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New York Clipper (Feb 1915)

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22 THE N:E3W YORK CLIPPER. Februaby 6 ...HlIlT ....Ulldred Don ..Amy FlUpatrtck Utr; areto Nona Uutnj Alice Carroll ... Frances Stari; - : WEW YORK QtY. "HARIE-ODILL" B«laaeo (Darld Belaico, nur.)— UarU- OMt, a tbrae act jriaj by BdwariT Knoblauch, preMDtcd Incadaj ercnlDt, Jtn. 26, bj DaTld fieliKO, wltb FriDCea Surr and ue follow- Int •uppoTtloc cast: _.- Ifotlier Baint Dominic, Motber Boberlor oC thg CoDTont (Mario walnwrlght Slater CloUlde, tbe PoMrcsa Ada C. NevU Siator Lonlie Harriet Otis Delleobaugb Sister Uonlca Allce_Martui Eliter Anatolo Slater Anidla Slater Ce<ilU Slater Josepb Bister KUsabeth Slittr Catberlne Uarle-Odlle, a novice - - - —„ Kathar Haber, tbe Cbaplaln..lidwaTd Donndlt reter tbe Qardoner Krank Belcber Vblans In a PtuuUin Qeglmtnt: Beifcant Otto Beck ..Ucnrjr Voacl Corvoral PbUIlp Molasncr... .Jerome I'atrlck BtolnliauBer ..Vavl Blanloy Hartmann Alptaonae Utbler Bom Edward Waldmana Hlttondort Cbarles W. Kaiitmau Bcbnunm Uobert Qobson aiitcra: Margaret Cadnan, Udltb Klpf, Dorotb7 Tamer, iStylht Uayn^rd, Uadelclne Uanball, Oeitrude Wapier. Soldiers: Uugo Scbmedes, August Nelson sdA Albert Hack. IBB BCINB is IM 1 BUAIX CON»NT I.N THM KOIIXTllNOUB BEOIONS W ALSACE. TBB TIHB IS DUBINO THB VBAMCO-railSBUM ^Aa OF 1870, Tbeio la'a lapse of one jear between acta , two and tbrce. 'A pli^ bj Edward Knoblauch Is almost tare w bo^aw from -Ibe beaten patb of oon- TenUonalU.r,-iuid a .production by Uovld Dp- lasco U equally auie to be wortb while. It le Ihorcforc Uttlle wonder that on tbe above date ttile plnTkoiuo was Ullcd to Its utmost nuaclty -wbep"-Marle-oaJc, Mr. Knob- laudi'a lotest woVk.wae ilvou Its llret metro. pOIUan buiTlag. :'Jbs aotbor bed lived up to Ills reputation (or tbe isiconveDtloiinl, and It waa Indeed a UcHeoo ptoductJon. The one aceno ol lu'e play Is laid In n small ranrent In itbo mountalnoju-tcslons oi Aliacc, and tht time la during'ranood'ruiBkin War of 1870. ■ - • .k 'MarleOdlle bad been left as a babe, on tbe c<lnrent steps nnd taken In by the dslcri. clven ber name (Ma.rlc-Udllc) and brovclit ir tbem until, irben tbe action ot tbe play Sns, she Is about olgbtcen yont't ot age tus boon allo^'od to become a noTlce wltb.- tlta vlow of biter bocomlnii a sister. • ^nt In spite of ber religious training ther*-. U In jdarle Odlle a roboHlous spirit wbleh ai'^< serts .Itself, tor whlcb - sbe Is continually : obliged to do penance. . tuber Flaber, tbe<bap)aln, and Foter, tbe uardnor, are tbe only men she bos over laid Met upon, and as tbeio arc botb old tbe girl loois to iee young men. In ber fliUid abc rlefurea them as salati. AaMc from tbls her - Ihougbts centre upon eevoral tame plgoons; wbldi are tbe only Joy in lier joungllfo. ibe , Motber Superior, U> punish Slorlc-Odlle tcl.j ber to order I'oter to kill tlic brown piscou (her particular favorite), and abc robole, and *'''l!Sthor'''Asho?^*i>rriTca wUb tbe bitoMua- Uon tbat the Pruislnaa are coming and tbe ooly bopo tor thn nuns In to escape aiid so to Awltaorland. 'llils tboy do, leaving Mnrle- Odlle behind because she. does not answer tboir call, and because Father Flsbor urges *^rponl Pbllllp MelBsner, a Ublan, la Uie. flrit of tbe Pruaalaoa to arrive, and Marlc- Odlle believes blrm to bo a saint, be is so bandtome, so unlike tbo only two otbcr men '''pblSlp'a'Siairades follow shortly after, and Marle-Oailo Is forced by Serccant OUo Beck to toed thorn. HnoJiy the soTdlera, excepting PWlllp. 4eave. He etnys, and later we loam (hot die did not luve tHI tbe following morn- year passes and we see Marlo-Odlle, still alone In the convent, save for old Peter, with a baby-ber baby and PbUllp's. Tbe war b over. Tbe nnns return and Marlo-Odllo la tliiust out In tbe world because of nor e n. •From tbls story Mr. Knoblauch has written a Dlay both Interesting and unuaual. jFrances Starr, as Uarle«dllc, gave a rc- inarkablo performance. Bbe gave tlio young oonco all the cblM-lllie Inoocenco one wonlo emect her to bavo, and Invested the charac- ter with ber own pleasing pcraonnllty, lend- ing It an Irreslellble charm. Mo gave to Marlo-Odlle—tba maid—a girlish buoyancy, snmivbit saddened by ber longings tor things she knoirs not of. As Marle-Odllo—the woman and motber—sbo shoved that IneHoble bap- plnns which motherhood brlu;;s, her face fairly beaming with Joy and supremo con- tent Fiances Start's aarle-O.llle Is a char- acter study, and In her portrnyr.1 sbe gives a performance of whlcb any actrtsa conid fustly be proud. , , ifarle Walnwrlght gave a convlnolng pyi; trayal of the Mother Superior, and Harriet Otl« Dellenbangb made a lovable Sister, Jerome Patrick made a manly Phillip, and Frank Relcber made a One cbnraclerUatlon of Peter. Henry Vogol gave a atrlktng performanco of Benieant Otto Deck, and tbj othora lent good aid. _ HARLER OPERA HOUSE. (aOI,. I. LSTOT, ACT. UOS.) Harry Swift was shipped .back to Proc- tor's FKtb Avenue, leaving Bolly "Sing 'Bm'' Levoy In full charge aipln---ond It Is «nia Swift will remain at Ue downtown bouse Indeflnltcly. ,^ . . • , . kk. Larry Ooldo was bumped Into In the lobby here last Thursday (Jan. 28). Bald ho had a great show down at tho Fifth, snd v,c dtOD't dispute bim upon bearing who were "on" then. ' ' At any rate, neither 'In Old Tyrol" nor Hurley, Stan and Wren lived up to^^belng "In the lights" out front, althouirb tho former got closer to It duo to Ada MItcbell s good soprano voice. Sam Williams rarrled a Ilebreiw comedian role over to only fair reiultr, wltb poor mntorlal nud sltuatlona A flery French male nnd six neat looking choriiB giria, with bslf good mimbors fn work In, constituted tbe rest of tbo cnsi. An Hngllah trio, Hurley, Sinn and Wrcu (two men and n woman), otrcreu mediocre fun In a "noisy burglar" coracdv turn. One of tho men works ns a tough character, while tho comedian Is made up to resemble tbe picture comedian, Charlie Chaplin. Tho latter did some.good (alls nnd tumbles, and tvns the llto of a "well done" Idea, which they finish with a burlesquo boilns bit. Tbe little woman gelR on nod off a few timcB, nnd stoys a while for some comic "love business on a coneb with the cnmedlan. IrfC Bnrtli nnd WllUam f.ytoll and com- lany did bent of the entiro bill. Ilnrth with .jIs slorlcs In IrUli. Qeminn. IINirew. China,, Ilallan, Scolrli nnd Swcdlah nccenta, but -worked loo long. . William I.ytoll nnd n new compnny o( man nnil wniunn rtli'. lilK nmiililprlnB tlie new- ness of Ills Biippo 1, In Ills "A Nlunt of It," 4*o:np0y Hkelch. Tlie Three nniielnr Hug.* opencil nnil slnrt- «1 liip show well, anil Seymnur and Williams liepan III clinnmlonRhln (onn, with the eccen Irfrnllv drraneu up woman mnking a flymii Irip across etnge. Hut Iheir ((illowlng mn- lerlnl ant tnmcr lis th.; turn progrcescd, and llio folKs were disappointed. Sol. I.evoT annir Ihst nood "Virginia Leo" song of the Joe Morris C«mp.iny, nnd irwin and Ilenog had alow going ontU ther got to. an "audlActf' bit that llnlthsd them quite big. Tod. RIVERSIDL (RmHeued Thuriaail Evtnlne, Jon. tt.) There are very few days In the season thst the Rlvetslde Is not packed to capacity. It le rerr surprising, loo, (or right neit door Is WlUlam Fox's other house, the Riven, playing tbe same policy. Tbe people ot the r.elgHborhood must alternate between the two bousesi for they are very seldom empty. All tbe acts for the last halt ot the week we/e good, but wrre not arranged to get the best there was In tbem. It waa an unusual and surprising tblng to bear an audience of tbii theatre try to belittle one of tbe singles. The performer held bla temper and In the end waa a big bit. Wnnl and Fsy, ten minutes. In one. Ward nnd Fay bare a very neat dancing act. They cct away from tbe general run, and with thr nid of nut comedy tboy go over big. Tbey open wltb a nut song and donee. Then comes an eccentric dsnce by tbe straight comedian. Yodling and n soft ahoe dance follow, nnd tbey close with a good conversa- tion Mng and dance. Three bowa "Clonks nnd Bulla," Oftecn minutes, In llirce, special set. "Cloaks and Bnlta' In another ono ot the now overdone "Potash ft Perlmutter" sklta The story tells ot two partners who cannot make tbe business pay. The; hear that a buyer from New Orleans Is In town, and tboy phone him up to come over anil ace their stock. One of tbe part "THE SHADOW." empire (nomas Shea, bus. mar.)— The Bhaioic, a drama In three sots by Darto Nlc- codenl an4 Mlebnel Morton. Prodnccd on Monday night, Jan. 20, by Charles FVotamn. Cast: Borthe Tregnler Btbel Barrymorc Uorard Tregnler Bmce McBaa CiHcbel Oelon Bmest I^wford Doctor Magre Edward Fielding llelene Prevllle Ocace Blllaton Jeanne Amy Veness Louise Olive Mnmy Time—The present. ACT I.—A. Room at tbe Home of tho Treg- nlers. Psila. ACT II.—Studio of Qerrsrd Tregnler. Act III.—Bsme ss Act I. "Tlie Shadow," Bthd Dartymore's vehicle tbls season, b a serious work, for tbe most pert gloomy, bat latcnsely Interesting from Its first line to the fall or the final curtain. Tbe comedy lines can be counted on the fingers of one band. It has seversl scenes that are very dramatic, and tbe play, on tho whole. Is vet7 well written. "'I'be Shadow" tells (he sad story of Mme Ucrthe Tregnler, who has been so III for six venrs that Ibe was unable to move about the house, and when the pisy onens ahe Is seen sitting In an arm chair v lth only her chest and heed exposed to view. Tlie husband, a rich pointer, professes to still love ber, but Is spending bis days wl|^ a friend of bis wife, Helen Prevllle, In bis studio, which In in another part of Paris wltb sincerity, and tfie handled well tbe one big scene which falls to her, Ernest Lawford, In tlie role of a fiimUr friend, and Bdmrd lildkig, aa tht physi- cian, were both exoriloit The prodaotlon U .-nry good. Bspedally fine Is the studio sc^ Kcleev. "90 m THE SHADE." KDlokcrboolccr (Barry 0. Bommers, mgr.)—M In (fie Bhalt, wbldi waa produced ot this house Monday evening, Jan. 2S, with Marie CabUI and Rlcoaid Cttla, did not come un to tbe nanal qualification to warrant It attalnbig any great snccess. Lack ot tuneful melodies, forced comedy, und a mediocre book Is tbe dilcf reason for Its failure to arouse Interest Both stars worked hard on the opening night, but their efTorta wore In vain, and before the first act lied progressed very tat the piece dwindled down to shoot cere. Whst little story there Is tells about Polly Balnbrldge, an American wldonr engaged to be married to Wlllooghby Parker. Parker Is fond of the ladles, ana before bis fiancee orrlves on the Island be has started a num- ber ot filrtatlons. Polly arrives nnezpectedly and finds her lover with plenty ot isdy ad- mirers. Tliere la one. Donna Estnido, widow ot a planter. On acconnt ot ber explosive nature ahe has been nicknamed "Tbe Hot Tamale." Rob Mandrake, the ronefa and ready captain of "Tbe Donble Croas," comes along, enters In tbe mli-np, and finally wins Pnlly, leaving Parker to be consoled wltb "Tile Hot Tamsle." INERS AKE-UP !,i Hr.NllV C MlNCR.l-. riTT9DUnGII \0TE8. Tbe iDtrodactloD oC two tlanccn, dorlof tb« conne of Jsck ndd'i Big Sboir, wai aomelbbB Dcw to PltUborthcri, Aod tbej ntt\j got tbeir oonej'* vortb la tbtt l\Dt ot mpoltr cntertalo- il«dL Flnt cuw DoTla Dv Lorb, wliboot dotfbt, 1b« nullat ot the prcsrat 6»j tniaatlao«] dto* ccn, vbo did t ntf rracefol KflntUn diQce tbit pIctKd InoDcnMlj. nabe La mm, mlertaliKd lo ib« ii«coDd part, with an acrotmtlc daocc, aod RCVlTfll TOtomliunis epplauTf. Art Sofad baa a aonrfDlr, aod la proudlr diMilajiDc wbat la tennfd "tbe soffrafKtte's grip/* Tbe Victoria crev are atlll as pnkr u b«mo* fore, and are well llktd bj rJilHoc Mrfonneit. Freddy Kfadderback, Harir Lang aod olart Fox, of "laundrr fame." are allll lo the boncb. Eddie DoDorao la now In charge of tbe awltdi- b9anl at tbe AcaOemr, and Is Juat as well liked as wben he waa at tbe Sberltlso Sqoare. l^e local b078 wen glad to welcome Bro. Llacb, upon hli arrival bere witli Jack Reld'a Show. I.lscb In Terr popnlar orer tbe clrcoll, and la well n-ganlcO bj toe local bojrs. A MOTHERS PLEA FOR PEACE An Anti-War Song of Sentiment and Fact that ought to and will be sung throughout our land in answer to the European War Lords and their followers, Read the inspiri-ng words-they tell the tale. - • DIDNT RAISE MY BOV TO BE A SOLDIER By AL. BRYAN and AL PIANTADOSI oeVv sends tbe Junior out to buy up a new model dress. Wbllo be Is gone tbe buyer .comes, and tbo model, who has been phoned for: .nrrlvcs soon afterward. After placing n big order wltb the firm the buyer exits. While the two partners.are In tbo workroom llie buyer and model return. Tiiey turn out to be rrooks, ond tbey'Steal the whole slock nnil the money from the sofa When tbe partners return to tbo room tbey find tlie goiids gone, ond they announce that tbey are ruined. It Is a very commonplace plot. Tbe acting, however, was very good. Four cur- tain calls. Vltbol Mae Darker, twelve minutes. In one. KiiboUk once said In tcfercnco to this artiste that sbe was tbe best female violinist In America, Sbe charmed the audience by her lenurksbly ewiet touch. Her selections were all classy, nnd ber rendition ot tbe "IIu- tnoresko" was Indeed beautiful. Iler act went exceptionally well In tbe uptown houae. It Is doubttul If she would bo appreciated In ono of the downtown bouses. Bhe waa forced to take sovcn bows and do on encore. "Shoddy, the Tailor," was the comedy film. Kin Ivnid Kilties, twenty-tour minutes, throe special dropa The Kin Knid Kilties b> n big act to carry on tbo email time. It Is 0 good aggregation ot girls snd boys, seven and four la the way tbey are divided. Tb> act Inkes In all the Scotch aongs nnd dances, not forgetting the bagpipes. Rose Mauer carried The act to a small sized riot. She Is a cnmollenno of rare merit. Naturally funny, slie gets almost all tho laughs of tbe act. George KInkald Davis, tbe rending mon, la also very clover. He has a good voice, Bli curtain cnlla and two cncorea O. Herbert Mitchell, twenty rolnutca. lu one. Tho act Is entirely too long for a single. It should bo cut at least eight mln- utOB. Mitchell Is a good storv teller, but lie iallR down In his reciting. Ills Imitation ot Joe Hawlliorne wos good. Three bows. I. ■_. Ten million soldiers to the war have gono, ■, . Who; may.nevBr;t6tum.'agaln;:.: .!. ■ ■-. . . Ton million :momcts!. hc6ttS Tnu»t break v; ,- For the one who died Ir vain. Head bowed down ln.:aonrow,-In her lorvely years, . I noard a mother murmur.thro' her learfi. CHORUS I didn't ral.-ie my boy to bo a soMior, - T brought him; up .to .bo..rtiy..pride and joy Who dates to place tt musket on-hla shoulder To shoot some othermolhefa.darling boy?, Le'. nations atbllrate their futurjj:troubles, : It's Lime to lay the «word and gun away. There'd be no war to-day, il mothers all would say, 1 didn't raise .my boy lo be a soldier. • What ulctoty can cheer a mothstTs.heari When Bhe lool« al:her blighted home? What victory oan bring her.baclt ; All she cared to call herown? .. Lot each mother aruswarv In tho years to be, Remember that n;iy boy- bolones to me, . ■ CooyrijM. 1915 LEO FEIST, lie..' Ne* tatk. I« Wloraiich. Bmej DrsiiMpil, TA. lf«l». Krank Paulson onil Ihc r«t ot the ciew at the Mllot. «ro ever on ihe Job. TheM tors "f*,'}" well itooslil ot. anil ore ilwars looking oat Mr llie coaif.wt of visitors. . Two at Ihe mo«l jairalar boi oOce men In the c!l7 ore Treasurer Dave LItlic and his booOjone r.mwont. Dave Blwinls. who look after tbe pM e- boarils at Ihe Asnlemy. Dot.i hojs ate very oWig- Ins nnd coogeiilol. and hare nsny frl«ld« uoonj llie finlrono of this honse. Tre««nr«r Utile has ileddnt to lake out a "eoocli" show this with one of the lorger esnlvalo. and from tae numher of female vinltors wen .""'"t?" .S?7; he Is snr» io hive some besnUes. Bdwards is colnit out as hesd ot <he bally-hoo, and will, no donbt. mm good buslneis. Miniger Harry Smith, of tbe Aeadesny. Is J verr boey boy these days, and Is ever on tlie Job looking ifler the varlons details, back and fmit. ni« splendid aMislnnts could not be Impiwfl -ipon, and Harry keeps tbem on the Jmnp at an limes. -°' AQENXa AND HANAAUhs' T. ASSOCI.ITION. New ewoiher* ate coming la at evAr neellnf of Iho new Agents snd Minigers Tbeatrl'«i Avo- cinl!on, end Ihe dob rooms are always lineo viih nonhcrs paaslng thiengb New York or those who ate lojlng off. AiDODg the niDie* of proposed m*mben now posted on the hulletln l«sfd at lh» »lnb rwm ore those of Fted J. Pates, aeocie C. Sfoter Fr»r.k Ablott. a Plount Liidw|g. 0)l. mil Pics- ens and Arlhor Morris. Ibe motion iiletotee lioTc claimed a number ot Ihe Idtcis ot late ;nd few ot there who iteie nl liberty at» now left Sam U-svItt Is In Jeiser Oily, bliiing 'The miudnen of Vlrme," wiilie TM Mlil»r hss Joined Ibo Dave .Marion lorcet. end will rcptMent one of the Uorlon altractioni ahead. Geutre nfiniier. wlio has ijet-o manasln^ Fap Wattl nnd i.iH*y Daly. Is luck in Nnv Y,>::li, as It flrant Lncc and Dsnn; Mock, trho blen- In from lloston. &om Conning. I,nm ia oi^o back from n Irin West, where ho hss Iwn necr.liating for the aale of Ihe T^eatorti rghts of the Couiilii:in & SlinnDoo "Alice In bonder- S R E - FT I E , IH E A F»T~ S-r IRRI IM O" S E IN T liVI K IM TA U IM T I - W AR BAL-1_AD BOSTOIVr-CHICAGO Eastern odlce : Western 0Ihce ;. 176 TREMONT ST: US N. CLARK ST PLEO FEIST, Inc.™ I?«^,r„^H Brpadw.ay_ Parkway Bldg., Br oad & Cherry S is^ "A Monkey Cabaret," fifteen minutes, full tinge. This Is n very good monkey net. The nnlmniA arc all well trained nnd, wltb a little ninro roflnloe down, the not would do In any company, 'rbcro are enough thrills In tho act and tho comedy Is good. Pour bows. The Famous I'inycra Co. presented Mar. guprlte Cinrk, In "The Criiclble." The storv la IntoiiHcly Interesting nnd the acting Is exreiitluiinlly good. -Thli: picture clo.icd the bill. Uyle». THEATRES and OPERA HOUSES We Isssit sSvertiseBicBta la this ealosui si « •prctal late of 11,76 per ante line ftr g aontki lor II tlBts). Ihls will anaUe local nanagwi to ksep Ikslv konats prominently and ceattasallt befeie tbe manasvct of eoapanlN. Oatlni tki dOM tbe ad. la renolog «t will aead e«eh tin* User a copy of Tan Ourrsa m*. BERLIN, PA., OPERA IIOVSE. Beats too. I,srge Binge. New managemeiit by nn old trooper. Clood, clean alinwa wniilcd. Am alUiinled Willi nearby good show lon iia. AilrtrcM llOX *. ODD FELLOWS' TIIRATUB, Baekcts ltarlior,N. V, Newly funilalicd, now Rconery.siago ' Ux\i opening. Oooil. clean Hhown. (I. I). Renu.Mgr. STONEBORO, PA. THE TOWN ON THE MAP. uooK now IIINBi OPERA liOVaB, Box I«. Ilcleiio Is deepi.v In love with lilm, so mucli so, tbat sbo bos divorced her husband. For three years th^ llvo together, and tbey have a baby boy. Tholr relations and tho boy arc, of course, turinown to Umc. Trcgnlor. Both Tregnler and Helone, and every one for tbat matter, believe Mme. Tregnler n liopeloss cripple, but under Ihc rare ot Dr. Magre she rapidly regains tho use of her arms ond legs, and sitbongh she walks with (liniculty, sbe decides to pay her husband n visit at his studio. There ahe teams the blHer truth, Heleno cicnsea her conduct PSplaadbiR that .ber (Mme. Trcgnler's) yslcal InahUlty to have children has caused ho painter mnch grief, and It wsb to give him a Child that sbe, Ileienb consented to live with the man they botb loved, Mme. Tregnler decides that abo was cured too late. She will get a divorce, and in the eyes of the world she will siwnyd ho n crinple. For the uko ot tho boy Tregnler ard his mistress sccept condlllons. Miss Darrymore's rolo, one ot unusual length and a most trying one, makes great demands upon her, but sbe meets tbem all. Her acting ot tbe emotional rolo ot the In- valid wife anrpasaes anything she baa ever done In tbo dramatic line, and we still bare IE mind ber brllllsnt work In botb "Tanto" nnd "Hlil^Ihnnncl" ns wc write tbls. €Sie spends the entire first not sltHng In tlie chair, making the picture an appealing orne. Throughout the remaining two acts tbe walks with dlfllcultr—a-task vnilch Is harder to remember than to exeeuta llnice Mediae played with Intdligcnce nnd liiilrti tho dIOlcult rolo ot Tregnler. Omce Kllistev, as Helens rrevtlle^ played Mas Cnhlll, as I'olly, gave her usual fine lierformaiicc. and rendered tbe only song that showed any merit, called "Whistling linn." lUcbntd Carlo was the Tarker, and In his (ittaint and humorous manner made conslder- iihlc of the character. Of bis several songs, . oollsbneas," with several repent lines In llie cboTUft was perhstu the ttcst ICd. Martlndel was tbe Dob Mandrake, and acting gave much tone to tbe piece. He una nllotteo the only song of tbe entire score that Is likely to abtaln any populartty. It Is culled "Where's tbo Olrt for ^^e." xbe action of tbe piece takes plsce on tbe Amorlllo Island, In too Pblilpplnefl, ond Is In two scones, botb of which showed that little I'lpense bad been spared In tbe scenic pro- duction. Good work wss done by tho other members of tbe compnny. Jack. THB RBWklAN TIIAVBL TALKS. E. U, Kemoan, tbe trevel-talker. Is announcfd to vteaeat two parallel eoniws ot traTet-laika In New Tork, dorlna Uareh. Oonrse A wit: be ■t tbe New Aioeteraan Tbeitie on Bte snccc*- rlre Thninday aftenooas, at 6. hetloDlog March 4, end Oootie D, at Carnegie Hall, on fire sue. fttslve guoday eTeoinga, beflonlog March 7. Tlie anblecto tvhicb are oil new ana lllostrated, as cinol. trlili colored views and motion pie* iL'ret, wlil be preeenttd In the foltoirlna otder; "France ami the War." "Berlin, tbe Wor Oen- Irt." "The War Ospltals," -"The Holy I.aod" f.nd "neriti." TIIR Uarco Twins folkintd Ibeir dims, whlcb t ad been sboim In tbe I'aolsgce. Alberta, Oan., out) mad« a big bit aceoldlng to TAe ITornlng AI. bctlan of Jon, 10. li'i:d" pictures, nilly lleiter ia managlns the Tuiedo Theatre in New York, and reports sooil bi,slms« I.(-iters from oienhcra on tho road all speak (it on ImproTcmcnt In tbe general tnislness condl. lionn. Tito neit rcgulnr meeting of the A. A M. T. A. will he hell at 1431 Draadway, Feb. 3, at r. M. SroMiT -^Tiaa. nreoHiOH grade nCOO MAKEUP Uniform in Color and Quality Guaranteed rnrr ( Hanoraidmn Date Beet '"t jBoottte Artot "HaUniUp" nUSICiL GLASSES Xylophones, Rmltles, Hn- slcal ElectrlcBl Bells. Mnsicsl Flower rols. Coins. Fannels, Uat Racks, cow Ilells,eui.,elc. Catalogue snd toll Isrormsuon on receipt of stomps. A. BRAimsiaa. um tout avo j, alaimond fui^wj. C ^CAPSULES IFwiCCTAiWH HtDISCHAWGlal