Austin. Nlion. I'blla. Moore. Capl., Majestic. Palerson, N. J., 4-9. Monelte. Kelth'a, Loneoll Man. Ilonela Fire, Portland, Portland, MO.. 4-0. Morse. Joe. Purtlanil. I'orllaiMl. Me., 4K>. Moran ft Wlvr, Palace. K. Y. C &<ullane, Fronk. Kelth'a. CIncUinall. I'lnphT. Mr. ft Mrs. Mark, Lyric, V*., 4-0. Unllea ft Coonn. Majestl; UllwaukA Murphy ft Thomas. Nljoii. I'blla. Murphy ft Poley, SL lame*. Boston, 44, IIiaTk: Bird. Tlh An., N. V. Oi, 4.4. Myeiu, Aithor, BIJoo. Boatxi. Naidlne, Ofsclc. Temple. Detroit. Ktslmora, Palace. N. T. O. Nash, Jnllan, ft Oa,, Otvhejm, Uantsbni, tm> Krstit A allTotd. Harylinl. Drlllmom NelaoD * Nelaoo. Kellh't. lodlanapolla. N«wlald A Orlbheo Oipbem. Mutiral, Oaib Needham ft Wood. RoiTon. Allerheoy, Pa. "NepluiM'a Oaida," Palace. N. Y. a NIeholt-Melaon Troupe. Hipp.. Bt. Lonla. Mhlo'a Dots, Proctor'a, Tmy. N. Y„ 44. MKbids, NelU* v., Onkem. Bkla. NIah ft MoNloh. Aoadcmy. IluOalo. Wck'a Skatlni Olrla. BIJou. Bay Olty, Hleh., I t. NoUe ft Brooka, Taurine Australia. Indtf. Ufa I a. Hoilcal (B), Pantaaua', Spokane, V«*.: Paniaies*, Beattle. B-18. Itamaaa. Jaallnf. MeVlctcs'a, Cblcaco. Moidatroo, Marl*, Manlaid, BalUnmi*, Korth, Frank, ft On,. Ornbnnn. lUraeapolla. Itoclos ft Payne. Poll's. Bcrmtoi. Pa. Mordalrotn, Fraocea, ft Oo., Palaoe, 6prtntfMd, Uaas.. 4-0. Dorertas ft Oo., Oraod. BranaTllle. lad., 4-0. Knient. J. Q. ft 0»., Otund. S yi ac u ae. N. Y. Oaklaad Blalers. Majeattc, London. Oan. O'Brleo, Harel ft Co.. Oiphcum, narriubiirf. Fa. O'Olaie. Wm.. ft Olrls. Tlh Are.. N. Y. 0., 4.0. Ckabe Japa. Maryland. BalUmorr. CM BoldkT Flddlem (Si. I.lncola Eu., N.Y.O.. 4-0. "On Itie BiTlera," Oreeley Oq., K. Y. O., 14; Vooleratd, N. 1. O.. -I-O. O'Nell SlsleT* (3). Tth Are., N. Y. a. 1-8. Falrlcola ft Myere. Kmpresa. Oblcaeo, 4-6. Pauline. Orpbeum. Du]u:b, Minn. Parlllo ft Frablto. Orph^un. Kaisaa n^, Mo. Palace Trio. Proctor's. Bchewtady. N. Y., 4 0. "I'srdon. Tbe." DeHnn-y St., N. T. 0.. 4-0. Ftntaer. Paul. I.oew'ii. ro'i4'i!:e.^«le. N. Y,. 4-0. Peslson ft Oolille. Teniiile. Detnlt. Pemilno. Oreeley Hn.. V. Y. O.. 4.«. "I'ekln Mrslerlcs." nuHwlck. Bkln. Pedenon llrw,. Wm. Penn. I'tilln. Polot. FrnI ft Annie. HIate St.. Trenton. VJ., 4-8. Phllllpa, .Vondane. Kmpmis, Ohlcafo. 4A Phllbriek ft Cardownle Bisters. O. O. n.. Pitta- hmith. • i'hillljta, Ulnna. ft 0>.. Proclor'a 23d SL, N. T. O.. 4-0. riaano. Oen.. ft Co.. .MaJmtle. Ft. Worth, Tn. I'Inard. Al., I,.rrlc. Okla. OUy. Ukla.; MaJntle. Ft. Worlli. Tex.. S-ia. Plplfix ft Panlo. Keith's. Phils. 4*1efce fteRoalyo. Pantajtes', flpokane. Waak., 8.18. 'TIpm of Pan." Bnsbwlck. Bkln. IHpano ft Blniham. Lytic, IndlanaiwIU, 4-0. follack. MUtpo. ft Co.. Orphcim. Mooteeal. Oaa. TPEBER AKD BVARB FRE8BRT ■ILTON POLLOCK AND GO. In "SptaMn g ot Fatte r." by OEO. APB Pnllt. Bill. Kelth'a, Ooreland. PclBroae Pour, Palace. Cblcaco. Prelle'a Dop. Ontieum. Dulnlb. Htna. Piont. Bra., Amerlun. HYA.l.^: lllJ«>Dkln.,44 Prince. Arthur. OolonM, N. Y. O. Preeett ft MerrlU. Howiloln Sq.. Boatoo. Qntioga. Manuel. Marylanl. Baltimore Bolpb. Baybl ft Co.. Oipbeutn. Jai-kannrllle, Fla. BavenacTdt. Charlotte, l.rlt'j s. Phlla. fray ft Ullllard. Keith's. Itoledo. O. Itsnedell Diw. Llnmm S, Y. 0.. 4.0. Bale ft Ooe. Varieties. Terrs rianle. Ind.. 4 0. Bayleld, Florence. Vlclsrla. Uucbwiee, N. Y. Bcod'a Dots. Omly'a. PortlciHl. ue. 4-0. Bex c omedy Olrcaa. Lyric. Rlchnond, Va., 4-0. CABBIE BETNOLDS WIITBD TIWB reluier ft (lorn. Orph,*uin, Kev Orleans. Dtdmond. RIU. 'lieel^y Sq.. .V. Y. II.. 1-8; De linen St.. N. y. a, 4-0. r.eoo, 0<o, U.. ft Co.. KuiiirosM. OInelnoall nine. Blanche, ft Co., Oriibenn, Ksnssa 0117, M,b Bio. Andy. 7lh Are., M Y. O, 1-8; Loew'a, New- srk. N. I., 4-0. nicksrds. arls. Lincoln Sq., N. Y. a. 4-*. nice ft Knn.-ls. FIslhuth. Bkln., 4 0. iUttenhoose. Mstelle. BI>M. Iloston. mtetile. Allele. Oarden. naltlmore. Rlveii ft llBirlscn. Orand. Fjesnsrllle. Ind., 4-0. lUroll, Otesar. Hmprtss. Ht. Paul, nobyns,' Ur. ft Mis, Psnlaces'. Bpokane, Wash., Bolland ft Farrell, Kellb'a. Eoaton. Boioh ft UoOnsdy, Msryland. Ilslllmate. Bore. Ruth, Shea's. DnlTalo. BotMS, Will, Lyric, BlehmonJ, Vs., 44. May Roeder "TMB WPT.'' WeMr Act Bhortly. Hoatai (7). flrand. Byraouse. nmer. Al.. ft Slits. Oriibeuro, Dnlnlb, Mian. B<Mr'a Docs. Pmotor'a 2.311 St.. N. Y. a. 1-1; I'nclor's Jt-lh iU., N. Y. C. 4-0. Rase ft Moon. Emery. Pmvliletue, 4-0. Homey ft Pent. Orvhemu. Bain. Bobertt ft Verera, hunliwlck. Bkln. Itoeder'a lorcnlion. Poll's, Hcrantoo, Pa. Roland. Ooo.. Keith's. Jbistnn. Rockwell ft Wood, Crystal, Mllwaiike*. Itosc ft May. Ointieua). Milwaukee. Rot Ids. VIclorlo. N. V. O. Ilochxter. Claire. Vlclorra. N. Y. 0. Bnr. norry. Victoria. N. Y. O Rom ft Rills, Colonial, r^anitwrt. Ind., 4-0. lAvbell, Mark; MoVlcter'a, Cu'^a^o. filioiic, Becnloc^ ft Co., Oipheum. Mcsnnlils. Sherman. Van A Ilrmnn. Nallmial. N. Y. 0., 4-t. Shran ft Warren. Vl.-tnrla. N. Y. 0. Bblmller. Cleo.. Lyric. Newark. N. J.. 4-0. M hm in Khp tans UNITED TlitB , Fllrer ft Da Val. Proctor'a, Sehenectady. N.Y., 4-B. BiDEer'ii Miditetl. StnAvrl. Bkln. (tllrerada. Madam, Family, Uochesler, N. Y. mt M V mmg i | ■ M Skipper. Kennedy ft IKwees. l'anla(«a'. Jm 1» IIIJB I . In. Wlfll_l_a lees. (tel.: plntaees'. Han I>le«^ BJ3. BWr» ■ ■ B«B B WW BtalaW Wells. Im. Delanery SL. N. Y. O., 1-3. \Vi!ii.iii. ,Vm.. ft (ti., l>rvheum. N. X, a, 1-8| biew*'^. .Newliurfdi. 4-0. Wells. U'.r. Nrlliiiinl. N. Y. t\. 4-0. Wrldi. Nella, Oilotilal. N. Y. O. W'elllti«1i,n. Iiave. l»r|tlHninl, Altntna. Fa., 4-0. Wfsdlnx. nuy. ft 0>.. FamllT, Ilnebmter. N. Y. Weher, Uolao ft Frsaer. Lyric. Indlanapolla, 4-0. WELLMEVERUVO TROUPE Fmlist Cyote Art l» VaiidMlllB Wheat A Zeklo. Albnmhra, Pblla.. 4-0. White. Uamllna, Paliee. N. Y. 0. Wlilteslilr. F.iliel. ft I'Icki. OryaUI. Mllwaaket. •■Whilller's llairfuot Jtoy." Victoria, Oharlealol, "When Wo Onsr Up." nnpresa. SL Pan). W. E. WHITTLE IN niS NOW ACT BUWMWn WOltW IN CBXTIIAL PARK Wilson Rma.. Rmiirm, Kanins Olty. Mo. Wllsai, Jack, ft lV>., Kritli'a. ImHaiiaialls. Wlllm Nat. 'TnniiU-. Rioliester. N. Y. Willi ft Ilnusn, Koltli's. Tnlinw. Fla. Wlkle. Mr. ft Mrs. Ilonkiu. <ln>heum. Hennihlt. Winchester. Kil.. I'mctnr's. ANisiiy. N. Y., 4 0. Wlllanl. Kmery. I'roTlilenee. 4.|l. WtnlTrrd ft Msrlln. Palace. Pblla,. 48. Wilson ft Wilson, Kmpras, Cincinnati. leles. Oal.: Pantacea'. San IMeilo, BJ3, Elsjman All's Arabs, nmpieia. Kanaaa Oltr, HOk Slonne. Blanche. Riiau aaa. Bt. Paul. Bmllb, Irene ft Bohhy. Kolth'a, Iloston. Sbrodo and Chappollo "OOBIlia OKB'B LIFB" LOBW UlllCUlT BOLIU telth. flamniy. Ploclor's 12Iltli Bt., N. Y. a, H, bnlley. Krolly. ft Co.. Nlion. Phils, foowden. Khihye, ft Oo.. Mojcatle. Ohlosfa "Society lludi. 'Hie," Keith's, OInclnnaU. Boutherit. Jesn. Uniheuni. Boston. 4-0. tiuMlierH, Tlio. lUJou. Jlkln. "hnusrlng Accooma." Praetor's, Bcheneclidy, N, v.. 4-11. ■tarrett. Uowald U.. Jr.. ZlcffcM FolUc* oC 1B14, Indef. Btamhler. SalUe. ft Droa., Jdmpioaa, Kanaaa OUy, Mo. eiclner Itlo, Keltti'a. Otereland. JESSIE JAHKS SnBLING and CHAPMAN BOOTTIBIl VOOAliIBTB DIrccUun HTOKKU nlHl IIIF.UIIAUKIt Ctcrens, IIsl. ft Oo.. Colonial. Erie. I's. Btime ft Ilujlint, tlrtiliruiii. Ilea Midniii. la. etemrt. Ilnle. a'rwtur's (iHtli St.. N. Y. 0., 1-1; Proctor'a r.Ulb St.. N. Y. <).. 4.(1. Btatie .Stniek Kliln. Ouluiiilila. Ukln.. 4 0. Stanley, .Mae, I'atrUHa, Vaoconrer, Can., Indof. 8tal.:ey. ,lohnny, ft Ud,. Victoria. N. 1. 0. SllllliiKi. Tlie. Victoria. N. Y. U. eirailU ft Strauiier. Illolr, Phils. Suinlka ft (k'lubs lllrli. I'roclor's lUth St., N. Y. O.. l-a; Lyric. Newsrb. N. J., 4 0. "tiuimnerlaiid." Keyitone. I'blla. Bonitl. Valeska. Koltli's. Iloston. SnItoD, Nelntyre and Mtm THB PUMPKIIV OIRI. PIRBCTION IIAllHY J. FIT/OERAI.D Bully ft Pbelpa. O. n.. Oomlng. N. Y.; 0. IL, I'ron Ysn. H IS. I^ltur ft Mark, Driilicunt. filona C1^, la. Bwan ft llonharO. Proclor'a Ifilltb BL, N.Y.O., 4-0. WILBUR 0. SWEATMAN RAGI'IMB CLAR10NBTI8T Direction MAX HAYEB Tanpiay. Kra. Prospect. BkJn. Tale ft T.ite, Poll's, ilcTwrton. I'a. Taaker, Ann. A Co., Orpfaeom, l)f« Molsea. la. Tanhean ft Oifcirloa, Bowiblii Bo,. Iloitoo. Tsmpeat. Floteooo. ft Co.. IfVnvylh. Atlanta, Oa. Terry. Pran:i. Wm. Pain., Phlla. Taleinph fViur, Htale HI.. Tronton, N. J., 4 8. Tbooison. Clua.. Kelth'a, Iloaton. Thoae Kraub Oirla. Kalih'e, Toledo, O. MOST IIP-TO.DATD COMHOV AOT oiiiaiNAL FUTunirr o awob Those Pair Itoys. Colonial. N. Y, O, 'niumriH 'I'rld, llusrsrd, llostiHl. HARRIBTTB RYAN and LEE "If you flee oi do It, iV» oof9" r.jM ft RlrhMd, h^Dpratf. Chlrito. 4-9, R|MD It TlffTvy, N. Y, 0. Blttjw, Joiii. t (>>., Khfj'n, Ruffalo, Cfloa BUitfen, anwl, Kjrtcuw, N. T. MAURICE SAM1JEL.S —IV— A DAY AT EI.MB ISLAND Direction IIAItUY PINCDB Bale. Obick, Orphnm. >Knpbla. Bitilns ft Ilroiuier ro.. I'lwtr'a. Mt. Vernon. N. v.. 4-0. 6avc7 ft BiennoD. Acadcny. PsllBlTer, Mom,, 4-0. SAHTLT&NOBTON ID VtUOEHIlU "School Dnys." MeVlehiT*s. Oblcop). Brhreek ft l'err|, llu'Uisi, llnkin lllll. N. J. Pcholder. Helen. -jr|Ji,'iLn. Kn:iLGi Ully, Uo. ficlisffiT. Bylresur. Urpbeuui, bL I'oul. TiKlie ft llsJrIlt'. Kellb'a. IaiIbtUIc. TllDhen:. Ik-nimn. Orsnil. Hyraniiar, N. Y. Tip. Ikili. .« Po.. AnK,rlcau. H. Y. O.. 1-8; Liuoln Sq.. N. V. O.. 4-0. Tlm^n. Kloniiee. Delsiicey HI,. N. Y. O., 1-3; Nalkmsl. N. V. «.. 4-11. fl\>scn .Slalera 14). Kellli's, Pmlno. Toyo Tiuivoc, (I. O. II.. I'lllihiitKli. Toye, Dorothy, i>^ptleusl^ illuiiespDlls. OVeTlll's t>i«s. Keith's. TeMo. II. ■ Trsrllla Iin#.' rienlM. >rilie.tin. Dm Moines. la. Tnrata. Ori,|irum. Kansas Gliy, Mo. TLrrelly. Keith's llontTn. l,'ab<T. Claude ft Faiinlo. I.yrle. Illimlnahnm. Ala Vuui-e. Clarice. Anurlcam CI'lenRu, 4-fl. Yfli), Chaa. A Pauitc, Urpa.'uii. (Irsiul Baplds. Ulch. TandloolT ft Lonlc. Kedth'a. Prorldence, Von llvrni. Iluilsnn, Union nill. N. J. Vun ft KriH,ock. Palaoe. N. Y. U. Viilerle. Ilue. Hellctle. PloqtfCI. Hkln. Vail ft Tomr. Family. Roclieater. N. Y. Vaiwlin. Walter. Keith's, OInelnnall. Van llros.. Ontonlol.|jort. Ind., 4-8. Van UnnL Hotly, Myuplr. Ku/Talo. Veater. Ilealrkv, tilniiiilc, natTolo. Tolunleera. 1*0, Kc^lh'a, Boalai. WARD, BELL AND WARD UNDBIl THE WniTK TOP PBATIIWIWG ADBI.AIDB M. DBH Ward. Many. Olrla fran llsppyland, IndeT. Wanen ft O'joley. Keith's. Clereland. WakeOeld, A'llla Holt. Shea's. 1>>tMulo, Oan. Want ft Cullen. Majesllr Ohicain Vald-mar Younf ft Jaooha. Orpbeum. Mlaneapolla. Ward. Aitliiir. American. N. Y. 0., 1-3; llsiUft- tatJ, N. Y. v.. 4 0. SPENOER WARREN rUUBLINO WITH rj!0 ZAnRRI/T. trio. •fODItlNQ Oltl'UEUM CIUCUIT. "Way Oot." American. N. Y. 0.. 1-3. Watann ft Oniioloaham, Ijnouln Hu., N. T. O., 4-8. Wolley. nichard. Olumhla. RUn.. 4.0. Warn. Will, ft Od.. Oraml. I'hils. Wsldi. niaacbe, ft Oo.. KHin'a. Pblla. Water Llllea ,0). Hhea'a, Toronlo. Oin. WARDELL and HOYT LAOan ORBATOBB Wiltch tliem Tfcer di» It Warren ft Owiley, KHOi'a. dorelandt BherldaD Nil.. I'lt'Kisirtih. H-13, Wells. Illllr A Nellie. Mulches' Onnnllaiv, lodot. WnUon. Willie. Kellh'i. lyiiiliTllle. Wemer-Aniona Tpoaiie. Kcltii'a. Prorldmee; HAVE YOU SEEN TUB HAPPY TRAMP KBITII ft OltPHBPM TIMB ^Ibur. Olarencp. Rmpreaa. Olndnnatl. Wilson ft I'eanon. Olobe. Phlla. Williams a Held. Mojeatlc. i'stetson, N. 4 0. WHson, Obas, ft Adelskls, Poll's, N«ir ncren, Oonn.. 4-n. WHIIams ft Oiley, Colonial. naTerblll, Haaa., 4 8. Wooiiwan). Itoinaln L., Oook Ooraeily Oo., met. Wood, Urltl, Fonylh, AtUnla, Oa. WOODFORD'S ANllALS IN VAUDBVIMB WM. B. IIBWWUlgBy-The DooUmftUer Wnnlman ft I.WInftilon, Keith's, InillanaitoUs. Woil, Wee llrurilc, Ikiysl. N. Y. (',. Wyiiu. Ikwlv. Illjuii. Havnnnsli. (la., 4-0. Yixrnrys (.11. Victoria. Cbarlnlon. H. C 4 0. "Vouna America." (Iranil, Rranavllla Ind., 4,0. ZhnmcTninn. Willy. Amerleau. Olltca|r>, 4-0. Boeller 'ITki. Bmpieiui. Ht. Paul. OUT OF TOWN HEWS nnffnlo. BT, Y. — Tcck 'Ueana. Bbahrrt, U(ra.) "A Pair oC HIS"S," wllh Ilslpb llcii, wtek of Feb. 1. Winter Uanlcn producuun week vt H. UMBanu (J. Ijii'jihiln. mm I — "WUhIa lbs Law" Ml. KugciUo lilslr vwk ot a, Hltaa's (M. H:iej. iii<t.|— IIPI ror week ot 1: Jcbii II. th,rikiii Bud wmtiniiy, Ftlta Urudi snd Filler, Itulh lloye. Joan I'aarver and comiwtiy. Frank Milton and l)o f/tna h-itcra, Owper niid Auiltb. l>iio Una. Mile. Uorla'a ilo^, and Uio kluetoarapli. Klhwooii Moato Uau,.—«Ah£rea Barlo 4. Iriln B. Urbb 0. Likio (i. W. I'aytoii, lugr.,^—Tlia slock com* lauy, In "The Blue Mosio." l-O. "FUc Us* UiLTdna's Sska" 8-13. (lATRi (J- U. Ward, mir./—Roieland Olrla week oC I. Roaef Piwr Olrls 8-13. AritiauT Mules Mlrbsels m^r.)—Bill week of 1 Is headed by Olsn Luta sud company, aa4 Blah snd McNUb, Omhmo (Ohas. Dsiiiiugcr. mir.)—Bill for week or 1: I'rorl IleblUicsr, liealrico Venter, Laity Vau llrunl. IHaoii, llon-era and Dixon, Anna Burt, U, t7. llajcen and ceinpanr. OardoiT and Lu llsy, Uiatlara Ulslcts, sml llolllday. Alhimr, N. Y.—narmanna lilareker Hall iSdsranl M. Hart, mar.)—"lAly I.uaucy" Peli. . 8: Irtln H. Coldi 4, Joao Collins. In ■'Boal." 8. 0; "A Pair o( tHiea" 8, 0: Italirllowllscb 10, tiaurloa ind Florenn.' Walton 11. Ifyriaa (Prank Ahbotl. mtrr.)—dkrworr Bur* Irujuera 1-3, Hon TooM 4 0, lllf Jublle* 8-10, aimer oitia ii-iu. Pao4m>a'a (Iund (Joa. f. Ooyiio. mfr.)—Bill for 13: Kea Fay (full week). Joe Kramer and company. Uarrlovn Annittuna Playera. Palace Trio. Joe lIullaiKl. Jnaea and Walton, Kred llrlf- ath, and Jlollt Mollis. For 4 0: Morria Jaiiiea and cfanpaby. Francis and Jonca, Wilfred nulfila. Bd. Wliicliestar. Iho Klnaion. Vers Hall, llrown and Hmllh. and JIssivt41olli plctuisa. 1'animiH'H I.sijnii (Oiiy Orares, lom. mfr.)— Oantlnuoun raielcwHIe ami movlnir pinttitaa. OntnHIAL, Cl.lHTf)IV etcjUABB. IIUUSOH. TIBOAO* WAT. I'Aiaua. Wiiira War. Stab. Paocma'a am* Mai, PAiariuKU and OaruauH, noflnc plctura only. MijiHTio (VkM Delcbes. ni(r.)—VandarlUa and raorlmr pleluies. Vrrannan, If, Y.—linplt* (Ptoderlck Osm mat.) Is lisrk. WttrriNfi tPrsnda I*. Msrlln. mir.) —Ooraa I'nilrai HIrck 10. Hastabui (Hlonhcn Bastaltlo. mar.) —Dream- land llnrleMinora 1-3. "Tha Btaopberd at th» lUlls" 1118. USANO IMyriai J. Kallslt. m|r.)—Hill 10: ^nlim Hlniers. J. O. Niiaent and ivsiiiiany, ITennan Tlit.lMlH. Keamt nnil Wlndcw. Mr. and Mrs. Jai. Kelso. Itosia IJoyl, Bere-j Ron si, snd (loMon sail lllca. TsMi'i.a (JoliB J, nreslln. m(r.l—Bill 1-3: (Ircea lialgh and Mnore. O'ltrleii mil Onmack, I'fur lAjbtns. Altiii llms,, JefTerson snd Sr. CIstro. anil HmlUi, Oiek and Drsndun. Bill 4 0 r "(Aeyeane Diyi." I.lnlin ami [.awrroce. Iho KeuMis. Msmoyo. and Maurico Wood. Olrna Falla, N. V^RmpIra (Joa Miller, nuT.lblll weak t4 F<*. 1: "TlieileinliiaTy Hcaiidal.'' tlthoir. flalbi-rfno (IIIM. Four Uarda. MtOsrthy eiilers. aiHl Unnv Huim. Al. (I. KMd'a lUnatrela 10. "Llltiv Osfr" 2,n. WoBUi IN HonoH (P. J. Dorin. mfr.)—.Mo- tion pletorn. AT 7lia Kinyln, 27. Oailp Oahrllnwllseb fate the seeoiul of the arrlea <t Md>iw-Franbltn Oiia- oerta Lo a larfr. well pleaaed home. Tlio proarnm was one of the heat eoncerta erer atren nere by s plsnlst. Kenn Wllllims and Ada Hassoll. Tina I.emer and Krancia MacMJIIen. March 11. . PI. Pnol, Minn.—Uettopolllan (L. N. Bonit, rear.) "I'Mesh ft PcrliauMer'' Will. 7-13. Datld WsrOeld 1420. Ftinraar (Krank O. I'rierl. mar.)—nuollnn- ton I'lsvers. In "Her Own Money.'' week 31. niiriiKOH (H. O. nurmujhs, infr.)—mil week of Jsn. 31: HylTenter Hcliifer. Alan Bronlis ami eouiiaiiy. Ilia Ulrl frtsn Mllwiul-<«. Piimbam and IrwIn. Itarihan and O. Oholis. bwi others. Kui'Sffsa ((lua N, Qreenlnf. tofr.)—lllll week of 31: Zorlliw Trio, "When Wo Orow Hp." i:sn>f« end Ikohlnson, A>ssr RItoU and BIsneho Skinixr. I'alNciaa (Dert CMdman. ni;r.)—^Blll 01-Fcb. 8: Four PrOTosIs, Three Mfllanls. I>awion. Laiil- f«n and Oirert. ami Mala;a I'oneenl. l,ait hnlf: 'arke^ Booie aad Kennels. Veof*llin Four. Relbtnl and (jroTlnl. Harry llolden s.-id I,oey Ilerron. Htab (John P. Kirk, mar.)—Watson Hlptera' Rbow wscii Ml 1. Tbe Beiaty Parade 6*13. DaT»nporl. la.—nnrili (f, B. Powellcon. mgr.) John Ilniiny Onniisnr Feb. 8. Bla Horua of 1P10. iHtrlesiiiHTs with I'nrkey MaeFsrlanil, 12. "illi;li Jinks" in, Aiito (litis, hiirlesqueni. in; "Pea o' My Ilrsrl" 20. "Mrs. Wins U the (lib- luxe I'nieh" lei. (V.i.oaatA (J.' Harry Blincbard. mgr.)—^Vnud» TlllF. ANYONE CAR BIND IT 14 WEBER tt ELLIOTT? thit i p«d for you-