New York Clipper (Feb 1915)

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Copyrlglit 1915. bj the Frint (tn««a PiUlihtnf Compur (United) Founded by h-RANK QUEEN, 1853. NEW YORK, FEBRUj!LRY 13. 1915. .VOLUME LXIII-No. 1. Price, 10 Cante. RUMORED BREAK IN K. &JJHUBERT TRUCE. AGREEMENT HALTED BY^ DIVIS M OF PERCENTAGES. FRICTION UNCONFIFHED BY EITHER FACTION. Theatrical New York heard l.iat week thnt •1 bronk was likely to occur In the neeotla- lions started n few weeks ago between Klaw * lOrlanser-and the Shuberta, looking to the nliiiilnatlon of "auperfluous" theatres through- cm the country. If was lntcnde<l that the iiroposed agrct- lucnt was to go" Into effpct with the. opening r,r the season of lOin-1010,. but, according I.) the rumor, the dlCercnces which have -riKoo .ire apparently . Inaurmountable, and ili;it next seaeon will And tlie two camps ii-.iire determinedly arrayed against each ollior. The hitch has come, It Is stated, over the division of pcrcentagea which were to be l:ald by road attractions to tho theatres I'lnycd. It had been agreed to eliminate the less 'ninoitant theatres In tl'e various towns an.t cliics from the flrst class list. Irrespective of llic ownership of these thoatrsB, and relegat- ing them to the second class, or turning tlicm over to pictures or vaudeville. Of ((.ursc, In some cities the Klaw & Erlnnger iiousca were to be retained, and In others tho F.huhert houses. Shubert attractions playing Maw & Erlauger houses and Klaw k Er- Innger attra'ctMns playing Shubert hontci were to receive sixty pfer cent., forty per (cut. going to the theatre. Attractions of nll otlicr managers were to play ou a flfty-llfly basis. On the face of It this was en equltatlc nrrangcmcnt. But the stumbling block cnn.n wiicn the disclosure came that while Klaw Jb Krlanzer own a number of e!iow# outright, they nave an Interest In very few of the bIiows of fielr allied managers. On the other hand, the Sbuberts not only own outright a goodly number of shows, but have an Interest In practically all of the thows of their illled managers. Hence noarlv every show under the Sbubert banner would play oa the slxty-fortv basis, while only a sm.ill percentage of those of the K. & K. c-yndimte would receive the same terms. No conflrm.x.tlon of the rumor could be o'l- tftlned from the offices of (Ither Klaw ft Krlnnger or the Shubcrtfl, .tltbongh nt the latter It was admitted that details had arisen in the perfecting of the proposed plan which lad not been foreseen. SUIT FOLLOWS HIPP. ROW. On Feb. 4 suits were filed iu the^'.ipremo f.)iirt of New York by Arthur Voegtlin and \Vni. J. AYilaon against the Shubert-Andersoii O).. proprietors of the Hippodrome. Thctc two suits are the outgrowth of the reported disagreement bctwewn the parties mrntloned. which resulted un Jan. 2.*) In Mossrs. Voegtlin and WIIbju, respectlvciv iirlistic director and director, being dis- missed from the employ of the Shubert- .".firterson Co. >IO\STER DBNEPIT AT HRONX 6. H. Coiinn & TIarrls have donated the Bron.^ C|iera House for a monster beneflt, to be held Tue^iday afternoon, Feb. 16, by the North Side .^miliary School Lunch Committee, for the purpose of raising money to feed hungiy children. Douglas Fairbanks and Patricia Colllngo, v.'hn are now appearing In "The Show Shop, I'.'iv'c been kind enough to niter their service;! (0 nppenr at the beneflt performance, nnd through the kindness of E. V. .Albee. we 'will lave many Of the feature acta of the B. V. Keith theatres, whose names will appear Inter. llic fallowing have also been kind cnoug'i to oiler their services, viz.: Harry Her/ih- r.nM. .cartoonist of "Able the Agent;" Irving licrlln. Ted Snyder. Horry Carroll. Dorothy Herman, Maxinc Sickles and many otherd, n:id quartette by F. Shannon. ♦-^ > ■«- "WILTON NOTES. I.ols Ewcll, formerly the prima donna so- prnnc of the Century Opera Company, nccom- panlod by Corlnnc Wolersteln, made vaude- viiie debut at the Palace, Chlcn.^o, Feb. 8. Sam Mann, formerly with Gertrude Unl!'- mnn'<r road show, has been hooked up solid In his new comedy, "Lota and Lots of It." opening 8 nt the Orpheum, Moutrenl. Dnve Ocnnro, formerly of Gcnnro iiud r.niior, nnd Frank Crumit, formerly of "The Qnccn of the Movies," have Joined hands for .1 new olnglng. dancing nnd t.nlking ai't. In ,./.ne. colltled "The Italian nnd the Salesman.'' by-.liimcs Madison, opening hereabouts U\ t':o near tuturf:. ; ii.vnRY consoN claiikii: co. sails. Unrry Corson Clarke nnd his company of entcrtnlners sailed' on the steamer Alliance l'"eb. 4, for Panamn. The tour Btnrts In Chrlstobal Feb. 12. nnd -will bo followed with ^^ciicngomcnts at Balboa Bmi)lre. -Las Cas- cadns, Cuiebra, Gatum, Parnteo, Ancon. Pan- nni.i -nnd Colon, nnd will continue for six wioks, wlien the company will return to New Vork nnd proceed to Cu'hn, playing Ilavnnn, Santiago, then to Porto Rico. Bermuda, Trlni- und nnd Flnrbadds. The tour lins been nr- runged by Felix Blel. 4 « » MRS. RICHARDS DENIES. riTT.inonaii. Pa.. Feb. 4, 1015. In behalf of Mrs. Martha Illch.ards, of Pittsburgh. Pa., her attorney, Rody P. Mnr- shtill, emphaticnllv denies that any flettle- mcnl hns bceu mnde In the suit ngninst Luiii ninaer for tho alienation of Ihc airectlnns of her hnsbnnd, Tom Rich.irds, who-wns former- ly lending man with Miss Gla-icr. The fuk l« for $riO,000, nnd will be allowed to go lo Irliil. . -■ niCIlAnD DENNETT DORS NOT APPEAR. Illclmiil Bennett, who wns announced !o P -i.v nt tlic Qrplieum, Brooklyn, week. Ml an net cntltlwl ■The Vnnlty Man," by 1 .111! Armstrong, Old not appear. It Is said .1'' hus nbnndoned the vaudeville Idea. Inn Claire, who was to make her vnud.>- vllle bow In Chlrnco. replaced Mr. Bennett "II llie Orphcum bill. ♦ » » . , IIK.N'RYETTA'S NE'W THEATRE. Ilarelay Morgan la building n new theatre ■■'\ llonryetta. Okla., at a cost of »2B.0no, '■vlilcli will be ready to open about April 10, I' will be a moving picture and vaudeville ;"usc. with stage large enough to accommo- •Jlc big productions, and with seating cn- i'^irlty i)f nine hundred. Chnrle? Blaine, well . ii.Hvn lo (be profession, will manage tli2 ^jr.ilrr... . MIIKIIE IS ROY ARGENDniniITt lururmallon Is grcativ desired os to the 'J'^cMt whcrenbnuls of Roy' Argenbrlihc -iniortlonlstt. by his mother, Mrs. J. w. rechbrlght. Chamberaburg. Pn., who hns '••iril nothing from him for months and Is Mich worried. TO cemspoMiiiTS. All mnUcr Intended for pnb- Ilcndon In CLIPPER dnted Feb. 27, MUST rcacli tbia office not later than Frldar, Feb. 10, to Innnrc Inecrtlon. PAVLOWA IN NEW BALLET. Anna Pnvlowa, whose wonderful danrint; has won columns of praise from the world's ^endlnc: critics, began on Tuesday night, Feb. 2, ot the Century Opera House, New I'ork. a season of Russian dancing to last four weeks—the longeat period ever nttempt- ed by a dnnrcr. o She presented for the first time outside ol Russia. "Raymonda." a ballet arranged bv Ivnn Clustin, mu«lc by GlazounolT. The large audience present was most generous with Its applause, and dcserv.jUly so. for I' »ls charTilng. The scene la laid In France In the thirteenth century. We can sum up Pnvlown's art when we nny that she has no superior ns a doncer on the stage to-dny. The company wns the same nn that scon .tlrendy this season. Including Miles. I.ln- dovsknla, PIcskovlctzkn nnd Kuhn. and Mm. . Volinine. Clustlne, Oukrnlnsky, VnjinskI and y.nlew.skl. Theodore Stipr conducted.. Dur- ing the divertlasemcnis Mile. Pnvlown danced for the flrst time here "The Dragon Fly," which will probably prove very pnpu- Inr. "Rnymondn" -rt-ns given Thursdny nn'l Friday eveni ngs. ^ ^ FORUES-RODERTSON RENEFIT FOR WAR FUND. Sir .Tohnston Forbofi-RobertRon, who Is now making his farewoll American tour, will giro a beneflt performnncc on the opening night of bin farewell Wlnnli)eg engagement. Monday, Feb. 22, the entire receipts of which will t>c devoted to a war fund. Tlie piny to be Elven on this occasion will he "Hnmlet." 'While In San Francisco. Forbcs'Ilobertson and his company gave a spccini matinee on Ciirlstmas Day for the bencQt of tho Fund for Homeless Belgians. Jtrome K. Jerome, the nuthor of the piny given, nnd John Cort, whose theatre waH used on that occasign. rave their share of the proceeds so thnt the entire receipts might i.sed for the Belgian fund. Forbes-Rohertsnn has also been nble to raise considerable money by sellliig his nutogrnphed photo- graphs for one dollar each, th,; sura derived being devoted to the Prince of Wales' Na- tional Relief Fund. "HIGH SCHOOL MINSTREL GIRLS," Chnrlfa E. Singleton's new musical comedy tabloid, opens Feb. 8 In Clarksburg. W. Va. Jtr. Singleton claims thnt he Ims secured a very good oroduetton, speflai scenery ami elaborate chnngp,s of wnrdrnbe. Following U tbc roster: Charles H. Singleton, owner and mnnager; T. T. Fnrnus, sirnlghta nnd iiro (lucer; C. TO. Arnold, mmedlnn : A. W. Fo.n- rer. comodlnn: riinrles V- nrnuii. muslcil director; Rvclyn Putllllo. lends: I'eggy nrnim, snuhfette: chorus : .Margaret Connors, Lllifnn Walker,'' MiirV «iiilth. Agnes Irn-y, Il'anche Smith and Mlllan Foster. MARSHALL P. WILDBR'S ESTATE. Mnrshall P. Wilder, wiio dl«l .Tnn. lOnt Sr Pnul. Minn., loft nn estate of $2r.7.0nn nil of'Which, with the exception of n few minor henueKtfl. goes to his two children, firnci Isabel nnd Mnr.=hnll V. .Tr. ♦ » > HOAGLAND RACK. Cnrli'toii Honclnnd lins returned to New York from Cnlifornln. where he was n^«o- clatcd with the Orplieiim ofllcas, and hns Inken up a similar ponltlon In tlic U. v.. O., In the Palace Thentre Building. every/day in LARAMIE. Maiinw- .M. H. Todd. Of tlic Empress Th-- ntfe. In Lnramle. W.vo.. hna arranged with Denver. Colo., vnudevllle necnta for tiic hbowing of vnudevllle acts nt his house dailv. Instead of pnce a week. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO. , "Wicked T.o.noon" was produced at Ban Francisco. .An E.NOMsn syndicate bought an Interest In the Adam Forepaugb Sh«w. "M.vflTEB,.AND Man" was produced by Rich- ard Mansfleld. „ "The Citj DiBE'tib'RY" was produced by John II. Ri%cirht th'e BIJou, New York. Col. T. Allston Bbown was manager of "llnus the lioatman" Co. Cal McCARTnr and George Dixon fought a seventy round draw jit Boston. BiLLir CABAD'a MI.N8TREI.S Were touring Dukotu. RtioRNE WAno, footless dancer, was tilling dales. Tiios. I/. GaEMcn managed the I.yieum Theatre, Chicago. JOINS SIIllDERT PRESS DEP'T. A. Toxen Worm, head of the pnbilcltv de- partment of the Shubcrt theatres ana at- trooliocs, has added Chnrlcs Philips (for- merly of the New York City News Assocla- tlon) to his staff. ACTORS FUND BENEHT. Daniel Frohman, president of tho Actors* Fund, announces a lensatlonHl special vnude vlllo beneflt In behalf of the Actors' Fund, to take place at tho Century Thcntrc on Sun- day night, March 7. Brrnn^Icments having been made with K. F. Albee. genernl mana- ger of tho United Booking oni:e3 of America, 10 present a number 'ot the great Mnrs In vaudeville, and to arrange a bill of unusiinl magnitude. The Ilaminemlelii mnnagemrnt l.-as also agreed to assist. Home sperlai fen- lures to be arranged hy Thonms Pcnfnlil are to be contributed, all of them consisting of ti srpeclalty. Including twenty-live men, Willi special music br George llotsford now being undortakcn. Ileoldcn Iho vnudevllle num- bers, there will be two one net plays with filar cnsts. ono of which Is belni prepnre<l bv Douglas Fatr.banks. This will be the vaude- ville profession contributions to the Arlnrs' Fund. Olto Kahn, the chnlrmnn of tlie Hoard of Directors of the Century, has kindly fur- nished the then Ire. The genernl mnnnge- nent will he under the Immrdlnte illrectlon of A. Paul Keith nnd K. V. Albee. BTVnENTS' MA'I'INEIC. The American Academy of Dramatic Arts will give Ito third matinee of the sennon on Thursday atternonn, Feb. It. nt the Empire The program will consist of "Tiic Enigma." n drnma in two acts by Paul llcrvleu. nnd two new one act plays, "A Iiogend of Siiint Nicholas," bv Reulnh Marin nix, and "To Kent, Fumlened," hy Cora Mnynnrd. < •» i lunnw GOES south. Sam n. Harris left New York for Pnlni llcach, I'la.. Feb. 0, acrompnnled by Mm. IlnrHs nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. Wallnrc EdJlnger. PANFAGES LEASES THEATRE BUILDING. Uviierol ^Kciil 1. T.'iomas J. Williams; 7. Mrs Itiird: 11. Harry FUNERAL OF HERMAN WILKN, of the Dnrhool Show, nt llic Elka' Rml, N«.-«v Orlciiiia. .Inn. ll>. Hurd; I. llcnywear; 'A. Hobby Hums: 4. I. Ooodstelii; (I.. Clinrlen Rose Goodman; 8. Mrs. Boll Fisher; 0. .Mrs, Kerhauer; 10. Miss Ilnrty Trunhie: 12. All llnha ; l.'l. rt. W. Corben; 14. Illlly .MndisiMi. 1 ^ f ># FIRST IN FORTY YEARS. John J. Fields nud Lew Hanson. In hinck fncc, ot the Grand, Hamilton, O.. Feb. l-:i. were the guests, of Manager McCarthey. nt thf De Armori I Hotel. This was their first vii;lt to Hamilton alnce 187n. SIRS. CARTER NEXT WEEK. Mrs. Leslie Carter, who was announced to opto her engngement at hellh s. Bostnn. this week, will not begin her tour until next .Monday, Feb. 1.', at the Orpb eum, Brooklyn. WEDDING DELLS FOR SCOTTY. Edw F Scott, for the pnat four yeirs Iroasurer of the Harris. I'lttBburgh. !'«•.«'' H>'cb 10 takes unto himself a bride In the .person of Violet Mustailcr, a non professional. A BEXTETTE OP PnOHlNENT UTAOFl HTARS Seen In the World Film Cornoratlon's current fcatnrd Aim production of ■"Old'' Left to right Ihey are; CharlCB Judels, i.'hester Harnett, Oeorgollassell, Marin hrnpress, \lv|Br. Martin nnd Lew Fields. The motion pictoro version of "Old Dutch' was shown recently at a private Mhlbltlon nt the Casino Theatre. New Votk. and voted a success. I.EANlh INVOLVES $1 IO,(H)0-RETAINS TIIEAI'IIE. Sh.\tti.b. Wash., Feb. 7.—A real estate deal nf jRiore lli:iii ordinary IntercHt wnn clnsed hist Week, liy which the CeiitrnI llenlty Co., W. J. llriigKeninnn. president, Iniseil tho I'aiilnges llulliling, now In ciiurite ot fniinlni:'-' lion nt the corner ot Third Avpiiue nnd Uni- versity Strri'l, for n iieriiiil nt live years, nt a mini rental Hllghlly in excens of tllO.nnn. AlexMiider I'uiilngeM, owner iif tho hulld- lug. reserves Ihe llienlre, the ri'Ht of tli" hiilldiug. ronnlptltig ot Hl.x(y olllco.i nnd four slorcriioius, with linnenient, i>:iyHlng to tho ninlrol of the lessees. The nlnros ami fllflres nre lo bs rendr wllliln forlv-dvo dnys. The building is lii lie of while lerrB eotta, nnd will he of dlrlkiug niipi'nrnnce. An einborntn exterior lighting si-lioine, with elei- trie rays rollectcd on the while «nrtnce, will nmke nt It n dnrr.iing plelurc liy night, Tim interior trim Is to lie of qiinrii'MMl mik, with mntile floors. CDnstriirllou is llreproof, nnd of the highest ly|ir throiiglinii;. BROADWAY 'for PICTURES. The Brondway Tlirnlre, .Vew Vork, lins answered tho rnll of Ihe iiiiillnii iilciiirf, nnd on Feb. 20 bernmex ii liniiie tar fi'nturo lllin:< ITiidiiced hy Ihe Fniooiis I'Inyers I'MIni (.'n. The now lensee of llie llientrn Is tlir Way- iirond Co., of wlileli Adiiliih /.iiknr, president of the FniniiMH I'Inyers Film Co, lit preihlent. * » » 'liniF.E HIIOWS WiCKICLY AT . PI.V MOUTH. ' On Fell. 1 the Old ('iiiiiMy 'I'lienire, at 1'lyiiiouili, Mns.H., Ih-khii o|>i.riling iliiiier ii rlinngu ot pnlli-y |.|illri>ly ii.'W In tliiit vi- cliilly. Now lliere are lliri'e ciMiipli'lo clinngcti iif shows rncli week, of.vnuiiiiviiln nnd pilliiri's, with nil si'ntH jit ten cents nt inalliii'i's. Ill Hie I'Vi'iilngs Iwo liiiiiilri'il senis moIiI nt len reiilH, llvi. Iiiiii.lrril at flfleeii rents, niiil n fi-w riiwii of nfiiivilrii senlM nt ;wi'iiiy-llvp . All tills wiiM niriiii' iiuhhIIiI > tlirniigli Ihe i.ffiirls nf Hnin SIimIIhii, llio well known linokliiv iigenl of liii' liiiiixi.. Mr. Htrntlnii liiiH elfc-li'd n c'lri'iill lielwceii tlii'iitri'M in riyinnulli, Tniiiilon luid AMIeii>>ri> anil iithi-r Mn.uHai'liiNrlIn inwiiH, whiTi'liy •Illfi'rent nclK wll! work two iliiyi In eiirh lioiiHr. IIK-M<»ltri.IMJ (JtlAM), 'l'|.:ilIIE HMTK. Kdwnpl Ili'iidiT mill (ii'iir-,'e Wlllinms, of Cniitiili. (>., who, Willi .MniKiger CliMS. Sinitli, iif Ihe (Iriiiiil'Thi'alrc, Term Hniile, Ind., loiilrni till. IiilerHtnle Tlienire Cii., ii-HBee^ of Iheiilrcn In Olilii and Indlniin, nro In Terr.' Ilnule for ronferi'iin) with Mr. Hinlth ri'gardlng iiiiprnvi'iiii.nls In lii- iriniin nt the <:riit:il diirliiK iiexl HiiMinier. The ilelnils hnve not lii'cii fiilly ilm-Iilpd iipiin. Iiiit It Ih iiiiilerHtiiiid iilioul .f lr>.i)nn wlh lie Hpeiit III re Iiiiidelliig llie llinilri', mill thnt Mil ori'lii'iilrion will he liiHlnlled. I'OLi'.N iiMir itiniiflN. 't he current week (l''eli. H I.'I) Is "Mine Itib ]f»i Weiik" nt I'oll'.i 'i'hiiitri.. Hi-niiiton, I'n.. :iiiil .Manager .loliii lliM-king Iihh nn excellent show on taj). One extra not hmh added lo ihn lilll anil nlsn Hpi>i'liil iiiiixlcni niiiiilM.ri nre reiiilrTed hv Poll's Own OrolKwlrii, iimli-r the dlrcrtliiii of r.'liri.M Hclimer. ALICE JOYCE. All'-f .Tiivct* linfl Ih'imi n iiiiiUfiii itlrliii'i; ntnr fnv M)!Vi'ni( vi'iirH: She hi fipiicftrlnK /it prnH- (■111 In Knlf'in fllmH. r«>iiM|i;<T|rii; ll't' Willi nKnnllii>f lln» lnr(cT)f hiinl- nrrtt Im-1iik ihitu- IIiIr m'liMni, HiiriKiT Ac J'lrilnii rrnlly Iihtc no rniiiM> fifr inmitlnliit. TliHr Uivnt n(I ItMIc* ''f 'I iricr^i 'ir Ichh f-uiirtjili'iMitiii nnhrrn <tii<ii||il itt llii' rl>llll^vltl^' U'riHliiu nin'rirlH Willi MvKMrH. [>i|inn .V. llurrlH nml Artljur iropldim r«r I1m» i.hMliM'liMM III Knulrrril nf "«>if'rl'rlnl." Uy ttfentrH. (lr(>KHitill)i nrnl LnitrJIInnt. A *pijr''l<'<'*^ Milrlulit for AiMiinillii. N<mv ^Ci-iilriiiil, nti«l, K<im||| Afiicn. fm li.-liNir nf .f. (J. WHIIniiityjii, Md.. nf "On Tilnl" nrnl "It rn\« In A»lvi'rll«»." A li'irnllif? I'liiitntrt fur Hnitlli Afrli-n, fnr J C. WirilniciMiii. 't.\'\., nf "Mr. |. Tlili-f" mill "(mir*'r finO." frniii (ViIkiii A Iliirrl>'. tinil "'Ifii* f.fiw ut llii* rnn<l/' IcMHi-l fur Mm* niiin* Drni fnr AuHtrnlln. ■Ni'M' /ofilAlnl iitiit SfHilll Afrlri "TliO Hinry nf Mm- Wnnry." iil-^t t-tr J. (?. Wilt- , |piii(Hm, Mil., fr»r AiinlrnllM. N<m7 /4>n1.inil. iiri<|!', Innl. lilt i>nl li'iivl, Wiilirr (*. .fnnlnii, linn ttl«i rtnritl wllli A. 11 WimhIm nn niilrltflit imrrlnH* of "Kirk In," f'*r Ai»>lr)illii mimI Nimv '^mImjmI. on tiflinlf nf .1. (). WlltliintMni. U<l. iMC'i itovA AT Tin: (niA.\l». Hy |tri'Viillii:f Mndiui)'* li\un Ivirnv/i In f)i>> li*ii>1liif( title In "rmiiliiM." rlii' llriiml < Mhth IfmiM', llrmklyn. N. Y.. hnn ti<l it imw filcli nrnniliinl fnr nlm k iirifln'rlnim In Urfioklyn. Ni'V<t l-^'forc 111 !!•'* ItUinry of DiIn Ilnpmuli Unn n nUu-k ritinpiiny' nl'fiiijihil ro |iriT<i-rit iiiw nf Mk* lili{lif'f<r rInxH llrnniliviiy nllnirllnni wl.rli l)ii> nrlKtiinl nfnr I'l lli:> li'i<IlM|f rnll*, 11 fit :ui ni-tid'Vi-iniMil Hint li'llrrln gr«'ii rr«'illl I't llir <'iiliT|rrlH» »if lln* ufw ^ )ii.iiinui-tii(-iit nf llif> flriHi'l f>|MTn l4nTivr>. ninl \n In' l(Hqif(i;f vviM (In* IIh( nf uiihniiiiM)^ lilt^li ifnuU* nl- IrnrllniiH wMrh linv(> U-fU Hinio"! I>i Mili pInjrIintiM*. Mfiflnnif IN lro7n Mjjl .U» Kniti-irtrd liv llii< t'lill"* ilnr firninl Ci|'''>'n IInii'rM< rmtl In Ihln |iln)-. ■ / ■ ^ • ♦ ■ • NTiiiKK orl^ .1. J. WIimNmi. ii)Annu«<r of (ho Slrnnj TIii'nlr<'. I'.iirllhittnii. Vr., wrllfn; 'TIm* »iI«K« IirmiU nf 111" KirnriK w-cil nn ii(rllt# nli'nil n ypnr n<o whMt tli« i-nri»'>iil<T iiinl prnrKTiy ninn wcro i\)*r]\nrmt\, nl ':'lMinr lln* flnn* of «)'ilnliiff tlio (. A. T. H. K. 'I'll'- MirlkiTH wiTf* not fflvcn flnniirlnl mtrtport, fmt trnvi'llKif '•ri-wi* wito rnll(<tt fiiit nnlll timt wprk. v.lHii tlir\k** vrnn iIiH^lnr**!! '»fr Bn«1 rlio m^d I'rrw nf iln* fNili-iU" ftl'n«-|( dt. nro wnrkliitf ti'rni lliln Hi-^-k " fm:\<:K (*ni.i;iiiiATi:. Tlio rr«p.:.'(iir<», II. I., I.'bIi:*' I'llhf n\n'itii\ 'tiolr no)V ^miiii'. nl \Vu<«lilni{|nii ninl (JriM-o^ Htr<<«')ii. ViMMlnr, Vv'tt. 7. 'I'Ih' rchdirntlnn lnr-|nd<Hl a nhnrt lirirfldi* In Dk' iirirriio<Mi, fnitii (lie <iU\ cliihhoiiM* 1» llip now. At f-.'lO r. H. n l/Nn(|ii<>t whn icWen. Willi John i:. Ilnrlojr iiclInK nn lotMlmniitrr. VA* wnrO f.rdrii nun ftnmng llio Hirf^kcm. )foniUy wni Lniltpn' NIfftit. 4