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Febbuabt 6 THJB NEW YORK CLIPPER 21 E. F. AIiBEE, Gtoneral Manager For Booking AddrosB: S. K. HODODON, Palaoe Theatre Building, New York City I D MABTIN BECK, General Manager For Booking Address: FRANK VINCENT, Palace Theatre Building, New York City PARAGON BOOKINfi A8ENGY "^'"S.'ti'et . Wnt to taaar (Mm bII Mia, Imrf or •mall. Writ*, wUr* of ptaoB* W. H. WOLFFS, HaB«s«l A. H. THORNTON VAUDEVILLE AQENCT NEW TORK REPRESENTATIVE CU8 EDWARDS presents MR. ORYILLE HARROLD FOK A LIMITRD ENaAQEUBNT IN VADDF.VILLB. Address all communlCAllODS to QU.S KUWARDS, Aslor Tbealre D!dg., Times Sqiisre, K. Y. C. COLEMAN GOETZ AMERICI'S YOUNGEST SONG WRITER BOOKED SOLD) LOEW CIRCUIT. DIR. JOE WOOD Hol ITieS and Wells IN VAUDKVIL.I.e: BOOKED SOLID JACK WILSON THAT'S ALL WILLIAM O'CLARE ASD HIB SHAIVIROCIC OIR1.S HABOUB LOXW dROUIT lMr«c«lo» IHAHK BOHM Nan Halperin MANAGEMENT OF M. S. BENIHAM ' THE MAN TOV ALL KNOW JAMES B. DONOVAN KltfG OF IRBLAND x.dMiss marie lee THE LITTLB BBAVTT DOnrO WELL, THANK TOU U. B. O. Big Tlm» THE OALIFOBNIA VENTBILOQUIST Hugh J. Emmett AsBlsted by HZLDRBD EMMETT Alwy» worMng. Addr—s »27 Wert «6tli Bt- N. Y. Headlining on the Loew Circuit Chris. Richards DIRECnON FRANK BOHM Signor Aneelo Patricola THE GREAT ITALIAN PIANIST TllEMBNDOUS HIT AT THE I'ALACK ON IHU FIKST APPK4IUNCK. DIRKOTION ALF. T. WILTO.I BTBIMWAV PIAROH VtEU Theatrical and Character Ceatumea UNIFORMS RU88ELL UNIFORM CO., 1600 B'wey, H. Y., Cor.4eth 8t. 5,000 lUDSlnilons. Tint oar BslnnoD. Anj Fonlfn RtOon llllllmr^ mmd HsTal. No Omer loo BnuOl or too DUBonlt NEW YORK COSTUME CO. Rannfactttiers and Rmteis. 140 R. Dcaibora St, CHiaGO OUT OF TOWN NEWS OtN OUVJV A Tl. Tbe AdTcrtlMra OlQb ot OlnclDDftU nre t Umt* rical toucb to Its lut mlil-ire«k laocbm. at the Ilotfl aiFlnpolf, wbm UsDsrrr Jobn V. Uojml at B. F. Kelib'e Ttnatr^, wat toe gucet of boa or end the speaker. He ttlkoJ oc 'rrbeatrlcal AdreT' lUlof,** and was an apoatU vt (raDkncaa. To iimpafier adTertltlnc be ascribed tbe lucceta ot ibeatrlcal Tfntniea, placlo< tbe btsbeat raloe u^ku astmeots la ■ocd tdTrrlUlDf. Hie sreat D. R Kfltb fortase was foaodcd upon faliD Id tbe viTlcKr ot adrertUlat aod "nakloc good" od tbe i.bowa adrertlaeiL Oarl Ilubrrt lleuch, maoiger ot tbe l^TT-lc, wfao was anolbtr (wst of tbe club, nodded aisent wbco Ur. ncjal declared Ibat mkuf of ibe leglUmate bouse* tuffered baadlcips un< hDowa la TaQtorllle bfcaute tbe local bouse was oonpellM to keep vltblo tbe adTertlslDg appToprlitlon of tbe tUUIiir attraction. In coa- scqutnco tbe adTertlalng wai DOt qolte rlgonui or cxtfcalio cooogb (o cnaie desire to are 11. No otbir adTertlsen ImTe to staml tbo Are o( criticism as tbe tbeitrc U:inactT no7*l giTo allfbt tetennce lo Ulltoards hs on adrcr- UrUg ncdlon, but bcUcTed that n'lndow Utbo- trapbUa would ncrcr b* abanaoned because Ibtt gaTO a legUtmite can«e for "ptpeflog" i bouie ca itae lirst nlgbt wbeo It Is eascnilal to make a good ImnroBiloa. At a resolt ot tbia lUtli fraternal Tisit arrangoriK'nts ate belug made for AdTcrllurs' Glob Dl|lit at Kcltb's before ibe sKson ends. Pollowlag Ibe Kellar Ulk, WUIIe Weilon tlio oonologiai at Kdlb's, ralwd bij voice u rn ictor-advocate of adrerllalog, aod Rre a«bl^ cUBS latlug to "tbat grand Old llr- itle, niK Mbw Yudk Cijppxb. wblcb I baTo lucnssfullf oicd for jears.** Tben bo told a C0D(le of yaroB. OsAND Opvu Uousb (Jobu II. UaTllD, mgr.)— Julian Rose ind Jnllus Tanoen will lotroduce "Potuib & rerlmatter" to OlDClonatlsiis Jan 81 ~lhe local premion of tbe famojs plar. Last week, Flo Zlcsfcbl's FVtllln, a brwIIOorlDg galber- |[« a< beiutlful women, prored one ot ibe lojous CTenis of the rc«r. The rerue Is a» stuonlug is errr. and rlcb In Ireaaom of Ibe dince and song. Verm MIcbaleoa was tbe cblef feminine person- ue of niinr sceneM. In tbe bright couitelliUou itir* lonlie Mejcn, Lton Krml Hurl Will- linu. Ed Wrnn and Arlhur Uagon alt ibone wUb cbaraclirlktlc tirllllance. Tbe chorua waa a ilrcMiii of benuly—cblc, cbiitc and lurcbarg*^ wllb glo^rr and grice. Of course, bu<ilnesi wis line, "Tbe Candy Blwp" Feb. 7. _ Ltbio (Ctrl lloUrt Ilouck, mgr.)—Those ict- eriDi of burnt cork, Mrluiyre and neatb, came Jan. fll, io ibelr rerlval ot "The Ham Tree." Last week *Tbe Story of cbe Roaary" was balled ui ntelodrana ot the jean agone brouglH back to action. Tbere was tbe hero, heroine, Tlllnin and bU tbe rest ot tbe busy folk of familiar Unea. Wilier Uowoid donn'l ':a)l bis crootloo a rerlTal, t'.though be confesses lo psttrrnlnK after tlie old rurj Lane noilels. Tbe story Is Intcrcathig. and lbs crowds got lou of enJoytDcnt mil of the may— so Its week's mission was succesnfully fumllctl. Tbe locale of the pity IMelum. .Tnnws Hany. Clifton Aldersou, Edyth Utimer, Chris Walker. George Desmond^ Marjorle Day. Wyntlbain Bland- Ing aod Ernest Leicester, are all In ilic llmellihi of faeoraLle allentlou. Lowla lllllhnu<«. lu h-s criticism adds: "Fralse should go to the energetic person who louchea off the «unnowiI?r behind tin? «enw." "A nicd of Paradise'* Ki*!). 7. Wii.NUT Street (George F. Pl%b. war.)—"Re- becca of Sunai*brook Farm" came Jan. SI. *'Tb^ Trail ot the Lonesome Pine" wa^ welccioe last week, when laabelle I^owo Bare a eptrlteil Inter pretntlon lo June, tbe half sftMje dnughler of the wlldwitew. Jami:s Herron, as the engineer. Jrlm Hale, (mmetllitely von the gooil graces of his autlivncei. Nocb Ueerj wni o drinatlcallr stroPK Jud;l TolllTcr, and John W. Itennle well playc*; Uncle Hilly. The whole caal was deaerT* Inc. and Jack Pendleton. Eva Jlrnton Paul £cl\varer, Marguerite Abbott nnd Ailrltn MoTon were anioni: rbem. "flsnky Pauky" comes KHi. 7, with Hobby North. B. P. Knrii'a (Jolin F. Ruyal, mgr.)—Clark anil Deigman ate coming Jri*. 31, with tb^ "Uu- cKty Duds," a big Lasky i-roductlon. Otber* tn- ctuile: Mathews sod Hbiyoe, In "Dreaulnnd:" WaMer Vnuglin, lbs local afngor; Jleriba Crdgn* ton end coiiipajiy. lo "Oor Uufband:" tbe Ijng- dons. In "A Night on ibe Itoulerard;" tbe Fsbrr Girls, Frank Mullsoe, Ibe AuBlrallan Wo^ebott- ri. OLd Kremka Brolbon. Janntfl ami Journeys pIctciTS. Lccw'8 EUFjnfl (Gcorjre A. Dotyer. rojr.)-- W. II. Macatt aod Etblyr.nu Drodfonl nre the tcpllnCTS Jaa. Al. 0^nve B. Reno, Dessle Rrno (.nd coirnoLy will offer "The MltBt Army:" OInr- soco Wllbar, ibe Three Uotcc Slstera, aol Wil- son and Wllaon make up the bill. Keystone comedy plctorea. OLYUPin (0. L. Waltcis. mgr.)—'Rllly Wat* son's HIg Show Is due Jan. 81. Korreiler's Amer- ican Bcaatles, with Fstlma. Orlcniil dancer, were the msgneti Isat week. Troeadexo Our- lesgurrs Feb. 7. Stsndabd (Cbsrles B. Arnold, mgr.)—Tbe Broadway Girls STrlred Jan. 81. Juat as the Blfb Rollers rollttd swar after a succ«istul week. Fay F0B:er Barleaooe Co. Pcb. 7. GrauaH (OKu Emit Scbmlil, mgr.]—Tbe Ger- ma£ Slock Co, will pirt on Bcblllet'i "William Tell" Jan. 81. with 6(tbmld In Ibe title role. HnjOK'B OPEBA UooBB. Btund^ Fauilt ond Obfjibuu, motion pictures. m SUOBT UVTBS. Wilt SB Tauorh'b Tauderllle debut, at Kellb'a. (a a rated mnslcal ereot of note, because be Is i popular OlodoDBtl singer. AucB ExoELUBBT, B Cranstoo girl, and pupil of TkIb Vigoa, wsi a Cebuianie singer at Uie trl-Slate dinner of 4be Rotary Olub. Bhe made a aucceastui "flrsl appearance." Gbobob Hunt came In adraoce of "Poiach & Perlmutler." MiKB fttiHTOif waa tbe man Bbead for Mclo* t^re and Kellh. DcBTi. BcDiNSTCiN. the hlx tccn jcar otd [ilsnlrt, ROve a recital at Ibe Woubds' Glut Auilltor- lorn 20. Buobkb Brivox, tbe Vrencb playwright, was dined at the Gibson 20. and be afterward gave a Iltirory talk. KiTTT GoBDON and bor eowos were tlie feminine talk of tbe Keltb loraouls. Bbe w.ts sc«d In Jack Lalt'a one act conceit, "Alma's Return," In which sho wu aided by ilirriMn Hunter and Helen Goff, Rhil liDBiUKH, concert owlstn- of Ibe Cin- nlonall Syoi^bor.y Orcbestra, wllppeil np lo Rnlon, 0.. Jon. 20, aod married bla ptrpU. I>orolby Klrk- polrlck. Anna PnnriKmn waa rated 'he dalotlest "Utile package" In tbe Follies of 'U. 1am Prey Twins did a wrestling slanl tbat pleased ibe Bmnren crowda. Tbr Oaroes Bisters ani Jeule DumB haTo a mostcal act tn tbe American Beauties tbat would get by Id vauderllle. TUK ilAj Musical CBioriiB Ib to sing at MukIo Ilall May 20, during the conrentlon of Ibe Na* tlonal Conrentlon of School Saperlnteodenta. Dr. Rniat Konwald, will pat on two orebcatral niiai* bers and a new cantata for children's voices, "A Festal Day." will be sua;. Tlilrly motion plclurs theatre managen bare pronlaed aid In the cam* (ralgn to idrertlie dndnnntl to Oinclonatlan*. Gboboi A. <B0Trn baa taeird froJi New Tork tliat T>oow'b Empress has recelred rights to pre- sent Weber A FleMs' feature comedy niclores. Tub Obphbuh TuaiTSB—Olanager I. hi. Mar- tin's bill top pldute boua^'La to try conllnDOoa afff-noon perlormances. Tremendosf. crowds of yonnKslen of the Bedllme Btnrles Club crowded Ihe iHnise to see Msry I'lckford, lo "Oladerelli." "Tub GBavAM Bidb or TfiB Wan" la .belnv sl.own at Music ITsll. B. 8. Mnckeifnaa, once ot lbs 8t. Loula National League Club. Is msoaging these pictures, satd to bavc Ihe 0. K at Ibe Kslser. Till Standard Is making a fealuro ot amateur einnta on Friday ntghta. Hops Vnrion U a charming llllle body who (^ellghtfally added lo tbe good things oo tbe Keltb bill. Pau I/AWBDKcm. ot tbe High Rollers, bas a cLeeiful p<noaa1ty. The one bnodred and llfty-BtiUi annlrenary of Robert iloma was celebrated at tbe Odeon. under Ihe Joint Ba^)leea ct the Buma OlOb. the Gale* donlan Boclety and Ibe Olan Sutherland. IMpc- major Dnocan MacPhall came from Detroit to lake part, aa did Brtty Caldrr, Bcolcb dancer, from ^Ilddtetown. O. Tns OlnclnnaU Rnfllah Opera Club la being re- cruited lo glre Cincinnati a stock opera comrany composed whsllr of local talent. IIorthamploD, Maoa. — Acalemr for Feb. a-0. "Mam'aelle." Toodsy, Jsn. 30. Ibis play was acted b^ore Ibe csmera, and are being sbowa between tbe aeu of 'Vam'selle." Puu, Ltkic and Pauoi, pboolplaye onlj. 1 A pipe, a maid, A sheet of ice, The glow of life— — And that glow doubled By the glow of LUCKY STRIKE Cuddling warm in the bowl. This is the life In the good old winter-time ! LUCKY STRIKE ROLL CUT TOBACCO No other tobacco givco you thnt aid tatty yum-yum out-o'.doon •mack vou get from LUCKY STRIKE, It'a aimply the richet ot Kentucky'a golden tun and bounti- ful aoil alored up in mellow brown Itavea againit your winter'a content— a ripe, meaty, in.piring tobacco that (or (oity yeaia haa been held to be the emperor of them all. TA« IMW iJia-tlm Roll Cal-tninAInlaililtht fal Hn anJtllaitll: la kiDil lOetbuaadlaBOcuHlll.OOGlMaHunililon TVUK IVIwNbT t3AS-»lV with tiikhk pahodihi "Viillejfor Moon," '•(iitmo tif l,uvy," "Hliirt Vlcimln," "Just f(ir Tm-NIhIiI," "Voii Woro Tulip." "Oh, Uy Ixjvo," "VliiKcr In I'Ic." "KIM Uakoii liiickcl," "line Mck AIhihi lllrlri." "KvorylliliiK by You," "Tlpporary"aiiil "UlclilHiiii." IjuiIOJcw. IOc. each: 3foriiilior iiiiiictIhI, UnliiluiiuoHnil ou- iloraomeiilH FIIKK. nAHV B, P, TIIAVKIl, MIUU ilroail HI., ProvlileBca, B, I, NEWTON'S NEW IDEA! Five MiDules CofkliK Cmi-FIn (2 Males), m Fife MlRotes Siappr 6ros^Fln (Mile ail FeBile), 508. Fhe Mlinles Bright Moaoiogge Ckittir (Male) 500. nn Mlegtes Miiitral Mateflal (Efld Man aid litirlocBlef), 50e, This malerlal comes In neatly tFP** written form, aaiit la not abop-wora Jnnlc* Has been tried ont sbiiI nasnn nbsolate blok In evar/ line. Pvless qnoted on eielnslve material. Aattaor orRajmond niid BalB*s **l«oeked Oat*" HARRY L. NBWTQN. M Or«Bd 0|iar» Ho«a«, 0hl»»go. 611 ath Kn., BMT Slat St. taa WMt 43481.,iiMrTlBuaS*. IB Sd Am. asw lOlk St. Bnil for UlntttBlM CaUIon* C. UaU Ordtn CsrafDllf nilefl. HYPNOTISM Byfblapovtrfld.flRieeoforcD of bat«i«you_ eoatrol oitKri.cfcAU cndlcti ha sad winder, refora lh« degraded, ireal th* sick and sfflktcd, aiUlo row amMlIon Sad mahs Doner rur. YOU miy l"*n III Wilu for dc«rr1plliaaQdlllDiintc>1 llrrri* tura udfwll pankdan FREE. _ Addrcu M. DTBlTTe. 8U. *41> Jaaksoe. Mlafc, ENURGED AND BEAUTIFIED MOUQUIN'S 6lkAie.,let.27tli ait 2BtkStt., New York HOST POPULAH PUHn«II BBITAVIiAaT l-AIIIHIAN CAKK UI'BIl'0.30 P.H. TU I A.H. TIGHTS Silk Opera Hose"" Stockings ARE OUR 8PE0UIAT AI1lilT¥ »>• vmWT sBd IJIJIUII paioBi iha uavmn MdialSUrirBmadei. BUki. SiUu Thntrleil Jimlr;, Spuglei, et«. MdudSUnrTrlBBliii Wlgi, Beardi ud bU GNdiTbeiUtil CatitOflM* ind SamplM upa* rtquHl menaiklogrorOatalogne, pleaae isesUoo wbal fOO<li are wanted SIEQiAN I WEIL I, W, Cot. 2Tlh SL a SidlMa kn. TU THC4TBI0AL BUFFLT BIFOBKIII NEWTON HfARDROBE TRUNKS Al WAItDIIOII TIIUNKS 3 Uradai. U Hlliii. Man'a or WomeB'a Uroloiine and pinin llriliiga. « rear guanniae. HfiiUIAI. IIIHUUUNT TO TUK rHUFK88I0N WaWTOIt A sow, - Cortland, W. T. thbatbicaij wigs VDDpmLadlairHtlraooda. U. Btaln'a liak*- ~ ^SaicnFrlcaUat. OBO. BHINOaaUI. W. 41»t Bt.. Nay Toit. Tal lT2«-Bfy«Dt 4T waiT talk tTKiaT, Raw tobb.