New York Clipper (Feb 1915)

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Februaby; 6 THE NKW YORK OLIPPER. 23 B.B.&B.THEATRICAL WARDROBE TRUNK Hira U l*-Th( B B (i B Thiitrlcal WARDROBE TroDk. Pedtlvdy th* ttrongnt ind mo«t coa- nalaiil Wardroba Trunk on lha markaL Tha iMl mrd In tronk Prograaa. Sand (or Ganaral Catalog and Ual et Aganta, B B t B TRUNK COMPANY, PltUburgh, Pa. STAGE SHOES ffOOD SOLE CLODS Plain Kid, • • $3.60 Patent Laithar, $4.50 All Color*, • $5.00 Bxtim neat, will not np. 8TAQE U8T Id Oifotdi, auppen and Bhoui lend for Catalog Sent C. O. D. If tl.OOjMr nir la tdranctd. FMB MAPLBI DANOINd KA.TI, mad* tO Older at SOcta. per aqnaia foot. NEEUY BROS. 729 W. llkdiaoii Street Opp, Haymarket Theatre OHIOAGO TDli Btjie (5.00 Tfce Ballole. Cotton Tighta, Terr good qDalli;, a pr., 16c; wonted Tighis, mcdlom welaht, a ET., ti; Wotated Tlgbts, eavj weight, a pr, t2.76; BUk Flailed nghu, (im- ported), a nr., 12.10; UeanTi percent. SllkTigliialnWblte, Fleah, Pink and Red only, reduced from t< pr. to |4; Pore SUt Tighta In cream white oDlr, reduced from ts.u a pair to ta. Shiru to match, same price oatlghta Ordara Filled Promptly Clipper Cataloa Free on Application BEBKAnD OAiaOI. 310-'il2 W. Uadlaon Street CillCAaO, lliL. Earo $35 to )500 mill. Stid; iCTAlSC DANCING OlAliC SINGING TauOarUla Acta, fiketcbaa, Diana, Mnalcal Comedj and Na» Not- cltlea In Btage Dancca. Wrtt* tor lUoatiated booklet bow 8,000 ato- denta ancceedad. KaUnra Impoa- alble. Aluleu Theatre Sclod ot Aetleg BTth tt. at B'war. Bntr. 228 W. BTtli Bt, N. I. IDflKB H GTHEW TOUB ACTT with the wonderful DEAdAN mim Deagan Xylophonce, Uarlmbaphonefl, Organ Otalmcs and other UubI- cal-SpcclaUj Inatru- mcDte are the STANDARD OF THE WOHLO Wrllo for Catalog "U' J. O. OBAOAM, Deagan Ballding, 4100 Bavenewood Ave., Clileago, 111. I. MILIER, 1554 Breadwir, "4*7'.-^°^^'' VaL (M8-7 Chela** 202 WSBBSTi Uannfactnrer 01 Theatric* Boota and Bhoea. Clog, BaUel and Acrobatic Bhoea. Kept In atock, all Bizea. TIQUTS AMD SHinTB of OTCrf desorlptlon, Paddlnc, FroB, Snake and Monlier Snlla, Blaatio and Oloth Sapportei*, Ojrinnnatlo Pomp* and Galtera, SpanBle* and Dalllon Frlnae. Bedd for caUlogn* and aampla of turbta—FIIEB. JOHir SPICER Bncee*aot to Spl<«r Bra*. 86 WOODBIWB BT., BKLTW. IT. t. Joseph Nolan nARVFACTVKaB ofLeotardi.Tlghla,Bhina, Plc- mre aolu, Contortion, Dearand Hooker Bulla, Faddlnge, Baa- lie Supporten, Pumpe. Send for price llat OD and 07 Kllerp Bt. Brooklya, Sewlfork dioIVfibo OATALOU Of Protenlonal and Amateur Flays, Bketchea, Kono- loga, lllnatrelJokee,RccltaUona V lI*ke.Dpaood*,Btc.,eentFRBE. tZOEOALD, 90 Ann SL, New Tork. Jauman nair, Irlah Comedian, Jew, Dnlch- nan, Mc; Drcaa Wig, 11.00 and ILM; loubreuo, $1.00, ll.Mj Negro, S»c., Mo,; Bamlral " "" " ~~ lalr, lOc. k catalog, THE CLIPPER'S HEKLlll DEPARTMENT. B7 DR. MAX THOSEK, Chicago, SuTgeon-ln-Cblef Am«rlcan Hospital; ConBultlna; Surgeon Cook County Hospital; ConBUItlng Surgeon ihentlan Paik Hospital, Chicago; Surgeon Wlilte Rats and Actors Fund, etc., etc. TItea* areielet are written •aelBalrelr (br (he HKW VOBK CIjIPPKB. llaeetloBi perlalnlBB to health, dlieaae. hygiene, lelr-preierTatlsB, pre- ▼eatlon ofdlieaieeand matteraof geaeral Interna to health vlll be anewered la thli eolama. AO- DRKS8 ALL ISCilllRIEB TO DR. MAX TIIOREK, A.1IBRICAN HOSPITAL, OIIICAGO ILLS. Where apace will not |.ermltor the aabjeet li not aaltahle for an open answer, letter* will be aent to the app*.lcant peraonally. Dr. Thorek ihoald not he exproted to dlagaoie or preeerlhe In theee colnmn* for Individual diaeaaea. PMUnoNIA: ITS CAUSES ADD IREATRERT. ,\Ve are ncajlng the mcntlia of February, March and April, when tho dreaded dlseaae ,pneumonia) la moat frci]UtinL According to the bullcUn losuod by me Chicago ileulth l>epariment about tnvo hundred people died In thla city from pueumonla In one wwk. The deahb i-urve reacnee Ita peak la the laitor put of March, bcgina to eJbaldc la April, and uiUwldea In May. j'neumonla 19 caused by a germ, aa dlaUnct and diamctcrlBtlc In. ltd pacul&ritlca and characicrlpilca ae aoytiilng wu know ot. li'iaukel, a Uerinan acicuuct, dlacovated It. This little "mlachlet-makcr" migrate* down to the lung tissues, and when our bodies are non-rcsistuot ua a result of colds. ovemo.*k or worry, the Uttle lairudcr la sure to "get us." Uow U gets there? Simple enough. It la Inhaled Uko one would Inhale partldca of dUBt. Occasionally, we find that pneumonia de- velops In an (4>ulemlc form and appears to apriml throughout u considerable percentage i>r the entire population of urban and rural oulrlcta. 1 rvniumbvr, three years ago, Uve members of a ccrtsia theatrical troupe be- came stricken with pneumonia almost slmul- tancuusly. Some authorities believe pneumonia'to be contagious, 'ilte majority of the profeaalon, however, do not think so. Yet, when one be- gins to think that ofieu caaea develop Id certain families aul dwellings, prl8on^ room- ing housos, etc., one canuo: help but concede ihit there may be a possibility of coutagloii. Vooumoola la An alUMt unlvcreally dla- trUiuted affection. It prevails, however, more extenslve'.y In certain countries than In others. ioT Instance, In our own couutry, rhe disease la more frequent In the Boutu thun In the North. In London most cases ot pneumonia occur botwceu the end ot March and the ,ud ot Jui;e. It cannot be denied that "catching cold" plays a very Important role In causing pneu- monia. I'er at: Without the germ Inieellon, cold cannot produce Che dlseoue. lioth work- log In conjunotloo, however, atart the trouble. Anything, In fact that hsa a tendency to :ower the bodily resistance, prepares the soil tor germ Intecaon, IiOurJes to tho chest un- doubtedly predispose to pneumonia, 'i'bus, aorotaats and others who subjeot themselves to all kind* od "knocks and bumps," will often, by leason of Injury to the ofaest, pre- pare the soil for the trouble. Couple with this the pcrsplraUon (which la so profuse otter athletic and dsnclog acta) and a hur- ried exit through chilly wings and dnCty dressing rooms and tbe surprise Is why pneu- monia does not more often attack pertormera. With reference to the ago at whloh pneu- monia la most frequent, toe following may be ot Interest: The disease Is common at all aces. It aSeots the Intent aa well as the old. Statistics, however, show that between two and twenty yeara ot age there la Icsa llahlllty to the disease, and between tho twentieth to the fortieth year the predisposition to the troublo la Increased, while irom forty to fifty, susceptibility dlmlnlahea to return again after that age. Males suffer from pneumonia more than females. The reason? Greater exposure and more alcohol (booie).^. , , . Unhygienic surroundings play on Important role, no doubt, -where dlu nnJ poverty reign —and one usually- begeta the other—pncu_ moola kills in greater numbers loan In well ventilated and eanltaty apartments. In other words, the poor man gets the worst of It CV6D bcrCi Drunkards show a peculiar susceptlhUltj to the dlseosc. This la explained by the uct that alcohol has a tendency to devltaJlae the tlassw at the body and an alcdiDlloally oevltaJlted lung stands aa much chance lu a flgbt with Mr. I'neumococcua (aam« name for a Utae but mighty germ) aa the pro- verbial snowball In well, you know where I mean. Uowerer, not only alcohol preparea tho Held tor the acUvltlea ot the genn. Anything that baa devltallilng InSuence*, aucb aa over- work worry, bad sahlta (and Ood knewa there are a lot of them among tha moat of ua), and eiposurea ot all kind* are effective, rersona who or* tho vlctlma ot other dis- eases fall easy prey to pneumonln. In this class belong Indlvlduala who arc euSerera from heart dlseas*. Bright'a dineaso ot the kidneys, dlabetea ond cancer. Tbe question la often aaked: Do persona who have had potumoola aver get another attack v Indeed they do I in tact, one at- tack predlepoaes to another, by leavbig the system more susceptible to ths disease, xhore are persons who, according to good author- ity, nave gone through ten or more attack* of poeumoula. Thla statement Is corrobo- rated by no leas an authority than Protesaor Anders, of VhUadelphla. A remarkable colncldcnco that le wn<ih inenllonlng la the tact that In tho Isal flt- te^ yeara the number ot caaea ot pneumonia haa Increojed, Thla la due to the tact that we are now often eugering from InOuenia (a technical term tor the grippe), which dla- ease Initiates certain forms ot lineumonla. Dr, Evans la authority for ue atuement that most people have obe dlseaae at Icojit once during their Una. Uaor people have It mors than once or twice. More than Qfty per cent, of the people In Chicago, he aaya, nave pneumoida once between tho nursery and the grave. , IX haa also been shown statistically that In this country the negro race la deddodly more liable to pneumonia than the wtdte. The proposition la often expounded: It It true that poor people live In an environmcot which rendera them peculiarly auaceptlble to contract tho disease; why then do rich peo- ple, living in luxury and Idleneaa ao often succumb to the maludy? The nnswer to thla la to be found in the «iie<(lon, Tbe tact that the proaperoua Jo live In Idleness and luxury causes Uiem to tall viotlms to Mr, I'neumonla Germ Idleness, obcalty, gluttony and inactivity are dAngerous propooTtlons. Now n word with reference to Immunity In poeumonia, (You underatand that by immu- nity we mean an Impoaslbllltr to acquire a cei^n disease). In poeumonia there is ap- parently no nntural immunity. In other words, there Is no one who con boast that be can effectually resist pneumonia. The performer, oa account of his peculiar mode of living end on account of the many hardahlps he hes to wdure. telle on easy prey to the disease. This is teatlllcd to by physlclana who enjoy a large clientele in the theatrical world. At the present writing. I personally know ot a number of pertonners who are labor- ing under tbe terrific strain ot IiiOammotton of the lungB, In various parts ot tbe coun- try. Pneumonia has been recognized tor many centuries past. And, while other maladlrs have been in obscurity, this disease has been noil established. One ot tho writera on the tubjeot telle ua that la the llttcenth century "The people of Switzerland letcrred to pneu- monia as the stitch, Alpenatlch, malignant stitch and putrid stitch: that cawa occurred ahnost every year at the melting of the snowa, and particularly wUen nie damp winds were blowing strong," CTAIs orHola will be oonttaued M the nai i»!Ut.) ANSWERS TO CORRESPONDENTS. DRIOHT'B DIBBASB. UR, 0.1, U„ MII.WAUKBB, WIS,. WniTBB: Dun DOCTOB. . ., , , I have visited an advertising spedallat yesterday and he told mo that 1 ain auffei; log from Drighfa Dlaeaae. 1 ani frightened beyond cbnceptlon. I had pain in^the back and nothing else bothers me, Tbe doctor there looked at my tongue and touched my back a taw tlmea nnd pronounced my cas* Doca a lew tunw wu ,i»v,.w»»v..« . Urlght'a Disease of severe grade. I am turn- ing to you tor advice. Be wanted m* to take a course of Ueatmcnt and quite a great deal ot money tor curing me. It you will advise me to take the course I will do so. it not, what ahall I do? I must make a living tor my family, and nm nt present employed In one of the local theatres aa a suge hsnd. Please let me know what to do. for which accept tbnnks. HDPLY. Tnke a specimen of your urine and send It to n laboratory. I am convinced that,the report will aay that you have no kUntu Iroubla Aa tar aa I can make out you may have a little lumbago or muscular rheuma- tism, and the fellow over there la trying to get Fome money from you. Do a* I fell you end tho result* will b* gratifying, I am con- vinced. No man can tell that one la aut- tering from Bright'a Disease without makbig an examination ot tha urine. Looking at your tongue nnd feeling your back ahow no aymptoma ot kidney trouble, and how tbe advertising "specialist" can nuke such a diagnosis 1 fall to ace. 'Take no "course" ot ttealmont until you are convinced tha*. you actually have kidney trouble, and then 1 would see on ethical physician In your clly ond bav* nlm taka care ot you. ClinONIO APPUKDICITIS. MB. T. R U., CUICAGO, WaiTEB: DCXB DOCTOB : My phyaldan diagnosed my case as chronic appendicitis. I am a dramatist, and while I do not auffcr physically very much, t am juat worried sick. Can I postpone au opemtlon? It ao, how long? Is tbe operaUon dangerous? How long will It lay me„up? Can a man wltli ao appendix live as well as one without one? „ atlTLT. It th* diagnoals Is correct, why wait? nie longer you wait the more nervous you will get from thinking and trotting. A pcrsOT with chronic appendlcIUa may go about Indrt- nitely bnt there ta do way of telling when Ibr nppendU may get rebellious nnd JeoporJIto tno safety of Its poascssor. In sklUcd hands die ooeratloD la not dangerous. It no com- plications arlso you may expect to bo about In ten day* or a fortnight. A man Is better PIT, certainly, without than trillk a trouble- some appenniz. TITDEBCCLOSIB OF TUB KIDNBT. MISS F. T. W., DDIBOIT, UICU., WHITES Dr.iB Docioi: I am a performer, forty-one years ot aga, and began to aulcr from palna In the tack about a year ago. I received treatment from many pbyalclarj, but they did not know what waa the matter, 1 consulted a couple of months ago, a sneclaUst, who t'Stuetcrlzed my kidne;* and discovered that I hsd tuberculosis ot ths left kidney. I am very worried about It and would like to ask you tlie following queatlons which I hope you will answer soon, tbrougn Tua Ctirraa: i( the diaease curable) Can I get well with- out an operation? What chance ot Icodlog a healthy life have I U I submit to an opera- ton? Will thb operation delay mo much? li. It dangerous? Thanking you In ndrsncc, etc. aSFLY. Yon caimot expect to get well ^nn a kid ney ta tuberculoua The disease Is not curs ble by medicinal moans—surgery la the only method that olTers hope for cure lu such rases. Persons who are successfully operated upon tor the rcmovsl of a kldnev mny lend a natural and ab$olutetu normal lite, pro- vided the other kidney Is free from disease end functionating well. You mnv count upon a month of Incapacity after the operation In experienced hands you should not tesr, OniOHT'a DIBEASB, ,MltS. r. L, M., CHICAGO, WUlTlf^S: Deiu Dociun: I bad an argument with a performer. In a dreaslng room, the other day, about tlie curability of Urlgbt's disease. Snc mnlnlalns tlmt It is Dot curable, wbllc I sUtod that It Is, when one bos a good doctor We decided to ask you to kindly decide tU-_ question for us, through Thb CLiprcu. ilaiiy thanks, etc. UKI'IjY. You both win and loee. Acute Urlgbt's dlstase (early) can bo cured, wUlc the chroDle variety, that baa existod for years, la usually Incurable. It dcpenda entirely upon bow lona the diaeasc has lasted, how old the patient la and bow much damage has been done to the kidney atnicture. New Victoria Hotel IN NEW TORK AT BROAOWAT AMD LOIfO; ACBH IKSABa 146 to 166 West 47th StiMt ••The Very Bear* of Mew Tork" ABSOLDTBliT VIBKFBOOV tSO BOOBS MO PBIVATB BATBa ■T*rr ■od*rB 0*>T*Bl*ke* Buopeam Plaa BaelulwelF BATBB Blngl* room*, h*t and eold water II Single roonas, prlvat* b*th |l.B«aa<«y Snlte, parlor, bsdioom and bath tdaaavp Bnlte, parlor, a bedrooms and bath aaa mp FIrat Class DlBlag Service at Beaseaable Prtee* O. A. IIOLLINasWOBTH, Hew York City LOTT'S HOMELIKE HOTELS ^'ivSlS^'lli'Sil^l*' BT, KECIS IIUTKI.,511'2JN.0lark, Cor.drand Ave, IIUTEI. RAI.KI(lll,OI8-UI N. Dearborn, Cor, Brie Bt, ItATBB Single, $5.00 to $10.00 per week Double, $6.00 ta $12,00 per week Bnropean Fireproof EVERY MODERN CONVENIENCE Foar HiBBles to all Theatres Cafe aad Dairy Laaeh In eoaneetlon Formorlv ralace Hole). Remodelled and Ucrunilstietl at a Cost of |13ft,0OO.OO, Evorvihlng Armngcd and Fitted for Your Individual Comfort. CUNTER HnTPL,SeaA.te.le.Tei. ■VBOFBAH. Absolotaly Srepioot. We want ahow people, la the laaaoa w«adveitla* In ThaOUppat PBRtIV TVHHELL FOB BVailT POBPOiB ■BTABLISUBO 18M WUITB FOR OAT. Ha. 41 I1S-117S0. WabukATa.. CHICAOO, ILL, NBw losK orric& 1473 Bioadww, Longaera Bldit,, dSlt. affwai SBA'PTLB orFica, iosio-ia nm at*., sa BAH raANcucoomca. 73* lilaaloa Ml. The A. H. Andrews Co. H. TARR 665 8th'Ave. Near 42iid Bt. PIIONB, 70R4 BllVANT NEW YORK TheatricarPhotographer iOO 8xlO,ei2.BO (Orlglnili) 100 6x10, 88.00 (Raproductlone) 100 0 x 7, 84.00 (Aeproducllont) BEST OF WORK CUARANTIBO "ss^TAVUOR TRUNKS JfOB THB PROFESSION C^.TAYLOn TRUNK 'WOEKS. NCvrvoRK. 131 w.asmsT. Chicago. .asii.RANi)oi.piisT. pOdTON. nvPPAIjO. CLKVet-lkMD. Jul — — - saonia* ACiENTS MAMM CO. «TBWAf>T* Ur.«.0«« TOl-EDO, mniANAPOU/S. wiummiToM MoaalsoN « ou. Illaoa* CO, 0T, LOUir), rAMOW-IIAlUi CO, To deliver Che Best Theatrical Goods, Oostamea, Tights, Trlmmlags, •t«. Oar lately revised eaialogae sent free ta an|r address, iUtnitsHois-oini odbtoiixiu FRITZ SCHOULTZ Sl CO., 19 W. LAKE BT., OHIOAOO* ILL. Lmrg»9t atoch in the coontry for Am«f or and tchool Pl>y» DELIVERIES For All TliBatflcal Merohairilse WB DBBBB, OOAOB ABO BVAM rROFESSIONALS, SEND 5o. FOR MAILIN6 CATALDG AflD SniOIAL IHODOIMSnS 9 OOSTUIVIB WOPtiCS Phone Centml vm. lU So. Deaibom St., OOIOAOO, n. S. A CENTRAL TRUNKS 26ln., 110; 23iD,. Ill J BZln^ 112: SSIo^ fIS; tOlo,, |14.gO, arcn* Tronk*, 24al8alB, t9M. Bill Trunks, BOsiaall, Inside, IlilO, Lllho. Tnmks, «2Ki28Hil2, InaUa, fta.BO. Bh]pp«i on receipt ot IB, balance C. O. D„ eicsDt ovtr SOO mllaa, than remit whole amount CBNTBlL TBDNE FACTOBT, bt ISM. SIUONB A CO., B. W. cor, Tth A Arch StA, PhUa, IjUICK CnWHS SECOND ANDREWS VV If II V HAND 506 S. state SL, CHICA90 WIGS For STREET and STAOE WBAB laADB ro OHDBR FRvIM $0,00 TO 910«.M. W* apeelall** Ib Sloek Wiv*. THE WIORERY uou aovTii BTATB BT. CHIGAaO WIGS. TOUPEES, GREASE PAINTS, BTO. Aid (he UlMt sad Moel Pepelar Slylei Is Udln' Hilr Drseetif A. M. BUCH & CO. IlWW.»liittet>—t ..... PfcUB4altkto GOWNS CLEARANCE SALE or ■llglilly atod BvenlBH Uowoe, Oper* Cottle, etc., ftl Wundorfol tiergelnn; Into deilffn** M. TILLY 104W.44tllSl.NEWY0RK PLAYS For STOCK, REPERTOIRE, AMATEUR COIPAinES LABOBST ABBOUTllBNT IN TOB WOBLD. Booka foe boa* ornuMment, Negro .Pl*ys. I'*P*.r. Scenery, lire, Jailey^l Wai Work*. Cataloina Free I Free I BAHUBL FnB<IOII, 38 Weat SSth St., Free I IfCW T*>lb (fn aniteirlnii adn. pleait menllon CLipraa.)