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THE NEW YORK OIjIPPER. Febbuaby 13 LONDON LETTER. BSIIBT OBOBQfl HIBBBBT, flPKCIAl< COaaBSFOnsaT. Cllppar BareM, 5 Beatk Bqaar* Qwrny'i Inm, L*a4*B, 1*. O. JiN. 80. CND OF C0>OPBRATIVB PLAIT. To-day, the repudiation of co-operation, In tor form, by tho Vnrlcty Artists' Kodcratlon. tales cITvct. Krom Monday salaries are pay- able In full OS contracted for. Tbo Import- ant managers make no kick oiialnBt tliUi. Btoll lias never tliown a dlspoBi.tron to nvn'l blDUC'ir of co-opcratlon. Tbe Moss people say that llic scheme was necessary at the nutset, and has dono Its work. They would bavc abandoned It, any- lltiw, UulllTcr, for ivhat were once tbc (ilD- bODf houses, snys Tcry mucli the some thing. Id truth, the b\g, ba'se hoiisns of each trusi fDUmerated, namely, the CollHcum, Ibe Tion- dOD Hippodrome and the I,ondon I'alladlum. tro all doing very well Just now, and so ar^' dale to help out tboir poorer houses If need tx. Dnt some of the smaller trusts fouRhl to the last minute for co-opcrntlon, or some •Iirod of co-opcratlon. Tlicy sny that thev caDPOt otherwise carry on biinlnrss, and wlU ba7« to close down tnelr linlls, or many of tliem. I do not-doubt llipy will carnr out Thia threat. But they must not prcfonn that eo-opcrat.lon would snvn lliem, or that the war IK the sdle, tf even It Is the most Im- portant reason of (heir IrimhlcH. The financial dIfllcHltlp.i of one, even of two, of the lesser trusts arc nolorlous. This makoa for bitter atrlfe, tni the complete rf- orKanlxatton, If not tho complete disruption, of two Rroups of halls may sliorlly be cr- peeted. llUrilncsi Is enod Jn very few cnscB-- thpalrlcal or vaudeville—other tiinn those I namc4l. One of our very big mannsors told m* this mornint; that ttactrotlom had dropped out, and bo eipccted no Improvement now till Rnster. Durlnff this week the public schools have ro-opcne3. Tlils slops tho plnyRnlng of some Ihousnndn of little folk, who have been pretty bosy during tho p.ist nix weeks. And again, the liberal leave granted lo soldiers is now cortsiled. b'or weeks post n third of Ihj aodlence In West ICnd llicntres has been made up of ofnccrn and men In khnkl. Hut there Is n notable diminution. ••DRR TAfl" DOING WISM.. v Nothing In I/ondon Is drawing no well ns Barrlc's ''Der Tae," grim nnd tlrosomo ns many Important crlllcs have declnrni It to bo. Kut the box nfllcR tells the tale I Ircno Vanbrugh has left the cant, liping under con- Th«tre to-nliht wllh tie forty-ninth perfonn.iiie« or "IleotT VT" OM>rg« Dssce's Orlentil atraTigtosa, "Hm Chinese nonerinoon," wis rcrlTtd at the Prioeeof \/a\t»' Thntre on TbufiilAT, IT 0 Oorlon's pisy, "A Bnsy Day," will b* pn<<)nced ot Ibe Apollo Tbcetre to-DlRbt. As uniil, bli wife, Kin Amiitoo, li Its central Bfacc. Fbe Is (DppoKd to meet Ilswtrry, accidentally, In Ihe early mominc, and a rurlous cbalo of eifDts keeps tbeia buy to^tber all day. Od ToNdsT Ibere will be an ''all alar" per- foncnDce of "Tb« Reboot for Scandal," at Ontnt flcTdra. for the aoginenta'lon of theilrlcal churl-, ties, with the king and queen pic«n»^ Tree will play Sir refer, and Irene VanbnEb Lady Teaile. ^tVianderiWllI be "A Serroat," and so on, Tbc mail for setia baa been lenarksMo. Teed TeiTT leports very Kooa builnese with "MUlreti Ndl," at'the Btnnd Theatre, Bat ha baa two plaji op hia altere, "The Dndicaa of i-udi" and "The Argyle Case." Matthfson Lang and bla wife, IIullo Biltten, ore on the toad wllb "Mr. Wu '' Oaplala Parefoy, onoltaer Important director of the Oatety and the Adelpbl, hie Joined Qebnre Dance In retirement from Ihe board. E, V. noyee, Oeorge Rdnanles' ittge manager, beoomea n director. Ooyce la a nn of the faraona old Hmo Oalely conmllnn, iillll hale and beany. A rerlvil of "The Old duard" Is lalkeil of. Thli la the opera bonlTe In which Arlhnr Rob- frti became flmons after his 'Tcn<lon from vaude- Tllle. 'Ue would play hIa original part. "A OonniTT Qlri." which hsa Juat recorded Iho one bnndcedlh perrormance of lla rcvlred run at Dalr'a neatre, has now tieen plarcd aevcn hao- dred and thirty llnee In all, at Ihe Wnt Bn-1. Oahy Deelya li aoJd to be making a good re- (bvery fnan a seilee of eneralloDa, hut she ha} been very 111, and It Is qulle aocertaln when the new Darrle reroe, whlcli Is to auperncde "I'elpr I'an" at tJho Dole at York'a Theatre, can be pro- diKed. There baa been aomelhlng bi the nature of .'< ' alrlbe of the HIppotlrome chorliten, apropos of "war aalariM," hut It baa ended, chiefly In faror of Ibe strikers. "Little Lord Faantleroy" has rnde<1 his Ohrls'.- mna visit lo London, at the Playiiouse. Dut "Alice In Wonderland," at the Saroy, ao lncTeaae<l In popularity that she has been placed In tU< (■rening bill. Jaraee Welch, who has been iilaying "The New CVmn," efietnoons, and "Wlien Knigbis Were Pold.'' e»»nlngs, at Ihe New Theatre, has atun- ikniM Ihe latter ami U mnning 'The N?w Olown" et'erUngs, wllb Nina Douclcault for hIa leadlngi Honinii. Again II Is said Ihnt illr Charles Wyndbam ll OemaD direeloa* hid taea rsmored, and tbdi proAta paid la to the pitf>Uc tnvtee. Ihe right o< the petillonera to etate a ease baa he«o allowed. 7ABIBTr AKTISTS UBRTT. TMd Kitchen, so loog the standlag dish of Karoo eon>liloath>ns, haa loat his mother. She waa the widow of a famona eV>wn, B. H. Eltclwo; Not herself In Ibe profeaaloo, bot aa lotereallng cbartcter. Since the reign of Jamea I HM Kitchen family have enjoyed the right, granted by that monarch, of graiing a cow In St. Jnmca Park, and aclUog Its mUk lo wayfarers. Tbs late Mrs. Kitchen waa aerred with ootlce to qalt by tbe aothoiltlfa, but King Edward itepped In, and arranged a compromise. She gave np her oow and milk cans, and got ^ little candy atorel That wsa a moat lati-rceting concert at tbe London OollMum, on Bnnday, got np by Oewald Stoll for tha angmentatloa again of the military fnnda. The great fealare waa a camp concert. A dosen bright boys ot the theatrical and variety pntfealona serving .with the oolon, trat home on ihort tesve, nre a ahow, ..witb Dennla Nellaos ^errr for Uielr ebalrmali. Dennla, hlmadf, le- clt«d "Ihe Uan from 7A Dorado" finely. Fred Winter, who wr'>te the wuds of thai wall-' kiiown KTt, "Ihe Rosary," CIcd In a London llnme for IDcarabln. where be had lingered tea years. Oahy Dcflya baa needed another operation on her throat. II la said to have been qnlte aoccesa- fnl. Oeorjc Dance, a most InOacntlal, though never an obtnalve member of tbe boarda of directors of the Gaiety' and Ihe AdMphI Tbealiea, hai withdrawn from that poalUon. er _ ly, with a new play by It. 0. Oarton. Oharlea Ilawtrey will re-open the Apolk> ahort- AHted Batt haa retired from tbe directorate at Ihe Palace of Varlettea, Manctaesler. Oscar Aaebe and Lily Drayton are to tour the Tarlety theatres In a new sketch by Edward KnOb- Inneh, on Ihe "Klamet" order, called "Another Night In tbe Life of IladJ. Ihe Beggar." Alice llrydoe, on old-time comic singer and okelcb artUt, wldoir of one of tbe Two Macks, hks been nilsilng for' aomo time. She proves to he a prisoner of war In Aoatrla, Con Fiwlrrlcka has )iiat l<ecoin? a Water Rat. "Betty," the noalca! piny, written hv Fredirlck f/iLadale, and composed by Olndys linger, which r-4vrge Edwanles ptodnced at tlnnchestcr at Cbrlatmas, comes to Djiy'i Tlieaire at Easter, ptobably. Nathan RIeklee billed as America's Hebrew comedlsn, produced , a sketch called "Tbe Yiddish I'nperhannr,'' at tbe Brlito.i Bmptre. The paper- hanger dlsnrds his job to make love to sn opn- lent wld}w wiiose flot he has lo decorate. HIBdEHT nEMEMRBIlED, "We are reminded," snld The Lonion Bun- dau Time». In Its Issue cnsulni; to Christmas, "that It Is twenty-flvc years ago to-night Carnivals. GREATER HIPPRODROnE SHOWS' From loformatloo lecelved from tbe head- ■.uartem ot tbe Oreater Hippodrome Shows, there Is much activity Ibereabonta, making full, com- plete and detailed preparation for the coming aea- Fon, which Is expected to be a banner one In this popular line of outdoor amnsemenl. Will 11. welder, vioieral manager of Ihe Hippodrome Shows, Is pemnally looking after all details and making ready to launch bis companr In the early luring, wlt<i g full coterie of the claaalat attrae- tlona on the road, and It Is expected he will have one of the .big onea of Ihe year. Aa Unt assistant to Mr. Wekler Is Q. B. O'Con- nor, of Plltsbnigb, Vs., who hu been associated with a nnmber of Ibe large companies during Ibe paat seritnl yeata, Inclndlng tbe J. Fnnk Ilatoh Ebows and welder Amnarment Company. Bob will help k»k after tbe general boslnesii and will be In eaarge of tbe bt, tbns sissrlnc a sqnsre, ftJr deal to sU. He has a irlde experience In Ibis line, aa well aa tnnaportatlon, 'and la a volnablo addition to Ihe Hippodrome Shows. E. D, Uorrlson Is genersl sgeni, and la very busy at this Umo linking after and completing detalla for an early openbg, and already reporla ahont tea good towna are In line, and from tbe er.tbualastic manner In wblcb be la being re- ceived by 'the various coounlltees. It Is aore they v.'lll hustle to- ouko escb engagement a grand auceeaa. Many Inquiries have been Tecelved from well- known camlvil peo3le, In an elTort to place vbrloua abows and eonccMlons, snd Mr. Welder lo carefully weighing tbe vslue of each, ao that be will bare a bbow i>r.r excellence. Sn tnr be has arranged lo have mnser's three-abreast camnsel. Ji.ut'i Ell wboel, >3aulson's motordome, Lewlj' Crnty Bouse, I«w1«' TCn-ln-One, Mrs. Welder's Dig riantstlon Show, which bsn alwayi been a lilg winner; Handsome Harry, tbe world'i fattest n'Hn with a sboir; Walcott A Ohnpnao's IteJl Wild West Show, carrj'lng twenty head of atock. Including two blgh-dlvlng boiws. The Flying Oeyers, known for their daring, have been engaged aa one ot tbe three free acta, and carry double traps, and sensational' clo\id swing; while Frank Meeker's All American Band, of flfteen pieces, will again' furnish the music, lo addition to this, several good abowa are under consideration, aa well as a big athletic itaow. Tbe flrealer Hippodrome Shows will have ten showa, three rldln-,' devices, three free sets, large band. Wild West ahow, and about thirty legitimate con- cessions, and II Is expected they will number about cne hundred snd eighty people. The ibow will he carried on twelve cars, dinor and apeclal sleeper, and will play throagb Ohio. West Virginia, Pennsylvania and Marylnnd. A special representative of Tna <h,irPEH will travel WILLIE LBVINB. Willie Levlne Is koowD throughont the car- Dival fraternity as one of the moat success- ful BDd likable chaps In the game. After fourteen years of continuous attention to busluess, Mr. Iievlne Is now taking a well deserved rest visiting in the I^ast Willie has elaborate .plans for tbe coming season and promises to fntroduce several new lunovatlons In tbe concession line. Aside from belqs a genius in hie particular profes sion, he Is known from Coast to Coast as the mna with the perpetual smile, and Is a source of sunshine and good cheer among those who Lave the good fortune of his friendship ami acqubintauce. He is deserving of all tbe euccc.w and prosperity that has been be- stowed upon him. aiie season of 1015 will dnd bim with the J. Redrge Looa Shows. ■ml for the pnrriose of purchanlni; show material and parapbcmalfa. The new Rssoclallon, with lis charter already closed, now boaata ot one hundred nnd four mem- bera In good standing, with a llat of over twenty r BROADWAY'S FOUR WOHPg nv n.vM n, i,ic«Vis WHATLL TOU DO I'OViriVKI.V 1 IIIt «ilMRA,1'V.»T! i.Vlllr, »Jiltc,yrien' JIK.I.OHV, Uhk, TK^^T DDI MLI', I KIIMIOI viy :Y#i;ARM, A* WiV^niCMKllC . v WUHOS BV CilAH. McCAIlilUN THAT nVSIC BY RAYMOND WALKER TUB KINU OF TIIUM ALL. THE ONE REAL "IIOI^BST TO GOOONESH*' ITABT MELODY SONU OF TUB YEAR. IT HAS NO COMPETITOR. WATCH IT CLEAN UP. tract to tour with '"I'lic Lund of rromlsc." On Thuruduy ulglil her pliu'c wjis lukeu by Lillian llraltliwiilU'. I lienr llmt the wni' boom bns helpi'd the Kiuplre ii llltlp, tin). Horatio lloilomli'y, n soiiHiiiloiial pnlltlclnn,. appears between the two IuiIvch oC IIio show ana dfllvcrB nil liiipniislntu'd unitlun. It hns caused talk, but mniiy llilnk siicli :in Inno- vation iniiy hnvr. i-vcnluully, iiu K<»>d elToit on tho house, wlili'li Is ho fuil of inulItlouH. * At the Uarrkk Tliontre. mi Sniiirdny iilglil, "Tlio Olrl In the Tuxl" wn.s revived. In suf- ccHfllou to Arthur lliMircliU-i's 111 loui'i-lvi'.l drauiii twico iilulillv expi'rliiieiii. Yvonne Arnniul pluys her olil pari, Siirnnne, iis well as ever. Othcrivl;ic llu'ri' Ih a dls|iwliloii. to "rnugh" Iho fun. Tliu prii.i;nim (Uvcs llii: nn.-uea of the Kreiu-h niid llUKllsii uuihnrs of "Tiio Qlrl In Iho Tuxl," but' oinliorntely omiln that of llie (-onipoHor,' Jojin (illberl; 'J'bat looks Kreiu'h, hul It iHii't, for Gilbert Is a real Toulon, .ind Is tlglillng for his owu peoolo good and linrd. Fannv llrouRh'H will cannot be found. The poor lady was very errullc In Inter life. Hlleo Clorc goiK lo Auatrnlln to produce for Macklulosli. She hns (llsllngulsiheil boi- ■olf as a dnneer nl llie lOmplre and the Alhatnbrn, hut ciliechilly ns a teneher, Kllse Craven was one of lier pupils. Oonee, on lier reoent arrival In London,' ■Bid she was Rurprlneil in And lhlu(,'s KolnK BO well. 'I'lie Hltunllon struck lier as boliic much heller thnii Hint she had left behind in Anerlfa. A.sked If It were true kIic wore liable lo brenk her retlreincnt resolulluii niid anpenr for Sloll, she said Ihe war had chnnced many conditions, nnd ehc might be found at llie Collaemn. I believe II to be a fact that tlenee will appear at the Irf>nduii Coliseum, nnd also lhat she has nlcned n cuntrnet for Iho Kniplre In UMO. iVut I'll wnger she'll gel n betlor salary than Ihnt f.ho was drnwInK when »Uu< left the famous lioHso In I.cleeslcr l>i|nnre, where she stayed fo m.iny years. roriinps by wny of n relief to tho monotony of wnr news. The /.oiidon KvcnUiil Kcict, n Il.trin!worth iinper, has slarled .i oontroversv on Ihr moral tono of the riitertnlnment In Ine l,<>iMlnn mualc halls. This ei-ems rather n Hliiphl lime lo choose, for It Is the hotter I'i\rl (if n year ere .the managers have to come up for llieir ll<Vii(.e.i. Moreover, none of us" tlinl reully wulrli nnO kiimv the Imsliie.Ms soo anylhliig si>eelull.v wrnng Just now. .Ipro/'iiii I liplleye Alexnniler lind n very nerloUH inlk Willi Itiidiilph, M(\aler ns to n few llnei In •'Kings nnd <Oiieeiis." whieh explained verv franl;ly why there wAi n iiilsiinderslnndlfti; (iptwpcu the King niid the <)ueen. The llnei went I r. n. nenenn enda his fcnuon al llie Sh.stliwhurT . lelionrsing, oiid inpana In act. ik'yniour Ukks miiil hire |iretly dne power* of. iKupenitlon. for he lina alre.nly left the uurslog- hwiie nt i)Oulhajn|iti>ii. where lie was near death, wllh double paftinioiilo after hU exi>lull al Iba' war. ^ Tlicro hai been a ron-. not iinexpcele<I, at Ibe lALdoii Ofiera IIoiiho. llumphrpy Urninuiall bos (One, and Is atlnckhig hIa hmther dlrcrton In tho law oourta. Hut ilio ".^Inddlu" paufoulme la a aort of Bucccsfi, (linnkK mnlnly to tbe cleremoafl of Ihe |irlncl|ul Iwy, Olnlru llonialuc—Teddy Solo- ir<j\'» daughter. ' II. II. Irving la playing "Waterloo" at the Lon- d(ii rallndlum, this week. 'llioy Miy Hlliel l erey It lo hare 12.000 a week at Iho lunplrc. She hna hecii Inlkiiig over tbC cpeaK<«iient quite a long tme. News conx-s frpiii I'arli lhat ocme ot the pic- turv liuusce may v|ieii up Kliorlly. Since the war hOKBi: Iho gny oily Ima liwii wItliOHt gaiety. Ilradahaw lli»ilier8 are due nt tbe l/>ndoo Pjlla- lUiiiu on Monday. IVlend and IKiwiiliig have delayed their dc- liarluru for Anwrlea. Jack Norworlh conios to the London Oollsmm nn Monday. Ue baa a aeouel to "Sister Ruile's Sewing Shirts for Soldleni.'' Ii runs: ^'Mother's altling'knitting Utile mlltens fttr the navy, anil EerUia's busy bathing Uelglan luby refugees.'' Having brought aiilt ogalnst 'l^rry and I.aniberl n reepcci of a "barring" dltfiule, Ihe Qlasiow I'avlllou nnceolnl to many Irrllnting acta, then abandoned the caae. They have bad lo nay Ihe boavT coats on Ibe artists, honcerer. Just ta complete his conlradlcllcn of the sbite- mcnt that be wn« dead, JoM^h Talrar baa wrillen a nme. 'Tell .My Daddy to Come Home Again." rrancla A Day pre giving llie proceeda to tbe w-r fund. Marie Lloyd'has Just been booked for Ihe Sloll lour. This pola an end to Ihe stoey that ahe waa going trmind the world. Krneat Kdelateo and Harry Purna an to put oul I revue called 'The Itec* 'Troat." Al the anooni nieeling of the Traveling Bbow- men'a Unlld, at the World'e' Fair, AgrTcoMural ''"II. 1 "I Oolllns. the nierry-goround pioprletor. eald showmen had ''dilated np to Ihe strength of two haliallona, and aeot fifty traction engine* to the front: alao, had eontrluleil flO.OOO to tbe war cbarlllra. In (pile ot llie fact lliat many of Ihe ffmmunlty had been mined by tbe war. Ilolierl Lormlne. who was abot through Ihe lungs while perfurinlnc feats of splendid darlns as a mllltar.t' arlslor. haa made a remarkable re- corcry, lo complete which he has been deaiiatcheil on, a aeven weeha' sea voyage. ■« Criterion, In 'T.a Kommandaliir." the Belgian nlaycn have given us their most nelalan !?. 'ai^ Belgian famlW suffering Mlns and imlgnluo* irador Oerman mllllsiy rule? anally, a Belgian-girl atabbing the brute who juat made loio to her. then tried lo make her believe Ibat ner own boy had been slain In the wan. It la .llnqile and palbetlr. without Isstlog qnalltle*. In tho Inw cniirta thia week araieal haa been longea agatnst a decision of tbo ODnnt? Oounell ™L!? J!?^ l«'aU*l picture theatre, halt owned by Geimn*. ft . waa repreaented that the BROADWAY MUSIC CORP., Ginco Ucnry Qeorgo Hlbbert, one of the best known and oldest of dramatic crlllcs, wltii an cDcyclopcedIc knowledRc of liltigllsli stago history, presented himself lo I.,un(Ion. ond to the omcc. of The Bunday Times at Its acliqg editor. In that quarter of n century be has done couDlloss culumua of jood work. May ho be long spared to write cuunllosi, cuLniiiui morel Mr. llibbort has hud a very varied ond highly luccessful JournallMtl; cnreor. Hi: has served with distinction uu Muiiy piipcni. * * * He is tbe Londou coric'siioiKlciil of Till Naw YODK Cui-tBn, tbe most Intcresl- log vaudeville paper published aoywherc." J. T. OrclD, president of tbc Ci Ji'cs' Circle, wrote: "Uj Deor Ilibbcrt—That little pnr. In Tho Buniou T\m«t, so brief yet so elo- quent a testimony to your valuable work, prompts me to send you a confratcroal line of cordial confratulauon, I have often rvod you with pront, and If all .vour colleagues upprodBte yon as highly us I do, yours Is Inaccd a happy now year to couio! with the company lo look after the various news IICHIS. THE CARNIVAL MEN. UT BIONEV Wins. Tlic L'cw Oumlvol Men's Assoclallou has erl- dcutly come to stay, and with the dallT increas- ing nicmhecshl:! it Is certain that II will surpass Ihe expectations of even the most enlbuslaatlc of Its organisers. It will Oil a long-felt want, nnd will prove a boon to those engaged In tbe carnival, fair grounds and Sunmier resort bnalneas, offering, as II will, a permanent place of rendex- voua and clubnom for oamlval and fair workers while In New York Oily. With Ibe thousand and odd concessioners and (bowmen who spend the Sunuuer al Ooney Island, there are, II la estbnated, over 2,000 oarnlval men who make their pcrui- iient homo in or near Mew York, while there Is nlwaya a conatsnl alream ot transient showmen who visit Iho <>lg city In search ot attractions NOW ON THE LOEW CIRCUIT on tlic bulletin board,walling for election at tbe iiexr regular meeting of the club. The last mcet- Irg, which was held on 'i'hiir.^diiy Inst, waa well attended, and much Imiiorliiiu business was trans, acted,4a boar*! of dlrcctori nnd trnntecs being op- polnted, OS well as a pei-niaueiit house committee ond other minor bodice. Tbe board of directors Is as follows: John Wnl-- lace, Isadore Fireside, Edward Mo.vd and ^V1II- lam Donneson. The house commltlee Includn: Samuel Sberllng, Frank Michaels, Jack Kline, >Isi- doro Fireside, Max Allman and Udv/arVl l.loyd. AoKng the new members elected at the last meet- ing were: Oeorge 11. Victor D. Levitt. Ralph Ed- son, lAcIs Qould, Oeorgo Bngel, isanc Wemberg, Otorge YLmanaka, rhil Levitt, Harry Kniolkin, Harry Bentum, William Dauphin, Ruby Reeback. Hanida Ben and Frank Michaels. A delqnilon of Ooney lalnnd showmen and . cen>miBionors nt- tended a smoking concert at the ciuh nn Kriday evening Inel. and over twenty ot lho?e present filled aiipllratloa blanks to be acted upon at Ih" noil ueeliiig. The club rooms cf thi> association nee liX:uts-1 nl 1431 Dioadway. whero all hnnu (Ids -.■amlval .-uid fdir ground ahon-men are lnvlle<l lo iinv a vJalt. Tbe Inltlnllon fee lo the cinb baa been raised to Ave dcllaia sltce the closing of Ihe charter. . HEINZ & BECKMAN SHOWS. Geo. Bolllns Writee: "I Just noticed In your lesuo of Jsn. 80 an Item staling that Ihe Kelly Bros.' OnajWag Olrcns has contracted with Ibe Wortbam ft AlIsD Bhowa for tho coming season. "In reply, beg to slate that ttere la certainly a, iplslako m the part of your infonnant aa our company has booked Kelly Brae.' One-Ring ar- ena, and have signed contracts for aame. A three elephant act will aleo be added lo this at- traction. ."In addition to Ihe above, I might mention that we have already booked Ihe following attrecllon*: Frticla four big platform tfiows — Ftancia' ^^'S Ji'^'SSi"Aala' (ilmllor to the Oarden of Allah)—Helna & Beckman'a Trip to Mexico'— S5l;??li*i' n Minlcal Oowhoy Show—Thompson's Peocllfal Bellea-JonJan'a Langbland Show-Jor- dan s Ottzj Uouw—Mlllet'a $10,000 fonr-abrMs: leiuptog borne carry-us-allT-JIIIer'* big Ell Fer- rb>' .Wheel—Hart'* big circus side ahoTr—P.rmsr - Jonea and his caltle-5lelaa A Beckmao'* Bald of i?2-^iJIX:iV^S'!,' 5"5«H»I» and t«n- rlece eoMred band—Foiir Bradbnry'* posing bones JJd dogs — WIlson'B Panama Oanal — Obenette'e calMope—Two Wg, classy free acts. . „,_*f^i'" <n"„hagg«go stock, and will give k«Si?jSl ""M'^- .'ilf""'^= lady bnglera on borrtback—Beanllful carved band tableaux wednn Z^tHI^^^',,^'^?"*'— o' lions—band u^*?IIrir"i""'"L•■•''canx. with joeya on II—Orleolel mnslclsna on beantlfol carved tab- V,